Spelling suggestions: "subject:"koko"" "subject:"onko""
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Výpočet radiace v lesních porostech na základě dat leteckého laserového skenováníPatočka, Zdeněk January 2014 (has links)
Leaf area index (LAI) is the most important variable influencing the penetration of solar radiation beams through the forest stand. Currently, the airborne laser scanning, as new indirect method, suggests itself for estimation of LAI. LAI was measured terrestrially using the hemispherical photographies analysis and compared with LiDAR Penetration Index - LPI. There were created several regression models describing the dependence of LAI and LPI with coefficients of determination from 0.71 up to 0.81. Leaf area index was also applied to the Beer-Lambert law for calculation of the solar radiation in forest stands. Practical application possibilities of LPI in forestry (estimation of stocking, optimization of shelterwood cuttings etc.) have been described in conclusion of this diploma thesis.
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Technologie výroby kluzného oka / Manufacturing technology of low friction ringsSvoboda, Kryštof January 2020 (has links)
The content of this thesis deals with the manufacturing of the prototyped series of low friction ring, proposing of the serial production and economical and technical evaluation. This thesis also solves the surfacing of low friction rings and testing. The thesis is devided into two main parts. First part deals with selection of material, tools and process of manufacturing low friction ring. Second part concerns surfacing and after testing. The thesis ends with economic and technical evaluation.
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Projektový management obchodní společnosti / Project management of business companyKOCOURKOVÁ, Lucie January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the evaluation of project management in chosen company,especially projects in the field of aviation. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the project management system in the organization and to suggest possible changes, which will help to improve the prosperity and continuity of the business. In the theoretical part, the author studied the available literature on the basis of which is written a literature review. The practical part describes the system of project management in the organizations. At the beginning there is described the chosen company furthermore individual phases of the project lifecycle, responsibilities of the various participants in the project, needed resources, budget of the project, communication between the participants and used software. Afterwards were described the greatest problems with project management in the company and were suggest possible changes to improve.
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Uticaj prevremenog rođenja na rast oka i proces emetropizacije / The impact of preterm birth on eye growth and process of emmetropisationGrgić Zorka 31 March 2016 (has links)
<p>Stopa prematuriteta konstantno raste, a sve više prevremeno rođenih beba koje prežive neonatalni i perinatalni period zahteva adekvatno sistemsko i oftalmološko praćenje i tretman. Prematuritet sam po sebi, predstavlja rizik za razvoj vida. Taj rizik dodatno povećava prisustvo prematurne retinopatije i refraktivnih mana. Skrining i tretman promena na retini u sklopu prematuriteta, kao i optička korekcija refraktivnih mana obezbeđuju uslove za razvoj vida. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio utvrditi promene biometrijskih karakteristika oka prematurusa, sa i bez prematurne retinopatije, tokom šestogodišnjeg praćenja, utvrditi refraktivni status ove dve grupe dece sa šest godina, te povezati promene biometrijskih karakteristika oka sa refrakcijom. U ispitivanje je uključeno 192 prevremeno rođena deteta (384 oka). Vršena su tri pregleda, u uzrastu od 3 meseca, 12 meseci i 6 godina starosti. Nakon prvog pregleda ispitivani uzorak je, u zavisnosti od nalaza na očnom dnu, podeljen na bebe sa prematurnom retinopatijom i bebe bez ovog oboljenja, a kako bi se uporedile proučavane karakteristike. U sva tri navedena uzrasta je pregledano očno dno i merene su tri glavne biometrijske karakteristike koje utiču na refraktivni status: aksijalna dužina oka, dubina prednje očne komore i debljina očnog sočiva. Sa šest godina je određena refrakcija, uključujući zakrivljenost rožnjače odnosno kornealni astigmatizam, vidna oštrina bez korekcije refraktivne mane, a zatim i nakon korekcije. Ostali neophodni podaci su dobijeni iz medicinske dokumentacije. Pokazano je da prematurna retinopatija utiče na refraktivni status i vidni ishod sa šest godina, pre svega uticajem na zakrivljenost rožnjače, aksijalnu dužinu oka i dubinu prednje očne komore, dok su promene debljine očnog sočiva bez posebnog značaja. Vidne oštrine oba oka u predškolskom uzrastu prevremeno rođene dece sa prematurnom retinopatijom su statistički značajno manje kada se uporede sa vidnim oštrinama prevremeno rođene dece bez retinopatije, ali razlika u ovim dvema vrednostima gubi statističku značajnost nakon optičke korekcije. Učestalost astigmatizma u prematurnoj populaciji sa 6 godina je visoka, a od onih koji imaju astigmatizam u tom uzrastu, više od dve trećine je imalo prematurnu retinopatiju. Ukupna učestalost miopije, hipermetropije i emetropije u prematurnoj populaciji sa 6 godina je 18,9%, 54,7% i 13,2%, a preostalih 13,2% su anizometropi. U više od trećine dece, sa prematurnom retinopatijom u najranijem uzrastu, sa šest godina postoji gubitak vidne sposobnosti, koji je najčešće blag, no može biti i potpun.</p> / <p>The number of babies born prematurely is constantly growing, so more and more of them need appropriate systemic and ophthalmologic monitoring and treatament. Prematurity itself, represents a risk for the development of vision. This risk further reinforces the presence of retinopathy of prematurity and refractive errors. Screening and treatment of retinopathy, as well as optical correction of refractive errors provide adequate conditions for the development of vision. The aim of this study was to determine changes of biometric features of eyes of the prematurely born infants, with and without retinopathy of prematurity, during the six-year follow-up. We also want to determine the refractive status of these two groups of children in the six year, and to link changes of biometric features with their eye refraction. The study included 192 prematurely born children (384 eyes). The examinations were performed at 3 months, 12 months and 6 years and they included fundus examination and measurements of the ocular axial length, anterior chamber depth and lens thickness. After dividing the subjects into two groups, based on the results of the fundus examination at 3 months, the results of the children with and without retinopathy were compared. At the age of six we also determine the refraction of eyes, including the curvature of the cornea and corneal astigmatism, visual acuity without correction of refractive error, and then after it. Other necessary data were obtained from medical documentation. It is shown that retinopathy of prematurity affects the refractive status and visual outcome at sixth year, primarily by the changes of curvature of the cornea, the axial length of the eye and the depth of the anterior chamber, while the change in the lens thickness has no significance. Visual acuity in both eyes in the preschool age preterm born children with retinopathy of prematurity are significantly less, when compared to visual acuity in preterm infants without retinopathy, but the difference in these two values lost statistical significance after optical correction. The rate of astigmatism in preterm population of six years is high, and of those who have astigmatism in this age group, more than two-thirds had retinopathy of prematurity. The overall incidence of myopia, hypermetropia and emetropia in the prematurely born, six years old children is 18.9%, 54.7% and 13.2%, and the remaining 13.2% have anisometropia. In more than a third of children with retinopathy of prematurity at an early age, with six years, there has been loss of visual acuity, which is usually mild, but it can be complete.</p>
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Analýza obvyklé doby pozorování specifických objektů řidičem / Analysis of the Usual Time of a Driver Observing Specific ObjectsFujačková, Hedvika January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on drivers of motor vehicles and the usual time they spend by specific objects. The theoretical part of the thesis brings an overview of literature on human perception. The eye-tracker is defined here as the instrument used for scanning the movements of the drivers eyes, here are also named its types and its applications in various fields of life. Finally, this part deals with the advertisements placed alongside roads acting as distractive elements. The experimental part builds upon the collected video recordings and offers an analysis of drivers’ observations of outdoor advertisements that attract their attention, mainly billboards.
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Detekce bifurkací cévního řečiště na sítnici / Detection of blood-vessel bifurcations in retinaBaše, Michal January 2011 (has links)
This master thesis deals with detection of blood-vessel bifurcations in retinal images and its properties. There are explained procedure of taking photographs of retina by fundus camera, optical coherence tomography (OCT) and scanning laser opthalmoscope (SLO) and properties of fundus images are described. In this thesis are mentioned some effective thresholding methods and there are explained the most important morphological operations with binary images, as well as with grayscale images. Detected bifurcations are used for image registration with second-order polynomial transformation using corresponding bifurcations.
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Rozpoznávání podle sítnice oka / Recognition by RetinaStružka, Jaroslav January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with recognition by retina (identification, verification). In introduction we describe information about human eye, its diseases with focus on retina impact. Further (in main part) we conduct SW analyses based on biometry retina requirements and design of SW application for retina recognition. It is based on processing pipeline design (sequential application of image filters). This pipeline mostly contains filters focused on edge detection, adaptive threshold and skeletonisation. Finally, basic SW functions includes users registration (enroll), identification, verification. In conclusion we discuss experimental results and success of designed SW in practical application.
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Generování realistických snímků obloh / Generation of realistic skydome imagesŠpaček, Jan January 2020 (has links)
Generation of realistic skydome images We aim to generate realistic images of the sky with clouds using generative adversarial networks (GANs). We explore two GAN architectures, ProGAN and StyleGAN, and find that StyleGAN produces significantly better results. We also propose a novel architecture SuperGAN which aims to generate images at very high resolutions, which cannot be efficiently handled using state-of-art architectures. 1
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Genová exprese v kuřecím embryu: mikromanipulační a vizualizační metody / Gene expression in chicken embryo: micromanipulation and visualization methodsBendová, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this work was to obtain better insight into the principles of cell structures and organs in the chicken embryo development. To reach this goal special methods of micromanipulations and visualization in vitro, ex vivo, ex ovo and in ovo were implemented and adjusted. These methods were used to study gene expression in neural crest development and eye development. In the course of long term research in our laboratory we observed that oncoprotein v-Myb influences the development of the neural crest and has the capacity to change natural cell fate. We performed a series of experiments to investigate v-Myb protein influence on neural crest cells differentiation, especially melanocyte lineage development, and its influence on gene expression in the neural crest. Therefore we focused on Gremlin 2 (PRDC), the gene upregulated by v-Myb in the neural crest. The established procedure of electroporation in ovo was adjusted to transfect cells of the developing eye and used to study gene expression during lens induction. The results obtained from chicken embryo experiments endorsed the study performed on mouse embryos. Futhermore, the electroporation technique was slightly modified for manipulations of the neural retina in the developing eye in ovo. Thereafter, the retinas were processed ex vivo and...
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Evoluce a význam barvy duhovky u člověka, její biologická role a mezikulturni percepce / The Evolution and Functional Role of the Colour of Iris in Humans, Its Biological Role, and Cross-Cultural PerceptionKočnar, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
The human eye is a conspicuous and unique component of facial appearance. From other mammalian eyes it is set apart mainly by its unusual shape, visible white sclera, and a wide range of iris colours, which is something unique within a single species. Whether alone or in the context of the face as a whole, eye colour is an underexplored area within research into the perception of various personality traits. In this thesis, the author first reviews the physiological factors connected with eye colour and reported correlations between eye colour and different psychological and behavioural conditions. This is followed by an investigation of a possible relationship between eye colour and perceived dominance and attractiveness. The first and second study examines whether and to what extent eye colour is associated with facial morphology responsible for perceived dominance. The results are ambiguous. A cross-cultural comparison in the third study revealed that faces with blue eyes are judged as more attractive only in populations where individuals with darker eyes predominate. It is thus discussed whether this population-specific pattern is the consequence of a negative frequency-dependent selection that may have contributed to the present-day eye colour diversity. In short, the aim of this thesis was to...
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