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Svaz měst a obcí České republiky a jeho vliv na politický systém ČR / Union of towns and municipalities of the Czech republic and its influence on political system of CRPaulů, Jiří January 2007 (has links)
SMOČR (Union of town and municipalities of the Czech republic) of is a non- governmental organization, founded as a interest group of corporate bodies, members of Union are municipalities and towns. Union is a partner for governmental and parliamental political representation and participates in preparation and creation of legislative projects in a suggestion proceeding in areas touching competences of municipalities and towns. Enforcing its interests Union seek accenting municipalities and towns interests and subsidiarity principle. Activity of Union is ground on mayors, chief magistrates and representatives, who dedicate common self-government problem as warrant members of Union. Proclaimed goal of Union is legitimate lobbying as well. Thesis also touch a cooperation of Union with similar partner-unions in other countries and its influence as a partner organization to EU institutions.
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Financování veřejné zakázky s využitím dobrovolného svazku obcí / Financing of a public contract using a voluntary association of municipalitiesSedlaříková, Zuzana January 2020 (has links)
This thesis is dedicated to the financing of public community and voluntary association of municipalities. The theoretical part is focused on Public procurement, public administration, the cooperation of municipalities, the functioning of voluntary unions of municipalities and ways of financing public investments. The aim of the thesis was to analyze voluntary unions of municipalities in the Moravian-Silesian Region and to assess the financing of a specific project built within the voluntary union of municipalities.
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Národní park Šumava a zájmy municipalit na jeho území: případ postmateriálních cleavages? / Šumava National Park and Interests of its Municipalities: The Case of Postmaterial Cleavages?Musilová, Karolína January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis Šumava National Park and Interests of its Municipalities: The Case of Postmaterial Cleavages? analyses, if the postmaterial cleavage is present in the case of Šumava National Park and how is it projected on the national level. Since the very beginning, there have been argues about the notion of the national park, where two different set of ideas collide. On the one hand, there are local municipalities which depend on incomes from tourism, on the other hand, the environmentalists seek for growing extent of areas without any human intervention. The theoretical background is based on concept of cleavages by S. Rokkan and S.M. Lipset. Special attention is paid to the postmaterial dimension of the cleavage, which was evolved by R. Inglehart. The analytical part consists of case study, which examines the attitudes of the stakeholders. The examination is based on semi-structured interviews with mayors, official documents and media coverage of the topic. According to the findings, there is a cleavage, which is visible on all levels of political system, including political parties and presidents.
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Efektivnost hospodaření obce v závislosti na její velikosti v právu / Efficiency of economic management of a municipality depending on its size as governed by the lawPanáčková, Romana January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the concept of financial systems of municipal budgets, especially in relation to different categories of municipalities and its size. The aim is to analyze the current legal regulation in this field and suggest legislative changes that could improve its existent state. The first chapter provides the theoretical basis for the subsequent analysis as well as for the recommendations presented in further chapters. Basic terms important to municipally policy, independent competence of municipalities and delegated powers of municipalities are defined here together with the basic principles of municipality finance system. The second chapter deals with the regulation of main sources of income of municipally budgets in the Czech Republic. The content of this chapter is concerned to legislation in Act on Budgetary Allocation of Taxes, Act on Local Fees, Act on Property Tax and legal regulation of subsidies. This chapter contains the characteristics of each individual income, presents a critical evaluation of its main advantages and disadvantages in relation to municipalities finance and a short summary of the issue. The third chapter outlines from the previous parts of the thesis and presents an analysis of selected municipalities of different categories and size. Analysis completes the...
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Zhodnocení vývoje podílu daní na příjmech rozpočtů obcí a krajů v ČR. / The appraisal of development of tax proportion of budgetary incomes of municipalities and regions in the Czech RepublicPoláková, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is a detailed analysis of tax incomes of municipalities and regions with focus on four particular municipalities and one region in a practical part. From the year 2001 to 2015 the share of tax incomes and their development are evaluated as a part of total incomes. The theme is highly topical due to ongoing discussions among lawmakers on the subject of budgetary allocation of taxes. The law determining the budgetary allocation of taxes is modified frequently, that is why knowing the impact of changes on particular municipalities or regions is helpful. This knowledge can be useful base for planning new adjustments of budgetary allocation of taxes. In the theoretical part there are mentioned expert opinions on financial management of municipalities and regions that arise from their functions and positions. The emphasis is put on incomes of municipalities and regions, especially on tax incomes. Particular changes from 2001 to 2015 in law regulating budgetary allocation of taxes are described here with their impacts on municipalities and regions. Incomes and management of selected municipalities representing various size categories and Liberec region are analysed in the practical part. Financial self-sufficiency is evaluated here. In general municipalities are more financial self-sufficient than regions. This thesis is further dealing with individual tax incomes and impacts of changes in budgetary allocation of taxes on their size. Making models of theoretical incomes is used to simulate effects of diverse law adjustments. Results of the analysis show that tax incomes of municipalities and regions are generally increasing. During the observed period there was tendency to lower the growth of tax incomes of large cities, to increase the growth of tax incomes of small municipalities and to straighten the level of tax incomes of medium municipalities thanks to changes in budgetary allocation of taxes. Tax incomes of regions were increased thanks to changes in budgetary allocation of taxes despite of partial decrease in particular segments of tax incomes after 2012.
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Význam dobrovolných svazků obcí pro rozvoj regionů / The importance of association of municipalities for development of the regionsIstenčinová, Nikol January 2019 (has links)
As the main topic this thesis theoretically defines the subject municipality with extended powers and voluntary associations of municipalities for developement of regions. In the practical part i focused on a research inquiry, i analyse results of this inquiry and i consider a practical use in the public area. I try to point out the importance of the strategic management by dint of all needs which mean a long-term planning in relation to methods of managerial work. Another part of my survey is to analyse all technical infrastructure of municioalities in the south moravian district. And i would like to attention to the problems and deficiencies and not only to try fix this things but find out an actual oppurtunities to help these municipalities. Facts in this work can point out the importance of unions for developement of regions.
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Komunální politika slovenských obcí s nucenou správou / Local Politics of Slovak Municipalities under the Forced AdministrationFejková, Nikola January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of forced administration in municipalities in Slovakia. The aim of the diploma thesis is to analyze the municipal policy of Slovak municipalities in forced administration. The theoretical part defines the terms related to the issue. The analysis and research in the practical part of the thesis aimes to point out the state of municipal policy of municipalities that were or are currently under compulsory administration, as well as the state of the institution of compulsory administration of municipalities in Slovakia and outline the necessary changes. In a comparative multi-case study, the features of municipalities at the time of economic collapse and the introduction of forced administration were identified and specified. It was found out how the forced administration in selected Slovak municipalities affected municipal elections, candidacy, turnout and local democracy. For the data collection, substantial interviews were conducted with representatives of municipalities whose municipality is currently under compulsory administration and with representatives of municipalities of former forced administration. Keywords: financing of municipalities, local politics, municipal elections, local democracy, forced administration, political impacts, Slovak...
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Daňové příjmy obcí v době hospodářské krize / Tax revenues of municipalities in time of economic crisisMácová, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis is concerned with influence of current economic crisis on tax revenues of municipalities. The main goal of thesis is to analyze this crisis influence on tax revenues of municipalities in the Czech Republic and especial in two chosen municipalities. In the first part the revenues of municipalities are described, in the second part the analysis of impact of the crisis to Czech region and municipalities follows. The third chapter is about two chosen municipalities and it analyzes their tax revenues between 2008 and 2010. The last part analyzes the cash performance in two chosen municipalities in 2008 and 2009. I found out that tax revenues of Czech municipalities decreased in 2009 by 11,6%, it is 17,8 billion Czech Crowns. In 2010 total tax revenues increased by 4,6%. In Bechyně we can see the similar situation as in the Czech Republic. Tax revenues decreased by 13% in 2009, they increased then by only 3% in 2010. In Sudoměřice u Bechyně there is the situation surprisingly different. In 2009 tax revenues decreased only by 5,5%. In 2010 they increased by 12%. Two chosen municipalities overcame the crisis well, they did not have any existential problems and they were able to manage the bad economic situation and covered it from their resources.
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Příjmy malých obcí v České republice / Small Size Municipality Revenues in Czech RepublicJIREKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the system of municipality incomes in the Czech Republic with respect to specifics of small municipalities. In last few years these municipalities have become a frequently discussed topic because of their lower incomes. The legislation has been devoting to this problem since 2008 and the differences between large and small municipalities in the Czech Republic were removed. There is income analysis of all municipalities in the Czech Republic from 2000 up to 2012 in this thesis. The municipalities were divided into two groups. The first group contains small villages, defined as municipalities up to 499 inhabitants. In the second group there are other municipalities of the Czech Republic except small villages, statutory cities and the Capital City of Prague. The real data were recalculated per head for this analysis and minimum, maximum, median and arithmetic mean were found. Variability of incomes is evaluated from these results. Regression and correlation analysis is made in some groups of revenues because of finding dependence among variables. Disparity in incomes of small towns and other communities is assessed by comparing the arithmetic means and medians between groups of municipalities using a Two-Sample t-test and Mann-Whitney test. Revenue growth is evaluated determination of the trends of the time series using linear regression. Some specifics in financing small villages were found from these analyzes. There was also confirmation of the hypothesis that small municipalities have lower incomes per an inhabitant.
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Svazek obcí Novoborska v letech 1998 - 2008. / The Alliance of municipalities of Novoborsko 1998-2008Kotásková, Klára January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to analyze all the activities of the Alliance of municipalities of Novoborsko in the period between 1998 -- 2008. First part is dedicated to examine the actions taken by optional Alliance of municipalities in Czech Republic, in concrete their legislation, economy, positive and negative features of their mutual cooperation. Next part analyzes the Alliance of municipalities of Novoborsko and the way it works in practice, its financial situation, sponsors of projects, cooperating partners; its comprehension by local citizens, and its contribution to the individual municipalities and the whole region in general. The implementation of projects carried out by the Alliance during its 10 year existence and valuation of all its activities is depicted as well, together with the examination of its consequences on the development of the above mentioned region.
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