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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Augmentation du contraste de séparation des minéraux calciques semisolubles à l’aide de combinaisons de réactifs carboxyliques et non-ionique / Enhancing of separation contrast of calcium mineral using a mix of carboxylic and non-ionic collectors

Lafhaj, Zineb 07 April 2017 (has links)
La valorisation des minéraux calciques est un problème mondial. La flottation est une technique utilisée pour séparer ces minéraux puisqu’elle joue sur leurs propriétés superficielles. Cependant, c’est un défi scientifique important puisque les propriétés de surface des minéraux calciques sont très proches. Les difficultés de séparation de ces derniers sont donc dues, aux similitudes entre leurs propriétés chimiques de surface, mais aussi leurs propriétés électrocinétiques et leur stabilité en milieu aqueux. L’application des résultats de recherche fondamentale porte sur les minéraux purs dont 4 calcites et une apatite d’origines différentes. L’objectif principal est d’étudier les propriétés et les paramètres impliqués dans les mécanismes de séparation des minéraux calciques tels que l’importance de la solubilité, la spéciation de surface du minéral, la charge globale de la surface du minéral et la densité d’adsorption des tensio-actifs. Les propriétés électrocinétique permettent de déterminer le type de collecteur à employer pour faire flotter sélectivement les minéraux et pour choisir le pH optimal de séparation. Deux collecteurs, l’oléate et le linoléate de sodium (structure de la chaîne hydrocarbonée différente) ont été utilisés pour étudier la flottation des minéraux calciques. Une étude des mélanges de ces deux collecteurs avec différents ratios molaires a montré un contraste de séparation à pH 5 avec le ratio molaire 2 :1 à pH 5 et le ratio 1 :1 à pH 9. De plus, Les effets synergiques entre collecteur ionique (oléate ou linoléate de sodium) et non-ionique (PX type alcool) en présence ou non des déprimants tels que l’amidon et le silicate de sodium ont été étudiés pour améliorer la la sélectivité de la séparation calcite apatite. Les isothermes d’adsorption de l’oléate et du linoléate de sodium, en présence ou non d’un collecteur non-ionique, obtenus par la méthode de Gregory mettent en évidence leurs co-adsorption sur la surface de la calcite et de l’apatite. Ceci a aussi été confirmé par les déplacements des bandes de vibration symétriques et asymétriques des groupements CH2-CH3 sur les spectres infrarouges en réflexion diffuse. L’adsorption du linoléate de sodium sur la calcite orange présente différentes régions, ce qui peut être expliqué par une adsorption en multicouche résultant de la condensation bidimensionnelle du collecteur sur une surface hétérogène. Cependant, l’adsorption de l’oléate de sodium sur l’échantillon de calcite avec les impuretés de Mg est linéaire. L’apatite de Madagascar et la calcite optique présentent une saturation des sites d’adsorption à partir d’une concentration 3.10-5 M en oléate de sodium (CMC) / Valorization of calcium minerals is a global problem. Flotation is a technique used for the separation of these minerals since it plays on their surface properties. However, this is an important scientific challenge because the surface properties of calcium minerals are very similar. The difficulties of separation of these minerals are then due to the similarities between their chemical surface properties, but also their electrokinetic and their stability in aqueous solutions. The application of the basic research results will focus on 4 calcites and one apatite of different origins. The main objective is to study the properties and parameters involved in the separation mechanisms of calcium minerals such as the importance of the solubility, the surface speciation of the mineral, the overall loading of the mineral surface and the density of adsorption of surfactants. The electrokinetic properties therefore make it possible to determine the type of collector to be used to selectively float the minerals and to choose the optimum separation pH. Two collectors, sodium oleate and linoleate (different semi-developed formula), were used to study the flotation of calcium minerals. The mixture of these two collectors with different molar ratios was also studied showing a separation contrast at pH 5 with the molar ratio 2: 1 and the ratio 1: 1 at pH 9. In addition, the synergistic effects between ionic collector (oleate or sodium linoleate) and non-ionic (PX alcohol type) in the presence or absence of depressants such as starch and sodium silicate have been studied to improve recovery and selectivity. The adsorption isotherms of sodium oleate and linoleate, in the presence or absence of a non-ionic collector, obtained by the Gregory method demonstrate their co-adsorption on the surface of calcite and apatite. This was also confirmed by the displacements of the symmetric and antisymmetric vibration bands of the CH2-CH3 groups on the infrared spectra in diffuse reflectance. The adsorption of sodium linoleate on one of the calcite minerals (calcite orange) shows different regions which can be explained by multi-layer adsorption resulting from the two-dimensional condensation of the collector on a heterogeneous surface. However, the adsorption of sodium oleate on calcite orange is linear. The apatite from Madagascar and calcite optical have a saturation of the adsorption sites from a concentration of 3.10-5 M in sodium oleate (CMC)

Functionalized Nanostructures : Iron Oxide Nanocrystals and Exfoliated Inorganic Nanosheets

Chalasani, Rajesh January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis consists of two parts. The first part deals with the magnetic properties of Fe3O4 nanocrystals and their possible application in water remediation. The second part is on the delamination of layered materials and the preparation of new layered hybrids from the delaminated sheets. In recent years, nanoscale magnetic particles have attracted considerable attention because of their potential applications in industry, medicine and environmental remediation. The most commonly studied magnetic nanoparticles are metals, bimetals and metal oxides. Of these, magnetite, Fe3O4, nanoparticles have been the most intensively investigated as they are, non-toxic, stable and easy to synthesize. Magnetic properties of nanoparticles such as the saturation magnetization, coercivity and blocking temperature are influenced both by size and shape. Below a critical size magnetic particles can become single domain and above a critical temperature (T B , the blocking temperature) thermal fluctuations can induce random flipping of magnetic moments resulting in loss of magnetic order. At temperatures above the blocking temperature the particles are superparamagnetic. Magnetic nanocrystals of similar dimensions but with different shapes show variation in magnetic properties especially in the value of the blocking temperature, because of differences in the surface anisotropy contribution. The properties of magnetic nanoparticles are briefly reviewed in Chapter 1. The objective of the present study was to synthesize Fe3O4 nanocrystals of different morphologies, to understand the difference in magnetic properties associated with shape and to explore the possibility of using Fe3O4 nanocrystals in water remediation. In the present study, oleate capped magnetite (Fe3O4) nanocrystals of spherical and cubic morphologies of comparable dimensions (∼10nm) have been synthesized by thermal decomposition of FeOOH in high-boiling octadecene solvent (Chapter 2). The nanocrystals were characterized by XRD, TEM and XPS spectroscopy. The nanoparticles of different morphologies exhibit very different blocking temperatures. Cubic nanocrystals have a higher blocking temperature (T B = 190 K) as compared to spheres (T B = 142 K). From the shift in the hysteresis loop it is demonstrated that the higher blocking temperature is a consequence of exchange bias or exchange anisotropy that manifests when a ferromagnetic material is in physical contact with an antiferromagnetic material. In nanoparticles, the presence of an exchange bias field leads to higher blocking temperatures T B because of the magnetic exchange coupling induced at the interface between the ferromagnet and antiferromagnet. It is shown that in these iron oxide nanocrystals the exchange bias field originates from trace amounts of the antiferromagnet wustite, FeO, present along with the ferrimagnetic Fe3O4 phase. It is also shown that the higher FeO content in nanocrystals of cubic morphology is responsible for the larger exchange bias fields that in turn lead to a higher blocking temperature. Magnetic nanoparticles with moderate magnetization can be easily separated from dispersions by applying low intensity magnetic fields. Oleate capped spherical and cubic iron oxide nanocrystals have considerable magnetic moment and hence have the potential as host-carriers for magnetic separation in environmental remediation. These nanocrystals are, however, dispersible only in non-polar solvents like chloroform, toluene, etc. Environmental remediation requires that the nanocrystals be water dispersible. This was achieved by functionalizing the surface of the iron oxide nanocrystals by coordinating carboxymethyl-β-cyclodextrin (CMCD) cavities (Chapter 3). The hydroxyl groups located at the rim of the anchored cyclodextrin cavity renders the surface of the functionalized nanocrystal hydrophilic. The integrity of the anchored CMCD molecules are preserved on capping and their hydrophobic cavities available for host-guest chemistry. The CMCD capped iron oxide particles are water dispersible and separable in modest magnetic fields (<0.5 T). Small molecules like naphthalene and naphthol can be removed from aqueous media by forming inclusion complexes with the anchored cavities of the CMCD-Fe3O4 nanocrystals followed by separation of the nanocrystals by application of a magnetic field. The adsorption properties of the iron oxide surface towards arsenic ions are unaffected by the CMCD capping so it too can be simultaneously removed in the separation process. To extend the application of the iron oxide nanocrystals so that they can both capture and destroy organic contaminants present in water, cyclodextrin functionalized water dispersible core-shell Fe3O4@TiO2 (CMCD-Fe3O4@TiO2) nanocrystals have been synthesized (Chapter 4). The application of these particles for the photocatalytic degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC), bisphenol A and dibutyl phthalate, in water is demonstrated. EDC molecules that may be present in water are captured by the CMCD-Fe3O4@TiO2 nanoparticles by inclusion within the anchored cavities. Once included they are photocatalytically destroyed by the TiO2 shell on UV light illumination. The magnetism associated with the crystalline Fe3O4 core allows for the magnetic separation of the particles from the aqueous dispersion once photocatalytic degradation is complete. An attractive feature of these ‘capture and destroy’ nanomaterials is that they may be completely removed from the dispersion and reused with little or no loss of catalytic activity. The second part of the thesis deals with the intercalation of surfactants in inorganic layered solids and their subsequent delamination of the functionalized solid in non-polar solvents. The solids investigated were - the anionic layered double hydroxides (LDH), the 2:1 smectite clay, montmorillonite (MMT), layered metal thiophosphates (CdPS3) and graphite oxide (GO). Layered Double Hydroxides (LDH) are lamellar solids of the general chemical formula [M0(1−x)Mx(OH)2], where M0 is a divalent metal ion and M a trivalent ion. The structure of the Mg-Al layered double hydroxide (Mg-Al LDH) may be derived from that of brucite, Mg(OH)2, by isomorphous substitution of a part of the Mg2+ by trivalent Al3+ ions with electrical neutrality maintained by interlamellar exchangeable ions like nitrate or carbonate. The ion exchange intercalation of the anionic surfactant dodecyl sulfate (DDS) in an Mg-Al LDH and the subsequent delamination of the surfactant intercalated LDH in non-polar solvent is reviewed in Chapter 5. Delamination results in a clear dispersion of neutral nanosheets. The delaminated sheets are neutral as the surfactant chains remain anchored to the inorganic sheet. On solvent evaporation, the sheets re-stack to give back the original surfactant intercalated solid. This strategy for delamination of layered solids by intercalation of an appropriate surfactant followed by dispersing in a non-polar solvent has been extended to montmorillonite (MMT) and cadmium thiophosphates (CdPS3) by ion-exchange intercalation of the cationic surfactant dioctadecyldimethylammonium bromide (DODMA) followed by sonication in non-polar solvents e.g. toluene or chloroform as in the case of the LDH (Chapter 6). The nanosheets of the MMT and CdPS3 are electrically neutral as the surfactant chains remain anchored to the inorganic sheet even after exfoliation. Graphite oxide (GO) too can be delaminated by functionalizing the sheets by covalently linking oleylamine chains to the GO sheets via an amide bond. The oleylamine functionalized GO is easily delaminated in non-polar solvents to give electrically neutral GO nanosheets. It is shown in Chapter 7 that the 1:1 mixtures of dispersions of montmorillonite-DODMA with Mg-Al LDH-DDS nanosheets can self assemble, on solvent evaporation, to give a new layered solid with periodically alternating montmorillonite and LDH layers. In this method attractive forces between the neutral exfoliated nanosheets of cationic and anionic ensures self-assembly of a perfectly periodic alternating layered structure. The method has been extended to synthesize new layered solids in which surfactant tethered cationic and anionic inorganic sheets alternate. The hybrid solids synthesized are CdPS3—MgAl-LDH, CdPS3—CoAl-LDH, GO—MgAl-LDH, GO—CoAl-LDH. The procedure outlined in Chapter 7 allows for a simple, but versatile, method for generating new periodically ordered layered hybrid solids by self-assembly.

Communication chimique et régulations sociales dans la colonie d’abeilles (apis mellifera L.) / Chemical communication and social regulation in the honey bees colony (apis mellifera L.)

Maisonnasse, Alban 07 December 2010 (has links)
La colonie d’abeille (Apis mellifera L.) est une société complexe où les individus interagissent entre eux, notamment par le biais de phéromones. L’étude de cette communication chimique est indispensable à la compréhension des régulations sociales mises en place dans la colonie. Chez l’abeille, plus de 50 substances chimiques avec des effets incitateurs ou modificateurs sur la colonie ont été identifiées. Malgré ces découvertes, de nombreux travaux sont à accomplir pour mieux comprendre ce système de communication particulier.La problématique de cette thèse vise à caractériser l’histoire de vie d’une phéromone majeure l’Oléate d’Ethyle (EO), qui permet d’optimiser l’équilibre nourrices / butineuses dans la colonie. Parallèlement, d’autres recherches ont été entreprises, notamment l’étude de la communication chimique de la reine et du couvain, chez qui seulement deux phéromones ont été identifiées avec des effets pléiotropiques dans la colonie.Nos résultats ont mis en évidence une production variable d’EO par les ouvrières, en fonction de l’environnement de la colonie. La production de cette molécule chimique dans la colonie peut également être modifiée par un stress : des abeilles parasitées par du Nosema spp. ont une production anormalement élevée d’EO. En outre, cette molécule phéromonale est transmise des butineuses vers les nourrices par contact cuticulaire et par le pollen.Pour la compréhension de la communication entre la reine et les ouvrières, nos résultats montrent que la reine utilise d’autres composés phéromonaux puissant en redondance de la QMP pour orienter la construction de cire, le phénomène de cour et l’inhibition des ovaires des ouvrières.Chez le couvain, nous avons identifié un composé phéromonal volatil, le E-ß-ocimène, produit majoritairement par les jeunes larves, inhibant le développement des ovaires des ouvrières et accélérant leur maturation comportementale.Ces études nous ont permis d’avoir une connaissance plus précise de la communication chimique au sein de la colonie. Ainsi nous expliquons par deux théories le rôle de la complexité et de la redondance phéromonale de la colonie d’abeilles / In the honeybee colony (Apis mellifera L.) studies of the chemical communication are essential to understand social regulations. In the honey bee colony more than 50 chemical substances with releaser and primer effects have been identified. Despite years of research on this type of communication, significant work remains to be done.In this thesis, the aim is to characterize the dynamics of a major pheromone: ethyl oleate (EO), which optimizes the balance between nurses and foragers in the colony. In addition, we initiated research on the queen and brood chemical communication in which only two pheromones have been identified in the colony.We have demonstrated that EO production by workers varies under different colony environment. EO production can also be modified by stress; honey bees parasitized by the Nosema spp. have abnormally high EO production. In addition, we identified that EO is transmitted from foragers to nurses by contact (cuticle and pollen).For the queen, our results indicate that the queen uses multiple redundant pheromones (QMP and other unknown compounds), that affect wax construction, retinue behaviour and worker ovary inhibition.For the brood we have identified a volatile pheromone E-ß-ocimene produced mostly by the young larvae to inhibit the development of workers ovaries and accelerate workers’behavioural maturation.With these studies we clarify some aspects of what is known about chemical communication in the honey bee colony. Then we try to explain the role of complexity and redundancy of pheromones in the honey bee colony by two theories

Étude de l'oxydation en phase gazeuse de composants des gazoles et des biocarburants diesel / Study of the oxidation of components of diesel and biodiesel fuels in gaseous phase

Hakka, Mohammed Hichem 27 January 2010 (has links)
En raison de la complexité de leur composition, l’étude de l’oxydation des gazoles et des carburants biodiesel nécessite de choisir des molécules modèles représentant ces mélanges. Dans ce contexte nous avons sélectionné deux molécules pouvant représenter les gazoles : le n-décane, souvent considéré comme molécule modèle des paraffines contenues dans les gazoles, et le n-hexadécane, molécule de référence pour l’estimation de l’indice cétane, ainsi que deux molécules représentant les carburants biodiesel : le palmitate de méthyle (C17H34O2, ester méthylique saturé) et l’oléate de méthyle (C19H36O2, ester méthylique insaturé). L’étude de l’oxydation de ces molécules a été menée en réacteur auto-agité par jets gazeux, à une richesse de 1, des températures comprises entre 550 et 1100 K, à pression atmosphérique et à un temps de passage constant de 1,5 s. La formation d’un nombre important d’espèces a été observée parmi lesquelles figurent des oléfines, des diènes, des esters méthyliques insaturés, des éthers cycliques avec différentes tailles de cycle, des cétones et des aldéhydes. Grâce à deux nouvelles versions du logiciel EXGAS, des mécanismes cinétiques détaillés de l’oxydation des molécules étudiées ont été générés et validés par comparaison avec les résultats expérimentaux. Enfin, une comparaison de la réactivité du n-décane, du n-hexadécane, du palmitate de méthyle et de l’oléate de méthyle et des quantités de produits formées (dont certains polluants) a été effectuée / Because of the complexity of their compositions, the study of the oxidation of diesel and biodiesel fuels requires choosing model molecules (surrogates) representing the real mixtures. In this context, we have selected two molecules to represent the diesel fuel: n-decane, usually considered as model molecule of paraffin contained in diesel fuel, and n-hexadecane, molecule of reference for the estimation of the cetane number, and two molecules representing biodiesel fuel: methyl palmitate (C17H34O2, a saturated methyl ester) and methyl oleate (C19H36O2, an unsaturated methyl ester). The study of oxidation of these molecules has been conducted in a jet-stirred reactor, with an equivalence ratio of 1, temperatures between 550 and 1100 K, at atmospheric pressure and for a constant residence time of 1.5 sec. The formation of a large number of species has been observed which includes olefins, dienes, unsaturated methyl esters, cyclic ethers with different size of ring, ketones and aldehydes. Using two new versions of EXGAS software, detailed kinetic mechanisms for the oxidation of the studied molecules were generated and validated by comparaison with experiemental results. Finally, a comparison of the reactivity of n-decane, n-hexadecane, methyl palmitate and methyl oleate and amounts of formed products (including some pollutants) has been performed

Dielektrické vlastnosti rostlinných olejů pro elektrotechniku / Dielectric Properties of Vegetable Oils for Electrical Engineering

Spohner, Milan January 2021 (has links)
The dissertation thesis deals with the analysis of prospective environmentally compatible electrical insulating fluids for electrical engineering in relation to their chemical structure. The thesis starts with the overview of the current state of the art and of the latest trends in the use of synthetic and biodegradable natural oils. In the experimental part were studied these oils: mineral oils, rapeseed oil, sunflower oils, soybean oil, methyl oleate, peanut oil, MCT oil, castor oil and other. Dielectric properties were measured using LRC meter Agilent 4980A including dielectric liquid test fixture Agilent 16452A and also by the Novocontrol Alpha-A analyzer. Electrical properties are presented in the frequency range 10 mHz – 1 MHz range in the temperature interval 253 K to 363 K. The work goes on with the study of the suitability of individual oils for lower temperature, including the impact of the chemical structure and formulation on electrical properties.

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