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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sociální program klienta s tělesným postižením / The social program of support for a client with physical handicap

Nešporová, Františka January 2016 (has links)
The thesis ,,The social program of support for a client with physical handicap" is devided into two parts. The theoretical part presents the filosofy of the spirit and body, the physicality, body dissability, cerebral palsy and the Act No. 108/2006 Coll., on social services. The empirical part consists of the case managment of the client with cerebral palsy. I describe the goal of the thesis here and the method of collecting data. I also introduce my respondent in this part and mention the tasks of the research. The chapter called ,,Data and it's interpretation" consists of the qualitative interview. The aim of the interview is to show in what extent my respondent use a social services. The interview is the part of the thesis.

Změny v posturografii u dětských pacientů s DMO po terapii aktivní videohrou Nintendo Wii a Vojtovou reflexní lokomocí / Changes in posturography in pediatric patients with cerebral palsy after therapy by active videogame Nintendo Wii and Vojta reflex locomotion

Kmínková, Helena January 2018 (has links)
Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the impact of therapy by active videogame Nintendo Wii and by Vojta reflex locomotion on a static and dynamic postural control at a group of children with mild cerebral palsy. Methodology: 14 children (from 6 to 18 years old) were randomly divided into two groups. Both groups received both therapies (active videogame therapy and Vojta reflex locomotion) with a 6 months gap, but in an opposite order. Posturographic measures were obtained before the start of the therapy, after therapy and 8 weeks after the end of the therapy. Results: After both therapies, there was a significant increase in the COP sway velocity in the mCTSIB subtest on a firm surface with closed eyes and the COP sway velocity in the mCTSIB subtest was reduced on a foam surface with closed eyes. Further, after both therapies, there was a significant reduction in the time required to perform the turnabout in SQT test. Other tests (LOS, RWS, WA, TW) and subtests did not change significantly. There was not a significant difference between therapies, but in the post- therapy tests, VRL had a greater tendency to maintain its effect 8 weeks after therapy. Conclusion: Both therapies, Vojta reflex locomotion and active videogame Nintendo Wii, have an influence on a postural control of children...

Klinická využitelnost testu QUEST v ergoterapii pro hodnocení funkce horních končetin u dětí s mozkovou obrnou. Podtitul: QUEST - Quality of Upper Extremity Skills Test / Clinical utility of the QUEST test in occupational therapy for evaluation of the upper extremities function in children with cerebral palsy. Subtitl: QUEST - Quality of Upper Extremity Skills Test

Hodboďová, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
OF DIPLOMA THESIS Author: Bc. Kateřina Hodboďová Supervisor: Mgr. Anna Krulová Title: Clinical utility of the QUEST test in occupational therapy for evaluation of the upper extremities function in children with cerebral palsy Subtitle: QUEST - Quality of Upper Extremity Skills Test This diploma thesis engages in description of the QUEST (Quality of Upper Extremity Skills Test) test and its practical contribution to the practice of occupational therapy. The main aim of the thesis is to demonstrate the utility of the QUEST test as an evaluation of functional capabilities of upper extremities in children with cerebral palsy in Czech occupational therapy practice. The theoretical part provides basic information about cerebral palsy in children, about the possibilities of intervention in occupational therapy focussed on upper extremities, about the importance of assessment in occupational therapy, with an emphasis on the use of standardized evaluation tools in occupational therapy. Big part is also devoted to the characteristics of the foreign test QUEST. It includes information about the origin of the test, psychometric properties and normative data. Furhtermore, the description of the test items, the method of administration and evaluation, as an interpretation of the results are included. The...

Intenzivní hipoterapie u dětí s diagnózou DMO a její krátkodobý a střednědobý efekt / Intensive hippotherapy in children diagnosed with infantile paralysis and its short-term and intermediate effect

Kopecká, Tereza January 2007 (has links)
Hippotherapy belongs to the family of proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation methods. It especially benefits the rehabilitation care of complex neurological patients. This paper theoretically examines the methodology of hippotherapy. Further, this paper examines an evaluative survey of 21 subjects after intensive hippotherapy who were initially diagnosed with cerebral palsy. The immediate, short and medium term effect of the therapy was exami-ned. For the evaluation the intercondylic index, Collis symptom and position reaction tests were used. The testing is complemented with a questionnaire filled in by parents with 11 pa-rameters, which included changes in the functions of knowledge and psyche of the child. The results show that there is a statistically significant improvement in all examined parameters after immediate and weekly therapy. Thus this method can be recommended as a possible approach to the therapy of children with cerebral palsy. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Prediktory sociální participace dětí s dětskou mozkovou obrnou v základních školách v České republice a Republice Srbsko / Predictors of Social Participation of CHildren with Cerebral Palsy in Primary Schools in the Czech Republic and Republic of Serbia

Zulić, Marija January 2018 (has links)
The main aim of this dissertation is to determine the predictors of social participation of pupils with cerebral palsy in elementary schools in the Czech Republic and the Republic of Serbia which, in other words, means identifying factors that could determine the level of its social participation in primary education. Considering the fact that it is established that the participation of pupils with cerebral palsy is an important indicator of their successful social participation in adolescence and adulthood, it is necessary to estimate the factors that influence their participation in school age. Social participation is within this dissertation viewed from the perspective of independent execution of non-academic school activities that the pupils with cerebral palsy are performed daily in the school environment, which they need in order to be able to fulfill the academic obligations expected from them. In order to assess their participation in the school environment, the first and third part of the SFA questionnaire were used (The School Function Assessment), in order to measure pupils' participation in 6 situations within the school environment and 21 concrete non- academic school activities. As independent variables, we have determined 9 individual factors that relate to the characteristics of...

Péče o ventilovaného spinálního pacienta v České republice / Care of ventilator-dependent patient with spinal cord injury in Czech republic

Plecháčková, Kristýna January 2010 (has links)
Thesis "Care of ventilator-dependent patienl wilh spinal cord injury in Czech republic" deals with problems of high cervica\ spinal cord les ion wilh diaphragm para\ysis. Generally introduces clinical manifestation of the spinal cord injury, classifícation of spinal cord lesions and statistical data regarding the incidence, prevalence and etiology. In more detail focuses on respiratory problems. Contains survey of most conunon respiratory complications in ventilator-dependent quadriplegic patients and infonn about the possibililies of respiralory physiotherapy. The practical part provides the first description of the Czech population of pentaplegics. Truough case studies indroduces health and livíng conditíons of persons wíth high spinal cord lesion and need of mechanical ventilation. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Rehabilitace dítěte s dětskou mozkovou obrnou v předoperačním a pooperačním období / Rehabilitation of Child with Cerebral Palsy in the Preoperative and Postoperative Period

Šmídová, Renata January 2013 (has links)
Title: Rehabilitation of Child with Cerebral Palsy in the Preoperative and Postoperative Period Author: Renata Šmídová Objective: During my practice I have met with a number of pediatric patients affected by cerebral palsy who underwent corrective orthopedic surgery, which in some cases were unfortunately unsuccessful. Based on the initial acquisition of information on this issue, I found a number of studies and articles on the success of orthopedic surgery in cerebral palsy. In many studies point out that the proper choice of physiotherapy has great benefit for orthopedic intervention, so I decide to map a connections orthopedic and physiotherapy approaches on the case and describe the elements of rehabilitation used in the treatment of selected patient. In the first part of the thesis I process in detail neurological disorder cerebral palsy (CP) and surgical treatment of deformities resulting from the operation of this disease. The second part includes a case study that describes the rehabilitation work of the physiotherapist with a child patient who undergoes corrective surgery on the lower limb. The third section contains qualitative research, conducted on the parents. Using the survey was to determine the effect of parents' opinion and the whole course of therapy. The aim: Demonstrate the...

Stimulace osob s tělesným a kombinovaným postižením - využití metody TheraSuit / Stimulation of people with physical and multiple disabilities - using the TheraSuit Method

Krejčová, Ivana January 2014 (has links)
The thesis entitled "Stimulation of people with physical and multiple disabilities - using the TheraSuit Method" focuses on the using of different stimulation methods in the care of people with physical and multiple disabilities and is aimed in particular mentioned method TheraSuit and its modifications (Klim-Therapy) whose main element is a special support suit. In the Czech Republic, this method has been used for relatively short time. It is a little widespread, especially due to financial demands. The clients have to pay the therapy almost themselves. Therefore, the thesis aims to gather available information about the method using special support suit. Another objective is to obtain a quantitative overview of the research on the awareness and attitudes of adult clients of selected institutions for people with physical and multiple disabilities, their parents of children with physical and multiple disabilities and staff who work with these people, to discuss methods and new methods of stimulation at all. The thesis also focuses on other stimulation methods used in selected institutions providing services to peoples with physical and multiple disabilities.

Aktivní videohry wii systému jako forma balančního tréninku - pilotní studie / Active Wii video game system as a form of balance training - pilot study

Reichertová, Simona January 2015 (has links)
Introduction: The theoretical part of the thesis summarizes findings from foreign literature on virtual reality and its use in rehabilitation, as well as the possibility of the benefits of active video games as part of balance training, specifically gaming console Nintendo Wii. The practical part is a pilot study to evaluate the effect of balance training in patients with cerebral palsy using this gaming console. Methods: The study included five patients with cerebral palsy, three in the form of spastic hemiparesis, two in the form of spastic triparesis. Patients were aged 8-18 years. Therapy took place on the Nintendo Wii, selecting five games from cd/dvd Wii Fit Plus. Patients underwent a total of 8 treatments with a frequency of once a week. One therapy lasted 20-30 minutes, according to success in individual games. The effect of therapy was evaluated using the Balance Master, specifically through tests Weight / Bearing squat (weight distribution of the lower limbs), mCTSIB (modified test balance sensory interaction) Limits of Stability (CoG sway to the borders of support base), Rhytmic Weight Shift (fast active transfer of CoG), Walk Across, Tandem walk and Step/Quick Turn (walking with a turn). For statistical evaluation and comparison of the results before and after treatment was used...

Složky koordinované rehabilitace využívané u vybrané skupiny jedinců s DMO (kombinovanou disabilitou) v centru ARPIDA v Českých Budějovicích / Coordinated rehabilitation segments used in a selected group of individuals with DMO (combined disability) in center ARPIDA in České Budějovice

PYKALOVÁ, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The thesis focuses on coordinated rehabilitation components, which are used at individuals with cerebral palsy (combined disability) in a concrete non state medical institution in České Budějovice. Cerebral palsy is the most frequent neurodevelopmental disease, wherein the health disability may occur in one or more fields. We can find crucial factor in care of individuals with handicap in coordinated rehabilitation, which is currently perceived as an interdisciplinary field seeking the fastest and widest participation of personal with disabilities in all usual activies of society with the use of medical, educational, social and labour resources. A prerequisite for success is a multidisciplinary team (circular support), which consists of experts and parents of individuals with disabilities. The thesis contains theoretical background, where health disbility, coordinated rehabilitation and cerebral palsy is mentioned, at which the occurrence, forms, associated disorders and treatment are described. A separate chapter is devoted to families of individuals with health disability, where I mentioned the reaction of parents on the birth of a child with a disability, the impact of disability on the family and family support. Furthermore I focus on social services for handicapped people and to ARPIDA centre, where my research took place. In the research section there is defined the aim of the thesis, which was to chart a coordinated rehabilitation components, which are used at individuals with cerebral palsy (combined disability) in ARPIDA centre in České Budějovice. The partial target of my thesis was also to compare the usage of coordinated rehabilitation components at individuals under 15 years of age and at individuals over 15 years. According to target of the work there were developed three hypotheses. Thesis research was conducted through quantitative research. To obtain the data, I used the method of questioning. The sample was comprised of individuals with cerebral palsy (combined disability), who attend the centre ARPIDA, while the questionnaires were filled out by their parents. The research undertaken within the thesis, which was supported by rehearsed literature, confirmed the third hypothesis of more often usuage of Vojta reflex locomotion method at individuals with cerebral palsy in the centre ARPIDA compared to individual therapeutic physical training. The remaining two hypotheses were disproved. Statistical survey also shows that care for people with cerebral palsy is a long-term care, where interconnection of services within the coordinated rehabilitation is needed. In the group of individuals under 15 years of age and over 15 years it has been used different coordinated rehabilitation components, this is associated with cerebral palsy, disorders, age and other factors. Problematic remains the job placement of individuals with disabilities, who remain at home without further stimulation possibility. Care and services in the centre ARPIDA were assessed positively. The results and conclusions of the thesis will be used as a feedback centre ARPIDA to map the coordinated rehabilitation components and further to the clearing of needs of single coordinated rehabilitation components in a group of individuals under 15 years of age and over 15 years.

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