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Lokalizace vibrace v okolí optického vlákna pomocí interferometrického senzoru / Location of vibration around the optical fiberDorazin, David January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis solves possibilities of utilization optical fiber as sensor. At the beginning, basic division of this sensors is desribed, their principles and usage. Then the thesis is focused on distributed sensors based on the interference of the light, interferometers. This optic fiber interferometers are described, mainly their modifications for detection and localization of vibrations along optical fiber. Significant part of the thesis deals with dual Mach--Zehnder interferometer. This interferometer is theoreticaly desribed and simulated in Matlab. Further the thesis deals with development of two aplication in Matlab software. One application is for simulation and theoretical computation of dual Mach--Zehnder interferometer. Second application serves for signal processing of acquired data that are measured on this interferometer. At the end of the thesis, dual Mach--Zehnder interferometer is designed and build in laboratory enviroment and executed measurement and localization of vibrations using this interferometer.
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Optimalizace výrobního procesu za využití metod štíhlé výroby ve firmě ADC Czech Republic s.r.o. / Process optimalization and lean implementation in the manufacturing company ADC Czech Republic s.r.oMauer, Jindřich January 2018 (has links)
This Master's thesis deals with the optimilization of the production process of the firm ADC Czech Republic s.r.o. The first part the tesiis focused on the research study of the issue, which is used in the practical part. The second one is devoted to brief introduction of the company ADD Czech Republic and the introduction of the product, that is engineered on the production line. The next chapter is divided into three parts. The first chapter creates an analysis of actual condition. The second deals with the implementation of the proposial. Finally, the third part is focused on other possible proposals, which have not been properly worked out
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Analýza limitů zobrazování multimodovými optickými vlákny / The analysis of limits for multimode fibre imagingŠtolzová, Hana January 2018 (has links)
Multimódová vlákna jsou zobrazovacím prostředkem s významným potenciálem v in-vivo mikroendoskopii. V poslední době tato metoda zaznamenala velký rozvoj, a to díky zdokonalování výpočetní a jiné techniky, například prostorové modulace světla. Cílem této práce bylo nalézt specifické limity zobrazování multimódovými vlákny a představit jejich počítačovou simulaci. Byl zkoumán vliv způsobu osvětlení optického systému obsahujícího multimódové vlákno na jeho schopnost fokusace a zobrazování. Analýzou dat získaných ze simulací a experimentu bylo zjištěno, že různá míra omezení Gaussovského svazku a plnění apertury multimódového vlákna má za následek významnou změnu zobrazovacích schopností systému. Při pozorování kvality fokusace bylo zjištěno, že nejlépe se projevují svazky málo omezené aperturou vlákna. Tento fakt byl potvrzen i experimentálním měřením. Zobrazování za použití svazků s podobnými hodnotami omezení (50%) projevovalo i nejlepší schopnost přenosu kontrastu. Avšak při analýze rozlišení dvou bodových objektů se jako nejvhodnější projevily svazky významně přeplňující numerickou aperturu vlákna, 100% a více. Přítomnost tohoto rozdílu poukazuje na skutečnost, že multimódové vlákno není zcela náhodné médium, ale propagace světla skrz multimódové vlákno projevuje znaky závislosti na vnějších zobrazovacích podmínkách, jako je například změna omezení osvětlovacího svazku. V této práci bylo představeno několik způsobů vyhodnocení kvality zobrazování pomocí multimódového vlákna. Každé z těchto kritérií podalo dílčí charakteristiku chování optického systému obsahujícího multimódové optické vlákno. Jednotlivé výsledky se neshodují na jednom konkrétním řešení a nutí osobu využívající zobrazovací systém obsahující multimódové vlákno ke zvážení několika aspektů, a to v jakém prostředí bude daný optický systém využívat a který parametr kvality zobrazení bude považovat za nejdůležitější.
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Souběh fotonických služeb v optickém vlákně / Simultaneous transmission of photonic services in fibre opticsLátal, Michal January 2019 (has links)
Diploma thesis focuses on simultaneous transmission of selected photonic services by one single-mode optical fiber. The thesis deals with the problem of common transmission of multiple photonic services by one optical fiber using the wavelength division multiplex technology. Furthermore, the origin and influence of nonlinear phenomena accompanying the simultaneous transmission of photonic services are described. Except common data transmission with a bitrate of 10 Gbit/s, a common high-speed data signal transmission with a bitrate of 200 Gbit/s, accurate time transmission and high-power sensor signal are considered. During the aimultaneous transmission of selected photonic services, the measurement of the transmission parameters was performed for various variants of the simultaneous transmission arrangement. In particular, the influence of nonlinear phenomena and possible mutual interference of individual transmission channels at 50 and 100 GHz between signals was analyzed.
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Rozšíření optického vláknového přenosového systému / Extension of optical fiber transmission systemHorský, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis describes the elaboration of a program for the simulation of an optical transmission path. The work introduces the basic parameters of optical transmission, such as attenuation, dispersion and bandwidth. Furthermore, the techniques of line code and error detection are described in the work, especially a cyclic redundancy sum. The key parameter of this thesis is dispersion of the optical signal. The work includes the characteristics of the eye diagram and its analysis. The resulting program can also be used to measure the real transmission route and its parameters.
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Experimentální práce s POF - polymerová optická vlákna / Experimental work with POF - Polymer optical fibersDoležal, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
In this diploma thesis, the reader is familiarized with polymer optical fiber (POF). Firstly is mentioned theoretical background of optical fibers and optical transmission. The following are the basic properties and significant parameters of POF, a more detailed description of each type POF and their essential advantages and disadvantages in comparison with established optical fibers based on glass. The next chapter describes the area of practical issues: working with fibers and fiber installation, as well as the available connectors and methods of measurement of POF. Closely are analyzed knowledge of the practice, including the utilize in the aerospace and automotive industries, as well as in industrial networks, access data networks and local area networks. The practical part includes the measurement of basic transmission and mechanical parameters, including analysis of the results. The conclusion summarizes all the findings and results of this work, including possible future developments.
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Trendy přístupových sítí / Trends in Access NetworksŠtěpán, Petr January 2014 (has links)
This work deals with the modern trends in FTTX, but mainly focuses on FTTH, who represents the connecting of fiber to the homes of the participants. Sum up the basic problems of communication on the optical fibre, followed by comparison with other types of access networks. Another part is the analysis of the problems of construction and a description of the optical network topologies and technologies used in FTTH. In following chapter are characterized active and passive elements forming AON and PON networks. Next part deals with the study of the most common services that can be on the optical access network to operate. They are mainly associated with the TriplePlay services. An integral part of the project is the study of management and supervision optical networks. In the main part is created real model situation where is the requirement for the creation of optical access networks with broadband of TriplePlay, followed by selection of appropriate options and detailed project with a selection of active and passive elements with economic balance.
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Reprodukovatelnost a přesnost měření polarizační vidové disperze / Reproducibility and accuracy of polarization mode dispersion measurementsKováč, Filip January 2015 (has links)
Thesis is divided into two parts. The first part is written rather in theoretical way. It deals with general formation of the dispersion mathematically and verbally. It focuses on the chromatic and polarization mode dispersion. Different types of optical fibers for category G.65X are mentioned as well in connection with the ITU-T. Further attention is drawn first to compensation and then the measurement both of the mentioned dispersions. The thesis describes also analyzers and their main features. The second part is devoted to practical measurements of polarization mode dispersion. In the beginning there are described the components used for construction of the optical measurements and topologies. It is followed by an analysis of an each optical link. The results of these measurement methods and their mutual comparisons are at the end of this section. Measurements in temperature chamber is the subject of a further practical part, which from the beginning captures the essential features of the temperature chamber. This is followed by a description of the measurements, analyses and final valuation depending on the amount of polarization mode dispersion versus the temperature.
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Modernizace páteřní sítě poskytovatele internetových služeb / Modernizing the Internet Service Provider´s BackboneNedbal, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the technical issues removal on the backbone of internet service provider, MX-NET Telekomunikace Ltd. After marketing research of impacts on client there will be determined the best alternative of solution, ensured the appropriate funding and organized the installation.
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Prostorové dělení optických svazků / Spatial Division of Optical BeamsHampl, Martin January 2009 (has links)
The dissertation thesis deals with a free space optical links, especially is focused directly to the transmission optical beams. The influence of environmental conditions like atmospheric turbulence, buildings movement and vibration is described. As a possibility to reduce these undesirable influences, the generation of the transmission beam by the help of the two-mode optical fiber is proposed. A possibility to drive the shape of the resulting transmission beam by means of the change of power ration of individual modes in fiber is described. The coherence features of the proposed beam are analyzed considering the possibility to reduce the influence of atmospheric turbulence. In the thesis there are introduced beam quality parameters that enable to evaluate the quality of the optical beam for the free space optical link. These parameters give the relationship between the shape of the optical beam and the power balance of the optical link and the statistical evaluation of the optical link.
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