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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Autorita a konformismus; sociální psychologie nacismu / Authority and conformism; social psychology of Nacism

Dvořáková, Denisa January 2014 (has links)
Authority and conformism; social psychology of Nazism This thesis attends to Nazism from the perspective of social psychology. Its aim is to analyze Nazism by using chosen theoretical concepts of social psychology, namely authority and conformism. The work begins with the presentation of the concept of totalitarianism, when in the first instance the term totalitarianism is generally defined and then the great part of this chapter deals with the concept of totalitarianism in Hannah Arendt's conception. At the end of this chapter there are mentioned some limits of Hannah Arendt's conception. The ideology of Nazism is the content of the next chapter. There are terms ideology and Nazism defined and subsequently there is the goal and basic characterization of Nazi ideology given. The third chapter deals with the authority and the conformism as social psychological phenomena. The first part of this chapter defines conformism, lists the possible resolution of its causes and basic typology of its consequences. Furthermore, there are presented the most important classical studies in the field of the scientific study of conformism carried out by laboratory exepriments and briefly outlined the problems of disposal and situational approach. Next a brief treatise on modern individualism as a possible aspect of...

Sociální psychologie nacismu; právo za "Třetí říše" / Social psychology of Nazism; the law in the "Third Empire"

Kratochvílová, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
Social Psychology of Nazism; Law in the Third Reich This thesis deals with two essential aspects of the former Nazi Third Reich (1933-1945) - the law and social psychology such as conformism and authority. The aim of this thesis is to analyse and evaluate this problematic with a closer focus on a certain part of these two topics. The first part focuses on the basic terms and general context. There are described definitions of totalitarianism and Nazism in Germany and the history from the Weimar Republic to the end of the Third Reich. There is also chapter describing the role of propaganda in Nazi Germany, which was precisely managed and strongly influenced the German population. The second part of the text deals with Nazi law, old and new sources of law and especially well-known Nuremberg Laws, which are analysed in detail. Part of this chapter is focused on the comparison of Czech law and the law in the Third Reich, respectively whether and how is protected the state against undemocratic forms of government and this kind of political parties. The last part is focused on social psychology (selected phenomenon) which played an important role in the Third Reich - the conformism and authority. Emphasis was placed on practical experiments and concrete examples of these phenomena in Germany. Topic of this thesis...

Autorita a konformismus, sociální psychologie nacismu / Authority and conformism, social psychology of Nazism

Brunerová, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
The theme of my thesis is Conformity and Authority, social psychology of Nazism. The purpose of my thesis is to analyse human behaviour during the Nazi period, in particular human tendency to conformity behaviour and obedience to the authority. I have two main reasons to choose this concrete topic for my thesis. First of all I am psychologist and it is quite interesting for me to explore theme both from law and psychological point of view. Secondly, my great - grandfather was member of resistance during The Second World War. He was executed in concentration camp in 1942. Because of his choice I was personally interested in exploring nonconformal behaviour or heroism. The thesis is divided into ten chapters including The Introduction and The Conclusion. Chapter one is The Introduction and defines basic questions which I would like to answer in my thesis. I also present the structure of whole thesis there. The second chapter concentrates on my family story I mentioned before. I provide there more details about the story of my great- grandfather and consequences of his resolution for my family. Chapter three is devoted to Nazism and is subdivided into four subchapters - Definition, Leader, Rising of Nazism and Antisemitism. In chapter four I concentrate on Conformism. The aim of this chapter is to...

Sociální psychologie nacismu: konformismus, poslušnost a zneužití moci / Social psychology of Nazism: conformism, obedience and abuse of power

Vejvodová, Kristýna January 2017 (has links)
Social psychology of Nazism: Conformism, Obedience and Abuse of Power Thesis Social Psychology of Nazism: Conformism, Obedience and Abuse of Power deals with a human behaviour at the time of Nazism. Since the end of the Second World War, we have been trying to find an explanation of our actions at the time. How could we have participated in torturing and killing so many innocent people? And could we commit something similar again? The horrific nature of the above-mentioned human action is exemplified in the first chapter of this thesis by the story of ordinary men of the Reserve Police Battalion 101. In 1942, at the orders of their superiors these very ordinary German citizens executed 1500 Jewish inhabitants of the Polish village of Józefów. In the following chapters, three important socio-psychological experiments of the second half of the 20th century are analyzed to elucidate the natural tendencies of human behaviour that are critical to a person's ability to act as mentioned above. Firstly, the Solomon E. Asch experiment, which investigates conformism and helps us to understand why we are able to commit evil or not to intervene against it under social pressure. Stanley Milgram's experiment on obedience follows. Milgram indicates how it is easy for most people to obey the authority and follow...

Rasistické zákonodárství nacistického Německa / Racist legislation of Nazi Germany

Vernerová, Denisa January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is divided into nine separate chapters. In the first chapter, I focused on the aftermath of the First World War. Shortly after the cessation of fighting, representatives of the powers involved met in France to establish responsibility for the outbreak of the global conflict. The Treaty of Versailles imposed high financial reparations on Germany and also stipulated a reduction of the German army and, last but not least, the removal of a part of the German territory. The second and third chapters are devoted to postwar developments in Germany. After the war, Germany became a republic, namely a democratic republic. The Weimar Republic even had one of the most democratic constitutions in Europe. From its establishment, the republic was facing hardly surmountable difficulties in the field of internal politics, economy and later finance. It is therefore no wonder that the citizens, disappointed in democracy, heeded the positively sounding mottos of the National Socialists on the eradication of unemployment and the improvement of living standards for all. I have divided the era of Hitler's Germany into three periods in terms of taking antisemitic measures for the purposes of better orientation in the text. In the first period, the Nazis focused primarily on the elimination of the Jews (with some...

Téma Osvětimi ve filosofii a etice / Auschwitz Theme in Philosophy and Ethics

Biňovcová, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the Auschwitz theme in philosophy and ethics. The first part of the thesis aims to describe the development of the humanistic tradition in Europe as well as individual types of humanism, their basis and their difficulties. The main focus of the diploma thesis is on the philosophy of Emmanuel Lévinas and Jean-François Lyotard. Furthermore, the hypothesis, according to which traditional humanism resulted in the events of Holocaust, is derived from their thoughts. The aim of the study is to prove or disprove this hypothesis. In addition to the analysis of both Lévinas and Lyotard's theories, it also addresses the studies of other philosophers whose philosophical thinking is related to the issue of Holocaust. Their thoughts and concepts are compared and confronted with the theories of the main critics of the concept of humanism, Lévinas and Lyotard. Key words: Auschwitz, Holocaust, Nazism, Humanism, Lévinas, Lyotard

Rasová hygiena v nacistickém Německu / Racial Hygiene in Nazi Germany

Setničková, Klára January 2014 (has links)
Racial hygiene in Nazi Germany Bc. Klára Setničková Dissertation called Racial hygiene in the Nazi Germany briefly describes the development of the world eugenics emphasizing in the first place its birth and development in Germany and its progressive applying in practice. Reader will find here information concerning the "negative" eugenics covered by Nuremberg laws, sterilization and extermination of mentally ill people or people of "bad" racial origin etc. Also the "positive" eugenics will be mentioned, founding the Lebensborn houses, Germanization of the children etc. Then the work slowly goes toward the Conference at Wansee, to the birth of the idea of final solution of the Jewish question, description of selected concentration camps and ghettos. As a logical outcome of this work I consider joining of the last chapter concerning the Nuremberg Process with German medical practioners charged of brutal experiments on people. Even description as such of the selected experiments is not missing, or mentioning of anthropological survey dealing with collections of Jewish skeletons differing from the norm. Also due to this collection many innocent any healthy people died. This dissertation strives to give a complete view of the issue of the Nazi racial hygiene from its roots when no one expected it was...

Antisemitismus a propaganda ve filmové tvorbě nacistického Německa / Antisemitism and propaganda in Nazi Germany films

FAKTOR, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The thesis Antisemitism and propaganda in Nazi Germany films deals with the issues of propaganda and antisemitism in connection with how were these two phenomena included in Nazi Germany films. The first two parts focus on explanation of the two above mentioned phenomena to the reader in order to provide necessary knowledge for the upcoming interpretation of the chosen films, which are Robert und Bertram, Die Rothschilds, Jud Süß and Der ewige Jude. The thesis is enclosed with a sample lesson based on the propaganda topic, which is designed for the upper grade primary school pupils.

Obraz nacistického a komunistického vězně v české literatuře 2. poloviny 20. století / The Theme of Nazi And Communistic Prisoner in Czech Literature in the 2nd Half of the 20th Century

VESELKOVÁ, Ivana January 2008 (has links)
The dissertation The theme of Nazi and Communistic prisoner in Czech literature in the 2nd half of the 20th century deals with political prison in prose of the given period. Its aim is to show the whole picture on both mentioned phases and regimes, on relations and attitudes of literary theory to the literature, which is related with political theme and firstly on psychological and social world of political prisoners of Nazi and Communist regime in the literature.

Analýza životopisných rozhovorů s romskými pamětníky nacistické perzekuce na pozadí odškodňovacích procesů v České republice / Analysis of biographical interviews with Roma survivors of Nazi persecution against the backdrop of compensation processes in CZ

Zdařilová, Eva January 2010 (has links)
This paper deals with an analysis of biographical interviews with Roma survivors of Nazi persecution. The emphasis is put on different elements that may affect narrated life histories. It views memories from the initial remembering to their new contextualization throughout the life; it draws the attention to the narrative tradition of respondent's background as well as the final narration and its specific circumstances. The analysis is framed with the Czech compensation programs for victims of war injustice. The text points out to different perspectives of history adopted by state authorities on one side and those applying on "compensation" on the other. The paper also discusses mutual misunderstanding of different perspectives of the past, of an administrator/ historian and of an eye-witness.

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