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Edukace rodičů extrémně nezralých dětí při využívání stimulačních technik pro podporu psychomotorického vývoje / Education for parents of extremely premature infants in the use of stimulation techniques for the support of psychomotor developmentMirovská, Dagmar January 2013 (has links)
Annotation: The thesis is focused on educating parents of children with perinatal risks. The work focuses on justifying the need of special educator within the multidisciplinary team of therapists and his role in the work with children with perinatal stress. Based on the questionnaire results it shows how parents are informed about the therapy options, leisure activities and other source of information. The work highlights how essential is to coordinate all offers of variety organizations and the need for long-term and systematic educational work. In the theoretical part of the thesis is the child examination and the importance of early detection of children with threats followed by clearly elaborated complex of the child psychomotor development. Further characteristics describe children with perinatal risks to define their basic diagnosis and the consequences of individual systems damages and the relevance of further development. The work shows the possibility of intervention using the latest trends in work with children at risk and the importance of early initiation and the need to combine the therapies.
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Možnosti využití terapií u dětí s kombinovanými vadami v předškolním věku / Possibilities of using therapies for children with combined disabilities during preschool ageVorlová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis considers possibilities of using therapies for preschool children with multiple disabilities in special nursery schools and in common nurseries with special classes. Provides an overview of therapies which mostly occur in schools. Based on the theoretical knowledge about single therapies identifies, how are integrated into the educational process in kindergartens. The analysis of the questionnaire survey highlights the shortcomings, that were the basis for a proposal to streamline therapies in these facilities.
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Náhradní rodinná péče - Význam a přínos pěstounské výchovy / Substitute Family Care - The Importance and Benefits of Foster CareVálečková, Pavla January 2012 (has links)
This work is focused on the evaluation and verification of the criteria of success foster care on the basis of their own experience. Affects the overall trend of the development of the child in the context of the family and the wider society. The key theme of this study is, above all, approach the importance and advantages of foster care, or clarify so much discussed questions of education of children in substitute family environment in terms of celospolečenského scale. To achieve the desired outcome here were used not only to their own knowledge and experience, which are processed in the individual kasuistikách, but also the conclusions of the expert examination of pedagogical-psychological counseling and specially-educational centre. The thesis has been processed on the basis of personal long- standing observation and study the behaviour of children in foster care, which are pursued and carried out directly in the family of the author thesis. Total of pattern 8 children, which over time have been adopted into the family of the author, and this was how the children of different sexes, different ethnic origin, different state of health and, not least, of the individual and the sibling group. For all of these children have been possible directly in practice to monitor their development and progress,...
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Edukace žáků v Jedličkově ústavu a školách / Education of pupils in the Jedlička Institute and SchoolsPeřinová, Klára January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis "Education of Pupils at Jedlička Institute and Schools" contains information about physically disabled pupils. The aim of the diploma thesis was to discover the needs and methods of physically disabled pupils' education. The research was focused on what teaching methods, didactic tools, compensation aids and other means and access to pupils are used by teachers at primary school. The diploma thesis includes an analysis of an asset of Jedlička Institute and Schools. The research uses the following methods: structured interviews with teachers and participant observation at primary school. The theoretical part of the thesis comprises kinds of physical disability, combined disability, Jedlička Institute and Schools and information about education of physically disabled pupils and pupils with combined disability. The practical part of the thesis deals with an interaction between pupils and teachers, with cerebral palsy, teaching methods and pupils' needs. The pupils need a barrier-free environment, compensation aids, support measures, support of their motivation and self-sufficiency. The teachers often explain the school work and ask questions. The pupils have individual education, verbal evaluation, marks, tests, examinations, excursions and various school courses. The teacher...
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Potřeba zavedení holistického přístupu v péči o dítě s diagnózou dětská mozková obrna / The need of holistic approach concerning the treatment of child diagnosed with cerebral palsyŠLECHTOVÁ, Dana January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Modelové bydlení jako součást ucelené rehabilitace dětí s kombinovaným postižením / Model housing like a part of self-contained rehabilitation of children with combinated handicapSCHÖNEROVÁ, Aneta January 2007 (has links)
ABSTRACT Model housing like a part of self-contained rehabilitation of children with combinated handicap In my thesis I deal with the following subject: Model housing like a part of self-contained rehabilitation of children with combinated handicap. The model housing is totally new project which Children´s Centre ARPIDA in České Budějovice ( hereinafter {\clqq} DC ARPIDA ``) took up as part of its services.The project has been running for two years and its implementation is realized in the second grade of vocational tranining school of DC ARPIDA in the building of The model protected housing. The aim of the project is to teach children with physical and combined handicap predefined activities.These predefined model activities should enlarge their independence from other persons and increase the extent of their self-sufficiency in common and extended daily activities connected with housing. The model protected housing is designed for children who attend the two-year vocational tranining school in DC ARPIDA where they go through three month´s course of the model protected housing.At the beginning of the course the children go through ergo-therapeutical examination to determine the rate of their independence and self-sufficiency. After finishing the course they are reviewed to find out whether they have improved their results and how they have profited from passing through the course. The main goal of my thesis is to investigate whether The model protected housing contributes to the increasing of the client´s level of seff-sufficiency and why it has a great importance in the system of education and physiotherapy. Another goal which should be followed is to show how the children´s parents see the project as a whole, whether they want their children to take part in this project, if they support the idea of a separate living and how they want their children to live in the future. I used the questionnaire method and the secondary data analysis to verify the given hypotheses. The interviewed group was made up of the parents of children clients of DC ARPIDA. My main aim was to investigate how much they are informed about the possibilities of integration of their children to the society, in what ways the parents are able to support them, their willingness to assist in this proccess and what is their idea of their children´s future life.The proccess of integration is not only the result of school classes or experts´ and school staff´s effort but first of all it is the parents who are supposed to be the most important link in the proccess of integration . Their position in the proccess of successful integration is irreplaceable. The input and output physiotherapy results were used for the secondary analysis. On the basis of data obtained from this analysis it is possible to claim that the model activities which the children performed in the model protected housing help to increase the rate of independance from an other person and of everyday self-sufficiency. With respect to explicit results of the research it is possible to draw the conclusion that in all cases the course of model protected housing increases the function rate of self-sufficiency and independence from the others in the model activities. Thereby the basis hypothesis has been clearly confirmed.
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Využití arteterapeutických metod při práci s handicapovanými dětmi / The Art therapy's methods use at work with handicapped childrenNěmcová, Jindřiška January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with using art therapy's methods and technique by multi-handicapped children. The first chapter characterizes multi-handicap, defines various disorders and their influence on the personality of a child. The second chapter introduces the therapy options which can be applied to multi-handicapped children, with a strong accent on artetherapy. In the third chapter there are various artetherapic methods and techniques which can be applied to multi-handicapped children. The fourth chapter shows creative expressions of children with the main accent on drawing, painting and modeling. The practical part describes civil associations where the research has been carried out, and presents the results of the research by means of five case studies. Keywords Multi-handicap, mental handicap, physical defect, cerebral defense, sensory defects, autism, art therapy, ergotherapeutics, music therapy, trampoline therapy, canistherapy, hippotherapy, snoezelen, artetherapic methods, drawing, painting, modeling
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Žáci se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami na ZŠ a SŠ: přístup škol a pedagogů k handicapovaným žákům. / Pupils with special educational needs in primary and secondary schools: access schools and teachers to handicapped students.Hamtilová, Martina January 2010 (has links)
The thesis deals with access schools and teachers to handicapped students. Theoretical part follows problems of pupils with special educational needs and its legislation, the concept of handicap and disability forms. I characterize from the forms of disability specific learning disorders, brain dysfunction and behavior disorders, cerebral palsy, autism and Asperger syndrome. The last chapter of this part focuses on the conditions, legislation, documents and statistical data in the field of disabled pupils integration. For the practical part I have set several goals: regarding the run of the lesson, teacher access and work of pupils with special educational needs; realize education with handicapped students to obtain my own experience; conduct interviews with teachers, with teacher's assistant, possibly with a special needs teacher in order to obtain an opinion of teaching staff to integrateion and obtain advice for access to pupils with special educational needs; through questionnaires for schools to determine the conditions for integration of handicapped pupils, and finally summarize the recommendations and create a handbook for teachers beginning to work with pupils with special educational needs.
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