Spelling suggestions: "subject:"oblasti."" "subject:"oblast.""
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Připravenost zemí střední a východní Evropy na vstup do eurozónyBujáček, Jakub January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with evaluation of current progress in nominal and structural convergence, and the alignment of the business cycle between CEE countries and Eurozone. Maastricht criteria, indexes of similarities in sectoral structures and theory of optimum currency areas are used for this purpose. There are also used alternative techniques for measuring alignment of the business cycle, which is beneficial to the width of the conclusions that this work produces. Selected techniques indicate process of convergence between CEE countries and Eurozone, but also indicate persisting differences between western and eastern part of EU, which in the case of sharing the common currency leads to the risk of asymmetric shock.
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Model výdajové strany rozpočtu Evropské unie implikovaný z principů teorie fiskálního federalismuPlaga, Robert January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to propose alterations in the volume and structure of the EU budget in order that the resultant European budget is based on the fundamental principles of the theory of fiscal federalism and the theory of optimal monetary areas so as to cope with asymmetrical economic shocks. The author has stipulated four economic allocation criteria based on the fundamental principles of the theory of fiscal federalism for the purpose of decision-making relating to the inclusion or rejection of individual expenditure categories. In the area of realisation of the redistribution and stabilisation function of public finances, this decision also gave consideration to the theory of optimal monetary areas for coping with asymmetrical economic shocks. The author recommends amending the EU budget by applying economic criteria based on the fundamental principles of the theory of fiscal federalism and on the basis of analysis of the expenditure structure of the current EU budget. Specifically, this should entail the inclusion of expenditure on national defence in the joint budget to an extent of 0.50 % of the GDP of the EU-27 and increasing the volume of "European" expenditure on science, research and development to 0.40 % of the GDP of the EU-27. This proposal further envisages maintaining expenditure on transport infrastructure projects of European importance (0.17 % of GDP), expenditure items in the area of foreign relations (0.067 % of GDP), and on assuring internal security and the judiciary (0.084 % of GDP). This model calculates administrative costs as 6 % of other budget items. In relation to the redistribution function, the author proposes discarding the European dimension of common agricultural policy and concentrating expenditure on policy in the area of economic and social coherence (0.50 % of the GDP of the EU-27) exclusively on support for economically less favoured regions. This model EU budget attaches great importance to the fulfilment of the stabilisation function of public finances by means of a stabilisation mechanism taking the form of a centralised system of unemployment benefits at 1.25 % of the GDP of the EU-27. This specific area of the common budget could also serve as a tool functioning on an asymmetrical basis, creating reserves at times of economic growth that can then be used at times of economic decline. The total expenditure concentrated within the proposed model EU budget has been calculated as 3.15 % of the GDP of the EU-27.
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Využití potenciálu NP Podyjí v regionálním rozvojiBudaiová, Romana January 2016 (has links)
Presented Masters thesis is aiming to defining key aspect of efficient area management and to using potential of NP Podyjí in the region development. Introduction is made by theoretical knowledge regarding given issues. Practical part is dealing with defining limits of using area of NP and different kind of participation resulting from legislation. Main aim in practical part is evaluation of results of primary research, which is made by three separate parts that are aimed to particular significant local actors. This research is part of this master thesis. In conclusion, there is presented comparison of findings of these actors.
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Ochrana a využití skalních oblastí v České republice v cestovním ruchu / Conservation and possible uses of rock areas in the Czech Republic in tourismEhlová, Pavla January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the conservation and possible uses of rock areas in the Czech Republic in tourism, specifically for climbing. The thesis delimits climbing as a type of tourism, which is researched from the various points of view, and the behaviour of its participants is characterised. The potential of the Czech Republic as a destination suitable for climbing tourism is described, as well as the impact of climbing to the animate nature, terrain and microrelief. The thesis also deals with the conservation of rock areas - informs about legislative requirements and other regulations of climbing, especially in protected areas. One chapter is also dedicated to the current trends in climbing, which limit the uses of climbing areas in a sustainable way. A survey carried out for the purpose of this thesis tries to reveal the relation of climbers to the protection of climbing areas. Finally, the thesis presents suggestions, how to use rock areas in compliance with a sustainable development of tourism.
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Vyhodnocení reálné a nominální konvergence ČR a vybraných států k eurozóněDufek, Josef January 2017 (has links)
The main objective is to assess the current situation of real and nominal conver-gence Czech Republic and selected countries of the euro area average. In assessing the real convergence of the work focuses on measuring the synchronization of business cycles and structural convergence. Measuring the synchronization of bussines cycles is done in the spirit of the modern concept of OCA theory. When assessing structural convergence is assessed similarities development of sectoral structures and the intensity of intra-industry trade. In nominal convergence are critical Maastricht convergence criteria and the development of the index CPL. While the analysis of convergence shows a high business cycle synchronization and the convergence trend in most countries and developments in the field of structural convergence points to ongoing differences in industrial specialization among the surveyed countries, which could lead to an increased risk of asymmetric shock in case membership in a monetary union.
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Detektory a deskriptory oblastí v obrazu / Region Detectors and Descriptors in ImageŽilka, Filip January 2016 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with an important part of computer vision field. Main focus of this thesis is on feature detectors and descriptors in an image. Throughout the thesis the simplest feature detectors like Moravec detector will be presented, building up to more complex detectors like MSER or FAST. The purpose of feature descriptors is in a mathematical description of these points. We begin with the oldest ones like SIFT and move on to newest and best performing descriptors like FREAK or ORB. The major objective of the thesis is comparison of presented methods on licence plate localization task.
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Rozpoznávání obrazů pro ovládání robotické ruky / Image recognition for robotic handLabudová, Kristýna January 2017 (has links)
This thesis concerns with processing of embedded terminals’ images and their classification. There is problematics of moire noise reduction thought filtration in frequency domain and the image normalization for further processing analyzed. Keypoints detectors and descriptors are used for image classification. Detectors FAST and Harris corner detector and descriptors SURF, BRIEF and BRISK are emphasized as well as their evaluation in terms of potential contribution to this work.
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Vstup ČR do EMU ? výhody, rizika, načasování vstupu do eurozóny, porovnání názorů a vliv společné měny na bankovní systém ČRBartošková, Renata January 2007 (has links)
Tématem této diplomové práce je vstup České Republiky do eurozóny a otázky a problémy s tímto krokem spojené. K přijetí eura se nové členské země zavázaly již při podávání žádosti o členství. Vyhlídky na přijetí eura však v ČR nejsou prozatím příznivé. Česká ekonomika sice velmi rychle roste a konvergence k ekonomikám západní Evropy, ale pozitiva tohoto růstu jsou do značné míry vyvážena vysokým zadlužováním státu a nízkými investicemi do oborů s vysokou přidanou hodnotou, které budou klíčové pro naši konkurenceschopnost. Krátkozraká hospodářská politika je jednou z hlavních brzd našeho vstupu do Eurozóny. Zřejmě největším problémem je politický rozměr debaty o euru a závislost splnění maastrichtských kritérií na ekonomických reformách.
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Problematika zavedení Eura v ČR / Questions around the introduction of euro in the Czech RepublicJanna, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The goal of the thesis is to propose an opinion regarding the accession to the eurozone supported by the analysis of the related benefits and constraints in connection with the current economic and political situation. Allowing to get an idea of what the benefits and downsides of euro adoption would be for them, the gathering of information and arguments suitable for entrepreneurs, managers and citizens is the sought outcome of the work. The issue was analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively with the help of the SWOT analysis, optimum currency area theory and analysis of macroeconomic indicators. To achieve a more comprehensive understanding, also political programmes of the political parties represented in the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Parliament were analysed. The contribution of the thesis lies in providing a comprehensive insight into issues regarding the euro while assessing the current situation and indicating the closest possible date for euro adoption.
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Vymezení periferních oblastí Česka pomocí sekundárních dat / Delimitation of peripheral areas in Czechia based on secondary dataBabický, František January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the problem of specifying of peripheral areas in dissertations at the Department of Social Geography and Regional Development of the Faculty of Science at Charles University in Prague. There have been many thesis concentrating on the identification of peripheral areas in particular territory in last twenty years. Authors of these dissertations created their own methodologies of this specifying. This work aims to further discover and examine ways the authors try to identify peripheral areas using secondary data and tries to find potential common features of this identification. The thesis applies different methods of identifying of peripheral areas from analyzed dissertations in the region of Rokycany district. The work describes similarities and differences of results. In the end the most appropriate method of identifying of peripheral areas is recommended.
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