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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lokalt klimatarbete på lokal nivå : Från mål till praktisk handling i "Vänerskärgården med Kinnekulle"

Stenberg Dean, Hannah January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Why municipalities have a love – hate relationship with PSAB: the direct and indirect impacts that PS 3150 guidelines have on municipal infrastructure planning

Ballance, Kimberly Laine 20 January 2011 (has links)
This research project acknowledged that the introduction of PS 3150 guidelines were presented to Ontario municipalities as a new, unfunded mandated responsibility which was viewed by these municipalities to be an impossible challenge within the completion timeline. This research project identifies impacts that PS 3150 guidelines will have on infrastructure planning for municipalities, with a population of less than 5000, in Northern Ontario. The PS 3150 guidelines were created by the Public Sector Accounting Board (PSAB) of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (CICA) to outline the general process for public sector organizations to change from a modified accrual format to full accrual accounting complete with new financial statements. Municipalities have had to better account for both financial and non-financial assets when reporting on revenues and expenditures. The evaluation of the policy mandate outlined in PS 3150 guidelines has yet to be completed, however the impacts of the guidelines can be assessed based on the development and subsequent implementation of Tangible Capital Asset policies and asset management plans by municipal governments. The findings identified four key similarities among responses from the municipal representatives. The Impacts of PS 3150 legislation are primarily related to personnel, financial, planning, and technical issues. The key recommendation arising from the completion of this research is that municipalities need to move forward, pursue complete asset management plans, in order to demonstrate in a quantitative manner the costs associated with municipal infrastructure planning.

Energy planning for greenhouse gas emissions reduction: possibilities and challenges for Canadian municipalities

McCullough, Scott 21 August 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines energy planning to reduce GHG emissions from cities. Examining federal government policy to reduce GHG emissions suggests that municipalities and provinces may be the better government levels for action. A review of types of municipal energy planning, and energy-GHG reduction plans from three cities shows different strategies and policies in implementation, and differing levels of success. Interviewing planners from these case-study cities provides critical insight into the challenges of implementing energy-GHG planning. The lessons learned show the best course of action for other jurisdictions, including the importance of an appropriate policy framework to support municipalities. Such a framework is suggested by this thesis. This research is meant to inform planners of best practices, challenges, opportunities, and courses of action for municipalities in formulating GHG reduction strategies.

Sverigedemokraterna - isolerade eller påverkande?

Eriksson, Nathalie January 2014 (has links)
This essay examines the indirect effects of the local strength of the Swedish Democrats on refugee acceptance in the Swedish municipalities. With statistical methods this essay has aimed to investigate if such effects exist and by using statistical data from three periods of time - 2002, 2006 and 2010 – the investigation has been able to measure effects over time. Based on former research and reasonable expectations the hypothesis for the essay claims that the Swedish Democrats has got an indirect effect upon the refugee acceptance. With the statistical analyses made, the essay is able to conclude that the strength of the Swedish Democrats in municipality elections as well as the change of this strength between the elections does have a negative effect upon refugee acceptance in the Swedish municipalities. With this conclusion, the idea of the Swedish Democrats as an isolated and insignificant party is questioned.

Från lokal välfärdsstat till stadspolitik : politiska processer mellan demokrati och effektivitet : Vision Mälarstaden och Östra hamnen i Västerås /

Granberg, Mikael, January 2004 (has links)
Diss. Örebro : Örebro universitet, 2004.

Local authorities' approaches to standardised environmental management systems /

Emilsson, Sara, January 2005 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Linköping : Linköpings universitet, 2005. / Härtill 6 uppsatser.

Les territoires MRC du Québec : deux décennies d'évolution dans la diversité /

Jean, Natacha, January 1999 (has links)
Mémoire (M.E.S.R.)--Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 1999. / Document électronique également accessible en format PDF. CaQCU

Cirkulär ekonomi : Vad påverkar kommuners arbete med den ekonomiska modellen?

Johansson, Felicia January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine and compare what causes some municipalities to work with and market their sustainability work in circle economy and what causes some other municipalities not to do so. The study focused on six municipalities, three who worked with and marketed their sustainability work and three who didn’t. Through telephone interviews a representative from each municipalitiey answered; how they defined circular economy, what drove/not drove them to work with circular economy, what difficulties there is with circular economy in the public sector and how the municipalities work can be improved. The results showed that the definition of the economic model was about the same, what differed was their knowledge about the importance of product design. Knowledge and interest in circular economy was two of the causes of why municipalities worked with the model. The fact that the issue was not a priority and the lack of resources from politicians seemed to be two determining factors of why the municipalities’ interest in working with circular economy was small. Sweden’s government needed to act in the question and focus more on top-down instead on today’s down-top work. The municipalities needed to get guidelines and support to make decisions that promoted circular economy since it was an important part of a sustainable development.

Gestion de crise : l'appropriation territoriale à l'épreuve des faits / Crisis management : the territorial appropriation in the test of the facts

Ahuir, Gilles 28 June 2016 (has links)
«Monsieur, ma commune ne rentre pas dans le champ de votre étude, certes nous avons un cours d’eau qui traverse la commune et qui l’inonde de temps à autre et nous avons eu un accident avec un camion-citerne, mais hormis cela nous ne sommes exposés à aucun risque.». Cette petite phrase tirée du courrier d’un maire montre à quel point la gestion de crise au niveau national peut être intégrée de manière parcellaire. Elle souligne également la fragilité actuelle des communes face à cette problématique complexe, alors que la loi sur la modernisation de la sécurité civile de 2004 place l’élu communal comme un acteur majeur de la gestion de crise. C’est cette question centrale qui constitue la problématique de ma thèse, effectuée sous la direction conjointe de M. Pierre Pech et M. Paul Durand de l’université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. En effet, fort de ce constat, mon travail de thèse s’est appuyé sur une analyse d’un corpus de données à partir des bases nationales traitant des risques majeurs potentiels et effectifs, base Gaspar et Aria, qui ont permis de sélectionner le panel des communes de cette enquête. 10 000 communes ont été sollicitées sur le territoire métropolitain au travers d’un questionnaire d’audit prenant en compte : - l’évaluation des risques ; - les mesures de gestion de crise mises en place ; - le sentiment de préparation du Maire. Le choix des communes ciblées répond à une logique de représentativité géographique, structurelle et environnementale au regard de l’exposition protéiforme aux risques de nos territoires. Au bilan, 703 communes sont effectivement intégrées dans l’étude et une interprétation quantitative et qualitative a permis d’établir si ces dernières sont en capacité de gérer une crise majeure survenant sur leur territoire, s’il existe des facteurs susceptibles d’influer sur cette capacité de gestion de crise, et enfin d’établir si le niveau communal est réellement le niveau le plus pertinent de gestion de crise. Les résultats obtenus mettent en lumière que les communes métropolitaines sont, dans leur ensemble, juste partiellement préparées à affronter une crise et que l’implication des élus locaux est encore à parfaire. D’autre part, il semble exister un lien entre la taille de la commune et son aptitude à gérer une crise. Ce constat est à mettre en parallèle avec le modèle communal japonais ayant affronté les catastrophes de 2011. Lors de cette crise d’ampleur inégalée, la capacité des communes à faire face à la crise a été la pierre angulaire du processus de gestion immédiate. Or le modèle japonais repose sur des structures communales d’importance, structurées et bien équipées. Sans remettre en question la maille communale française, héritière d’une longue tradition républicaine, mais en s’inscrivant dans la dynamique de la loi sur la nouvelle organisation territoriale de la république, peut-on envisager de positionner la problématique de gestion de crise territoriale à un échelon supra communal afin de gagner en cohérence et en efficience face aux menaces protéiformes pesant sur nos communes ? Cette question est la proposition à laquelle aboutit la thèse qui diagnostique certains déficits dans les capacités de prendre en charge les risques majeurs de nos communes françaises. / "Sir, my municipality does not go into the field of your study, certainly we have a stream which crosses the municipality and which floods it from time to time and we had an accident with a tanker, but apart from that we are exposed to no risk. "This small sentence pulled by the mail of a mayor shows to what extent the crisis management at the national level can be integrated in a fragmented way. She also underlines the current fragility of the municipalities in front of this complex problem, while the law on the modernization of the civil safety of 2004 places the elected representative municipal as a leading player of the crisis management. It is this central question which constitutes the problem of my thesis, made under the joint direction of Mr Pierre Pech and Mr Paul Durand from the university Paris 1 Pantheon - Sorbonne. Indeed, hardly of this report, my work of thesis leaned on an analysis of a corpus of data from the national bases handling potential and actual major risks, bases Gaspar and Aria, which allowed to select the panel of the municipalities of this survey.10 000 municipalities were requested on the metropolitan territory through an audit questionnaire taking into account :- The risk assessment;- The measures of crisis management organized;- The feeling of preparation of the Mayor. The choice of the targeted municipalities answers a logic of geographical, structural and environmental representativeness with regard to the protean exposure at the risks of our territories.703 municipalities are actually integrated into the study and a quantitative and qualitative interpretation allowed to establish if the latter were in capacity to manage a major crisis arising on their territory, if there were factors susceptible to influence this capacity of crisis management, and to establish if the municipal level is really the most relevant level of crisis management. The obtained results highlight that the metropolitan municipalities are just partially prepared to face a crisis and that the implication of the local elected representatives is to be perfected. On the other hand, there seems be a link between the size of the municipality and the capacity to manage a crisis. This report is to be put in parallel with the Japanese municipal model having faced the disasters of2011. During this crisis of unequalled scale, the capacity of the municipalities to face the crisis was the cornerstone of the process of immediate management. Yet, the Japanese model bases on municipal important structures, structured and well equipped. Without questioning the municipal structure, the heiress of a long republican tradition, but by joining the dynamics of the law on the new territorial organization of the republic, can we intend to position the problem of territorial crisis management in an above municipal level to win in coherence and inefficiency in front of protean threats pressing on our municipalities? This question is the proposal in which ends the thesis which diagnoses certain deficits in capacity to take care of the major risks of our French municipalities.

Migration patterns of refugee immigrants : Evidence from Swedish municipalities

Sofia, Lundgren January 2018 (has links)
This thesis examines if Swedish municipalities that receive a greater share of refugee immigrants relative to the municipality population, also experience an increased share of foreign born people over time. For smaller municipalities in Sweden, refugee recipient can be a way to grow in terms of population in a longer time perspective, given that refugees choose to stay in the municipality. The analysis is conducted at municipality level for Sweden’s 290 municipalities during the period of 2005 to 2016. The results from the analysis show that there is a positive relation between new refugee immigrants per capita that a municipality receives and the share of foreign borns per capita in a municipality. Further, the analysis shows that there is a positive and significant relation between the share of refugees per capita that a municipality receives and the share of foreign born people living in the municipality three to five years later.

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