Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mulita""
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Central pain in multiple sclerosis : clinical characteristics, sensory abnormalities and treatment /Österberg, Anders, January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Linköping : Linköpings universitet, 2005. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Experimental Investigation of Group Action Factor for Bolted Wood ConnectionsAnderson, Guy Thomas 03 January 2002 (has links)
This thesis presents the results of testing to determine the significance of the group action factor at the 5% offset yield and capacity of single-shear bolted wood connections loaded parallel to grain. The single and multiple-bolt connections tested represent common connection geometries used in wood construction in the United States. The results of both monotonic and cyclic loading of connections are presented.
Monotonic test data was used to determine an appropriately scaled CUREE Displacement Controlled Quasi-Static Cyclic Protocol. Overall, one hundred and eighty connections were tested using this cyclic protocol based on data obtained from thirty-three monotonic tests.
Tested assemblies had geometric variables that include number of bolts per row, number of rows, bolt diameter, and side member material. In addition, the main and side member material and thickness were designed to produce three of the four major connection yield modes as defined by the 1997 National Design Specification for Wood Construction (AF&PA, 1997).
Results from this research address the need for adequate spacing of bolts in a row to control the brittle connection behavior that directly affected the group action factor at capacity. / Master of Science
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Piégeage et refroidissement laser du strontium, Etude de l'effet des interférences en diffusion multipleBidel, yannick 10 December 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse, nous présentons la réalisation d'un piège magnéto-optique de strontium chargé à partir d'un jet atomique ralenti par laser. Pour cela, nous avons développé un laser bleu à 461 nm de puissance 200 mW obtenu en doublant la fréquence d'un laser infrarouge à semi-conducteur. Notre piège magnéto-optique nous a permis de piéger 10^7 atomes à une température de 8 mK.<br /><br />Nous avons utilisé ce gaz d'atomes froids de strontium pour étudier l'effet des interférences en diffusion multiple. Plus particulièrement, nous avons mesuré le cône de rétrodiffusion cohérente en utilisant de la lumière résonnante avec la transition J=0 - J=1 du strontium. Le facteur d'amplification proche de 2 obtenu dans le canal h // h montre que contrairement au rubidium, l'effet des interférences en diffusion multiple qui jouent un rôle crucial dans la localisation forte n'est pas réduit sur strontium.<br /><br />En vu de réaliser un piège magnéto-optique sur la transition étroite du strontium, nous avons développé un laser à 689 nm asservi en fréquence sur une cavité ultrastable. Nous avons mesuré une largeur spectrale inférieure à 1 kHz qui est suffisante pour l'expérience. Enfin, nous présentons une étude théorique du refroidissement Doppler sur une transition étroite.
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Modelling Pupils’ Grades with Multiple Linear Regression Model / Modellering av elevers betyg med multipel linjär regressionanalysSaleem, Aban, Blomgren, Jacob January 2020 (has links)
This thesis was based on the subjects of mathematical statistics and industrial economics and management in order to analyze the grades of pupils in the final year of elementary school. The purpose was to find out what variables had a statistically significant impact on pupils’ final grades so that municipalities and schools could better understand what variables are important when trying to improve the average school results. A multiple regression model was used on data, obtained from the database of Skolverket, in order to examine what variables were statistically important. The final regression model acquired through a model reduction procedure showed that mostly structural covariates such as the academic background of pupils, percentage of female pupils and the percentage with Swedish background had a statistically significant impact on the academic performances of the students. R2 adjusted of the final model was 0.5289. The multiple regression model was discussed by referencing to previous research. In addition, the strategic management performance framework known as Balanced Scorecard which was introduced by Robert S. Kaplan and David P. Norton was used to discuss relevant key performance indicators to achieve the strategic objectives of schools. / Detta examensarbete, inom ämnet för matematisk statistik och industriell ekonomi, genomfördes med syftet att analysera avgångsbetygen för år 9 i den svenska skolan. Syftet var att förstå vilka variabler som hade en statistisk signifikant påverkan på elevers avgångsbetyg, så kommuner kan förstå vilka variabler som är viktiga för att förbättra de genomsnittliga skolresultaten. En regressionsanalys utfördes, på data från Skolverket, för att se vilka variabler som var statistiskt signifikanta. Den slutgiltiga regressionsmodellen, erhållen genom iterativ reducering av variabler, visade att främst strukturella kovariat, som akademisk bakgrund hos elever, andel kvinnliga studenter och andel studenter med svensk bakgrund hade en signifikant betydelse på studenters akademiska resultat. Justerad R2 var 0.5289 för den slutgiltiga modellen. I diskussionen utvärderades modellen utifrån tidigare forskning. Vidare användes teorin om balanserat styrkort, utvecklat av Robert S. Kaplan och David P. Norton, för att diskutera relevanta nyckeltal för att uppnå strategiska mål för skolan.
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設計符合多元智能理論的小學語文主題教學活動 / Design of primary language thematic teachng actives that meets the requirements of the theory of multiple intelligences韋喻蘭 January 2005 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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