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Out-of-Equilibrium Phase Transitions in Nonlinear Optical Systems / Transitions de phase hors équilibre dans les systèmes optiques non linéairesMinganti, Fabrizio 25 October 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse nous étudions théoriquement de systèmes dissipatifs pompés,décrits par une équation maîtresse de Lindblad. En particulier, nous adressons les problématiques liés à l’émergence de phénomènes critiques. Nous présentons une théorie générale reliant les transitions de phase du premier et deuxième ordres aux propriétés spectrales du superopérateur liouvillien. Dans la région critique, nous déterminons la forme générale de l’état stationnaire et de la matrice propre du liouvillien associée à son gap spectral. Nous discutons aussi l’utilisation de trajectoires quantiques individuelles afin de révéler l’apparition des transitions de phase. En ayant dérivé une théorie générale, nous étudions le modèle de Kerr en présence de pompage à un photon (cohérent) et à deux photons (paramétrique) ainsi que de dissipation. Nous explorons les propriétés dynamiques d’une transition de phase du premier ordre dans un modèle de Bose-Hubbard dissipatif et d’une de second ordre dans un modèle XYZ dissipatif d’Heisenberg. Enfin, nous avons considéré la physique des cavités soumises à de la dissipation à un et deux photons ainsi qu’un pompage à deux photons, obtenu par ingénierie de réservoirs. Nous avons démontré que l’état stationnaire unique est un mélange statistique de deux états chats de Schrödinger, malgré de fortes pertes à un photon.Nous proposons et étudions un protocole de rétroaction pour la génération d’états chat purs / In this thesis we theoretically study driven-dissipative nonlinear systems, whosedynamics is capture by a Lindblad master equation. In particular, we investigate theemergence of criticality in out-of-equilibrium dissipative systems. We present a generaland model-independent spectral theory relating first- and second-order dissipative phasetransitions to the spectral properties of the Liouvillian superoperator. In the critical region,we determine the general form of the steady-state density matrix and of the Liouvillianeigenmatrix whose eigenvalue defines the Liouvillian spectral gap. We discuss the relevanceof individual quantum trajectories to unveil phase transitions. After these general results,we analyse the inset of criticality in several models. First, a nonlinear Kerr resonator in thepresence of both coherent (one-photon) and parametric (two-photon) driving and dissipation.We then explore the dynamical properties of the coherently-driven Bose-Hubbard and of thedissipative XYZ Heisenberg model presenting a first-order and a second-order dissipativephase transition, respectively. Finally, we investigate the physics of photonic Schrödingercat states in driven-dissipative resonators subject to engineered two-photon processes andone-photon losses. We propose and study a feedback protocol to generate a pure cat-likesteady state
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Φωτονικά και φωνονικά υλικάΑραβαντινός-Ζαφείρης, Νικόλαος 13 January 2015 (has links)
Στην παρούσα Διδακτορική Διατριβή διερευνώνται αριθμητικά δομές οι οποίες μπορούν να λειτουργήσουν ως φωνονικά ή φωτονικά υλικά. Βασικό χαρακτηριστικό των φωτονικών και των φωνονικών υλικών είναι η ύπαρξη χασμάτων συχνοτήτων στη διάδοση των ηλεκτρομαγνητικών και των ελαστικών κυμάτων αντίστοιχα διαμέσου των δομών αυτών. Αρχικά διερευνήθηκαν αριθμητικά δύο δομές οι οποίες έχουν ήδη χρησιμοποιηθεί ως φωτονικά υλικά και για τις οι οποίες εξετάστηκε κατά πόσο είναι εφικτή λειτουργία τους ως φωνονικά υλικά. Η πρώτη δομή είναι η πολύ γνωστή δομή κατά στρώσεις και η δεύτερη ένας ηχητικός κυματοδηγός «λωρίδα» (slot waveguide) επάνω στον οποίο δομείται ένας φωνονικός κρύσταλλος. Για τους αριθμητικούς υπολογισμούς χρησιμοποιήθηκε η μέθοδος των πεπερασμένων διαφορών στο πεδίο του χρόνου και υπολογίστηκαν το Φάσμα Μετάδοσης καθώς και το διάγραμμα Διασποράς. Στην μελέτη αυτή περιελήφθησαν αρκετά διαφορετικά υλικά όπως το πυρίτιο, η εποξειδική ρητίνη και το βολφράμιο. Διερευνήθηκε επίσης η επίδραση όλων των γεωμετρικών παραμέτρων των δομών. Τα αποτελέσματα έδειξαν ότι οι δομές αυτές φαίνεται να έχουν πολύ ελπιδοφόρα χαρακτηριστικά ως φωνονικοί κρύσταλλοι. Υπό ορισμένες προϋποθέσεις μάλιστα μπορεί να προκύψει πλήρες τρισδιάστατο χάσμα. Λαμβάνοντας υπόψη ότι η συγκεκριμένες δομές είναι ήδη γνωστές για τη χρήση τους ως φωτονικοί κρύσταλλοι, η πεποίθηση για τη χρήση τους ταυτόχρονα ως φωτονικοί και φωνονικοί κρύσταλλοι καθίσταται βάσιμη.
Στην συνέχεια, χρησιμοποιώντας ξανά τη μέθοδο των πεπερασμένων διαφορών στο πεδίο του χρόνου, μελετήθηκαν ενδεχόμενες εφαρμογές που θα μπορούσαν οι δομές αυτές να έχουν. Πιο συγκεκριμένα διερευνήθηκε αρχικά η ενδεχόμενη χρήση των φωνονικών κρυστάλλων ως αισθητήρες. Οι Ευαισθησίες αυτών των δομών υπολογίστηκαν από τις αλλαγές στα όρια των αντίστοιχων φωνονικών χασμάτων όταν ένα λεπτό φιλμ νερού (για την περίπτωση του αισθητήρα υγρασίας) προστεθεί στη δομή ή όταν οι δομές εμβαπτιστούν σε κάποιο υγρό (αισθητήρες υγρών). Μελετήθηκε επίσης για πρώτη φορά συγκεκριμένη ελαστοδυναμική συμπεριφορά της τρισδιάστατης δομής κατά στρώσεις. Τα αποτελέσματα που προέκυψαν παρουσιάζουν μια υψηλή τιμή στον λόγο της διαμήκους προς την εγκάρσια ταχύτητα του ήχου και μια ιδανική συμπεριφορά pentamode σε ένα εύρος συχνοτήτων. Τα αποτελέσματα δείχνουν σαφώς ότι η δομή κατά στρώσεις μπορεί να αποτελέσει και ένα πολύ σημαντικό ελαστοδυναμικό μεταϋλικό.
Στην επόμενη ενότητα της Διδακτορικής διατριβής χρησιμοποιώντας την θεωρία συναρτησιακών πυκνότητας μελετήθηκε η φωνονική πυκνότητα καταστάσεων για υλικά τύπου γραφενίου όπως το silicene (σιλικένιο) και το germanene (γερμανένιο). Εξετάστηκαν οι περιπτώσεις στις οποίες άτομα πυριτίου ή γερμανίου στις δομές τύπου γραφενίου αντικαταστάθηκαν από άλλα άτομα της Ομάδας IV του Περιοδικού Πίνακα και διερευνήθηκε κατά πόσο οι προκύπτουσες δομές μπορούν να λειτουργήσουν ως φωνονικοί κρύσταλλοι με την εμφάνιση φωνονικών χασμάτων στην φωνονική πυκνότητα καταστάσεών τους. Εξετάστηκαν επίσης νανοσωλήνες άνθρακα και κυρίως οι ομοιότητές τους με τα υλικά τύπου γραφενίου. Βρέθηκε πως, για τις περιπτώσεις όπου η διάμετρος των νανοσωλήνων ξεπερνά το 1nm, παρουσιάζονται αρκετές ομοιότητες με τα υλικά τύπου γραφενίου.
Στην τελευταία ενότητα της διατριβής διερευνώνται δομές στις οποίες μπορεί να παρατηρηθεί εντοπισμός του φωτός σε περιοχές κλίμακας νανομέτρων. Ένα σύστημα αποτελούμενο από δύο δίσκους πυριτίου με διάκενο να τους χωρίζει μερικά δέκατα του νανομέτρου μελετήθηκε πρώτο. Ο κανονικοποιημένος, αδιάστατος ενεργός όγκος καταστάσεων, V_eff, υπολογίστηκε για τους δύο χαμηλότερους συντονισμούς. Ο ενεργός όγκος καταστάσεων μειώνεται σημαντικά καθώς το χάσμα μεταξύ των δίσκων μεγαλώνει. Μελετάται επίσης μια δομή αποτελούμενη από έναν κυκλικό κυματοδηγό σχισμή ο οποίος σχηματίζεται μέσα σε έναν κυκλικό συντονιστή πυριτίου. Όπως προκύπτει από τα αριθμητικά αποτελέσματα η προτεινόμενη δομή μπορεί να εμφανίσει συντονισμούς με υψηλές τιμές του παράγοντα Q, αυξάνοντας έτσι την πεποίθηση πως η προτεινόμενη δομή μπορεί να αποτελέσει βάση για εφαρμογές σε οπτικές τηλεπικοινωνίες. / This thesis explores numerically structures that can act as phononic or photonic materials. A key feature of photonic and phononic materials is the existence of frequency gaps in propagation of electromagnetic waves and elastic waves respectively. Initially the functionality of two structures as phononic materials is numerically examined. Those structures have already been used as photonic materials. The first structure is the well-known layer-by-layer structure and the second is an acoustic strip waveguide onto which is considered one phononic crystal. For numerical calculations the Finite Difference Time Domain method was used. The transmission spectra and the band structure were calculated. Several different materials such as silicon, epoxy and tungsten were included in this study. It was also investigated the effect of all the geometric parameters of the structures. The results showed that these structures appear to have very promising features as phononic crystals. Under certain conditions it may even exists a full three-dimensional phononic band gap. Considering that those structures are already known for their use as photonic crystals, the belief for their use as both photonic crystals and phononic crystals becomes valid.
Then, again using the Finite Difference Time Domain method, potential applications that these structures could have were also examined. Initially it was investigated the potential use of phononic crystals as sensors. The sensitivities of these structures were calculated from the changes in the boundaries of the respective phononic band gaps when a thin film of water (in the case of the humidity sensor) was added to the structure or when those structures immersed in a liquid (liquid sensors). Also studied for the first time the three-dimensional layer-by-layer structure for specific elastodynamic behavior. The results show a high value of the ratio of the longitudinal to the transverse speed of sound and an ideal pentamode behavior for a specific frequency range. The results clearly show that the layer-by-layer structure could be a very important elastodynamic metamaterial.
In the next section of this thesis, the phonon density of states of graphene-like materials such as silicene and germanene is examined using density functional theory. Cases were silicon or germanium atoms on graphene-like structures are replaced by other group IV atoms and how these new structures could perform as nanoscale phononic crystals, creating phononic band gaps in their phonon density of states, are numerically investigated. Nanotubes were also examined and their similarities, especially for cases with diameters above 1nm, with the graphene-like materials were found.
In the final section of this thesis structures which could confine light in nanometer areas were numerically examined. A system consisting of two silicon disks with in plane separation of a few tens of nanometers has been studied first. The normalized unitless effective mode volume, Veff, has been calculated for the two lowest whispering gallery modes resonances. The effective mode volume is reduced significantly as the gap between the disks decreases. It is also numerically examined a structure consisting of a circular slot waveguide which is formed into a silicon disk resonator. It is shown that the proposed structure could have high Q resonances thus raising the belief that it is a very promising candidate for optical interconnects applications.
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Resposta óptica de sistemas atômicos no espaço livre ou aprisionados dentro de cavidades ópticas no regime de armadilhamento coerente de populações / Optical response of atomic systems in free space or trapped inside optical cavities in the coherent population trapping regimeOliveira, Murilo Henrique de 28 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Murilo Oliveira (murilo.oliveira@df.ufscar.br) on 2018-05-28T14:03:10Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-02-28 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / The aim of this work is to study the electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) and
the coherent population trapping (CPT) phenomena in three-level systems, such as atoms
and quantum dot molecules (QDM). The present work can be basically divided into two
parts. The first one focus on comparing and explaining the differences between the optical
reponses of systems composed by atoms and QDM and on proposing a possible application
in cavity linewidth narrowing. In the second part, we turn our attention to the study of
controlable optical bistability in three-level systems in the regime of CPT, bringing new
perspectives to the study of these bistable systems and some practical applications as well. / O presente trabalho de mestrado tem como objetivo estudar o fenômeno da transparência
eletromagneticamente induzida (EIT) e do aprisionamento coerente de populações (CPT)
em sistemas de três níveis, como átomos e moléculas de ponto quântico (QDM). Essa
dissertação pode ser dividida basicamente em duas partes. A primeira se encarrega de
comparar e explicar a origem das diferenças observadas na resposta óptica de sistemas
compostos por átomos e sistemas compostos por QDM, bem como propor uma possível
aplicação para o sistema de QDM no estreitamento da largura de linha de cavidades. Já
a segunda parte consiste de um estudo da biestabilidade óptica controlável em sistemas
de 3 de níveis no regime de CPT, trazendo novas perspectivas de estudo desses sistemas
biestáveis e aplicações como sensores de pequenas flutuações de frequência ou de amplitudes
de campos eletromagnéticos. / CNPq: 131392/2016-6
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Optical Properties of Dielectric Cavity-Coupled Two-Dimensional Van der Waals Materials: Theoretical and Experimental StudiesOwen Maxwell Matthiessen (20447402) 18 December 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">This thesis deals with optical cavity-coupled two-dimensional (2D) materials. First, we describe a new theoretical approach to model the properties of cavity-coupled plasmons in 2D conductors. Next, we propose an optical cavity architecture for enhanced light-matter interaction with potential for performance and functionality beyond that of traditional approaches and describe an initial investigation of one example of such a system. Finally, we provide a thorough description of the fabrication techniques used to produce the previously mentioned optical cavities.</p><p dir="ltr">The advent of 2D materials has opened exciting possibilities for controlling light-matter interactions at the nanoscale. The first major contribution of this work is the investigation of coupling between patterned 2D Van der Waals materials and Fabry-Perot cavities, focusing on how system parameters like pattern shape and material properties influence these interactions. Using a quasistatic eigenmode expansion approach, we develop a theoretical framework to predict and manipulate optical behavior in these systems. Our work opens new pathways for engineering light-matter interactions within patterned 2D material platforms, paving the way for the engineering of novel optical phenomena.</p><p dir="ltr">The second major contribution of this work is the development of a versatile platform for light-matter coupling experiments in Van der Waals materials. It is well-known that light-matter interaction can be used to realize unprecedented functionality in the coupled materials. However, few---if any---approaches to date utilize this phenomenon to its fullest extent. We have provided a platform that can be used to realize light-matter coupling efficiencies beyond what is possible in conventional systems, can be easily integrated with 2D materials, and provides new opportunities to engineer the photonic environment of the coupled material. In particular, we focus on silicon dielectric bowtie cavities (DBCs) coupled to few-layer flakes of $\rm WSe_2$. This approach leverages topology-optimized cavity architectures to achieve simultaneous spatial and spectral confinement, yielding Purcell factors exceeding 2500, mode volumes as small as $\sim10^{-3}(\lambda/2n)^3$, and quality factors up to $\sim200$---performance metrics limited only by material losses. The lithographically defined DBCs enable deterministic emission hotspot placement and tunability across a broad wavelength range with minimal performance impact. Photoluminescence imaging and spectroscopy reveal comparable $\rm WSe_2$ exciton emission enhancement to plasmonic structures. This platform surpasses the limitations of conventional cavity architectures by enabling unprecedented coupling efficiencies and unique functionality while maintaining sufficient mechanical robustness for 2D material transfer.</p><p dir="ltr">The final chapter outlines the fabrication process for the cavities described in the previous chapter. The fabrication involves advanced nanolithography techniques to define patterns with high resolution, addressing challenges such as proximity effects and process blur. Techniques such as proximity effect correction (PEC) are used to enhance pattern accuracy, while careful optimization of exposure and development parameters ensures minimal distortion. The process utilizes high-anisotropy reactive ion etching to transfer the patterns onto the substrate, where precise optimization of the etching parameters has been performed to achieve high resolution and selectivity. The final optimized process yields structures with a minimum feature size of approximately 20 nm and minimum radius of curvature of approximately 10 nm, allowing for the repeatable fabrication of complex inverse-designed cavities.</p>
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Gas-phase detection methods using diode lasersBaran, Stuart George January 2009 (has links)
Diode lasers are a convenient and economical source of near-infrared radiation, which may usefully be applied to a host of different sensitive detection methods; this thesis presents novel extensions of these methods, making use of the favourable characteristics of this type of light source. The first part of this thesis details the development of an optical feedback cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy (OF-CEAS) apparatus, including the development of the optical system, the sample handling, and the electronics for feedback phase control. A preliminary demonstration of the system is reported, presenting the detection of atmospheric water absorptions close to 1596 nm. Optimisation and application of the OF-CEAS spectrometer are then demonstrated, after which the spectrometer is applied to the sensitive detection of carbon dioxide absorptions suitable as a diagnostic aid in identifying Heliobacter pylori infection. A time-normalised α-min value of 5.8 × 10<sup>−9</sup> cm<sup>−1</sup>s<sup>1/2</sup> was measured for these spectra. Further optimisation of the system leads to an ultimate detection sensitivity of 1.42 × 10<sup>−9</sup> cm<sup>−1</sup>s<sup>1/2</sup>, measured on absorption transitions in acetylene close to 1532 nm. In order further to characterise the performance of the OF-CEAS system, analogous experiments are presented using the OF-CEAS setup and a standard diode-laser cavity-enhanced absorption spectroscopy (CEAS) apparatus. Detection is carried out on the P(6) line of the ν<sub>1</sub> + ν<sub>3</sub> vibrational band of the mixed isotopologue of acetylene, <sup>12</sup>-C<sup>13</sup>-CH<sub>2</sub>. Direct comparison is made between the sensitivities of the two methods, and in light of this the suitability of each technique for detection in different environments is considered. The well-characterised and consistent frequency scale which is inherent to the OF-CEAS technique is then applied to a line shape analysis for the presented absorption spectra. Pressure-broadening coefficients are determined for selected absorptions in the ν<sub>1</sub> + ν<sub>3</sub> band of acetylene. In spite of the low resolution associated with this technique, this accurate frequency scaling allows observation of subtle line shape effects such as Dicke collisional narrowing using the data presented in Chapter 3 for the R(60) line in the 3ν<sub>1</sub> + ν<sub>3</sub> vibrational band of CO<sub>2</sub>. These effects are quantified through use of a Galatry fit to each absorption spectrum. The statistical significance associated with the use of such a model, and the physical meaning of the results, are examined and discussed. An alternative strategy for increasing the sensitivity of a diode-laser-based gas monitoring technique lies in moving detection to the mid-infrared region, where the absorption cross-sections are generally larger. With this motivation, difference frequency generation is presented, to produce radiation close to 3.5 µm which is then applied to a series of different enhanced spectroscopy techniques. The optimal sensitivity, of 32 ppb NO2 at 45 Torr total sample pressure, was achieved using wavelength modulation spectroscopy. The different techniques are compared and possible improvements to them are put forward. Finally, proof-of-principle work is presented seeking to combine the enhanced circulating power associated with the optical-feedback-locked techniques and non-linear optical techniques to move detection to a more favourable spectral region. Light close to 429 nm is generated by second harmonic generation in a crystal of potassium niobate, with resonance-enhancement afforded by a feedback V-cavity of the sort employed in OF-CEAS. The potential of such a system for diode-laser-based generation of blue and ultraviolet light is demonstrated and discussed, along with improvements that might be implemented to increase the efficiency of the system.
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