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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Numerical modelling of an air-helium buoyant jet in a two vented enclosure / Modélisation numérique d'un jet flottant air-hélium dans une cavité avec deux évents

Saikali, Elie 08 March 2018 (has links)
Nous cherchons à modéliser numériquement un jet flottant air-hélium dans une cavité avec deux ouvertures à partir de simulations aux grandes échelles (LES) et de simulations numériques directes (DNS). La configuration considérée est basée sur une étude expérimentale menée au CEA de Saclay reproduisant une fuite d'hydrogène en environnement confiné. La dimension de la cavité a été choisie pour permettre une transition laminaire-turbulent intervenant environ à la mi-hauteur de la cavité. Cette étude porte principalement sur trois points majeurs : l'influence des conditions aux limites sur le développement du jet et son interaction avec l'environnement extérieur, la validité du modèle numérique qui est analysée en comparant la distribution de vitesse obtenue numériquement aux mesures expérimentales (PIV) et, enfin, la compréhension de la distribution air-hélium et le phénomène de stratification qui s'établit à l'intérieur de la cavité. Nous observons dans un premier temps que des conditions limites de pression constante appliquées directement au ras des évents conduisent à une sous-estimation du débit volumique d'air entrant dans la cavité et donc à une surestimation de la masse de l'hélium à l'intérieur de la cavité, ce qui n'est pas acceptable dans un contexte d'évaluation du risque hydrogène. En revanche, la prise en compte, dans le domaine de calcul, d'une région extérieure à la cavité prédit correctement le flux d'air entrant. Les résultats numériques sont alors en bon accord avec les données PIV. Il a été montré que les prédictions de la DNS, par rapport à la LES, concordent mieux avec les mesures de vitesse par PIV. Le champ de concentration prédit numériquement présente une couche homogène en haut de la cavité, dont la concentration est en accord avec le modèle théorique de Linden et al. 1990. Cependant, sa position et son épaisseur ne correspondent pas au modèle. Ceci est principalement dû aux interactions directes entre le jet flottant et, d'une part, avec les limites solides de la cavité et d'autre part, avec l'environnement extérieur. L'analyse statistique concernant la production de la flottabilité de l'énergie cinétique turbulente (TKE) a permis d'identifier les limites du jet flottant. / We present numerical results from large eddy simulations (LES) and coarse direct numerical simulations (DNS) of an air-helium buoyant jet rising in a two vented cavity. The geometrical configuration mimics the helium release experimental set-up studied at CEA Saclay in the framework of security assessment of hydrogen-based systems with an indoor usage. The dimension of the enclosure was chosen to ensure a laminar-turbulent transition occurring at about the middle height of the cavity. This study focuses mainly on three key points : the influence of the boundary conditions on the jet development and its interaction with the exterior environment, the validity of the numerical model which is analyzed by comparing the numerical velocity distribution versus the measured particle image velocimetry (PIV) ones, and finally understanding the distribution of air-helium and the stratification phenomenon that takes place inside the cavity. We observe at first that applying constant pressure outlet boundary conditions directly at the vent surfaces underestimates the volumetric flow rate of air entering the enclosure and thus overestimate the helium mass inside the cavity. On the contrary, modelling an exterior region in the computational domain better predicts the air flow-rate entrance and numerical results matches better with the experimental PIV data. It has been figured out that the coarse DNS predictions match better with the velocities PIV measurements, compared to the LES. Numerical prediction of the helium field depicts a homogeneous layer formed at the top of the cavity, with a concentration in good agreement with the theoretical model of Linden et al. 1990. However, the position and the thickness of the layer do not correspond to the theory. This is mainly due to the direct interactions between the buoyant jet and both the solid boundaries of the cavity and the exterior environment. Statistical analysis regarding the buoyancy production of the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) served to identify the limits of the buoyant jet.

The Effect Of Energy Deposition In Hypersonic Blunt Body Flow Field

Satheesh, K 10 1900 (has links)
A body exposed to hypersonic flow is subjected to extremely high wall heating rates, owing to the conversion of the kinetic energy of the oncoming flow into heat through the formation of shock waves and viscous dissipation in the boundary layer and this is one of the main concerns in the design of any hypersonic vehicle. The conventional way of tackling this problem is to use a blunt fore-body, but it also results in an increase in wave drag and puts the penalty of excessive load on the propulsion system. An alternative approach is to alter the flow field using external means without changing the shape of the body; and several such methods are reported in the literature. The superiority of such methods lie in the fact that the effective shape of the body can be altered to meet the requirements of low wave drag, without having to pay the penalty of an increased wall heat transfer rate. Among these techniques, the use of local energy addition in the freestream to alter the flow field is particularly promising due to the flexibility it offers. By the suitable placement of the energy source relative to the body, this method can be effectively used to reduce the wave drag, to generate control forces and to optimise the performance of inlets. Although substantial number of numerical investigations on this topic is reported in the literature, there is no experimental evidence available, especially under hypersonic flow conditions, to support the feasibility of this concept. The purpose of this thesis is to experimentally investigate the effect of energy deposition on the flow-field of a 120� apex angle blunt cone in a hypersonic shock tunnel. Energy deposition is done using an electric arc discharge generated between two electrodes placed in the free stream and various parameters influencing the effectiveness of this technique are studied. The effect of energy deposition on aerodynamic parameters such as the drag force acting on the model and the wall heat flux has been investigated. In addition, the unsteady flow field is visualised using a standard Z-type schlieren flow visualisation setup. The experimental studies have shown a maximum reduction in drag of 50% and a reduction in stagnation point heating rate of 84% with the deposition of 0.3 kW of energy. The investigations also show that the location of energy deposition has a vital role in determining the flow structure; with no noticeable effects being produced in the flow field when the discharge source is located close to the body (0.416 times body diameter). In addition, the type of the test gas used is also found to have a major influence on the effectiveness of energy deposition, suggesting that thermal effects of energy deposition govern the flow field alteration mechanism. The freestream mass flux is also identified as an important parameter. These findings were also confirmed by surface pressure measurements. The experimental evidence also indicates that relaxation of the internal degrees of freedom play a major role in the determination of the flow structure. For the present experimental conditions, it has been observed that the flow field alteration is a result of the interaction of the heated region behind the energy spot with the blunt body shock wave. In addition to the experimental studies, numerical simulations of the flow field with energy deposition are also carried out and the experimentally measured aerodynamic drag with energy deposition is found to match reasonably well with the computed values.

Demonstration Of Supersonic Combustion In A Combustion Driven Shock-Tunnel

Joarder, Ratan 06 1900 (has links)
For flights beyond Mach 6 ramjets are inefficient engines due to huge total pressure loss in the normal shock systems, combustion conditions that lose a large fraction of the available chemical energy due to dissociation and high structural loads. However if the flow remains supersonic inside the combustion chamber, the above problems could be alleviated and here the concept of SCRAMJET(supersonic combustion ramjet) comes into existence. The scramjets could reduce launching cost of satellites by carrying only fuel and ingesting oxygen from atmospheric air. Further applications could involve defense and transcontinental hypersonic transport. In the current study an effort is made to achieve supersonic combustion in a ground based short duration test facility(combustion driven shock-tunnel), which in addition to flight Mach number can simulate flight Reynolds number as well. In this study a simple method of injection i.e. wall injection of the fuel into the combustion chamber is used. The work starts with threedimensional numerical simulation of a non-reacting gas(air) injection into a hypersonic cross-flow of air to determine the conditions in which air penetrates reasonably well into the cross-flow. Care is taken so that the process does not induce huge pressure loss due to the bow shock which appears in front of the jet column. The code is developed in-house and parallelized using OpenMp model. This is followed by experiments on air injection into a hypersonic cross-flow of air in a conventional shock-tunnel HST2 existing in IISc. The most tricky part is synchronization of injection with start of test-flow in such a short duration(test time 1 millisecond) facility. Next part focuses on numerical simulations to determine the free-stream conditions, mainly the temperature and pressure of air, so that combustion takes place when hydrogen is injected into a supersonic cross-flow of air. The simulations are two-dimensional and includes species conservation equations and source terms due to chemical reactions in addition to the Navier-Stokes equations. This code is also built in-house and parallelized because of more number of operations with the inclusion of species conservation equations and chemical non-equilibrium. However, the predicted conditions were not achievable by HST2 due to low stagnation conditions of HST2. Therefore, a new shock-tunnel which could produce the required conditions is built. The new tunnel is a combustion driven shock-tunnel in which the driver gas is at higher temperature than conventional shock-tunnel. The driver gas is basically a mixture of hydrogen, oxygen and helium at a mole ratio of 2:1:10 initially. The mixture is ignited by spark plugs and the hydrogen and oxygen reacts releasing heat. The heat released raises the temperature of the mixture which is now predominantly helium and small fractions of water vapour and some radicals. The composition of the driver gas and initial pressure are determined through numerical simulations. Experiments follow in the new tunnel on hydrogen injection into a region of supersonic cross-flow between two parallel plates with a wedge attached to the bottom plate. The wedge reduces the hypersonic free-stream to Mach 2. A high-speed camera monitors the flow domain around injection point and sharp rise in luminosity is observed. To ascertain whether the luminosity is due to combustion or not, two more driven gases namely nitrogen and oxygen-rich air are used and the luminosity is compared. In the first case, the free-stream contains no oxygen and luminosity is not observed whereas in the second case higher luminosity than air driver case is visible. Additionally heat-transfer rates are measured at the downstream end of the model and at a height midway between the plates. Similar trend is observed in the relative heat-transfer rates. Wall static pressure at a location downstream of injection port is also measured and compared with numerical simulations. Results of numerical simulations which are carried out at the same conditions as of experiments confirm combustion at supersonic speed. Experiments and numerical simulations show presence of supersonic combustion in the setup. However, further study is necessary to optimize the parameters so that thrust force could be generated efficiently.

Numerical Computations of Action Potentials for the Heart-torso Coupling Problem

Rioux, Myriam 10 January 2012 (has links)
The work developed in this thesis focusses on the electrical activity of the heart, from the modeling of the action potential originating from cardiac cells and propagating through the heart, as well as its electrical manifestation at the body surface. The study is divided in two main parts: modeling the action potential, and numerical simulations. For modeling the action potential a dimensional and asymptotic analysis is done. The key advance in this part of the work is that this analysis gives the steps to reliably control the action potential. It allows predicting the time/space scales and speed of any action potential that is to say the shape of the action potential and its propagation. This can be done as the explicit relations on all the physiological constants are defined precisely. This method facilitates the integrative modeling of a complete human heart with tissue-specific ionic models. It even proves that using a single model for the cardiac action potential is enough in many situations. For efficient numerical simulations, a numerical method for solving the heart-torso coupling problem is explored according to a level set description of the domains. This is done in the perspective of using directly medical images for building computational domains. A finite element method is then developed to manage meshes not adapted to internal interfaces. Finally, an anisotropic adaptive remeshing methods for unstructured finite element meshes is used to efficiently capture propagating action potentials within complex, realistic two dimensional geometries.


Tenerani, Anna 26 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse, on propose un nouveau modèle de couplage auto-cohérent entre des structures magnétiques cohérentes sur les échelles ioniques et des ondes dites de sifflement (whistlers, en anglais) à plus hautes fréquences, afin d'interpréter les données expérimentales recueillies par les satellites Cluster pendant un sous-orage magnétique dans la région nocturne de la magnétosphère terrestre. Le couplage fournit un mécanisme pour confiner et transporter les ondes whistlers par l'intermédiaire d' une onde nonlinéaire qui se propage obliquement par rapport au champ magnétique. Cette étude s'appuie sur une analyse des données expérimentales, sur une modélisation théorique ainsi que sur des simulations numériques. Pendant les sous-orages magnétiques, la magnétosphère est soumise à de fortes perturbations magnétiques et électriques dans une vaste gamme de fréquences, qui vont des basses fréquences, inférieures ou de l'ordre de l'échelle temporelle typique ionique, aux hautes fréquences, supérieures ou de l'ordre de l' échelle temporelle typique électronique. Afin de connaître les processus physiques qui déterminent la dynamique de la magnétosphère pendant les sous-orages, il est fondamental de comprendre si, et avec quel méchanisme, des couplages peuvent se produire entre des ondes qui se propagent sur des temps caractéristiques différents. Des structures magnétiques à basse fréquence ont déjá été obsérvées dans des régions comme la magnétogaine et le vent solaire, éventuellement associées à des ondes whistlers à plus haute fréquence. Dans cette thèse, on montre que des structures similaires sont obsérvées dans la couche de plasma à l'intérieur de la magnétosphère. On s'intérroge ensuite sur la façon dont l'inhomogénéité de telles structures peut influencer la propagation des ondes à plus haute fréquence. Grâce à ses quatre satellites en configuration tetraédrique et à ses mésures à haute résolution temporelle, la mission Cluster nous offre une occasion unique de pouvoir analyser la structure spatiale des perturbations stationnaires (ou se propageant) et d'étudier la dynamique du plasma sur des échelles temporelles plus courtes, telles que celles des ondes whistlers. Ainsi, je décrirai les émissions d'ondes whistlers détectées par les satellites Cluster à l'intérieur de structures magnétiques cohérentes situées dans un écoulement de plasma rapide pendant le sous-orage du 17 Août 2003. Au cours de cette période, les satellites Cluster sont situés dans la couche de plasma, séparés d'une distance de l'ordre des échelles spatiales typiques ioniques (le rayon de giration ou la longueur d'inertie des ions). Les ondes whistlers sont corrélées avec des structures magnétiques characterisées par un minimum du module du champ magnétique et un maximum de densité du plasma. Ces dernières ont été modélisées comme des ondes planes nonlinéaires de type lent qui piègent et transportent les ondes whistlers. A partir d'une étude théorique et numérique en utilisant une approche bi-fluide, on peut alors reproduire les données observationnelles. Le rôle possible de telles structures couplées dans la physique des sous-orages est aussi discuté. Ce nouveau mécanisme de piégeage, étudié ici en utilisant comme guide pour les whistlers une onde oblique de type magnétosonique, est d'intérêt plus général par rapport au contexte spécifique des observations présentées dans cette thèse. En effet, d'autres ondes nonlinéaires, comme par exemple les ondes d' Alfvén obliques ou d' Alfvén cinétiques dans les plasmas à beta fort (où beta est le rapport de la pression thermique du plasma sur la pression magnétique), pourraient aussi transporter les whistlers. Ce modèle de piégeage constitue aussi une explication alternative aux modèles existants qui considèrent une inhomogénéité stationnaire sous la forme d'un canal de densité. Enfin, l'étude décrite dans cette thèse concerne des problématiques fondamentales en physique des plasmas, comme la propagation d'ondes dans les milieux inhomogènes et l'interaction entre modes sur des échelles temporelles différentes.

Numerical Computations of Action Potentials for the Heart-torso Coupling Problem

Rioux, Myriam 10 January 2012 (has links)
The work developed in this thesis focusses on the electrical activity of the heart, from the modeling of the action potential originating from cardiac cells and propagating through the heart, as well as its electrical manifestation at the body surface. The study is divided in two main parts: modeling the action potential, and numerical simulations. For modeling the action potential a dimensional and asymptotic analysis is done. The key advance in this part of the work is that this analysis gives the steps to reliably control the action potential. It allows predicting the time/space scales and speed of any action potential that is to say the shape of the action potential and its propagation. This can be done as the explicit relations on all the physiological constants are defined precisely. This method facilitates the integrative modeling of a complete human heart with tissue-specific ionic models. It even proves that using a single model for the cardiac action potential is enough in many situations. For efficient numerical simulations, a numerical method for solving the heart-torso coupling problem is explored according to a level set description of the domains. This is done in the perspective of using directly medical images for building computational domains. A finite element method is then developed to manage meshes not adapted to internal interfaces. Finally, an anisotropic adaptive remeshing methods for unstructured finite element meshes is used to efficiently capture propagating action potentials within complex, realistic two dimensional geometries.

Numerical simulations of the micro flow field in the hinge region of bileaflet mechanical heart valves

Simon, Helene Anne 06 July 2009 (has links)
Native heart valves with limited functionality are commonly replaced by a bileaflet mechanical heart valve (BMHV). However, despite their widespread use, BMHVs still cause major complications, including hemolysis, platelet activation, and thromboembolic events. These complications are believed to be due to the non-physiologic hemodynamic stresses imposed on blood elements by the hinge flows. Three-dimensional characterization of the hinge flows is therefore crucial to ultimately design BMHVs with lower complication rates. This study aims at simulating the pulsatile 3D hinge flows of various BMHVs placed and estimating the thromboembolic potential associated with each hinge. The hinge and leaflet geometries of clinical BMHVs are reconstructed from micro-computed tomography scans. Simulations are conducted using a Cartesian sharp-interface immersed-boundary methodology combined with a second-order accurate fractional-step method. Physiologic flow boundary conditions and leaflet motion are extracted from the Fluid-Structure-Interaction simulations of the BMHV bulk flow. The accuracy of the solver is assessed by comparing the results with experimental data. The numerical results are analyzed using a particle tracking approach coupled with existing blood damage models to relate the flow structures to the risk for blood damage. Calculations reveal complex, unsteady, and highly 3D flow fields. Zones of flow stagnation and recirculation, favorable to thrombosis and regions of elevated shear stresses, which may induce platelet activation, are identified throughout the hinge and cardiac cycle. The hinge gap width and, more importantly, the shape of the hinge recess and leaflet are found to impact the flow distribution. Avoiding sharp corners or sudden shape transitions appear as key geometrical design parameters to minimize flow disturbances and thromboembolic potential. The computed flows underscore the need to perform full 3D pulsatile simulations throughout the cardiac cycle to fully capture the complexity and unsteadiness of the hinge flows. Though based only on three different designs, this study provides general guidelines to optimize the hinge design based on hemodynamic performance and thromboembolic potential. The developed framework enables rapid and cost-efficient pre-clinical evaluation of prototype BMHV designs prior to valve manufacturing. Application to a wide range of hinges with varying design parameters will eventually help in determining the optimal hinge design.

A Comparative Study Of The Numerical Techniques Used In The Wrinkling Analysis Of Membranes

Patruni, Pavan Kumar 11 1900 (has links)
This work is a comparative study of the various numerical techniques used for analyzing membranes. Membrane analysis is complicated by the fact that local instabilities occur in membranes in the form of small waves or ‘wrinkles’ in zones in which compression tends to appear. This is attributed to their negligible flexural stiffness. Broadly, two approaches exist in the wrinkling analysis of membranes. They are bifurcation analysis and analysis with membrane elements augmented with wrinkling models. In the former approach we can get the wrinkle details while the latter approach gives only the wrinkling zone. The present numerical strategy falls in the category of bifurcation analysis, where we make use of an energy-momentum conserving time integration algorithm in the context of a hybrid element formulation. The solution obtained through this procedure is considered to be accurate, since there are no kinematic assumptions (plane stress, etc.) made in the formulation and we achieve convergence with respect to mesh refinement. We show in this work that the wrinkling process not only depends on the stiffness matrix but also on the transient process. To show this a pseudo-dynamic scheme which is commonly used, is implemented within the hybrid formulation and we show the differences that arise between this scheme and the present method, over some benchmark problems. In this work, we also implement a wrinkling model proposed by Roddeman and finally the advantages and disadvantages of various numerical techniques are discussed.

Προηγμένοι αντιδραστήρες μερικής οξείδωσης του μεθανίου προς αέριο σύνθεσης / Advanced reactor configurations for the partial oxidation of methane to synthesis gas

Πίγκα, Αθηνά 24 June 2007 (has links)
Η μετατροπή του φυσικού αερίου προς αέριο σύνθεσης αποτελεί εξαιρετικά σημαντική διεργασία αφού το αέριο σύνθεσης είναι απαραίτητο για την παραγωγή μεθανόλης και τη σύνθεση Fischer-Tropsch. Η ευρύτερα διαδεδομένη διεργασία για τη μετατροπή του μεθανίου – το οποίο αποτελεί το κυριότερο συστατικό του φυσικού αερίου - προς αέριο σύνθεσης είναι η αναμόρφωσή του με ατμό. Τα τελευταία χρόνια όμως ερευνήθηκαν κι άλλες μέθοδοι παραγωγής αερίου σύνθεσης από μεθάνιο όπως η αναμόρφωση με CO2, η καταλυτική και μη μερική οξείδωση του μεθανίου κ.ά. Μεταξύ των διεργασιών που προαναφέρθηκαν η καταλυτική μερική οξείδωση του μεθανίου προς αέριο σύνθεσης κερδίζει έδαφος σε ερευνητικό επίπεδο. Η διεργασία παρουσιάζει σημαντικά πλεονεκτήματα όπως το γεγονός ότι δεν είναι τόσο ισχυρά εξώθερμη όσο η καύση του μεθανίου προς CO2 και Η2, καθώς και το γεγονός ότι η αναλογία του παραγόμενου αερίου σύνθεσης είναι CO/H2 : ½ αναλογία που είναι η απαραίτητη για την παραγωγή μεθανόλης και τη σύνθεση Fischer-Tropsch. Η μερική οξείδωση του μεθανίου προς αέριο σύνθεσης έχει μελετηθεί εκτενώς σε αντιδραστήρες σταθερής κλίνης. Λόγω όμως των μειονεκτημάτων που παρουσιάζουν κυριότερα από τα οποία είναι η ανάπτυξη θερμών κηλίδων λόγω της εξώθερμης καύσης που λαμβάνει χώρα στην καταλυτική κλίνη και η υψηλή πτώση πίεσης, η έρευνα στράφηκε στην αναζήτηση νέου τύπου αντιδραστήρων. Στην παρούσα εργασία η μερική οξείδωση του μεθανίου προς αέριο σύνθεσης μελετήθηκε σε αντιδραστήρα τοιχώματος θερμικής ολοκλήρωσης και σε μονολιθικό αντιδραστήρα. Ο αντιδραστήρας τοιχώματος θερμικής ολοκλήρωσης αποτελείται από ένα κεραμικό μη πορώδη σωλήνα υψηλής θερμικής αγωγιμότητας στον οποίο εναποτίθεται καταλύτης σε μορφή συνεχούς φιλμ. Ο αντιδραστήρας εσωκλείεται σε ένα δεύτερο σωλήνα που μπορεί να είναι από κεραμικό ή χαλαζία. Λόγω της κατασκευής του αντιδραστήρα υπάρχει δυνατότητα εναπόθεσης του καταλύτη στο εσωτερικό και στο εξωτερικό τοίχωμα του κεραμικού σωλήνα. Ο καταλύτης που χρησιμοποιήθηκε ήταν Rh/Al2O3. Μελετήθηκε η επίδραση του τρόπου εναπόθεσης του καταλύτη, η μεταβολή της παροχής εισόδου, η μεταβολή της θερμοκρασίας του φούρνου και η επίδραση της ποσότητας του καταλύτη που εναποτίθεται στον αντιδραστήρα. Τα αποτελέσματα έδειξαν ότι η εναπόθεση κατάλληλης ποσότητας καταλύτη στην εξωτερική και εσωτερική επιφάνεια του αντιδραστήρα μπορεί να οδηγήσει σε ομοιόμορφο θερμοκρασιακό προφίλ κατά μήκος του αντιδραστήρα αφού η θερμότητα που παράγεται στην εσωτερική επιφάνεια του αντιδραστήρα κατά την εξώθερμη καύση, μεταφέρεται μέσω του τοιχώματος στην εξωτερική επιφάνεια όπου πραγματοποιούνται οι ενδόθερμές αντιδράσεις αναμόρφωσης. Η απουσία θερμών κηλίδων δίνει τη δυνατότητα χρήσης υψηλών παροχών εισόδου. Από τα πειραματικά αποτελέσματα υπήρχαν ενδείξεις ότι μέρος του παραγόμενου CO παράγεται μέσω του άμεσου σχήματος. Η μερική οξείδωση του μεθανίου προς αέριο σύνθεσης μελετήθηκε και σε μονολιθικό αντιδραστήρα. Το κυριότερο πλεονέκτημα των μονολιθικών αντιδραστήρων είναι η χαμηλή πτώση πίεσης και η μεγάλη ενεργός επιφάνεια. Ο καταλύτης που εναποτέθηκε στο εσωτερικό των καναλιών του μονόλιθου ήταν 0.5% Ru/TiO2 (2%CaO) ο οποίος είναι ενεργός και σταθερός για την μερική οξείδωση του μεθανίου προς αέριο σύνθεσης. Στα πειράματα που πραγματοποιήθηκαν σε μονολιθικό αντιδραστήρα μελετήθηκε η επίδραση της μεταβολής της παροχής, της μεταβολής της θερμοκρασίας του φούρνου, καθώς και η σύσταση του μίγματος εισόδου. Τα πειραματικά αποτελέσματα έδειξαν ότι αρχικά λαμβάνει χώρα η εξώθερμη καύση του μεθανίου προς CO2 και Η2Ο και ακολουθούν οι αντιδράσεις αναμόρφωσης. Η καύση του μεθανίου ευνοείται σε χαμηλή θερμοκρασία ενώ οι αντιδράσεις αναμόρφωσης ευνοούνται σε υψηλή θερμοκρασία φούρνου. Η μετατροπή μεθανίου και η εκλεκτικότητα προς αέριο σύνθεσης επηρεάζονται τόσο από τη παροχή εισόδου όσο και από τη θερμοκρασία του φούρνου. Σημαντικό παράγοντα για τη διατήρηση της σταθερότητας του καταλύτη αποτελεί το μέγεθος των κόκκων του καταλύτη η διάμετρος των οποίων πρέπει να είναι d<0.09mm. Προκειμένου να γίνει πρόβλεψη των φαινομένων που λαμβάνουν χώρα σε ένα μονολιθικό αντιδραστήρα καταστρώθηκε μοντέλο το οποίο προσομοίαζε το μονολιθικό αντιδραστήρα κατά τη διάρκεια της αντίδρασης. Θεωρήθηκε ότι ο καταλύτης που έχει εναποτεθεί στο μονόλιθο ήταν 0.5% Ru/TiO2 (2%CaO). Μελετήθηκε η επίδραση της αρχικής θερμοκρασίας, της αρχικής πίεσης, της σύστασης και της παροχής εισόδου. Τα αποτελέσματα έδειξαν ότι μπορεί να προβλεφθεί ποιοτικά η ανάπτυξη του θερμοκρασιακού προφίλ κατά μήκος του μονόλιθου, καθώς και οι τιμές της μετατροπής μεθανίου και της εκλεκτικότητας προς CO και Η2. Η παράλειψη κάποιων παραδοχών ώστε να προσεγγίζονται καλύτερα οι πραγματικές συνθήκες λειτουργίας του αντιδραστήρα θα οδηγούσε στην προσέγγιση των πειραματικών αποτελεσμάτων με εκείνα που προβλέπονται από τους υπολογισμούς όχι μόνο ποιοτικά αλλά και ποσοτικά. / The conversion of natural gas to synthesis gas is a very important process because synthesis gas is necessary for the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis and also for the production of methanol. The most common process for producing synthesis gas from natural gas is the steam reforming of methane, since methane is the main component of natural gas. Recently, a significant amount of effort has been directed to processes alternative to steam reforming of methane such as CO2 reforming, catalytic and not catalytic partial oxidation of methane, e.t.c. Among the above mentioned processes partial oxidation of methane seems to be the most attractive alternative to steam reforming of methane for converting natural gas to synthesis gas, owing to a number of advantages. The most important among them are, the small amount of heat that is produced during the reaction compared to the heat that is produced during the combustion of methane to CO2 and H2O, and the ratio of the produced synthesis gas which is CO/H2 : ½ which is exactly the necessary ratio for the Fischer Tropsch and methanol synthesis. The catalytic partial oxidation of methane to synthesis gas has been studied using fixed bed reactors, mainly. Due το the disadvantages of this kind of reactors such as the development of hot spots during the combustion of methane and the high pressure drop, the study of partial oxidation of methane has been made in other kind of reactors such as fluidized bed reactors, honeycomb reactors, auto-thermal reactors, e.t.c. In the present study the catalytic partial oxidation of methane has been studied in a Heat Integrated Wall Reactor (HIWAR) and also in a monolithic reactor. The Heat Integrated Wall Reactor consists of a non-porous ceramic tube of high thermal conductivity in the inner and outer surface of which the catalytic film is deposited. The tube is enclosed in another tube, which can be ceramic or quartz. Because of the way of construction of the reactor the catalyst that is deposited in the inner surface of the ceramic tube can be different from the one that is deposited on the outer surface of the tube. The catalyst that was used for the study of the partial oxidation to synthesis gas in the Heat Integrated Wall Reactor was Rh/Al2O3. The factors the influence of which was studied here were the type of deposition of the catalyst film on the tube, the furnace temperature, the flow rate and the amount of catalyst that was deposited in the inner and outer surface of the tube. The experimental results indicated that there is an optimum amount of catalyst that can be deposited on the inner and outer surface of the reactor in order to obtain a flat temperature profile without the development of hot spots. The range of flow rates that can be used in the HIWAR is bigger than the range that can be used in a conventional reactor, due to the absence of hot spots. Some experimental results also indicated that part of CO is produced via the direct scheme. Partial oxidation of methane to synthesis gas had been studied in a monolithic reactor as well. The main advantages of monolithic reactors are the very low pressure drop and the high surface area. The catalyst that was used during this study was 0.5% Ru/TiO2 (1%CaO), which is a very active and stable catalyst for this reaction. During the experiments that took place in the monolithic reactor the factors the influence of which was studied here were the flow rate, the furnace temperature and the feed composition. The experimental results indicated that the combustion of methane takes place initially which is followed by the endothermic reforming reactions. The combustion of methane to CO2 and H2O is favored in low temperatures while the endothermic reforming reaction is favored in high temperatures. Methane conversion as well as CO and H2 selectivity change as the flow rate and furnace temperatures change. Experimental results indicated that a catalyst grain diameter less than 0,09 mm is necessary for the catalyst to be stable during the reaction. In order to predict the behavior of factors such as temperature, methane conversion and CO and H2 selectivity during the catalytic partial oxidation of methane in a monolithic reactor, a one-dimensional model was developed in order to simulate the monolithic reactor during the reaction. The calculations were based on the rate equations that were developed using experimental results for the 0,5%Ru/TiO2 (1% CaO). The influence of the initial temperature, initial pressure, flow rate and feed composition were studied. Comparison of the results of the simulations against those of the experimental studies indicated that calculations qualitatively predict the behavior of the reactor but not quantitatively, probably due to the assumptions that were introduced during the development of the model, i.e. one dimensionality of the model, uncertainties in the rate expressions etc. Relaxing some of those assumptions in order to approach the real operating conditions of the reactor is expected to enhance quantitative agreement between the experimental and numerical results.

Numerical simulations of massively separated turbulent flows

El Khoury, George K. January 2010 (has links)
It is well known that most fluid flows observed in nature or encountered in engineering applications are turbulent and involve separation. Fluid flows in turbines, diffusers and channels with sudden expansions are among the widely observed areas where separation substantially alters the flow field and gives rise to complex flow dynamics. Such types of flows are referred to as internal flows since they are confined within solid surfaces and predominantly involve the generation or utilization of mechanical power. However, there is also a vast variety of engineering applications where the fluid flows past solid structures, such as the flow of air around an airplane or that of water around a submarine. These are called external flows and as in the former case the downstream evolution of the flow field is crucially influenced by separation. The present doctoral thesis addresses both internal and external separated flows by means of direct numerical simulations of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. For internal flows, the wall-driven flow in a onesided expansion channel and the pressure-driven flow in a plane channel with a single thin-plate obstruction have been studied in the fully developed turbulent state. Since such geometrical configurations involve spatially developing turbulent flows, proper inflow conditions are to be employed in order to provide a realistic fully turbulent flow at the input. For this purpose, a newly developed technique has been used in order to mimic an infinitely long channel section upstream of the expansion and the obstruction, respectively. With this approach, we are able to gather accurate mean flow and turbulence statistics throughout each flow domain and to explore in detail the instantaneous flow topology in the separated shear layers, recirculation regions as well as the recovery zones. For external flows, on the other hand, the flow past a prolate spheroid has been studied. Here, a wide range of Reynolds numbers is taken into consideration. Based on the characteristics of the vortical structures in the wake, the flow past a prolate spheroid is classified as laminar (steady or unsteady), transitional or turbulent. In each flow regime, the characteristic features of the flow are investigated by means of detailed frequency analysis, instantaneous vortex topology and three-dimensional flow visualizations.

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