Spelling suggestions: "subject:"plodnost"" "subject:"plodnosti""
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Inhibiny v reprodukci / Inhibins in reproductionBabčová, Katarína January 2015 (has links)
Inhibin A and B participate to regulation of gametogenesis. We investigated their applicability as a marker of gametogenesis of men fertility disorders. We monitored the levels of inhibins during the treatment. We interested in their paracrine activity, relationship in sera, follicular fluid and seminal plasma depending on cause of fertility failure. We studied the levels of inhibin B in serum and seminal plasma from 355 men treated for fertility failure, in the context of their andrological and immunological findings (quality of spermiogrammes and acrosome area). We monitored concentration of levels of inhibin A and B in serum and follicular fluids depending on cause of fertility failure, on course and treatment outcome. We took blood samples in the time of the oocytes collection, of the embryotransfer and early pregnancy. The follicular fluids were obtained during the oocytes collection. The levels of both of inhibins were measured by ELISA in all medium (serum, follicular fluid, seminal plasma). We confirm, that inhibin B is useful marker of spermatogenesis in men, but is necessary to examine patient in complex with determination of immunology profile or quality of acrosome. Seminal plasma is, in some indicated cases, more suitable diagnostics material. Similarly inhibin B in women seems to be...
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Hledání nových biomarkerů neplodnosti mužů pomocí transkriptomu spermií / Using Sperm Transcriptome in Search for Novel Biomarkers of Male InfertilitySemyakina, Anastasiya January 2018 (has links)
Currently infertility affects 10 to 15 percent of couples. In nearly 50% of all cases male factor contributes to infertility of the couple. Majority of causes of male infertility remains unexplained. For this reason, finding simple and clinically usefµl tools for improving male infertility diagnostics can be important at present. Based on the analysis of sperm transcriptome, in this diploma thesis we aimed to find genes that show differential expression between normal and pathological sperm, this could provide information about molecular basis of male infertility, moreover, expression profile of such genes in sperm could be employed for noninvasive diagnosis of male infertility. This study was conducted by using 67 sperm samples, including 16 control sperm samples from fertile men. The samples of infertile patients were divided into 3 groups according to morphology and motility using results of standard sperm evaluation according to WHO. First group included 20 patients diagnosed with astenoteratozoospermia (low sperm motility and abnormal morphology), second group was 15 patients diagnosed with asthenozoospermia (normal morphology and low sperm motility), the third group comprised 16 samples from infertile patients with normal spermiogram. 16 control samples were from fertile men (conception of...
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Утицај β-каротина на здравствени статус крава с посебним освртом на оваријалну активност / Uticaj β-karotina na zdravstveni status krava s posebnim osvrtom na ovarijalnu aktivnost / Influence of β - carotene on the health status of dairy cows with special focus on ovarian activityTrojačanec Snježana 05 July 2013 (has links)
<p>У раду је главни циљ истраживања био да се утврди утицај додатог β-каротина и витамина А на оваријалну активност у току периовулаторног периода код млечних крава са хроничним функционалним стерилитетом. За потребе овог истраживања одабрано је 46 негравидних крава расе Холштајн (Holstein) са функционалним стерилитетом, старости од 5-7 година. Животиње су подељене у три експерименталне групе, са комбинацијом β-каротина и витамина А, само β-каротина и само витамина А. Контролну групу сачињавале су краве без додатне терапије. Свим животињама на почетку истраживања извршен је гинеколошки преглед, синхронизација еструса и вештачко осемењавање. Мерен је почетни ниво β-каротина у крви, ниво у време оплодње и током лутеинске фазе, затим жуто тело (corpus luteum) и ниво P4 као и проценат концепције. Резултати су показали постојање средње корелације r = 0,4 (p<0,01) и r = 0,36 (p<0,05) између иницијалне серумске концентрације β-каротина и концентрација β-каротина на дан овулације и у лутеалној фази, висок степен корелације између вредности β-каротина на дан овулације и у лутеалној фази r = 0,83 (p<0,01). Исто тако, резултати нису показали сигнификантну разлику у величини фоликула у групи са додатком β-каротина и витамина А и контролној групи. Међутим, постоје значајне разлике између група са додатком β-каротина и витамина А, витамина А и контролне групе. Позитивну колерацију налазимо између серумске концентрације β-каротина током оплодње и концентрације прогестерона r = 0,33 (p<0,05), као и процента концепције r = 0,39 (p<0,01), те између серумске концентације β-каротина 7. дана (у лутеалној фази) и концентрације прогестерона r = 0,51 (p<0,01). Из анализе узајамне повезаности неопходно је да се истакну и корелације између дијаметара предовулаторних фоликула и процента правовремених овулација и концентрације естрадиола (r = 0,74; p<0,01 и r = 0,57; p<0,01). Исто тако, утврђена је корелација између концентрације естрадиола и концентрације прогестерона r = 0,39 (p<0,05), као и висока корелација између величине функционалног жутог тела и концентрације прогестерона r = 0,82 (p<0,01). Да би се остварио пуни потенцијал овог истраживања у пракси, неопходна су даља истраживања као и бољи менаџмент производње сточне хране и генерално исхране, на фармама млечних крава.</p> / <p>U radu je glavni cilj istraživanja bio da se utvrdi uticaj dodatog β-karotina i vitamina A na ovarijalnu aktivnost u toku periovulatornog perioda kod mlečnih krava sa hroničnim funkcionalnim sterilitetom. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja odabrano je 46 negravidnih krava rase Holštajn (Holstein) sa funkcionalnim sterilitetom, starosti od 5-7 godina. Životinje su podeljene u tri eksperimentalne grupe, sa kombinacijom β-karotina i vitamina A, samo β-karotina i samo vitamina A. Kontrolnu grupu sačinjavale su krave bez dodatne terapije. Svim životinjama na početku istraživanja izvršen je ginekološki pregled, sinhronizacija estrusa i veštačko osemenjavanje. Meren je početni nivo β-karotina u krvi, nivo u vreme oplodnje i tokom luteinske faze, zatim žuto telo (corpus luteum) i nivo P4 kao i procenat koncepcije. Rezultati su pokazali postojanje srednje korelacije r = 0,4 (p<0,01) i r = 0,36 (p<0,05) između inicijalne serumske koncentracije β-karotina i koncentracija β-karotina na dan ovulacije i u lutealnoj fazi, visok stepen korelacije između vrednosti β-karotina na dan ovulacije i u lutealnoj fazi r = 0,83 (p<0,01). Isto tako, rezultati nisu pokazali signifikantnu razliku u veličini folikula u grupi sa dodatkom β-karotina i vitamina A i kontrolnoj grupi. Međutim, postoje značajne razlike između grupa sa dodatkom β-karotina i vitamina A, vitamina A i kontrolne grupe. Pozitivnu koleraciju nalazimo između serumske koncentracije β-karotina tokom oplodnje i koncentracije progesterona r = 0,33 (p<0,05), kao i procenta koncepcije r = 0,39 (p<0,01), te između serumske koncentacije β-karotina 7. dana (u lutealnoj fazi) i koncentracije progesterona r = 0,51 (p<0,01). Iz analize uzajamne povezanosti neophodno je da se istaknu i korelacije između dijametara predovulatornih folikula i procenta pravovremenih ovulacija i koncentracije estradiola (r = 0,74; p<0,01 i r = 0,57; p<0,01). Isto tako, utvrđena je korelacija između koncentracije estradiola i koncentracije progesterona r = 0,39 (p<0,05), kao i visoka korelacija između veličine funkcionalnog žutog tela i koncentracije progesterona r = 0,82 (p<0,01). Da bi se ostvario puni potencijal ovog istraživanja u praksi, neophodna su dalja istraživanja kao i bolji menadžment proizvodnje stočne hrane i generalno ishrane, na farmama mlečnih krava.</p> / <p>The aim of this study was to determine the influence of supplemented β-carotene and vitamin A on the ovarian activity during the periovulatory period in dairy cows with chronic fertility impairment. A total of 46 non pregnant Holstein cows with fertility impairment, at the age of 5-7 years, were selected for this study. The animals in three experimental groups were supplemented with either a combination of β-carotene and vitamin A, β-carotene only or vitamin A only. Non supplemented animals served as controls. All animals included in the survey were gynecologically examined; the estrus was synchronized and inseminated. Initial blood levels of β-carotene as well as the levels at the time of insemination and in the luteal phase as well as the ovarian structures during ovulation and formation of corpus luteum and P4 and conception rate, were monitored.<br />The results have shown an existence of medium correlation r = 0,4 (p<0,01) and r = 0,36 (p<0,05) between the initial serum concentration of β-carotene and the concentration of β-carotene on the day of ovulation, and on the luteal phase, high degree of correlation between the value of β-carotene on the day of ovulation, and in the luteal phase r = 0,83 (p<0,01). Besides, the results haven’t shown a significant difference in the size of the follicle in the group with added β-carotene and vitamin A, and the control group. However, there are significant differences between the groups with added β-carotene and vitamin A, vitamin A, and the control group. There is a positive correlation between the serum concentrations of β-carotene during fertilization, and the concentration of progesterone r = 0,33 (p<0,05), the same as the percentage of conception r = 0,39 (p<0,01); and between serum concentration of β-carotene on the 7th day (in the luteal phase) and the concentration of progesterone r = 0,51 (p<0,01). From the mutually connected analyzes the correlation between the diameters of the pre ovulation follicles and the percentage of the on time ovulations and the concentration of estradiol (r = 0,74; p<0,01 и r = 0,57; p<0,01 respectively), is also important to be emphasized. Besides, the correlation between estradiol concentration and progesterone concentration r = 0,39 (p<0,05) was determined, as the high correlation between the size of the functional yellow body and the progesterone concentrations r = 0,82 (p<0,01). For the fulfillment of this research’s potential in practice, further research is necessary, as well as better management of the fodder and the feeding in general on the farms with milk cows.</p>
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Asistovaná reprodukce jako léčba neplodnosti? / Are assisted reproductive technologies a therapy of infertility?Kůdelová, Marie January 2020 (has links)
This work "Is assisted reproduction a therapy for infertility?" deals with methods of assisted reproduction. The aim is not only to elucidate its techniques but also to open some difficult ethical questions. This work shows why we cannot regard assisted reproduction as a legitimite treatment for infertility and suggests alternative procedures. The first chapter is about the individual human life seen from the perspective of various sciences. The second chapter is about causes of infertility and about possibilities of its treatment. The third chapter deals with various methods of artificial reproduction. The following chapter is about ethical challenges related to these methods. The fifth chapter presents the standpoint of the magisterium of the Catholic Church. The final chapter tries to see fertility and parenthood from a larger perspective: the principal alternatives are substitute family care and spiritual parenthood. Keywords methods of assisted reproduction, infertility, parenthood, substitute family care, spiritual fertility
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Asistovaná reprodukce z pohledu cílových skupin / Assisted reproduction from the perspective of the target groupsLazárková, Gabriela January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis aims to describe policy design of assisted human reproduction in the Czech Republic in the frame of two examined groups: 1) women undergoing this procedure, 2) service providers. The goals are also to identify the policy framework of assisted human reproduction in the political environment. The theory background is supported by the theory of social construction of the target audience written by the authors Ingram and Schneider and the analysis of the framework by Rein and Schon. The legislation of assisted human reproduction is covered mostly in the period of 2011 - 2021. The analytical part of this work is based on systematic expert surveys, questionnaire surveys and analysis of stenographic records. The benefits and drawbacks arising from the legislations, political power and social constructions in relation to both examined groups are formulated in the paper's results. Furthermore, two competing policy frameworks are identified during the debate of amendments to the Act on Specific health Services and the Act on Public Health Insurance.
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Inhibiny v reprodukci / Inhibins in reproductionBabčová, Katarína January 2015 (has links)
Inhibin A and B participate to regulation of gametogenesis. We investigated their applicability as a marker of gametogenesis of men fertility disorders. We monitored the levels of inhibins during the treatment. We interested in their paracrine activity, relationship in sera, follicular fluid and seminal plasma depending on cause of fertility failure. We studied the levels of inhibin B in serum and seminal plasma from 355 men treated for fertility failure, in the context of their andrological and immunological findings (quality of spermiogrammes and acrosome area). We monitored concentration of levels of inhibin A and B in serum and follicular fluids depending on cause of fertility failure, on course and treatment outcome. We took blood samples in the time of the oocytes collection, of the embryotransfer and early pregnancy. The follicular fluids were obtained during the oocytes collection. The levels of both of inhibins were measured by ELISA in all medium (serum, follicular fluid, seminal plasma). We confirm, that inhibin B is useful marker of spermatogenesis in men, but is necessary to examine patient in complex with determination of immunology profile or quality of acrosome. Seminal plasma is, in some indicated cases, more suitable diagnostics material. Similarly inhibin B in women seems to be...
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Úloha mutace genu LIF a relativní zastoupení NK buněk, NKT a T lymfocytů ve folikulární tekutině a krvi žen s různou anamnézou neplodnosti / The role of LIF gene mutations and the relative distribution of NK cells, NKT and T lymphocytes in follicular fluid and blood of women with different history of infertilityKřížan, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Natural Sciences Summary of Ph.D. thesis The role of LIF gene mutations and the relative distribution of NK cells, NKT and T lymphocytes in follicular fluid and blood of women with different history of infertility Jiří Křížan Prague 2010 1 | P a g e Doctoral degree programs in biomedicine Charles University in Prague and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Programme: Biomedicine Chairman of the Subject Board: Doc. RNDr. Vladimír Holáň, Dr.Sc. Place of study: Institute of Microbiology, v.v.i., Academy of the Czech Sciences Vídeňská 1083, 142 20 Prague 4 phone: +420 296 442 318 Autor: Mgr. Jiří Křížan Supervisor: RNDr. Petr Šíma, CSc. The dissertation can be found at Dean's Office Faculty of Charles University in Prague 2 | P a g e CONTENTS Contents 2 Summary 3 1. Introduction 5 2. Hypotheses and aims 6 3. Material and methods 7 Material: 7 Methods: 8 4. Results 10 5. Discussion 12 6. Conclusion 15 7. References 16 Bibliography of Autor: 18 1. papers in extenso (thesis background) 18 2. papers in extenso (without regard to thesis) 19 3 | P a g e SUMMARY The aim of the dissertation thesis "The role of LIF gene mutations and the relative distribution of NK cells, NKT, and T lymphocytes in follicular fluid and blood of women with different history of infertility"...
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Cílené sekvenování nové generace kandidátních genů zodpovědných za poruchu spermatogeneze a neplodnost mužů / Targeted next generation sequencing of candidate genes responsible for impaired spermatogenesis and male infertilityDaňková, Michaela January 2015 (has links)
Infertility is a widespread health problem, caused by the male factor in about half of all cases, and in about a half of the infertile men the cause is unknown. In a significant number of these men, genetic etiology is assumed. Current routine methods of laboratory diagnostics, which include karyotype examination, exclusion of mutations in the CFTR gene, and Y chromosome microdeletions, do not usually reveal the cause of infertility. That is why researchers' efforts aim at detecting mutations in other genes that are causing male infertility. In recent years, animal models have been used to identify many genes necessary for fertility. Based on these findings, 12 candidate genes have been selected (CAPZA3, CDC14B, CDC42, CNTROB, CSNK2A2, GOPC, HOOK1, HRB, OAZ3, ODF1, RIMBP3, SPATA16) that are essential for spermatogenesis. Mouse or rat mutants in these genes are primarily associated with oligoasthenoteratozoospermia, since they are involved in sperm morphogenesis. However, the phenotype spectrum may comprise also azoospermia. The purpose of the thesis was to determine the sequence of the afore mentioned genes in infertile men with impaired spermatogenesis and to reveal presence or absence of pathogenic mutations in these genes, using cDNA and genomic DNA from peripheral blood. The candidate genes were...
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Nedobrovolná bezdětnost a její působení na partnerský vztah / The Impact of Involuntary Childlessness on Partner relationshipKomorová, Anna January 2015 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is involuntary childlessness and its impact on partner relationships. The theoretical part describes theories which try to explain, why people want to have children; here the knowledge about infertility, its therapy and other ways of solving this problem are summarized. The next part of the thesis deals with involuntary childlessness and its psychosocial aspects; special attention is paid to involuntary childlessness in connection to partner relationships. This part also summarizes the coping strategies of partners and presents the possible ways of psychological help for them. The empirical part was implemented by using the qualitative research, the semi-structured interviews and the method of Inclusion of Other in the Self scale. Total of 11 respondents took part, all women and each of them with experience in the area of involuntary childlessness. This part presents answers on the questions about the sense of parenthood for involuntarily childless women, their emotions and partner relationships. It surveys the areas of partner relationships, which were affected by the involuntary childlessness and describes what happens in relationship during this experience. It also shows the view of the individual respondents on the role of the social environment, on the life without...
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Náhradní mateřství / Surrogare maternityMasaříková, Andrea January 2011 (has links)
Surrogate maternity ABSTRACT This graduation theses deals with surrogacy, which is really an actual and discussed issue at the present time. The thesis is divided into three main chapters, the first one is devoted to assisted reproduction, the second one belongs to surrogacy, the third chapter deals with determining parentage of artificial insemination. The first part considering assisted reproduction contains a short analysis of this issue from the medical and juridical point of view and also shows an overview of interfility causes and their therapies. The second chapter shows legal regulations of surrogacy abroad that could be seen as an inspiration for both, the current and future legislation of the Czech Republic. This chapter also pays attention to particular law institutes that temporarily adjust this subject-matter, especially the contracts between surrogate mother and requesting couple, adoptions by surrogate mother and is briefly focused on criminal legislation. A view at the change of legislation in connection with acceptance of new civil code is part of this chapter as well. The third and the last chapter is devoted to determination of parenthood. As regards the paternity, there are three basic hypothesis accepted, that are however modificated by the legislation of asisted reproduction in some...
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