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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

SUPPLY CHAIN SUSTAINABILITY: : A case study about 3PL service providers’ environmental and social sustainability in Sweden.

Sharawe, Muhiyadin, Kumar, Sandeep January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Examining the Relationship Between Self-awareness and Feedback : An Empirical Study of Managers in Sweden - Focusing on Women

Alfredsson, Fanny, Sernelin Ahlsen, Sandra, Josipovic, Natalija January 2021 (has links)
Background: Looking at previous studies, self-awareness, feedback, and female management is well researched. With self-awareness being a key trait to managerial effectiveness and feedback being a tool to increased self-awareness, the relationship between self-awareness and feedback is of research interest. That said, little is known about female managers in Sweden, hence the research will be focused on examining the relationship between self-awareness and feedback using managers in Sweden as empirical ground. To examine the topics, two research questions were formulated: (1) Is there a difference when it comes to the level of self-awareness between female and male managers in Sweden? and (2) Is there a relationship between self-awareness and feedback among managers in Sweden? Purpose: The purpose of the following research is to investigate the relationship between self-awareness and the use of feedback using managers in Sweden as an empirical ground to test this relationship. The scope of the research has been limited to researching the relationship among managers in Sweden, comparing the results of female managers to male managers, only examining the social phenomenon in an organisational context. Method: The research is quantitative, and a survey was distributed to the selected sample. The primary data retrieved was analysed using factor analysis and further investigating the relationship between the two factors of self-awareness and feedback by using a Pearson’s correlation analysis. Conclusion: The empirical findings of the thesis showed no difference in the level of self-awareness between male and female managers in Sweden. A reason for this could be the Swedish culture and environment. Furthermore, in contradiction to previous research, the female managers in Sweden demonstrated to be self-aware, again an indication of the Swedish culture. Lastly, no significant relationship between self-awareness and feedback was found.

Att sluta den textila värdekedjan med hänsyn till EU, stat och konsument – ur ett företagsperspektiv

Franzén, Astrid, Berg, Victoria, Sahlin, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Studiens syfte är att utforska företagens syn på vilka tillvägagångssätt som modeföretag, konsumenter och andra involverade aktörer kan använda sig av för att bidra till en cirkulär textil värdekedja. Vidare är syftet att tydliggöra vilket möjligt ansvar de olika medverkande parterna kan ta för att värdekedjan ska kunna slutas. Slutligen har studien som syfte att bidra med information och möjliga strategier som kan leda till en förbättrad samverkan mellan aktörerna vilket skulle kunna underlätta vägen till en mer hållbar modeindustri.  Design / metod: Studiens design har förlitat sig på en kvalitativ och interpretivistisk metod. Data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med 7 olika modeföretag inom Skandinavien. Uppgifterna analyserades genom ett tematiskt tillvägagångssätt, vilket resulterade i gemensamma begränsningar som företag upplever när det gäller att sluta värdekedjan. Denna studie är inte generaliserbar eftersom intervjuerna endast återspeglar ett företags perspektiv såväl som den begränsade mängd data som samlats in. Resultat: Den insamlade datan indikerar på att agerandet från endast en aktör inte är tillräckligt för att uppnå en sluten värdekedja inom modeindustrin, gällande de problem som existerar efter köp. Alla involverade aktörer behöver bidra och samarbeta för att få en cirkulär textil värdekedja. Detta innebär att både en förändring av konsumentbeteendet och ett ökat utbud av återvunnet material hos leverantörerna är nödvändigt. Vidare bör företagen öka användningen av återvunnet material i produktionen, staten inrätta fler och bättre återvinningssystem samtidigt som EU behöver införa strängare lagar. Originalitet / värde: Denna studie tydliggör inte bara vikten av alla inblandade aktörer inom värdekedjan. Den presenterar också hur aktörerna kan bidra individuellt, samt vikten av deras handlingar för att lyckas med att göra värdekedjan cirkulär. Dessutom uppmärksammar studien värdet av samarbete och att överväga hela värdekedjan snarare än att endast tänka ett steg framåt.

Fastighetsbranschen och slutkundens inställning till digitalisering och vad som efterfrågas / The real estate industry and end user’s attitude to digitalization and demand

Larsson, Carl-Fabian, Joel, Hörnberg-Lindgren January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Lyxvarumärkens närvaro på sociala medier : En kvalitativ studie om hur lyxvarumärkens marknadsföringsaktiviteter stärker varumärkeskapitalet

Alanssari, Sarah, Alhilw, Mariam January 2021 (has links)
The luxury market is a relatively large industry that faces new challenges in connection with high demand for luxury products and developed technology, therefore it is important forluxury brands to follow developments in their marketing strategies. One way for luxury brands to market their brand is through social media which is used today as an effective communication channel between luxury brands and users for marketing purposes. By creatinga strong brand equity via social media, luxury brands can build their brand and make itvstronger. Previous studies have shown that brand equity is affected by social media marketing of luxury brands. This study aims to investigate how customer-based brand equity is affected by social media marketing of luxury brands by examining SMMA. The data collection was carried out through a qualitative method by using semi-structured interviews where six respondents were allowed to share their experiences with luxury brands on social media. The study shows that social media marketing activities (SMMA) affect customer-based brand equity from the users' perspective. With the help of SMMA of luxury brands, a unique type of loyalty is created where the user does not have to consume to show loyalty to the luxury brand. But rather contributes with strong loyalty by interacting and following the luxury brand on social media. By using customization and other components of SMMA, the user creates brand associations towards a luxury brand. Luxury brands also possess strong brand awareness and perceived quality according to this study. Users show a positive response forSMMA of luxury brands and the impact it has on customer-based brand equity. Luxury brands can thus, through the correct implementation of SMMA, build a strong customer based brand equity.

Green Banking’s role in the Swedish banking sector

Mattsson, Andreas January 2022 (has links)
Global warming is a growing problem, and climate changes are now moving toward a state that is greater than usual. Various industries and customers’ needs to change their buying behavior to save our planet. As a key performer in society, the bank sector is evolving and changing towards a greener future. The changes have given birth to the term Green Banking. The new concept can be defined as an umbrella term that refers to the practices that make banks sustainable and green. The concept includes various green products like green bonds, green stocks, green loans, and green mortgages. Various new demands, threats and risks have arisen with the recent changes that stakeholders need to be aware of and be prepared to face. Changes are required in order to help the environment but might not be supported or welcomed by all of the bank’s stakeholders. A difference in view can be problematic for the banks and may affect their attractiveness. This problem or question influenced me to conduct this study.The purpose of this study is to examine the role of Green banking for Swedish banks. Is the concept increasing the bank's attractiveness in terms of customer attractiveness, or is the concept dissatisfying the bank´s customers. Green Banking is a fairly new concept, and little research has been done on this concept in the field of banking. Some studies were found in the field of Green Banking, but only one of them investigated customer attractiveness, and that study was conducted in Bangladesh. Therefore, this study is limited to Sweden and the Swedish bank sector. The four theories, Theory of planned behavior, Ecologically conscious consumer behavior, Diffusion of innovation theory and Cumulative prospect theory, were selected to analyze the study's findings.A qualitative research method was used in this study, and data collection was conducted through interviews. The four Swedish banks, SEB, Swedbank, Länsförsäkringar and Nordea, were selected for the data collection. Besides the collected data were several earlier studies chosen to get an overview of the area.The interviewed banks received the same question, and the answers were overall similar, but some responses differed between the banks. All the interviewed banks have good experiences with the Green Banking concept, and most of the bank's customers are well integrated and find the new concept attractive. The concept has mediated challenges for both the bank and its customers, but increased understanding of the changes makes it easier for the banks and their stakeholders.Based on the findings, the analyzis and the chosen theories did the research came to the conclusion that the Green Banking concept is increasing the attractiveness of the Swedish banks. There are still challenges and obstacles with the concept and probably much more to learn, but the research also suggests that Swedish banks should practise Green Banking. It's not only the eco-friendliness of the concept that is compelling but also to stay attractive on the market.

Transformativt ledarskap, medarbetarengagemang och motivation inom vården

Norai, Kevin January 2020 (has links)
Sammanfattning   Titel: Transformativt ledarskap, medarbetarengagemang och motivation inom vården   Nivå: Kandidatuppsats i ämnet företagsekonomi     Författare: Kevin Norai    Handledare: Monika Wallmon och Svante Brunåker    Datum: VT 2020    Syfte: Att öka kunskapen om det transformativa ledarskapet och dess inverkan på inre motivation samt medarbetarengagemang inom vården     Metod: Denna studie har använt sig av en kvantitativ metod. Studien har bearbetat enkätsvar från 100 respondenter via statistikprogrammet SPSS samt Jamovi. Resultat: Resultatet i studien visar att det finns flertal fördelar med den transformativa ledarskapsstilen inom vården. Det finns ett positivt samband mellan transformativt ledarskap och inre motivation och engagemang hos medarbetare inom vården. Den transformativa ledaren inspirerar medarbetare att ta sig an utmanande uppgifter vilket leder till högre grad av autonomi och självbestämmande, samtidigt som den transformative ledaren uppmuntrar mångfald och ser värde i varje individ, oavsett ålder eller kön   Bidrag: Studien struktureras kring de teoretiska koncepten ”transformativt ledarskap”, ”medarbetarengagemang” och ”inre motivation” enligt Self-Determination-Theory/Självbestämmandeteorin, SDT.  Deras kopplingar åskådliggörs i en egen tentativ modell. Det är ett första utkast till en modell, som med fördel kan testas i andra sammanhang.     Nyckelord:  Transformativt ledarskap, Inre motivation, Medarbetarengagemang, Självbestämmandeteorin, SDT, Vården

Roles in a mentoring relationship

Shamon, Martin January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Strategy development following liberalization : a study of companies in the Swedish electricity market

Boe Presteng, Maria January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Challenges of implementing social and environmental sustainability in Small and Medium Enterprises

Amirzadeh, Fujan, Boström, Mattias January 2020 (has links)
The term sustainability is a topic that has been increasingly acknowledged in the modern business world. This has raised awareness and increased understanding of the different dimensions and how paying attention to sustainability can help to improve different aspects of the organization. The financial dimension is well established in most companies since it has a clear connection to the wellbeing of the organization. The Social and environmental dimensions are however more modern and are not present to such a wide extent. External forces such as governmental influence, organizational competitiveness, and customer expectations gradually push companies towards an increased presence of sustainable activities and many companies to struggle with sustainability implementation while failing to see the potential added value. These struggles are present to a wider degree within small and medium enterprises (SMEs) since they have access to less financial resources than that of established companies. For that reason, this paper is dedicated to investigating and highlight the present challenges that SMEs face in the implementation process of social and environmental sustainability. To answer the research question, five interviews were conducted with managers and employees of four SMEs that currently possess some level of social or environmental sustainability. Also, one interview was conducted with an expert in the field of sustainability implementation. Secondary data was collected in the literature review section that highlights and explains both the social and environmental dimensions as well as appropriate tools that exist to help with sustainability implementation into existing business models. The method section will investigate the different methods taken to fully answer the research question. The findings section will highlight the new insights about the present challenge separately by reviewing the firsthand data while using secondary data to fill existing information gaps. Seven challenges are identified in this study, successful supply chain management, lack of financial resources, insufficient practical sustainability implementation, lack of knowledge about sustainability, absence of social and green thinking attitude, simultaneous management in all dimensions of sustainability and governmental and municipalities influence. After identifying the challenges each of the challenges was categorized in the relevant stage of the implementation process which are exploration, installation, initial implementation, and full implementation. These challenges are however heavily dependent on a certain SME characteristic which creates a need for more tailored research towards a specific industry. This has led the researchers to take on a broader approach to create a general overview that lays the foundation for future in-depth studies more tailored to individual companies. Although treated as separate challenges, the correlation between existing challenges is highlighted and discussed in the findings section based on the collected data from the interviews. This will again be present in the conclusion part followed up by the current limitations and suggestions for further research.

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