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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uncovering local magnetospheric processes governing the morphology and periodicity of Ganymede’s aurora using three-dimensional multifluid simulations of Ganymede’s magnetosphere

Payan, Alexia Paule Marie-Renee 08 April 2013 (has links)
The electrodynamic interaction of Ganymede’s mini-magnetosphere with Jupiter’s corotating magnetospheric plasma has been shown to give rise to strong current systems closing through the moon and its ionosphere as well as through its magnetopause and magnetotail current sheet. This interaction is strongly evidenced by the presence of aurorae at Ganymede and of a bright Ganymede footprint on Jupiter’s ionosphere. This footprint is located equatorward of the main auroral emissions, at the magnetic longitude of the field line threading Ganymede. The brightness of Ganymede’s auroral footprint at Jupiter along with its latitudinal position have been shown to depend on the position of Ganymede relative to the center of the Jovian plasma sheet. Additionally, observations using the Hubble Space Telescope showed that Ganymede’s auroral footprint brightness is characterized by variations of three different timescales: 5 hours, 10-40 minutes, and ~100 seconds. The goal of the present study is to examine the relationship between the longest and the shortest timescale periodicities of Ganymede’s auroral footprint brightness and the local processes occurring at Ganymede. This is done by coupling a specifically developed brightness model to a three-dimensional multifluid model which tracks the energies and fluxes of the various sources of charged particles that precipitate into Ganymede’s ionosphere to generate the aurora. It is shown that the predicted auroral brightnesses and morphologies agree well with observations of Ganymede’s aurora from the Hubble Space Telescope. Our results also suggest the presence of short- and long-period variabilities in the auroral emissions at Ganymede due to magnetic reconnections on the magnetopause and in the magnetotail, and support the hypothesis of a correlation between the variability of Ganymede’s auroral footprint on Jupiter’s ionosphere and the variability in the brightness and morphology of the aurora at Ganymede. Finally, the modeled aurora at Ganymede reveals that the periodicities in the morphology and brightness of the auroral emissions are produced by two different dynamic reconnection mechanisms. The Jovian flow facing side aurora is generated by electrons sourced in the Jovian plasma and penetrating into Ganymede’s ionosphere through the cusps above the separatrix region. In this case, the reconnection processes responsible for the auroral emissions occur on Ganymede’s magnetopause between the Jovian magnetic field lines and the open magnetic field lines threading Ganymede’s Polar Regions. As for the magnetotail side aurora, it is generated by electrons originating from Ganymede’s magnetospheric flow. These electrons are accelerated along closed magnetic field lines created by magnetic reconnection in Ganymede’s magnetotail, and precipitate into Ganymede’s ionosphere at much lower latitudes, below the separatrix region.

Simulation aux grandes échelles d'écoulements diphasiques turbulents à phase liquide dispersée / Large eddy simulation of turbulent gas-dispersed liquid two-phase flows

Vié, Aymeric 14 December 2010 (has links)
Les écoulements diphasiques turbulents sont présents dans de nombreux systèmes industriels (moteur à piston, turbines à gaz, moteurs fusée...). La compréhension fine de telles configurations s'avèrent de nos jours nécessaire pour limiter notamment les émissions de polluants et de gaz à effet de serre, et la consommation des énergies fossiles. Nous nous intéressons ici à la simulation aux grandes échelles des écoulements diphasiques turbulents, permettant de capturer une large partie du spectre de la turbulence, et ainsi être capable de prédire des phénomènes instables ou transitoires. La phase dispersée est ici modélisée par une approche eulérienne, en raison de ses avantages dans le contexte du calcul haute performance. Le travail de cette thèse a consisté à étendre le formalisme eulérien existant dans le code AVBP à la simulation de sprays polydisperses dans des écoulements turbulents. Pour cela, le Formalisme Eulérien Mésoscopique (FEM) a été couplé à une approche Multi-fluide. Cette nouvelle approche, intitulée Formalisme Eulérien Mésoscopique Multi-fluide (FEMM), a été évaluée sur des cas simples canoniques, permettant de bien caractériser le comportement autant en terme de dynamique turbulente que d'effets polydisperses. Les stratégies numériques disponibles dans le code de calcul AVBP sont aussi analysées, afin d'en cerner les limites pour la simulation eulérienne d'une phase liquide. Ce nouveau formalisme est finalement appliqué à la configuration aéronautique MERCATO, pour laquelle on dispose de résultats numériques obtenus avec d'autres approches (FEM et approche lagrangienne), et de résultats expérimentaux. Un accord satisfaisant avec l'expérience est montré pour toutes les approches, même si le FEM, monodisperse, obtient de moins bon résultats en terme de fluctuations. D'autres résultats expérimentaux s'avèrent nécessaires pour évaluer les approches et déterminer quelle est la plus prédictive pour cette configuration, notamment concernant la fraction massique de kerosene, autant en phase liquide qu'en phase gazeuse. / Turbulent two-phase flows are encountered in several industrial devices (piston engine, gas turbine, rocket engine...). A fine understanding of such configurations is mandatory to face problems of pollutant emissions, greenhouse gas, and fossil fuel rarefaction. The Large Eddy Simulation seems to be a good candidate. This kind of simulation captures a wide part of turbulence spectrum, and thus allows to predict instabilities and transient phenomena. The dispersed phase is simulated using an Eulerian approach, which seems to be more suitable than lagrangian methods for High Performance Computing. The present work consists in the extension to polydisperse flows of the existing eulerian formalism in the AVBP code. The Mesoscopic Eulerian Formalism (MEF) is coupled with the Multifluid approach. This new formalism, called Multifluid Mesoscopic Eulerian Formalism, is evaluated on simple test cases, showing the ability of such approach to capture turbulent and polydisperse effects. Numerical strategies available in AVBP are also evaluated, in order to emphasize on their limiting aspects for the eulerian simulation of a dispersed phase. The new formalism is finally applied to the simulation of the aeronautical configuration called MERCATO. Several experimental results are available, as well as numerical results using FEM and lagrangian approach. Results show a good agreement between experiments and numerical results, even if FEM results are worse concerning the fluctuations. New experimental results are necessary to determine which is the best approach, especially in terms of liquid and gas kerosene mass fraction.

Combining Discrete Equations Method and Upwind Downwind-Controlled Splitting for Non-Reacting and Reacting Two-Fluid Computations / Combining Discrete Equations Method and Upwind Downwind-Controlled Splitting for Non-Reacting and Reacting Two-Fluid Computations

Tang, Kunkun 14 December 2012 (has links)
Lors que nous examinons numériquement des phénomènes multiphasiques suite à un accidentgrave dans le réacteur nucléaire, la dimension caractéristique des zones multi-fluides(non-réactifs et réactifs) s’avère beaucoup plus petite que celle du bâtiment réacteur, cequi fait la Simulation Numérique Directe de la configuration à peine réalisable. Autrement,nous proposons de considérer la zone de mélange multiphasique comme une interface infinimentfine. Puis, le solveur de Riemann réactif est inséré dans la Méthode des ÉquationsDiscrètes Réactives (RDEM) pour calculer le front de combustion à grande vitesse représentépar une interface discontinue. Une approche anti-diffusive est ensuite couplée avec laRDEM afin de précisément simuler des interfaces réactives. La robustesse et l’efficacité decette approche en calculant tant des interfaces multiphasiques que des écoulements réactifssont à la fois améliorées grâce à la méthode ici proposée : upwind downwind-controlled splitting(UDCS). UDCS est capable de résoudre précisément des interfaces avec les maillagesnon-structurés multidimensionnels, y compris des fronts réactifs de détonation et de déflagration. / When numerically investigating multiphase phenomena during severe accidents in a reactorsystem, characteristic lengths of the multi-fluid zone (non-reactive and reactive) are foundto be much smaller than the volume of the reactor containment, which makes the directmodeling of the configuration hardly achievable. Alternatively, we propose to consider thephysical multiphase mixture zone as an infinitely thin interface. Then, the reactive Riemannsolver is inserted into the Reactive Discrete Equations Method (RDEM) to compute highspeed combustion waves represented by discontinuous interfaces. An anti-diffusive approachis also coupled with RDEM to accurately simulate reactive interfaces. Increased robustnessand efficiency when computing both multiphase interfaces and reacting flows are achievedthanks to an original upwind downwind-controlled splitting method (UDCS). UDCS is capableof accurately solving interfaces on multi-dimensional unstructured meshes, includingreacting fronts for both deflagration and detonation configurations.

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