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The ternary system U(VI) / humic acid / Opalinus ClayJoseph, Claudia 23 July 2013 (has links)
The storage of nuclear waste in deep geological formations is discussed worldwide as the main strategy for nuclear waste management. To ensure the confinement of the nuclear waste, a multiple barrier system which consists of engineered, geo-engineered, and geological barriers will be applied. Thereby, in Germany the definition of the isolating rock zone represents an important safety function indicator. Clay rock is internationally investigated as potential host rock for a repository and represents a part of the geological barrier. In the present work, the natural clay rock Opalinus Clay from the Mont Terri rock laboratory, Switzerland, was studied.
In Germany, the direct disposal of the spent nuclear fuel without the reprocessing of the spent fuel is preferred. In case of water ingress, radionuclides can be released from the nuclear waste repository into its surroundings, namely the host rock of the repository. Humic acids, ubiquitous in nature, can be found associated with the inorganic components in natural clay rock (1.5×10–3 wt.% in Opalinus Clay). They can be released under certain conditions. Due to their variety of functional groups, humic acids are very strong complexing agents for metal ions. They have inherent redox abilities and a colloidal conformation in solution. Because of these characteristics, humic acids can affect the mobility of metal ions such as actinides. Furthermore, in the near-field of a repository elevated temperatures have to be considered due to the heat production resulting from the radioactive decay of the various radionuclides in the nuclear waste.
This work focuses on the interaction of uranium, as main component of spent nuclear fuel, with Opalinus Clay and studies the influence of humic acid and elevated temperature on this interaction. For investigation of the retention behavior of the clay and the mobility of U(VI) in the system, batch sorption and diffusion experiments were performed. To clarify which U(VI) and humic acid species were present under the applied conditions, aqueous speciation modeling was used. Additionally, the U(VI) speciation in solution and on the clay surface was investigated by spectroscopic methods.
Prior to the investigation of the ternary system U(VI) / humic acid / clay, the applied batches of Opalinus Clay were characterized (e.g., specific surface area, carbon content, cation exchange capacity, elemental composition, particle size distribution). Leaching studies with Opalinus Clay in synthetic Opalinus Clay pore water (pH 7.6, It = 0.34 mol/L) and in NaClO4 (pH 3 – 10, I = 0.1 mol/L) were performed to identify the competing ions and their concentrations in the background electrolytes. These data were used to calculate the U(VI) and humic acid speciation in solution. Calcium and carbonate ions are present under pore water conditions as well as in 0.1 mol/L NaClO4 from pH 7 to 8.5, due to dissolution of calcite (mineral fraction in Opalinus Clay). Thus, the U(VI) speciation is dominated by the aquatic Ca2UO2(CO3)3 complex. In the case of pore water, Ca2UO2(CO3)3(aq) is also the dominant U(VI) species in the presence of humic acid, which was corroborated by time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopic measurements. A significantly changed speciation was found in 0.1 mol/L NaClO4 in the presence of humic acid. At pH > 7, the negatively charged UO2(CO3)2HA(II)4– complex determines the U(VI) speciation, thus repressing the Ca2UO2(CO3)3(aq) complex. In addition, the speciation of humic acid is influenced from ions leached out from Opalinus Clay. The CaHA(II) complex is the dominating humic acid species in solution.
Batch sorption experiments in 0.1 mol/L NaClO4 showed that Opalinus Clay has the strongest retardation effect on U(VI) in the pH range from pH 4.5 to 7. However, under environmentally relevant conditions (pH > 7), the sorption of U(VI) onto Opalinus Clay is very weak. Under pore water conditions, a distribution coefficient (Kd) of 0.0222 ± 0.0004 m3/kg was determined, which was shown to be independent of solid-to-liquid ratios ≥ 60 g/L. In addition, in pore water, the U(VI) sorption onto Opalinus Clay is not influenced by humic acid, which is supported by the speciation results. Extended X ray absorption fine-structure investigations confirmed this batch sorption result.
The U(VI) diffusion experiments performed in pore water at 25 °C with Opalinus Clay bore core samples confirmed the Kd value obtained by batch sorption experiments. In the diffusion experiments at 60 °C, a change in the U(VI) speciation occurred. Beside Ca2UO2(CO3)3(aq), a colloidal U(VI) species was formed. Almost equivalent apparent diffusion coefficient (Da) values were determined for the diffusion of the aqueous U(VI) species at 25 and 60 °C through Opalinus Clay. Thus, based on the investigations in the present study the breakthrough of U(VI) through Opalinus Clay is expected to be independent of the temperature and should occur nearly at the same time. Modeling calculations showed that it would take about 10 years until a detectable amount of 233U(VI) (1×10–9 mol/L) migrates through an 11 mm thick Opalinus Clay sample.
Two distinct humic acid size fractions – a large- and a small-sized colloid fraction – diffused through the Opalinus Clay samples. Within three months, the high molecular size humic acid colloids migrated only about 500 µm into the clay, whereas the low molecular size fraction diffused through the entire Opalinus Clay samples and were consequently detected in the receiving reservoirs. These findings demonstrate a filtration effect of the compacted clay. The diffusion experiments revealed that the effect of humic acid on U(VI) diffusion is negligible and, under the studied conditions, independent of temperature. The obtained results contribute to data bases used for modeling of interaction and migration processes in uranium / clay rock systems. Thus, the collected sorption and diffusion data are not only relevant for safety assessment of nuclear waste repositories but also for any clay-containing system present in the environment, where the geochemical interaction with uranium contaminated water plays a role.
Concerning the suitability of Opalinus Clay as host rock for a nuclear waste repository, it can be concluded, that Opalinus Clay has a relatively high retardation potential for U(VI). In case of water ingress U(VI) as part of the nuclear waste is released into the clay formation. Under near-neutral pH conditions, it will be complexed by calcium and carbonate ions leached out from Opalinus Clay, whereby Ca2UO2(CO3)3(aq) is formed. This complex is only weakly retarded by sorption onto the clay, which can contribute to an enhanced mobility of U(VI) in the host rock. However, the U(VI) migration through the clay rock is governed by molecular diffusion. This decelerates the migration of Ca2UO2(CO3)3(aq) through Opalinus Clay and thus it represents the decisive retardation process in the investigated system. Additionally, under environmentally relevant conditions, humic acid has no significant influence on U(VI) / Opalinus Clay interaction even at an elevated temperature of 60 °C. This was shown by speciation, sorption, as well as diffusion experiments. / Eine weltweit diskutierte Strategie zum Umgang mit radioaktiven Abfällen ist deren Endlagerung in tiefen geologischen Formationen. Zur Abschirmung der Umwelt vor den schädlichen Einflüssen des radioaktiven Abfalls soll ein Multibarrierensystem bestehend aus technischen, geotechnischen und geologischen Barrieren im Endlager dienen. Dabei ist in Deutschland die Definition des einschlusswirksamen Gebirgsbereichs ein wichtiger sicherheitstechnischer Indikator. Tongestein wird als potentielles Endlagerwirtsgestein und Teil der geologischen Barriere international erforscht. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde das natürliche Tongestein Opalinuston aus dem Mont Terri Felslabor, Schweiz, untersucht.
In Deutschland wird die direkte Endlagerung des abgebrannten Kernbrennstoffes ohne Wiederaufarbeitung des Brennstoffs favorisiert. Bei Wassereinbruch können Radionuklide aus dem Abfall in die Umgebung des Endlagers freigesetzt werden, d. h. sie können in Kontakt mit dem Wirtsgestein kommen. Ubiquitär in der Natur vorkommende Huminsäuren können mit den anorganischen Komponenten des natürlichen Tongesteins vergesellschaftet sein (1.5×10–3 Gew.-% in Opalinuston). Unter bestimmten Bedingungen können die Huminsäuren freigesetzt werden. Ihre Struktur enthält eine Vielzahl von funktionellen Gruppen, was sie zu starken Komplexbildnern für Metallionen macht. Sie besitzen Redoxeigenschaften und bilden in Lösung eine kolloidale Konformation aus. Aufgrund dieser Charakteristika können sie die Mobilität von Metallionen wie den Actinoiden beeinflussen. Weiterhin sind im Nahfeld eines Endlagers erhöhte Temperaturen zu erwarten, welche aus der Wärmefreisetzung beim radioaktiven Zerfall der verschiedenen Radionuklide im radioaktiven Abfall resultieren.
Die vorliegende Studie konzentriert sich auf die Untersuchung der Wechselwirkung von Uran, als Hauptkomponente des endgelagerten abgebrannten Kernbrennstoffs, mit Opalinuston und untersucht dabei den Einfluss von Huminsäure und erhöhter Temperatur. Um das Rückhaltevermögen des Tongesteins gegenüber U(VI) und die U(VI)-Mobilität im System zu ermitteln, wurden Sorptions- und Diffusionsversuche durchgeführt. Zur Klärung, welche U(VI)- und Huminsäurespezies unter den untersuchten Bedingungen vorliegen, wurde die aquatische Speziation berechnet. Zusätzlich wurde die U(VI)-Speziation in Lösung und an der Tonoberfläche mit spektroskopischen Methoden untersucht.
Vor der Untersuchung des ternären Systems U(VI) / Huminsäure / Ton wurden die eingesetzten Opalinuston-Chargen charakterisiert (z. B. spezifische Oberfläche, Kohlenstoffgehalt, Kationenaustauschkapazität, elementare Zusammensetzung, Partikelgrößenverteilung). Anschließend wurden Auslaugungsversuche mit Opalinuston in synthetischem Opalinustonporenwasser (pH 7.6, It = 0.34 mol/L) und in NaClO4 (pH 3 – 10, I = 0.1 mol/L) durchgeführt, um relevante Konkurrenzionen zu identifizieren und deren Konzentration in den Hintergrundelektrolyten zu bestimmen. Die erhaltenen Daten wurden zur Berechnung der U(VI)- und Huminsäurespeziation in Lösung verwendet. Unter Porenwasserbedingungen sowie in 0.1 mol/L NaClO4 von pH 7 bis 8.5 liegen, durch die Auflösung von Calcit (Mineralphase im Opalinuston), Calcium- und Carbonationen in Lösung vor. Dadurch wird die U(VI)-Speziation von dem aquatischen Ca2UO2(CO3)3-Komplex dominiert. Im Falle des Porenwassers ist Ca2UO2(CO3)3(aq) auch in Gegenwart von Huminsäure die dominierende U(VI)-Spezies. Dies wurde durch zeitaufgelöste laserinduzierte fluoreszenzspektroskopische Messungen nachgewiesen. Eine signifikante Änderung der U(VI)-Speziation tritt in 0.1 mol/L NaClO4 in Gegenwart von Huminsäure auf. Bei pH > 7 bestimmt der negativ geladene UO2(CO3)2HA(II)4–-Komplex die U(VI)-Speziation, wobei der Anteil von Ca2UO2(CO3)3(aq) zurückgedrängt wird. Auch die Huminsäurespeziation wird durch die vom Opalinuston ausgelaugten Ionen beeinflusst. So ist der CaHA(II)-Komplex die dominierende Huminsäurespezies in Lösung.
Sorptionsversuche in 0.1 mol/L NaClO4 zeigten, dass Opalinuston gegenüber U(VI) den stärksten Retardationseffekt im pH-Bereich 4.5 bis 7 aufweist. Unter umweltrelevanten Bedingungen hingegen (pH > 7) ist die U(VI)-Sorption an Opalinuston sehr schwach. Unter Porenwasserbedingungen wurde ein Verteilungskoeffizient (Kd) von 0.0222 ± 0.0004 m3/kg ermittelt, der von Fest-Flüssig-Verhältnissen ≥ 60 g/L unabhängig ist. Außerdem wird die U(VI)-Sorption an Opalinuston in Porenwasser nicht von Huminsäure beeinflusst. Dies wird durch die Ergebnisse aus den Speziations-rechnungen unterstützt. Röntgenabsorptionsspektroskopische Untersuchungen bestätigten ebenfalls dieses Sorptionsergebnis.
Die U(VI)-Diffusionsexperimente in Porenwasser bei 25 °C unter Verwendung von Opalinustonbohrkernstücken bestätigten den Kd-Wert der Sorptionsexperimente. In den Diffusionsexperimenten bei 60 °C trat eine Änderung in der U(VI)-Speziation auf. Neben Ca2UO2(CO3)3(aq) wurde eine kolloidale U(VI)-Spezies gebildet. Für die Diffusion der aquatischen U(VI)-Spezies durch Opalinuston bei 25 und 60 °C wurden annähernd gleiche scheinbare (apparente) Diffusionskoeffizienten (Da) bestimmt. Das bedeutet, der Durchbruch von U(VI) durch Opalinuston ist unabhängig von den hier untersuchten Temperaturen und wird deshalb etwa zum gleichen Zeitpunkt erwartet. Modellierungen zeigten, dass es etwa zehn Jahre dauern würde, bis eine detektierbare Menge an 233U(VI) (1×10–9 mol/L) durch ein 11 mm-dickes Opalinustonbohrkernstück migrieren würde.
Zwei verschiedene Huminsäuregrößenfraktionen diffundierten durch die Opalinustonproben – eine große und eine kleine kolloidale Größenfraktion. Innerhalb von drei Monaten migrierten die hochmolekularen Huminsäurekolloide nur 500 µm in den Ton, während die niedermolekularen Huminsäurekolloide durch die gesamten Opalinustonproben diffundierten und dadurch im Auffangreservoir detektiert werden konnten. Diese Resultate demonstrieren den Filtrationseffekt des Tongesteins. Die Diffusionsversuche zeigten, dass der Einfluss von Huminsäure auf die U(VI)-Diffusion, unabhängig von der in dieser Arbeit verwendeten Temperatur, vernachlässigbar ist.
Die erhaltenen Ergebnisse tragen zu Datenbanken bei, die für die Modellierung von Wechselwirkungs- und Migrationsprozessen in Uran / Tongestein-Systemen genutzt werden. Das bedeutet, die gesammelten Sorptions- und Diffusionsdaten sind nicht nur für den Langzeitsicherheitsnachweis eines Endlagers für radioaktive Abfälle von Relevanz, sondern auch für jedes tonhaltige System in der Umwelt, bei dem die geochemische Wechselwirkung mit urankontaminierten Wässern eine Rolle spielt.
Bezüglich der Eignung von Opalinuston als Wirtsgestein für ein Endlager radioaktiver Abfälle lässt sich schlussfolgern, dass Opalinuston ein relativ hohes Retardationspotential bezüglich U(VI) aufweist. Wenn U(VI) als Bestandteil des radioaktiven Abfalls bei Wassereinbruch im Endlager in die Umgebung freigesetzt wird, wird es unter umweltrelevanten Bedingungen von Calcium- und Carbonationen, welche aus dem Opalinuston herausgelöst werden, komplexiert. Dabei bildet sich Ca2UO2(CO3)3(aq). Dieser Komplex wird nur schwach durch Sorption am Tongestein zurückgehalten, was zu einer erhöhten U(VI)-Mobilität im Wirtsgestein führen kann. Im untersuchten System wird die U(VI)-Migration durch das Tongestein jedoch durch molekulare Diffusion bestimmt. Sie verzögert die Migration von Ca2UO2(CO3)3(aq) durch Opalinuston und stellt somit den maßgeblichen Retardationsprozess im System dar. Huminsäure hat keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf die U(VI) / Opalinuston-Wechselwirkung, sogar bei einer erhöhten Temperatur von 60 °C. Dies wurde mittels Speziationsmodellierungen sowie durch Sorptions- und Diffusionsversuche gezeigt.
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Inherent strength and stiffness anisotropy of laminated rocksIsmael, Mohamed 28 May 2019 (has links)
The variation of rock strength and stiffness, known as mechanical anisotropy, is expected at different scales: large (rock mass) - or small (intact rock) - scales. It is always mandatory for engineering applications built either on or in anisotropic rock masses to investigate the strength and deformation behavior of those masses. To achieve this goal, continuum-based constitutive models are presented to analyze the mechanical anisotropy. One of both implemented models is named ‘Transubi model’ which considers the transverse isotropic elasticity into bi-linear Mohr-Coulomb strain hardening/softening plastic framework. Experimental investigations and numerical simulations focused mainly on the influence of the mechanical anisotropy on the plastic zoning around excavated openings in laminated rocks. Later, the Transubi model was applied to a tunnel excavated in a shaly facies formation of bedded argillaceous Opalinus clay in an URL (FE-tunnel) to obtain the short-term stability insights. Overall, the research outcomes may have a prospective impact regarding the understanding of anisotropy of laminated, bedded and foliated rocks which improves the deformation behaviour predictability using continuum-based numerical modeling tools.
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Joint project: Retention of radionuclides relevant for final disposal in natural clay rock and saline systemsSchmeide, Katja, Fritsch, Katharina, Lippold, Holger, Poetsch, Maria, Kulenkampff, Johannes, Lippmann-Pipke, Johanna, Jordan, Norbert, Joseph, Claudia, Moll, Henry, Cherkouk, Andrea, Bader, Miriam 15 March 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this project was to study the influence of increased salinities on interaction processes in the system radionuclide – organics – clay – aquifer. For this purpose, complexation, redox, sorption, and diffusion studies were performed under variation of the ionic strength (up to 4 mol/kg) and the background electrolyte.
The U(VI) complexation by propionate was studied in dependence on ionic strength (up to 4 mol/kg NaClO4) by TRLFS, ATR FT-IR spectroscopy, and DFT calculations. An influence of ionic strength on stability constants was detected, depending on the charge of the respective complexes. The conditional stability constants, determined for 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3 complexes at specific ionic strengths, were extrapolated to zero ionic strength.
The interaction of the bacteria Sporomusa sp. MT-2.99 and Paenibacillus sp. MT-2.2 cells, isolated from Opalinus Clay, with Pu was studied. The experiments can be divided into such without an electron donor where biosorption is favored and such with addition of Na-pyruvate as an electron donor stimulating also bioreduction processes. Moreover, experiments were performed to study the interactions of the halophilic archaeon Halobacterium noricense DSM-15987 with U(VI), Eu(III), and Cm(III) in 3 M NaCl solutions.
Research for improving process understanding with respect to the mobility of multivalent metals in systems containing humic matter was focused on the reversibility of elementary processes and on their interaction. Kinetic stabilization processes in the dynamics of humate complexation equilibria were quantified in isotope exchange studies. The influence of high salinity on the mobilizing potential of humic-like clay organics was systematically investigated and was described by modeling.
The sorption of Tc(VII)/Tc(IV) onto the iron(II)-containing minerals magnetite and siderite was studied by means of batch sorption experiments, ATR FT-IR and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The strong Tc retention at these minerals could be attributed to surface-mediated reduction of Tc(VII) to Tc(IV). An influence of ionic strength was not observed.
The influence of ionic strength (up to 3 mol/kg) and background electrolyte (NaCl, CaCl2, MgCl2) on U(VI) sorption onto montmorillonite was studied. The U(VI) sorption is influenced by the background electrolyte, the influence of ionic strength is small. Surface complexation modeling was performed applying the 2SPNE SC/CE model. Surface complexation constants were determined for the NaCl and CaCl2 system and were extrapolated to zero ionic strength. Surface complexation in mixed electrolytes can be modeled applying surface complexation constants derived for pure electrolytes.
The influence of citrate on U(VI) diffusion in Opalinus Clay was studied using Opalinus Clay pore water as background electrolyte. The diffusion parameter values obtained for the HTO through-diffusion and the U(VI) in-diffusion in the absence of citric acid were in agreement with literature data. In the presence of citric acid, U(VI) diffusion was significantly retarded, which was attributed to a change in speciation, probably U(VI) was reduced to U(IV).
Larger-scale heterogeneous material effects on diffusive transport were investigated with PET. Diffusion parameters were derived by optimum fit of a FEM-model to the measurement. These parameters are in accordance with the results from 1D-through-diffusion experiments. Deviations from the simple transversal-isotropic behavior, which are identified as residuals from the model, are indications for heterogeneous transport on the mm-scale.
PET measurements were also conducted in order to display the improvement of the EDZ with waterglass injections. These experiments enable to draw conclusions on the complex reactive transport process and thus an estimation of the achieved improvement of the barrier function. The image reconstruction procedure was largely improved, mainly with the aid of Monte-Carlo simulations, and now allows quantitative analysis and error estimation.
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Joint project: Retention of radionuclides relevant for final disposal in natural clay rock and saline systems: Subproject 2: Geochemical behavior and transport of radionuclides in saline systems in the presence of repository-relevant organicsSchmeide, Katja, Fritsch, Katharina, Lippold, Holger, Poetsch, Maria, Kulenkampff, Johannes, Lippmann-Pipke, Johanna, Jordan, Norbert, Joseph, Claudia, Moll, Henry, Cherkouk, Andrea, Bader, Miriam 15 March 2016 (has links)
The objective of this project was to study the influence of increased salinities on interaction processes in the system radionuclide – organics – clay – aquifer. For this purpose, complexation, redox, sorption, and diffusion studies were performed under variation of the ionic strength (up to 4 mol/kg) and the background electrolyte.
The U(VI) complexation by propionate was studied in dependence on ionic strength (up to 4 mol/kg NaClO4) by TRLFS, ATR FT-IR spectroscopy, and DFT calculations. An influence of ionic strength on stability constants was detected, depending on the charge of the respective complexes. The conditional stability constants, determined for 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3 complexes at specific ionic strengths, were extrapolated to zero ionic strength.
The interaction of the bacteria Sporomusa sp. MT-2.99 and Paenibacillus sp. MT-2.2 cells, isolated from Opalinus Clay, with Pu was studied. The experiments can be divided into such without an electron donor where biosorption is favored and such with addition of Na-pyruvate as an electron donor stimulating also bioreduction processes. Moreover, experiments were performed to study the interactions of the halophilic archaeon Halobacterium noricense DSM-15987 with U(VI), Eu(III), and Cm(III) in 3 M NaCl solutions.
Research for improving process understanding with respect to the mobility of multivalent metals in systems containing humic matter was focused on the reversibility of elementary processes and on their interaction. Kinetic stabilization processes in the dynamics of humate complexation equilibria were quantified in isotope exchange studies. The influence of high salinity on the mobilizing potential of humic-like clay organics was systematically investigated and was described by modeling.
The sorption of Tc(VII)/Tc(IV) onto the iron(II)-containing minerals magnetite and siderite was studied by means of batch sorption experiments, ATR FT-IR and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. The strong Tc retention at these minerals could be attributed to surface-mediated reduction of Tc(VII) to Tc(IV). An influence of ionic strength was not observed.
The influence of ionic strength (up to 3 mol/kg) and background electrolyte (NaCl, CaCl2, MgCl2) on U(VI) sorption onto montmorillonite was studied. The U(VI) sorption is influenced by the background electrolyte, the influence of ionic strength is small. Surface complexation modeling was performed applying the 2SPNE SC/CE model. Surface complexation constants were determined for the NaCl and CaCl2 system and were extrapolated to zero ionic strength. Surface complexation in mixed electrolytes can be modeled applying surface complexation constants derived for pure electrolytes.
The influence of citrate on U(VI) diffusion in Opalinus Clay was studied using Opalinus Clay pore water as background electrolyte. The diffusion parameter values obtained for the HTO through-diffusion and the U(VI) in-diffusion in the absence of citric acid were in agreement with literature data. In the presence of citric acid, U(VI) diffusion was significantly retarded, which was attributed to a change in speciation, probably U(VI) was reduced to U(IV).
Larger-scale heterogeneous material effects on diffusive transport were investigated with PET. Diffusion parameters were derived by optimum fit of a FEM-model to the measurement. These parameters are in accordance with the results from 1D-through-diffusion experiments. Deviations from the simple transversal-isotropic behavior, which are identified as residuals from the model, are indications for heterogeneous transport on the mm-scale.
PET measurements were also conducted in order to display the improvement of the EDZ with waterglass injections. These experiments enable to draw conclusions on the complex reactive transport process and thus an estimation of the achieved improvement of the barrier function. The image reconstruction procedure was largely improved, mainly with the aid of Monte-Carlo simulations, and now allows quantitative analysis and error estimation.
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