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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimisation de la durée de vie dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil sous contraintes de couvertureet de connectivité réseau / Optimizing network lifetime in wireless sensor network under coverage and network connectivity constraints

Ngom, Diery 17 May 2016 (has links)
Depuis ces deux dernières décennies, une nouvelle technologie sans fil appelée Réseau de Capteur Sans Fil (RCSF) résultant d"une fusion entre les systèmes embarqués et les communications sans fil a vu le jour. Un RCSF ("WSN : Wireless Sensor Network" en Anglais) est un réseau Ad hoc composé d"un grand nombre de nœuds qui sont des micro-capteurs qui peuvent être déployés de façon aléatoire ou déterministe dans une zone d"intérêt donnée. Ces nœuds capteurs sont capables de récolter plusieurs paramètres physiques sur l"environnement qui les entoure, appelé généralement zone de captage (ou zone de surveillance). Ensuite, ils doivent si nécessaire traiter les données capturées et les transmettre à un (ou plusieurs) nœud de collecte appelé station de base, centre de traitement ("sink" en Anglais). Beaucoup de domaines d"applications tels que le contrôle et suivi environnemental, le contrôle de production dans l"industrie, la surveillance de zone, le monitoring de l"habitat, l"agriculture intelligente, etc. sont basés sur les RCSF. Toutefois, les RCSF ne sont pas parfaits. En effet, compte tenu de leur petite taille, leur faible coût et leurs déploiement dans des zones souvent hostiles ou difficiles d"accès, les nœuds capteurs présentent un certain nombre de faiblesses parmi lesquelles une durée de vie du réseau limitée, une bande passante faible, des capacités de capture et de communication réduites, etc. Afin de surmonter ces contraintes des RCSF, plusieurs problématiques de recherche sont nées ces dernières années, et les principales portent sur l"optimisation de la consommation énergétique en vue d"améliorer la durée de vie du réseau. D"autres recherches importantes menées dans le domaine de ces réseaux portent sur les stratégies de placement des nœuds, sur la couverture de zones et sur la connectivité du réseau. Cependant, la plupart des solutions proposées ces dernières années ne prennent pas en compte toutes ces problématiques dans leurs modèles de résolution ; alors que dans beaucoup d"applications des RCSF telles que la surveillance de zone critique, le monitoring de l"habitat, l"agriculture intelligente, il est nécessaire de garantir en même temps une couverture complète de la zone de surveillance, une bonne connectivité du réseau, tout en optimisant au mieux la durée de vie de celui-ci. Le but de cette thèse est donc de proposer de nouveaux mécanismes efficaces pour l"optimisation de la durée de vie dans les RCSF, tout en garantissant, à tout moment de cette durée de vie, une couverture totale de la zone de surveillance, ainsi qu"une bonne connectivité du réseau. Pour atteindre nos objectifs, nous avons étudié et fait des propositions dans deux axes qui sont le placement des nœuds et les mécanismes d"ordonnancement au niveau de la couche MAC. Pour ces derniers, nous avons mis en place un algorithme appelé DSMAC (Distributed Scheduling Medium Acces Control) qui est basé sur notre méthode de placement des nœuds. Par ailleurs, DSMAC permet de couvrir 100% de la zone de surveillance, assure une bonne connectivité du RCSF et permet également aux nœuds capteurs d"économiser jusqu"à 30% de leur énergie comparativement à d"autres protocoles MAC tels que TunableMAC. / Since the past two decades, a new technology called Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) which result in a fusion of embedded systems and wireless communications has emerged. A WSN is Ad hoc network composed of many sensors nodes communicating via wireless links and which can be deployed randomly or deterministically over a given interest region. Theses sensors can also collect data from the environment, do local processing and transmit the data to a sink node or Base Station (BS) via multipath routing. Thereby, a wide range of potential applications have been envisioned using WSN such as environmental conditions monitoring, wildlife habitat monitoring, industrial diagnostic, agricultural, improve health care, etc. Nevertheless,WSN are not perfect. Indeed, given their small size, their low cost and their deployment generally in hostile or difficult access areas, sensor nodes have some weaknesses such as: a limited energy, so a network lifetime limited, limited bandwidth, limited computations and communications capabilities, etc. To overcome these limitations, several research issues from were created in recent years, and the main issues focus on the optimization of energy consumption in order to improve the network lifetime. Other important researches focus on issues of coverage areas, placement strategies of sensor nodes and network connectivity. However, most solutions proposed in recent years to resolve these issues do not take into account all these issues that we cited above in resolutions models; while in many WSN applications such as monitoring critical region, wildlife habitat monitoring, agricultural application, a full coverage of the monitoring region and network connectivity are mandatory as well an energy-awareness network lifetime. The objective of this thesis is thus to propose new scheduling mechanisms for optimizing the network lifetime in WSN, while ensuring at any time of the network lifetime a full coverage of the monitored region and network connectivity. To achieve our goals, we have study and done proposal in two axes which are placement strategy of sensor nodes and scheduling mechanism in the MAC layer. For these, we have implemented a Distributed Scheduling Medium Access Control algorithm (DSMAC) based on our placement method. Furthermore, DSMAC enables to cover 100% of the monitored region, to ensure optimal network connectivity and also allows sensors node to save up to 30% of their energy compared to other MAC protocols such as TunableMAC.

Scalable Energy-efficient Location-Aided Routing (SELAR) Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

Lukachan, George 01 November 2005 (has links)
Large-scale wireless sensor networks consist of thousands of tiny and low cost nodes with very limited energy, computing power and communication capabilities. They have a myriad of possible applications. They can be used in hazardous and hostile environments to sense for deadly gases and high temperatures, in personal area networks to monitor vital signs, in military and civilian environments for intrusion detection and tracking, emergency operations, etc. In large scale wireless sensor networks the protocols need to be scalable and energy-efficient. Further, new strategies are needed to address the well-known energy depletion problem that nodes close to the sink node face. In this thesis the Scalable Energy-efficient Location-Aided Routing (SELAR) protocol for wireless sensor networks is proposed to solve the above mentioned problems. In SELAR, nodes use location and energy information of the neighboring nodes to perform the routing function. Further, the sink node is moved during the network operation to increase the network lifetime. By means of simulations, the SELAR protocol is evaluated and compared with two very well-known protocols - LEACH (Low-Energy Adaptive-Clustering Hierarchy) and MTE (Minimum Transmission Energy). The results indicate that in realistic senarios,SELAR delivers up to 12 times more and up to 1.4 times more data packets to the base station than LEACH and MTE respectively. It was also seen from the results that for realistic scenarios, SELAR with moving base station has up to 5 times and up to 27 times more lifetime duration compared to MTE and LEACH respectively.

Time Slot allocation for Improving Energy-Efficiency in Multi-hop Layered WSN

Lu, Po-Hsueh 05 May 2011 (has links)
Advances in micro-sensor and wireless technology enable small but smart sensors to be developed for wide range environment-monitor applications. Since Sensor nodes only have limited power capacity and are difficult to recharge, how to prolong network lifetime is an important issue in wireless sensor networks design. Several topology control algorithms have been proposed to maintain the connectivity of wireless sensor network and reduce the energy consumption. Multi-hop Infrastructure Network Architecture (MINA) is a kind of Multi-layer Architecture for WSN topology, which utilizes hundred of sensors to transmit data to a sink. This architecture partitions sensor nodes into layers based on their distances (calculated by hop count) to BS. In this way, the node connected to more nodes will relay more data for other nodes. This make the node exhaust its battery power quickly and thus reduces the network lifetime. This study proposes an Efficient Energy Time-Slot Allocation (EETA) scheme which distributes time slots in accordance with the energy of neighbor nodes and the number of neighbor nodes. In addition, this work also devises an adaptive time slot size to reduce data packet drop in case when the node buffer is full. The simulation results show that the EETA performs better than the MINA in terms of network lifetime.

Δρομολόγηση πολλαπλών κριτηρίων σε ad hoc δίκτυα με δυνατότητα ρύθμισης της ακτίνας μετάδοσης

Καράγιωργας, Νικόλαος 20 September 2007 (has links)
Η διπλωματική αυτή σκοπό έχει να μελετήσει στρατηγικές οι οποίες έχουν ως στόχο την αύξηση της αποδοτικότητας με κριτήριο την ενέργεια σε ad hoc δίκτυα. Σε αυτού του είδους τα δίκτυα η ενέργεια είναι κρίσιμος πόρος και η εξοικονόμησή της είναι κρίσιμος παράγοντας. Θα ακολουθήσουμε τον αλγόριθμο δρομολόγησης multi-cost με cost vectors πολλών παραμέτρων. Με βάση αυτά τα cost vectors ένα σύνολο από candidate paths θα υπολογιστούν για κάθε ζευγάρι κόμβων source-destination και μια συνάρτηση βελτιστοποίησης χρησιμοποιείται για να επιλεχθεί το βέλτιστο από αυτά. Οι παράμετροι που μας ενδιαφέρουν είναι ο αριθμός των hops σε ένα μονοπάτι, η υπολειπόμενη ενέργεια και η ισχύς μετάδοσης των κόμβων σε ένα μονοπάτι καθώς και η παρεμβολή που δημιουργείται από την μετάδοση ενός κόμβου. Αυτές οι παράμετροι συνδυάζονται σε ποικίλες συναρτήσεις βελτιστοποίησης οι οποίες αντιστοιχούν σε διαφορετικούς αλγόριθμους δρομολόγησης και οι οποίοι εξετάζονται για την επιλογή του βέλτιστου μονοπατιού. Λαμβάνοντας υπόψη όλες αυτές τις συναρτήσεις εξετάζουμε την συμπεριφορά του δικτύου προσέχοντας την κατανάλωση ενέργειας, το throughput κα. Από τα πειράματα καταλήγουμε στις βέλτιστες από τις συναρτήσεις βελτιστοποίησης. / In this work we study the combination of multi-cost routing and variable transmission power in wireless ad hoc networks. We assume that the nodes have power control capabilities and can adjust their transmission power to their desired level. We propose algorithms for selecting the routes to be followed by the packets and the transmission power to be used by the nodes at each hop in order to reduce interference and energy consumption, and improve network performance. The cost parameters used by the proposed interference/energy-aware routing algorithms are the number of hops of the paths, the interference caused to other nodes, the node residual energies, and the node transmission powers. In the experiments conducted we examine the resulting network performance with respect to energy consumption, packet delay, frequency of collisions, and other parameters of interest. Our results show that the proposed routing algorithms significantly improve network performance and lifetime.

Using Existing Infrastructure as Support for Wireless Sensor Networks

Neander, Jonas January 2006 (has links)
Denna avhandling handlar om hur befintliga datorinfrastrukturer i t.ex. sjukhus och industrier kan avlasta sensornätverk med energikrävande uppgifter. Vi har forskat på olika aspekter som gör det möjligt att förlänga livslängden på dessa sensornätverk. Avhandlingen presenterar en ny plattform för sensornätverk tillsammans med inledande simuleringar som påvisar att vår plattform ökar livslängden på dessa typer av nätverk. Generella sensornätverk är uppbyggda av tätt grupperade, trådlösa, batteridrivna datorer som kan vara så små som en kubikmillimeter. Datorerna kallas för sensorer eller sensornoder eftersom de har en eller flera inbyggda sensorer som känner av sin omgivning. En sensor har till uppgift att samla information från sin omgivning, t.ex. temperatur, fuktighet, vibrationer, hjärtslag eller bilder. Sensorerna skickar sedan informationen till en insamlingsstation någonstans i nätverket. I de typer av tillämpningar vi tittar på är det viktigt att minimera energiförbrukningen, så att man maximerar livslängden på sensornätverket. Avhandlingen presenterar en lösning där befintlig datorinfrastruktur fungerar som hjälpdatorer/avlastare till ett sensornätverk. Hjälpdatorerna, eller basstationerna som vi kallar dem i avhandlingen, hanterar energikrävande uppgifter som t.ex. vilken sensor som ska kommunicera med vem samt vid vilken tidpunkt etc. Då kan sensorerna i nätverket fokusera på att utföra sina egna uppgifter tills dess att basstationen säger att uppgifterna ändrats. Simuleringar visar att vår plattform kan skicka upp till 97 % mera information till basstationen än en jämförbar plattform med samma energimängd. 88 % av våra sensorer är fortfarande vid liv när den andra plattformens sensorer förbrukat all sin energi. Ett exempel på hur dessa typer av nätverk kan användas är att övervaka patienters hälsa och kondition i sjukhus eller sjukhem. Patienter behöver inte ha en fast sängplats där en viss typ av medicinskt övervakningsinstrument finns tillgänglig utan kan placeras där det finns en ledig sängplats. Via trådlös kommunikation skickar sensorerna sedan hälsoinformation som t.ex. hjärtfrekvens och blodtryck till en basstation som i sin tur skickar vidare till ett centralt övervakningsinstrument någonstans på sjukhuset. Övervakningsinstrumentet behandlar informationen och larmar personal med rätt kompetens vid behov. Larmet kan skickas till en mobiltelefon eller en liten handdator som personalen alltid bär med sig. Med larmet skickas även information om var patienten befinner sig och all nödvändig data för att personalen snabbt ska kunna ställa en första diagnos. På detta sätt kan man spara in på antalet specialbyggda sängplatser och slippa dyrbara installationer av medicintekniska utrustningar knutna till en sängplats. / Recent advancements in electronic design, such as low-power circuits, energy efficient wireless communication, and improved energy supply, has enabled the vision of wireless sensor networks to become a reality. Wireless sensor networks typically consist of hundreds up to thousands of collaborating low-cost, battery-driven and wireless sensor nodes with scarce resources. The wireless sensor nodes are typical small physical entities, and usually small as a matchbox but can in extreme cases be no larger than a cubic millimeter. In this thesis we present an architecture called AROS that uses existing infrastructure to aid in the management of wireless sensor networks. As an example, the existing infrastructure could be situated in hospitals or industrial buildings. The existing infrastructure can aid in prolonging the lifetime of the wireless sensor network by having "unlimited'' energy, long range radio capacity, and high-speed computers. We enable prolonged lifetime by centralizing some of the energy consuming administrative functionality of wireless sensor networks. We show, by simulations, that the AROS architecture is able to prolong the lifetime of the sensor nodes. AROS is compared to a well known cluster based architecture, LEACH. The comparisons show that AROS with static configuration performs at least as well as LEACH in small wireless sensor networks in the size 100x100m, and up to 97 % better in long distance wireless sensor networks in the size of 400x400m. We show that AROS still has got 88 % of its sensor nodes alive when LEACHs' network demises. In our simulations we have also studied how dynamic network clustering in AROS, using a TDMA scheduler and non-mobile wireless sensor nodes, affects the amount of data received by a base station. We show that AROS is better than LEACH-C in collecting data to the base station with the same total amount of energy for long distance networks and that AROS performs as well or better than LEACH-C in small wireless sensor networks.

Wireless Sensor Networks in Smart Cities : The Monitoring of Water Distribution Networks Case

Rong, Du January 2016 (has links)
The development of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is making it possible to monitor our cities. Due to the small size of the sensor nodes, and their capabilities of transmitting data remotely, they can be deployed at locations that are not easy or impossible to access, such as the pipelines of water distribution networks (WDNs), which plays an important role in protecting environment and securing public health.   The design of WSNs for WDNs faces major challenges. Generally, WSNs are resource-limited because most of the sensor nodes are battery powered. Thus, their resource allocation has to be carefully controlled. The thesis considers two prominent problems that occur when designing WSNs for WDNs: scheduling the sensing of the nodes of static WSNs, and sensor placement for mobile WSNs. These studies are reported in the thesis from three published or submitted papers. In the first paper, the scheduling of sleep/sensing for each sensor node is considered to maximize the whole WSNs lifetime while guaranteeing a monitoring performance constraint. The problem is transformed into an energy balancing problem, and solved by a dynamic programming based algorithm. It is proved that this algorithm finds one of the optimal solutions for the energy balancing problem. In the second paper, the question of how the energy balancing problem approximates the original scheduling problem is addressed. It is shown that even though these two problems are not equivalent, the gap of them is small enough. Thus, the proposed algorithm for the energy balancing problem can find a good approximation solution for the original scheduling problem. The second part of the thesis considers the use of mobile sensor nodes. Here, the limited resource is the number of available such mobile nodes. To maximize the monitoring coverage in terms of population, an optimization problem for determining the releasing locations for the mobile sensor nodes is formulated. An approximate solution algorithm based on submodular maximization is proposed and its performance is investigated. Beside WDNs, WSN applications for smart cities share a common characteristic: the area to monitor usually has a network structure. Therefore, the studies of this thesis can be potentially generalized for several IoT scenarios. / <p>QC 20160419</p>

ETH-LEACH: An Energy Enhanced Threshold Routing Protocol for WSNs

Chithaluru, Prem K., Khan, Mohammad S., Kumar, Manoj, Stephan, Thompson 01 January 2021 (has links)
Many wireless sensor-based applications use LEACH as a preferred routing protocol owing to its unique features such as optimal sleeping time, minimum packet collisions, dynamic channel selection, and least power consumption. The traditional LEACH protocol wastes the transmission opportunities as it processes data only in an event occurring, leading to wastage of resources. To resolve this issue, this paper proposes a more robust Energy Enhanced Threshold Routing Protocol (ETH-LEACH) for WSNs. The working of ETH-LEACH is conceptualized in two parts. In the first part, TDMA is implemented to estimate the opportunistic paths to remove network overhead. Furthermore, in the second part, a threshold value is calculated for choosing the forwarder nodes. The proposed technique minimizes the energy usage of the sensor nodes and consequently enhances the network's lifetime by extending the duration of node death. The ETH-LEACH protocol is contrasted with the different variants of LEACH to verify its effectiveness. The experimental results show that the proposed ETH-LEACH protocol outperforms the traditional routing protocols. In this paper, the ETH-LEACH protocol performs nearly 54.6% efficient than LEACH, 47.6% efficient than Q-LEACH, 41.3% efficient than NR-LEACH, 33.6% efficient than LEACH-GA, and 29.7% efficient than LEACH-POS in reducing the usage of energy in the overall simulation.

I-SEP: An Improved Routing Protocol for Heterogeneous WSN for IoT-Based Environmental Monitoring

Behera, Trupti Mayee, Mohapatra, Sushanta Kumar, Samal, Umesh Chandra, Khan, Mohammad S., Daneshmand, Mahmoud, Gandomi, Amir H. 01 January 2020 (has links)
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is a virtual layer in the paradigm of the Internet of Things (IoT). It inter-relates information associated with the physical domain to the IoT drove computational systems. WSN provides an ubiquitous access to location, the status of different entities of the environment, and data acquisition for long-term IoT monitoring. Since energy is a major constraint in the design process of a WSN, recent advances have led to project various energy-efficient protocols. Routing of data involves energy expenditure in considerable amount. In recent times, various heuristic clustering protocols have been discussed to solve the purpose. This article is an improvement of the existing stable election protocol (SEP) that implements a threshold-based cluster head (CH) selection for a heterogeneous network. The threshold maintains uniform energy distribution between member and CH nodes. The sensor nodes are also categorized into three different types called normal, intermediate, and advanced depending on the initial energy supply to distribute the network load evenly. The simulation result shows that the proposed scheme outperforms SEP and DEEC protocols with an improvement of 300% in network lifetime and 56% in throughput.

Energy-Efficient Distributed Relay and Power Control in Cognitive Radio Cooperative Communications

Luo, C., Min, Geyong, Yu, F.R., Chen, M., Yang, L.T., Leung, V.C.M. January 2013 (has links)
no / In cognitive radio cooperative communication (CR-CC) systems, the achievable data rate can be improved by increasing the transmission power. However, the increase in power consumption may cause the interference with primary users and reduce the network lifetime. Most previous work on CR-CC did not take into account the tradeoff between the achievable data rate and network lifetime. To fill this gap, this paper proposes an energy-efficient joint relay selection and power allocation scheme in which the state of a relay is characterized by the channel condition of all related links and its residual energy. The CR-CC system is formulated as a multi-armed restless bandit problem where the optimal policy is decided in a distributed way. The solution to the restless bandit formulation is obtained through a first-order relaxation method and a primal-dual priority-index heuristic, which can reduce dramatically the on-line computation and implementation complexity. According to the obtained index, each relay can determine whether to provide relaying or not and also can control the corresponding transmission power. Extensive simulation experiments are conducted to investigate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. The results demonstrate that the power consumption is reduced significantly and the network lifetime is increased more than 40%.

Techniques de conservation de l'énergie dans les réseaux de capteurs mobiles : découverte de voisinage et routage / Techniques of energy conservation in mobile sensor networks : neighbor discovery and routing

Sghaier, Nouha 22 November 2013 (has links)
Le challenge de la consommation d'énergie dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil constitue un verrou technologique qui reste un problème ouvert encore aujourd'hui. Ces travaux de thèse s'inscrivent dans la problématique de la conservation de l'énergie dans les réseaux de capteurs et s'articulent autour de deux axes. Dans la première partie, nous abordons le dimensionnement des protocoles de découverte de voisinage. Nous proposons deux techniques de dimensionnement de ces protocoles qui visent à optimiser la consommation d'énergie des nœuds capteurs. La première technique, PPM-BM, consiste à dimensionner le protocole de découverte de voisins en fonction du niveau de batterie du nœud. La deuxième approche, ECoND, vise à ajuster la fréquence de découverte de voisins en fonction de la connectivité estimée à chaque instant. Cette technique tire profit des cycles temporels des modèles de mouvement des nœuds. La connectivité est estimée en se basant sur l'historique des rencontres. La découverte de voisins est ajustée en fonction du taux de connectivité estimé. Les résultats enregistrés mettent en évidence l'efficacité de ces deux techniques dans l'optimisation de la consommation d'énergie des nœuds sans affecter les performances de taux de livraison de messages et d'overhead. La deuxième partie de la thèse concerne l'optimisation des performances des réseaux de capteurs en termes de durée de vie. Nous reconsidérons dans cette partie certains protocoles de routage relevant du domaine des réseaux à connectivité intermittente et nous proposons le protocole EXLIOSE qui se base sur la capacité d'énergie résiduelle au niveau des nœuds pour assurer un équilibre énergétique, partager la charge et étendre à la fois la durée de vie des nœuds ainsi que celle du réseau / The challenge of energy consumption in wireless sensor networks is a key issue that remains an open problem. This thesis relates to the problem of energy conservation in sensor networks and is divided into two parts. In the first part, we discuss the design of neighbor discovery protocols. We propose two techniques for modulating these protocols in order to optimize the energy consumption of sensor nodes. The first technique, PPM-BM aims to modulate the neighbor discovery protocol based on the battery level of the node. The second approach ECoND aims to set up the frequency of neighbor discovery based on estimated connectivity. This technique takes advantage of the temporal cycles of nodes' movement patterns. Connectivity is estimated based on encounters' history. A neighbor discovery is set up based on the estimated rate of connectivity. The achieved results demonstrate the effectiveness of these techniques in optimizing the energy consumption of nodes while maintaining acceptable message delivery and overhead rates. In the second part of the thesis, we contribute to the optimization of the performance of sensor networks in terms of network lifetime. We review in this section some routing protocols for networks with intermittent connectivity and we propose EXLIOSE protocol which is based on residual energy to ensure energy-balancing, load sharing and network lifetime extending

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