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Added functions of leather surface by Ag/TiO2 nanoparticles use and some considerations on their cytotoxicityGaidau, Carmen, Calin, M., Rebleanu, D., Constantinescu, C. 26 June 2019 (has links)
Nanoparticles showed a huge potential for new properties development in many economic sectors like electronics, medicine, textile, waste water treatment etc. The modification of surface functionality by using low concentrations of nanomaterials opens the possibility of lowering the ecological impact of chemical materials based on volatile organic compounds.
The objectives of our research were related to the use of commercial nanoparticles based on Ag and TiO2 with average particle size of 8 nm for leather surface functionalization and the investigation of the
cytotoxicological impact of nanoparticle concentrations on human skin cells. The practical implications of the approach consist of multifunctional leather surface development, leather durability and comfort
increase by generating antimicrobial and self-cleaning properties. The relation between leather functionality and the cytotoxicity concentration limit of nanomaterials was the hypothesis of our research.
The main procedures for leather surface covering followed the classical recipes based on surface spraying with film forming composites with nanoparticle content. The optimized technology was evaluated by leather surface analyses regarding the antimicrobial (SR EN ISO 20645) and self-cleaning properties under UV and visible light exposure as compared to leather surface covered without nanoparticles. The
cytotoxicity tests were performed by incubation of keratinocytes (Human immortalized keratinocytes-HaCaT) with different concentrations of nanoparticles for 48 hours and measurement of cell viability by
MTT (3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol- 2-yl]-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay protocol.
Other tests were devoted to leather wearing simulation in order to estimate the potential transfer of nanoparticles on human skin and the health and safety impact. These simulations were based on rubbing
test (SR EN ISO 11640) followed by scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDX) analyses and by leachability tests (SR EN ISO 4098) performed in artificial
perspiration solution followed by inductively coupled plasma -mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) analyses, according to SR EN ISO 17294-2 and SR EN ISO 16171.
The main conclusions of our research showed that it is possible to add multifunctional value to leather surface by using Ag and TiO2 nanoparticles with low impact on safety and health.
Acknowledgements: The works were funded by UEFISCDI and MCI, project number PNIII_15/2015-2018 under the frame of SIINN, the ERA-NET for a Safe Implementation of Innovative Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology program and respectively, PN 19 XX 05 01 project/2019 under Nucleus program TEX-PELVISION 2022
- antimicrobial and self-cleanning nanoparticles for leather surface finishing
- Ag and TiO2 nanoparticle cytotoxicity tests for human skin cells
- multifunctional surface properties with low cytotoxicological impact
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The molecular mechanisms of the antimicrobial properties of laser processed nano-particlesKorshed, Peri January 2018 (has links)
Microbial resistance to the current available antibiotics is considered a global health problem, especially for the Multi-Drug Resistant pathogens (MDR) including methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Recently nanoparticles (NPs) have been involved in variety of antimicrobial applications due to their unique properties of antibacterial effects. However, the molecular mechanisms behind their antibacterial activity are still not fully understood. In this study, we produced silver Ag NPs (average size 27 nm) and silver-Titanium Ag-TiO2 NPs (average size 47 nm) using picosecond laser ablation. Our results showed that both laser NPs had obvious size-dependent antibacterial activity. The laser Ag NPs with a size of 19 nm and Ag-TiO2 NPs with a size 20 nm presented the highest bactericidal effect. The laser generated Ag and Ag-TiO2 NPs with concentrations 20, 30, 40, and 50 Î1⁄4g/ml showed strong antibacterial effect against three bacterial strains: E. coli, P. aeruginosa, and S. aureus, and induced the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), lead to cell membrane interruption, lipid peroxidation, DNA damages, glutathione depletion and the eventual cell death. Both types of laser NPs at two concentrations (2.5 and 20 Î1⁄4g/ml) showed low cytotoxicity to the in vitro cultured five types of human cells originated from the lung (A549), kidney (HEK293), Liver (HepG2), skin (HDFc) and blood vessel cells (hCAECs). The antibacterial activity of the laser generated Ag and Ag-TiO2 NPs had lasted for over one year depending on the degree of air exposure and storage conditions. Frequent air exposure increased particle oxidation and reduced the antibacterial durability of the laser generated Ag NPs. The laser generated Ag NPs had lower antibacterial activity when stored in cold compared to that stored at room temperature. The antibacterial activity of laser generated Ag and Ag-TiO2 NPs were also compared with four types of commercial based-silver wound dressings (Acticoat TM, Aquacel® Ag, Contreet ®Foam, and Urgotul® SSD) against E. coli to inform future application in this area. In conclusion, laser generated Ag and Ag-TiO2 NPs have strong bactericidal effect and low toxicity to human cells which could be a type of promising antibacterial agents for future hygiene and medical applications.
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Elaboration de nanoparticules fonctionnelles : applications comme agents de contraste en IRM / Elaboration of functionalized nanoparticles : applications as MRI contrast agentMaurizi, Lionel 03 December 2010 (has links)
Les nanoparticules d’oxyde de fer de structure spinelle ouvrent de nombreuses voies dans le domaine biomédical. Parmi les applications possibles, les propriétés superparamagnétiques des cristallites d'une dizaine de nanomètres permettent de les utiliser pour le diagnostic médical, notamment en Imagerie par Résonance Magnétique (IRM).Ce travail a consisté à élaborer des suspensions colloïdales de nanoparticules de magnétite ou de maghémite (nommées USPIO pour Ultrasmall SuperParamagnetic Iron Oxide) compatibles avec les conditions physiologiques (pH = 7,4 et [NaCl] = 0,15 M).Par co-précipitation classique, des USPIO, de taille de cristallites de 8 nm, de surface spécifique de 110 m².g-1 et agrégés en assemblages d’environ 20 nm ont été obtenus. Pour stabiliser ces nano-objets, deux voies ont été explorées. Des agents électrostatiques (acide citrique et DMSA) ont modifié la charge nette de surface des oxydes de fer. La stabilisation stérique a également été explorée par greffage de méthoxy-PEG couplés à des fonctions silanes (mPEG-Si). Par combinaison de mPEG2000-Si et de DMSA, des suspensions stables ont également été obtenues. De plus, les fonctions thiols apportées par le DMSA et présentes à la surface des agrégats se trouvent protégées de leur oxydation naturelle par l'encombrement stérique des chaînes de polymère (la formation de ponts disulfures est évitée). La post-fonctionnalisation de ces nanoparticules via ces fonctions thiols est alors possible plusieurs semaines après leur synthèse. Ce concept a été validé par post-greffage d’un fluorophore (0,48 RITC/nm²) pour la détection in vitro en microscopie à fluorescence.En parallèle de cette étude en « batch », des nanoparticules d’oxyde de fer ont été synthétisées en continu à l’aide d’un procédé hydrothermal pouvant s’étendre au domaine eau supercritique. En voie hydrothermale classique, des USPIO stabilisés par des ions citrates ont été obtenus en continu. Grâce aux propriétés physicochimiques de l’eau supercritique, la co-précipitation de magnétite a été possible sans l’utilisation de base.La cytotoxicité et l’internalisation cellulaire de ces USPIO ont été évaluées sur trois modèles cellulaires (macrophages RAW, hépatocytes HepG2 et cardiomyocytes) et les efficacités comme agents de contraste en IRM de ces nanoparticles ont été mesurées sur gel et sur modèle murin et comparées à un agent de contraste commercial à base d’oxyde de fer. Les nanohybrides étudiés n’ont pas présenté de cytotoxicité et ont développé des pouvoirs contrastants comparables à l’agent commercial. La biodistribution hépatique des nanoparticules couplées au mPEG-Si a été retardée de plus de 3 heures ouvrant la voie à des détections spécifiques. / Spinel structured iron oxide nanoparticles open the way of biomedical applications of nanomaterials.Superparamagnetic properties of ten nanometer size crystallites permit to use them in diagnosis such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).The aim of this work was to synthesize colloidal suspension of magnetite or maghemite (called USPIO for Ultrasmall SuperParamagnetic Iron Oxide) stable in physiological conditions (pH = 7.4 and [NaCl] = 0.15M).By classical co-precipitation method, UPSIO were synthesized with a mean crystallite size of 8 nm, with a specific surface area of 110 m².g-1 and an aggregate size of 20 nm. To stabilize these nano-objects, two ways were investigated. Electrostatic agents (like citric acid and DMSA) modified iron oxide surface charge. Steric stabilization was also studied by grafting methoxy-PEG coupled with a silane function (mPEG-Si).and the combination mPEG - DMSA also resulted in stable suspensions. Moreover thiols functions coming from DMSA and present on the surface of the nanoparticles were prevented from oxidation thanks to steric protection of polymer chains. Thanks to this method post-functionalization of USPIO was possible several weeks after synthesis. This concept was validated with the post-grafting of a dye (0.48 RITC per nm²) used for in vitro detection in fluorescent microscopy.Nanoparticles were also synthesized in a continuous way with a hydrothermal process which could work from soft chemistry to supercritical water. In classical hydrothermal conditions, USPIO stabilized with citrates were obtained in a continuous way. Thanks to the physico-chemical properties of supercritical water, co-precipitation of magnetite without base adding was possible.Cytotoxicity and cellular internalization assays were done with our USPIO in three cellular models (macrophages RAW, hepatocytes HePG2 and cardiomyocytes). Moreover the efficiency as MRI contrast agents were measured in gels tubes and on mice models and compared to an iron oxide commercial product. Late hepatic biodistribution (more than three hours) was proven with pegylated nanoparticles, which opens the way of specific detections.
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