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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analyzátor kvality VoIP hovorů / VoIP Quality Analyzer

Havelka, Ondřej January 2011 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the design and implementation of an application for analyzing Voice over IP quality using NetFlow. In the beginning, there is summarized basic information about VoIP technology and NetFlow - its principles, the most used protocols, factors that have influence on call quality and call quality rating methods. Later there is presented proposal of application and then described its implementation. The created application was tested on samples, which simulate calls in network with delays and packet-loss. Within testing was made the comparison with commercial application and the results are discussed.

Zabezpečený transportní protokol monitorovacích systémů / Secure Transport Protocol for System Monitoring

Halfar, Patrik January 2010 (has links)
This paper deals with NetFlow protocol and analysis of its properties. There is focused on confidentiality and reliability of the data's transfer. All of the solution observe requirements for lower resources of devices, and impossibility of changes in the exporter except defined parameters.

Detekce anomálií síťového provozu / Network Anomaly Detection

Lieskovan, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
This semester project presents an analysis of network traffic and detection of anomalies in network traffic by several various means. In the first part of the paper there is an explanation of the methods aiming at denial of service. Then in the second part an implementation of protection by means of selected solutions is presented. The intent is to compare these means which are supposed to detect cyber attacks aiming at denial of service. Another intent is to choose the best solutions from the categories of open-source and commercial solutions. The target of the master thesis was to work out a comparison between actual solutions for detection of DoS and DDoS attacks.

Comparing Expected and Real–Time Spotify Service Topology

Visockas, Vilius January 2012 (has links)
Spotify is a music streaming service that allows users to listen to their favourite music. Due to the rapid growth in the number of users, the amount of processing that must be provided by the company’s data centers is also growing. This growth in the data centers is necessary, despite the fact that much of the music content is actually sourced by other users based on a peer-to-peer model. Spotify’s backend (the infrastructure that Spotify operates to provide their music streaming service) consists of a number of different services, such as track search, storage, and others. As this infrastructure grows, some service may behave not as expected. Therefore it is important not only for Spotify’s operations (footnote: Also known as the Service Reliability Engineers Team (SRE)) team, but also for developers, to understand exactly how the various services are actually communicating. The problem is challenging because of the scale of the backend network and its rate of growth. In addition, the company aims to grow and expects to expand both the number of users and the amount of content that is available. A steadily increasing feature-set and support of additional platforms adds to the complexity. Another major challenge is to create tools which are useful to the operations team by providing information in a readily comprehensible way and hopefully integrating these tools into their daily routine. The ultimate goal is to design, develop, implement, and evaluate a tool which would help the operations team (and developers) to understand the behavior of the services that are deployed on Spotify’s backend network. The most critical information is to alert the operations staff when services are not operating as expected. Because different services are deployed on different servers the communication between these services is reflected in the network communication between these servers. In order to understand how the services are behaving when there are potentially many thousands of servers we will look for the patterns in the topology of this communication, rather than looking at the individual servers. This thesis describes the tools that successfully extract these patterns in the topology and compares them to the expected behavior. / Spotify är en växande musikströmningstjänst som möjliggör för dess användare att lyssna på sin favoritmusik. Med ett snabbt växande användartal, följer en tillväxt i kapacitet som måste tillhandahållas genom deras datacenter. Denna växande kapacitet är nödvändig trots det faktum att mycket av deras innehåll hämtas från andra användare via en peer-to-peer modell. Spotifys backend (den infrastruktur som kör Spotifys tjänster) består av ett antal distinkta typer som tillhandahåller bl.a. sökning och lagring. I takt med att deras backend växer, ökar risken att tjänster missköter sig. Därför är det inte bara viktigt för Spotifys driftgrupp, utan även för deras utvecklare, att förstå hur dessa kommunicerar. Detta problem är en utmaning p.g.a. deras storskaliga infrastruktur, och blir större i takt med att den växer. Företaget strävar efter tillväxt och förväntar detta i både antalet användare och tillgängligt innehåll. Stadigt ökande funktioner och antalet distinkta plattformar bidrar till komplexitet. Ytterligare en utmaning är att bidra med verktyg som kan användas av driftgrupp för att tillhandahålla information i ett tillgängligt och överskådligt format, och att förhoppningsvis integrera dessa i en daglig arbetsrutin. Det slutgiltiga målet är att designa, utveckla, implementera och utvärdera ett verktyg som låter deras driftgrupp (och utvecklare) förstå beteenden i olika tjänster som finns i Spotifys infrastruktur. Då dessa tjänster är utplacerade på olika servrar, reflekteras kommunikationen mellan dem i deras nätverketskommunikation. För att förstå tjänsternas beteende när det potentiellt kan finnas tusentals servrar bör vi leta efter mönster i topologin, istället för beteenden på individuella servrar.

Hardwarová akcelerace identifikace protokolů / Hardware Acceleration of Protocol Identification

Kobierský, Petr January 2008 (has links)
Dynamic growth of computer networks encourages rapid development of network applications and services. To provide sufficient network service quality, it is important to limit some network flows based on their application protocol type. This thesis deals with the methods of network protocol identification and discusses their accuracy and suitability for multigigabit networks.  Based on the analysis, a protocol identification model was created and evaluated. The model was used for the design of hardware architecture accelerating computationally intensive operations of protocol identification.  The proposed solution is able to work on 10 Gb/s networks and export protocol information using NetFlow protocol.

Účtování uživatelů v sítích nové generace / User accounting in next generation networks

Grégr, Matěj January 2016 (has links)
Velikost sítě Internet dosáhla takového rozměru, že globálně jednoznačná adresace všech připojených zařízení již není možná při zachování současné architektury TCP/IPv4. Tímto problémem se začalo zabývat již v 90. letech a od té doby bylo představeno několik návrhů nových architektur a síťových protokolů, které mají či měly ambice omezení adresace vyřešit. V současné době, v roce 2016, je jediným globálně nasazovaným řešením problému adresace protokol IPv6. Tento protokol zvětšuje velikosti síťové adresy čímž umožňuje adresovat téměř libovolné množství zařízení, ovšem za cenu nekompatibility se současným protokolem IPv4. Rozdílně se také staví ke způsobu automatické konfigurace koncových zařízení, proměnlivé velikosti síťové hlavičky a omezení nekompatibility řeší různými přechodovými mechanismy. Tato práce diskutuje dopady, které tyto změny mají na oblast monitorování a účtování uživatelů. Zejména změny způsobu konfigurace adresy vyžadují jiný přístup než v současných monitorovacích systémech, které ukládají pouze metadata o síťové komunikace pomocí protokolu NetFlow/IPFIX. Práce je zaměřena primárně na vyřešení problému účtování uživatelů v sítích kde jsou souběžně nasazeny protokoly IPv4 i IPv6, použity tunelovací přechodové mechanismy nebo překlad adres. Část práce je za- měřena na měření globálního vývoje a nasazení protokolu IPv6 mezi koncovými poskytovateli internetového připojení, poskytovateli obsahu a páteřními operátory.

Logování průchozích dat v routerech / Logging of Transmitted Data in Routers

Kislinger, Pavel January 2007 (has links)
Transmitted data logging in routers is the main point of this semestral project. The suggestion of a system for data flows logging in routers and selection of suitable technology, that is used by implementation of the system within this thesis, is based on this analysis. In the thesis, a law responsibility of router administrator for transmitting data is analysed. In the next part, a general introduction to issue of data logging in computer networks including basic description of protocols and fundamentals of standard communication models is presented. Analysis of real enviroment is following. Suggestion and implementation of the system is described too. In the last part a reached results of this thesis are revealed.

Odvozování pravidel pro mitigaci DDoS / Deriving DDoS Mitigation Rules

Hurta, Marek January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is aimed at monitoring of computer networks using NetFlow data. It describes main aspects of detection network anomalies using IDS systems. Next part describes Nemea framework, which is used for creating modules. These modules are able to detect network incidents and attacks. Following chapters contain a brief overview of common network attacks with their specific remarks which can help in process of their detection. Based on this analysis, the concept of mitigation rules was created. These rules can be used for mitigation of DDoS attack. This method was tested on several data sets and it produced multiple mitigation rules. These rules were applied on data sets and they marked most of the suspicious flows.

Zpracování paketů pomocí zero copy / Zero Copy Packet Processing

Plotěný, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
Cílem této magisterské práce je návrh a implementace síťové sondy pro sledování toků na 10GbE rozhraní. Text se zabývá přehledem GNU/Linux nástrojů využívaných ve vysokorychlostních sítích a principů jejich fungování. Dále pak je uveden návrh a implementace sondy využívající mechanismu zero-copy pro sledování provozu na 10GbE rozhraní. Aplikace využívá Expresní datové cesty (XDP) a jeho AF_XDP soketu pro zachycení provozu na rozhraní. Jako testovací platforma byla vybrána platforma NETX používaná na FIT VUT.

Návrh implementace a síťové bezpečnosti protokolu IPv6 v organizaci / Implementation and Security of IPv6 Protocol in the Company

Hensl, Jaroslav January 2019 (has links)
This Master's thesis is focused on the IPv6 protocol implementation in a business environment. The thesis theoretically describes parts of the protocol which are then used in a real environment with respect to maximal compatibility and security. The thesis deals with hardware components, router configuration on FreeBSD OS, and switch configuration with RouterOS. The thesis also proposes how to monitor the network.

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