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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

IPM in Midwestern Agriculture: Implications to Pests, Pollinators, and Yield

Jacob R Pecenka (11797601) 19 December 2021 (has links)
<p>There is an existing conflict thrust upon U.S. food production systems; optimize crop yield to provide sustenance to a growing population while minimizing ecological impacts of high-intensity agriculture. This balancing act is experienced by Indiana’s watermelon growers who must maintain marketability of a crop that is reliant on insect pollinators. The dependence on pollinators to produce yield means that growers have to consider the negative impacts pesticide applications may have on both the desired pest and non-target pollinators. Navigating these trade-offs must be considered not just in the watermelon fields, but the surrounding agricultural landscape that has become increasingly reliant on prophylactic insecticides to control pests. This dissertation work results from an intensive set of experiments replicating grower practices in experimental fields throughout Indiana to assess the relationships of pests, pollinators, and crop yield.</p> Beginning with a priming year in 2017, watermelon plots were planted within larger corn fields to replicate the agriculture landscape and provide a “snapshot” of typical environment. These plots were paired at multiple locations and provided a contrast between a conventional management system that replicates grower insecticide programs with an IPM approach that removes insecticide applications outside of those based on scouting recommendations. I found that, while pest abundance and damage was higher in IPM fields, the increased pollinator visits in IPM fields led to higher yields in watermelons while corn yield was unaffected by an absence of insecticide use. Managed pollinator hives were placed in these fields and IPM resulted in the colonies exhibiting greater weight gain, lower mortality, increased reproductive growth, and higher insecticide residue accumulation. Insecticide residues were found more frequently at higher levels in the leaf tissue, crop pollen, field soil, and honey bee-collected pollen taken from CM fields. Despite these findings, there was a variable effect of the surrounding land use on the quality of collected pollen or the insecticides gathered by pollinators. These experiments demonstrate that IPM is a viable set of practices for specialty crop growers in the Midwest; successfully monitoring insect pests and conserving pollination services from both managed and wild pollinators. These findings provide a comprehensive look at the effect of IPM practices not just on the a specialty crop, but to the surrounding agricultural landscape as well. An IPM approach can be implemented by growers to decrease non-target effects from insecticides while maintaining or even improving productivity and profitability.

Caractérisation des sous-types de récepteurs nicotiniques neuronaux d'insectes et étude de la modulation de leurs profils pharmacologiques par les insecticides néonicotinoïdes / Subtypes characterization and pharmacological profiles modulation study of insect nicotinic receptors by neonicotinoid insecticides

Cartereau, Alison 26 September 2018 (has links)
L’utilisation intensive des insecticides pour lutter contre les insectes ravageurs de culture et vecteurs demaladies, a conduit à des polémiques sur le mode d’action des insecticides. Ces polémiques sont liéesau fait que le mode d’action des insecticides, notamment des néonicotinoïdes est mal connu. Ils agissentprincipalement sur les récepteurs à l’acétylcholine (ACh) de type nicotinique (nAChR) qui jouent un rôlefondamental dans la transmission synaptique cholinergique. Bien que ces récepteurs soient bien décritschez les mammifères, très peu d’études ont évalué l’effet des néoniotinoïdes sur un récepteur natifd’insecte.Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons pour la première fois exprimé en ovocytes de xénope un récepteurhomomérique ⍺7 de blatte et étudié ces propriétés pharmacologiques vis-à-vis des néonicotinoïdes,comparativement au récepteur a7 de rat. Nos résultats révèlent un récepteur atypique qui est insensibleà l’⍺-bungarotoxine et qui n’est pas activé par les néonicotinoïdes. Ainsi, bien que les gènes codantpour les sous-unités α7 de blatte et de rat forment un groupe monophylétique distinct des autres sousunitésd’insectes et de mammifères, les récepteurs homomériques obtenus semblent avoir despropriétés pharmacologiques différentes. Parallèlement, nous avons étudié les propriétéspharmacologiques des nAChR natifs et notamment l’effet modulateur d’un pyréthrinoïde, la permethrine,sur les courants induits par le dinotefurane. Ce travail a permis d’évaluer le mode d’action d’unantiparasitaire, le Vectra 3D. Enfin, nous avons également entrepris de développer la techniqued’extraction membranaire afin de l’utiliser comme alternative pour étudier le mode d’action desinsecticides.Pour conclure, cette thèse a permis une avancée sur l’étude de la caractérisation des propriétéspharmacologiques des récepteurs nicotiniques neuronaux des insectes et sur l’étude du mode d’actiondes insecticides néonicotinoïdes. / The intensive use of insecticides against crop pests and vectors of human and animal leads to several polemics about their mode of action. All these controversies are related to the fact that the mode of action of insecticides in insects is poorly unknown, in particular neonicotinoids which act on nicotinic acetylcholine (ACh) receptors (nAChR).During this PhD thesis, we characterized for the first time the pharmacological properties of a cockroach ⍺7 homomeric receptor in a xenopus oocyte. Our results revealed that cockroach ⍺7 in an atypical receptor that is insensitive to ⍺-bungarotoxin and not activated by neonicotinoids. Cockroach and rat ⍺7 receptors which are included in the same cluster have distinct pharmacological properties. We then studied the pharmacological properties of native receptors, in particular, the modulatory effect of permethrin on dinotefuran-induced currents. This work was included in the study of Vectra 3D. We also evaluated the use of insect central nervous system membrane extraction as a strategy to study the pharmacological properties of insect native nAChRs.To conclude, this PhD contribute to the study of the pharmacological properties of insect nAChRs and the study of the mode of action of neonicotinoids insecticides.


Mach, Bernadette Maria 01 January 2018 (has links)
Public awareness of declining pollinator populations has increased interest in creating “bee–friendly” urban landscapes. I quantified bee visitation and assemblages of 72 species of flowering woody plants common in urban landscapes. I found strong plant species effects and variation in seasonal activity of particular bee taxa but no overall differences in bee visitation or genus diversity between native versus nonnative species or trees versus shrubs. Analysis of pollen from a subset of these plants revealed small but statistically significant differences in total and essential amino acids between native and nonnative species and trees and shrubs, although each group had species with high quality pollen. Uptake and dissipation of soil–applied imidacloprid and dinotefuran was measured in nectar and leaves of two woody plant species, Ilex × attenuata and Clethra alnifolia to assess concentrations to which pollinators might be exposed in landscape settings. Three application timings were evaluated. Residues in nectar and tissue were analyzed by HPLC–MS/MS in two successive years. Residues in nectar following autumn or spring applications exceed concentrations shown to adversely affect individual and colony–level traits of bees. Summer application mitigated concentrations of imidacloprid (8–31 ng/g), but not dinotefuran (235–1191 ng/g), in nectar.

Effet de faibles doses d'un insecticide néonicotinoïde sur le système olfactif d'un lépidoptère de ravageur des cultures, Agrotis ipsilon / Neonicotinoid insecticide low doses effects on the olfactory system of the lepidopteran crop pest, Agrotis ipsilon

Rabhi, Kaouther 06 November 2015 (has links)
Durant leur cycle de vie, les insectes doivent faire face à différents perturbateurs pour réussir à survivre et à se reproduire. L’utilisation de plus en plus répandue des insecticides néonicotinoïdes, en raison de leur grande efficacité, a conduit à l’accumulation de résidus dans l’environnement. Ceux-ci ont certainement un effet additif toxique sur les insectes cibles. Cependant il a été montré que ces résidus peuvent aussi avoir un effet positif non désiré sur certains traits de vie des insectes ravageurs.Dans ma thèse, j’ai étudié les effets d’un insecticide néonicotinoïde sur le système olfactif d’un insecte ravageur, la noctuelle Agrotis ipsilon. Nos résultats montrent que l’exposition aigüe des mâles à des faibles doses de clothianidine modifie leurs réponses comportementales à la phéromone sexuelle: une baisse est observée à la dose 0,25 ng/insecte (<DL0) alors que la doses de 10 ng (DL20) induit une augmentation de la réponse chez les adultes naïfs ou pré-exposés à la phéromone. Cet effet biphasique à faible et très faible dose s’apparente à un effet hormétique et les modifications observées sont corrélées avec des changements de sensibilité du système olfactif central et non périphérique. Nous émettons l’hypothèse que la clothianidine agirait sur l’expression des sous-unités des récepteurs nicotiniques pour lesquels elle joue le rôle d’agoniste, changeant leur affinité pour l’acétylcholine et perturbant ou améliorant la transmission synaptique des signaux sensoriels selon la dose. Nos résultats montrent que la prise en compte d’effets de doses sublétales d’insecticides est essentielle non seulement pour les insectes non cibles, mais aussi des insectes cibles. / Insects face a multitude of environmental stresses, which they have to bypass in order to survive and reproduce. The extensive use of neonicotinoid insecticides, because of their high efficiency, leads to the accumulation of residues in the environment, which can have an additive toxic effect on target insects. However, such residues can also have unwanted positive effects on certain life traits of pest insects. In my thesis I studied the effects of a neonicotinoid insecticide on the olfactory system of the pest insect Agrotis ipsilon. Our results show that acute oral treatments of males with low doses of clothianidin modify their behavioural responses to the sex pheromone: a treatment with 0.25 ng/moth (<LD0) induces a decrease of pheromone responses whereas intoxication with 10 ng/moth (LD20) leads to an increase in the capacity of naive and pre-exposed males to locate a pheromone source as compared to controls. We propose that this biphasic effect, with low dose stimulation and very low dose inhibition is an hormeticlike effect, that is correlated with sensitivity changes within the central, but not the peripheral olfactory system. We hypothesize that the observed modifications might be due to a differential effect of clothianidin on the expression of different subunits of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, which might change the affinity of the receptors for acetylcholine, and thus disturb or improve synaptic transmission of sensory signals as a function of the insecticide dose. Our results show that effects of sublethal doses of insecticides need to be taken into account not only for non-target, but also for target insects when evaluating pest management strategies.

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