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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Národní a regionální identita maďarských středoškoláků na Slovensku / Sense of National and Regional Identity of Hungarian High School Students in Slovakia

Orosz, Örs January 2010 (has links)
Klíčová slova: identita, vlast, diskriminace, slovensko-maďarské vztahy, volební chování, Maďaři na Slovensku, percepce budoucnosti Práce se zabývá výzkumem národní a regionální identity maďarských středoškoláků na Slovensku. Je zaměřená na příčiny vzniku různých postojů, ale též se pokusí prezentovat vnímání a plánování budoucnosti cílové skupiny. Co považují respondenti za vlast a s jakými řádovostními úrovněmi (od místa bydliště až po Evropu) cítí sounáležitost? Jaký mají vztah k většinovému národu? Šetření provedené na 32 středních školách jižního Slovenska s účastí 1142 maturujících studentů, hledá odpovědi na takové a jim podobné otázky. Výsledky výzkumu poukazují na složitost slovensko-maďarských vztahů, na něž nelze nahlížet dichotomicky, jak to dělají aktéři vysoké politiky. Dvě třetiny maďarských maturantů si představuje svoji budoucnost ve své vlasti. Stát se ale stává vlastí tehdy, pokud vytvoří pocit domova pro své občany a respektuje jejich lidskou důstojnost, svobodu a identitu. S vytvářením tolerantního prostředí pro menšinu, by se ve velké míře dalo přispět k přesvědčení i té třetiny, která plánuje svou budoucnost mimo území Slovenska. Dle našich výsledků je mládež otevřená a je připravená na aktivní kooperaci.

The construction of Nunavut : the impact of the Nunavut Project on Inuit identity, governance, and society

Légaré, André 24 June 2010
This thesis examines the impact of the �Nunavut Project� on Inuit identity, governance, and society. This is illustrated through three manuscripts, where I demonstrate the effects that the establishment of Nunavut has had on the Inuit of the Canadian Central and Eastern Arctic. The first manuscript (Chapter 2) presents a critical literature review of scholarly works on Nunavut. It also proposes a theoretical model based on boundaries and symbols to help comprehend the impact of Nunavut on the changing Inuit collective identity. The model shows that political elites and leaders in Nunavut are promoting the idea of a civic/regional form of collective identity for the Inuit pulling them away from a more cultural/traditional form of sub-regional groups of collective identities. The establishment of Nunavut also has had an effect on Inuit governance through the creation of the government of Nunavut and through the establishment of the Nunavut Tunngavik Inc., the organization representing the interests of the Inuit beneficiaries of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement and managing the implementation of the Agreement. In my second manuscript (Chapter 3), I examine the mode of operation and the activities of Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. I demonstrate that the Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. is based on a Euro-Canadian corporate model foreign to a traditional Inuit model of governance. Today, the Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. is the most important political player in Nunavut. The government of Nunavut regularly consults with the Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. before taking any decision that may impact the Inuit beneficiaries of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement. The �Nunavut Project� seems to not only have changed the Inuit modes of identity and governance; it has also had some effects on Inuit socio-economic conditions in the Canadian Central and Eastern Arctic. My third manuscript (Chapter 4) recounts the events that led to the creation of Nunavut (1999); but more importantly it argues that although Nunavut has reinforced the sense of pride and collective regional identity of Inuit, Nunavut�s political institutions have not helped to improve the socio-economic conditions that plague Inuit society. I note, however, that Nunavut has provided Inuit with all the necessary jurisdictional powers to help improve their socio-economic conditions. I remain optimistic that in time, with additional financial contribution from the Canadian government, the Nunavut experiment may prove to be a success in alleviating some of the Inuit socio-economic challenges. Results from this thesis have demonstrated that the �Nunavut Project� has had an impact on Inuit identity, governance, and society.

The construction of Nunavut : the impact of the Nunavut Project on Inuit identity, governance, and society

Légaré, André 24 June 2010 (has links)
This thesis examines the impact of the �Nunavut Project� on Inuit identity, governance, and society. This is illustrated through three manuscripts, where I demonstrate the effects that the establishment of Nunavut has had on the Inuit of the Canadian Central and Eastern Arctic. The first manuscript (Chapter 2) presents a critical literature review of scholarly works on Nunavut. It also proposes a theoretical model based on boundaries and symbols to help comprehend the impact of Nunavut on the changing Inuit collective identity. The model shows that political elites and leaders in Nunavut are promoting the idea of a civic/regional form of collective identity for the Inuit pulling them away from a more cultural/traditional form of sub-regional groups of collective identities. The establishment of Nunavut also has had an effect on Inuit governance through the creation of the government of Nunavut and through the establishment of the Nunavut Tunngavik Inc., the organization representing the interests of the Inuit beneficiaries of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement and managing the implementation of the Agreement. In my second manuscript (Chapter 3), I examine the mode of operation and the activities of Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. I demonstrate that the Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. is based on a Euro-Canadian corporate model foreign to a traditional Inuit model of governance. Today, the Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. is the most important political player in Nunavut. The government of Nunavut regularly consults with the Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. before taking any decision that may impact the Inuit beneficiaries of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement. The �Nunavut Project� seems to not only have changed the Inuit modes of identity and governance; it has also had some effects on Inuit socio-economic conditions in the Canadian Central and Eastern Arctic. My third manuscript (Chapter 4) recounts the events that led to the creation of Nunavut (1999); but more importantly it argues that although Nunavut has reinforced the sense of pride and collective regional identity of Inuit, Nunavut�s political institutions have not helped to improve the socio-economic conditions that plague Inuit society. I note, however, that Nunavut has provided Inuit with all the necessary jurisdictional powers to help improve their socio-economic conditions. I remain optimistic that in time, with additional financial contribution from the Canadian government, the Nunavut experiment may prove to be a success in alleviating some of the Inuit socio-economic challenges. Results from this thesis have demonstrated that the �Nunavut Project� has had an impact on Inuit identity, governance, and society.

The construction of Nunavut : the impact of the Nunavut Project on Inuit identity, governance, and society

2010 May 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines the impact of the �Nunavut Project� on Inuit identity, governance, and society. This is illustrated through three manuscripts, where I demonstrate the effects that the establishment of Nunavut has had on the Inuit of the Canadian Central and Eastern Arctic. The first manuscript (Chapter 2) presents a critical literature review of scholarly works on Nunavut. It also proposes a theoretical model based on boundaries and symbols to help comprehend the impact of Nunavut on the changing Inuit collective identity. The model shows that political elites and leaders in Nunavut are promoting the idea of a civic/regional form of collective identity for the Inuit pulling them away from a more cultural/traditional form of sub-regional groups of collective identities. The establishment of Nunavut also has had an effect on Inuit governance through the creation of the government of Nunavut and through the establishment of the Nunavut Tunngavik Inc., the organization representing the interests of the Inuit beneficiaries of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement and managing the implementation of the Agreement. In my second manuscript (Chapter 3), I examine the mode of operation and the activities of Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. I demonstrate that the Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. is based on a Euro-Canadian corporate model foreign to a traditional Inuit model of governance. Today, the Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. is the most important political player in Nunavut. The government of Nunavut regularly consults with the Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. before taking any decision that may impact the Inuit beneficiaries of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement. The �Nunavut Project� seems to not only have changed the Inuit modes of identity and governance; it has also had some effects on Inuit socio-economic conditions in the Canadian Central and Eastern Arctic. My third manuscript (Chapter 4) recounts the events that led to the creation of Nunavut (1999); but more importantly it argues that although Nunavut has reinforced the sense of pride and collective regional identity of Inuit, Nunavut�s political institutions have not helped to improve the socio-economic conditions that plague Inuit society. I note, however, that Nunavut has provided Inuit with all the necessary jurisdictional powers to help improve their socio-economic conditions. I remain optimistic that in time, with additional financial contribution from the Canadian government, the Nunavut experiment may prove to be a success in alleviating some of the Inuit socio-economic challenges. Results from this thesis have demonstrated that the �Nunavut Project� has had an impact on Inuit identity, governance, and society.

Územní diferenciace elementárního vzdělávání v Česku v 2. polovině 20. století (Vliv na lokální a regionální rozvoj) / Territorial Differentiation of Elementary Education in Czechia during the 2nd Half of the 20th Century (Its Influence on Local and Regional Development)

Kučerová, Silvie January 2010 (has links)
Územní diferenciace elementárního vzdělávání v Česku v 2. polovině 20. století (Vliv na lokální a regionální rozvoj) Od druhé poloviny 20. století jsme v mnoha hospodářsky vyspělých zemích, Česko nevyjímaje, svědky procesu výrazné polarizace prostoru v souvislosti se změnami v rozmístění elementárních škol. Masové uzavírání škol, zejména na venkově, a koncentrace vzdělávací funkce do center regionů vychází z obecných procesů, jakými jsou změny geografické organizace společnosti, stejně jako ze specifických historických podmínek v každé zemi. V této práci se na příkladu Česka pokusíme představit pomocí metod, jež jsou geografům vlastní, změny, které proběhly v síti elementárních škol. Dále budeme specifikovat vybrané důsledky tohoto procesu na stabilitu a fungování lokálních komunit a jeho vliv na marginalizaci obcí. ABSTRACT Territorial Differentiation of Elementary Education in Czechia during the Second Half of the Twentieth Century (Its Influence on Local and Regional Development) We are all witnesses to a process of extensive spatial polarization in the distribution of elementary schools in many economically developed countries, including Czechia, during the second half of the 20th and in the 21st century. Processes of mass school closures, especially in rural areas, and the concentration of...

Koncept regionálnej identity vo výskume sociálne konštruovaných regiónov: multimierková perspektiva / The concept of regional identity in the research of socially constructed regions: a multiscale perspective

Nikischer, Richard January 2015 (has links)
It has been approximately three decades since "new" approaches to studying regions began to appear in the context of socio-cultural turn in geography. From the perspective of the so-called new regional geography, the region does not represent a naturally given spatial unit nor a semantically empty construction of the analysis of the society's spatial organization. The "new" regional geographer perceives regions as dynamic social structures linked to a collective consciousness. In this respect, the research of regions represents a study of the social organization of space. While research of the spatial (geographic) organization of society in Czech geography has a rather long tradition, a similar statement cannot be made regarding the research into the social organization of space (the other side of the relationship between space and society). Despite the fact that even in Czechia the number of academics interested in the process of the institutionalization of regions is gradually growing, i.e. about how and why regions are constructed/deconstructed as a part of social life, domestic research of the social organization of space is still only in its early stages. The present doctoral dissertation represents a relevant contribution to the current debate regarding the issues of the social organization...

City branding krajských měst v Česku / City branding of Czech regional capital cities

Jenček, Lubor January 2020 (has links)
Lubor JENČEK: City branding krajských měst v Česku Abstract This thesis deals with city branding of Czech regional capital cities. Its goal is to compare city branding of Czech regional capital cities and reveal a functional mechanism of city branding in practice. The theoretical framework of this thesis is based on the concept of branding, which is first discussed in general and later theoretically and practically expanded. Its functions in general are discussed. In the empirical part, the main research attention is dedicated to concepts of place branding and city branding on the case of the contemporary city branding of Czech regional capital cities The thesis aims to answer six research questions divided into three thematical groups - interpretation of Czech regional capital cities' brands, motivation for their creating and use, and the ways how to manage them. Answers to these questions should reveal actual condition of Czech city branding. A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods is used in this thesis. Data were acquired by questionnaire survey targeted at all Czech regional capital cities' representatives, and semi-structured interviews with representatives of four selected cities (Ostrava, Zlín, Plzeň and Ústí and Labem) as case studies. The results of the thesis can be applied in...

Význam grafických symbolů v procesu formování regionu: příklad Libereckého kraje / The Importance of Graphical Symbols in the Region Formation Process: the Case of the Liberec Region

Šifta, Miroslav January 2014 (has links)
The Importance of Graphical Symbols in the Region Formation Process: the Case of the Liberec Region The thesis analyzes the role of symbols and graphic symbolism in the process of regional and spatial identity formation in the context of the theory of institutionalization of regions by A. Paasi. The goal of the thesis is to contribute to a scientific discussion of this topic using the example of a specific region - the Liberec Region. In the theoretical part of the thesis, general studies of spatial identities, mainly with regard to creating the symbolic shape of region, are discussed, and the importance of symbolism in forming the region, its spatial identity and power relations is assessed. This section aims to define the key concepts, terms and also types of symbols used in this study. In the research part of thesis, first, the selection of the studied area is justified (region with intensively changed landscape), and, second, its situational analysis is presented, focusing mainly on the social phenomena and elements which could play role of regional symbols. Next, the actual symbolism of the region, as presented in various sources and media, is evaluated. Subsequently, it is compared with the graphic symbols of regional and local institutions, classified and analyzed according to the form...

Symboly a symbolika v procesu formování regionu / Symbols and symbolism in the region formation process

Šifta, Miroslav January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation thesis is focused on the research of role of symbols, especially graphic symbols (emblems, logos), in the process of region formation and in the process of shap- ing of regional identities. These aspects are studied in the context of Anssi Paasi's theory of institutionalization of region. The thesis discusses the use of symbols in the develop- ment of regions of different scales. The theoretical background of symbol research in the process of a region formation, as based on literature research, is later verified on an example of the analysis of symbols of the Liberec Region and the way they are used by various regional institutions. The Liberec Region is a suitable model area since it both represents a newly constituted region (after 2000), as well as it is already fully institution- alized. This region is also very heterogeneous from the point of view of the natural and cultural heritage. Regarding the settlement perspective, there are both areas inhabited continuously (traditional, "Czech" areas) and areas resettled after the WWII. In its first part, the thesis is devoted to evolution of regional geography. It briefly pre- sents how regional geography responded to paradigmatic changes, and how it gradually evolved into a "new" regional geography. Next, it discusses the concept...

Symboly a symbolika v procesu formování regionu / Symbols and symbolism in the region formation process

Šifta, Miroslav January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation thesis is focused on the research of role of symbols, especially graphic symbols (emblems, logos), in the process of region formation and in the process of shap- ing of regional identities. These aspects are studied in the context of Anssi Paasi's theory of institutionalization of region. The thesis discusses the use of symbols in the develop- ment of regions of different scales. The theoretical background of symbol research in the process of a region formation, as based on literature research, is later verified on an example of the analysis of symbols of the Liberec Region and the way they are used by various regional institutions. The Liberec Region is a suitable model area since it both represents a newly constituted region (after 2000), as well as it is already fully institution- alized. This region is also very heterogeneous from the point of view of the natural and cultural heritage. Regarding the settlement perspective, there are both areas inhabited continuously (traditional, "Czech" areas) and areas resettled after the WWII. In its first part, the thesis is devoted to evolution of regional geography. It briefly pre- sents how regional geography responded to paradigmatic changes, and how it gradually evolved into a "new" regional geography. Next, it discusses the concept...

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