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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The relationship between Old Testament prophecy and nuer prophecy : a comparative theological study

Puk, John-Tong January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study alms to compare ancient Israelite (Old Testament) prophecy with Nuer prophecy within its respective religious contexts, to detect the differences and similarities. The most important differences between Israelite (Old Testament) and Nuer prophecy are: • Israelite prophecy presupposes monotheism while Nuer prophecy functions within a polytheistic rei igious context. • Nuer understanding of creation is far less explicit than the Israelite accounts of creation in Genesis 1 and 2. In explaining the reasons for the dissimilarities between Israelite (Old Testament) and Nuer prophecy, reference was made to the difference in geographical location, cultural and societal context. Among the more important similarities between Israelite (Old Testament) and Nuer prophecy are the points of view related to sin and sacrifice, as well as the distinction between true and false prophets and the role of prophets in society. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie beoog om In vergelyking te tref tussen anti eke Israelitiese (Ou Testament-) profesie en Nuer-profesie binne hulle onderskeie religieuse kontekste, en om ooreenkomste en verskille te identifiseer, Die volgende is die belangrikste verskille tussen Israelitiese (Ou Testament-) en Nuer-profesie: • Israelitiese profesie voorveronderstel rnonoteisrne terwyl Nuer-profesie binne In politeistiese religieuse konteks funksioneer. • Die Nuer-begrip van die skepping is aansienlik minder eksplisiet as die Israel itiese weergawes van die skepping in Genesis 1 en 2, In Verklaring van die gronde vir die verskille tussen anti eke Israelitiese (Ou Testament-) profesie en Nuer-profesie het faktore 5005 verskille in geografiese lokaliteit, kulturele en samelewingskontekste in ag geneern. Sommige van die belangriker ooreenkomste tussen anti eke Israelitiese (Ou Testament-) en Nuer-profesie wat genoem word, is die vertrekpunte betreffende sonde en offerande, sowel as die onderskeid tussen ware en vals profete en die rol van profete in die samelewing.

The theological significance of the propeht Huldah's prophecy : a feminist perspective on 2 Kings 22:14-20

Adonis, Melany Marildia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2002 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The question I am attempting to answer, IS "What is the theological significance of the prophecy ofHuldah, the prophet? Why is Huldah there?" Scholars have offered different reasons for the presence of Huldah in 2 Kings 22. Why Huldah and not one of the other male prophets, has been approached to "enquire from the Lord". The explanations offered, can all be challenged. It does not supply us with convincing theories which can be used to examine the theological significance of the prophecy of Huldah. I would therefore argue, that the text itself, supply us with clues which can be used to discuss the theological significance of the prophecy of Huldah. Seeing that the text is part of the Deuteronomistic History, clues (to help with the understanding of Huldah),would therefore also be found within this history. In other words, the literary context as well as the Deuteronomistic background of 2 Kings 22, provide us with clues for the theological significance of Huldah as a prophet. Furthermore, I would like to argue that the interpretations made from the clues could be enriched by the fact that I am a woman. A feminist approach could introduce a different perspective 1 therefore did a close reading of the text, 2 Kings 22 1-20 with specific focus on 2 Kings 2214-20. Special attention is given to the language used, the characters included in the story as well as the context of the story. In order to try and get a better understanding of the language, the Hebrew text was used as point of departure and a translation to Engli h was made to use in my discu sion. Through my journey with Huldah, t have been inspired The inclusion of Huldah, highlights the presence of female prophets in the history of Israel. God calls women as well as men. Huldah can be used a a different model for women. In her patriarchal society, she was a married woman who was also a prophet. A prophet who was repected by her people. The king sent his "trusted attendants" (five males) to "enquire from the Lord" and they went to Huldah, the prophet. Therefore, the story of Huldah emphasises the fact that women also played important roles in the history of Israel. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die vraag wat ek probeer beantwoord is, "Wat is die teologiese belang van die profeet Guldah ') Waarom is Guldah daar." Talle geleerdes het verskillende redes vir die teenwoordigheid van Guldah in 2 Konings 22 verskaf Redes waarorn Guldah, en nie een van die manlike profete me, genader is om " die Here te raadpleeg" nie. AI die verduidelikings wat aan die hand gedoen word, kan egter bevraagteken word. Dit verskaf nie oortuigende teoriee wat gebruik kan word om die teologiese waarde van Guldah te ondersoek nie. Ek wil dus argurnenteer dat die teks self leidrade verskaf wat gebruik kan word ten einde die teologiese belang van die profesie van Guldah te bespreek. Aangesien die teks deel is van die Deuteronomistiese Geskiedenis sal leidrade, om te help met die verstaan van Guldah dus ook in hierdie geskiedenis gevind word In ander woorde, die literere konteks sowel as die Deuteronomistiese agtergrond van 2 Konings 22, verskaf ons met leidrade vir die teologiese belang van Guldah as profeet. Verder sou ek graag wou argumenteer dat die interpretasies gernaak vanuit die leidrade, verryk kan word deur die feit dat ek 'n vrou is. 'n Ferninistiese benadering kan 'n ander perspektief in Iei. Ek het dus die reks, 2 Konings 221-20 krities gelees met spesifieke fokus op 2 Konings 22.14-20. Spesiale aandag is gegee aan die taalgebruik, die karakters wat ingesluit is in die storie, sowel as die konteks van die storie Ten einde die taalgebruik beter te erstaan, is die Hebreeuse teks as vertrekpunt gebruik en 'n vertaling in Engels gedoen, wat in die bespreking gebruik is. Die reis met Guldah, het my geinspireer. Die teenwoordigheid van vroulike profete word deur die insluiting van Guldah uirgelig. God roep vroue sowel as mans. Guldah verskaf dus 'n ander 'radikale' model vir vroue van haar tyd en daag ook sodoende vroue van vandag uit. In haar patriargale samelewing, was Guldah 'n getroude vrou, sowel as 'n profeet. 'n Profeet wat deur haar mense gerespekteer was. Die koning het sy "getroue volgelinge" (vyf mans) gestuur om "die Here te raadpleeg", en hulle het na Guldah die profeet gegaan. Die storie van Guldah beklemtoon dus die feit dat vroue ook belangrike rolle in die geskiedenis van Israel gespeel het.

'n Struktuur-analities-eksegetiese-studie oor die besondere aard en betekenis van die bedevaartsliedere : Ps. 120-134

Marx, S. 11 1900 (has links)

“Do this in remembrance of Me :” The Christological and social significance of Luke 22:14-30 for restoring human dignity

Etukumana, Godwin Akpan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Using social-rhetorical hermeneutics, this study examines Jesus’ statement “Do this in remembrance of Me” during the last meal He had with his disciples before He went to the cross – both in the light of the Lucan context and our/modern present context. A careful examination of the text in Luke 22:14-30 poses a challenge to Lucan scholarship as it delves into the reason of the insertion of the phrase in the context of this meal. In the first place, different views as regards the meal are examined so as to present the motif of the meal. It has been discovered that Luke wanted his community to use this meal as a medium of remembering what Jesus was to humanity during his time on earth. Socio-rhetorical analysis helps to appreciate Luke’s rhetorical nuances in presenting this meal scene to his audience. In Chapter two it is revealed that Luke used his sources rhetorically in different textures and patterns to present to his audience that Jesus was the Saviour and a servant-leader. The intertexture of Luke’s material of the meal shows that Luke appealed to his community using Ancient Near Eastern, Greco-Roman socio-cultural rhetoric in order to reiterate what his audience needed to know about Jesus. It reveals Jesus as a broker, patron, and benefactor to his community with the aim of restoring the dignity of humanity. The sacred texture of the Lucan meal shows the ever abiding presence of Jesus in the midst of the community whenever they meet due to the divine power of Jesus. Socio-rhetorical hermeneutics of Luke 22:14-30 explicates that the phrase “Do this in remembrance of Me” in the context is Luke’s rhetorical strategy of encouraging his audience to remember Jesus with the view to imitate his lifestyle and his inclusive approach to the marginalised and the outcasts of society. It is when the community eats the meal concomitantly with the imitation of his lifestyle, especially his approach to God and humanity, that the community will truly remember Jesus and thus restore human dignity in society. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ondersoek van die uitspraak tydens die laaste maaltyd wat Jesus met sy dissipels gehad het voor sy dood aan die kruis, met behulp van sosio-retoriese hermeneutiek, toon die belangrikheid van die stelling, “Doen dit tot my gedagtenis”, in die lig van die Lukaanse gemeenskap en die moderne konteks. ’n Deeglike ondersoek van die teks in Lukas 22:14-30 bied ’n probleem aan die bestudering van die Nuwe Testament, veral vir Lukas-spesialiste, as gevra word na die rede vir die invoeging van die frase binne die konteks van hierdie maaltyd. In die eerste plek word daar gevra na die motivering vir die plasing van die maaltyd binne die teks. Dit blyk dat Lukas sy gemeenskap wou motiveer om hierdie maaltyd te gebruik as ’n middel om te onthou wat Jesus vir die mensdom beteken het gedurende sy tyd op aarde. Sosio-retoriese analise help ons om te bepaal watter retoriese nuanses Lukas gebruik het in die aanbieding van hierdie maaltydtoneel aan sy gehoor. In hoofstuk twee word aan die lig gebring dat Lukas sy bronne in verskillende retoriese teksture en patrone aanbied aan sy gehoor om te toon dat Jesus die Verlosser en ’n dienaar-leier was. Die intertekstuur van die Lukaanse weergawe van die maaltyd toon dat Lukas met behulp van Ou Nabye Oosterse en Grieks-Romeinse bronne, asook sosio-kulturele retoriek ’n beroep op sy gemeenskap doen om Jesus regtig te leer ken. Dit toon Jesus as ’n bemiddelaar, beskermheer, en weldoener aan sy gemeenskap ten einde die herstel van die waardigheid van die mensdom te bewerk. Die heilige tekstuur van die Lukaanse maaltyd toon die ewigblywende geskenk van Jesus aan die gemeenskap en die feit dat die gemeenskap alles te danke het aan die goddelike krag van Jesus. Sosio-retoriese hermeneutiek van Lukas 22:14-30 maak dit duidelik dat die frase, “Doen dit tot my gedagtenis”, binne die konteks ’n retoriese strategie is waarmee Lukas sy gehoor wou leer om Jesus se leefstyl na te boots en sy inklusiewe benadering ten opsigte van die gemarginaliseerdes en uitgeworpenes van die samelewing te onthou. Dit is wanneer die gemeenskap die maaltyd eet en sy lewenstyl naboots, veral sy handelinge en benadering tot God en die mensdom, dat die gemeenskap werklik vir Jesus sal onthou en so menswaardigheid in die gemeenskap sal herstel.

Understanding the literary structures of Acrostic Psalms : an analysis of selected poems

Choi, Junho 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: By means of literary, linguistic and comparative literary approaches, this study examines the literary structure of the alphabetical acrostic poems in the Psalms. First, a literary approach is used to analyze the form and content of each alphabetical acrostic poem to show that the literary structure of the poems is varied. Selected Psalms 9-10, 111 and 112 are translated from the Hebrew and compared to ancient Near Eastern languages especially Akkadian and Ugaritic. Second, by means of linguistic approaches, the literary structure of each poem is determined on both micro and macro levels using the researcher’s own translations of these psalms. Furthermore, a comparative literary approach is employed to compare the forms of ancient Near Eastern acrostics, in particular Akkadian, Egyptian and Ugaritic poems, to Hebrew acrostics. The analysis reveals both similarities with other ancient Near Eastern forms as well as the uniqueness of the Hebrew alphabetical acrostic poems. Both linguistic and literary insights are used to determine the relationship between the different forms. The findings suggest that the alphabetical acrostic poems were probably written around or after 1000 B.C.E. since the ancient Near Eastern poems were written before 1000 B.C.E. The unique 22-line form of the Hebrew alphabetical acrostics also indicates that Hebrew thought was distinct from what can be observed in other ancient Near Eastern texts. On the basis of this research, a conclusion is reached and suggestions for future research are made. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Deur literêre, linguistiese en vergelykende literêre benaderings ondersoek hierdie studie die literêre struktuur van die alfabetiese akrostiese gedigte in die Psalms. Eerstens word ‘n literêre benadering gebruik om die vorm en inhoud van elke alfabetiese lettervers te ontleed om aan te toon dat die literêre struktuur van die gedigte verskillend is. Die gekose Psalms 9-10, 111 en 112 word uit die Hebreeus vertaal en in vergelyking met die Ou-Nabye-Oosterse tale, veral Akkadiese en Ugarities, bespreek. Tweedens, deur linguistiese benaderings, word die literêre struktuur van elke gedig op beide mikro-en makro vlakke bepaal deur gebruik te maak van die navorser se eie vertalings van hierdie psalms. Verder, word ‘n vergelykende literêre benadering aangewend om die vorms van die Ou-Nabye- Oosterse akrostiese gedigte, in die besonder Akkadies, Egiptiese en Ugaritiese gedigte, met Hebreeuse akrostiese gedigte te vergelyk. Die ontleding toon die ooreenkomste met ander antieke Nabye- Oosterse vorms sowel as die uniekheid van die Hebreeuse alfabetiese akrostiese gedigte. Beide linguistiese en literêre insigte word gebruik om die verhouding tussen die verskillende vorms te bepaal. Die bevindinge dui daarop dat die alfabetiese akrostiese gedigte waarskynlik geskryf is rondom of later as 1000 vC, angesien die antieke Nabye-Oosterse gedigte voor 1000 vC geskryf is. Die unieke 22-reël vorm van die Hebreeuse alfabetiese akrostiese gedigte dui ook aan dat die Hebreeuse denke te onderskei is van wat in ander antieke Nabye-Oosterse tekste gereflekteer word. Gebaseer op hierdie navorsing, word tot ‘n gevolgtrekking gekom, en word voorstelle vir toekomstige navorsing gemaak.

Nurturing honour and shame in stories of the beginning in Genesis : biblical perspectives on human dignity according to cultures in southern Kaduna

Zachariah, Bulus Takore 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research evaluates and explores the problem of How stories of the beginning impact on the theological understanding of human dignity in relation to Genesis 6:1-4. 1. In this thesis, the first chapter was conducted through a literature study of existing research and current materials which include general articles, monographs and other related materials. It is argued that the stories of the beginning have much impact on the culture of honour and shame in understanding human dignity in southern Kaduna. 2. In the second chapter, the concepts of honour and shame were regarded as reciprocal terms that are defined in webs. As such, semantic fields were used to define and analyse the different views on honour and shame especially from the perspectives of the ancient Near East and Old Testament. 3. In the third chapter, the stories of beginning among the Atyap and their neighbours were related as significant for understanding right and wrong, and identity formation for human dignity and self-respect. 4. Notably in the fourth chapter, honour and shame in narratives are not merely important to the individual but also to the family, clan and tribe. Due to its implication, people worked hard to achieve honour or respect which is mostly bestowed as titles of repute on people. It is established from the creation narratives that Genesis 1-3 has been considered for human dignity research in the past but it is equally important to look at the neglected evidence in Genesis 6:1-4. 5. In the fifth chapter, an exposition of Genesis 6:1-4 was carried out to illustrate the idea of honour from the story about the בְנֵי־הָאֱלֹהִים who disrespectfully married the daughters of Cain. The honourable נְּפִלִים and גִברִֹים were interpreted as the sons of Seth who were active, living and had the likelihood of falling into such temptations. The prospect of giants, ―men of name‖ and ―heroes of renown‖ meekly stooping low to the shameful women was unthinkable at that time; as such, a picture of utter disrespect is painted from different angles. 6. In the sixth chapter, the culture of honour and shame required that so much effort be exerted daily on the populace in order to achieve respect. It was recommended that the Old Testament stories of the beginning remained noteworthy for the stories, ethnic groups and languages of southern Kaduna. Essentially, with respect to our question and hypotheses, honour and shame in Old Testament and ancient Near Eastern stories of the beginning facilitated the understanding of southern Kaduna stories. In view of the fact that everyone desires to be important, the notion of honour and shame became the scale for evaluating respect and value. It was equally useful for appreciating human dignity and not just as a tool of entertainment or for promoting cultural heritage, religious/ethical teaching and community interaction. It was concluded that unfamiliar cultures such as those of southern Kaduna can be useful as case studies for Old Testament research in the future and that scholars could focus on such neglected regions. In this research on honour and shame, we have also uncovered a fresh picture of the recreation of the earth and a new beginning of humankind from the story of the בְנֵי־הָאֱלֹהִים in Genesis 6:1-4. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie ondersoek evalueer die probleem wat verband hou met die vraag: Hoe word die begrippe van eer en skaamte uitgebeeld in die verhale oor die begin in suidelike Kaduna kulture en watter rol speel dit binne die handhawing van menswaardigheid in Genesis 6:1-4. 1. Die eerste hoofstuk word ingelei deur 'n literatuurstudie oor joernaalartikels, monografië en ander verwante materiaal. Daar word geargumenteer dat die verhale oor die begin respek in die vorm van eer en skaamte veronderstel en dat dit belangrik is vir die verstaan van menswaardigheid in die kulture van suidelike Kaduna. 2. In die tweede hoofstuk word die begrippe van eer en skaamte as wederkerige begrippe gedefinieer. Semantiese velde is gebruik om die betekenisnuanses van eer en skaamte vanuit ou Nabye Oosterse en Ou-Testamentiese perspektiewe te definieer en te analiseer. 3. Die derde hoofstuk ondersoek die verhale oor die begin wat deur die Atyap en hulle bure oorvertel word en wat as betekenisvol beskou word vir die begrip van reg en verkeerd, sowel as identiteitsvorming en menswaardigheid. 4. Van besondere belang is die vierde hoofstuk waar eer en skaamte se implikasies vir individue, families, sibbes en stamme uitgespel word. Die meeste mense streef na eer as vorm van respek wat veral in die titels en reputasies van mense gereflekteer word. Navorsing oor die skeppingsverhale het aangetoon dat Genesis 1 – 3 baie klem in die verlede ontvang het wanneer menswaardigheid ondersoek is; terwyl die afgeskeepte Genesis 6:1-4 weinig onder die akademiese soeklig geval het. 5. Die vyfde hoofstuk bestaan uit 'n eksegetiese ondersoek van Genesis 6:1-4 wat aantoon dat eer en skaamte betrokke is by die beskrywing van die seuns van God wat op 'n oneervolle manier met die dogters van Kain trou. Eer en skaamte is ook betrokke in die beskrywing van die Nefilim en die Giborim, wat gesamentlik as die seuns van Set verstaan word. Daar bestaan dus 'n teenstelling tussen die eerbiedwaardige reuse, manne van naam en helde met reputasie en die oneerbiedige omgang met die vroue van die aarde. 6. In die sesde hoofstuk word omskryf hoe daar 'n kultuur van eer en skaamte gevestig word ten einde respek af te dwing en menswaardigheid te handhaaf. Hierdie studie het vasgestel dat eer en skaamte van deurslaggewende belang is vir die verstaan van die verhale oor die begin in Kaduna, die ou Nabye Ooste en die Ou Testament. Die algemene strewe na belangrikheid maak eer en skaamte belangrike aspekte van 'n verwysingsraamwerk in terme waarvan respek en waardes beoordeel word. In dieselfde asem moet genoem word dat eer en skaamte 'n nuwe waardering vir menswaardigheid moontlik maak. Onbekende kulture soos die in suidelike Kaduna bied ook nuttige perspektiewe wat konstruktief in Ou-Testamentiese studie benut kan word – die rol van eer en skaamte in die interpretasie van die seuns van God in Genesis 6:1-4 is 'n goeie voorbeeld daarvan.

A community as a testamentary executor : the journey of Joseph’s bones from Egypt to the Promised Land

Ko, In-Kook 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research is a synchronic reading of Exodus that investigates the “traces of Joseph’s bones” in the Exodus narratives. The Exodus is depicted in this narrative as Joseph’s funeral procession. Moses carries Joseph’s bones up from the land of Egypt when the Exodus begins (Exod. 13:19) and the sons of Israel bury the bones in the land of Canaan at the end of Exodus (Jos. 24:32). That is, the texts portray the Exodus as the journey of Joseph’s bones from Egypt to the Promised Land. However, the texts offer only a trace of the bones at the beginning and at the end of the narrative. In this study an inter-textual approach to the biblical texts is used to interpret the Ark of the Covenant as the coffin containing Joseph’s bones in the desert. A faithful testator who strongly believed God’s promise intended the narrative of the solemn journey as a way of handing over his faith to his audience as a form of testament. The audience keeps and performs the testament as testamentary executors. Joseph’s funeral narrative is interpreted in this study by focusing on the text itself. The end of the narrative is reached with the burial of the bones as recorded in the book of Joshua. This construction suggests that the burial is a fulfillment of Joseph’s testament, but not the ultimate fulfillment thereof. The testament also has a bearing on further texts beyond the sixth book of Hebrew Bible. This narrative construction also has potential for interpretation in contemporary Christianity. The construction of the narrative reveals to the reader that God was the real executor behind the testamentary executors. The study therefore suggests that the church is a community which stands in continuation with the testamentary executors of the Old Testament. Joseph’s funeral narrative finds renewed fulfillment in the Christian church when expecting the real Executor again. This study concludes with some suggestions for the Church of how the fulfillment of Joseph's testament can be facilitated in contemporary contexts. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsing verteenwoordig ‘n sinkrone lees van die Eksodusverhaal waarin die “aanduidings van Josef se beendere” bestudeer word. Die Eksodus word in hierdie verhaal uitgebeeld as Josef se begrafnisprosessie. Moses dra Josef se beendere op vanuit Egipte waar die Eksodus begin (Eks. 13:19) en die seuns van Israel begrawe die beendere in die land van Kanaän aan die einde van die Eksodusverhaal (Jos. 24:32). Dit wil sê, die tekste beeld die Eksodus uit as die reis van Josef se beendere van Egipte na die Beloofde Land. Die tekste bied egter slegs ‘n spoor van die beendere aan die begin en aan die einde van die verhaal. ’n Inter-tekstuele benadering tot die Bybeltekste word in hierdie studie gebruik om die Verbondsark te interpreteer as die kis met Josef se beendere in die woestyn. ‘n Getroue erflater wat ten sterkste in God se belofte glo het die verhaal van die plegtige reis bedoel as 'n manier waardeur die erflater sy geloof aan sy gehoor in die vorm van 'n testament oorlewer. Die gehoor bewaar en voer die testament uit as testamenêre eksekuteurs. Josef se begrafnis narratief word in hierdie studie geïnterpreteer deur op die teks self te fokus. Die einde van die narratief word bereik met die begrafnis van die beendere waarvan in die boek Josua vertel word. Hierdie konstruksie suggereer dat die begrafnis die vervulling van Josef se testament is, maar dat dit nog nie die finale vervulling daarvan is nie. Die verhaal oor die erflating beïnvloed ook die verdere tekste na die sesde boek van die Hebreeuse Bybel. Hierdie narratiewe konstruksie toon ook potensiaal vir interpretasie in die hedendaagse Christendom. Die opbou van die narratief onthul aan die leser dat God die eintlike uitvoerder agter die testamentêre uitvoerders was.Die studie suggereer dus dat die Kerk ’n gemeenskap is wat in kontinuïteit staan met die testamentêre uitvoerders van die Ou Testament. Josef se begrafnis narratief vind hernude vervulling wanneer die Christelike kerk opnuut die Uitvoerder van die testament verwag. Die werk sluit af met enkele voorstelle oor hoe die uitvoering van hierdie testament in kontemporêre kontekste gefasiliteer kan word.

The voice of the voiceless : reading Luke 1:46-55 in the context of HIV/AIDS in response to Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza’s feminist theology

Kim, Elizabeth Min Hee 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A biblical truth tends to function in the politics of meaning formation, where cultural norms and values of society direct a biblical reading, which in turn further affirms and constructs social ideals. Specific to this study is the problem of the patriarchal framework that has shaped the prophetic reading of the Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55). Feminist scholars problematize patriarchal characteristics of the text and question religious formulations of gender norms that create unequal gender relations in society. This study presents a prophetic-critical reading of the Magnificat in light of the rhetorical functions of the text. To this end, chapter two evaluates Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza‘s theories of feminist praxis to sharpen a reading lens for the exegetical chapter which follows. In chapter three, it illustrates a propagandistic character of the text, intended by the implied author, in order to free the text from a patriarchal reading. Chapter four illustrates the rhetorical functions of the text in a new contemporary context of HIV/AIDS in South Africa. This is accomplished by means of a variety of social, political, economic and religious systems of meaning formation, in the form of a letter, hypothetically addressed to a contemporary benefactor, Queen Elizabeth II. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Bybelse waarheid is geneig om te funksioneer in die politiek van meningsvorming, waar kulturele norme en sosiale waardes die lees van die Bybel lei, wat op sy beurt sosiale ideale verder bevestig en vorm. Hierdie studie fokus spesifiek op die probleem van die patriargale raamwerk wat die profetiese lees van die Loflied van Maria (Luke 1:46-55) tot op hede gevorm het. Feminsitiese teoloë problematiseer die patriargale karaktertrekke van die teks en bevraagteken godsdienstige formuleringe van gender wat ongelyke geslagsverhoudings in die samelewing skep. Hierdie studie bied 'n profeties-kritiese lees van die Loflied van Maria in die lig van die retoriese funksies van die teks. Gevolglik evalueer hoofstuk twee Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza se teorië van feministiese praksis, om sodoende die lens vir die volgende eksegetiese hoofstuk te verskerp. Hoofstuk drie illustreer die propagandistiese karakter van die teks, soos bedoel deur die geïmpliseerde skrywer, om sodoende die teks te bevry van patriarchal, profetiese lees. Die laaste hoofstuk illustreer die retoriese funksies van die teks via lae van sosiale, politiese, ekonomiese en godsdienste sisteme van betekenisvorming, in 'n nuwe kontemporêre konteks van MIV/VIGS in Suid-Afrika, in die vorm van 'n brief, gerig aan 'n hipotetiese, kontemporêre weldoener, Koningin Elizabeth.

Wie van julle is wys en leef verstandig? : 'n multidimensionele lees van die Jakobus-brief, op weg na 'n etos van historiese lees en verantwoordbaarheid van die ekklesia / Thesis

De Kock, Annemarie Susan 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In South Africa there are various gender and health issues. These issues influence and challenge South African faith communities in their daily existence. This is further justified and enhanced by unethical Biblical interpretation. This study proposes that faith communities in present-day South Africa, where faith communities‘ social wellbeing is endangered, could be responsible receivers of the Bible. This may happen through a multidimensional reading of the letter of James towards an ethos of historical reading and accountability. A multidimensional reading of the letter of James proposes that the text, social and moral world of the writer and the first historical receivers, the possible rhetorical effect of the letter, the ideological perspectives that can be seen in the letter as well as the context, as well as the history of reception of this letter must be taken into account when the possible rhetorical effect for present-day receivers is investigated. An ethos of historical reading and accountability asks believers to respect the historical embeddedness of the text, to read the text in ways which do justice to the nature of the text and to account for the possible ethical consequences of their reading of a text. A multidimensional reading of the letter of James has the transformational potential to make the above mentioned a reality. A multidimensional reading of the letter of James furthermore suggests with regards to gender and health issues that present-day receivers of the Bible should become communities of character where the Bible is read in life-giving ways to make ethical biblical interpretation a reality. Thus South African faith communities may become agents of hope in present-day South Africa. Chapter one functions as the introduction to this study. In chapter two the letter of James is read with regards to the textual and literary aspects of the letter. In chapter three the social and moral world of the letter of James is investigated. In chapter four the pragmatic aspects (theological and rhetorical aspects) of the letter of James is focused on. Chapter five consists of a conclusion and summary of this study where gender and health issues, ethical biblical interpretation and the letter of James are brought together. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is verskeie gender- en gesondheidskwessies en uitdagings wat Suid-Afrikaanse geloofsgemeenskappe in hulle daaglikse bestaan beïnvloed en uitdaag. Dit word dikwels deur onetiese Bybelinterpretasie geregverdig en vererger. Hierdie studie stel voor, deur ʼn multidimensionele lees van die Jakobus-brief, op weg na ʼn etos van historiese lees en verantwoordbaarheid, dat geloofsgemeenskappe in ʼn hedendaagse Suid-Afrika waar hulle sosiale welstand bedreig word, verantwoordelike ontvangers van die Bybel kan wees. ʼn Multidimensionele lees van die Jakobus-brief stel voor dat die teks, die sosiale- en morele wêreld van die skrywer en eerste historiese ontvangers, die moontlike retoriese effek van die brief, die ideologiese perspektiewe wat in die brief en konteks sigbaar is, sowel as die resepsie-geskiedenis van die brief in berekening gebring word wanneer die retoriese effek vir hedendaagse ontvangers ondersoek word. ʼn Etos van historiese lees en verantwoordbaarheid vra aan gelowiges om die teks se historiese ingebedheid te respekteer, tekste op maniere te lees wat reg aan die teks sal laat geskied en ook die moontlike etiese gevolge van hulle lees van die teks te verreken. ‘n Multidimensionele lees van die Jakobus-brief besit, myns insiens, die transformerende potensiaal om bogenoemde te kan bewerkstellig. In die lig van gender- en gesondheidskwessies, voorsien hierdie leesstrategie dat hedendaagse ontvangers gemeenskappe van karakter sal wees waar die Bybel in lewegewende maniere gelees word, en etiese Bybelinterpretasie aangekweek word. Sodoende kan Suid-Afrikaanse geloofsgemeenskappe agente van hoop wees. Hoofstuk een is die inleidende hoofstuk tot die studie. Hoofstuk twee bestaan uit ‘n tekstuele en literêre ondersoek van die Jakobus-brief. In hoofstuk drie word die sosiale- en morele wêreld van die brief bestudeer. In hoofstuk vier word die pragmatiese aspekte (teologiese- en retoriese aspekte) van Jakobus van nader bekyk. Hoofstuk vyf bestaan uit ‘n gevolgtrekking en samevatting van die studie, waar gender- en gesondheidskwessies, etiese Bybelinterpretasie en die Jakobus-brief bymekaar gebring word.

The role of the Exodus motif in 1 Cor.10:1-13 : an intertextual study

Lubani, Sanned 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The goal of the study is to show that Paul’s usage of the Exodus Motif in 1 Corinthians 10 is intertextual in that it contains echoes and allusions from the exodus tradition. These intertextual echoes and allusions also form intratextual echoes and allusions, which show that the pericope is not limited to having significance only for immediate issues found in surrounding chapters 8, 9 and 10 but has intratextual implications for the whole epistle. Special focus has been placed upon 1 Corinthians 10:1-13, and an exegesis done using an intertextual method of interpretation, to show intertextual and intratextual echoes and allusions; and how the pericope is the centre of the whole epistle, and that issues addressed in the epistle find their parallels in the pericope. In the course of the study and as part of its broader scope, vital parallelisms are traced, biblically and theologically, between the Exodus and the Corinthian church. Finally, it has been established that the pericope is a midrashic paraenesis and it is theological in nature since it shows a faithful God in action. It is all about how God and humans act and react to issues of mutual concern. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie is om aan te toon dat Paulus se gebruik van die eksodusmotief in 1 Korinthiërs 10 intertekstueel is, in die sin dat dit eggo’s van en verwysings na die eksodustradisie bevat. Hierdie intertekstuele eggo’s en verwysings vorm ook intratekstuele eggo’s, wat aandui dat die belang van die perikoop hom nie tot onmiddellike kwessies in die omliggende hoofstukke 8, 9 en 10 beperk nie, maar ook intertekstuele implikasies het vir die brief in geheel. Daar word in die besonder gefokus op 1 Korinthiërs 10:1 – 3, waarvan ‘n eksegese deur middel van ‘n intertekstuele interpretasiemetode gedoen word. Dit dui inter- en intratekstuele eggo’s aan, sowel as hoe die perikoop die middelpunt van die hele brief is en ook dat kwessies wat in die brief aangespreek word, hul parallelle in die perikoop vind. Deur die loop van die studie en as deel van die breëer omvang daarvan, word essensiële parallelle op bybelse en teologiese gronde nagetrek, tussen die Eksodus en die Korinthiese kerk. Laastens is daar vasgestel dat die perikoop ‘n midrash paranese is en dat dit teologies van aard is, aangesien dit ‘n getroue God in aksie uitbeeld. Dit handel oor hoe God en mense optree en reaggeer op kwessies wat hulle wedersyds raak.

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