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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Endogenous credit money : evidence from selected developing countries

Theron, N. 04 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The endogenous money theory states that the money supply responds endogenously to the demand for credit. The money supply is not exogenously determined by the central bank. The endogenous theory is associated with the Post Keynesian school. It has been tested extensively for developed countries, where it was found that the modern credit-driven world is characterised by an endogenous money supply. The contribution of the present study is to extend this analysis to developing countries, specifically twelve countries in the SADC region. To examine the applicability of the endogenous money theory to developing countries, the thesis begins with an overview of the views of the different schools of thought on the role of money. The areas of consensus and disagreement within the Post Keynesian school are discussed. The theoretical basis of the thesis is the ‘structuralist’ Post Keynesian view that money cannot be endogenous if the financial system in a country has not reached the final stages of development. The ‘structuralist’ hypothesis is tested for the SADC countries by examining the demand and supply of credit money in each country. It was found that households do not generally have full access to formal credit markets. Changes in the money supply are not determined by changes in private sector credit in many of the countries. The analysis was then extended to the institutional environment in each country. A financial institutional index was developed to facilitate comparison between the SADC countries. It was shown that South Africa is the only country in the SADC area that has a financial system that can be classified as ‘largely developed’. It is also the only country where changes in the supply of money are predominantly credit-driven. Post Keynesians maintain that the money supply is endogenous and interest rates are exogenous. Interest rate mark-ups and spreads are assumed stable over the business cycle. This notion is challenged by the ‘structuralist’ Post Keynesians. To test the theory of stable interest rate mark-ups and spreads, data for each individual country were examined. Neither interest rate spreads, nor interest rate mark-ups were found to be stable. Interest rate spreads are generally higher in developing countries than in developed countries. No clear pro- or counter-cyclical variation in spreads was found. Finally, an econometric model was developed and the links between financial development and growth were examined. By looking at 49 developed and developing countries, it was found that financial development is strongly linked to economic growth. Financial repression and high interest rate spreads cause growth to be depressed. Financial development and increased competition in the banking sector will lead to higher real economic growth rates. In an environment where the financial system has not reached the stage where money is endogenous, the lack of financial institutional development stifles economic growth. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die teorie van ‘n endogene geldvoorraad aanvaar dat die aanbod van geld endogeen reageerop die vraag na krediet. Die geldvoorraad word nie eksogeen bepaal deurdie sentrale bank nie. Die endogene gedvoorraad teorie word geassosieer met die Post Keynesiaanse skool. Dit is reeds getoets vir ontwikkelde lande, waar die bevinding was dat ‘n endogene geldvoorraad ‘n eienskap is van ‘n moderne kredietgedrewe wereld. Hierdie tesis maak ‘n bydrae deur die analise uit te brei na ontwikkelende lande, spesifiek twaalf lande in die SADC streek. Om die toepasbaarheid van die endogene geldvoorraad vir ontwikkelende lande te toets, begin die tesis met ‘n oorsig van die verskillende denkskole se sienings oor die rol van geld. Die areas waar Post Keynesiane ooreenstem en verskil word bespreek. Die teoretiese basis van die tesis is die ‘strukturalistiese’ Post Keynesiaanse siening dat die geldvoorraad nie endogeen kan wees indien die finansiele sisteem in ‘n land nog nie die finale ontwikkelingstadia bereik het nie. Hierdie hipotese van die ‘strukturaliste’ word getoets vir die SADC lande deur te kyk na die vraag na en aanbod van krediet in elke land. Daar is bevind dat huishoudings oor die algemeen nie volledige toegang het tot formele kredietmarkte nie. Veranderinge in die geldvoorraad word nie in al die lande veroorsaak deur veranderinge in privaat sektor kredietverlening nie. Hierdie analise word dan uitgebrei na die institusionele omgewing in elke land, ‘n Finansiele institusionele indeks is ontwikkel om vergelyking tussen die SADC lande moontlik te maak. Daar is bevind dat Suid Afrika die enigste land is met 'n finansiele sisteem wat geklassifiseer kan word as ‘grotendeels ontwikkeld’. Dit is ook die enigste land waardie geldvoorraad beduidend kredietgedrewe is. Post Keynesiane glo dat die geldvoorraad endogeen is en rentekoerse eksogeen. Rentekoersmarges word gesien as stabiel oor die konjunktuursiklus. Hierdie aanname word bevraagteken deur die ‘strukturalistiese’ Post Keynesiane. Die teorie van stabiele rentekoersmarges word getoets deur te kyk na data vir elke individuele land. Die bevinding is dat rentekoersmarges nie stabiel is nie. Marges is oor die algemeen hoer in ontwikkelende lande as in ontwikkelde lande. Daar is geen duidelike pro- of kontrasikliese variasies in rentekoersmarges gevind nie. Laastens is ‘n ekonometriese model ontwikkel om die skakels tussen finansiele ontwikkeling en groei te ondersoek. Deur te kyk na 49 ontwikkelde en onontwikkelde lande, is daar bevind dat finansiele ontwikkeling en groei ‘n sterk verband toon. Finansiele onderdrukking en hoe rentekoersmarges lei tot laer ekonomiese groei. Finansiele ontwikkeling en groter mededinging in die bank sektor sal lei tot hoer reele ekonomiese groeikoerse. In ‘n omgewing waar die finansiele sisteem nog nie die stadium bereik het waar geld endogeen is nie, sal die gebrek aan finansiele institusionele ontwikkeling ekonomiese groei benadeel.

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