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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identification of the Sea Urchin Egg Myosin Binding Protein Gene

Shea, Laura R. January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

The role of novel protein-protein interactions in the function and mechanism of the sarcomeric protein, myosin binding protein H (MyBPH)

Mouton, Jacoba Martina 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, and is a feature of common diseases, such as hypertension and diabetes. It is therefore vital to understand the underlying mechanisms influencing its development. However, investigating the mechanisms underlying LVH in such complex disorders can be challenging. For this reason, many researchers have focused their attention on the autosomal dominant cardiac muscle disorder, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), since it is considered a model disease in which to study the causal molecular factors underlying isolated cardiac hypertrophy. HCM is a heterogeneous disease that manifests with various phenotypes and clinical symptoms, even in families with the same genetic defects, suggesting that additional factors contribute to the disease phenotype. Despite the identification of several HCM-causing genes, the genetic factors that modify the extent of hypertrophy in HCM patients remain relatively unknown. The gene encoding the sarcomeric protein, cardiac myosin binding protein C, cMyBPC (MyBPC3) is one of the most frequently implicated genes in HCM. Identification of proteins that interact with cMyBPC has led to improved insights into the function of this protein and its role in cardiac hypertrophy. However, very little is known about another member of the myosin binding protein family, myosin binding protein H (MyBPH). Given the sequence homology and similarity in structure between cMyBPC and MyBPH, we propose that MyBPH, like cMyBPC, may play a critical role in the structure and functionality of the cardiac sarcomere and could therefore be involved in HCM pathogenesis. The present study aimed to identify MyBPH-interacting proteins by using yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) analysis and to verify these interactions using three-dimensional (3D) co-localisation and co-immunoprecipitation (Co-IP) analyses. We further hypothesized that both MyBPH and cMyBPC may be involved in autophagy. To test this hypothesis, both MyBPH and cMyBPC were analysed for co-localisation with a marker for autophagy, LC3b-II. The role of MyBPH and cMyBPC in cardiac cell contractility were analysed by measuring the planar cell surface area of differentiated H9c2 rat cardiomyocytes in response to β-adrenergic stress after individual and concurrent siRNA-mediated knockdown of MyBPH and cMyBPC. In the present study we employed a family-based genetic association analysis approach to investigate the contribution of genes encoding the novel MyBPH-interacting proteins in modifying the hypertrophy phenotype. This study investigated the hypertrophy modifying effects of 38 SNPs and haplotypes in four candidate HCM modifier genes, in 388 individuals from 27 HCM families, in which three unique South African HCM-causing founder mutations segregate. Yeast two-hybrid analysis identified three putative MyBPH-interacting proteins namely, cardiac β-myosin heavy chain (MYH7), cardiac α-actin (ACTC1) and the SUMO-conjugating enzyme UBC9 (UBC9). These interactions were verified using both 3D co-localisation and Co-IP analyses. Furthermore, MyBPH and cMyBPC were implicated in autophagy, since both these proteins were being recruited to the membrane of autophagosomes. In addition, a cardiac contractility assay demonstrated that the concurrent siRNA-mediated knockdown of MyBPH and cMyBPC resulted in a significant reduction in cardiomyocyte contractility, compared to individual protein and control knockdowns under conditions of β-adrenergic stress. These results indicated that MyBPH could compensate for cMyBPC, and vice versa, further confirming that both these proteins are required for efficient sarcomere contraction. Results from genetic association analyses found a number of SNPs and haplotypes that had a significant effect on HCM hypertrophy. Single SNP and haplotype analyses identified SNPs and haplotypes within genes encoding MyBPH, MYH7, ACTC1 and UBC9, which contribute to the extent of hypertrophy in HCM. In addition, we found that several variants and haplotypes had markedly different statistical significant effects in the presence of each of the three HCM founder mutations. The results of this study ascribe novel functions to MyBPH. Cardiac MyBPC and MyBPH play a critical role in sarcomere contraction and have been implicated in autophagy. This has further implications for understanding the patho-etiology of HCM-causing mutations in the gene encoding MyBPH and its interacting proteins. This is to our knowledge the first genetic association analysis to investigate the modifying effect of interactors of MyBPH, as indication of the risk for developing LVH in the context of HCM. Our findings suggest that the hypertrophic phenotype of HCM is modulated by the compound effect of a number of variants and haplotypes in MyBPH, and genes encoding protein interactors of MyBPH. These results provide a basis for future studies to investigate the risk profile of hypertrophy development in the context of HCM, which could consequently lead to improved risk stratification and patient management. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Linker ventrikulêre hipertrofie (LVH) is 'n primêre risikofaktor vir kardiovaskulêre morbiditeit en mortaliteit asook 'n kenmerk van algemene siektes soos hipertensie en diabetes. Daarom is dit van kardinale belang om te verstaan wat die onderliggende meganismes is wat die ontwikkeling van LVH beïnvloed. Die ondersoek na die onderliggende meganismes wat lei tot LVH in sulke komplekse siektes is ‟n uitdaging. Om hierdie rede fokus baie navorsers hul aandag op die autosomaal dominante hartspier siekte, hipertrofiese kardiomiopatie (HKM), wat beskou word as 'n model siekte om die molekulêre oorsake onderliggend tot geïsoleerde kardiovaskulêre hipertrofie te ondersoek. HKM is 'n heterogene siekte wat manifesteer met verskeie fenotipes en kliniese simptome, selfs in families met dieselfde genetiese defekte, wat impliseer dat addisionele faktore bydra tot die modifisering van die siekte fenotipe. Ten spyte van die identifisering van verskeie HKM-versoorsakende gene, bly die genetiese faktore wat die mate van hipertrofie in HKM pasiente modifiseer relatief onbekend. Die geen wat kodeer vir die sarkomeriese proteïen, kardiale miosien-bindingsproteïen C (kMyBPC) is die algemeenste betrokke in HKM. Die identifisering van proteïene wat bind met kMyBPC het gelei tot verbeterde insigte tot die funksie van hierdie proteïen en die rol wat hierdie proteïen in hipertrofie speel. Ten spyte hiervan, is daar baie min inligting beskikbaar oor 'n ander lid van die miosien-bindingsproteïen families, miosien-bindingsproteïen H (MyBPH). Gegewe die ooreenstemming tussen die DNA basispaar-volgorde en struktuur tussen hierdie twee proteïene, stel ons voor dat MyBPH, net soos kMyBPC, 'n kritiese rol in die struktuur en funksie van die kardiale sarkomeer speel en kan daarom betrokke wees in die patogenese van HKM. Die huidige studie het beoog om proteïene wat met MyBPH bind te identifiseer deur die gebruik van gis-twee-hibried (G2H) kardiale biblioteek sifting en om hierdie interaksies te verifieer met behulp van drie-dimensionele (3D) ko-lokalisering en ko-immunopresipitasie eksperimente. Ons het verder gehipotiseer dat beide MyBPH and kMyBPC betrokke kan wees in outofagie. Om hierdie hipotese te toets is beide MyBPH en kMyBPC geanaliseer vir ko-lokalisering met 'n merker vir outofagie, LC3b-II. Verder het ons beplan om die rol van MyBPH en kMyBPC in kardiale spiersel-sametrekking te ondersoek deur die oppervlak van gedifferensieerde H9c2 rot kardiomiosiete in reaksie op β-adrenergiese stres te meet, na individuele en gesamentlike siRNA-bemiddelde uitklopping van MyBPH en kMyBPC. In hierdie studie het ons 'n familie-gebaseerde genetiese assosiasie analise benadering gevolg om vas te stel of MyBPH en gene wat kodeer vir die geverifieerde bindingsgenote van MyBPH bydra tot die modifisering van die hipertrofiese fenotipe. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die hipertrofiese effek van 38 enkel nukleotied polimorfismes (SNPs) en haplotipes in vier kandidaat HKM modifiserende gene in 388 individue van 27 HCM families te toets, waarin drie unieke Suid-Afrikaanse HKM-stigters mutasies segregeer. G2H analise het drie verneemde MyBPH bindingsgenote geidentifiseer, naamlik miosien (MYH7), alfa kardiale aktien (ACTC1) en die SUMO-konjugerende ensiem UBC9 (UBC9). Hierdie interaksies is geverifieer deur middel van 3D ko-lokalisering en ko-immunopresipitasie analises. Verder is bewys dat MyBPH en kMyBPC betrokke is in outofagie, siende dat beide proteïene gewerf is tot die membraan van die outofagosoom. 'n Kardiale sametrekkings eksperiment het gevind dat die gesamentlike siRNA-bemiddelde uitklopping van MyBPH en kMyBPC 'n merkwaardige vermindering in die kardiomiosiet sametrekking veroorsaak het in reaksie op β-adrenergiese stres kondisies, in vergelyking met die individuele proteïen en kontrole uitkloppings eksperimente. Hierdie resultate bevestig dat MyBPH vir kMyBPC kan instaan en ook andersom, wat verder bevestig dat beide proteïene benodig word vir effektiewe sarkomeer sametrekking. Resultate van die genetiese assosiasie studie het gevind dat 'n aantal SNPs en haplotipes 'n beduidende effek of HKM hipertrofie het. Enkel SNP en haplotipe analises in gene wat kodeer vir MyBPH, MYH7, ACTC1 en UBC9 het SNPs en haplotipes geidentifiseer wat bydra tot die omvang van hipertrofie in HKM. Verder het ons gevind dat sekere SNPs en haplotipes kenmerkend verskillende statisties beduidende effekte in die teenwoordigheid van elk van die drie HKM-stigter mutasies gehad het. Die resultate van hierdie studie skryf twee nuwe funksies aan MyBPH toe. Kardiale MyBPC en MyBPH speel 'n kritiese rol in sarkomeer sametrekking en is betrokke in outofagie. Hierdie resultate het verdere implikasies vir die verstaan van die pato-etiologie van die HKM-veroorsakende mutasies in die MyBPH, MYH7, ACTC1 en UBC9 gene. So vêr dit ons kennis strek is dit die eerste genetiese assosiasie studie wat die modifiserende effek van bindingsgenote van MyBPH ondersoek as risiko aanduiding vir die ontwikkeling van LVH in die konteks van HKM. Ons bevindinge bewys dat die hipertrofiese fenotipe van HKM gemoduleer word deur die komplekse effekte van SNPs en haplotipes in die MyBPH geen en gene wat MyBPH proteïen-bindingsgenote enkodeer. Hierdie resultate verskaf dus 'n basis vir toekomstige studies om die risiko profiel van hipertrofie ontwikkeling met betrekking tot HKM te ondersoek, wat gevolglik kan bydra tot die verbeterde risiko stratifikasie en pasiënte bestuur.

The Effects of Cardiac Myosin Binding Protein-C and Inorganic Phosphate on Length-Dependent Activation

Leygerman, Milana January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Functional Remodeling Following Myofilament Calcium Sensitization in Rats with Volume Overload Heart Failure

Lewis, Kristin 28 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Site-specific Regulation of Myosin Binding Protein-C

Beiersdorfer, Alex January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Investigating ligands of cardiac Myosin-Binding Protein C (cMyBPC) as potential regulators of contractility and modifiers of hypertrophy.

Swanepoel, C. C. A. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD ) -- Stellenbosch University, 2011. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The regulation of cardiac contractility is dependent on cooperative interaction between the thick and thin filaments, as well as their accessory proteins, within the cardiac sarcomere. Alteration in cardiac contractility due to a defective sarcomere typically results in cardiomyopathies, such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). One of the sarcomeric genes frequently mutated and which accounts for the second most common form of HCM encodes cardiac myosin binding protein C (cMyBPC), a thick filament accessory protein whose physiological function is poorly understood. However, studies have implicated cMyBPC in thick filament structure and function as well as in the regulation of contractility. The N-terminal region of cMyBPC houses the cMyBPC-motif, which contains three phosphorylation sites, between domains C1 and C2. The hierarchical phosphorylation of this motif, by first calcium/calmodulin kinase II (CamKII) and then by cyclic AMP-activated protein kinase (PKA), is cardinal in the role of cMyBPC in the regulation of cardiac contractility in response to ß-adrenergic stimulation. Moreover, phosphorylation of this motif is inversely correlated to cMyBPC proteolysis and has been shown to be cardioprotective. Thus, proteins that have an effect on cMyBPC function or turnover may also influence filament structure and hence affect contractility, which, in turn, affects the structure of the cardiac muscle. One such protein is the Copper metabolism MURR1-domain containing protein 4 (COMMD4), which was previously identified as a novel interactor of cMyBPC during a yeast two-hybrid (Y2H) library screen in our laboratory. COMMD4 binds specifically to the cMyBPC motif in a phosphorylation-dependent manner. The exact function of COMMD4 is unknown; however, it is a member of the COMM family of proteins that has been linked to copper metabolism as well as to the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway (UPS). Intriguingly, recent studies have shown that the UPS plays a role in cMyBPC-derived HCM, while dietary copper depletion is also known to cause cardiac hypertrophy. Based on these findings, COMMD4 was considered an interesting candidate regulator of sarcomeric function and contractility, and by extension, a candidate modifier of cardiac hypertrophy. Thus, the aim of the present study was two-fold. Firstly, COMMD4 was used as bait in a Y2H library screen to determine its distal ligands, with a view to further elucidate its function, particularly in the context of MyBPC functioning, and identified interactors were subjected to further in vitro and in vivo verification studies. Also, the phosphorylation-dependent nature of the interaction between COMMD4 and cMyBPC was further investigated using a domain/phosphorylation assay. Secondly, COMMD4 and its Y2H-identified putative interactors were assessed as possible modifiers of hypertrophy in a family-based association study, using three cohorts of South African HCM-families in which one of three founder mutations segregate. Six putative interactors, viz. cardiac actin (ACTC1), Down syndrome critical region 3 (DSCR3), enolase 1 (ENO1), F-box and leucine rich repeat protein 10 (FBXL10), legumain (LGMN) and sorting nexin3 (SNX3) were identified and confirmed as COMMD4 interactors using Y2H analyses, followed by in vitro and in vivo co-immunoprecipitation and 3D co-localisation assays. Moreover, as some COMMD protein family members and the newly-identified interactors of COMMD4 have previously been linked to the UPS, the functional effect of siRNA-mediated knockdown of COMMD4 on cMyBPC turnover was also investigated. Data revealed accumulation of cMyBPC in the endosomes upon COMMD4 knockdown, suggesting a functional role for COMMD4 in the turnover of cMyBPC. In addition, association analysis revealed strong evidence of association between various single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in SNX3 and a number of hypertrophy traits, thus suggesting a role for SNX3 as a candidate modifier of hypertrophy in HCM. No evidence of association was observed for any of the genes encoding the other COMMD4 interactors implicated in protein turnover. The present study demonstrates that COMMD4, a little understood member of the COMM family of proteins, binds to the cMyBPC motif of cMyBPC in a phosphorylation-dependent manner. Furthermore, based on the functions of its protein interactions, we hypothesise that COMMD4 plays a role in protein trafficking and turnover. More specifically, COMMD4 seems to help to facilitate formation of protein complexes with the Skp1-Cul1-Fbxl (SCF) E3 ubiquitin ligase and probably helps to stabilise the target substrate for subsequent ubiquitin-conjugation. As COMMD4 seems to affect the protein turnover of cMyBPC and possibly other sarcomeric proteins, such as actin, these results establish a novel association between the sarcomere, HCM and the UPS. In addition, identification of SNX3 as a hypertrophy modifier will allow for the improved understanding of HCM patho-aetiology. SNX3 thus adds to the growing body of sarcomeric modifier genes, which, eventually, may improve risk profiling in HCM. Furthermore, as genetic modifiers appear sufficient to completely prevent disease expression in some HCM carriers, the identification of SNX3 may point to the protein turnover pathway as a potential new target for intervention. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die regulering van kardiale kontraktiliteit is afhanklik van die koöperatiewe interaksie tussen die dik en dun filamente, asook hul geassosieerde proteïene, in die kardiale sarkomeer. Veranderinge in kardiale kontraktiliteit as gevolg van 'n defektiewe sarkomeer lei tot kardiomiopatieë soos hipertrofiese kardiomiopatie (HKM). Een van die sarkomeriese gene wat dikwels gemuteer is en wat verantwoordelik is vir die tweede algmeenste vorm van HKM,is dié van kardiale miosien-bindingsproteïen C (cMyBPC),'n proteïen geassosieer met die dik filament waarvan die fisiologiese funksie nog nie goed bekend is nie. Studies betrek cMyBPC in dik filament struktuur en funksie asook in die regulering van kontraktiliteit. Die N-terminale gebied van cMyBPC huisves die cMyBPC-motief, wat drie fosforilerings-setels tussen domeine C1 en C2 bevat. Die hiërargiese fosforilering van hierdie motief, eerstens deur kalsium/kalmodulien-gereguleerde kinase II (CamKII), gevolg deur siklies AMP-geaktiveerde proteïen kinase (PKA), is kardinaal in die rol van cMyBPC in die regulering van kardiale kontraktiliteit in reaksie op ß-adrenergiese stimulasie. Verder, fosforilering van hierdie motief is omgekeerd gekorreleer aan cMyBPC proteolise en is ook bewys om kardiobeskermend te wees. Dus, proteïene wat 'n uitwerking het op die funksie van cMyBPC mag ook filament struktuur en kontraktiliteit beïnvloed, wat op hul beurt die struktuur van die kardiale spier affekteer. Die koper metabolisme MURR1-domein bevattende protein 4 (COMMD4), was voorheen geïdentifiseer as 'n nuwe bindingsgenoot van cMyBPC tydens gis twee-hibried (G2H) analise in ons laboratorium. COMMD4 bind spesifiek aan die cMyBPC motief in 'n fosforilasie afhanklike wyse. Die presiese funksie van COMMD4 is onbekend; maar dit is 'n lid van die COMM domein familie van proteine wat geassosieerd is met koper metabolisme sowel as die “ubiquitin” proteosoom pad (UPP). Interesant genoeg, onlangse studies het bewys dat die UPP 'n rol speel in cMyBPC-afgeleide HKM, terwyl koper uitputting in die dieet ook bekend is om kardiale hipertrofie te veroorsaak. Gebaseer op hierdie bevindinge was COMMD4 oorweeg as 'n interessante kandidaat reguleerder van sarkomeries funksie en kontraktiliteit, asook 'n kandidaat modifiseerder van kardiale hipertrofie. Dus, die doel van die huidige studie was tweeledig. Eerstens, was COMMD4 as aas gebruik in 'n G2H biblioteek sifting om sy distale ligande te bepaal, met die oog om verdere lig te werp op sy funksie, veral in die konteks van MyBPC funksionering, en geïdentifiseerde bindingsgenote was onderwerp aan verdere 'in vitro’ en 'in vivo’ verifikasie studies. Daarbenewens was die fosforilering-afhanklike aard van die interaksie tussen COMMD4 en cMyBPC verder ondersoek met behulp van 'n domein/fosforilasie toets. Tweedens, COMMD4 en sy G2H-geïdentifiseerde vermeende bindingsgenote was geassesseer as moontlik modifiseerders van hipertrofie in 'n familie-gebaseerde assosiasie studie, met behulp van drie kohorte van Suid-Afrikaanse HKM-families waarin een van die drie stigter mutasies segregeer. Ses vermeende interaktors, nl. kardiale aktien (ACTC1), Down-sindroom kritiese streek 3 (DSCR3), enolase 1 (ENO1), F-boks en leusien ryke herhalings proteïen 10 (FBXL10), legumain (LGMN) en sorteer nexin3 (SNX3) is geïdentifiseer en bevestig as COMMD4 bindingsgenote deur G2H analises, gevolg deur in vitro en in vivo ko-immunopresipitasie en 3D ko-lokalisasie toetse. Die funksionele effek van siRNA-bemiddelde uitklop van COMMD4 op cMyBPC omset was ook ondersoek omdat 'n paar COMMD proteïen familielede, asook die nuut-geïdentifiseerde bindingsgenote van COMMD4, geassosieerd is met die UPP. Data toon ophoping van cMyBPC in die endosome by COMMD4 uitklop, wat dus aandui op 'n funksionele rol vir COMMD4 in die omset van cMyBPC. Daarbenewens, toon assosiasie analise sterk bewyse van assosiasie tussen die verskillende enkele nukleotied polimorfismes (SNPs) in SNX3 en 'n aantal hipertrofiese kenmerke,wat aandui op 'n rol vir SNX3 as 'n kandidaat modifiseerder van hipertrofie in HKM. Geen bewyse van assosiasie was waargeneem vir enige van die gene wat kodeer vir die ander COMMD4 bindingsgenote wat geïmpliseer word in die proteïen omset. Die huidige studie toon dat COMMD4, 'n min verstaande lid van die COMM familie van proteïene, aan die cMyBPC motief van cMyBPC in'n fosforilasie-afhanklike wyse bind. Verder, gebasseer op die funksies van die proteïen interaksies, hipotiseer ons dat COMMD4 'n rol speel in proteïen vervoer en omset. Meer spesifiek, COMMD4 blyk om die vorming van proteïene komplekse met die Skp1-Cul1-Fbxl (SCF) E3 "ubiquiti". ligase te fasiliteer en help waarskynlik om die teiken-substraat vir die daaropvolgende ubiquitin-konjugasie te stabiliseer. Omdat dit lyk asof COMMD4 die proteïen-omset van cMyBPC en moontlik ander sarkomeriese proteïene, soos aktien, ook beïnvloed, vestig die resultate dus 'n nuwe assosiasie tussen die sarkomeer, HKM en die UPP. Daarbenewens sal die identifisering van SNX3 as 'n hipertrofie modifiseerder voorsiening maak vir die verbeterde begrip van HKM pato-etiologie. SNX3 voeg dus by tot die groeiende ?getal van sarkomeriese modifiseerende gene, wat uiteindelik, die risiko-ontleding in HKM mag verbeter. Verder, omdat dit blyk dat genetiese modifiseerders voldoende is om die siekte-uitdrukking heeltemal te verhoed in sekere HKM draers, kan die identifikasie van SNX3 na die proteïen-omset roete dui as 'n potensiële nuwe teiken vir intervensie.

Ablation of cardiac myosin binding protein-C disrupts the super-relaxed state of myosin in murine cardiomyocytes

McNamara, James W., Li, Amy, Smith, Nicola J., Lal, Sean, Graham, Robert M., Kooiker, Kristina Bezold, van Dijk, Sabine J., Remedios, Cristobal G. dos, Harris, Samantha P., Cooke, Roger 05 1900 (has links)
Cardiac myosin binding protein-C (cMyBP-C) is a structural and regulatory component of cardiac thick filaments. It is observed in electron micrographs as seven to nine transverse stripes in the central portion of each half of the A band. Its C-terminus binds tightly to the myosin rod and contributes to thick filament structure, while the N-terminus can bind both myosin S2 and actin, influencing their structure and function. Mutations in the MYBPC3 gene (encoding cMyBP-C) are commonly associated with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). In cardiac cells there exists a population of myosin heads in the super-relaxed (SRX) state, which are bound to the thick filament core with a highly inhibited ATPase activity. This report examines the role cMyBP-C plays in regulating the population of the SRX state of cardiac myosin by using an assay that measures single ATP turnover of myosin. We report a significant decrease in the proportion of myosin heads in the SRX state in homozygous cMyBP-C knockout mice, however heterozygous cMyBP-C knockout mice do not significantly differ from the wild type. A smaller, non-significant decrease is observed when thoracic aortic constriction is used to induce cardiac hypertrophy in mutation negative mice. These results support the proposal that cMyBP-C stabilises the thick filament and that the loss of cMyBP-C results in an untethering of myosin heads. This results in an increased myosin ATP turnover, further consolidating the relationship between thick filament structure and the myosin ATPase. Crown Copyright (C) 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Stability of Myosin Subfragment-2 Modulates the Force Produced by Acto-Myosin Interaction of Striated Muscle

Singh, Rohit Rajendraprasad 12 1900 (has links)
Myosin subfragment-2 (S2) is a coiled coil linker between myosin subfragment-1 and light meromyosin (LMM). This dissertation examines whether the myosin S2 coiled coil could regulate the amount of myosin S1 heads available to bind actin thin filaments by modulating the stability of its coiled coil. A stable myosin S2 coiled coil would have less active myosin S1 heads compared to a more flexible myosin S2 coiled coil, thus causing increased force production through acto-myosin interaction. The stability of the myosin S2 coiled coil was modulated by the binding of a natural myosin S2 binding protein, myosin binding protein C (MyBPC), and synthetic myosin S2 binding proteins, stabilizer and destabilizer peptide, to myosin S2. Competitive enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (cELISA) experiments revealed the cross specificity and high binding affinity of the synthetic peptides to the myosin S2 of human cardiac and rabbit skeletal origins. Gravitational force spectroscopy (GFS) was performed to test the stability of myosin S2 coiled coil in the presence of these myosin S2 binding proteins. GFS experiments demonstrated the stabilization of the myosin S2 coiled coil by the binding of MyBPC and stabilizer peptide to myosin S2, while the binding of destabilizer peptide to the same resulted in a flexible myosin S2 coiled coil. The binding of MyBPC and stabilizer peptide respectively, resulted in 3.35 and 1.5 times increase in force required to uncoil the myosin S2, while the binding of destabilizer peptide resulted in 1.6 times decrease in force required to uncoil the myosin S2. The myofibrillar contractility assay was performed to test the effect of synthetic myosin S2 binding proteins on the sarcomere shortening in myofibrils. The stabilizer peptide resulted in decreased sarcomere shortening of myofibrils as a result of decreased acto-myosin interaction, on the other hand, the binding of destabilizer peptide caused an increase in sarcomere shortening. The in vitro motility assay was performed to test the effect of altered stability of myosin S2 by binding of these myosin S2 binding proteins on the motility of actin filaments sliding over myosin. The motility of actin filaments was hindered by treating myosin thick filaments with whole length skeletal MyBPC or by treating heavy meromyosin with stabilizer peptide, while the motility of actin filaments was enhanced when heavy meromyosin was treated with destabilizer peptide. This study demonstrates that the myosin S2 coiled coil stability influences the force produced by acto-myosin interaction in striated skeletal muscle. The myosin S2 coiled coil when stabilized by MyBPC and stabilizer peptide resulted in decreased force production by reduced acto-myosin interaction. While the binding of destabilizer resulted in a flexible myosin S2 coiled coil and increased force production by enhanced acto-myosin interaction. The potentially cooperative response of contractility to the instability of the S2 coiled coil promises that this biological mechanism may be the target of drugs to modulate muscle performance.

Investigation of the N-terminal interactions of cardiac myosin-binding protein C (cMyBPC) under defined phosphorylation states

Ramburan, A. 12 1900 (has links)
PhD / The overall objective of this thesis is to provide additional data to assist clinicians and experimental neurologists alike in the quest for better understanding, more accurately diagnosing and more successfully treating patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease (PD). The general theme of the thesis is the interaction between certain environmental stimuli, including the exposure to adverse events during early central nervous system (CNS) development and the manifestation of elements of neurodegeneration, whether by means of neurochemical changes or expressed as a dysfunctional voluntary motor system. The first chapter provides a general introduction to the research theme of the thesis. This includes, in particular, a discussion on current understanding concerning the etiology and clinical profile of PD, the relative contribution made by genetic factors compared to environmental ones, and current treatment strategies for treating the disease. Mention is also made of the failure of these therapeutic applications for reversing or protecting against the disease, due to the side-effects associated with them. The material covered in chapter 1 provides the basis for the more complete discussion concerning these various aspects, contained in the chapters to follow. The overall aim was also to characterise the effects of commonly used toxin-induced animal models of PD, and the extent of vulnerability that the CNS displays towards them. The destruction of dopaminergic neurons following the administration of 6-OHDA at targeted points along the nigrostriatal tract is used extensively to model PD pathology in rats and is an established animal model of the disease. However, mature or even aged animals are mainly used in these studies, while the effects that the toxin might have on the developing CNS remain unclear. The study reported in chapter 4 aimed to elucidate some of 6-OHDA’s actions on the young adolescent (35 days-old) CNS by comparing the motor and biochemical effects of a unilateral infusion of the toxin into two anatomically distinct basal ganglia loci: The medial forebrain bundle (MFB) and the striatum. Animals were randomly assigned to receive either a direct delivery of 6-OHDA (12μg/4μl) into the MFB or an indirect injection, into the striatum. Although both lesion types were used, the MFB model is considered a more accurate portrayal of end-stage PD, while the striatum-model better reflects the long-term progressive pathology of the disease. The different lesions’ effects on motor function were determined by observing animal’s asymmetrical forelimb use to correct for weigh shifting during the vertical exploration of a cylindrical enclosure. Following the final behavioral assessment, the concentration of dopamine (DA) and DA metabolites remaining in the post-mortem brains were determined using 4 HPLC electrochemistry (HPLC-EC) and the levels compared between the two groups. The HPLC-EC results revealed a compensatory effect for DA production and DA turnover on the lesioned hemisphere side of the toxin-infused animal group. Thus, following 6-OHDA treatment, there appears to be extensive adaptive mechanisms in place within the remaining dopaminergic terminals that may be sufficient for maintaining relatively high extracellular and synaptic concentrations of DA. However, since substantial changes in motor-function were observed, it is suggested that the capacity of the remaining dopaminergic neurons to respond to increased functional demands may be limited. In addition, the behavioral results indicate that the distinct indices relating to different functional deficits depend on the lesioning of anatomically distinct structures along the nigrostrial tract. It has long been known that far fewer women are diagnosed with PD than men are. This seeming protection offered to females against degenerative disease of the CNS may relate to estrogen, although the hormone’s mechanism of action on the dopaminergic system is poorly defined. With an estimated 10-15 million women using oral contraceptives (OCs) in the United States alone, the aim of chapter 2 was to examine the evidence for a possible relationship between PD and the female reproductive hormone estrogen. A review of the current literature available on the topic was performed by consulting Medline, and by performing a search of the case-reports contained within the World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Drug Monitoring database, for possible PD-related symptoms that may arise from estrogen replacement therapy (ERT). The results, whilst conflicting, seem to suggest that estrogen protects women from obtaining the disease, or at least some features of it. Intensive research efforts are called for, with sufficient power to establish the relationship between ERT and the onset and development of parkinsonism. Chapter 3 reports on the results obtained from an experiment that subjected young Sprague-Dawley rats, 35 days of age, to a lower and a higher dose of 6-OHDA delivered to the MFB. Control rats received equivalent saline infusions. At 14 days post-surgery, the rats were evaluated for forelimb akinesia. For the higher dose of 6- OHDA the female rats were less impaired than males in making adjustment steps in response to a weight shift and in the vibrissae-evoked forelimb placing test. In addition, Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunoreactivity was significantly higher for the female rats. Early gender differences in cell survival factors and/or other promoters of neuroplasticity may have contributed to the beneficial outcome seen in the females. For example, nerve growth factor (NGF) was found to be higher in the female rats following administration of the DA neurotoxin. It is unclear whether gonadal steroids are involved, and, if so, whether female hormones are protective or whether male hormones are prodegenerative. Determining the mechanisms for the improved outcome seen in the young female rats may lead to potential treatment strategies against PD. 5 Many studies have shown that early life stress may lead to impaired brain development, and may be a risk factor for developing psychiatric diseases, including clinical depression. However, few studies have investigated the impact that early stress may have on the onset and development of neurodegenerative disorders such as PD. The study reported on in chapter 5 conjointly subjected rat pups to a maternal separation (MS) paradigm that is a well characterised model of adverse early life events, and a unilateral, intrastriatal injection of 6- OHDA. The combined effects of these models on motor deficits and brain protein levels were investigated. Specifically, the animals were assessed for behavioral changes at 28 days postlesion with a battery of tests that are sensitive to the degree of DA loss sustained. The results show that animals that had been subjected to MS display poorer performance in the vibrissae and single-limb akinesia test compared to non-MS control animals (that had also been subjected to the toxin exposure). In addition, there was a significant increase in the loss of TH staining in MS rats compared to non-MS ones. The results from this study therefore suggest that exposure to adverse experiences during the early stages of life may contribute towards making dopaminergic neurons more susceptible to subsequent insults to the CNS occurring during mature stages of life. Therefore, taken together, early exposure to stress may predispose an individual towards the onset and development of neurodegenerative disease, which especially becomes a threat during the later stages of adult life. Moreover, within the framework of these characteristics, the capacity of a widely-used pharmacological agent (statins) was tested for possible future therapeutic application in PD (chapter 7). Although the precise cause of sporadic PD remains an enigma, evidence suggests that it may associate with defective activity of complex I of the mitochondrial electron transport chain. Mitochondrial DNA transmit and express this defect in host cells, resulting in increased oxygen free radical production, depressed antioxidant enzyme activities, and greater susceptibility to apoptotic cell death. Simvastatin is a member of the 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors (statins) group of drugs that are widely used for lowering cholesterol levels in patients who display elevated concentrations of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. The study aimed to investigate the effects that statin-treatment have on motor-function and at the mitochondrial-protein level, using rotenone, a mitochondrial complex I inhibitor, as a rat-model of PD. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were treated either with simvastatin (6mg/day for 14 days) or with a placebo. Two different tests to assess motor function were used: The apomorphine-rotation test, and the vibrissae-elicited forelimb placement test. Following the drug administration protocol, the nigrostriatal tract was unilaterally lesioned with either rotenone (3 μg/4 μl) or, for the controls, were sham-operated by infusing the vehicle (DMSO:PEG) only. Five days later the rats were killed and a highly purified concentration of isolated mitochondria was prepared from the substantia nigra (SN) sections. 2- 6 Dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) with subsequent identification of the spots using electronspray ionization quadruple time-of-flight mass spectrometrical (ESI-Q-TOF MS) was performed and the results BLAST-searched using bio-informatics tools for naming the identified peptides. The motor test results indicate that while unilateral rotenone causes behavioral asymmetries, treatment with simvastatin improved motor function relative to the rotenoneinduced ones. Mass Spectroscopy identified 23 mitochondrial proteins that differ significantly in protein expression (p < 0.05) following simvastatin treatment. The altered proteins were broadly classified according to their cellular function into 6 categories, with the majority involved in energy metabolism. This study effectively illustrated how neuroproteomics, with its sophisticated techniques and non-biased ability to quantify proteins, provides a methodology with which to study the changes in neurons associated with neurodegeneration. As an emerging tool for establishing disease-associated protein profiles, it also generates a greater understanding as to how these proteins interact and undergo post-translational modifications. Furthermore, due to the advances made in bioInformatics, insight is created concerning their functional characteristics. Chapter 4 summarises the most prominent proteomics techniques and discuss major advances made in the fast-growing field of neuroproteomics in PD. Ultimately, it is hoped that the application of this technology will lead towards a presymptomatic diagnosis of PD, and the identification of risk factors and new therapeutic targets at which pharmacological intervention can be aimed. The final chapter (chapter 8) provides a retrospective look at the academic work that had been performed for the purpose of this thesis, recaps on the main findings, and also highlights certain aspects of the project and provides relevant suggestions for future research. Lastly, the appendix provides a detailed overview of the methods followed for the experiments described in this thesis. It provides not only a comprehensive description of the techniques that had been followed, but provides information concerning the care taken with the animals (i.e. post-surgery) in order to control for the potential influence of experimental variables on the results.

Modifikation des Hypertrophie-Phänotyps der Myosin-Bindungs-Protein-C defizienten Maus durch Muscle-LIM-Protein / Modification of the hypertrophy-phenotype in Myosin-Binding-Protein-C-deficient mice by Muscle-LIM-Protein

Braach, Martin 01 March 2011 (has links)
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