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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The relationship between work ethics climate, retention factors and organisational commitment of nurses in a South African public hospital / Kamano magareng ga seemo sa maitshwaro ka mosomong, mabaka a go tswela pele le boikgafo bja baoki ka sepetleleng sa setshaba sa Afrika Borwa / Itjhebiswano eliphakathi kobujamo bemigomo yokusebenza, imithelela yokubamba abasebenzi kanye nokuzibophelela kwihlangano kwabahlengikazi besibhedlela sombuso eSewula Afrika

Kau, Mahlamakiti Derisa 04 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Southern Sotho and Xhosa / Previous studies evidenced the association between work ethics climate, retention factors and organisational commitment separately. However, research combining all these variables have not yet been done. The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between work ethics climate, retention factors and organisational commitment of nurses in a South African public hospital. A quantitative research design was followed and a probability stratified sample (N=208) of nurses participated in the study. The results indicate significant relationships between work ethics climate and retention factors. Furthermore, the results indicate significant relationships between work ethics climate and organisational commitment. Moreover, the results indicate that work ethics climate moderates the relationship between training and development components of retention factors and organisational commitment. These findings provide new knowledge for the design of retention strategies, which adds value to the body of knowledge in relation to work ethics climate. Recommendations for further research and for the implementation of the results of the study by human resource professionals were made in terms of improving the ethical climate, the retention factors and organisational commitment of their employees. / Dinyakišišo tše di fetilego di file bohlatse bja kamano magareng ga seemo sa maitshwaro ka mošomong, mabaka a go tšwela pele le boikgafo ka fao go aroganego. Le ge go le bjale, dinyakišišo tšeo di kopanyago mehuta ye ka moka ga se tša hlwa di dirwa. Maikemišetšo a dinyakišišo tše e bile go nyakišiša kamano magareng ga seemo sa maitshwaro ka mošomong, mabaka a go tšwela pele le boikgafo bja bja baoki ka sepetleleng sa setšhaba sa Afrika Borwa. Tlhamo ya dinyakišišo tša boleng e dirišitšwe gomme sampole ya baoki ye e arogantšwego (N=208) ba kgathile tema ka dinyakišišong. Dipoelo di laetša kamano ye kgolo magareng ga seemo sa maitshwaro ka mošomong le mabaka a go tšwela pele. Godimo ga fao, dipoelo di laetša dikamano tše kgolo magareng ga seemo sa maitshwaro ka mošomong le boikgafo bja ka mokgatlong. Godimo ga fao, dipoelo di aletša gore seemo sa maitshwaro se lekanyetša kamano magareng ga dikarolo tša tlhahlo le tša tlhabollo tša mabaka a go tšwela pele le boikgafo bja ka mokgatlong. Dikutollo tše di fana ka tsebo ye mpsha ya tlhamo ya mekgwa ya go tšwela pele, yeo e tlišago boleng go tsebo mabapi le seemo sa maitshwaro a ka mošomong. Ditšhišinyo tša dinyakišišo go tšwela pele le tša go phethagatša dipoelo tša dinyakišišo ka bašomi ba sephrofešenale ba merero ya bašomi di dirilwe mabapi le go kaonafatša seemo sa maitshwaro, mabaka a go tšwela pele le boikgafo bja ka mokgatlong bja bašomi ba yona. / Amarhubhululo zesikhathi esidlulileko zifakazele itjhebiswano eliphakathi kobujamo bemigomo yokusebenza, imithelela yokubamba abasebenzi bangakhambi kanye nokuzibophelela kwihlangano ngendlela ehlukanisiweko. Nanyana kunjalo, ngokwerhubhululo ukuhlanganiswa kwazo zoke lezi zinto akhange kweziwe. Ihloso yaleli rhubhululo bekukuphenya itjhebiswano eliphakathi kobujamo bemigomo yokuziphatha emsebenzini, ukubamba abasebenzi bangakhambi kanye nokuzibophelela kuhlangano kwabahlengikazi esibhedlela sombuso eSewula Afrika. Ihlelo lerhubhululo elidzimelele kuzinga lekulumo lilandelwe kanti nesampula yabahlengikazi I (N=208) labadlale indima kurhubhululo lisetjenzisiwe.Imiphumela iveza itjhebiswano eliqakathekileko phakathi kobujamo bemigomo yokusebenza kanye nemithelela yokubanjwa kwabasebenzi bangakhambi. Ukuragela phambili, imiphumela iveza itjhebiswano eliqakathekileko phakathi kobujamo bemigomo yokusebenza kanye nokuzibophelela kwehlangano. Ngaphezu kwalokho, lemiphumela iveza ukobana ubujamo bemigomo yokuziphatha ilinganisa itjhebiswano phakathi kweengaba ezibandulako nezithuthukisako, iingaba ezimalungana nemithelela yokubamba abasebenzi bangakhambi kanye nokuzibophelela kwehlangano. Leli lwazi elitholakeleko linikela ilwazi elitjha malungana nokudizayinwa kwamasu wokubamba abasebenzi bangakhambi, okuyinto engezelela ivelu kumthombo welwazi malungana nobujamo bemigomo yokuziphatha emsebenzini. Iincomo ezinye ezimalungana nokuragela phambili nerhubhululo kanye nokusetjenziswa kwemiphumela yerhubhululo elimalungana nabasebenzi bomnyango wezokuqatjhwa kwabasebenzi zenziwe ngokuthi kuthuthukiswe ubujamo bemigomo yokuziphatha, imithelela yokubamba abasebenzi bangakhambi kanye nokuzibophelela kwabasebenzi kuhlangano. / Human Resource Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

Constructing a psychological framework for enhancing relational attitudes and behaviour in the South African employment relations context

Kirsten, Monica 04 1900 (has links)
Text in English, abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / This research endeavoured to construct a psychological framework for enhancing relational attitudes and behaviour in a South African employment relations context by investigating the relationship dynamics between individuals’ work-related perceptions (perceived organisational support and justice) and work experiences (psychological contract violation) and their relational attitudes (organisational and union commitment) and behaviour (organisational citizenship behaviour and counterproductive work behaviour) in the workplace, as moderated by their personal dispositions (individualism/collectivism) and mediated by organisational cynicism and trust. The associations between individuals’ personal (gender, age, population group and education level) and work-related (employment status, tenure, job level and union membership) characteristics and these dispositional and relational variables were also explored. A quantitative cross-sectional survey was conducted on a purposive sample of employed students registered at a higher education institution (n = 740). Canonical correlation analysis revealed that individuals’ work-related perceptions and work experiences as well as their sense of organisational cynicism and trust were strong predictors of their attitudinal commitment towards their organisations and their organisationally directed organisational citizenship behaviour. Structural equation modelling indicated a good fit between employees’ perceptions of the quality of their social exchange relationship with their employing organisations and their trust in and cynicism towards these organisations as antecedents of relational attitudes and behaviour. Mediation analysis indicated that individuals’ work-related perceptions and work experiences influence their attitudinal commitment to their employing organisations through their sense of organisational cynicism and trust. Moderation analysis revealed that the influence of individuals’ cynicism towards their employing organisations on their attitudinal commitment is conditional upon their level of horizontal collectivism. Multiple regression analysis showed that individuals’ gender, population group, level of education and job level explain their attitudinal and behavioural reactions to work-related perceptions and work experiences. Tests for significant mean differences revealed significant differences in terms of the biographical variables. At a theoretical level, the study extended the understanding of relational attitudes and behaviour and the antecedents thereof in the workplace. At an empirical level, the study delivered an empirically tested psychological framework for enhancing relational attitudes and behaviour. At a practical level, individual and organisational interventions in terms of the psychological framework were recommended. / Met hierdie studie is gepoog om ʼn sielkundige raamwerk daar te stel wat aangewend kan word om werknemerhoudings en -gedrag in ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse arbeidsverhoudinge konteks te verbeter. Met die oog hierop is ondersoek ingestel na die verhoudingsdinamiek tussen individue se werkverwante persepsies (waargenome organisasiesteun en -geregtigheid); werksbelewenisse (skending van die sielkundige kontrak); hulle houdings (organisasie- en vakbondverbondenheid); en gedrag (organisasieburgerskapgedrag en teenproduktiewe werksgedrag) by die werkplek wat deur hulle pesoonlike ingesteldheid (individualisme/ kollektivisme) beïnvloed word en deur organisasiesinisme en -vertroue bemiddel word. Die verband tussen individue se persoonlike eienskappe (hulle geslag, ouderdom, bevolkingsgroep en opleidingsvlak), werkverwante eienskappe (hulle arbeidstatus, dienstyd, posvlak en vakbondlidmaatskap) en hierdie gesindheids- en verhoudingsveranderlikes is eweneens verken. 'n Kwantitatiewe deursneeopname is gedoen met 'n doelgerigte steekproef onder werkende studente wat by 'n hoëronderwysinstelling ingeskryf is (n = 740). 'n Kanonieke korrelasieanalise het getoon dat individue se werkverwante persepsies en belewenisse sowel as hul organisasiesinisme en -vertroue 'n goeie aanduiding was van hulle houdingsverbondenheid tot hulle organisasies en van hulle burgerskapgedrag jeens hulle organisasies. Strukturele vergelykingsmodellering het groot ooreenkomste tussen werknemers se persepsies van hoe goed hulle sosiale uitruilverhouding met hul werkgewerorganisasies is asook hul vertroue in en sinisme teenoor hierdie organisasies as antesedente van hulle houdings teenoor en gedrag in hulle organisasies aan die lig gebring. Volgens 'n bemiddelingsanalise bepaal werknemers se werkverwante persepsies en werkbelewenisse hulle verbondenheid tot hulle werkgewerorganisasie op grond van hulle organisasiesinisme en -vertroue. 'n Modereringsanalise het getoon dat die invloed wat individue se sinisme teenoor hulle werkgewerorganisasies op hulle verbondenheid het, afhanklik is van hulle vlak van horisontale kollektivisme. Voorts blyk dit uit 'n meervoudige regressieanalise dat individue se geslag, bevolkingsgroep, opleiding en posvlak hulle houding- en gedragsreaksie op werkverwante persepsies en belewenisse verduidelik. Afgesien hiervan het opvallende verskille ten opsigte van die biografiese veranderlikes danksy toetse vir beduidende gemiddeldeverskille aan die lig gekom. Op teoretiese vlak het hierdie studie die kennis van werksverwante houdings en gedrag en die antesedente daarvan in die werkplek verbeter. Op empiriese vlak het hierdie studie 'n empiries getoetste sielkundige raamwerk vir die bevordering van positiewe werksverwante houdings en -gedrag tot gevolg gehad. Op praktiese vlak is individuele en organisasie-intervensies ten opsigte van die sielkundige raamwerk aanbeveel. / Lolu cwaningo luzama ukwakha uhlaka lwezengqondo lokukhulisa indlela enhle yokucabanga nokuziphatha kumqondosizinda wezindlela zokusebenza eNingizimu Afrika ngokucubungula izinguquko ebudlelwaneni phakathi kwemibono emayelana nemisebenzi yomuntu ngamunye (ukusekela nobulungiswa kwenhlangano okucatshangelwayo) nababhekana nakho emsebenzini (ukungahlonishwa kwesivumelwano sezengqondo) nendlela yabo yokucabanga (ukuzibophezela kwenhlangano nokubumbana) nendlela yokuziphatha (indlela yokuziphatha ngokobuzwe benhlangano nendlela yokuziphatha engavumelani nokwenziwa ngemfanelo komsebenzi) emsebenzini njengoba kujivazwa yindlela bona ngokwabo abaziphethe ngayo (ngokuzimela/ngokusebenzisana) futhi kugqugquzelwa ukungabaza nokungabinethemba enhlanganweni. Ubudlelwane phakathi kobunjalo bomuntu ngomuntu (ubulili, iminyaka yobudala, nokuthi ungowaliphi iqembu labantu kanye nezinga lemfundo) nokumayelana nomsebenzi (isimo sokusebenza, umsebenzi owenzayo, izinga lomsebenzi nobulungu benhlangano) izimpawu nalokhu okuguquguqukayo okuwubunjalo bomuntu nakho kwatholakala. Inhlolovo engamanani eyizigaba ezehlukene yenziwa kwisampula eyayikhethwe ngamabomu yabafundi ababhalisiwe esikhungweni semfundo ephakeme (n = 740). Ukuhlaziwa kokuhlobana okungenakuphikiswa kwaveza ukuthi izindlela zabantu ngabanye zokucabanga mayelana nomsebenzi nababhekana nakho emsebenzini kanjalo nombono wabo mayelana nokungabaza nokwethemba inhlangano kwakuyizona zinkomba ezazinamandla zokuzibophezela kwabo ngokwendlela yokucabanga ezinhlanganweni zabo kanye nendlela yabo yokuziphatha ngokwenhlangano okubhekiswe ebuzweni benhlangano. Indlela yokuqhathanisa ngokokwakheka yaveza ukuxhumana okuhle phakathi kombono wabasebenzi wezinga eliphezulu lobudlelwane babo bokuxoxisana nezinhlangano ezibaqashile kanye nokuthemba nokungabaza kwabo okwakuqondiswe kulezi zinhlangano njengesisekelo sendlela yokucabanga neyokuziphatha kwabo. Ukuhlaziywa kokuxoxisana kuveza ukuthi imibono yabantu emayelana nomsebenzi kanye nababhekana nakho emsebenzini kunomthelela ekuzibophezeleni kwabo ngokwendlela yokucabanga ezinhlanganweni ezibaqashile ngokomqondo wabo wokungabaza nokwethemba inhlangano. Ukuhlaziya okulawulekayo kwaveza ukuthi umthelela wokungabaza komumntu ngamunye mayelana nezinhlangano ezibaqashile ekuzibophezeleni kwabo ngokwendlela yokucabanga kuncike ezingeni labo lokusebenzisana ngokulinganayo. Ukuhlaziywa kokwehla ngamandla kwakhombisa ukuthi lokhu okulandelayo komuntu ngomuntu, ubulili, iqembu labantu akulona, izinga lemfundo nezinga lomsebenzi kuchaza indlela ababhekana ngayo ngokwendlela yokucabanga nokuziphatha okumayelana nomsebenzi nalokho ababhekana nakho emsebenzini. Ukuhlolwa kokusemqoka kuchaza umehluko owembula umehluko osemqoka ngokuguquguquka kwemininingwane ngomuntu. Ezingeni lethiyori, lolu cwaningo luveze ngokuthe xaxa ukuqonda indlela yokucabanga neyokuziphatha kwabantu, nezisekelo ezikhona endaweni yokusebenza. Ezingeni lokungase kubonakale kwenzeka, lesi sifundo silethe uhlaka lwezengqondo oluhlolwe njengolungase lwenzeke ukukhulisa indlela yokucabanga neyokuziphatha kwabantu. Ezingeni lokungase kwenzeke, kwancomeka ukuthi kube nokungenelela komuntu ngamunye nokwenhlangano ngokohlaka lwezengqondo. / Psychology / Ph. D. (Psychology (Industrial and Organisational Psychology))

The call to decolonise higher education : copyright law through an African lens

Sindane, Ntando 30 January 2020 (has links)
This dissertation reflects critically on the calls for the decolonisation of South Africa’s higher education sector by studying the historical development of legal pedagogy in South African law faculties. It focuses in particular on the intellectual property law curriculum broadly, and more specifically on the copyright law module. Africa’s colonisation by Western powers ravaged it in various ways. This is starkly illustrated in the areas of knowledge production and research. Against this background the dissertation teases out the prevailing extent, depth, and reach of colonialism in the copyright law curriculum with the aim of identifying possible ways to give practical effect to the calls for the curriculum to be decolonised. To achieve this, the dissertation examines leading South African intellectual property law textbooks through an African lens in an express attempt to assert the pluriversal, epistemicological traditions of the global South. In each chapter and with each theme the dissertation proposes how an envisaged decolonised copyright curriculum could look. The dissertation grapples with the various theories underpinning the decolonial discourse, laying groundwork for an academically sound basis on which to decolonise the copyright law curriculum. It provides an African critique of the Eurocentric intellectual property law ‘justifications debate’ and posits communal modes of property ownership in Africa to counter Western individualistic notions of property ownership which lend credence to the current justification debate. The dissertation analyses the nature of copyright in a work using the philosophy of Ubuntu as an alternative in teaching this theme within the curriculum. A decolonial analysis of the requirements for copyright is offered, and it is argued that the current sta-ndards and threshold used for the subsistence of copyright is colonial and furthers the onslaught on the Black Body, both in its practical application and in how it is taught. The dissertation concludes by studying copyright exceptions, critically urging the academy to apply a differentiated model of exceptions to different jurisdictions in light of their colonial history (and present). / Lomtlolo utjheja ihlangothi lokufuna bona kutjhugululwe iimfundo zemkhakheni wezefundo ephakamileko yangeSewula Afrika ngokufunda ngetuthuko yokufunda kanye nokufundisa ngemNyangweni wabajameli. Utjheja khulu umthetho wepahla wezefundo khudlwana kanye nomthetho welungelo lokukhuphela. Ukuthunjwa kweAfrika ngabamhlophe kone ngeendlela ezinengi. Lokhu kutjengiswa kumbi mikhakha ekhiqiza ilwazi kanye nerhubhululako. Ngalesi isendlalelo lomtlolo utjheja ngokudephileko ukobana ukuthunjwa kweAfrika ngabamhlophe kulethe muphi umuthelela ngehlangothini lomthetho welungelo lokukhuphela lezefundo ngomqopho wokufumana iindlela nofana iinzathu zokobana kutjhugululwe ifundo yangeemfundweni eziphakamileko. Ukuphumelelisa lokhu, lomtlolo uhlahluba iincwadi zobuhlakaniphi bomthetho wepahla ngokutjheja indlela yokwenza izinto ngeSewula. Isahluko esinye nesinye kanye nommongo omunye nomunye utjheja bona ifundo etjhugululweko ingaba njani. Lomtlolo utjheja amathiyori atlolweko kanye nekukhulunywa ngawo lawo akhe umkhanyo wokutjhugulula zefundo. Utjheja isiphoqo seAfrika ngobuhlakaniphi babamhlophe ngomthetho wepahla ‘ikulumopikiswano yesizathu sokwenza okuthileko’ begodu ibeka ngaphambili indlela yokwabelana ipahlo eAfrika ukulwisana nendlela yabamhlophe yokungabelani ipahlo ekubange ikulumopikiswano yesizathu sokwenza okuthileko. Lomtlolo uhlaziya isisusa sokukhuphela ngokutjheja ikolelo yegama elithi ‘Ubuntu’ njengegama elisetjenziswa lokha nakufundiswa lommongo eemfundweni. Indlela etjhugululweko yokuhlaziya iimfuneko sokukhuphela yindlela yabamhlophe begodu igandelela indlu enzima, ngendlela yokwenza kanye nangendlela efundiswa ngayo. Lomtlolo uphetha ngokufunda isiphambuki sokukhuphela, ngokubawa isikolo ukobana sisebenzise indlela ehlukileko kunaleyo ebegade isetjenziswa ngabamhlophe ekadeni kanye nesikhathini sanje. / Private Law / LL.M. (Intellectual Property Law)

The influence of Jasa's mini enterprise programme on learners entrepreneurial intentions

Makoka, Juliet Oageng 10 1900 (has links)
Entrepreneurship is a catalyst for economic growth and development; thus, the South African government continues to invest in programmes aimed at enhancing youth entrepreneurship development. However, South Africa is still characterised by low levels of total entrepreneurship activity. To stimulate entrepreneurial activity, scholars, policy makers and government have all identified entrepreneurship education as a critical component. Education equips potential and existing entrepreneurs with knowledge, skills, confidence, creativity and innovative capabilities needed to excel in entrepreneurship. One such entrepreneurship programme aimed at creating and enhancing entrepreneurship intentions among high school learners is the one offered by Junior Achievement South Africa (JASA). However, the effectiveness of the JASA entrepreneurship education programmes remains largely unknown. Enterprise Programme creates and enhances learners’ entrepreneurship intentions. Consequently, how learners’ personal attitudes towards entrepreneurship, perceived entrepreneurial abilities, subjective norms and entrepreneurship intentions were affected after participating in the Mini Enterprise Programme. The study employed a quantitative method and used an entrepreneurial intentions questionnaire to answer the research question. Data was collected from 151 learners who participated in the 2018 Mini Enterprise programme by means of self-completion questionnaires. SPSS was used to analyse the date through descriptive and inferential analysis techniques. The major finding of the study is that JASA’s Mini Enterprise Programme does indeed create and enhance learners’ entrepreneurship intentions. It was also observed that the programme positively influences learners’ personal attitudes towards entrepreneurship and instilled a sense of confidence in their entrepreneurial abilities. The study concludes by providing some recommendations for entrepreneurship education. / Bogwebi ke sethankgolodi sa kgolo le tlhabololo ya ikonomi, mme ke ka moo puso ya Aforikaborwa e tswelelang go beeletsa mo mananeong a a ikaeletseng go tokafatsa tlhabololo ya bogwebi mo bašweng. Le gale, Aforikaborwa e sa ntse e na le seelo se se kwa tlase sa ditiragatso tsa bogwebi ka botlalo. Go susumetsa tiragatso ya bogwebi, barutegi, badiradipholisi le puso ba supile thuto ya kgwebo jaaka karolo ya botlhokwa. Thuto e tlamela ba e ka nnang bagwebi le bagwebi ba ba setseng ba le gona ka kitso, bokgoni, go itshepa, boitlhamedi le boitshimololedi jo bo tlhokegang go dira sentle mo bogwebing. Lenaneo lengwe la bogwebi le le ikaeletseng go tlhama le go tokafatsa maikemisetso a kgwebo mo barutwaneng ba dikolo tse dikgolwane le tlamelwa ke Junior Achievement South Africa (JASA). Le gale, nonofo ya lenaneo la thuto ya kgwebo la JASA e sa ntse e sa itsewe. Lenaneo la Kgwebo le tlhama le go tokafatsa maikemisetso a morutwana a bogwebi. Thutopatlisiso e ne e lebeletse ka moo molebo wa sebele wa barutwana malebana le bogwebi, bokgoni jo go tsewang bo le gona jwa kgwebo, ditumelo tse di gona le maikemisetso a bogwebi di amiwang ka gona ke Lenaneo la Kgwebonnye (Mini Enterprise Programme). Thutopatlisiso e dirisitse mokgwa o o lebelelang dipalopalo mme ya dirisa lenaanepotsolotso la maikemisetso a bogwebi go araba potso ya patlisiso. Go kokoantswe data go tswa mo barutwaneng ba le 151 ba ba nnileng le seabe mo Lenaneong la Kgwebonnye ka manaanepotsolotso a a itlalediwang. Go dirisitswe SPSS go lokolola data ka dithekeniki tsa tokololo tse di tlhalosang le tse di lebang bokao. Phitlhelelo e kgolo ya thutopatlisiso ke gore Lenaneo la Kgwebonnye la JASA tota le tlhama le go tokafatsa maikemisetso a bogwebi a barutwana. Go lemogilwe gape gore lenaneo le tlhotlheletsa megopolo ya sebele ya barutwana malebana le bogwebi mme le tsenya go itshepa mo bokgoning jwa bona jwa kgwebo. Thutopatlisiso e konosetsa ka go tlamela ka dikatlenegiso dingwe malebana le thuto ya bogwebi. / Ikhono lobubhizinisi luyimvubelo yokuhlumisa kanye nokuthuthukisa umnotho, yingakho iNingizimu Afrika iqhubeka nokutshala izimali kwizinhlelo ezihlose ukuqinisa uhlelo lokuthuthukisa osomabhizinisi abasafufusayo. Ngakho-ke, iNingizimu Afrika isabonakala njengezwe elinezinga eliphansi kakhulu kwezezinhleli zokwenza ibhizinisi. Ukukhwezela izinga lokwezeka kwebhizinisi, osolwazi, abakhi bemigomo kanye nohulumeni bonke sebebone ukubaluleka kwemfundo njengesigaba esisemqoka. Imfundo ihlomisa ngamathuba kanye nosomabhizinisi abakhona ngolwazi, ngamakhono, ngethemba, ngobuciko bengqondo kanye nekhono lamaqhinga amasha adingeka ukuthi ukwazi ukuphumelela kwezibhizinisi. Uhlelo olunjalo lwezebhizinisi oluhlose ukwakha nokuqinisa izinhloso zobubhizinisi hlangana nabafundi abasemabangeni aphezulu, lwethulwa yinhlangano ye-Junior Achievement South Africa (JASA). Yize-kunjalo, ukusebenza ngempumelelo kwezinhlelo zemfundo yobubhizinisi i-JASA kaningi kuhlala kungaziwa kahle. Uhlelo lwebhizinisi i-Enterprise Programme lwakha futhi luqinisa izinhloso zabafundi zebhizinisi. Lolu cwaningo lugxile kwindlela imikhuba yomfundi ngamunye iba nomthelela ngayo kwezebhizinisi, kwezamakhono aziwayo ezebhizinisi, kwingqubo ethatha uhlangothi kanye nakwizinhloso zebhizinisi zithintwa wumthelela we-Mini Enterprise Programme. Ucwaningo lusebenzise indlela eyencike kumanani (quantitative method) kanti futhi luphinde lwasebenzisa umbhalo wemibuzo onezinhloso zobubhizinisi ukuphendula umbuzo wocwaningo. Idatha iqoqwe kubafundi abayi-151 ababebandakanyeka ohlelweni lwe-2018 Mini Enterprise Programme ngokusebenzisa imibhalo yemibuzo egcwaliswa yolowo mfundi ophendulayo qobo lwakhe. I-SPSS isetshenziselwe ukuhlaziya ilanga ngokusebenzisa izinhlelo zokuhlaziya i-descriptive and inferential analysis techniques. Ulwazi olunzulu olutholwe wucwaningo olwenziwe yi-JASA’s Mini Enterprise Programme empeleni luye lwakha futhi lwaqinisa izinhloso zabafundi kwezebhizinisi. Kuye kwatholakala ukuthi uhlelo luye lwaba nomthelela omuhle kwimikhuba yabafundi ngamunye kwikhono lobubhizinisi futhi lwatshala ummoya wokuzethemba kumakhono abo obubhizinisi. Ucwaningo luphetha ngokunikeza izincomo ezimayelana nemfundo yobubhizinisi / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

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