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Sjuksköterskans upplevelser av transkulturell omvårdnad. –I palliativ vård- / Nurse’s experiences in transcultural care in palliative settingTipán Diaz, Ana Belen, Arrobang Diesta, Mary Ann January 2014 (has links)
Sverige har blivit ett mångkulturellt land vilket innebär att sjuksköterskan möter patienter från olika kulturer som är i behov av palliativ vård. Detta gör det viktigt att belysa i vilken grad sjuksköterskan har förmåga att hantera svårigheter som kan förekomma vid vård av patienter med olika kulturella bakgrunder i palliativ vård. Syftet med arbetet är att beskriva sjuksköterskans upplevelse av transkulturell palliativ vård. Metoden som används är en kvalitativ litteraturöversikt grundad på 11 artiklar som beskriver sjuksköterskans upplevelser av transkulturell palliativ vård. Artiklarna har eftersökts i databaserna CINAHL, Medline och PubMed. Resultatet visar att kommunikation är en viktig del för att kunna erbjuda vård och omsorg med kvalitet till patienter med olika kulturella bakgrunder. Förståelse för patientens verbala och icke-verbala kommunikation är väsentlig för att kunna skapa en bra relation mellan sjuksköterskan och patienten inom palliativ vård. Att använda tolk kräver att sjuksköterskans har kompetens och kunskap om hur man kommunicerar genom tolk för att kunna överbrygga kommunikationshinder. Resultatet visar att olika kulturella föreställningar skapar utmaningar vid transkulturell omvårdnad inom palliativ vård. Sjuksköterskans kunskap om kulturella skillnader är viktigt för att kunna undvika missförstånd och konflikter. Resultatet visar också att medvetenhet, kulturell sensibilitet, patientens autonomi och familjen, är de faktorer som har betydelse för att kunna ge en god transkulturell omvårdnad inom palliativ vård. Uppsatsen visar att sjuksköterskans generella kunskap om kulturell känslighet, respekt och öppenhet för olika kulturella skillnader och empati kan vara viktiga förutsättningar för att undvika kulturella utmaningar i transkulturell omvårdnad inom palliativ vård. Sjuksköterskans förmåga att ge vård som är individanpassad med ett holistiskt synsätt för patientens situation och god kommunikation är viktigt för att kunna utföra god transkulturell omvårdnad inom palliativ vård. / Sweden has become a multicultural country which means that nurses encounter patients from diverse cultural backgrounds that in need of palliative care, this makes it important to examine the ability of nurse on how to deal with difficulties that may occur in the caring for patients in transcultural palliative care.The purpose of this study is to describe nurse’s experience in transcultural palliative care. A literature review based on 11 articles describing nurse’s experiences in transcultural palliative care. The articles used in the study are qualitative articles and has been researched in the database CINAHL, Medline and PubMed.The results show that communication has a vital part in providing a quality care for patients with different cultural backgrounds. An understanding of the patient's verbal and non-verbal communication is essential in order to create a good relationship between the nurse and the patient in palliative care. Using an interpreter requires that the nurse has the skills and knowledge of how to communicate through an interpreter in order to overcome communication barriers. The results show that different cultural beliefs can create challenges in transcultural nursing in palliative care. The nurse's knowledge of cultural differences is important in order to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts. The result also shows that awareness, cultural sensitivity, patient autonomy and the family, are the factors that are important to give a good transcultural nursing in palliative care.The thesis shows that nurses' general knowledge about cultural sensitivity, respect and openness to different cultural differences and empathy may be important prerequisites for avoiding cultural challenges in transcultural nursing in palliative care. The nurse's ability to provide care that is personalized with a holistic view of the patient's situation and good communication is essential in order to perform good transcultural nursing in palliative care.
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Specifika ošetřovatelské péče u příslušníků Církve Ježíše Krista Svatých posledních dnů / Specificity of nursing members of the church of Jesus Christ of latter-day saints.VOTAVOVÁ, Šárka January 2009 (has links)
Particularities of nursing care for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints This work deals with the issue of multicultural care because this topic is very relevant at present. It is probable for the staff of health-care facilities to meet members of minorities more and more frequently. To provide high-quality nursing care, the needs must be known and the cultural and the religious differences of members of other minorities must be respected. The nurse provides nursing care adapted to specific needs of minority members on the base of the ascertained data. This work is focused on the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who are called "Mormons". The goal of the work was to find out the particularities of provision of nursing care to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Further to map the approach to health and the particularities of life style of the members of that Church. Interviews with the Church members were made in order to give a thorough picture of the relevant issue. The second part of the research investigation was focused on nurses. We ascertained whether the nurses knew the issue of multicultural nursing and whether they knew the particularities of provision of care to the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In order to obtain a base for solution of the above stated tasks, a questionnaire was elaborated. 94 respondents took part in the questionnaire inquiry. The research showed lack of the nurses{\crq} knowledge on the given issue. That results in the finding that it would be suitable to deepen the nurses' interest in the relevant issue. Special nursing care will be culturally adequate and better acceptable for the Church members. The nurses{\crq} training will lead to increasing quality of nursing care. The goal of this work was to unify the information on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The research showed that the Church members were satisfied with the care provided. In spite of that, more interest and respect to their religion by health care workers would be appropriate.
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České zdravotnictví pohledem klientů z arabských zemí / Czech healthcare as seen by clients from Arab countriesTOUMOVÁ, Kristýna January 2015 (has links)
There are still large migrations of populations taking place, which are also reflected in the Czech healthcare system. The number of patients cared for foreigners from various close and distant countries is increasing. Currently, there is an increasing number of foreigners, mostly from Arab countries. This is partially due to the current political situation in these countries. The theoretical part is divided into several sections. The first section deals with the Arab states. The last section of this chapter explains the history of Arab healthcare. Another section focuses on Muslims in the Czech Republic, The next chapter describes the specifics of treating Muslim patients. The afore mentioned specifics are followed by a chapter on multicultural nursing and general nurses. Therefore, the last theoretical chapter covers the ethical aspects of multicultural nursing. The thesis has four objectives. The main objective is to: Determine the experiences of Arab patients with the provided care within the Czech healthcare system. The partial objectives are then: Objective 1: To find the most common problems in treating Arab patients from the perspective of a nurse. Objective 2: To determine the experience of Arab patients, who have been in contact with medical personnel. Objective 3: To determine the differences between the healthcare delivered in the Czech Republic and in the Arab countries. The main research question is: What are the experiences of Arab patients with the provided care within the Czech healthcare system? SQ 1: What are the most common problems in treating Arab patients from the nurses' perspective? SQ 2: What are the experiences of Arab patients who have been in contact with medical personnel? SQ 3: What are the biggest differences between the healthcare delivered in the Czech Republic and in the Arab countries? In order to achieve the objectives and to answer the research questions, a qualitative investigation was conducted using semi-structured interviews with Arab patients and also with general nurses. The snowball method was used to obtain the required respondents. The criterion for selecting the respondents was that they were from an Arab country and that at the same time they had experienced Czech healthcare. Overall, 17 respondents were obtained. The criterion for selecting the nurses was that they had, during their professional conduct, provided nursing care to patients from Arab countries. The interview was conducted with 10 general nurses. The interviews were copied verbatim into Microsoft Office Word 2007. A pictogram was then created for each area using the XMind 6 program. The results of the survey show that the respondents' overall assessment of Czech healthcare is very positive. From the nurses' perspective the language barrier and the lack of familiarity with the specifics of the cultures is the major concern. A positive finding is that nurses are willing to accommodate some of the special needs of these patients. Mostly these include serving meals without pork, being treated by a person of the same gender, ensuring privacy while praying, or being accompanied by relatives during examinations. The respondents also reported, in line with the nurses, that the biggest problem is the language barrier. The fundamental difference between the Czech and Arab healthcare systems is especially seen by the respondents in the absence of health insurance in the Arab countries. Furthermore, the respondents praised the clean hospitals in the Czech healthcare system, quality equipment and well-educated medical staff. Compared to the care in their homeland it is incomparably better. The results of the research have been presented at the National Student Scientific Conference of bachelor and master non-medical degree courses in Pardubice, 23. 4. 2015. Furthermore, they will be published in the form of an article in a professional journal in order to inform the public about the lessons learned.
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Specifika ošetřovatelské péče u příslušníků Scientologické církve. / Specific features of nursing care provided to members of the Church of Scientology.MATOUŠKOVÁ, Eva January 2014 (has links)
The Church of Scientology was officially registered in Los Angeles in 1954. It is present in more than 150 countries of the world, and is professed by over 8 million people. The founder of the movement is the American author of science fiction and fiction, Laffayete Ron Hubbard, who conducted research in the sphere of the human spirit, summarised in his books "Dianetics". Later on, he focused his research on spiritual beings and their abilities. This gave rise to an applicable religious philosophy - Scientology. It has not been possible to register the Church of Scientology officially in the Czech Republic so far, and therefore it acts as the civil association of "Dianetické centrum" (the Dianetic Centre). The number of its members and sympathisers in this country is not very high, reaching approximately 800 persons. Still, it is important for us to know the differences of this minority, to be able to provide its members with nursing care corresponding to their specific needs. This subject is dealt with by the multi-cultural nursing care studying cultures and religions from the point of view of nursing practice. In connection with globalisation, this subject becomes even more topical. The national, cultural and ethnic structure of the population undergoes gradual changes and the number of foreigners legally residing in the territory of the Czech Republic keeps growing. For this reason, it is important even for nurses to be prepared and have at least the minimum knowledge of multi-cultural / trans-cultural nursing care that will enable them to provide adequate nursing care respecting the specifics in question. The objective of my thesis is to get to know the specific features of nursing care provided to members of the Church of Scientology and to establish the specific features of their life style. To meet the objectives, I set five research questions. Research question 1: Do members of the Church of Scientology have specific needs when they are being provided nursing care? Research question 2: What is the attitude of members of the Church of Scientology to the health care provided in the Czech Republic? Research question 3: Do members of the Church of Scientology have specific spiritual needs? Research question 4: What attitude do members of the Church of Scientology have towards their health? Research question 5: Do members of the Church of Scientology have a specific life style? To collect data for fulfilling my research objectives and obtaining answers to the research questions, I applied the method of qualitative research. To conduct the qualitative research I used the technique of a semi-structured interview with the members of the Church of Scientology attending the Dianetic Centre in Prague. The interview contained altogether 46 questions divided into four areas, and the participants were four men and four women of different ages and different lengths of being members of the Church. The qualitative examination established the main and most distinct specific feature in providing nursing care to members of the Church of Scientology, which is maintaining silence at the time when human mind is weakened. Further, the research showed that scientologists respect physicians and do not exclude them in cases of accidents or danger of life. They normally undergo preventive examinations and do not object to being vaccinated provided that they are supplied with sufficient information. The only exception is psychiatry. Being provided with assists constitutes the only spiritual need, and the Church of Scientology has no specifics in terms of diet. This thesis may be used as a study material for general nurses and students of nursing studies, to expand knowledge in the field of multi-cultural / trans-cultural nursing care, which will facilitate providing culture-specific nursing care to members of this religious minority.
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Vnímání bolesti u vybraných národnostních a náboženských minorit / Pain perception in selected ethnic and religious minoritiesKOPČÁKOVÁ, Sandra January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the perception of pain across selected cultures and religions. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical research. The theoretical part describes transcultural nursing and development, pain and perception. Subsequently, selected ethnic and religious minorities, namely the Vietnamese, Ukrainian, Roma minority and Islamic minority, are characterized. In the practical part, the data obtained during the research survey are processed. At the beginning of the research were compiled two goals. The first was aimed on mapping the perception of pain among members of selected national and religious minorities. The second objective was focused on the use of pain therapy options among members of selected national and religious minorities. Data were obtained using a semi-structured interview of 25 open questions. The interviews were attended by five probands from each minority residing in the territory of the Czech Republic. Only an Islamic minority was represented by two members residing in the territory of the Czech Republic. It can be seen from the results that the perception of pain and its symptoms are probably among ethnic minorities differ. Individuals of the Ukrainian and Vietnamese minorities hide their pain as opposed to individuals of the Roma minority. Islamists were represented by two individuals of Czech nationality, which influenced the results of the research. Furthermore, the research part deals with minorities access to pain therapy. It is important that each individual is approached individually. The results only outlined possible assumptions that would influence pain relief. Based on the results of the research was compiled information material for nurses, which briefly describes the specifics of the perception of pain in selected minorities. Its aim is to help nurses orientate in this field and introduce them pain therapy technique or to select suitable methods of its measurement.
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Problematika komunikace dětských sester s rodiči pacientů daných etnických skupin / The issues of communication of pediatric nurses with the parents of the patients coming from the certain ethnic groupsTROJANOVÁ, Veronika January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to find out barriers which occur during the communication of pediatric nurses with the parents of patients belonging to the other ethnic groups and how they deal with these problems. More specifically, it was ethnic Vietnamese, Romany and Ukrainian. The theoretical part deals with the concepts belonging to multicultural nursing, general principles of communication and its forms. It also described three ethnic groups living in the territory of the Czech Republic, together with the characteristics of their specifics in the field of culture, health and communication. The research part of the thesis was divided into three phases. The first phase consisted of interviews with nurses in GP surgery for children and adolescents and nurses working at the peditric department, as well as additional interviews with parents of child patients belonging to another ethnic group which recorded view at the communication from their side. The second phase of the research was concerned with observing the communication of nurses with representatives of ethnic groups in practice. There were three observations in three different GP surgeries for children and adolescents. During this part of the research, there were identified deficiencies that occur in communication. The third stage of the research was built on the basis of these findings. Its aim was to give child nurses recommendations that can make their communication more effective in practice. In conclusion, the nurses were acquainted with the information brochure, which contains information on how to communicate with foreigners. The research has shown that the greatest problem in communication with representatives of other ethnic groups is, according to pediatric nurses, the lack of knowledge of foreign languages, as well as the lack of knowledge about the cultural and communication specificities of the representatives of the Vietnamese, Romany and Ukrainian ethnic groups. It was also found that nurses are very interested in information on multicultural nursing.
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Vyznavač buddhismu na ošetřovací jednotce / Follower of Buddhism on unit careČOUDKOVÁ, Lenka January 2007 (has links)
The problems of buddhism on a care ward has been theme of our works, which we{\crq}ve devided in theoretical and practical part. In theoretical part, nurses and also wider public can acquiant with basic informations of buddhism. Theoretical part is devided into eight main chapters. In theoretical part we{\crq}ve reached for {\clqq}List dissimilarities in satisfying needs of buddhism confessors to health and diseases.`` In practical part we discuss reults of our research. To get data, we used technique of questionary. Content of third aim was {\clqq}Compare sister knowledge of Southbohemian and Centralbohemian region in specifications of buddhism confessor care.`` We set two hypotheses for this aim. Hypothesis no.1 considered, that nurses are able to satisfy needs of buddhist with their professionality and hypothesis no.2 considered, that nurses knowledge about care probleme in Southbohemian region is lower than in Centralbohemian region. Both hypotheses were confirmed after data processing. Pieces of knowledge from theoretical and practical part are included in the end of this work. There is also mentioned usage of work in practice {--} motivate nurses in attractive form, so they have interest to learn new informations about new cultures and ethnic communities. Nurses also to get wider general view, necessary at this time. In the end in separate chapter the {\clqq}Care specifications of buddhism confessors in sanitations`` is described, which was subject of second aim. For completion of this aim the standard of nursing care was elaborated: {\clqq}Principles of implementation on nursing care, confessing by buddhists in sanitations.``
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Transkulturní péče v praxi porodní asistentky na příkladu mongolských žen v ČR / Transcultural Midwifery Care Focusing on the Mongolian Women Living in the Czech RepublicHromková, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
The dissertation aims at the issue of transcultural care in the practice of midwives with a specific focus on Mongolian women, who currently represent the fifth largest group in terms of the number of births of foreigners in the Czech Republic. The theoretical framework of the text consists of chapters on nursing with subsequent differentiation of the field with regard to specialized care in the field of gynecology-obstetrics, as well as the divided subdiscipline of transcultural nursing care. An integral part of the theoretical part of the work are the basic general information about Mongolia and the Mongols. The practical part of the work is represented by my own qualitative and quantitative research. Qualitative research was carried out in the field through in-depth interviews with Mongolian women living in the Czech Republic and having experience with their own childbirth in a Czech maternity hospital. The aim of the research was to uncover possible peculiarities and requirements that a midwife may encounter from Mongolian women in the provision of transcultural care related to pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period. Additional quantitative research was conducted in the form of a questionnaire survey among Prague midwives and was focused on finding out the awareness, previous experience...
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Cizí jazyk jako komunikační bariéra v intenzivní péči / Foreign language as a communication barrier in intensive careZachová, Eva January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis analyzes if there is communication barrier with foreign patients at the selected intensive care units. We dealt with question whether hospital employees perceive communication with foreigners as a problem or not and how can they solve the problem. The first (theoretical) part is devoted to the role of communication in nursing process and to the definition of term communication barrier. In next chapters we have analyzed the profile of multicultural nursing. Then we focus on the issues of cross-cultural communication and communication barriers in contact with foreigners and the most common causes and techniques used to deal with such situations. We pay great attention to prevention and potential solutions to barriers between cultures and ethnic groups. The motivation for the thesis was supposed effecto of communication gaps on health and higher psychological burden on staff, especially when one of the basic activities of nurses is to educate patients. Research interprets the information obtained from a self-designed questionnaire survey. Questionnaires were distributed to intensive care and resuscitation units in four hospitals in Prague. Statistical evaluation of the questionnaires either confirms or refuses the hypothesis that I set at the beginning of the research. According to...
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Ošetřovatelský přístup k Jehovovým svědkům na ošetřovacích jednotkách / The Nursing Approach to the Jehovah{\crq}s Witnesses at Medical Treatment UnitsBRAUNOVÁ, Alexandra January 2009 (has links)
The topic of the diploma thesis is ``The Nursing Approach to the Jehovah{\crq}s Witnesses at Medical Treatment Units{\crq}q. The probability of a nurse coming across a Jehovah{\crq}s Witness is considerable. Jehovah{\crq}s Witnesses form a large group within the Czech Republic, and therefore the nursing staff should also be ready to treat patients who belong to this community. All this in compliance with the current trend of applying the thoughts of transcultural/multicultural nursing while treating the patients. The present thesis is a contribution to this very discipline. Its task was to investigate the specifics of the Jehovah{\crq}s Witness community, and what the expectations of their members are when it comes to nursing care. With reference to the specifics and expectations, we attempted to detect the problem situations that may come up when caring for the members of the Jehovah{\crq}s Witness community. All this information was investigated in order to be able to offer culturally sensitive nursing care to the patients who belong to the Jehovah{\crq}s Witness community. For the empiric part of the thesis, four objectives were set that lead to three research questions and three hypotheses. Two research methods were chosen, the qualitative method: a semi-standardized dialogue with the respondents being members of the Jehovah{\crq}s Witnesses; and a quantitative method: a questionnaire for the nursing staff of the medical treatment units. The conception of a Jehovah{\crq}s Witness in general is improved by the division of the information in the dialogue according to the Giger and Davidhizar transcultural nursing assessment model. For further clarification of the problem, questions concerning hospitalization and nursing staff were added. The results of the dialogues were drafted as case reports which were then categorized in transparent tables and charts. The questionnaire contained identification questions and questions clarifying the given problem. The remaining questions were aimed at direct or indirect verification of the hypotheses we have set. The outcome of the questionnaire investigation is introduced using tables and charts. The specifics of the approach of the nursing staff are summarized in a nursing care standard, which can be used by the nursing staff when caring for a client/patient who belongs to the Jehovah{\crq}s Witnesses. The thesis offers information on the Jehovah{\crq}s Witness community, and explains the singularities of the approach of the nursing staff towards them. The outcome of the thesis should serve as study material for the students of nursing disciplines, and at the same time we would appreciate it if it was published to become available to the professional community. The thesis should be a contribution to the improvement of the quality of nursing care.
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