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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelagem de nebulosas planetárias com morfologia bipolar / Modelling of planetary nebulae with bipolar morphology

Daniel Moser Faes 29 April 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho propõe-se a mapear espacialmente as propriedades físicas de um conjunto destes objetos, de morfologia bipolar, e então efetuar sua modelagem. Para este mapeamento foram executadas observações do Observatório Pico dos Dias (LNA/MCT) através das técnicas observacionais de espectroscopia de fenda longa e de campo integral. As modelagens foram executadas com o código de fotoionização CLOUDY em seu formato pseudo tridimensional, CLOUDY_3D. Nossos resultados mostram que as simulações são capazes de reproduzir em boa medida o quadro de observações realizadas, mesmo partindo de considerações simplificadoras para a construção do ambiente astrofísico analisado. Como produto, estabelece-se limites para os parâmetros dos objetos, tais como características da distribuição de matéria, propriedades da fonte central, distância e dimensões envolvidas. / This study aims to map spatially the physical properties of a set of objects, with bipolar morphology, and then build their models. For this mapping, observations were performed at the Pico dos Dias Observatory (LNA / MCT) using the observational techniques of long slit and integral field spectroscopy. Modeling was performed with the photoionization code CLOUDY in its pseudo three-dimensional format, CLOUDY_3D. Our results show that the simulations are able to reproduce the major features of observations, even taking simplifying assumptions for the astrophysical environment analyzed. As a product, it establishes limits for the parameters of objects, such as characteristics for the distribution of matter, properties of the central star, distances and related dimensions.

Poeira e campo magnético em regiões densas do meio interestelar / Dust and Magnetic Field in Dense Regions of the Interstellar Medium

Quiros, Antonio Armstrong Pereyra 02 June 2000 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudamos a geometria do campo magnético e algumas propriedades da poeira interestelar em duas regiões do Meio Interestelar da Galáxia: a Nuvem Escura de Musca e uma parte da IRAS Vela Shell, na direção de HD62542. Empregamos a técnica da polarimetria de imagem CCD. Na primeira parte desta tese mostramos nosso aporte no aprimoramento do hardware e software do grupo de polarimetria do IAGUSP. Basicamente, um código de controle da gaveta polarimétrica do IAG foi desenvolvido e explicamos em detalhe um pacote (PCCDPACK) de redução semi-automática e análise de imagens polarimétricas para objetos pontuais criado especificamente para este fim. Na segunda parte desta tese aplicamos a técnica de polarimetria de imagem CCD para um estudo observacional em duas regiões selecionadas: a nuvem escura de musca (NEM) e a região IRAS Vela Shell (IVS) / nebulosa de Gum (NG) na direção de HD62542. Nosso interesse foi explorar a técnica polarimétrica desenvolvida para a redução e análise de campos estelares densos. O produto deste estudo foi a construção de dois catálogos polarimétricos, um para cada região, de ao redor de 2500 objetos para a NEM e quase 900 objetos para a região IVS/NG. Mostramos também como tais medidas podem ser utilizadas para mapear o campo magnético em regiões densas do meio interestelar, especificamente em nuvens escuras e frentes de ionização/shocks onde a presença de grãos de poeira é prevista. Informamos sobre a intensidade do campo magnético e das razões de energia cinética turbulenta a magnética é obtida do estudo das dispersões do ângulo de polarização dos vetores de polarização em cada uma das regiões. Paralelamente, um estudo de extinção utilizando a técnica de contagem automática de estrelas foi feito em cada uma das regiões e sua correlações com os dados polarimétricos são exploradas. Combinando as medidas polarimétricas com as de extinção, a eficiência da polarização é ) investigada assim como suas implicâncias na determinação do tipo de grãos presentes ao serem comparados com aqueles próprios do meio interestelar difuso. A análise da polarimetria na NEM mostra um limite inferior de polarização de aprox. 2% ao longo da estrutura filamentar da nuvem, com picos de polarização de 6-7% na região central. A geometria do campo magnético, como é inferida do mapa de polarização, é quase perpendicular ao filamento, sugerindo um colapso ao longo das linhas do campo. No entanto, uma análise em pequena escala angular mostra variações no ângulo de polarização de aprox. 30% ao redor do valor médio de 110º. O campo magnético estimado ao longo da nuvem se encontra dentro de uma faixa de 0.05 mgauss a o.30 mgauss. Um limite inferior para a massa da nuvem de 139 M SOL é encontrado e um grande numero de condensações foram detectadas na estrutura filamentar com uma escala típica de tamanho \'L\' aprox. 0.26pc. As correlações entre polarização e extinção sugerem que a poeira na NEM possui diferentes propriedades que as do meio interestelar difuso e que uma privilegiada visão geométrica do campo magnético pode estar presente ao longo da nuvem. O estudo da região IVS/NG permitiu estabelecer uma geometria do campo magnético que parece acompanhar, em algumas regiões, a borda da parede de emissão Halfa. No entanto, em outras regiões, parece evidente uma tendência perpendicular parede. O campo magnético estimado ao longo da frente de ionização está na faixa de 0.02 mgauss a 0.11 mgauss e a pressão magnética parece dominar a pressão turbulenta do gás em algumas regiões. Uma evidência de estruturas tipo clumpy foi detectada com limites inferiores típicos de (1-4) masas solares e uma escala de tamanho de L\' aprox. 0.47pc. A eficiência da polarização muda ao longo da frente de ionização e parece claro que em algumas regiões as propriedades da poeira diferem daquelas ) observadas no meio interestelar difuso. Um ótimo alinhamento é observado em algumas regiões o que sugere uma ótima visão geométrica do campo magnético com respeito à frente de ionização vista edge on. / We have used CCD imaging polarimetry to study the geometry of the magnetic field and some properties of the interstellar dust in two regions of the Interstellar Medium of the Galaxy: the Musca Dark Cloud and a section of the IRAS Vela Shell towards HD62542. We initially describe the instrument employed with the Musca cloud, the IAG polarimeter, for which we developed control software. A very similar instrument was used at CTIO for the Vela Shell. We have also developed an IRAF software package to reduce and analyze polarimetric images in crowded fields (PCCDPACK). We next apply the technique to study two selected regions: the Musca Dark Cloud (MDC) and a section of IRAS Vela Shell (IVS). The end product is the construction of two catalogues, of approximately 2500 objects for MDC and 900 objects for IVS. For MDC, the analyses of the polarimetric data show a polarization lower limit of ~2% along the filamentary structure of the cloud, with peaks of 6-7% in the central regions. The geometry of the magnetic field is approximately perpendicular to filament, suggesting collapse along the field lines. However, when looked in detail, we detect variations in the polarization angle of ~30deg respect to the mean value of 110deg. The estimated strength of the magnetic field is in a range of 0.05-0.30 mgauss. The star count technique yields a lower limit of the total mass of the cloud of 139 solar masses. A large number of condensations are found, with a typical length scale L ~ 0.26 pc. The observed correlation between polarization and extinction suggests that the dust in MDC have different properties with respect to the dust in the diffuse Interstellar Medium. It also appears that the magnetic field along the cloud is viewed favorably so as to produce the observed polarization. The study in the section of the IVS towards HD 62542 allows us to detect a magnetic field parallel to the ionization front in sections of the cloud. However, in others regions, a perpendicular geometry is also evident. The estimated magnetic field is in the range of 0.02-0.11 mgauss and the magnetic pressure may dominate the turbulent pressure of gas in some regions. Evidence of clumpy structure is found with typical masses (1-4) solar masses and a length scale L ~ 0.47 pc. The polarization efficiency changes along the ionization front. It is clear that the properties of the dust are different of the interstellar medium in some regions. An optimum alignment of the polarization vectors is seen in some regions and it may reflect a favorable viewing geometry of the magnetic field with respect of the ionization front seeing edge on.

Poeira e campo magnético em regiões densas do meio interestelar / Dust and Magnetic Field in Dense Regions of the Interstellar Medium

Antonio Armstrong Pereyra Quiros 02 June 2000 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudamos a geometria do campo magnético e algumas propriedades da poeira interestelar em duas regiões do Meio Interestelar da Galáxia: a Nuvem Escura de Musca e uma parte da IRAS Vela Shell, na direção de HD62542. Empregamos a técnica da polarimetria de imagem CCD. Na primeira parte desta tese mostramos nosso aporte no aprimoramento do hardware e software do grupo de polarimetria do IAGUSP. Basicamente, um código de controle da gaveta polarimétrica do IAG foi desenvolvido e explicamos em detalhe um pacote (PCCDPACK) de redução semi-automática e análise de imagens polarimétricas para objetos pontuais criado especificamente para este fim. Na segunda parte desta tese aplicamos a técnica de polarimetria de imagem CCD para um estudo observacional em duas regiões selecionadas: a nuvem escura de musca (NEM) e a região IRAS Vela Shell (IVS) / nebulosa de Gum (NG) na direção de HD62542. Nosso interesse foi explorar a técnica polarimétrica desenvolvida para a redução e análise de campos estelares densos. O produto deste estudo foi a construção de dois catálogos polarimétricos, um para cada região, de ao redor de 2500 objetos para a NEM e quase 900 objetos para a região IVS/NG. Mostramos também como tais medidas podem ser utilizadas para mapear o campo magnético em regiões densas do meio interestelar, especificamente em nuvens escuras e frentes de ionização/shocks onde a presença de grãos de poeira é prevista. Informamos sobre a intensidade do campo magnético e das razões de energia cinética turbulenta a magnética é obtida do estudo das dispersões do ângulo de polarização dos vetores de polarização em cada uma das regiões. Paralelamente, um estudo de extinção utilizando a técnica de contagem automática de estrelas foi feito em cada uma das regiões e sua correlações com os dados polarimétricos são exploradas. Combinando as medidas polarimétricas com as de extinção, a eficiência da polarização é ) investigada assim como suas implicâncias na determinação do tipo de grãos presentes ao serem comparados com aqueles próprios do meio interestelar difuso. A análise da polarimetria na NEM mostra um limite inferior de polarização de aprox. 2% ao longo da estrutura filamentar da nuvem, com picos de polarização de 6-7% na região central. A geometria do campo magnético, como é inferida do mapa de polarização, é quase perpendicular ao filamento, sugerindo um colapso ao longo das linhas do campo. No entanto, uma análise em pequena escala angular mostra variações no ângulo de polarização de aprox. 30% ao redor do valor médio de 110º. O campo magnético estimado ao longo da nuvem se encontra dentro de uma faixa de 0.05 mgauss a o.30 mgauss. Um limite inferior para a massa da nuvem de 139 M SOL é encontrado e um grande numero de condensações foram detectadas na estrutura filamentar com uma escala típica de tamanho \'L\' aprox. 0.26pc. As correlações entre polarização e extinção sugerem que a poeira na NEM possui diferentes propriedades que as do meio interestelar difuso e que uma privilegiada visão geométrica do campo magnético pode estar presente ao longo da nuvem. O estudo da região IVS/NG permitiu estabelecer uma geometria do campo magnético que parece acompanhar, em algumas regiões, a borda da parede de emissão Halfa. No entanto, em outras regiões, parece evidente uma tendência perpendicular parede. O campo magnético estimado ao longo da frente de ionização está na faixa de 0.02 mgauss a 0.11 mgauss e a pressão magnética parece dominar a pressão turbulenta do gás em algumas regiões. Uma evidência de estruturas tipo clumpy foi detectada com limites inferiores típicos de (1-4) masas solares e uma escala de tamanho de L\' aprox. 0.47pc. A eficiência da polarização muda ao longo da frente de ionização e parece claro que em algumas regiões as propriedades da poeira diferem daquelas ) observadas no meio interestelar difuso. Um ótimo alinhamento é observado em algumas regiões o que sugere uma ótima visão geométrica do campo magnético com respeito à frente de ionização vista edge on. / We have used CCD imaging polarimetry to study the geometry of the magnetic field and some properties of the interstellar dust in two regions of the Interstellar Medium of the Galaxy: the Musca Dark Cloud and a section of the IRAS Vela Shell towards HD62542. We initially describe the instrument employed with the Musca cloud, the IAG polarimeter, for which we developed control software. A very similar instrument was used at CTIO for the Vela Shell. We have also developed an IRAF software package to reduce and analyze polarimetric images in crowded fields (PCCDPACK). We next apply the technique to study two selected regions: the Musca Dark Cloud (MDC) and a section of IRAS Vela Shell (IVS). The end product is the construction of two catalogues, of approximately 2500 objects for MDC and 900 objects for IVS. For MDC, the analyses of the polarimetric data show a polarization lower limit of ~2% along the filamentary structure of the cloud, with peaks of 6-7% in the central regions. The geometry of the magnetic field is approximately perpendicular to filament, suggesting collapse along the field lines. However, when looked in detail, we detect variations in the polarization angle of ~30deg respect to the mean value of 110deg. The estimated strength of the magnetic field is in a range of 0.05-0.30 mgauss. The star count technique yields a lower limit of the total mass of the cloud of 139 solar masses. A large number of condensations are found, with a typical length scale L ~ 0.26 pc. The observed correlation between polarization and extinction suggests that the dust in MDC have different properties with respect to the dust in the diffuse Interstellar Medium. It also appears that the magnetic field along the cloud is viewed favorably so as to produce the observed polarization. The study in the section of the IVS towards HD 62542 allows us to detect a magnetic field parallel to the ionization front in sections of the cloud. However, in others regions, a perpendicular geometry is also evident. The estimated magnetic field is in the range of 0.02-0.11 mgauss and the magnetic pressure may dominate the turbulent pressure of gas in some regions. Evidence of clumpy structure is found with typical masses (1-4) solar masses and a length scale L ~ 0.47 pc. The polarization efficiency changes along the ionization front. It is clear that the properties of the dust are different of the interstellar medium in some regions. An optimum alignment of the polarization vectors is seen in some regions and it may reflect a favorable viewing geometry of the magnetic field with respect of the ionization front seeing edge on.

The physics and evolution of small molecular clouds in nebulæ : globulettes as seeds for planets?

Dittrich, Karsten January 2010 (has links)
Globulettes have recently been found in the Rosette Nebula, the Carina Nebula and other nebulæ. They are expected to be seeds of brown dwarfs and free-floating planetary-mass objects. The size distribution in the Carina Nebula was found to follow a power-law, and the same power-function resulted in 880 +- 250 globulettes in total in the Rosette Nebula. Compared to the 145 observed objects in this nebula, many globulettes are beneath the resolution limit of the Nordic Optical Telescope, which was used to explore the Rosette Nebula. A simulation that arranged all these globulettes randomly in the nebula determined that some globulettes are captured by stars. They are believed to form into one or more planets, orbiting the star thereafter. The possibility that globulettes result into the formation of planets, orbiting a star, is some 4.75·10^2 per cent. According to this simulation, about 3.35·10^3 per cent of the stars with spectral type A to M host one or more planets that once have been globulettes. / <p>Validerat; 20101217 (root)</p>


Wang, Xiang 01 January 2016 (has links)
We present a range of steady-state photoionization simulations, corresponding to different assumed shell geometries and compositions, of the unseen postulated rapidly expanding outer shell to the Crab Nebula. The properties of the shell are constrained by the mass that must lie within it, and by limits to the intensities of hydrogen recombination lines. In all cases the photoionization models predict very strong emission from high ionization lines that will not be emitted by the Crab’s filaments, alleviating problems with detecting these lines in the presence of light scattered from brighter parts of the Crab. The NIR [Ne VI] λ 7.652 mm line is a particularly good case; it should be dramatically brighter than the optical lines commonly used in searches. The C IV λ1549Å doublet is predicted to be the strongest absorption line from the shell, which is in agreement with HST observations. We show that the cooling timescale for the outer shell is much longer than the age of the Crab, due to the low density. This means that the temperature of the shell will actually “remember” its initial conditions. However, the recombination time is much shorter than the age of the Crab, so the predicted level of ionization should approximate the real ionization. In any case, it is clear that IR observations present the best opportunity to detect the outer shell and so guide future models that will constrain early events in the original explosion. Infrared observations have discovered a variety of objects, including filaments in the Crab Nebula and cool-core clusters of galaxies, where the H2 1-0 S(1) line is stronger than the infrared H I lines. A variety of processes could be responsible for this emission. Although many complete shock or PDR calculations of H2 emission have been published, we know of no previous simple calculation that shows the emission spectrum and level populations of thermally excited low-density H2. We present a range of purely thermal collisional simulations, corresponding to constant gas kinetic temperature at different densities. We consider the cases where the collisions affecting H2 are predominantly with atomic or molecular hydrogen. The resulting level population (often called “excitation”) diagrams show that excitation temperatures are sometimes lower than the gas kinetic temperature when the density is too low for the level populations to go to LTE. The atomic case goes to LTE at much lower densities than the molecular case due to larger collision rates. At low densities for the v=1 and 2 vibrational manifolds level populations are quasi-thermal, which could be misinterpreted as showing the gas is in LTE at high density. At low densities for the molecular case the level population diagrams are discontinuous between v=0 and 1 vibrational manifolds and between v=2, J=0, 1 and other higher J levels within the same vibrational manifold. These jumps could be used as density diagnostics. We show how much the H2 mass would be underestimated using the H2 1-0 S(1) line strength if the density is below that required for LTE. We give diagnostic diagrams showing level populations over a range of density and temperature. The density where the level populations are given by a Boltzmann distribution relative to the total molecular abundance (required to get the correct H2 mass), is shown for various cases. We discuss the implications of these results for the interpretation of H2 observations of the Crab Nebula and filaments in cool-core clusters of galaxies.

Laboratory and Observational Studies of Transient Molecules at Microwave and Millimeter/Submillimeter Wavelengths

Zack, Lindsay Nicole January 2012 (has links)
In this dissertation, techniques of high-resolution rotational spectroscopy have been used to measure the spectra of molecules in both laboratory and astronomical settings. In the laboratory, small metal-bearing molecules containing zinc, iron, nickel, titanium, yttrium, and scandium have been studied at microwave and millimeter/submillimeter wavelengths in order to determine their rotational, fine, and hyperfine constants. These molecules were synthesized in situ in direct-absorption and Fourier-transform microwave spectrometers using Broida-type ovens and laser ablation methods. From the spectroscopic parameters, information about fundamental physical propertes and electronic character could be obtained. Radio telescopes were used to measure the spectra of molecules in different interstellar environments. A new molecule, FeCN, was detected toward the circumstellar envelope of the carbon-rich asymtotic giant branch star, IRC+10216, marking the first iron-bearing molecule detected in the interstellar medium. The telescopes were also used to conduct a study of the evolved planetary nebula, NGC 7293, or the Helix Nebula. In the Helix, CO, HCO⁺, and H₂CO were observed at several positions offset from the central star to obtain densities and kinetic temperatures throughout the Helix. A map of the HCO⁺ J = 1→ 0 transition was also constructed, showing that HCO⁺ is widespread throughout the Helix, instead of being photodissociated and destroyed, as theoretical models of planetary nebulae predict.

Estimation de la fraction binaire de nébuleuses planétaires / Estimating the binary fraction of central stars of planetary nebulae

Douchin, Dimitri 25 November 2014 (has links)
Les nébuleuses planétaires (NP) sont le produit de l'évolution d'étoiles de masses intermédiaires après leur expansion sphérique à la fin de leurs vies. Il a été estimé observationnellement que 80 % des NP ont des formes non-sphériques. Une fraction si élevée est déroutante et a mobilisé la communauté de recherche sur les NP pendant plus de trente ans. Un scénario qui permettrait de justifier les formes observées serait que les étoiles progénitrices de noyaux de NP (NNP) ne sont pas simples, mais possèdent un compagnon. Les formes des nébuleuses seraient ainsi le résultat de l'interaction avec le compagnon. La fraction si élevée de NP non-sphériques impliquerait donc une fraction élevée de NNP binaires, faisant de la parité stellaire un canal de formation privilégié pour les NP. Après avoir présenté l'état de connaissance actuelle concernant la formation et la mise en forme des NP, je présente mes travaux visant à détecter un excès infrarouge qui serait la signature de la présence d'un compagnon orbitant le NNP. La première partie de ce projet consiste en l'analyse de données et photométrie acquises par moi-même. Dans la deuxième partie je présente une tentative d'utilisation de jeux de données d'archives : la campagne optique Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 et la version étendue de la base de données assemblée par Frew (2008). Je présente aussi les résultats d'une analyse de vitesses radiales de spectres VLT/UVES pour 14 NNP dans le but de détecter des compagnons spectroscopiques. Finalement j'expose les détails d'une analyse de photométrie de données optiques dans le but de détecter des compagnons orbitant autour de NNP en utilisant la technique de variabilité photométrique. Le résultat principal de cette thèse réside dans les analyses d'excès infrarouge proche que je combine avec des données publiées précédemment. Je conclus que si la fraction détectée d'excès infrarouge proche est attribuée à la présence de compagnons stellaires, alors la fraction binaire de NNP est plus grande que celle attendue en se basant sur la population binaire de progéniteurs de la séquence principale et ainsi conclus que la multiplicité stellaire est un canal de formation privilégié pour la formation des NP. Je clos en soulignant la nécessité d'un échantillon d'étude d'environ 150 objets pour réduire l'incertitude sur la fraction binaire et appuyer les conclusions statistiques de ce résultat. / Planetary nebulae (PNe) are the products of the evolution of intermediate mass stars that have expanded spherically at the end of their lives. Observationally, it has been estimated that 80% of them have non-spherical shapes. Such a high fraction is puzzling and has occupied the PN community for more than 30 years. One scenario that would allow to justify the observed shapes is that a comparable fraction of the progenitors of central stars of PN (CSPN) are not single, but possess a companion. The shape of the nebulae would then be the result of an interaction with this companion. The high fraction of non-spherical PNe would thus imply a high fraction of binary CSPN, making binarity a preferred channel for PN formation. After presenting the current state of knowledge regarding PN formation and shaping and reviewing the diverse efforts to find binaries in PNe, I present my work to detect a near-infrared excess that would be the signature of the presence of cool companions. The first part of the project consists in the analysis of data and photometry acquired and conducted by myself. The second part details an attempt to make use of archived datasets: the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7 optical survey and the extended database assembled by Frew (2008). I also present results from a radial velocity analysis of VLT/UVES spectra for 14 objects aiming to the detection of spectroscopic companions. Finally I give details of the analysis of optical photometry data from our observations associated to the detection of companions around CSPN using the photometric variability technique. The main result of this thesis is from the near-infrared excess studies which I combine with previously-published data. I conclude that the if the detected red and NIR flux excess is indicative of a stellar companion then the binary fraction is larger than what we may expect based on the main-sequence progenitor population binary fraction and therefore conclude that binarity is a preferential channel for the formation of PN. I finish by underlining the need for a sample size of ∼ 150 objects to decrease the uncertainty on the PN population binary fraction and increase the statistical significance of this result.

Observations of supernova remnants at very high energies with VERITAS

Wilcox, Patrick Dean 01 August 2019 (has links)
The constant flux of cosmic rays that bombard Earth from within our own galaxy are understood to come from both shell-type supernova remnants and pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe). Multiwavelength study of these objects can help us to understand what types of particles are accelerated, and gamma-ray emission is key to understanding the highest energy cosmic rays. In this thesis, I analyze and interpret observations made with the Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System (VERITAS), a gamma-ray telescope located in Southern Arizona. LS 5039 and HESS J1825-137 occupy the same field of view on the sky and were observed for about 8 hours with VERITAS. LS 5039 is a gamma-ray binary, and the observations supports theories that the compact object hosts a PWN which is continuously interacting with the nearby star. HESS J1825-137 is a very extended PWN with an extent of diameter greater than 1 degree on the sky. Using the VERITAS observations, I am able to measure the radial profile and compare the gamma-ray luminosity to other PWN. DA 495, a "Crab-like" PWN with unusually strong magnetic fields, was observed for about 70 hours with VERITAS. In this study, results are combined with radio and X-ray spectral information to allow for detailed astrophysical modeling of the region. This broadband spectral modeling places constraints on the properties of the particle population in this PWN and allows for both leptonic and hadronic emission scenarios to be evaluated. Hadronic scenarios instil doubt on the pure PWN interpretation and favor a previously undetected shell-type remnant being present.

Scattering of light by dust in bipolar outflow sources

Quinn, Dale Edward, Physics, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2001 (has links)
Interstellar dust plays an important role in the physics of the interstellar medium, as well as the formation and evolution of stars. The presence of dust is often indicated in optical images by dark lanes which bisect spiral galaxies, or seen directly as reflection nebulosity around stars or emission nebulosity if sufficient heating is present. Of interest in this thesis is the dust that is associated with bipolar outflow sources. Bipolar outflows can occur in either evolved stars or in young stellar objects, and are so named because they consist of two lobes which are thought to be due to out-flowing dust and gas, with a dark lane between them due to thick dust in a circumstellar disk or shell which often blocks the light from the central star. The spatial distribution of the properties of dust around bipolar outflow sources has been examined using a combination of theoretical and observational techniques. To aid the interpretation of observations of bipolar outflow sources, we have modelled the wavelength dependence of light from 0.36 to 22\um, scattered by dust particles with varying characteristics. The results were then presented in the form of colour excess ratios. These model ratios can be applied to observations if the contribution due to the central star is able to be removed, such that all that remains in the image is the effect of the dust particles. The scattering of light by dust particles was modelled by varying six different characteristics: grain material, size (particle radius from 0.002 to 0.75\um), mantle temperatures and thicknesses, shape, and orientation. Of those characteristics, the largest variation in the colour excess ratios resulted from varying grain composition and size. Different scattering angles also produce a noticeable variation in the colour excess ratios, however the effect is difficult to distinguish from the general extinction due to dust around the source. Water ice mantles were also found to significantly change the colour excess ratios. Grain shape and orientation produced only small variations in the colour excess ratios. Three bipolar outflow sources were studied as part of this thesis, two evolved objects, OH~231.8+4.2 and Mz\,3, and the young T-Tauri object Rno\,91. The observations involved multi-wavelength imaging in the infrared, from which colours and colour excess ratios were obtained at various points of the bipolar outflows and then compared to the predictions made in the modelling. The most extensive data set analysed was seven images of the object OH~231.8+4.2 which were used in a multi-wavelength study in the infrared H to N bands (1.25--12\um). The central source position of the object has been confined to less than an arcsec using the longer wavelength images and an L--M colour image. The two peaks which dominate the lobes in the shorter wavelength images were found to be scattering peaks where the light from the central source is scattered from the walls of the lobes. The spatial distribution of water ice in the nebula has also been constrained to the circumstellar disk which has a torus or disk shape rather than being a spherical shell. The colour excess ratios derived for the nebula from the images also suggest slightly different dust properties between the circumstellar disk, lobe walls and within the lobe cavities. The young T-Tauri star Rno\,91 also contains ice, and was observed between J and L. The central star which illuminates the nebula was shown to be coincident with the brightest point in these images. Using colour excess ratio results for various parts of the nebula, it was shown that the dust close to the central star is likely to contain larger grains than the diffuse ISM, but with a similar composition. Moving away from the central star, the dust becomes more like that observed in the diffuse ISM. The presence of water ice on dust close to the central star was confirmed using images centred in the ice band. The protoplanetary bipolar outflow source Mz\,3 is slightly more evolved than OH 231.8+4.2, and does not have evidence of any water ice in the circumstellar disk. Images of this object were obtained between J and 10\um. The presence of warm dust throughout the inner bipolar lobes of this object is noticeable by the brightness of the lobes in the image at 10\um. Line profiles through the position of the central source of the 10\um\ image demonstrate that there is a circumstellar shell close to the central source which has an inner radius of $\lta\,375$\,AU. Colour excess ratio results for the bipolar lobes suggest that the dust associated with Mz\,3 is generally smaller than that found in the diffuse ISM. The properties of the dust in the bipolar lobes were also observed to be different to the dust closer to the central source and lying in the circumstellar disk. The small sizes for dust in Mz\,3 is consistent with the high velocity outflows that have been associated with the object.

X-ray observations of the young pulsar wind nebula G21.5–0.9 and the evolved pulsar wind nebulae CTB 87 (G74.9+1.2) and G63.7+1.1

Matheson, Heather January 2015 (has links)
Pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe), nebulae harbouring a rotation-powered neutron star that was born in a supernova, provide opportunities to study highly relativistic pulsar winds and their interaction with the surrounding medium. Particularly interesting are PWNe that do not show any sign of the expected surrounding SNR shell and were thought to be born in subenergetic explosions or with unusual progenitors. The detection of a shell around one such PWN suggested that shells are indeed produced but may be faint due to unseen shocked ejecta, a low density environment, and/or a young age that has not yet allowed the shell to brighten and become visible. Here, by using observational X-ray data from modern telescopes with excellent spatial and energy resolution (Chandra and XMM-Newton), we target PWNe that do not have prominent SNR shells, and are known to be in varied environments, to further explore the characteristics of this growing, but poorly explored, class of PWNe. By combining imaging and spectroscopic results, we study the morphology of the PWNe, search for thermal emission from shock-heated material, investigate the energetics of the nebulae, and search for candidates for the neutron stars powering the nebulae. We find that while the faint shell surrounding G21.5–0.9 can be explained as a young PWN evolving in a low density medium, CTB 87 (G74.9+1.2) appears to be in an advanced stage of evolution, and G63.7+1.1 appears to be both in an advanced stage of evolution and in a dense environment. By performing spatially resolved spectroscopy, we have shown how the spectral characteristics vary across the PWNe, and note that more data will place better constraints on possible thermal emission in these remnants. The imaging portion of these studies has revealed intriguing large-scale morphologies for CTB 87 and G63.7+1.1, as well as a torus-jet structure in CTB 87 and neutron star candidates in both CTB 87 and G63.7+1.1. We conclude that both CTB 87 and G63.7+1.1 are likely interacting with the supernova remnant reverse shock, and CTB 87 may be additionally influenced by the motion of its neutron star.

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