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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Indigenous play as a psychotherapeutic technique with young adolescents experiencing socio-emotional and behavioural difficulties in Hawassa City, Ethiopia

Tarekegn Tadesse Gemeda 01 1900 (has links)
The study aimed to examine the extent of indigenous play or teret-teret, as a psychotherapeutic technique to assist young adolescents in their adjustment from socio-emotional and behavioural difficulties. Following a mixed-methods, the study was conducted in three phases. The qual then QUANT in the main study followed by QUANT - QUANT and finally qual was employed. Two hundred ninety-nine participants, with 13 in Phase 1; 221 in Phase 2, and 65 in Phase 3, were involved in the study. Thirteen participants were purposively selected based on their experiences and merits for Phase 1, while 221 were selected through multilevel probability sampling techniques for Phase 2. Among the 65 participants for Phase 3, five were selected randomly whereas 60 were selected purposely. Three data-gathering instruments, comprising in-depth interviews, archive analysis, and questionnaires were employed. This design explored the quality of 62 manifestations of indigenous teret-teret for use in psychotherapy. The qualitative phenomenological study confirmed teret-teret as a relevant psychotherapeutic technique, practised in Ethiopia for the adjustment of young adolescents who experience socio-emotional and behavioural difficulties. The intervention study revealed statistically significant differences between the participants who received teret-teret psychotherapy and those who did not receive teret-teret psychotherapy. It was found that teret-teret psychotherapy advanced the socio-emotional and behavioural competencies of the participants. The cross-sectional survey study verified a 43% prevalence rate of composite SEBD, with 50% being anxiety/depression, 45% somatic complaints, 44% attention problems, 43% delinquency, and 42% aggression, respectively. Implications were discussed about applying indigenous child-friendly stories, teret-teret, as psychotherapeutic techniques to help young adolescents who display socio-emotional and behavioural difficulties at schools and in community settings. / Inhloso yocwaningo kwabe kukuhlola izinga lomdlalo weshashalazi kumbe i-teret-teret, njengendlela yokusoconga ingqondo (psychotherapeutic technique)ukunceda abantu abasha abasesigabeni sobujongosi (adolescents) nokulawula isimo sabo ukusukela kwizinkinga zenhlalakahle yabantu ngokwemizwanangendlela yokuziphatha. Uma kulandelwa uhlelo lwezindlela ezivangene (mixed-methods design), ucwaningo lwenziwe ngokwehlukaniswa izigaba ezintathu: Isigaba soku-1: Uhlelo lwengxoxo (Qualitative)–idizayini yefenomenoloji (phenomenological design), Isigaba sesi-2: Uhlelo lwamanani (Quantitative) – idizayini yesaveyi (survey design) kanyeneSigaba sesi-3: Uhlelo lwamanani (Quantitative) – idizayini engenelelayo. Abadlalindima abangamakhulu amabili namashumi ayisishiyagalolunye, ngesigaba se 13 eSigabeni soku-1; 221 kuSigaba sesi-2 naku 65 eSigabeni sesi-3,zonke zazibandakanyekile ocwaningweni. Abadlalindima abayishumi nantathu babekhethwe ngenhloso ngenxa yolwazi lwabo kanye nomsebenzi wabo oncomekayo eSigabeni soku-1, kanti aba-221 babekhethwe ngokusebenzisa indlela yesampuli ebizwa nge-multilevel probability sampling techniques kwiSigaba sesi- 2.Hlangana nabadlalindima abangama 65 beSigaba sesi-3, abahlanu bakhethwe kuyo yinoma kuphi kanti aba60 bakhethwe ngenhloso. Amathuluzi amathathu okuqoqa idatha, aqukethe izinhlolovo ezijulile, ukuhlaziywa kwama-akhayivu, kanye nemibhalo equkethe imibuzo yizinto ezisetshenzisiwe. Le dizayini beyihlola izinga lemisebenzi engama 62 eveziwe yendabuko teret-teretngokusetshenziswa kuhlelo lokusocongwa kwengqondo. Ucwaningo olugxile kwifenomenoloji yengxoxo iqinisekise umdlalo we teret-teret njengendlela efanele yokusocongwa kwengqondo, okuyingqubo elandelwa ezweni lase-Ethiopia ngenhloso yokushintsha isimo sabantu abasha abasesigabeni sobujongosi abahlangabezana nobunzima kwinhlalakahle yabantu ngokwemizwa kanye nezinkinga ezimayelana nokuziphatha. Ucwaningo olungenelelayo luveze ngokwamanani imehluko egqamile phakathi kwabadlalindima abafumene ukusocongwa ngokomqondo ngomdlalo we teret-teret kanye nalabo abangakaze bathole ukusocongwa ngokomqondo ngeteret-teret. Kutholakele ukuthi ukusocongwa komqondo ngeteret-teret kuthuthukise inhlalakahle yabantu nangezimpawu ezikhombisa ukuziphatha kahle kwabadlalindima. Ucwaningo olubizwa nge-cross-sectional survey lufqinisekise 43% yezinga lokutholakala kwezinkinga zenhlalakahle yabantu ngokwemizwa nangokuziphatha (SEBD),okuyi-50% yezinga lentukuthelo/ingcindezi yengqondo, i-45% yezikhalo, i-44% yezinkinga ezidinga ukuxazululwa, i-43% yezinga lokuphambana nomthetho kanye ne-42% yokuba nolunya,kanjalo nje. Okuchazwayo lapha kuxoxiwe mayelana nokusebenzisa izindatshana zendabuko ezijabulisa izingane, teret-teret, zisebenza njengamasu okusoconga ingqondo ukunceda abantu abasha abasesigabeni sobujongosi abakhombisa izinkinga ezimayelana nenhlalakahle yabantu ngokwemizwa nangokuziphatha ezikoleni kanye nasezindaweni zemiphakathia. / Die doel van die studie was om ondersoek in te stel na die mate waarin inheemse spel of teret-teret, as ʼn psigoterapeutiese tegniek ingespan word om jong adolessente by te staan in hul aanpassing van sosio-emosionele en gedragsprobleme af. ʼn Gemengde-metodes-ontwerp is gebruik en die studie is in drie fases uitgevoer: Fase 1: Kwalitatief–fenomenologiese ontwerp, Fase 2: Kwantitatief – opname-ontwerp enFase 3: Kwantitatief – ʼn intervensie-ontwerp. Twee-honderd-nege-en-negentig deelnemers, met 13 in Fase 1; 221 in Fase 2 en 65 in Fase 3,is by die navorsing betrek. Dertien deelnemers is doelgerig gekies op grond van hul ervarings en meriete vir Fase 1, terwyl 221 deur meervlakkige waarskynlikheidsteek proefnemingstegniekegekies is vir Fase 2. Uit die 65 deelnemers vir Fase 3, is vyf ewekansig gekies, terwyl 60 doelbewus gekies is. Drie instrumente is ingespan vir data-insameling, naamlik diepte-onderhoude, argiefontleding, en vraelyste. Hierdie ontwerp het die gehalte van 62 manifestasies van inheemse teret-teret vir gebruik in psigoterapie ondersoek. Die kwalitatiewe fenomenologiese studie het bevestig dat teret-teretʼn relevante psigoterapeutiese tegniek is wat in Etiopië beoefen word vir die aanpassing van jong adolessente metsosio-emosionele en gedragsprobleme. Die intervensiestudie het statisties beduidende verskille getoon tussen die deelnemers wat teret-teret-psigoterapie ontvang het en dié wat nie teret-teret-psigoterapie ontvang het nie. Daar is bevind dat teret-teret-psigoterapie die sosio-emosionele en gedragsvaardighede van die deelnemers verbeter het. Die deursnee-opname het ʼn 43%-voorkomskoers van saamgestelde sosio-emosionele en gedragsprobleme (SEBD) getoon,met 50% daarvan angs/depressie, 45% somatieseklagtes, 44% aandagprobleme, 43% oortredings, en 42% aggressie,onderskeidelik. Implikasies is bespreek met betrekking tot die toepassing van inheemse, kinderviendelike stories, teret-teret, as psigoterapeutiese tegnieke om jong adolessente te help wat sosio-emosionele en gedrags probleme by skole en in gemeenskapsituasies toon. / Psychology of Education / Ph. D. (Psychology of Education)

Rehabilitation of long-term offenders in a maximum security prison

Setelela, Rocksley 02 1900 (has links)
Abstracts and keywords in English, Afrikaans, Zulu and Northern Sotho / The main aim of this study is to obtain the MASTER OF ARTS degree. Secondly this study gives clarity on the study of long-term offenders in a maximum security prison. Offenders detained in maximum security prisons are given long-term imprisonment by the court of law. Long-term imprisonment goes along with high level of stress in correctional facilities. As a result, the development and treatment programs offered for inmates form part of the study. This study is important for the South African correctional system due to some of the categories of offenders in maximum security prisons. / Die hoofoogmerk van hierdie studie is om ʼn MAGISTER-graad te verwerf. Die studie gee tweedens duidelikheid oor die bestudering van langtermynoortreders in ʼn maksimumsekuriteittronk. Oortreders wat in maksimumsekuriteittronke aangehou word, word langtermyngevangenisstraf opgelê deur ʼn geregshof. Langtermyngevangenisstraf word geassosieer met hoë stresvlakke in korrektiewe fasiliteite. Die ontwikkeling- en behandelingprogramme wat aan gevangenes gebied word, vorm deel van hierdie studie. Hierdie studie is belangrik vir die Suid-Afrikaanse korrektiewe stelsel en sommige van die kategorieë van oortreders in maksimumsekuriteittronke. / Okuyiyona nhloso enkulu yalolu cwaningo ngukuthola iziqu zemiyezane ye-MASTER OF ARTS. Okwesibili, lolu cwaningo luyacacisa mayelana nokucwaninga ngezaphulamthetho ezingahle zibuye ziphinde (long-term offenders), ezisuke sisejele elinokuvikeleka okuseqophelweni eliphezulu. Izaphulamthetho eziboshelwe emajele anokuvikeleka okuseqophelweni eliphezulu zisuke zigwetshwe yinkantolo yomthetho ukuthi zihlale ejele isikhathi eside. Ezindaweni zokuhlumelelisa izimilo, ukuboshwa isikhathi eside kuhambelana namazinga aphezulu engcindezi (stress). Izinhlelo ezakhelwe ukuthuthukisa kanye nokwelapha iziboshwa ziyizinto eziyingxenye yalolu cwaningo. Lolu cwaningo lusemqoka maqondana nohlelo lwaseNingizimu Afrika lokuhlumelelisa izimilo kanye nakwezinye izigaba zezaphulamthetho emajele anokuvikeleka okuseqophelweni eliphezulu. / Maikemišetšo a magolo a nyakišišo ye ke go hwetša lengwalo la thuto la MASTASE (MA). Sa bobedi, nyakišišo ye e fa tlhaloso ka ga nyakišišo ya basenyi ba paka ye telele ka kgolegong ya bagolegwa bao ba lego kotsi kudu. Basenyi bao ba golegilwego ka dikgolegong tša bagolegwa bao ba lego kotsi kudu ba fiwa kahlolo ya paka ye telele ke kgorotsheko ya molao. Kahlolo ya paka ye telele e amantšhwa le maemo a godimo a kgatelelo ka gare ga mafelo a tshokollo. Mananeo a tshwaro le tshokollo ao a abelwago bagolegwammogo a bopa karolo ya nyakišišo. Nyakišišo ye e bohlokwa go mokgwa wa Afrika Borwa wa tshokollo le go magoro a mangwe a basenyi ka gare ga dikgolego tša bagolegwa bao ba lego kotsi kudu. / Corrections Management / M.A. (Corrections Management)

Emotional antecedents of customer loyalty in the formal retail industry of South Africa

Yao, Valery Yao 05 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in Zulu and Afrikaans / Despite its substantial growth and contribution to the economy of the country, the South African retail industry is faced with various challenges, including customers’ changing buying habits and expectations, the evolution of e-commerce, the entry of giant retailers into the retail market, and the growing importance of the urbanised middle class and its potential purchasing power. This creates risks that are mostly beyond retailers’ control. Therefore, there is a general drive among retail brands to build customer loyalty in order to respond to these contemporary dynamics within the industry and, ultimately, enhance sustainability. It is noted from literature that current understanding of customer behaviour in the South African retail space is largely the result of rational behavioural measurement, while the subconscious behaviour of customers is often neglected. The study on which this thesis reports attempted to address this gap in the current knowledge base. The current study makes a novel contribution to knowledge in using complementary traditional and neuromarketing instruments in a sequential mixed method research design to measure verbal, non-verbal and physiological emotions, which indicate the key influential cognitive and emotive factors shaping shopping decisions. For a comprehensive understanding of customer behaviour, the study primarily explored the emotional antecedents of customer loyalty in the formal retail industry of South Africa. In order to explore and describe both retail brands and customers’ experiences regarding the drivers of retail brand loyalty, the empirical phase of the study adopted a sequential mixed method research design. This design comprised eight individual semi-structured interviews, which focused on and explored the fundamentals of behavioural and attitudinal loyalty within the context of a customer relationship management strategy. x Based on the findings emerging from the quantitative mall intercept survey with 300 retail customers, the study identified the motivating factors of greatest likelihood among customers that best explain retail brand loyalty, namely product quality, convenience of location, customer care, product variety and availability, as well as fair pricing. Furthermore, findings emerging from the inferential analysis (structural equation modelling, two-step cluster analysis, optimal scaling and multivariate binary regression analysis) showed that brand trust, brand affect and attitudinal loyalty are key predictors of behavioural loyalty. Additionally, customer loyalty differs depending on customer predisposition towards the major retail brands tested. In this regard, Pick n Pay, Massmart and Shoprite/Checkers recorded the most favourable perceptions among customers. As Despite its substantial growth and contribution to the economy of the country, the South African retail industry is faced with various challenges, including customers’ changing buying habits and expectations, the evolution of e-commerce, the entry of giant retailers into the retail market, and the growing importance of the urbanised middle class and its potential purchasing power. This creates risks that are mostly beyond retailers’ control. Therefore, there is a general drive among retail brands to build customer loyalty in order to respond to these contemporary dynamics within the industry and, ultimately, enhance sustainability. It is noted from literature that current understanding of customer behaviour in the South African retail space is largely the result of rational behavioural measurement, while the subconscious behaviour of customers is often neglected. The study on which this thesis reports attempted to address this gap in the current knowledge base. The current study makes a novel contribution to knowledge in using complementary traditional and neuromarketing instruments in a sequential mixed method research design to measure verbal, non-verbal and physiological emotions, which indicate the key influential cognitive and emotive factors shaping shopping decisions. For a comprehensive understanding of customer behaviour, the study primarily explored the emotional antecedents of customer loyalty in the formal retail industry of South Africa. In order to explore and describe both retail brands and customers’ experiences regarding the drivers of retail brand loyalty, the empirical phase of the study adopted a sequential mixed method research design. This design comprised eight individual semi-structured interviews, which focused on and explored the fundamentals of behavioural and attitudinal loyalty within the context of a customer relationship management strategy. x Based on the findings emerging from the quantitative mall intercept survey with 300 retail customers, the study identified the motivating factors of greatest likelihood among customers that best explain retail brand loyalty, namely product quality, convenience of location, customer care, product variety and availability, as well as fair pricing. Furthermore, findings emerging from the inferential analysis (structural equation modelling, two-step cluster analysis, optimal scaling and multivariate binary regression analysis) showed that brand trust, brand affect and attitudinal loyalty are key predictors of behavioural loyalty. Additionally, customer loyalty differs depending on customer predisposition towards the major retail brands tested. In this regard, Pick n Pay, Massmart and Shoprite/Checkers recorded the most favourable perceptions among customers. As a complement to the quantitative research phase of the study, a Self-Assessment Manikin attitude measure was applied to a sample of 120 customers. This phase of the study highlighted pertinent emotional elements as key mediators in securing sustainable retail brand loyalty. In this regard, Woolworths and Pick n Pay recorded the most favourable perceptions on four stimuli, namely quality, customer rewards, customer care and brand logos. The study also applied eye tracking and galvanic skin response techniques to a sample of 10 participants to determine customers’ psychophysiological reaction to the four stimuli. Galvanic skin response findings showed that customers were especially engaged with Spar, Shoprite/Checkers and Pick n Pay, while eye tracking findings showed customers’ higher visual engagement with Shoprite/Checkers, Pick n Pay and Spar. A key overall finding of this study was the significant role of feelings and emotions in driving customer loyalty. Retail brands lose relevance when they fail to connect emotionally with customers, and without that emotional attachment, brands can easily be replaced by generic imposters. A comprehensive understanding of customer behaviour remains a quandary for marketing and business practitioners. In an attempt to address this limitation, the current study used insights from non-verbal attitudinal and psychophysiological measures to obtain a more comprehensive behavioural understanding of retail customers. / Nakuba imboni yezitolo ezihwebayo yaseNingizimu Afrika ibonise ukukhula nokudlondlobala okukhulu futhi idlala indima esemqoka emnothweni wezwe, ibhekene nezinselelo eziningana futhi ezihlukahlukene, kubandakanya indlelakuthenga yamakhasimende eguquguqukayo kanye nalokho okulindelwe ngamakhasimende nezimfuno zawo, ukungenisa ngezinkani kwemboni yokuhweba nge-intanethi nobuxhakaxhaka bobuchwepheshe besimanjemanje, ukungena kwezitolo eziyizikhondlakhondla emakethe yezitolo ezihwebayo, kanye nokukhula kokubaluleka kwabantu abahlala emadolobheni abasesigabeni sempilo esimaphakathi kanye namandla abo okuthenga. Lokhu kudala ubungozi obuvamise ukuba ngaphezu kwamandla nolawulo lwezitolo ezihwebayo. Ngakho-ke, kunomkhankaso oqhutshwa yizitolo zonkana ezihlose ngawo ukwakha ubudlelwano namakhasimende kanye nokuqinisekisa ukwethembeka kwamakhasimende ukuze zikwazi ukumelana nezimo ezikhona esikhathini samanje embonini yezitolo ezihwebayo, futhi ekugcineni, ukuze zikwazi ukusimamisa ibhizinisi lazo liqhubeke njalo futhi likhule lidlondlobale. Kuphawulekile emibhalweni efundiwe ukuthi ukuqonda kanye nolwazi olujulile olukhona njengamanje mayelana nokuziphatha kwamakhasimende eNingizimu Afrika emkhakheni wezitolo ezihwebayo ikakhulukazi kuwumphumela wokukalwa kwezinga lokuthatha izinqumo ngobuhlakani nokwenza izinto emva kokucabangisisa, kepha-ke ngakolunye uhlangothi kuvamise ukushaywa indiva ukwenza izinto kwamakhasimende ngaphandle kokuqaphela nokucophelela futhi ngokuthathela izinto phezulu noma ngaphandle kokucabangisisa ngalokho akwenzayo. Lolu cwaningo okubikwa ngalo kulo mbiko wocwaningo luzamile ukubhekana naleli gebe elikhona njengamanje eliphathelene nokuntuleka kolwazi. Lolu cwaningo lwamanje lufaka isandla esinohlonze kanye nemibono ephusile olwazini olukhona, ngokusebenzisa amathuluzi asekelayo ajwayelekile kanye nalawo asebenzisa ubuchwepheshe bokukala ukusebenza kwengqondo, ngaphansi kwedizayini yocwaningo egxile kwindlela-kusebenza exubile yokwenza izinto ngokulandelana kwazo, ngenhloso yokukala imizwa ezwakaliswa ngomlomo, ngezenzo noma ngeminyakazo yomzimba, okuyinto ebonisa izimo nezici-bunjalo ezisemqoka futhi ezinomthelela omkhulu eziphathelene nokusebenza kwengqondo kanye nemizwa, okuyizona ezilawula izinqumo zamakhasimende eziphathelene nokuthenga. Ngenhloso yokuqonda ngokuphelele ukuziphatha kwamakhasimende, lolu cwaningo lwacubungula futhi lwahlaziya ikakhulukazi izici-bunjalo zemizwa elawula ukwethembeka kwamakhasimende embonini yezitolo ehlelekile yaseNingizimu Afrika. Ukuze kucutshungulwe futhi kuchazwe kokubili izinhlobo zezitolo kanye nezimo ahlangabezane nazo amakhasimende mayelana nezici-bunjalo ezenza amakhasimende athembeke esitolo esithile futhi athenge kusona ngaso sonke isikhathi, isigaba socwaningo esiphathelene nolwazi oluphathekayo nolubonakalayo sasebenzisa idizayini yocwaningo egxile kwindlela-kusebenza exubile yokwenza izinto ngokulandelana kwazo. Le dizayini beyibandakanya ama-semi-structured interviews enziwa nababambiqhaza bocwaningo abayisishiyagalombili, okuyizingxoxo ezabe zigxile ekucubunguleni ukwethembeka kwamakhasimende okuphathelene nokuziphatha kwawo kanye nendlela abuka ngayo izinto ngaphansi kwesimo seqhingasu lokuphathwa kobudlelwano namakhasimende. Ngokususela kwimiphumela eyatholakala kwinhlolovo ebandakanya abathengi abangama-300 okwaxoxiswana nabo ezikhungweni ezinenxanxathela yezitolo, ucwaningo lwahlonza izimo nezi-bunjalo ezikhuthaza futhi zihehe amakhasimende okuyizona ezingasetshenziswa ukuchaza kangcono ukwethembeka kwamakhasimende ezitolo ezithile, okuyikhwalithi yomkhiqizo, ukufinyeleleka kalula kwendawo lapho kutholakala khona isitolo, ukunakekelwa kwamakhasimende, imikhiqizo ehlukahlukene kanye nokutholakala kwayo, ngokunjalo namanani-ntengo angambi eqolo. Ngaphezu kwalokho, imiphumela eyatholakala ohlaziyweni lwezinqumo ezithathwe ngokubheka ubufakazi kanye nokuqonda okujulile (structural equation modelling, two-step cluster analysis, optimal scaling kanye ne-multivariate binary regression analysis) yabonisa ukuthi ukwethenjwa kohlobo lomkhiqizo, ukukhanga nokuthandeka komkhiqizo kanye nokwethembeka okuphathelene nendlela-kubuka kuyizibikezeli ezisemqoka zokuziphatha kwamakhasimende okuhambisana nokwethembeka emikhiqizweni ethile. Futhi ngaphezu kwalokho, ukwethembeka kwamakhasimende kuyehluka, futhi lokhu kuncike ekuhehelekeleni kwamakhasimende ezitolo enkulu ezihloliwe. Mayelana nalokhu-ke, abakwa-Pick n Pay, Massmart kanye nabakwa-Shoprite/Checkers yizona zitolo ezibonise ukuthandwa kakhulu ngamakhasimende. Njengendlela yokweseka nokunezezela phezu kwesigaba socwaningo olukhwantithethivu olwenziwe, kwasetshenziswa isikali sendlela-kubuka esibizwa nge-Self-Assessment Manikin kwisampula yamakhasimende ayi-120. Lesi sigaba socwaningo saqhakambisa izimo nezici-bunjalo eziphathelene nemizwa ezifanelekile njengezinto ezisemqoka kakhulu ekuqinisekiseni ukwethembeka kwamakhasimende esitolo esithile ngokuqhubekayo. Mayelana nalokhu, abakwa-Woolworths kanye nabakwa-Pick n Pay babonisa ukuthandwa kakhulu ngamakhasimende mayelana nezici-bunjalo ezihehayo futhi ezikhuthazayo ezine, okuyikhwalithi, imivuzo yamakhasimende, ukunakekelwa kwamakhasimende kanye nemibala egqamile, igama elidumile nezimpawu zesitolo. Ucwaningo lwasebenzisa futhi nezindlela zokucwaninga eziphathelene nokulandela umkhondo wamehlo amakhasimende kanye nezimpawu zemizwa yamakhasimende ezibonakala esikhumbeni semizimba yawo, okuyizindlela zocwaningo ezasetshenziswa kubabambiqhaza bocwaningo abayi-10 ngenhloso yokuhlonza indlela-kusabela kwamakhasimende ephathelene nengqondo nomzimba kulezi zicibunjalo ezikhuthazayo futhi ezihehayo ezine ezishiwo ngenhla. Imiphumela yendlela yocwaningo ebheka izimpawu zemizwa yamakhasimende ezibonakala esikhumbeni semizimba yawo yabonisa ukuthi amakhasimende ahehelekela ikakhulukazi kwabakwa-Spar, Shoprite/Checkers kanye nabakwa-Pick n Pay, kanti ngakolunye uhlangothi imiphumela yendlela yocwaningo ebheka futhi ilandele umkhondo wamehlo amakhasimende yabonisa ukuheheka kwamehlo okuphakeme ezitolo zabakwa-Shoprite/Checkers, Pick n Pay kanye nabakwa-Spar. Umphumela omkhulu futhi osemqoka otholakale kulolu cwaningo yindima ebaluleke kakhulu edlalwa yimizwa ekukhuthazeni ukwethembeka kwamakhasimende. Izitolo zilahlekelwa yiwozawoza yazo kumakhasimende uma zihluleka ukuxhumana namakhasimende ngokwemizwa, futhi ngaphandle kwalokho kuxhumana ngokwemizwa nokuzwana, izitolo zingazithola kalula zisesimweni lapho indawo yazo isithathwe yizitolo-mbumbulu ezingosandanezwe. Ukuqondakala okuphelele kwendlela aziphatha ngayo amakhasimende futhi enza ngayo izinto kusalokhu kuyinkinga nesithiyo esikhulu kwizazi nezisebenzi ezenza umsebenzi wokukhangisa nokuqhuba ibhizinisi. Njengomzamo wokubhekana nalesi sithiyo, lolu cwaningo lusebenzise ulwazi nokuqonda okujulile okutholakale kwizikali zendlela-kubuka yamakhasimende kanye nezikali zesimo sengqondo nesomzimba samakhasimende ukuze kutholakale ukuqonda okuphelele futhi okujulile okuphathelene nokuziphatha kwamakhasimende athenga ezitolo kanye nendlela enza ngayo izinto. / Ondanks sy stewige groei en aansienlike bydrae tot die landsekonomie, het die Suid-Afrikaanse kleinhandelsbedryf met verskeie uitdagings te kampe. Veranderinge in kliënte se koopgewoontes en verwagtings, groeiende e-handel, reusekleinhandelaars wat die kleinhandelsmark betree, die toenemende invloed van die verstedelikte middelklas en sy potensiële koopkrag is enkele hiervan. Dit gee aanleiding tot risiko’s wat grotendeels buite die beheer van kleinhandelaars is. As gevolg van die hedendaagse dinamiek in die bedryf, poog kleinhandelsmerke om kliëntlojaliteit te verstewig en hulle eie volhoubaarheid te verseker. Dit blyk uit die literatuur dat die kleinhandelsektor se siening van kliëntgedrag in Suid-Afrika op die meting van rasionele gedrag berus, en dat die onbewuste gedrag van kliënte verontagsaam word. Hierdie tesis doen verslag van ʼn studie om hierdie leemte in die huidige kennis te probeer aanvul. Dit lewer ʼn bydrae deur aanvullende tradisionele en neurobemarkingsinstrumente in ʼn opeenvolgende gemengde metode as navorsingsbenadering te gebruik. Verbale, nieverbale en fisiologiese emosies is gemeet aangesien hulle die kognitiewe en emotiewe faktore is wat inkopiebesluite bepaal. Hierdie studie het hoofsaaklik die emosionele antesedente van kliëntlojaliteit in die Suid-Afrikaanse formele kleinhandelsbedryf verken om ʼn grondige begrip van kliëntgedrag te kry. Ten einde kleinhandelsmerke en kliënte se ervarings van die drywers van kleinhandelsmerklojaliteit te beskryf en te verken, is ʼn opeenvolgende gemengdemetode-navorsingsontwerp gevolg. Dit het uit agt halfgestruktureerde, private onderhoude bestaan. Hierin is gekonsentreer op die grondslae van gedragsen houdingslojaliteit teen die agtergrond van ʼn kliënteverhoudingsbestuurstrategie. Op grond van die bevindings van ʼn kwantitatiewe winkelsentrumopname onder 300 kleinhandelskliënte, is die motiveringsfaktore met die grootste waarskynlikheid aangetoon. Hulle is produkgehalte, ʼn gerieflike ligging, kliëntesorg, produkverskeidenheid, beskikbaarheid en billike pryse, en bied die aanneemlikste verklaring vir kleinhandelsmerklojaliteit. Volgens die bevindings van die inferensiële ontleding (struktuurvergelykingmodellering, tweestaptrosontleding, optimale skalering en meerveranderlike binêre regressieanalise) is merkvertroue, merkaffek en houdingslojaliteit betroubare aanwysers van bedragslojaliteit. Afgesien hiervan verskil kliëntlojaliteit na gelang van kliëntpredisposisie jeens kleinhandelsmerke wat getoets is. Kliënte was vir vier stimuli (naamlik gehalte, kliëntbelonings, kliëntesorg en merklogo’s) die ontvanklikste vir Pick n Pay, Massmart en Shoprite/Checkers. Aanvullend tot die kwalitatiewe navorsingsfase van hierdie studie is ʼn selfasseringsmodelhoudingmeting op ʼn steekproef van 120 kliënte toegepas. Hierdie fase het die aandag gevestig op pertinente emosionele elemente as sleuteltussengangers in die opwekking van volhoubare kleinhandelsmerklojaliteit. Vir die vier stimuli (naamlik gehalte, kliëntbelonings, kliëntesorg en merklogo’s) was kliënte se persepsies van Woolworths en Pick n Pay die gunstigste. Hierbenewens is oogvolg- en galvaniese velreaksietegnieke op ʼn steekproef van 10 deelnemers toegepas om hulle psigofisiologiese reaksie op die vier stimuli te bepaal. Die galvaniese velreaksietoetse het aangedui dat kliënte besonder ontvanklik was vir Spar, Shoprite/Checkers en Pick n Pay, en volgens die oogvolgtoetse visueel meer aangetrokke tot Spar, Shoprite/Checkers en Pick n Pay was. Hierdie studie het bevind dat emosies in die algemeen ʼn deurslaggewende rol in kliëntlojaliteit speel. Kleinhandelsmerke raak irrelevant as hulle nie ʼn emosionele band met kliënte smee nie. Sonder hierdie emosionele verbintenis kan generiese bedrieërs maklik die plek van kleinhandelsmerke inneem. Bemarkings- en sakepraktisyns het nie ʼn deeglike begrip van kliëntgedrag nie. Om dit reg te stel, het hierdie studie nieverbale houdings- en psigofisiologiese toetse toegepas om die gedrag van kleinhandelskliënte beter te begryp. / Business Management / D. Com. (Business Management)

Towards pro-conservation attitudes and behaviour by local communities bordering protected areas in South Africa

Queiros, Dorothy Ruth 09 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts and keywords in English, Sepedi, isiXhosa and isiZulu / Protected areas in South Africa are often surrounded by impoverished communities. Biodiversity must be conserved while improving community wellbeing. An increased understanding of key influences on pro-conservation attitudes and behaviour is essential for the future of successful conservation and the creation of realistic solutions for poor communities. Knowledge gaps exist regarding intangible benefits and losses, as well as the relationship between benefits, losses and pro-conservation attitudes and behaviour. Furthermore, there are less qualitative studies in this field than quantitative, nor are there many that include the perspective of park staff. This research followed a novel comparative multiple-method qualitative approach, using contrasting case studies and borrowing from grounded theory. Three nature reserves were selected, each involving two constituencies – (i) the local community and (ii) protected area staff. Individual interviews, focus group interviews, mapping, and adapted nominal grouping technique were used to collect data. The data were first analysed question-by-question for each case study, followed by cross-case analysis which resulted in meta-themes for each research objective. In each case study, benefits and losses were ranked to indicate their level of importance. Key tangible benefits were employment, access to natural resources and support for schools. Intangible benefits drew less focus, but comprise key influences, such as visiting the park, environmental education, information dissemination, and involvement. These benefits emerged again as aspects that would drew less focus, but comprise key influences, such as visiting the park, environmental education, information dissemination, and involvement. These benefits emerged again as aspects that would improve future positivity if more of each could be provided. Key losses were lack of/limited access to the reserve as visitors, insufficient employment, fear of wild animals and lack of involvement/interaction. Findings indicate that communities have a range of responsibilities towards the reserve (some of which are self-imposed), and a strong sense of custodianship. Exclusion from responsibility led to negative attitudes. Good relationships resulted in fewer poaching incidents, although locals are hesitant to report subsistence poaching. Areas of non-alignment between the perceptions of both constituencies highlight areas for rectification, such as parks acknowledging the losses perceived by communities; knowing which benefits are most important to communities; and highlighting benefits not mentioned by communities. The meta-themes were used to construct a data-derived ‘Theory of Influences on Pro-conservation Attitudes and Behaviour’, which indicates how relationship is shaped by benefits, losses, detractors and facilitators; and includes solutions to increase positive attitudes. To drive practical application of the theory, recommendations for park managers and local communities are provided. Finally, this study was integrated with existing literature to develop the ‘People-Parks Win-Win Framework’ – a comprehensive representation of the influences on people-park relationships – which has not been done before. The study makes methodological, theoretical and practical contributions. Its findings can facilitate people-park win-wins, aiding both biodiversity conservation and community wellbeing. / Mafelo ao a šireleditšwego ka Afrika Borwa gantši a dikaneditšwe ke ditšhaba tšeo di hlokago. Diphedi tšeo di fapafapanego di swanetše go babalelwa mola ka go le lengwe re kaonafatša go phela gabotse ga ditšhaba. Kwešišo ye e oketšegilego ya dilo tše bohlokwa tše di huetšago maikutlo ao a thekgago pabalelo ya diphedi le maitshwaro e bohlokwa go bokamoso bja pabalelo ye e atlegilego le go hloma ditharollo tše di kwagalago go ditšhaba tše di hlokago. Tlhokego ya tsebo e gona mabapi le dikholego le ditahlegelo tšeo di sa bonagalego, gammogo le kamano magareng ga dikholego, ditahlegelo le maikutlo ao a thekgago pabalelo ya diphedi le maitshwaro. Godimo ga fao, go na le dinyakišišo tše mmalwa ka ga boleng ka mo lefapheng le go fetwa ke dinyakišišo ka ga bontši, ebile ga go na le tše ntši tšeo di akaretšago maikutlo a bašomi ba ka dirapeng tša diphoofolo. Dinyakišišo tše di latetše mokgwa wa papetšo wa mekgwa ye mentši ya dinyakišišo ka ga boleng, ka go šomiša dinyakišišo tša seemo tšeo di thulanago le go adima go teori yeo e tlogago e theilwe ka mabaka. Mafelo a pabalelo ya diphedi a mararo a kgethilwe, le lengwe le le lengwe le akaretša bakgathatema ba babedi ka go lona – (i) setšhaba sa kgauswi le (ii) bašomi ba lefelo leo le šireleditšwego. Batho ka o tee ka o tee ba ile ba botšišwa dipotšišo, dihlopha tše di nepišitšwego le tšona di ile tša botšišwa dipotšišo, go hlaola, le mokgwa wo o fetošitšwego wa go hlopha ka maina di šomišitšwe go kgoboketša tshedimošo. Tshedimošo e thomile ka go sekasekwa go ya ka potšišo ye e botšišitšwego go dinyakišišo tša seemo, gwa latela tshekatsheko ya dinyakišišo tše di fapafapanego yeo e feleleditšego ka merero ye megolo go maikemišetšo a mangwe le a mangwe a dinyakišišo. Ka go dinyakišišo tše dingwe le tše dingwe tša seemo, dikholego le ditahlegelo di ile tša bewa ka maemo go laetša maemo a bohlokwa bja tšona. Dikholego tše bohlokwa tšeo di bonagalago di ile tša dirišwa, gwa ba le phihlelelo go methopo ya tlhago le thekgo ya dikolo. Dikholego tšeo di sa bonagalego di ile tša ba le šedi ye nnyane, eupša tša ba le dikhuetšo tše bohlokwa, tša go swana le go etela serapeng sa diphoofolo, thuto ya tikologo, go phatlalatša tshedimošo, le go kgatha tema. Dikholego tše di tšweletše gape bjalo ka dikokwane tšeo di tlago kaonafatša maikutlo a makaone a ka moso ge e le gore tše ntši tša tšona di tla abja. Ditahlegelo tše bohlokwa e bakilwe ke tlhokego ya phihlelelo/phihlelelo ye nnyane ya go tsena ka dirapeng tša diphoofolo ka baeti, tlhokego ya mešomo, go tšhaba diphoofolo tša lešoka le tlhokego ya go kgatha tema/tirišano. Dikutollo di laetša gore ditšhaba di na le maikarabelo a mehutahuta go dirapa tša diphoofolo (a mangwe maikarabelo ke a go ithaopa ga setšhaba), le maikutlo ao a tiilego a go di hlokomela. Go se akaretše ditšhaba go maikarabelo a go feleleditše ka maikutlo ao a sego a loka. Dikamano tše botse di feleleditše ka ditiragalo tše mmalwa tša go bolaya diphoofolo ke bao ba nyakago manaka a tšona, le ge e le gore badudi ba dikadika go bega go bolaya diphoofolo ke bao ba inyakelago nama ya tšona. Makala a go se sepelelane magareng ga maikutlo a bakgathatema ka bobedi a laetša fao go swanatšego go phošollwa gona, go swana le ge dirapa tša diphoofolo di dumela ditahlegelo tšeo di bonwago ke ditšhaba; di tseba gore ke dikholego dife tše di lego bohlokwa kudu go ditšhaba; le go laetša dikholego tše di sego tša bolelwa ke ditšhaba. Mereo ye megolo e ile ya šomišwa go hlama ‘Teori ya dikhuetšo ye e tšwago tshedimošong ka ga Maikutlo le Maitshwaro ao a Thekgago Pabalelo ya diphedi’, yeo e laetšago ka fao kamano e bopšago ke dikholego, ditahlegelo, disenyi le basepediši; ebile e akaretšago ditharollo tša go oketša maikutlo a makaone. Go tšwetša pele tirišo ye e phathagatšwago ya teori ye, balaodi ba dirapa tša diphoofolo le ditšhaba ba ile ba fiwa ditšhišinyo. Mafelelong, dinyakišišo tše di ile tša tsenywa ka gare ga dingwalwa tšeo di lego gona ka nepo ya go hlama ‘Melawanatheo ya Dirapa tša Diphoofolo tša go Thekgwa ke Batho tšeo di Holago Bohle’ – e lego kemedi ye e akaretšago bohle ka ga dikhuetšo tša dikamano tša dirapa tša diphoofolo tša go thekgwa ke batho – e lego seo se sego sa ka sa dirwa mo nakong ye e fetilego. Dinyakišišo tše tsenya letsogo ka ga mekgwa, teori le tirišo. Dikutollo tša tšona di ka nolofatša kholego ya bohle go dirapa tša diphoofolo tša go thekgwa ke batho, tša thuša bobedi pabalelo ya diphedi tšeo di fapafapanego le go phela gabotse ga setšhaba. / Imimandla ekhuselekileyo eMzantsi Afrika ikholisa ukungqongwa yimiphakathi ehluphekileyo. Indalo esingqongileyo kufuneka ilondolozwe lo gama kuphuculwa intlalontle yoluntu. Kubaluleke kakhulu ukwanda kokuqonda imiba enefuthe kwiindlela zokucinga nokuziphatha malunga nolondolozo lwendalo ukuze kubekho impumelelo ekulondolozeni indalo, kudaleke nezisombululo ezisebenzayo kwimiphakathi ehluphekileyo. Kukho izikhewu kulwazi olumalunga noncedo nelahleko, kwanolwalamano phakathi koncedo, ilahleko neendlela zokucinga nokuziphatha. Ngaphaya koko, zimbalwa izifundo ezingqiyame kakhulu kwingxoxo nengcaciso kunezifundo ezingqiyame kumanani, kwaye zimbalwa eziqwalasela izimvo zabasebenzi bamaziko ekugcinwa kuwo indalo. Olu phando lunesimbo esitsha esiqhutywa ngokuthelekisa iindlela zophando eziliqela, kusetyenziswa izifundo ezisekelwe kumava neengcingane/iithiyori ezaziwayo. Kukhethwe amaziko endalo amathathu apho kubandakanywe amacandelo amabini kwiziko ngalinye – (i) uluntu lwendawo kunye (ii) nabaqeshwa bommandla okhuselweyo. Ulwazi okanye idatha luqokelelwe ngezi ndlela zilandelayo: Kwaqhutywa udliwano ndlebe nabantu bengabanye, bengamaqela ekugxininiswe kuwo, kwalandeliswa ngokuthelekisa okuqikelelweyo nokwenzekileyo kunye nokudibanisa amaqela ukuze axukushe imiba ekuphandwa ngayo. Iinkcukacha zolwazi eziqokelelweyo zahlalutywa ngokuthi kuqwalaselwe iimpendulo zombuzo ngamnye kule yemizekelo yamava omntu ngamnye, kwalandeliswa ngokuthelekisa iimeko namava abantu ngabantu, nto leyo eyaveza imixholo ebanzi kwinjongo nganye yesifundo sophando. Kwisifundo samava ngasinye kwalandelelaniswa uncedo nelahleko ngokokubaluleka kwazo. Izinto eziluncedo ezaqwalaselwayo yaba yimpangelo, ukufikelela kwimithombo yendalo nenkxaso yezikolo. Uncedo olungabambekiyo zange luqwalaselwe ngokungamandla kodwa lunefuthe eliphambili njengokutyelela amaziko endalo, ukufundiswa ngokusingqongileyo, ukusasazwa kolwazi nokuthatha inxaxheba. Ezi ndidi zoncedo zaphinda zavela njengamanqanaba aya kuphucula ukuzijonga ngethemba izinto xa kunokwenziwa ukuba zibe khona. Ilahleko yaba kukunqongophala kwendlela yokufikelela kwiziko njengeendwendwe, ukunqaba kwamathuba empangelo, ukoyika izilo zasendle nokungabikho kwamathuba okuthatha inxaxheba. Okufunyanisiweyo kudiza ukuba uluntu lunoxanduva oluziindidi ezahlukeneyo kwiziko (olunye uxanduva bazinike ngokwabo), kwaye luzibona lungabagcini bendawo. Ukunganikwa uxanduva kwakhokelela ekucingeni gwenxa. Intsebenziswano yakhokelela ekuncipheni kweziganeko zokuzingela ngokungekho mthethweni, nangona abahlali bendawo bemathidala ukuxela abantu abazingelela ukuzondla. Iindawo zokuhlabana kwezimvo zamacala omabini zidulisa amanqanaba afanele ukulungiswa, njengokuba amaziko endalo ayiqonde imeko ebonwa njengelahleko luluntu lwendawo; aqonde nokuba zeziphi izinto ezibalulekileyo nezibonwa njengoncedo luluntu; acacise nezinto eziluncedo ezingabalulwanga luluntu lwendawo. Imixholo ebanzi (meta-themes) yasetyenziselwa ukuqweba ‘Ingcingane Yefuthe Elenzeka Kwiimbono Nokuziphatha’ (‘Theory of Influences on Pro-conservation Attitudes and Behaviour’), nebonakalisa ukuba izinto eziluncedo, ilahleko, iziphazamiso nabaququzeleli zilubumba njani ulwalamano. Kwakhona, le ngcingane iquka izisombululo zokwandisa iingcinga ezintle. Kunikwe iingcebiso kubaphathi beziko lendalo nakuluntu lwendawo ukuze kuphuhliswe iindlela ezibonakalayo zokusebenzisa le ngcingane. Okokugqibela, esi sifundo sixutywe noncwadi oselukho ngenjongo yokuphuhlisa ‘Isakhelo Sempumelelo Yentsebenziswano Kuluntu Namaziko Endalo’ (‘People-Parks Win-Win Framework’) – lo ngumbhalo oveza ifuthe lentsebenziswano yoluntu namaziko endalo – nto leyo ingazange ibekho ngaphambili. Esi sifundo sifaka igxalaba ngobuchule, ngengcingane nangomsebenzi ophathekayo. Okufunyaniswe apha kunakho ukudala impumelelo kwintsebenziswano yokuntu namaziko endalo, sincede ulondolozo lwendalo nentlalontle yoluntu. / Izindawo ezivikelekile eNingizimu Afrika kaningi zihaqwe yimiphakathi entulayo. Izinto ezahlukahlukene eziphilayo kufanele zilondolozwe kanti ngakolunye uhlangothi sibe sesifafaza ivangeli lempilo ephephile emiphakathini. Ulwazi oluningi lwemithelela esemqoka emayelana nommoya kanye nemikhuba yokulondoloza kwemvelo kubalulekile kwikusasa lokwakha uhlelo olluyimpumelelo lokulondoloza kwemvelo kanye nokwakha amasu empilo yangempela okusiza imiphakathi edla imbuya ngothi. Kukhona ukwedlulana okumayelana nezinzuzo ezingabonakali ngamehlo kanye nokulahlekelwa, kanye nobudlelwano obuphakathi kwezinzuzo, kokulahlekelwa kanye nemmoya kanye nemikhuba ehlose ukulondoloza imvelo. Ngaphezu kwalokho, kunezifundo ezincane zocwaningo olugxile kwizingxoxo kulo mkhakha, uma seziqhathaniswa nezifundo zocwaningo olugxile kumanani, kanti kunjalo-nje izifundo zocwaningo eziningi azixubi umqondo wabasebenzi. Lolu cwaningo luye lwalandela indlela embaxaningi yokuqhathanisa egxile kwizingxoxo, ngokusebenzisa izifundo zocwaningolotho eziphikisanayo futhi ziye zaqhubeka nokuboleka amasu kwimiqondo egxilile. . Kuye kwakhethwa iziqiwu zokulonda izilwane ezintathu, esinye nesinye isiqiwu sinezakhamuzi zendawo – (i) umphakathi oyizakhamuzi kanye (ii) nendawo evikelekile yabasebenzi. Kuye kwasetshenziswa izinhlelo zenhlolovo yomuntu ngamunye, ukumepha, kanye nezindlela zemibuzo eshicilelwe zemibono yamaqembu, konke lokhu kuye kwasetshenziswa ukuqoqa idatha. Okokuqala idatha iye yahlaziywa ngokwemibuzo ngamunye kolunye nolunye ucwaningolotho, okuye kwalandelwa yindlela yokuhlaziya eyaziwa phecelezi ngecross-case analysis okuyindlela edale ukuba kube nezindikimba ezibizwa ngemeta-themes zenhloso enye nenye yocwaningo. Kolunye nolunye ucwaningo, izinzuzo kanye nokulahlekelwa kuye kwabekwa ngokulandelana ukuze kuvezwe amazing okubaluleka. Izinzuzo ezisemqoka eziphathekayo kuye kwaba ukusebenza, ukwazi ukuthola imithombo yemvelo kanye nokuxhaswa kwezikole. Izinzuzo ezingaphathekiyo akugxilwanga kakhulu kuzo, kodwa nazo ziqukethe imithelela esemqoka, enjengokuvakashela izindawo zokungcebeleka, ukuhlinzekwa ngemfundo yezemvelo, ukusakazwa kolwazi kanye nokubandakanyeka. Lezi zinzuzo ziye zavela futhi njengezinto ezizothuthukisa ikusasa eliqhakazile uma ngabe konke lokhu kuyalandelwa. Ukulahlekelwa okuphawulekayo kuye kwaba ukusweleka/ukufinyeleleka kancane kwezivakashi esiqiwini sezilwane, ukuqashwa kwabasebenzi benani eliphansi, ukwesaba izilwane zasendle kanye nezinga lokusweleka kokubandakanyeka/nokungahlangani. Ulwazi olutholakele luveza ukuthi imiphakathi inezindima eziningi okufanele iziidlale kwiziqiwu ezilondoloza imvelo (ezinye izindima yilezo ezizibeke phezu kwamahlombe omphakathi) kanye nokuba nesasasa lokunakekela imvelo. Kanti ukungabandakanywa komphakathi kuye kwaholela ekutheni umphakathi ube nommoya ongemuhle kulezi ziqiwu. Ubudlelwano obuhle buye baholela ekutheni kube nenani eliphansi lezehlakalo zokubulawa kwezilwane, yize abantu bezindawo ezisondelene neziqiwu beba nokuthandabuza uma kufanele babike izehlakalo zokubulawa kwezilwane. Ukungasebenzisani phakathi kwezinhlanga ezimbili, izakhamuzi kanye namalungu eziqiwu zezilwane kuveza amaphutha okufanele alungiswe, anjengokuthi iziqiwu lezi zibe nolwazi ngokulahlekelwa komphakathi; zazi ukuthi ngiziphi izinzuzo ezibalulekile emphakathini; futhi ziveze izinzuzo ezingavezwanga wumphakathi. Izinhlaka phecelezi ezingama meta-themes zisetshenzisiwe ukwakha ithiyori esuselwe kwidatha, phecelezi ‘Theory of Influences on Pro-conservation Attitudes and Behaviour’, okuveza indlela ubudlelwano obakhiwa ngayo yizinzuzo, ukulahlekelwa, yizihibhe kanye nabancedisi; kanti lokhu kuxuba izixazululo eziqonde ukwengeza ummoya omuhle. Ukuze kusetshenziswe imiqondo ngendlela ebonakalayo , kuye kwalandelwa izincomo zabaphathi beziqiwi kanye nezakhamuzi eziseduze neziqiwu. Okokugcina, lolu cwaningo luye lwahlanganiswa nombhalo wobuciko obevele ukhona ukwakha phecelezi ‘People-Parks Win-Win Framework’ – uhlelo olubanzi oluxuba zonke izinhlaka olunemithelela yemibono yezinhlelo zobudlelwano babantu kanye neziqiwu zezilwane – okuyinto engakaze yenziwe ngaphambilini. Ucwaningo luye lwaba negalelo kwindlela yokucwaningo (methodological), kwimiqondo kanye namagalelo abonakalayo. Okutholwe wucwaningo kunganceda ukuhlela uhlelo lapho kuzuza abantu kanye neziqiwu, lokhu kunganceda zombili izinhlaka ukulondolozwa ephilayo ehlukahlukene kanti futhi kungadala inhlalakahle emphakathini. / Environmental Sciences / Ph. D. (Environmental Management)

A grounded theory of hazing in Gauteng secondary schools / Umqondo wenzululwazi ozinzile wokufikiswa ezikoleni zamabanga aphezulu eGauteng / Teori ya kgoboketso le tshekatsheko ya thupiso dikolong tse di phagamego tsa Gauteng

Huysamer, Carolyn Ann 12 1900 (has links)
Hazing is an ancient, universal practice. In past and modern societies, the need to join a group is an aspect of our humanity. The process of joining a group frequently includes the need to be hazed in order to legitimate full membership. This study uses the theoretical frameworks of Michel Foucault, Pierre Bourdieu’s perspectives of social order, Henri Tajfel and John Turner’s theory of social identity, and Albert Bandura’s theory of moral disengagement to look at individuals joining groups. In particular, the study has sought to ascertain why those who haze are motivated to act. A grounded theory has been developed through interviewing young adults, who while in positions of leadership as Grade 12 learners in Gauteng schools, planned hazing activities. The grounded theory shows that hazing while enacted by an individual is not solely driven by that person, but rather hazing is a means of cultural reproduction. The mechanism through which hazing occurs focuses on achieving a sense of belonging, conforming to a given culture and consenting to hazing. The hazer is motivated to pass on aspects of the school’s culture, namely school traditions, hierarchical structures, means and standards of discipline, and showing appropriate respect to others. The hazer believes that this can be achieved as those being hazed will comply if they can avoid being humiliated. The developed theory is grounded and was verified through interviewing stakeholders in the school community who had extensive knowledge of the school culture and of Grade 12 learners. / Ukufikisa kungumkhuba wasemandulo, owenziwa emhlabeni wonke. Emiphakathini yasendulo neyenamuhla, isidingo sokuhlanganyela neqembu elithile yinto eyingxenye yobuntu bethu. Inqubo yokuhlanganyela neqembu elithile kuvame ukufaka kukona isidingo sokufikiswa ukuze umuntu abe yilungu ngokuphelele. Lolu cwaningo lusebenzisa izinhlaka zemiqondo yezinzululwazi ezingoMichel Foucault noPeter Bourdieu wokuhleleka kwezenhlalakahle, umbono kaHenri Tajfel noJohn Turner wokuzibandakanya kwabantu kwezenhlalo kanye nombono ka-Albert Bandura wokuziphatha ngendlela engahambisani nemigomo yokulunga ukuze kubukwe abantu abajoyina amaqembu. Ngokusempeleni, ucwaningo lufuna ukubheka ukuthi labo abafikisayo bakhuthazwa yini. Umqondo wenzululwazi wakhiwa ngokuba kubuzwe intsha esencane imibuzo, intsha eyayihlela izinhlelo zokufikisa eyayisezikhundleni zokuhola abafundi ngenkathi yenza iBanga 12 ezikoleni zaseGauteng. Umbono wenzululwazi ozinzile uveza ukuthi ukufikiswa, yize kwenziwa umuntu oyedwa kusuke kungaholwa yilowo muntu kuphela, kodwa ukufikiswa kuyindlela yokukhiqiza kabusha ngokwesiko. Indlela okwenziwa ngayo lokhu kufikisa igxile ekufezeni umuzwa wokuba yingxenye yabathize, ukuguqukela osikweni nasekuvumeleni ukufikiswa. Lowo okunguye ofikisayo usuke efuna ukudlulisela phambili izingxenye zamasiko esikole, njengemikhuba, ukwakheka ngokushiyana kwamazinga, izindlela nemigomo yokuziphatha kahle, kanye nokubonisa inhlonipho kwabanye. Lowo okunguye ofikisayo ukholelwa ekutheni lokhu kungafezwa njengoba labo abafikiswayo bezokwenza lokho okuthiwa abakwenze inqobo nje uma bezogwema ukuhlukunyezwa. Umqondo wenzululwazi osunguliwe uzinzile futhi waqinisekiswa ngokufaka ababambiqhaza imibuzo emiphakathini yezikole eyayinolwazi olunzulu maqondana nesiko lesikole kanye nabafundi beBanga 12. / Thupiso ke mokgwa wa kgale, wa lefase ka bophara. Ditshabeng tsa kgale le tsa mehleng ye, tlhoko ya go tsenela sehlopha ke karolo ya botho bja rena. Tshepetso ya go tsenela sehlopha gantsi e akaretsa tlhoko ya thupiso go kgonthisisa boleloko bjo bo feletsego. Nyakisiso ye e somisa mahlamo a teori a Foucault, dipono tsa Pierre Bourdieu tsa thulaganyo ya setshaba, teori ya Henri Tajfel le John Turner ya boitshupo bja setshaba, le teori ya Albert Bandura ya tlogelo ya melawana ya boitshwaro go lekola batho ba ba tsenelago dihlopha. Ka kakaretso, nyakisiso ye e lekile go kgonthisisa gore gobaneng bao ba rupiswago ba hlohleletswa go tsea magato. Teori ya kgoboketso le tshekatsheko e tsweleditswe ka go botsisa baswa dipotsiso bao, ge ba sa le maemong a boetapele bjalo ka barutwana ba Mphato wa 12 dikolong tsa Gauteng, ba rulagantsego ditiro tsa go sira. Teori ya kgoboketso le tshekatsheko e laetsa gore thupiso bjale ka ge e diragatswa ke motho ga e susumetswe ke motho yoo a le nosi, eupsa thupiso ke mokgwa wa pusoloso ya setso. Mokgwa wo thupiso e diregago ka wona o tsepeletse go fihlelela boikwelo bja go amogelega, go latela setso se se filwego le go dumelelana le thupiso. Morupisi o hlohleletswa go fetisetsa dikarolo tsa setso tsa sekolo, e lego ditso tsa sekolo, dibopego tsa haerakhi, mekgwa le maemo a tayo, le go laetsa tlhompho ya maleba go ba bangwe. Morupisi o dumela gore se se ka fihlelelwa bjalo ka ge bao ba rupiswago ba obamela ge ba ka thibela go goboswa. Teori ye e hlabolotswego e kgobokeditswe le go sekasekwa gomme e ile ya tiiswa ka go ka botsisa bakgathatema dipotsiso sekolong sa setshaba bao ba nago le tsebo ye e tseneletsego ya setso sa sekolo le ya barutwana ba Mphato wa 12. / Educational Studies / D. Ed. (Comparative Education)

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