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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ολιγοθέσια σχολεία και διαπολιτισμική εκπαίδευση. Διερευνώντας το ρόλο του προϊσταμένου της σχολικής μονάδας

Νικολοπούλου, Αφροδίτη 27 June 2012 (has links)
Οι σημερινές κοινωνίες λόγω των συνεχών μετακινήσεων των ατόμων μοιάζουν περισσότερο με παγκόσμιο χωριό. Η πολυπολιτισμική ποικιλομορφία χαρακτηρίζει πια τις περισσότερες χώρες αλλά και την Ελλάδα και αποτελεί παράγοντα που έχει επιπτώσεις στη διαμόρφωση του εκπαιδευτικού μας συστήματος. Η ισχύς του σχολείου δικαιολογείται από τη σημασία του για την κοινωνική, οικονομική και πολιτιστική ανάπτυξη της χώρας και το καθιστά σημαντικό κοινωνικό δικαίωμα για όλους τους μαθητές ανεξάρτητα από τις πολιτισμικές τους καταβολές. Οι ανωτέρω προϋποθέσεις αφορά όλους τους τύπους σχολείων, ιδιαίτερα όμως των ολιγοθέσιων. Αυτά έχουν στόχο να προσφέρουν μέσω των εκπαιδευτικών τους ποιοτική εκπαίδευση σε μαθητές διαφορετικών ηλικιών σε δυσπρόσιτες περιοχές. Ο διευθυντής των σχολικών αυτών μονάδων δεν ασκεί μόνο διοικητικά καθήκοντα αλλά ανάλογα με του τύπο του σχολείου (μονοθέσιο, διθέσιο, τριθέσιο) έχει την ευθύνη δύο, τριών ή και όλων των τάξεων. Η ύπαρξη αλλοδαπών μαθητών στα ολιγοθέσια σχολεία της χώρας μας προσθέτει ένα ακόμα παράγοντα που πρέπει να αντιμετωπίσει ο διευθυντής των σχολικών αυτών μονάδων. Η συγκεκριμένη μελέτη προσπαθεί να διερευνήσει τις στάσεις και τις αντιλήψεις 9 προϊσταμένων ολιγοθέσιων σχολείων της Αχαΐας σχετικά με ζητήματα που αφορούν τις συνθήκες και τους τρόπους λειτουργίας τους σε συνάρτηση με την παρουσία αλλοδαπών μαθητών. Το ερευνητικό εργαλείο που επιλέχθηκε ήταν η ημιδομημένη συνέντευξη. Τα αποτελέσματα της έρευνας έδειξαν ότι οι προϊστάμενοι νιώθουν μεγάλο βάρος ευθύνης λόγω του όγκου των υποχρεώσεων της ταυτόχρονης διδασκαλίας στην οποία θα πρέπει να ανταποκριθούν και των διοικητικών καθηκόντων. Η παρουσία των αλλοδαπών μαθητών μεγαλώνει το αίσθημα της ευθύνης γύρω από το πώς θα συνδεθούν οι ικανότητες των νεοφερμένων μαθητών μεταναστών ή προσφύγων με την ευρύτερη κοινωνική δομή ώστε να έχουν αποτελεσματικότερη ένταξη. Έτσι, υπάρχουν ζητήματα που αφορούν το πώς θα συνεργαστεί το σχολείο και πώς θα γίνει η προσέγγιση με ανθρώπους πολύ χαμηλών προσδοκιών και υψηλών επιπέδων κοινωνικής απόρριψης όπως είναι οι μετανάστες και οι πρόσφυγες. Θετικό στοιχείο στην προσπάθεια επίλυσης των ζητημάτων που προκύπτουν είναι το καλό κλίμα ανάμεσα στα μέλη της σχολικής μονάδας αλλά και με την τοπική κοινωνία. / Multiculturalism is a phenomenon in many countries around the world including Greece, especially in the last two decades. Today as Greek schools are no longer characterized by homogeny in their population at the cultural and linguistic level important changes have come about in the structure of our educational system in order to correspond to the challenges of the multicultural Greek classroom. These changes concern all types of schools and especially multigrade schools. The Headmaster of these schools is not only responsible for administrative duties but also for one, two or all the classes depending on the type of school which increases pressure on teaching time. The appearance of foreign students in multigrade schools increases the obligations of the Headmasters. This thesis seeks to set out the opinions of nine Headmasters of multigrade schools in Achaia about issues related to the efficiency of multigrade schools with the presence pf foreign students via semi structured interviews. Our results showed that the presence of foreign students increases the sense of responsibility about how to connect the skills of newly arrived immigrant or refugee students in the broader social structure to succeed in a more effective integration of these students. Also, Headmasters feel a heavy responsibility because of the volume of simultaneous teaching commitments that they will have to meet in conjunction with their administrative duties. A positive element in solving the issues raised is the fact that having a good atmosphere among the members of the school and the local community can and does deal with the various issues that arise from the presence of immigrant and refugee children in the multigrade schools that took part in this study.

Da multisseriação à nucleação : a Escola Municipal Alfredo Dias de Cerrito/RS : décadas de 1980 a 1990

Madeira, Claudemir Pereira 30 September 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T13:48:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Claudemir_Pereira_Madeira_Dissertacao.pdf: 3239764 bytes, checksum: e1533f278134cb92d574c5e7427884e4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-09-30 / O presente estudo constitui-se em pesquisa histórica a respeito de uma instituição de ensino: A Escola Municipal de Ensino Fundamental Incompleto Alfredo Dias do município gaúcho de Cerrito. O foco da investigação é o surgimento e o fechamento da instituição, ou seja, do ano de 1961, data da fundação, como escola multisseriada, até o seu fechamento, em 1997, quando tem as suas atividades encerradas em função das políticas de nucleação das escolas rurais. O trabalho é realizado dentro da proposta teórica da História Cultural. O método empregado é a pesquisa documental, e são utilizados principalmente o arquivo morto da Secretaria Municipal de Educação e entrevistas com professoras e ex-alunos. O trabalho investiga e analisa as condições que proporcionaram a criação desta instituição e também a sua trajetória até a nucleação. Para entender este processo, faz-se uma abordagem da história dos municípios de Pedro Osório e Cerrito e da história da instituição, caracterizando a participação da comunidade local na construção e manutenção da escola em estudo. Com as informações trazidas por esta pesquisa, pôde-se inferir que o surgimento da Escola, em 1961, fez parte de uma política de expansão da educação primária do governo estadual de Leonel de Moura Brizola, sendo fundamental a atuação da comunidade de Rincão dos Correas, cuja determinação em proporcionar às crianças da localidade uma escola primária, foi decisiva na concretização deste antigo sonho. As entrevistas foram fundamentais neste estudo, pois ajudaram a preencher lacunas da pesquisa documental e enriquecer com preciosos detalhes a constituição e desenvolvimento desta instituição, como escola rural e multisseriada, precisou transpor muitos obstáculos durante todo o tempo em que esteve em funcionamento.Entende-se, portanto, que a educação rural sempre foi negligenciada pelas autoridades e pela legislação e todas as alternativas pensadas e as políticas implantadas no meio rural, sempre deixaram de fora o seu ator principal: o homem do campo, que precisa de conhecimentos suficientes para controlar os meios de produção, trabalhar com diferentes possibilidades e novas tecnologias que estão no setor, mas principalmente precisa ser respeitado como cidadão e sujeito de todo este processo histórico.

Escolas multisseriadas e os ideários pedagógicos: um estudo sobre as escolas do e no campo na região do Bico do Papagaio

Nunes, Klivia de Cássia Silva 25 June 2018 (has links)
Esta tese teve como objetivo geral analisar as concepções pedagógicas que se materializam na prática dos professores das escolas multisseriadas e se expressam o ideário Por uma Educação do Campo conforme está posto nas políticas educacionais para essa modalidade de ensino. Tem-se como referência teórica o ideário da pedagogia histórico-crítica, cujas bases epistemológicas estão alicerçadas na concepção marxista, o que possibilita a apreensão dos processos pedagógicos sob os aspectos da finalidade e objetivo da educação. A problemática da pesquisa parte da indagação: Em que medida as práticas pedagógicas dos professores das escolas multisseriadas assumem e expressam as concepções de educação que estão presentes nas políticas educacionais, destinadas à educação do campo? As hipóteses de estudo são as de que 1. as práticas dos professores do meio rural estão ancoradas em uma perspectiva diferente da postulada pela concepção Por uma Educação do Campo e materializadas nas políticas educacionais. No entanto, tanto as práticas dos professores como as políticas educacionais seguem a égide do neoliberalismo, o que contribui para a fragilidade da luta dos trabalhadores que vivem no campo; 2. a pedagogia histórico-crítica (phc), ao defender o acesso ao conhecimento científico, produzido historicamente pela humanidade e por uma escola única, de forma a contribuir para a formação de sujeitos críticos, atuantes e conscientes da necessidade da transformação social, apresenta-se como alternativa de superação das propostas baseadas nos princípios teóricos do neoliberalismo. A tese central é de que os professores que trabalham nas classes multisseriadas não compreendem as teorias educacionais, entre elas, a PHC, nem a concepção por uma educação do campo para aplicá-las na prática. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada em escolas com classes multisseriadas de dois municípios da região do Bico do Papagaio/TO: Tocantinópolis e Araguatins. Como procedimentos de investigação, usaram-se as seguintes técnicas: pesquisa bibliográfica, pesquisa documental, pesquisa de campo, grupo focal, entrevista e questionário. Por meio da pesquisa, constatou-se que por seguirem a política educacional oficializada pelo Estado, estes municípios obedecem às prerrogativas postas nos documentos oficiais que foram feitas com base em acordos internacionais que, por sua vez, estão baseados no relatório Jacques Delors das Nações Unidas sobre a educação para o século XXI. No entanto, as práticas dos professores das escolas multisseriadas, apresentam desconhecimento das concepções pedagógicas contidas nos documentos oficiais e no ideário por uma educação do campo, porém, acabam por contribuir com o projeto ideológico da classe dominante, mesmo de forma não intencional. Com isso, evidencia-se que as práticas pedagógicas e as políticas educacionais para o campo seguem a égide do neoliberalismo, de forma que fragiliza a promoção consciência crítica do trabalhador rural na perspectiva de superação da sociedade de classe. / This thesis aims to analyze the educational conceptions into teachers` practice in multigrade schools an express the main idea called Por uma Educação do Campo acording to educational policy to this modality teaching. As a teorical reference this study is based on Historical-Critical Pedagogy, whose the espitemological focus are reaseoned onto a marxist theory, which get a possibility to perceive the pedagogical process under the education goal. The main question used to carry out this research is: In what extend the educational practice of multigrade teachers assumes and express the conceptions of education that are present in the educational policies, delivered to the rural education? The hypotheses are: 1. The practice of rural teachers are based on a different approach from the conception Por uma Educação do Campo and founded on educational policy. However, both teacher`s practice and educational policy, follow the neoliberalism support, contributing to make fragile the struggle of the workers that living in rural area; 2. The historical-critical pedagogy theory, support that people must have access to the scientific knowledge made historically by humanity and in a unique education, in terms of contribute to personal development in a critical way and become aware of the need of social transformation . This idea presents as a choice to overcome the proposals based on neoliberalism orign. The main idea is that teachers working in multigrade class do not understand the educational theory as the Historical-Critical Pedagogy or even By a Field Education conception in a way that enables them to make it in practice. The reseach was conducted in rural schools with multigrade class in two cities at the Papagaio Beak / TO area: Tocantinópolis and Araguatins. The reseach methods used were the bibliografic reseach, documentary reseach, locus reseach, focus group, interview ans questionary. Through the research, it was found that by following the educational policy made official by the State, these cities obey the prerogatives put in the official documents that were made based on international agreements that are based on the Jacques Delors` report of the United Nations on education for the 21st century. However, the multigrade teachers` practices in schools present a gap of knowledge of the pedagogical conceptions into the the official recommendation and the ideals of Por uma Educação no Campo, nevertheless it contributing to the ideological project of the dominant social class, even in an unintentional way. Its makes evident that both pedagogical practice and rural educational policy follow the neoliberalism origin making fragile the awareness for the rural worker in terms of overcome the class society.

Parental involvement in learning at rural multi-grade schools in South Africa: a school, community and family partnership programme

Venter, Nicolaas van Loggenberg January 2013 (has links)
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Education in the Faculty of Education and Social Sciences at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology 2013 / Parental involvement in rural multigrade schools in South Africa is poor. This is mainly due to a lack of support for and insufficient knowledge regarding the development of a programme that would increase parental involvement at rural multigrade schools in South Africa. The context of multigrade education in South Africa reflects the reality of a lack of parental involvement. South African rural multigrade education is beset by a variety of internal and external challenges which have a detrimental effect on effective parental involvement. However, in the rural multigrade school context, parents have untapped potential that needs to be identified and acted upon in order to empower parents; this could provide the rural marginalised children with meaningful access to quality education. Research has proved that parental involvement has a positive effect on the quality of education. According to research, the six types of parental involvement are parenting, communicating, volunteering, learning at home, decision-making and collaborating with the community. In this study the focus was on involving parents in learning and allowing them to become active partners in education. To increase parental involvement in learning at rural multigrade schools in South Africa, an intervention was needed. This intervention came in the form of a school, community and family partnership programme. The core elements of a school, community and family partnership programme (SCAF partnership programme) were the creation of partnerships and communication channels between the school, community and family, as well as the utilisation of existing community resources. These core elements had a specific focus on learning. This study used Bourdieu's (1986) theory on capital and Epstein's (1995) theory of overlapping spheres of influence. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of an effective school, community and family partnership programme that would increase parental involvement in learning at rural multigrade schools in South Africa. Design-based research was employed in order to design, develop and test the proposed programme. Research was conducted in two phases. During the preliminary phase, a needs and content analysis, review of literature, and the development of a conceptual or theoretical framework for the study were conducted. This was followed by a prototyping phase which is an iterative design phase consisting of iterations, each being a micro-cycle of research with formative evaluation as the most important research activity, and which is aimed at improving and refining the intervention. Summative evaluation was conducted during the prototype phase in order to determine whether the solution or intervention met the pre-determined specifications. Data gathered during this study indicated: 1. The SCAF partnership programme can increase parental involvement in learning at rural multigrade schools if certain product and process characteristics are active. 2. The SCAF partnership programme allows utilising school, home and community capital through interaction and collaboration to increase parental involvement in learning. 3. A SCAF partnership programme should focus on learning through creating partnerships and opportunities for communication, and utilising community resources. 4. A SCAF partnership programme should be employed through a specific process. 5. Design research offers an appropriate and powerful approach to design, develop and implement a SCAF partnership programme that increases parental involvement in learning at rural multigrade schools. Keywords: Parental involvement, Parents, Design Research, Rural multigrade schools, Rural multigrade education

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