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Podnikatelské prostředí, obchodní zvyklosti a kulturní specifika Jihoafrické republiky s přihlédnutím ke zkušenostem CK FISCHER / Entrepreneurial environment, business practices and cultural specificities of South Africa in the light of experience of CK FISCHERStudničková, Petra January 2008 (has links)
Práce se zabývá podnikatelským prostředím, obchodními zvyklostmi a kulturními specifiky Jihoafrické republiky. Podává ucelený profil se základními informacemi z oblasti historie, kultury, ekonomiky, obchodu, politiky i cestovního ruchu. Vychází z všeobecně dostupných poznatků i ze zkušeností pracovníků a spolupracovníků CK FISCHER. Analyzuje obchodní jednání, nastiňuje ekonomický pohled na Jihoafrickou republiku, pojednává o jihoafrickém podnikatelském prostředí a věnuje se i kulturním a turistickým specifikům.
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Finanční analýza a mezipodnikové srovnání společnosti Obchodní tiskárny, a.s.Straková, Petra January 2008 (has links)
Cílem diplomové práce je zhodnotit finanční zdraví kolínského podniku Obchodní tiskárny, a.s. z pohledu externího uživatele nejen pomocí samotné finanční analýzy, ale i za použití mezipodnikového srovnávání s devíti konkurenčními podniky. V práci je použita horizontální a vertikální analýza úč. výkazů, bilanční pravidla, rozbor čistého pracovního kapitálu, analýza poměrových ukazatelů, rozklad rentability vlastního kapitálu, výpočet ekonomické přidané hodnoty, bonitní a bankrotní modely a čtyři metody mezipodnikového srovnání.
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Zvláštnosti podnikatelského prostředí IslanduNázlerová, Zdeňka January 2008 (has links)
Práce se v první kapitole zabývá obecnou charakteristikou Islandu. V druhé části je rozebráno podnikatelské prostředí a vztah Islandu k okolnímu světu. Poslední kapitola je věnována obchodnímu jednání, etiketě a zkušenostem českých podniků s islandskými podnikateli.
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Role hospodářských komor v exportní politice Rakouska / The role of Chamber of Commerce in Austrian ExportsKoráb, Jan January 2009 (has links)
Austria, a small Central European economy belongs to the winners of globalization. Its involvement in world's international trade has been remarkable and is generally seen as one of the crucial factors of its GDP growth. Austrian exporters have become an example of efficiency for all the other in-county industries, as well as a proud of leading politicians. The Austrian Chamber of Commerce is self-managed and led by its members, not only big, but in over 90 %, small and medium size enterprises. Internationalization and the support of barrier free international trade belong among its most important goals. Therefore the Chamber of Commerce founded its International Trade Branch, which has a network of 108 offices worldwide and aims to be the world's biggest organization of a kind. This network supports Austrian entrepreneurs in developing their international business activities.
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Využití Category Managementu ve vztazích výroba-obchod / Utilization of Category Management in the Supplier-Retailer RelationsJoska, Jan January 2012 (has links)
Category management (CM) is an approach of cooperation on category development between supplier and retailer. Supplier brings the knowledge of consumer and products within the category. Retailer brings sell-out data. The whole concept is based on managing categories as strategic business units and delivering maximum value to consumer in form of satisfying his needs. Even though first CM projects in ČR started about 15 years ago, most of the companies have not been able to fully implement CM. The barriers are high organizational demands on integration of CM into company structure and the necessity of trust between the supplier and the retailer in form of sharing data. The objective of this thesis is to identify opportunities in CM based on the analysis of current business process in Plzeňský Prazdroj, a. s. Opportunities identification is reached through comparison of ideal business process defined by specialized literature with the real experience from Plzeňský Prazdroj. Opportunities to enhance the current setting of the CM process will be summarized based on the comparison. Also, new areas of possible utilization of CM will be pointed out.
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Rebranding obchodní značky / RebrandingNejedlá, Iveta January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis aims to monitor a process of rebranding on an example of the company EFKO-karton, s.r.o. At the beginning of the theoretical part, the basic terms of the issue are defined - brand, branding and rebranding, afterwards a general rebranding campaign framework is introduced along with it's attributes. Unsuccessful campaigns are briefly introduced. In a practical section of the thesis, the evaluation criteria are defined followed by detailed analysis of company's EFKO-karton, s.r.o. rebranding process with focus on the brand Igracek. To validate the success of the campaign from the consumer's point of view, a research has been processed in order to analyze target's group satisfaction with done changes.
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Interiér obchodního prostoru pro prodej motocyklů - přílohaToulová, Kristýna January 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Péče o zaměstnance v obchodních řetězcíchKedroň, Martin January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to propose recommendations to the retail chains in the Czech Republic, which employee benefits should be provided to their employ-ees. Using a questionnaire survey in five selected retail chains, we will find out what benefits employee’s lack and suggest a general portfolio of benefits in the retail chain. The benefits currently provided between the analysed retail chains will be compared, and on the basis of the results of the recommendations, which benefits the business chain should provide to its employees. The proposed benefits will be assessed from the cost point of view and shown to model shop staff.
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Bezdůvodné obohacení v obchodním právu / Unjust enrichment under business lawGejdoš, Jakub January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the legal concept of unjust enrichment specifically in relation to the area of business law. Although the basic legal regulation relevant also for the area of business law was, and even after the adoption of the new private law codes, still remains in the civil code, the thesis endeavors to focus on certain specifics related particularly to the business relations. For these purposes it deals, in less or more detailed manner, also with other legal concepts, which are significant for the topic and closely related (such as limitation of claims resulting from the unjust enrichment, good faith of legal entities, invalidity of legal acts etc.). The thesis analyses legal acts regulating the institution of unjust enrichment for the area of private law, eventually specifically for the business relations. Especially in the areas where the legal text itself is not exhaustive, it supplies also analysis of relatively extensive case law (available so far only in respect of the previous legislation), eventually also the analysis of expert opinions. It draws attention to certain conflicts in interpretation of individual legal provisions. Considering the recent essential change of the private law basis (new private law codes) the thesis provides to a considerable extent comparison of the...
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Právní úprava likvidace obchodní společnosti / Legal regulations of liquidation of a companySadílek, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis: Legal regulations of liquidation of a company Diploma candidate: Ing. Jan Sadílek Supervisor: JUDr. Marie Zahradníčková, CSc. Date: 22. 3. 2015 Abstrakt This thesis deals with the legal regulation of liquidation of a company in the context of the new legislation, which is effective from 1st January 2014. The previous legal regulation of liquidation was considered successful and was largely taken. The aim of this thesis is to describe the process of liquidation in the new legislation, subsequently find differences in both regulations and explain them, and finally remove interpretative ambiguities. The thesis consists, besides introduction and conclusion, of the five chapters. The first chapter deals with the legislation of liquidation, especially its development, which culminated in the adoption of the new Civil Code no. 89/2012 Coll. and the Business Corporations Act no. 90/2012 Coll. Dissolution of a company is a prerequisite of liquidation, except cases of court declaration of its invalidity. Hence the next chapter discusses ways of dissolution of a company, which include legal proceedings, public authority's decision, expiration term, and purpose achievement. The third chapter deals with the very purpose and process of the liquidation, as well as with monetization followed by separation...
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