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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Viability of Small Baseline Algorithm Subset (SBAS)interferometric stacking analysis for monitoringground deformation in different environment scenariosusing ESA Sentinel-1 data

Zerne, Pichaya January 2020 (has links)
Land subsidence is a common environmental problem driven by anthropogenic activities.The dynamics of groundwater changing due to groundwater exploitation, hydropower dam  induced coastal erosion in the river delta areas and ground deformation caused by the  construction of infrastructure systems are serious issues. Advanced methods are needed for  investigating the relationship between human activities and subsurface. The Small Baseline  Subset (SBAS) Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) stacking analysis is a  recently developed approach for measuring subsidence using satellite images. This thesis goal  is to assess the application of ESA Sentinel-1 data to address surface deformation based on both  human activities impact and natural induced. Applying a Small baseline Subset (SBAS)  interferometric stacking analysis over three case experiments; the Land subsidence due to a  major infrastructure project of Hallandsås tunnel in south west of Sweden, groundwater  extraction in the urban area of Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam and subsidence caused by  urbanization and changing water irrigation due to hydropower dam in the northern Nile river  delta.  The Small Baseline Subset (SBAS) interferometric stacking analysis was conducted on a  stack of 17 (ascending data) and a stack of 26 radar images (descending data) of the Hallandsås  tunnel in southwest Sweden to monitor the spatial deformation. The radar scenes occur in the  summer season of 2017 (June to September). The ascending data was successful in identifying  land deformation showing the declining trends over time with the range between 0-178.2 mm,  the descending data has failed to identify the subsurface due to the geometric errors between  the target surface and its looking angle.   The subsidence due to groundwater extraction in the urban area of Ho Chi Minh city  experiment used 50 and 52 radar scenes spanning 3 years (2017-2020). The data were collected  mainly in the dry season that occurs between the end of November until the end of April and  some data in the wet season (May, August). The finding on general patterns of 4 investigation  samples where were selected based on location of groundwater monitoring wells. 3 samples  show the direct variation between groundwater abstraction and subsidence. The bigger stack of  52 radar scenes is greater on identifying land deformation.   In the northern Nile delta, the subsidence was investigated in two different areas of study;  Damietta and Mansura. Both study areas using 29 radar scenes stacking throughout the year  2019. The aim of the Damietta study area is to monitor and update subsidence trends on the  previous subsidence caused by the Holocene compaction. The SBAS stacking analysis found  that the subsidence average rate accounted for 5.89 mm/year in 2019. The subsidence has a  complex spatial distribution; the higher rate of subsurface mainly occurs in the urban area, along  the street and in some areas along the coast, while the arising displacement occurs closer to the  end of the Damietta branch. However, the results do not show any subsurface pattern related to  the previous subsidence caused by the Holocene compaction that occurred in the past. The  Mansura subsidence aims to evaluate the SBAS stacking approach performing in high  variability of the Northern Nile delta urban area compared to the persistent scatterer  interferometry (PSI) approach. The findings show that the SBAS approach is more suitable for  measuring the subsidence in Mansura. The approach is able to detect displacement not only in  urban areas with a better spatial distribution of displacement pattern.

Färgkodad livsmedelsmärkning för fria sockerarter : En kvantitativ undersökning om livsmedelsval

Hallvig, Sofie, Nilsen, Alfred January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Olika tyer av livsmedelsmärkningar används för att vägleda konsumenter till hälsosamma matvanor i syfte att bromsa och förebygga den globala ökningen av kost- och livsstilsrelaterade sjukdomar. Den här studien är, utifrån vad författarna har kännedom om, en av de första som undersöker svenska konsumenters uppmärksamhet och agerande utefter en färgkodad livsmedelsmärkning. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning en färgkodad livsmedelsmärkning som synliggör mängden fria sockerarter i livsmedel uppmärksammas och leder till förändrade livsmedelsinköp hos konsumenter, samt att bidra til en ökad förståelse för bakomliggande orsaker. Metod: Kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie. Rekrytering och enkätundersökning utfördes utanför tre butiker som implementerat märkningen Sockerchecken. Totalt 205 fullständiga enkätsvar samlades in och analyserades statistiskt med konfidensintervall, korstabeller och chi-två-test.  Resultat: Av 205 respondenter uppmärksammade 36% (n=73) Sockercheckens märkning och utav dessa valde 38% (n=28) att byta ut ett eller flera livsmedel. De som i högst grad uppmärksammat märkningen handlade i en specifik butik, var kvinnor, äldre samt var de som angett att de vanlligtvis handlade i butiken. Deltagarna var minst benägna att byta ut godis och choklad med anledningen att vilja unna sig som vanligaste orsak. Slutsats: I likhet med tidigare forskning så påverkade den färgkodade livsmedelsmärkningen vissa konsumenter till att välja livsmedel med lägre innehåll av fria sockerarter. Konsumentens kunskap om ett livsmedels innehåll av fria sockerarter är dock endast en av många bakomliggande faktorer som avgör dennes livsmedelsval.

Armering med tunnplåt / Reinforcement with sheet metal

Ali, Nedim, Byström, Christoffer January 2021 (has links)
Studien syftar till att undersöka hur tunnplåt som material fungerar som armeringsmaterial för betongkonstruktioner inom byggindustrin. Undersökningen är en förstudie åt Lindab AB för att studera eventuella begränsningar som finns för tunnplåtsarmering och ifall det kan vara mer effektivtän traditionellt armeringsstål.Metoden som används för arbetet är av kvantitativt innehåll och den inhämtade informationen för arbetet är inhämtad från såväl experter inomområdet, vetenskapliga texter och mätbara tester. Resultatet som erhållsanalyseras med hjälp av sammanställningar och viktning mot redan befintliga produkter.Resultatet visar att betongkonstruktioners hållfasthet är beroende på armeringens volym och hur den är utformad. Hålade profiler är starkare ochmer fördelaktigara att använda än homogena profiler. Detta för att hålentillåter betongen att tränga genom och skapa en formbetingad funktion.Hålade profiler minimerar risken för betongen att kunna spricka horisontellt och på så sätt släppa från armeringen.

Phylogenetic distribution and role of Spok homologs in the genus Fusarium

Rassooli Tilehnovi, Armin January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Bekämpningsmedel i frukter och grönsaker : Förekomst och hälsoriskerna med bekämpningsmedel

Bahir Tahir, Avan January 2015 (has links)
abstract Recommendations from World Health Organization encourage to increased intake of fruits and vegetables, concurrently as the use of pesticides and their influence of the quality of fruit and vegetable has been greatly discussed. Increased intake of conventional fruit and vegetables increases the content of certain chemical substances in the human body. The purpose of this study was to examine the pesticide residues in two fruits and two vegetables and to gain a deeper understanding about how different chemicals affect human health. The methods used were a survey based on a literature study based on article searches in the databases Discovery and PubMed.  Articles corresponding to the study’s aim were included. Exposure to pesticides can pose various risks to human health; increased risk of cancer and / or endocrine disruptors. However an intake of organic vegetables reduces the risk of exposure to pesticide.

SARIMA predictions versus SDEpredictions of a stock market

Stavis, Andreas January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

MHC diversity and infection by avian malaria in collared and pied flycatchers across European regions.

Nwana, Alpha January 2023 (has links)
AbstractMalaria is a parasitic disease of birds that is mainly transmitted by dipteran vectors. Avian malaria is divided into three diverse genera: Plasmodium, Haemoproteus, and Leucocytozoon, which differ in the physical characteristics of their infectious stages in the blood. This project sought to investigate the prevalence of malaria infections across European regions with a focus on pied and collared flycatchers and investigate potential differences in important immunological genes between these species. Blood samples from collared and pied flycatchers were taken in Finland, Spain, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, and Hungary. The parasite's presence in the blood of these birds was detected using, nested polymerase chain reaction (PCR). I discovered that certain individuals in Hungary, the United Kingdom, and Ukraine had strains of the Plasmodium/Haemoproteus species, and some individuals in Finland, Ukraine, and Spain had the three lineages of avian malaria (Plasmodium, Haemoproteus, and Leucocytozoon).I found that infection rates differed between location and sex with a higher prevalence of malaria observed in females than in males. This could be due to variables like environment, temperature, rainfall as well as variation in immune genes.I worked with already sequenced data from 19 collared and 19 pied flycatchers, of which I compared how variable major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes are between species of collared and pied flycatchers using random genes from the genome as a reference genome. Results showed that variation that occurred in respect to genetic diversity showed that overall, MHC genes are not statistically significantly more variable and diverged between species than our randomly selected genes. However, results obtained from neutrality tests showed an overall not significant low polymorphism occurred in MHC genes when compared to our randomly selected genes. Five MHC genes were conserved genes and had lower (variation, nuclear diversity and divergence), when compared to random genes. This could be as a result of their genes remains unchanged even when evolution has occurred. Birds who have these conserved MHC genes would become resistant to parasites and result in a big difference in prevalence of malaria infection across European regions.

How does irradiatingradiosensitizing molecules cause them to fragment? : A study of the fragmentation of thebromo-iodo-nitroimidazole after ionization

Giehr, Flavia January 2023 (has links)
The following study investigates the fragmentation processes of an iodinated and brominated nitroimidazole in the context of its potential as a radiosensitizer in radiation cancer therapy. Hypoxia and damage to originally healthy tissue are two of the major drawbacks of radiotherapy. The molecule under investigation combines interesting properties that could tackle these issues. The study analyses data obtained through a simulation with the software SIESTA using a Python script. The simulations are performed for different degrees of ionisation. The data is used to calculate the bond integrity parameter, which is a quantitative measure of the stability of a bond, or whether it is broken or not. This parameter is also visualised in heat maps for the relevant bonds. Subsequently, on the basis of this data, an overview is given of the fragments that have occurred. The most frequent fragments are NO2, NO, I and Br. Furthermore, there is a trend that higher ionisations lead to smaller fragments. The comparison of these results with experimental data recorded at the FinEstBeams beamline in Lund, where the analogue experiment is performed, supports the quality of this study, as the agreement is good.

The use of white bean flour in sourdough bread: Effect on nutritional quality

Hulmé, David January 2022 (has links)
Introduction: The nutritional quality of commonly consumed bread is low with respect to protein quality and mineral bioavailability. Common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris, has many positive health effects and is an important source of plant protein, dietary fiber and micronutrients.   Aim: The main aim of this project is to develop a nutritious sourdough bread by incorporating white bean flour.   Materials and methods: Phytic acid content was analyzed using a phytic acid assay kit by Megazyme. Choline and betaine were analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrophotometry.   Results: Different preparation methods including soaking, cooking and microwaving did not result in a significant reduction in phytic acid content in the white beans. Oven baking did not reduce phytic acid content in the bread, but sourdough fermentation did. Choline content increased significantly when the white bean flour was added, and betaine content decreased moderately. Choline and betaine content either decreased a little, or not at all, depending on which processing method was applied.   Discussion: By substituting some of the added white wheat flour with white bean flour nutritional improvements with respect to increased choline content and theoretically, improved protein quality could be obtained in the bread. The sensory qualities could also be improved by the addition of white bean flour.   Conclusion: The nutrient quality of the sourdough bread improved regarding choline content, and theoretically the protein quality, by the addition of white bean flour. With respect to betaine and phytic acid content, this study resulted in a less favorable profile.

Finns det ett samband mellan mängden undervattensvegetation och antal vattenlevande evertebrater i anlagda våtmarker och vad har det för påverkan på biodiversiteten?

Nilsson, Nathalie, Stahre, Erica January 2023 (has links)
Wetlands accounts for one of the world’s most productive ecosystems and plenty of organisms depends on these environments. Wetlands supports not only biological diversity, but also indirectly us humans by its ecosystem services like recreation, mitigate flooding, water purification and as a carbon sink. Together with Hushållningssällskapet in Halland and their project Life-Goodstream we investigated whether there is a connection between the amount of underwater vegetation and the abundance of aquatic invertebrates in constructed wetlands and what impact this might had on biodiversity. Our results showed no significant correlations between underwater vegetation and number of aquatic invertebrates and variation of taxa. However, floating vegetation and the variation of plant species had a greater impact on the invertebrate community. Based on our results we found support that a heterogeneous habitat positively affected the biodiversity of invertebrate communities since we found significant relationships between the number of plant species, number of individuals (without the extreme groups) and number of groups, similar results have shown in other studies which further supports our results. We also investigated whether the invasive plant species. We also investigated whether the presence of the invasive plant species Elodea nuttallii (water plague) significantly affected the invertebrate community but found that the results didn’t differ from the other premises, without E. nuttallii.

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