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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh optovláknového tepelného senzoru pro detekce narušení obranného perimetru / Design of optical fiber temperature sensor for detection of defense perimeter

Zámečník, Ondřej January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of measuring the ambient temperature using a~single-mode optical fiber used as a temperature sensor. The thesis describes the basic knowledge about polarized light, its propagation in optical fiber and describes special fibers that preserve polarization. It also deals with the representation of polarization states on a Poincaré sphere and the use of Stokes and Jones vectors. In the practical part, several selected methods of optical signal supply to the temperature sensor are measured. Subsequently, the suitability of the given methods is evaluated from the measured results and the courses are compared with the records measured from real routes. This thesis aims to select a suitable connection of a temperature sensor for a long route of optical fiber and verify its functionality.

Multimediální sítě v automobilech / Multimedia networks in cars

Knopp, Petr January 2009 (has links)
Moderní elektronika se stává nezbytnou součástí dnešních automobilů. Dynamicky se rozvíjející informační a telematické služby nacházejí široké uplatnění v automobilovém prostředí. Moderní aplikace vyžadují přenos velkého množství dat, což jim zajišťují dnešní komunikační protokoly. Cílem mé diplomové práce je analýza a návrh implementace multimediálních sítí do automobilů. Jednotlivé návrhy jsou charakterizovány a srovnány podle požadavků, kterým jsou v automobilovém prostředí vystaveny. Navržené topologie využívají nejen dnes používané technologie, ale jsou zde i návrhy, které nebyly dosud v automobilovém prostředí použity. Jednotlivé návrhy jsou srovnány a vyhodnoceny z pohledu automobilového výrobce.

Optovláknový zdroj laserového záření / Fiber optic source of laser radiation

Fučík, Milan January 2013 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with parameters and properties of electromagnetic wave, its spread in environment and then in optical fiber, as well with optical fibers. Principle of laser sources and a issues of coupling a optical performance into optical fiber are described here. Next a function of laser diodes, power and cooling requirements are described. A block diagram of fiber optic source of laser radiation is designed as well as a circuit solution of every single block with respecting of parameters and sensitivity of used laser diode. The protection of laser diode and high-frequency modulation of optical power are solved. Subsequently the construction of every single block was done and the right function of constructional solution was tested.

Braggovy mřížky v optických vláknech / Bragg gratings in optical fibers

Urban, František January 2014 (has links)
Thesis focuses on the principles and properties of the tilted Bragg fiber gratings. Two models of the principal cladding mode behaviour are proposed and ther respective results compared with experimental data. The experimental setup for the preparation of the tilted gratings is described. The thesis shows the evaluation of the gratings parameters for the set of prepared gratings. Application of the tilted gratings in the sensors is discussed

Optical Fiber sensing of acoustic waves using overlapping FBGs

Hole, Erik Lillebø January 2019 (has links)
The objective of this thesis was to investigate if an optical fiber sensing method with the use of two overlapping fiber Bragg gratings to measure Lamb wave $S_0$ modes in a steel plate, and how it would compare to traditional PZT transducers. A solution was proposed where the use of an optical fiber sensing system was built and took advantage of the strain dependence of a fiber Bragg grating mounted to a steel plate. Together with an overlapping reference fiber Bragg grating, the system can translate strain to light intensity. A method of controlling the Bragg wavelength of the reference fiber Bragg grating to optimize the overlap between the two fiber Bragg gratings, enabling the system to compensate for drift in the sensing fiber Bragg grating. Testing of the system was performed and yielded promising results, being able to measure the Lamb wave signal from the steel plate. The system showed some sensitivity limitations and signal to noise ratio, as well as the software created to compensate for the drift. With the improvement proposed for further work with the system in terms of improving the system's sensitivity, signal to noise ratio and drift control should make the system able to perform at levels as traditional PZT transducers.

Beiträge zur Dispersionskompensation basierend auf der Modenkonversion in höhere Moden und der Ausbreitung dieser Moden in Lichtwellenleitern

Otto, Michael 05 April 2007 (has links)
Besides attenuation, dispersion is the major limiting factor in high data rate fiber optical transmission systems. Dispersion compensation techniques have to be deployed in order to increase the data bandwidth or the reach of fiber optical links. Typically fixed value dispersion compensators are used. However at channel bit rates of 40 GBit/s and beyond adjustable residual dispersion compensator modules (DCM) are needed to guarantee an error free transmission under changing environmental conditions. In this thesis dispersion techniques were investigated which exploit the special propagation properties of higher order modes in custom-designed optical fibers. After a short introduction of state-of-the-art dispersion techniques and their parameters (chapter 2) the modeling and calculation of propagation properties of a particular mode in an optical fiber with an arbitrary, rotation-symmetric refractive index profile is shown (chapter 3). A converter from the fundamental mode and back is needed in order to exploit the propagation properties of a higher order mode (HOM). In this work long-period gratings (LPG) were considered as mode converters (chapter 4) as they can excite selective and nearly lossless a higher order mode. The modeling und calculation of these gratings, based on the fiber calculation of chapter 3, is presented in the first part of chapter 4. Afterwards the manufacturing methods developed during this work are introduced. The spectral properties of realized long-period gratings are discussed and the influence of such factors as strain and temperature on tuning the mode conversion is shown. A dispersion compensator type utilizing only the waveguide dispersion of a certain mode in a custom few mode fiber (FMF) is the subject of chapter 5. The working principle, the fiber design process and first measurements of a realized HOM-DCM with almost completely coupling FMF-LPG are presented. Subsequently the principle of a novel dispersion compensator with an arbitrary dispersion function for a higher or the fundamental mode is explained. In chapter 6 another type of dispersion compensator is investigated consisting of equally distributed long-period gratings along an optical fiber. The fiber pieces between the gratings create a certain time delay between the fundamental mode and the considered higher order mode. It is shown in simulations and in an experiment, that by tuning the mode conversion of each grating and the optical phase relation between the two signal paths in each fiber piece this finite impulse filter structure is so adjusted to function as a tunable residual dispersion compensator.

Mise au point et caractérisation de nouvelles compositions de verres de silice dopée ytterbium par méthode plasma (SPCVD) pour application en tant que fibre laser / Fabrication and characterization of new ytterbium-doped silica glasses' compositions using a plasma method (SPCVD) for laser fiber applications

Barnini, Alexandre 08 December 2017 (has links)
Les fibres optiques en silice dopées ytterbium sont couramment utilisées pour des applications laser à forte puissance depuis plusieurs années. Ces puissances ne cessent de croître en raison de progrès continus sur les procédés de fabrication des fibres optiques. Cette thèse s’intéresse à l’élaboration de cœurs de fibres optiques en silice vitreuse dopée ytterbium par un procédé plasma (SPCVD). Cette technique a été inventée en 1986 pour la fabrication de fibres optiques de télécommunications et nous l’avons adaptée dans ces travaux de thèse à la fabrication de cœurs de fibres à grande aire effective dopés en terres rares. Dans un premier temps, la mise au point du procédé et des différentes sources d’évaporation des précurseurs est présentée. Les principaux cœurs de fibres élaborés sont très riches en silice, et faiblement dopés en aluminium, en fluor et en ytterbium. L’homogénéité radiale et longitudinale des cœurs est discutée, et plusieurs options sont proposées pour l’améliorer. Dans un deuxième temps, la structure du réseau vitreux des cœurs élaborés ainsi que l’environnement et la dispersion de l’ion Yb3+ au sein du réseau vitreux silicaté sont étudiés. Pour cela, une approche multi-spectroscopique est utilisée : la résonance magnétique nucléaire informe sur l’environnement des noyaux à spin nucléaire non nul 29Si, 27Al et 19F tandis que la résonance paramagnétique électronique à impulsions permet à la fois de sonder spécifiquement l’environnement de l’ion Yb3+ et d’étudier sa dispersion au sein du réseau vitreux. Ces expériences sont complétées par des caractérisations optiques telles que l’absorption et la luminescence des ions Yb3+. Enfin, les cœurs de fibres élaborés par la méthode SPCVD sont caractérisés en cavité laser. L’efficacité de conversion, la qualité de faisceau et la résistance au photonoircissement de plusieurs cœurs aluminosilicatés co-dopés en fluor et en ytterbium sont présentés. / Ytterbium-doped silica optical fibers are widely used for high power laser applications for several years. These powers keep on increasing due to continuous improvements in optical fibers fabrication processes. The aim of this PhD is to synthesize ytterbium-doped silica optical fibers’ cores using a plasma process named SPCVD. This method has been created in 1986 for telecommunications optical fibers synthesis, and we have adapted it to fit the fabrication of rare earth-doped large-mode-area optical fiber cores. We first present the development of ways of evaporating low vapor pressure reagents. All the synthesized optical fiber cores are silica-rich, and slightly doped with both aluminum, fluorine and ytterbium. Radial and longitudinal homogeneities are discussed, and we propose several options in order to improve them. Then, the glassy network structure of the fabricated cores and also the neighborhood and dispersal of Yb3+ ion in the silicate network are studied. Thus, we used several spectroscopic studies: nuclear magnetic resonance enables to focus on non-zero nuclear spin nucleus (29Si, 27Al, 19F) whereas electronic paramagnetic resonance is used to probe the neighborhood and the dispersal of Yb3+ ions. We also based our study on optical characterizations as absorption and luminescence of Yb3+ ions. Finally, the fibers’ cores we synthesized using the SPCVD process have been characterized in a laser cavity. We present the power conversion efficiency, the beam quality and the resistance to photodarkening of several ytterbium and fluorine-co-doped aluminosilicate cores.

Etude et modélisation d'un modulateur à électro-absorption pour des applications de transmission radio sur fibre de signaux ULB aux fréquences centimétriques. Simulation système et caractérisation d'une liaison radio sur fibre à modulation externe / Research and modeling of an electro-absorption modulator for signals of radio over fiber transmission applications UWB frequencies centimétriques. System simulation and characterization of a radio over fiber link to external modulation

Girondin, Victor 19 May 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse, consiste à étudier les performances d'une liaison Radio sur Fibre simplifiée mettant en ¿uvre une modulation extérieure de la source optique avec des signaux OFDM. La source laser est couplée sur une même puce avec un modulateur à électro-absorption, développée par Alcatel III-V LaB été modélisée à l'aide du logiciel ADS( Advanced Design System) et caractérisée au laboratoire.Dans une première partie, nous présenterons une introduction de la technologie Radio sur Fibre avec ses applications, et son intérêt pour les technologies futures.Dans une seconde partie, nous nous intéresserons à la modélisation électrique du modulateur à électro-absorption utilisée pour effectuer la modulation numérique de type OFDM.Dans une troisième partie, sera proposée un modèle complet de la chaine de transmission intégrant tous les composants de la liaison, de manière à effectuer une analyse comportementale du système.La quatrième partie, présentent les performances mesurées réalisées au laboratoire sur le banc de caractérisation de la chaine en modulation numérique OFDM Ultra Large Bande et simulées sous ADS et les corrélations entre les résultats. / This thesis is to study the performance of a radio link over fiber simplified implementing an external modulation of the optical source with OFDM signals. The laser source is coupled on a single chip with an electro-absorption modulator, developed by Alcatel III-V LaB been modeled using software ADS (Advanced Design System) and characterized in the laboratory. In the first part, we will present an introduction to the Radio on Fiber technology with its applications, and its interest in future technologies.In the second part, we will focus on the electrical modeling of the electro-absorption modulator used to make the digital OFDM type. In the third part, will be offered a complete model of the transmission chain incorporating all components of the link, so as to perform behavioral analysis system. The fourth part, have measured performance in the laboratory on the chain of characterization bench in digital OFDM Ultra Wideband and simulated in ADS and correlations between the results.

Caractérisation de la perte dépendante de la polarisation de filtres optiques ultrafins / Characterization of polarization dependent loss of ultra-narrowband optical filters

Henry, Vincent 05 December 2014 (has links)
L’augmentation des débits des réseaux WDM impose des contraintes de plus en plus restrictives sur les composants optiques qui les constituent. La maîtrise rigoureuse des phénomènes tels que la dispersion chromatique ou la sensibilité à la polarisation prend une importance capitale. Dans le cas des filtres optiques, la combinaison de la réduction de la bande passante et de l'accentuation des pentes tend à faire apparaître des effets auparavant négligeables. La société Yenista Optics rencontre des difficultés à contrôler la perte dépendante de la polarisation (PDL) de ses filtres au cours du processus de fabrication. L’objectif de cette thèse est de définir une méthode permettant de caractériser correctement un filtre optique dit ultrafin, c'est à dire dont la bande passante est de l'ordre de la dizaine de picomètres et les pentes de l'ordre de plusieurs centaines de dB par nanomètre. / The increasing bit rate of WDM networks strengthens the constraints on the optical devices which constitute them. Strict monitoring of phenomena such as chromatic dispersion and polarization sensitivity becomes critical. In the case of optical filters, bandwidth reduction combined with steeper roll-offs unveil effects which were previously negligible. The Yenista Optics company encounters difficulties to control the polarization dependent loss of its optical filters during the manufacturing process. The goal of this thesis is to define a method which allows to accurately characterize polarization dependent loss of ultra-narrowband filters, that is filters whose the bandwidth is a few tens of picometers and the steepness is several hundreds of decibels per nanometer.


Maghrabi, Mahmoud MT January 2021 (has links)
Optical fibers play a vital role in modern telecommunication systems and networks. An optical fiber link imposes some linear and nonlinear distortions on the propagating light-wave signal due to the inherent dispersive nature and nonlinear behavior of the fiber. These distortions impede the increasing demand for higher data rate transmission over longer distances. Developing efficient and computationally non-expensive digital signal processing (DSP) techniques to effectively compensate for the fiber impairments is therefore essential and of preeminent importance. This thesis proposes two DSP-based approaches for mitigating the induced distortions in short-reach and long-haul fiber-optic communication systems. The first approach introduces a powerful digital nonlinear feed-forward equalizer (NFFE), exploiting multilayer artificial neural network (ANN). The proposed ANN-NFFE mitigates nonlinear impairments of short-haul optical fiber communication systems, arising due to the nonlinearity introduced by direct photo-detection. In a direct detection system, the detection process is nonlinear due to the fact that the photo-current is proportional to the absolute square of the electric field intensity. The proposed equalizer provides the most efficient computational cost with high equalization performance. Its performance is comparable to the benchmark compensation performance achieved by maximum-likelihood sequence estimator. The equalizer trains an ANN to act as a nonlinear filter whose impulse response removes the intersymbol interference (ISI) distortions of the optical channel. Owing to the proposed extensive training of the equalizer, it achieves the ultimate performance limit of any feed-forward equalizer. The performance and efficiency of the equalizer are investigated by applying it to various practical short-reach fiber-optic transmission system scenarios. These scenarios are extracted from practical metro/media access networks and data center applications. The obtained results show that the ANN-NFFE compensates for the received BER degradation and significantly increases the tolerance to the chromatic dispersion distortion. The second approach is devoted for blindly combating impairments of long-haul fiber-optic systems and networks. A novel adjoint sensitivity analysis (ASA) approach for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE) is proposed. The NLSE describes the light-wave propagation in optical fiber communication systems. The proposed ASA approach significantly accelerates the sensitivity calculations in any fiber-optic design problem. Using only one extra adjoint system simulation, all the sensitivities of a general objective function with respect to all fiber design parameters are estimated. We provide a full description of the solution to the derived adjoint problem. The accuracy and efficiency of our proposed algorithm are investigated through a comparison with the accurate but computationally expensive central finite-differences (CFD) approach. Numerical simulation results show that the proposed ASA algorithm has the same accuracy as the CFD approach but with a much lower computational cost. Moreover, we propose an efficient, robust, and accelerated adaptive digital back propagation (A-DBP) method based on adjoint optimization technique. Provided that the total transmission distance is known, the proposed A-DBP algorithm blindly compensates for the linear and nonlinear distortions of point-to-point long-reach optical fiber transmission systems or multi-point optical fiber transmission networks, without knowing the launch power and channel parameters. The NLSE-based ASA approach is extended for the sensitivity analysis of general multi-span DBP model. A modified split-step Fourier scheme method is introduced to solve the adjoint problem, and a complete analysis of its computational complexity is studied. An adjoint-based optimization (ABO) technique is introduced to significantly accelerate the parameters extraction of the A-DBP. The ABO algorithm utilizes a sequential quadratic programming (SQP) technique coupled with the extended ASA algorithm to rapidly solve the A-DBP training problem and optimize the design parameters using minimum overhead of extra system simulations. Regardless of the number of A-DBP design parameters, the derivatives of the training objective function with respect to all parameters are estimated using only one extra adjoint system simulation per optimization iterate. This is contrasted with the traditional finite-difference (FD)-based optimization methods whose sensitivity analysis calculations cost per iterate scales linearly with the number of parameters. The robustness, performance, and efficiency of the proposed A-DBP algorithm are demonstrated through applying it to mitigate the distortions of a 4-span optical fiber communication system scenario. Our results show that the proposed A-DBP achieves the optimal compensation performance obtained using an ideal fine-mesh DBP scheme utilizing the correct channel parameters. Compared to A-DBPs trained using SQP algorithms based on forward, backward, and central FD approaches, the proposed ABO algorithm trains the A-DBP with 2.02 times faster than the backward/forward FD-based optimizers, and with 3.63 times faster than the more accurate CFD-based optimizer. The achieved gain further increases as the number of design parameters increases. A coarse-mesh A-DBP with less number of spans is also adopted to significantly reduce the computational complexity, achieving compensation performance higher than that obtained using the coarse-mesh DBP with full number of spans. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / This thesis proposes two powerful and computationally efficient digital signal processing (DSP)-based techniques, namely, artificial neural network nonlinear feed forward equalizer (ANN-NFFE) and adaptive digital back propagation (A-DBP) equalizer, for mitigating the induced distortions in short-reach and long-haul fiber-optic communication systems, respectively. The ANN-NFFE combats nonlinear impairments of direct-detected short-haul optical fiber communication systems, achieving compensation performance comparable to the benchmark performance obtained using maximum-likelihood sequence estimator with much lower computational cost. A novel adjoint sensitivity analysis (ASA) approach is proposed to significantly accelerate sensitivity analyses of fiber-optic design problems. The A-DBP exploits a gradient-based optimization method coupled with the ASA algorithm to blindly compensate for the distortions of coherent-detected fiber-optic communication systems and networks, utilizing the minimum possible overhead of performed system simulations. The robustness and efficiency of the proposed equalizers are demonstrated using numerical simulations of varied examples extracted from practical optical fiber communication systems scenarios.

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