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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influência do ambiente e relações predador-presa em uma comunidade de mamíferos terrestres de médio e grande porte em Floresta Ombrófila Densa / Influence of environmental conditions and predator-prey relationship in a community of medium and large sized terrestrial mammal in dense rain forest

Alves, Maísa Ziviani 25 May 2016 (has links)
A destruição de florestas tropicais é intensa e pode levar à extinção de espécies sensíveis à fragmentação. Na Mata Atlântica, mamíferos com importantes funções no equilíbrio do ecossistema, como Panthera onca (onça-pintada), já estão ausentes em grande parte do bioma. Logo, é de extrema urgência compreender os processos que influenciam na permanência dessas espécies em uma área, para evitar futuras extinções locais. Assim, o objetivo geral deste estudo foi analisar as influências das características ambientais sobre a riqueza e ocorrência de mamíferos terrestres de médio e grande porte e as relações espaço-temporais entre o predador de topo, mesopredadores e presas em uma área de Mata Atlântica contíngua ao Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar com recente histórico de perturbação (Parque das Neblinas, Bertioga, SP). A coleta de dados foi realizada por armadilhamento fotográfico, durante 90 dias em 2013 e 2014, em 27 pontos amostrais, distantes 1 km entre si. As características ambientais avaliadas foram altitude, densidade de drenagem, precipitação média, temperatura média, número de palmitos (Euterpe edulis) e presença de trilhas naturais. Para analisar as influências do ambiente sobre a riqueza e ocorrência de espécies (com mais de três registros por ano) foram utilizados Modelos Lineares Generalizados. Para as demais análises, as espécies foram agrupadas em predador, mesopredadores, presas de grande, médio e pequeno porte. O período e sobreposição de atividade destes grupos foram estimados por meio da densidade de Kernel. A abundância foi estimada para mesopredadores e presas, através de modelos N-mixture. Para analisar a probabilidade de ocupação e detecção do predador de topo foram usados modelos de ocupação single-season. Foram amostrados 18 mamíferos terrestres de médio e grande porte, dos quais nove estão ameaçados de extinção ((Cabassous unicinctus (tatu-de-rabo-mole), Cuniculus paca (paca), Leopardus guttulus (gato-do-mato-pequeno), Leopardus pardalis (jaguatirica), Leopardus wiedii (gato-maracajá), Pecari tajacu (cateto), Puma concolor (onça-parda), Puma yagouaroundi (gato-mourisco) e Tapirus terrestris (anta)). A riqueza de espécies foi positivamente influenciada pelo maior volume de chuvas e a ocorrência da maioria das espécies (C. unicinctus, Dasypus novemcinctus (tatu-galinha), P. concolor, Sylvilagus brasiliensis (tapiti) e T. terrestris) foi influenciada pela densidade de drenagem em 2013. Em 2014, a riqueza não foi explicada por nenhuma característica e apenas quatro espécies sofreram influência de alguma característica ambiental. O predador de topo registrado foi catemeral, os mesopredadores e presas de grande porte mostraram-se mais noturnos e presas de médio e pequeno porte foram mais diurnas. Presas menores apresentaram a maior sobreposição total com o predador (Δ1=0,72). A influência sobre a probabilidade de ocupação da área pelo predador variou entre os anos, tendo sido pela abundância de presas de grande e pequeno porte, em 2013, e pela abundância de presas de médio porte, em 2014. A detecção foi influenciada apenas em 2014, de forma negativa pelas ocasiões. A partir destes resultados foi possível identificar as características ambientais que devem ser mantidas na área, como a disponibilidade de recursos hídricos e abundância de presas, a fim de conservar das espécies resilientes. / The destruction of tropical forests is alarming and may lead to the extinction of species susceptible to fragmentation. In the Atlantic Forest, mammals with important functions in the ecosystem balance, such as Panthera onca (jaguar), are already absent in part of the biome. Therefore, it is urgent to understand the processes that influence the permanence of these species in an area, in order to prevent future local extinctions. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the influence of environmental characteristics on the richness and occurrence of terrestrial mammals of medium and large size; as well as the spatio-temporal relationship between the top predator, mesopredator and preys, in the Atlantic foreste area continuos continuous with Serra do Mar State Park, with recent degradation history (Neblinas Park, Bertioga, State of São Paulo). Sample data was collected by camera trapping for 90 days in 2013 and 2014, 27 sampling points 1km distant from each other. The environmental characteristics were altitude, drainage density, average rainfall, average temperature, number of palm hearts (Euterpe edulis) and the presence of nature trails. Generalized Linear Models were used to analyze the environmental influences on the richness and occurrence of species (with more than 3 records per year). For the other analyses, species were grouped into predator, mesopredators, preys of large, medium and small size. The period and overlap activity of these groups were estimated by the Kernel density. Abundance was estimated for mesopredators and prey through N-mixture models. Single-season occupancy models were used to analyze the probability of occupancy and detection of top predators. A total of 18 terrestrial mammals of medium and large size were sampled, with nine of them being threatened with extinction: Cabassous unicinctus (naked-tailed armadillo), Cuniculus paca (paca), Leopardus guttulus (oncilla), Leopardus pardalis (ocelot), Leopardus wiedii (margay), Pecari tajacu (collared peccary), Puma concolor (cougar), Puma yagouaroundi (jaguarundi) and Tapirus terrestris (tapir). In the 2013, the species richness was positively influenced by the largest volume of precipitation and the species occurrence (C. unicinctus, Dasypus novemcinctus (tatu-galinha), P. concolor, Sylvilagus brasiliensis (tapiti) e T. terrestris) was interfered by the drainage density. In 2014, richness was not explained by any of the environmental characteristics mentioned and only four species have suffered influence of them. The top predator recorded was catemeral, the mesopredator and large prey were mainly nocturnal and prey of medium and small size were mainly daylight. Smaller prey had the highest total overlap with the predator (Δ1=0.72). The influence on the probability of occupancy of the area by the predator varied between the years: in 2013 it was the abundance of large and small preys, and in 2014, the influence was the abundance of medium preys. The detection was negatively influenced by the occasion only in 2014. Our findings showed the environmental characteristics that should be maintained in the area, such as water resources and abundance of prey, for conservation of Atlantic Forest and its fauna community.

Influência do ambiente e relações predador-presa em uma comunidade de mamíferos terrestres de médio e grande porte em Floresta Ombrófila Densa / Influence of environmental conditions and predator-prey relationship in a community of medium and large sized terrestrial mammal in dense rain forest

Maísa Ziviani Alves 25 May 2016 (has links)
A destruição de florestas tropicais é intensa e pode levar à extinção de espécies sensíveis à fragmentação. Na Mata Atlântica, mamíferos com importantes funções no equilíbrio do ecossistema, como Panthera onca (onça-pintada), já estão ausentes em grande parte do bioma. Logo, é de extrema urgência compreender os processos que influenciam na permanência dessas espécies em uma área, para evitar futuras extinções locais. Assim, o objetivo geral deste estudo foi analisar as influências das características ambientais sobre a riqueza e ocorrência de mamíferos terrestres de médio e grande porte e as relações espaço-temporais entre o predador de topo, mesopredadores e presas em uma área de Mata Atlântica contíngua ao Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar com recente histórico de perturbação (Parque das Neblinas, Bertioga, SP). A coleta de dados foi realizada por armadilhamento fotográfico, durante 90 dias em 2013 e 2014, em 27 pontos amostrais, distantes 1 km entre si. As características ambientais avaliadas foram altitude, densidade de drenagem, precipitação média, temperatura média, número de palmitos (Euterpe edulis) e presença de trilhas naturais. Para analisar as influências do ambiente sobre a riqueza e ocorrência de espécies (com mais de três registros por ano) foram utilizados Modelos Lineares Generalizados. Para as demais análises, as espécies foram agrupadas em predador, mesopredadores, presas de grande, médio e pequeno porte. O período e sobreposição de atividade destes grupos foram estimados por meio da densidade de Kernel. A abundância foi estimada para mesopredadores e presas, através de modelos N-mixture. Para analisar a probabilidade de ocupação e detecção do predador de topo foram usados modelos de ocupação single-season. Foram amostrados 18 mamíferos terrestres de médio e grande porte, dos quais nove estão ameaçados de extinção ((Cabassous unicinctus (tatu-de-rabo-mole), Cuniculus paca (paca), Leopardus guttulus (gato-do-mato-pequeno), Leopardus pardalis (jaguatirica), Leopardus wiedii (gato-maracajá), Pecari tajacu (cateto), Puma concolor (onça-parda), Puma yagouaroundi (gato-mourisco) e Tapirus terrestris (anta)). A riqueza de espécies foi positivamente influenciada pelo maior volume de chuvas e a ocorrência da maioria das espécies (C. unicinctus, Dasypus novemcinctus (tatu-galinha), P. concolor, Sylvilagus brasiliensis (tapiti) e T. terrestris) foi influenciada pela densidade de drenagem em 2013. Em 2014, a riqueza não foi explicada por nenhuma característica e apenas quatro espécies sofreram influência de alguma característica ambiental. O predador de topo registrado foi catemeral, os mesopredadores e presas de grande porte mostraram-se mais noturnos e presas de médio e pequeno porte foram mais diurnas. Presas menores apresentaram a maior sobreposição total com o predador (Δ1=0,72). A influência sobre a probabilidade de ocupação da área pelo predador variou entre os anos, tendo sido pela abundância de presas de grande e pequeno porte, em 2013, e pela abundância de presas de médio porte, em 2014. A detecção foi influenciada apenas em 2014, de forma negativa pelas ocasiões. A partir destes resultados foi possível identificar as características ambientais que devem ser mantidas na área, como a disponibilidade de recursos hídricos e abundância de presas, a fim de conservar das espécies resilientes. / The destruction of tropical forests is alarming and may lead to the extinction of species susceptible to fragmentation. In the Atlantic Forest, mammals with important functions in the ecosystem balance, such as Panthera onca (jaguar), are already absent in part of the biome. Therefore, it is urgent to understand the processes that influence the permanence of these species in an area, in order to prevent future local extinctions. Thus, this study aimed to analyze the influence of environmental characteristics on the richness and occurrence of terrestrial mammals of medium and large size; as well as the spatio-temporal relationship between the top predator, mesopredator and preys, in the Atlantic foreste area continuos continuous with Serra do Mar State Park, with recent degradation history (Neblinas Park, Bertioga, State of São Paulo). Sample data was collected by camera trapping for 90 days in 2013 and 2014, 27 sampling points 1km distant from each other. The environmental characteristics were altitude, drainage density, average rainfall, average temperature, number of palm hearts (Euterpe edulis) and the presence of nature trails. Generalized Linear Models were used to analyze the environmental influences on the richness and occurrence of species (with more than 3 records per year). For the other analyses, species were grouped into predator, mesopredators, preys of large, medium and small size. The period and overlap activity of these groups were estimated by the Kernel density. Abundance was estimated for mesopredators and prey through N-mixture models. Single-season occupancy models were used to analyze the probability of occupancy and detection of top predators. A total of 18 terrestrial mammals of medium and large size were sampled, with nine of them being threatened with extinction: Cabassous unicinctus (naked-tailed armadillo), Cuniculus paca (paca), Leopardus guttulus (oncilla), Leopardus pardalis (ocelot), Leopardus wiedii (margay), Pecari tajacu (collared peccary), Puma concolor (cougar), Puma yagouaroundi (jaguarundi) and Tapirus terrestris (tapir). In the 2013, the species richness was positively influenced by the largest volume of precipitation and the species occurrence (C. unicinctus, Dasypus novemcinctus (tatu-galinha), P. concolor, Sylvilagus brasiliensis (tapiti) e T. terrestris) was interfered by the drainage density. In 2014, richness was not explained by any of the environmental characteristics mentioned and only four species have suffered influence of them. The top predator recorded was catemeral, the mesopredator and large prey were mainly nocturnal and prey of medium and small size were mainly daylight. Smaller prey had the highest total overlap with the predator (Δ1=0.72). The influence on the probability of occupancy of the area by the predator varied between the years: in 2013 it was the abundance of large and small preys, and in 2014, the influence was the abundance of medium preys. The detection was negatively influenced by the occasion only in 2014. Our findings showed the environmental characteristics that should be maintained in the area, such as water resources and abundance of prey, for conservation of Atlantic Forest and its fauna community.

Habitat Selection and Nesting Ecology of Snowy Plover in the Great Basin

Ellis, Kristen Sue 26 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Snowy plovers (Charadrius nivosus) are small, ground-nesting shorebirds that are a species of conservation concern throughout North America. Despite increased efforts to understand factors contributing to the decline of snowy plover, little is known about habitat selection and breeding ecology of snowy plover for the large population found in the Great Basin. We tested hypotheses concerning the occupancy and nesting success of snowy plover. First, we identified factors influencing snowy plover nest survival at Great Salt Lake, Utah. We hypothesized that snowy plover would demonstrate differences in nest survival rates across years due to differences in habitat characteristics, predator abundance, human influence, resource availability, and fluctuating water levels. We conducted nest surveys at five sites along the Great Salt Lake to locate new nests or monitor known nests until nest fate was determined. We found 608 nests between 2003, 2005-2010, and 2012. The most common cause of nest failure was predation, followed by weather, abandonment, and trampling. Nest survival estimates ranged from 4.6 -- 46.4% with considerable yearly variation. There was no correlation between researcher activity (visits to nests and trapping of adults) and nest survival. Nests in close proximity to roads had lower survival than nests far from roads. Nests located on barren mudflats also had lower survival than nests in vegetated areas or near debris. We found that nests had a higher probability of survival as they increased in incubation stage. Because nesting areas around the Great Salt Lake host some of the largest concentrations of breeding snowy plover in North America, we suggest that managers consider measures to maintain suitable nesting habitat for snowy plover. Second, we determined factors affecting snowy plover occupancy and detection probabilities in western Utah between 2011 and 2012. We hypothesized that snowy plover would be associated with spring water flows and sparsely vegetated salt flats. We made repeated visits to randomly selected survey plots recording the number of snowy plover adults and habitat characteristics within each plot. We modeled the relationship between snowy plover detection probability and habitat and environmental characteristics. The detection probability was 77% (95% CI = 64 -- 86%) and did not vary by year. There was a positive relationship between ambient temperature and detection probability. Next, we modeled the relationship between snowy plover occupancy and individual habitat characteristics including distance to water, distance to roads, land cover types, and vegetative characteristics. Snowy plover occupancy did not vary by year and was estimated at 12% (95% CI = 7 -- 21%). Occupancy was best predicted by close proximity to water, playa land cover, and minimal shrub cover. We used habitat characteristics that best predicted snowy plover occupancy to generate a predictive habitat model that can help prioritize future snowy plover surveys and guide conservation efforts.

<b>Using Bayesian Occupancy Modeling to Inform Bat Conservation in Indiana</b>

Sally Martinez (19195474) 23 July 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Using historic acoustic bat data collected by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, we constructed Bayesian occupancy models to gain insights into bat communities and populations across Indiana. Through use of informative prior distributions, we addressed two important considerations for bat conservation with our occupancy models: 1) exploring a compensatory community dynamic causing the expansion of evening bat (<i>Nycticeius humeralis</i>) populations in Indiana following the establishment of white-nose syndrome (WNS), and 2) estimating a percent decline of summertime hoary bat (<i>Lasiurus cinereus</i>) populations in Indiana due to wind energy development. We found evidence for a potential compensatory community dynamic in the evening bat system, in which losses of the Indiana bat (<i>Myotis sodalis</i>) and the little brown bat (<i>Myotis lucifugus</i>) due to WNS may be resulting in new realized niche space for evening bats, thereby contributing to a compensatory community dynamic. In our hoary bat system, we found evidence of a regional summertime decline of 8.9% annually since 2012. These findings have important conservation implications considering imperiled nature and conservation priorities for bats in North America. </p>

Bat Community Structure and Habitat Selection Across an Urban-Agricultural Landscape

Galen Edward Burrell (13171299) 29 July 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Bats serve important ecological and economic roles in their communities. However, due to anthropogenic land use and human-introduced disease, bat populations in North America are facing unprecedented declines. To better inform conservation efforts for bat species in northeastern Indiana, I studied two aspects of bat ecology: (1) the effects of urbanization and agriculture on bat community composition in northeastern Indiana and (2) the roosting behavior of a population of state endangered/federally threatened northern long-eared bats (<em>Myotis septentrionalis</em>; hereafter northern myotis) in a restored mesic forest adjacent to a moderately sized city (Fort Wayne, IN). To study the first aspect, I deployed acoustic detectors in green spaces throughout Fort Wayne and the surrounding rural areas of Allen County. For each detector site, I compared species occupancy rates with site-specific characteristics at the plot scale (e.g., % canopy cover, midstory density) and at multiple landscape scales (e.g., % impervious cover within 1 km). Across 429 survey nights, acoustic detectors recorded calls from eight unique bat species, of which six species were abundant enough to conduct occupancy modeling. In four of the six species, measures of the amount of forest and forest edge in the landscape were included in one or more of the top models. The top models for the two other bat species, tricolored bats (<em>Perimyotis subflavus</em>) and silver-haired bats (<em>Lasionycteris noctivagans</em>), included measures of urban land cover and revealed a negative relationship between probability of occupancy and the proportion of high-density urban land in the area. The effect of habitat scale also differed between species. For example, models in the confidence set for eastern red bats (<em>Lasiurus borealis</em>) included variables associated with the plots surrounding detectors and with landscape features within 100 m of detectors. In contrast, the top models for hoary bats (<em>Lasiurus cinereus</em>) included landscape features at larger scales, within 500m and 1 km of detector sites. These findings suggest that both generalist and forest-obligate bat species in this study area selected spaces with greater levels of forested habitat. Furthermore, heavily urbanized areas were less likely to support the same levels of bat diversity as areas with forests and other green space.</p> <p>To accomplish the second aspect of my project, I captured bats in Fox Island County Park (Fort Wayne, IN) using mist-nets and affixed temperature-sensitive radio transmitters to four northern myotis individuals. I tracked these individuals back to day roosts, where I recorded roost characteristics (e.g., tree height, # of roost trees within 0.1 ha) and monitored bat skin temperatures (Tsk). I compared the characteristics of selected roosts to those of randomly assigned available trees in the same landscape to determine trends in roost selection preferences. Northern myotis in this study strongly preferred standing dead trees within a 31-ha patch of flooded forest on the northern border of Fox Island. These trees were highly exposed to solar radiation and were consistently warmer than ambient weather conditions, which suggests they may provide important thermoregulatory benefits to reproductive females and other members of the population.</p> <p>My research offers valuable information regarding resource use by bat communities in a landscape dominated by anthropogenic development. Urban areas containing large stretches of forests with trees in various stages of decay will be more likely to meet the needs of bats that would otherwise struggle in developed landscapes. The results of this study can be used to inform conservation efforts aimed at protecting populations of bats throughout Indiana and the Midwestern United States.</p>

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