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Is There a Relationship Among Overall Nutritional Quality Index, Carbon Footprint and the Price of Food?Lin, Qiumei 14 December 2012 (has links)
This study explores the relationship among the overall nutritional quality index (ONQI), the carbon footprint and price of 90 different foods. The ONQI and carbon footprint measure the healthiness and environmental impact of a food, respectively. Two models are estimated. The first is a hedonic model of the food price and two characteristics: ONQI and carbon footprint. A positive relationship between price and carbon footprint is found, implying higher priced foods have a larger environmental impact. The second model is a regression of ONQI on price and carbon footprint. A negative, non-linear relationship between ONQI and carbon footprint is found. This implies there is a complementary relationship between the healthiness of food and its environmental impact. Both models show that healthier food is also higher priced. This could explain why poorer consumers are less healthy than richer consumers, and why taxing food would disproportionately impact the health of the poor.
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Copepods in Skeletonema-dominated food webs : Toxicity and nutritional quality as factors controlling copepod-diatom interactionsMd Amin, Roswati January 2011 (has links)
My thesis focuses on copepod-diatom interactions, specifically on the effects of food quality and toxicity on copepod feeding, reproductive success and behavior but as a frame, also includes a quantitative evaluation of copepod carbon requirements compared to other trophic plankton groups. My aim was to evaluate the function of copepods in diatom-dominated spring blooms. I thereby used a series of mesocosm and laboratory experiments. For a realistic extrapolation of the results to natural environments I used different strains of a diatom species, Skeletonema marinoi, which is a common spring blooming species in the Baltic Sea. This species is known to produce polyunsaturated aldehydes (PUA; mainly heptadienal, octadienal and decadienal), which have previously been identified as the potential reasons for the detrimental effects of diatoms on copepod reproduction. All strains varied in size, mineral and biochemical content, and PUA production. I tested the effects on different dominant copepod species from northern temperate waters; Acartia sp. (A. clausi and A. tonsa), Calanus finmarchicus, Pseudocalanus elongatus, and Temora longicornis, as well as the dominant species in the northern Baltic Sea, Eurytemora affinis. The specific contributions of respiratory carbon requiment of mesozooplankton and lower size fractions to carbon cycling during PUA-producing diatom blooms are poorly documented. My results show that nanoplankton and microzooplankton dominated the carbon cycling (> 50% of primary production) whereas the contribution of bacterioplankton varied. Mesozooplankton was always of minor importance with contribution of <6% of primary production. This illustrates the importance of lower size fractions during a phytoplankton spring bloom. Irrespective of their small contribution to the total community carbon cycling, copepods displayed non-selective and typically high feeding rate on different PUA-producing S. marinoi strains, indicating that there was no feeding deterrence. The effect of feeding on copepod reproductive success, however, varied between different strains, and depending on copepod species. In experiments with monospecific diatom diets reduced egg production rate and hatching success were mainly related to food quality measured as fatty acids and sterols, or algae growth rate, low assimilation efficiency or PUA production / ingestion. On the other hand, copepod reproduction and population development in the diverse diet, including a high concentration of S. marinoi and PUA (both particulate and dissolved), increased with increasing food concentration and was unaffected by the presence of toxic diatoms. I conclude that although a negative correlation between different reproductive variables and PUA production / ingestion may sometimes be observed in laboratory incubations, this is highly dependent on the strain / species used, and the effect of the algal strain can be stronger than the effect of the e.g., growth-stage dependent PUA production. Although copepod grazing might not be very important during a diatom spring bloom, even a highly PUA-producing S. marinoi can be considered an appropriate food source for copepods when occurring among the natural food assemblage, inducing a high reproductive output.
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Use and Evaluation of the Nutrient Density Concept for Assessing the Impact of Socioeconomic Factors on Nutritional Quality of DietsWindham, Carol Thompson 01 May 1982 (has links)
Data from 7285 individual participants in the USDA Spring Nationwide Food Consumption Survey were analyzed using the nutrient density concept and multiple regression procedures to evaluate the impact of socioeconomic status on the nutritional quality of foods consumed. For each socioeconomic group the average daily amount of nutrients consumed per 1000 kcal of food consumed were computed and compared with the Recommended Dietary Allowances which had been converted to single-value nutrient allowances per 1000 kcal. This nutrient density approach identified qualitative patterns of food consumption for selected income, region, urbanization, household size, race, employment and education groups as well as indicating the degree to which these groups met the RDA.
Results demonstrated that socioeconomic status had relatively little impact upon the average nutrient density of diets consumed by the population. Income level had no statistically significant effect upon the nutritional quality of diets for any of the fourteen nutrients studied. Household size affected nutrient density consumption of fat, carbohydrate, vitamin s6 and vitamin C. Race affected calcium, magnesium, vitamin A and thiamin density of diets. Other socioeconomic factors were significantly related to only one or two nutrients. The differences in average nutrient density of diets resulted from differences in the quality of foods consumed from the Basic Four (nutrient-dense) Plus One (calorie-dense) food groups and not from differences in the percent contribution of these two food groups to nutrient intake per 1000 kcal.
Average diets for all socioeconomic groups were below nutrient density standards for calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamin B6 and carbohydrate. There was also a high frequency of individuals with vitamins A and vitamin C intakes below nutrient density standards despite adequate group mean intakes per 1000 kcal for these nutrients.
Results supported the hypothesis that, regardless of socioeconomic status, Americans consume diets that average very similar nutrient content per energy unit. This type of information contributes to a better understanding of dietary habits of Americans and provides a meaningful framework from which to establish guidelines for government agencies, nutrition educators and the food industry.
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Applying MyPlate to Procurement in Food Banks: Implications for PolicyJanuary 2015 (has links)
abstract: Food banks are the foundation of the emergency food network, and while their chief mission is to mitigate hunger, the rise in obesity and other diet-related diseases among clientele has incited the need for better nutritional control with regards to procurement of inventory at food banks. The purpose of this research was to determine if procured inventory at United Food Bank in Mesa, Arizona could meet minimum MyPlate recommendations for a typical food bank client and what implications the results could have for future policy. Inventory data was obtained from United Food Bank for fiscal year 2013-2014 and analyzed utilizing the MyPlate Analysis Program to determine contributions of each food category to MyPlate recommendations. Inventory was separated by MyPlate food category and analyzed to determine contribution towards a meal built around MyPlate recommendations. Results showed that the inventory could meet the minimum requirements for protein and grains for a family of four for at least three days, the amount of time an emergency food box is designed to last. On the contrary, the inventory did not meet minimum vegetable, fruit or dairy requirements. These results indicate that typical food bank inventory does not meet USDA MyPlate recommendations and that having nutritional policy in place could potentially drive donations and purchases to enhance the nutritional quality of future food bank inventory. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Nutrition 2015
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A Self-Instructional, Multi-Media Approach to Facilitate the Teaching of the Index of Nutritional QualityProbart, Claudia Kay 01 May 1977 (has links)
A review of the literature dealing with nutrition education established the following: (a) that there is a need for nutrition education at the elementary school level; (b) that elementary teachers do not always have the background or motivation to meet this need for nutrition education; and (c) that new educational methods that are easier to understand and more highly motivating are needed.
The Index of Nutritional Quantity (INQ), a nutrient density concept, was developed at Utah State University to answer the need for easily understood and motivating nutrition information. The INQ method of nutrition education has been used and considered successful in actual classroom situations.
Up to this time, the INQ method of teaching was introduced to interested individuals and groups by the various members of the INQ research group--a method that is expensive in time and travel expense and lacks consistency. A less expensive, more standardized means of disseminating information about the Index of Nutritional Quality was needed
After consideration of the various types of media available, it was decided that a self-instructional, multi-media unit, including a slide-tape and an accompanying workbook, would be a satisfactory teaching module. The module was developed and tested as a part of this study, using both an attitude survey and a didactic pre-and posttest as evaluation instruments. The test statistics were significant to conclude that learning had taken place as a result of exposure to the unit; and that the module was successful as a teaching devise.
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Importance of an invasive shrub, Lonicera maackii, in the diet of white-tailed deer: nutritional quality and browse ratesMartinod, Kylie 04 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Caracterização do manejo de bezerras, da qualidade nutricional e microbiológica do colostro e da atitude do tratador de bezerras / Characterization of the dairy calves\' management, nutritional and microbiological quality of colostrum and handler attitudeSantos, Glauber dos 06 February 2015 (has links)
Um dos motivos do baixo desempenho dos animais está em falhas durante o processo de colostragem, pois ele pode apresentar baixa qualidade nutricional e microbiológica. Após esta fase inicial de vida, o desempenho das bezerras sofre influência direta do manipulador. Na intenção de identificar pontos falhos no processo de criação de bezerras, objetivou-se caracterizar o manejo destes animais, através do levantamento das principais práticas zootécnicas adotadas, avaliar a composição nutricional e microbiológica do colostro fornecido aos recém nascidos e as características do tratador de bezerras. Para caracterizar os sistema de criação de bezerras realizou-se uma entrevista com 179 produtores e/ou técnicos, abordando questões relacionadas a criação de bezerras, desde o manejo da vaca seca até o desaleitamento. Para caracterizar o colostro, foram colhidas 66 amostras, diretamente da ordenha de vacas recém-paridas ou do banco de colostro, com as quais realizaram-se análises bromatológicas e microbiológicas. A avaliação da atitude dos tratadores de bezerras foi realizada através de uma entrevista com 100 tratadores, a qual permitiu colher dados de auto-relatos do responsável pela criação de bezerras. A entrevista foi conduzida com base em questionário semi-estruturado, aplicado por um único entrevistador e direcionado ao tratador de bezerras. Os itens de atitude foram medidos e classificados de acordo com a resposta do entrevistado em uma escala de cinco pontos (Escala de Likert). Através do levantamento foi possível identificar pontos de melhoria na criação de bezerras, principalmente com as vacas pré-parto e acompanhamento dos partos, além de um melhor cuidado com o processo de colostragem desde a identificação da qualidade do colostro até o momento correto de oferecer o alimento ao recém-nascido. Práticas de manejo direcionadas a obtenção de colostro de boa qualidade devem ser priorizadas, além de cuidados com a higienização da colheita e armazenamento do mesmo, pois apenas 22,6% das amostras de colostro atendem a recomendação de qualidade nutricional e microbiológica. Assim, grande parte dos bezerros nesta população estudada está propensa a apresentar falhas na transferência de imunidade passiva e exposta a patógenos quando alimentados com colostro materno. Para algumas variáveis o tratador tem uma atitude positiva, porém na prática o comportamento realizado nem sempre é o mesmo. É possível que os tratadores de bezerras tenham componentes afetivos e cognitivos positivos, ou seja, já tiveram experiência anterior de sucesso com as práticas ou ainda, conhecem a importância técnica das principais ações na criação. Porém, o componente comportamental sobressai sobre algumas ações, levando-os a uma divergência entre a atitude e o comportamento. Programas voltados para educação, treinamento e fortalecimento do comprometimento dos colaboradores é um caminho interessante na tentativa de reduzir as falhas na criação de bezerras. / One cause of the low dairy calves performance is related to failures during colostrum feeding process, because it may have low nutritional and microbiological quality. After this initial period of life, the dairy calves performance is under direct influence of the handler. In an attempt to identify weak points in the dairy calves raising systems the study aimed to characterize the dairy calves management, through a survey of the main husbandry adopted practices, assess the nutritional and microbiological composition of colostrum and the calves handler attitude. To characterize the dairy calves raising system an interview with 179 producers and / or field technicians, addressing issues related to creation of calves from the dry cow management until weaning, was held. To characterize colostrum quality, 66 samples were collected directly from recently calved cows or colostrum bank, for chemical and microbiological analyzes. The evaluation of the attitude of calves handlers was conducted by interviewing 100 handlers, which allowed the collection of self-reported data. The interview was conducted based on a semi-structured questionnaire applied by a single interviewer and directed to calves handler. The items of attitude were measured and ranked according to the handler\'s response on a five point scale (Likert scale). Through the survey it was possible to identify areas for improvement in the dairy calves system of production, especially with pre-partum cows and monitoring of deliveries, and better care with the colostrum feeding process as to identifying the quality of colostrum to the correct feeding time for the newborn. Management practices aimed to obtain good quality colostrum must be priorities besides, care with sanitation during the harvest and storage of the same, since only 22.6% of colostrum samples meet the recommendation of nutritional and microbiological quality. Thus, most of the calves in the studied population are likely to present failures in the transfer of passive immunity and exposed to pathogens when fed colostrum. For some variables the handler has a positive attitude, but in practice the behavior performed is not always the same. It is possible that the calves handlers have positive affective and cognitive components, in other words, have had previous experience of successful practices or even know the technical importance of the main practices in dairy calves raising. However, the behavioral component stands on some actions, leading them to a divergence between the attitude and behavior. Programs for education, training and commitment of employees are an interesting way to reduce the low performance of dairy calves.
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A interação Spiroplasma - Lipaphis pseudobrassicae Davis (Hemiptera: Aphididae): efeito na biologia e utilização de plantas hospedeiras / The interaction Spiroplasma - Lipaphis pseudobrassicae Davis (Hemiptera: Aphididae): effect on the biology and use of host plantsFortuna, Letícia Slongo 10 December 2018 (has links)
Os insetos são conhecidos por estabelecer relações de simbiose com bactérias há muito tempo, mas o papel das associações secundárias ainda é pouco conhecido, e por isso há necessidade de avaliações continuadas dos efeitos dessas interações nos insetos hospedeiros. Assim, esse trabalho teve como objetivo a caracterização da diversidade de simbiontes associados ao pulgão Lipaphis pseudobrassicae Davis (Hemiptera: Aphididae), bem como o efeito dessas associações na biologia e utilização hospedeira por esse inseto. Linhagens clonais de L. pseudobrassicae estabelecidas em laboratório foram submetidas a PCRs diagnósticos para a verificação da associação a simbiontes secundários, sendo selecionadas cinco linhagens clonais infectadas exclusivamente por Buchnera (S-) e cinco linhagens clonais infectadas pelo simbionte secundário Spiroplasma (S+). Assim, as linhagens clonais S- e S+ foram utilizadas para condução de estudos de biologia comparada em duas plantas hospedeiras, Brassica oleracea var. capitata (repolho 60 dias) e Brassica oleracea var. acephala (couve manteiga Geórgia), para a verificação do efeito da infecção por Spiroplasma na biologia e utilização hospedeira por L. pseudobrassicae. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos completamente casualizados, sendo isolinhagem e planta hospedeira tratados como fatores, com o fator infecção sendo aninhado ao fator isolinhagem. Os pulgões foram avaliados quanto à sobrevivência (%) e duração da fase ninfal de desenvolvimento (dias), fecundidade diária e total (número de ninfas por fêmea) e longevidade (dias). Para a avaliação da duração da fase ninfal, ninfas neonatas (10) de cada linhagem clonal S- e S+ foram utilizadas na infestação das plantas hospedeiras selecionadas. A mortalidade das ninfas foi inicialmente avaliada 24 horas após a sua transferência para as plantas hospedeiras para se verificar a mortalidade devido à manipulação, tendo a sua sobrevivência avaliadas diariamente para observação da mortalidade e duração da fase ninfal. Cada grupo de dez ninfas de cada linhagem clonal, inoculada em cada planta hospedeira foi considerada uma repetição biológica, sendo utilizadas 12 repetições/tratamento (=120 insetos/tratamento). Para a avaliação do efeito da infecção por Spiroplasma no potencial reprodutivo de L. pseudobrassicae, quando utilizando diferentes hospedeiros, fêmeas recém-emergidas de cada linhagem clonal foram individualizadas em plantas de cada hospedeiro estudado para a observação de sua capacidade reprodutiva e longevidade. Foram utilizadas 25 repetições (1 fêmea = 1 repetição) para cada tratamento (infecção/isolinhagem/planta hospedeira). Os pulgões foram avaliados diariamente para contabilização da fecundidade (número total de ninfas/fêmea), longevidade (dias) e duração da fase reprodutiva do adulto. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que infecções de L. pseudobrassicae por Spiroplasma não influenciaram os atributos de duração da fase ninfal, duração da fase reprodutiva, longevidade e fecundidade quando utilizando couve ou repolho. A sobrevivência ninfal foi afetada pela interação isolinhagem x planta. Nesse caso, linhagens clonais de L. pseudobrassicae, infectadas ou não por Spiroplasma, diferem entre si quando explorando couve como planta hospedeira. Além dessa variável, os parâmetros avaliados pela tabela de vida demonstraram sofrer efeito da isolinhagem (aninhada à infecção), e de algumas interações (isolinhagem x planta, planta x infecção). Assim, concluímos que Spiroplasma interfere apenas nos parâmetros avaliados através da tabela de vida. / Insects have been known to establish symbiotic relationships with bacteria for a long time, however the role of secondary associations is still poorly known, therefore there is a need for continued evaluation of the effects of these interactions on host insects. Thus, this study aimed to characterize the diversity of symbionts associated with the aphid Lipaphis pseudobrassicae Davis (Hemiptera: Aphididae), as well as the effect of these associations in the biology and host use by this insect. Laboratory clonal lines of L. pseudobrassicae were submitted to diagnostic PCRs to verify the association to secondary symbionts. Five clonal lines exclusively infected by Buchnera (S-) and five clonal lines infected with the secondary symbiont Spiroplasma (S +) were selected. Thus, clones S- and S + were used to conduct comparative biology studies in two host plants, Brassica oleracea var. capitata (cabbage 60 days) and Brassica oleracea var. acephala (kale butter Georgia), for the verification of the effect of Spiroplasma infection on biology and host utilization by L. pseudobrassicae. The experimental design was completely randomized blocks, with isoline and host plant treated as factors, with the infection factor being nested to the isoline factor. The aphids were evaluated for survival (%) and duration of nymphal phase of development (days), daily and total fecundity (number of nymphs per female) and longevity (days). In order to evaluate the duration of the nymphal phase, neonatal nymphs (10) of each S- and S + clonal lines were used in the infestation of the selected host plants. The mortality of the nymphs was initially evaluated 24 hours after their transfer to the host plants to verify the mortality due to manipulation, and their survival was evaluated daily to observe the mortality and duration of the nymphal phase. Each group of ten nymphs of each clonal line inoculated in each host plant was considered a biological replicate, using 12 replicates / treatment (= 120 insects / treatment). For the evaluation of the effect of Spiroplasma infection on the reproductive potential of L. pseudobrassicae, when using different hosts, newly emerged females of each clonal lineage were individualized in plants of each host studied to observe their reproductive capacity and longevity. Twenty five replicates (1 female = 1 replicate) were used for each treatment (infection / isolation / host plant). The aphids were evaluated daily for fecundity (total number of nymphs / female), longevity (days) and duration of the adult reproductive phase. The results indicated that L. pseudobrassicae infections by Spiroplasma did not influence the attributes of nymphal phase and reproductive phase duration, longevity and fecundity when using kale butter or cabbage. The only variable influenced by the studied factors was nymphal survival, which was affected by the isolation x plant interaction. In this case, clonal lines of L. pseudobrassicae, infected or not by Spiroplasma, differ among them when using cabbage as host plant. In addition to this variable, the parameters evaluated by the life table showed an effect of the isolation (nested to the infection), and of some interactions (isolation x plant, plant x infection). Therefore, we conclude that Spiroplasma interferes only in the evaluated parameters through the life table.
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Approche épidémiologique des choix alimentaires lors de l'approvisionnement et de la préparation des repas : déterminants et associations avec l'alimentation et le tatut pondéral / Epidemiological approach of food choices during grocery shopping and home meal preparation : determinants and associations with diet quality and weight statusDucrot, Pauline 12 September 2016 (has links)
L’obésité est aujourd’hui un problème sociétal mondial. Dans les pays développés, l’abondance alimentaire a contribué au développement d’un environnement « obésogène » en favorisant la surconsommation. Ainsi, la promotion de choix alimentaires favorables à la santé représente un enjeu de santé publique majeur. L’objectif de cette thèse était de fournir une approche épidémiologique des choix alimentaires lors de l’approvisionnement et de la préparation des repas. Ce travail a été réalisé sur la population NutriNet-Santé, large cohorte prospective d’observation d’adultes français basée sur Internet.Au moment de l’approvisionnement, les logos d’information nutritionnelle ont été évalués comme des outils potentiels pour guider les consommateurs lors de leurs choix. Quatre logos ont été comparés : les Repères Nutritionnels Journaliers, les Traffic Light Multiples, le logo simple Pick the Tick et le logo 5-Couleurs. Des quatre logos testés, le logo 5-Couleurs était perçu comme le plus facile à identifier et celui demandant le moins d’effort à comprendre. Il était le plus efficace pour augmenter la capacité des individus à classer trois produits en fonction de leur qualité nutritionnelle. Enfin, en situation d’achats simulée en ligne, ce logo était celui qui permettait d’accroitre de façon la plus importante la qualité nutritionnelle du panier d’achat par rapport à une situation sans logo.Lors de la préparation des repas, un premier objectif était de comprendre l’ensemble des déterminants mis en jeu, cette thématique restant peu étudiée dans la littérature. Cinq grandes motivations ont été identifiées : alimentation saine, contraintes, plaisir, régimes spécifiques et organisation. Le fait d’attacher de l’importance à avoir une alimentation saine était associé à une alimentation de meilleure qualité nutritionnelle, ainsi qu’à une moindre susceptibilité d’être en surpoids. Attacher de l’importance à un régime spécifique était également associé à une meilleure qualité d’alimentation mais à un surpoids plus important. Malgré des associations significatives pour les autres motivations, les effets observés étaient de faible ampleur. Ces résultats soulignent l’importance de promouvoir des choix alimentaires favorables au moment de la préparation du repas.Le fait de planifier ses repas, c’est-à-dire prévoir à l’avance ce qui va être consommé sur plusieurs jours, a également été évalué. Globalement, les individus qui planifiaient leurs repas avaient une alimentation plus en adéquation avec les recommandations nutritionnelles et plus variée, bien que les résultats en termes d’apports en énergie et groupes d’aliments indiquaient de faibles différences. Ils étaient également moins susceptibles d’être obèses (et en surpoids chez les femmes).L’ensemble de ces résultats suggèrent l’intérêt de fournir des outils (logo, outils d’aide à la décision au moment de la préparation des repas et d’aide à la planification) afin de guider les individus lors de leurs choix alimentaires et ainsi améliorer la qualité de leur alimentation. / Nowadays, obesity is a global societal problem. In developed countries, food abundance has contributed to the development of an "obesogenic" environment by encouraging overconsumption. Thus, promoting healthy food choices is a major public health issue. The objective of this thesis was to provide an epidemiological approach to food choices during grocery shopping and home meal preparation of food. This work was performed on the NutriNet-Santé population, which is a large web-based prospective observational cohort of French adults.During grocery shopping, front-of-pack nutrition labels were evaluated as potential tools to guide consumers in their choices. Four logos were compared: the Guideline Daily Amounts, the Multiple Traffic Light, the simple Pick the Tick label and 5-color nutrition label. Among these labels, the 5-color nutrition label was perceived as the easiest to identify, and that requiring the least effort to understand. It was the most effective in increasing the capacity of individuals to rank three products based on their nutritional quality. Finally, in a situation of simulated online grocery shopping, this label was the one that allowed the most important increase in the nutritional quality of the shopping cart as compared to a situation without label.During home meal preparation, a first objective was to uncover all the determinants involved in food choices, since this topic remains little studied in the literature. Five motives of dish choice were identified: healthy diet, constraints, pleasure, specific diets and organization. Giving importance to a healthy diet was associated with a better nutritional quality of food, and to lower odds of being overweight. The importance attached to specific diet motive was also associated with better diet quality food but lower odds of being overweight. Despite significant associations for other motives, the observed effects were relatively small. These results underscore the importance of promoting healthy food choices when preparing meals.Planning meal, in other words deciding ahead the foods that will be eaten in the next few days, was also evaluated. Overall, individuals who planned their meals were more likely to comply with nutritional guidelines and had a more varied diet, although the results in terms of energy intake and food groups showed limited differences. They were also less likely to be obese (and overweight in women).All these results suggest the interest of providing tools (nutrition labels, tools providing assistance for decision-making when preparing meals, as well as for meal planning) to guide individuals in their food choices and thereby improving the quality of their diet.
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Using Videodisc Technology and the Index of Nutritional Quality to Teach Dietary Guidance to Young AdultsEdmunds, Glenda Wigginton 01 May 1983 (has links)
A review of the literature indicated a need for nutrition education materials to be current with prevailing scientific knowledge, using advanced instructional technology. Individuals need help in applying nutrition principles to their dietary practices.
A nutrition education program utilizing the nutrient density concept and the dietary guidelines for use on videodisc with microcomputer interface was developed and evaluated. The evaluation of the program did not prove to be effective statistically but learners did show an interest in the program and had positive feedback in regard to the information presented and the technology used.
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