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Theoretical and experimental study of optical solutions for analog-to-digital conversion of high bit-rate signals / Étude théorique et expérimentale de techniques optiques pour la conversion analogique-numérique de signaux de communication à très haut débitNguyen, Trung-Hiên 19 November 2015 (has links)
Les formats de modulation bidimensionnels (i.e. basés sur l’amplitude et la phase de l’onde porteuse) ont gagné depuis peu le domaine des transmissions par fibre optique grâce aux progrès conjoints de l’électronique rapide et du traitement du signal, indispensables pour réaliser les récepteurs opto-électroniques utilisant la détection cohérente des signaux optiques. Pour pallier les limites actuelles en rapidité de commutation des circuits intégrés électroniques, une voie de recherche a été ouverte il y a quelques années, consistant à utiliser des technologies optiques pour faciliter la parallélisation du traitement du signal, notamment dans l’étape d’échantillonnage ultra-rapide du signal rendu possible par des horloges optiques très performantes. Le thème principal de cette thèse concerne l’étude théorique et expérimentale de la fonction de conversion analogique-numérique (ADC) de signaux optiques par un récepteur opto-électronique cohérent, associant les étapes d’échantillonnage optique linéaire, de conversion analogique-numérique et de traitement du signal. Un prototype, utilisant une solution originale pour la source d’échantillonnage, est modélisé, réalisé et caractérisé, permettant la reconstruction temporelle de signaux optiques modulés selon divers formats : NRZ, QPSK, 16-QAM. Les limitations optiques et électroniques du système sont analysées, notamment l’impact sur la reconstruction des signaux de divers paramètres : le taux d’extinction de la source optique, les paramètres de l’ADC (bande passante BW, temps d’intégration et nombre effectif de bits ENOB). Par ailleurs, de nouveaux algorithmes de traitement du signal sont proposés dans le cadre de la transmission optique cohérente à haut débit utilisant des formats de modulation bidimensionnels (amplitude et phase) : deux solutions sont proposées pour la compensation du déséquilibre de quadrature IQ dans les transmissions mono-porteuses: une méthode originale de l’estimation du maximum du rapport signal sur bruit ainsi qu’une nouvelle structure de compensation et d’égalisation conjointes; ces deux méthodes sont validées expérimentalement et numériquement avec un signal 16-QAM. Par ailleurs, une solution améliorée de récupération de porteuse (décalage de fréquence et estimation de la phase), basée sur une décomposition harmonique circulaire de la fonction de maximum de vraisemblance logarithmique, est validée numériquement pour la première fois dans le contexte des transmissions optiques (jusqu’à une modulation de 128-QAM). Enfin les outils développés dans ce travail ont finalement permis la démonstration d’une transmission sur 100 km d’un signal QPSK à 10 Gbaud fortement limité par un bruit de phase non linéaire et régénéré optiquement à l’aide d’un limiteur de puissance préservant la phase basé sur une nanocavité de cristal photonique. / Bi-dimensional modulation formats based on amplitude and phase signal modulation, are now commonly used in optical communications thanks to breakthroughs in the field of electronic and digital signal processing (DSP) required in coherent optical receivers. Photonic solutions could compensate for nowadays limitations of electrical circuits bandwidth by facilitating the signal processing parallelization. Photonic is particularly interesting for signal sampling thanks to available stable optical clocks. The heart of the present work concerns analog-to-digital conversion (ADC) as a key element in coherent detection. A prototype of linear optical sampling using an original solution for the optical sampling source, is built and validated with the successful equivalent time reconstruction of NRZ, QPSK and 16-QAM signals. Some optical and electrical limitations of the system are experimentally and numerically analyzed, notably the extinction ratio of the optical source or the ADC parameters (bandwidth, integration time, effective number of bits ENOB). Moreover, some new DSPs tools are developed for optical transmission using bi-dimensional modulation formats (amplitude and phase). Two solutions are proposed for IQ quadrature imbalance compensation in single carrier optical coherent transmission: an original method of maximum signal-to-noise ratio estimation (MSEM) and a new structure for joint compensation and equalization; these methods are experimentally and numerically validated with 16-QAM signals. Moreover, an improved solution for carrier recovery (frequency offset and phase estimation) based on a circular harmonic expansion of a maximum loglikelihood function is studied for the first time in the context of optical telecommunications. This solution which can operate with any kind of bi-dimensional modulation format signal is numerically validated up to 128-QAM. All the DSP tools developed in this work are finally used in a demonstration of a 10 Gbaud QPSK 100 km transmission experiment, featuring a strong non-linear phase noise limitation and regenerated using a phase preserving and power limiting function based on a photonic crystal nanocavity.
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Advanced modulation formats and nonlinear mitigation for spectral efficient optical transmission systems / Formats de modulation avancés et compensation de non linéarités pour les systèmes de transmission par fibre optique à haute efficacité spectraleFernandez de Jauregui Ruiz, Ivan 12 April 2018 (has links)
La majeure partie des communications mondiales est transportée par des systèmes transocéaniques à fibre optique. Il est estimé que d'ici 2020 le trafic de données atteindra 4.3 ZB par an. Afin de faire face à cette demande, différentes technologies sont actuellement étudiées pour augmenter la capacité des systèmes de transmission très longue distance. Avec l'avènement des circuits intégrés à haute vitesse, des formats de modulation avancés et des techniques de traitement de signal numérique (DSP) peuvent être utilisés pour maximiser l'efficacité spectrale de transmission. Par ailleurs, la capacité des systèmes modernes est fortement limitée par les effets non-linéaires de type Kerr dans la fibre. Ainsi, la première partie de ce travail est axée sur l’étude de la performance et des gains réalisables par des techniques DSP à faible complexité pour mitiger les effets non-linéaires monocanal. En outre, l’utilisation des formats de modulation multiniveaux à haute efficacité spectrale au-delà de 16QAM a pris de l'ampleur pour augmenter le débit de transmission des systèmes, notamment avec l’introduction des formats QAM avec mise en forme probabiliste (PCS-QAM), plus performants que les formats QAM classiques. La deuxième partie de ce travail présente donc une comparaison théorique ainsi qu’expérimentale du format PCS-64QAM avec d’autres formats à haute efficacité spectrale pour les distances transatlantiques. La mise en œuvre d’un format PCS-64QAM conçu pour les distances transpacifiques est également abordée. Enfin, la dernière partie de ce travail concrétise les résultats des travaux menés dans les deux sections précédentes en présentant plusieurs records de transmission / Global data traffic is expected to reach up to 4.3 ZB per year by 2020. With the majority of the global communications being transported on submarine point-to-point fiber-optic systems, different cutting-edge technologies have been under research to cope with this unprecedented traffic growth. Continuous advances in high-speed integrated circuits have allowed the use of advanced modulation formats and digital signal processing (DSP) techniques to maximize the transmission spectral efficiency. With mitigation of fiber linear effects efficiently carried out by DSP with relative low-complexity, the capacity of modern fiber optic systems rests limited by fiber nonlinearities. To this extent, in the first part of this work, the performance and achievable benefits of low-complexity DSP techniques aiming to mitigate fiber Kerr nonlinear effects are investigated. Besides nonlinear compensation techniques, the use of multi-level modulation formats beyond 16QAM and high symbol rate channels have gained momentum to increase the system spectral efficiency. One of the major breakthroughs in the recent years, has been the introduction of QAM-based probabilistic constellation shaping (PCS-QAM), which has proven to outperform regular QAM formats. In this sense, in the second part of this work, the practical achievable rate increase brought by PCS-QAM for transoceanic distances is investigated. A theoretical and experimental comparison with other high-capacity formats is performed, and the design of a PCS-QAM for trans-Pacific distances is addressed. Finally, in the last section, several transmission records using the two above techniques are reported
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Compensation des effets nonlinéaires pour les transmissions WDM longue distance à 400Gbps et au-delà / Nonlinear effects compensation for long-haul superchannel transmission systemAmari, Abdelkerim 07 June 2016 (has links)
Les systèmes de communications optiques jouent un role important pour satisfaire la demande incessante de trafics de données. Cette demande, induite par des applications gourmandes en termes de bande passante et débit, necéssite une augmentation de la capacité des réseaux optiques d’accès et par conséquent une augmentation des capacités de réseaux de transports métropolitains et longues distances. La prochaine génération de systèmes WDM longue distance devrait opérée à des débits de 400Gbps ou 1Tbps. Cette montée en débit s’appuiera sur des nouvelles formes d’ondes avancées de type mono-porteuse (Nyquist-WDM) ou multi-porteuse (OFDM multi-bande). Ces approches sont basées sur le multipléxage de plusieurs porteuses espacées par des intervalles de garde réduits. D’autre part, pour générer ces très haut débits, des modulations multi-états sont utilisées pour chaque porteuse grâce à leur efficacité spectrale élevée. Ces types de systèmes, qui combinent à la fois les approches multi-bande et les modulations multi-états, sont extrêmement vulnérables aux effets nonlinéaires de la fibre optique. En fait, les effets nonlinéaires sont dépendants de la puissance de transmission et inversement proportionels à l’intervalle de garde. Cela rend leur compensation indispensable pour maintenir des bonnes performances des systèmes en terme de distance de transmission. Grâce à l’emploi de récepteurs à détection cohérente, des techniques de traitement du signal numérique sont utlisées pour combattre les effets nonlinéaires. Dans cette thèse, nous avons proposé des nouvelles techniques basées sur les séries de Volterra et les égaliseurs à retour de decision pour compenser respectivement les effets nonlinéaires intrabande et les interférences nonlinéaires inter-bande. / Optical communication systems have evolved since their deployment to meet the growing demand for high-speed communications. Over the past decades, the global demand for communication capacity has increased exponentially and the most of the growth has occurred in the last few years when data started dominating network traffic. In order to meet the increase of traffic demands fueled by the growth of internet services, an increase of access network capacity and consequently metro and long-haul network capacities is required. Next generation of long-haul WDM transmission systems is expected to operate at 400Gbps or 1Tbps bit rate. Superchannel approaches, such as Nyquist WDM and multi-band OFDM, allow both high spectral efficiency and small guardband which makes them promising candidates to generate these high bit rates in combination with multi-level modulations formats. Such transmission systems are strongly disturbed by fiber nonlinear effects which increase with the data rate and the small guard band. Therefore, fiber nonlinearities compensation is required to get the desired performance in terms of transmission reach. DSP based approaches such as digital back propagation and third-order Volterra based nonlinear equalizer have been already proposed to deal with intra-channel or intra-band nonlinear effects. In the context of superchannel systems, we have proposed two new compensation techniques to deal with fiber nonlinear effects. The first one, called fifth-order inverse Volterra based nonlinear equalizer, compensate for intra-band nonlinear effects. The second approach, which is the interband/ subcarrier nonlinear interference canceler, is proposed to combat the nonlinear interference insuperchannel systems.
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Mesure dynamique de déformation par rétrodiffusion Brillouin spontanée B-OTDR / Dynamic strain measurement based on spontaneous Brillouin scattering B-OTDRMaraval, Damien 11 May 2017 (has links)
Aujourd’hui, trois technologies distinctes et complémentaires sont disponibles pour réaliser des mesures réparties de température, de déformation ou de vibration grâce à l’analyses des rétrodiffusion Raman, Brillouin et Rayleigh. Les besoins industriels actuels se portent sur la mesure répartie de déformation pour des infrastructures avec de longs linéaires, comme les canalisations, pour lesquelles une cartographie linéaire et en temps réel de leur état est demandée. Nous nous focalisons alors sur la conception d’un système de mesure Brillouin capable de mesurer de manière répartie et dynamique les déformations subies par une fibre optique. La méthode employée sera celle du flanc de frange ; elle a déjà été développée et expérimentée sur une architecture opto-électronique de type analyseur Brillouin (Brillouin-OTDA), nécessitant l’accès aux deux extrémités de la fibre optique. Dans notre cas, elle est implémentée sur une architecture fonctionnant en réflectométrie. Les résultats expérimentaux obtenus seront caractérisés et validés par la simulation des mesures de la déformation et du déplacement d’une canalisation supportée entre deux appuis simples ; un modèle mécanique, adapté à cette configuration et transposable sur des projets réels, est développé. Par le biais de partenaire industriels de Cementys, ce modèle est utilisé dans deux projets de surveillance de canalisation d’hydrocarbures dont les moyens d’installation et la finalité sont différents. / Today, three distinct and complementary technologies are available for distributed temperature, strain or vibration measurements with the analysis of Raman, Brillouin and Rayleigh backscattered light. Current industrial needs are distributed strain measurements for linear infrastructures, such as pipelines, for which linear and real-time strain distribution is required. The research work aims to design a new distributed and dynamic strain measurement system based on the analysis of spontaneous Brillouin backscatter by reflectometry. Slope assisted technique is used to accelerate the measurement acquisition, currently limited to static events because of their actual principle of sweep frequency acquisition of the Brillouin backscattering spectrum. The experimental results are characterized and validated by the simulation of the measurements of the deformation and displacement of a pipe supported between two simple supports. A mechanical model, adapted to this configuration and transposable on real projects, is developed. Through Cementys industrial partner, this model is then used for two monitoring project of pipelines with different installation facilities and purpose.
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Polarization mode excitation in index-tailored optical fibers by acoustic long period gratings: Development and ApplicationZeh, Christoph 05 November 2013 (has links)
The present work deals with the development and application of an acoustic long-period fiber grating (LPG) in conjunction with a special optical fiber (SF). The acoustic LPG converts selected optical modes of the SF. Some of these modes are characterized by complex, yet cylindrically symmetric polarization and intensity patterns. Therefore, they are the guided variant of so called cylindrical vector beams (CVBs). CVBs find applications in numerous fields of fundamental and applied optics. Here, an application to high-resolution light microscopy is demonstrated. The field distribution in the tight microscope focus is controlled by the LPG, which in turn creates the necessary polarization and intensity distribution for the microscope illumination. A gold nanoparticle of 30 nm diameter is used to probe the focal field with sub-wavelength resolution.
The construction and test of the acoustic LPG are discussed in detail. A key component is the piezoelectric transducer that excites flexural acoustic waves in the SF, which are the origin of an optical mode conversion. A mode conversion efficiency of 85% was realized at 785 nm optical wavelength. The efficiency is, at present, mainly limited by the spectral positions and widths of the transducer’s acoustic resonances.
The SF used with the LPG separates the propagation constants of the second-order polarization modes, so they can be individually excited and are less sensitive to distortions than in standard weakly-guiding fibers. The influence of geometrical parameters of the fiber core on the propagation constant separation and on the mode fields is studied numerically using the multiple multipole method. From the simulations, a simple mode coupling scheme is developed that provides a qualitative understanding of the experimental results achieved with the LPG. The refractive index profile of the fiber core was originally developed by Ramachandran et al. However, an important step of the present work is to reduce the SF’s core size to counteract the the appearance of higher-order modes at shorter wavelengths which would otherwise spoil the mode purity.
Using the acoustic LPG in combination with the SF produces a versatile device to generate CVBs and other phase structures beams. This fiber-optical method offers beam profiles of high quality and achieves good directional stability of the emitted beam. Moreover, the device design is simple and can be realized at low cost. Future developments of the acoustic LPG will aim at applications to fiber-optical sensors and optical near-field microscopy.:Abstract / Kurzfassung iii
Table of contents v
1 Introduction 1
2 Fundamentals of optical waveguides 5
2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Maxwell’s equations and vector wave equations 5
2.3 Optical waveguides 7
2.3.1 Dielectric waveguides 7
2.3.2 Metallic waveguides 9
2.4 Numerical calculation of modes by the multiple multipole program 10
2.4.1 Representation of simulated mode fields 11
2.5 Overview of coupled mode theory 14
2.5.1 Coupled mode equations 14
2.5.2 Co-directional coupling 15
2.6 Summary and conclusions 16
3 Polarization control for fundamental and higher order modes 17
3.1 Introduction 17
3.2 Description of light polarization 18
3.2.1 Stokes parameters and the polarization ellipse 18
3.2.2 Polarization of light beams in free space 20
3.2.3 Polarization of light beams in optical fibers 21
3.3 Short overview of cylindrical vector beam generation 22
3.4 Excitation of cylindrical vector beams in optical fibers 27
3.4.1 Free-beam techniques 27
3.4.2 In-fiber techniques 29
3.5 Polarization control in optical fibers 30
3.5.1 Phase matching and the beat length 30
3.5.2 Polarization-maintaining single-mode fibers 32
3.5.3 Higher-order mode polarization-maintaining fibers 32
3.6 Summary and conclusions 34
4 Simulation of core-ring-fibers 36
4.1 Introduction 36
4.2 Model geometries for index-tailored optical fiber 37
4.2.1 Special fiber and fabrication 37
4.2.2 Elliptical core boundaries 39
4.2.3 Overview of the applied MMP Models 41
4.3 Simulation results for circular core geometry 43
4.3.1 Mode fields 43
4.3.2 Scaling of the core radii 43
4.3.3 Wavelength dependence 48
4.4 Simulation results for non-circular geometry 50
4.4.1 Mode fields 50
4.4.2 Effects of individual rotation angles 53
4.4.3 Wavelength dependence 56
4.5 Summary and conclusions 61
5 Long period fiber gratings 63
5.1 Introduction 63
5.2 Principle of long-period fiber gratings 64
5.2.1 Results from coupled mode theory 64
5.2.2 Types of long-period gratings 65
5.2.3 Properties of acoustic long-period fiber gratings 67
5.3 Acoustic long-period grating setup 68
5.3.1 Transducer 69
5.3.2 Mechanical coupling 72
5.3.3 Acoustic dispersion of an optical fiber 75
5.3.4 Optical setup 77
5.3.5 Comparison to other acoustic LPG geometries 81
5.4 Experimental results 82
5.4.1 Transmission spectra 82
5.4.2 Discussion of transmission results 88
5.4.3 Direct mode field observation 93
5.4.4 Discussion of mode field observations 97
5.4.5 Time behavior and grating amplitude modulation 99
5.5 Summary and conclusions 101
6 Application of higher order fiber modes for far-field microscopy 104
6.1 Introduction 104
6.2 Complex beams in high-resolution far-field microscopy 104
6.3 Theoretical considerations 106
6.4 Experimental details 111
6.5 Results 114
6.6 Discussion 118
6.7 Summary and conclusions 122
7 Summary and outlook 124
Acknowledgments 139
Publications related to this work 142
List of figures 144
List of tables 150
List of acronyms 151 / Diese Arbeit behandelt die Entwicklung und Anwendung eines akustischen langperiodischen Fasergitters (LPG) in Verbindung mit einer optischen Spezialfaser (SF). Das akustische LPG wandelt ausgewählte optische Modi der SF um. Einige dieser Modi weisen eine komplexe, zylindersymmetrische Polarisations- und Intensitätsverteilung auf. Diese sind eine Form der so genannten zylindrischen Vektor-Strahlen (CVBs), welche in zahlreichen Gebieten der wissenschaftlichen und angewandten Optik zum Einsatz kommen. In dieser Arbeit wird eine Anwendung auf die hochauflösende Lichtmikroskopie demonstriert. Die fokale Feldverteilung wird dabei durch die Auswahl der vom LPG erzeugten Modi, welche zur Beleuchtung genutzt werden, eingestellt. Als Nachweis wird die entstehende laterale Feldverteilung mithilfe eines Goldpartikels (Durchmesser 30 Nanometer) vermessen.
Aufbau und Test des akustischen LPGs werden im Detail besprochen. Eine wichtige Komponente ist ein piezoelektrischer Wandler, der akustische Biegewellen in der SF anregt. Diese sind die Ursache der Umwandlung optischer Modi. Die maximale Konversionseffizienz betrug 85% bei 785 nm (optischer) Wellenlänge. Die Effizienz ist derzeit hauptsächlich durch die Lage der akustischen Resonanzfrequenzen des Wandlers und deren Bandbreite begrenzt.
Die benutzte SF spaltet die Ausbreitungskonstanten von Polarisationsmodi zweiter Ordnung auf, sodass diese individuell angeregt werden können und weniger anfällig gegen über Störungen der Faser sind, als das bei gewöhnlichen, schwach führenden Glasfasern der Fall ist. Das zu Grunde liegende Brechzahlprofil des Faserkerns wurde von Ramachandran et al. entwickelt. Für diese Arbeit wurde jedoch die Ausdehnung des Profils verkleinert – ein erster Schritt um Anwendungen bei kürzeren optischen Wellenlängen zu ermöglichen. Es werden numerische Simulationen mit der Methode der multiplen Multipole zur Berechnung der Modenfelder und den zugehörigen Propagationskonstanten vorgestellt. Diese zeigen u. a. den starken Einfluss von geometrischen Veränderungen des Faserkerns. Basierend auf den Simulationsergebnissen wird ein einfaches Kopplungsschema für die Modi entwickelt, welches ein qualitatives Verständnis der experimentellen Ergebnisse ermöglicht.
In Kombination bilden die SF und das LPG ein vielseitiges Gerät zur Erzeugung von CVBs und anderen Strahlen mit komplexer Phasenstruktur. Die Methode besticht durch hohe Qualität des Strahlprofils, stabile Abstrahlrichtung, einfachen Aufbau, elektronische Steuerbarkeit und geringe Materialkosten. Zukünftige Weiterentwicklungen des akustischen LPGs zielen auf die Anwendung in faseroptischen Sensoren und in der optischen Nahfeldmikroskopie ab.:Abstract / Kurzfassung iii
Table of contents v
1 Introduction 1
2 Fundamentals of optical waveguides 5
2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Maxwell’s equations and vector wave equations 5
2.3 Optical waveguides 7
2.3.1 Dielectric waveguides 7
2.3.2 Metallic waveguides 9
2.4 Numerical calculation of modes by the multiple multipole program 10
2.4.1 Representation of simulated mode fields 11
2.5 Overview of coupled mode theory 14
2.5.1 Coupled mode equations 14
2.5.2 Co-directional coupling 15
2.6 Summary and conclusions 16
3 Polarization control for fundamental and higher order modes 17
3.1 Introduction 17
3.2 Description of light polarization 18
3.2.1 Stokes parameters and the polarization ellipse 18
3.2.2 Polarization of light beams in free space 20
3.2.3 Polarization of light beams in optical fibers 21
3.3 Short overview of cylindrical vector beam generation 22
3.4 Excitation of cylindrical vector beams in optical fibers 27
3.4.1 Free-beam techniques 27
3.4.2 In-fiber techniques 29
3.5 Polarization control in optical fibers 30
3.5.1 Phase matching and the beat length 30
3.5.2 Polarization-maintaining single-mode fibers 32
3.5.3 Higher-order mode polarization-maintaining fibers 32
3.6 Summary and conclusions 34
4 Simulation of core-ring-fibers 36
4.1 Introduction 36
4.2 Model geometries for index-tailored optical fiber 37
4.2.1 Special fiber and fabrication 37
4.2.2 Elliptical core boundaries 39
4.2.3 Overview of the applied MMP Models 41
4.3 Simulation results for circular core geometry 43
4.3.1 Mode fields 43
4.3.2 Scaling of the core radii 43
4.3.3 Wavelength dependence 48
4.4 Simulation results for non-circular geometry 50
4.4.1 Mode fields 50
4.4.2 Effects of individual rotation angles 53
4.4.3 Wavelength dependence 56
4.5 Summary and conclusions 61
5 Long period fiber gratings 63
5.1 Introduction 63
5.2 Principle of long-period fiber gratings 64
5.2.1 Results from coupled mode theory 64
5.2.2 Types of long-period gratings 65
5.2.3 Properties of acoustic long-period fiber gratings 67
5.3 Acoustic long-period grating setup 68
5.3.1 Transducer 69
5.3.2 Mechanical coupling 72
5.3.3 Acoustic dispersion of an optical fiber 75
5.3.4 Optical setup 77
5.3.5 Comparison to other acoustic LPG geometries 81
5.4 Experimental results 82
5.4.1 Transmission spectra 82
5.4.2 Discussion of transmission results 88
5.4.3 Direct mode field observation 93
5.4.4 Discussion of mode field observations 97
5.4.5 Time behavior and grating amplitude modulation 99
5.5 Summary and conclusions 101
6 Application of higher order fiber modes for far-field microscopy 104
6.1 Introduction 104
6.2 Complex beams in high-resolution far-field microscopy 104
6.3 Theoretical considerations 106
6.4 Experimental details 111
6.5 Results 114
6.6 Discussion 118
6.7 Summary and conclusions 122
7 Summary and outlook 124
Acknowledgments 139
Publications related to this work 142
List of figures 144
List of tables 150
List of acronyms 151
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A System Level Approach to D-Fiber Electric Field SensingKvavle, Joshua Monroe 11 August 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation presents the novel creation of a hybrid D-fiber electro-optic polymer electric field sensor. The sensor is made by removing a portion of the cladding from a D-shaped optical fiber, thus exposing the core to interaction with external stimulus. Then, an electro-optic polymer is deposited, partially replacing the core of the fiber. Next, the polymer is poled to endow it with electro-optic properties. This sensor is packaged in order to restore its mechanical strength. Because D-fiber is not intrinsically compatible with standard optical equipment it is fusion spliced to standard polarization maintaining fiber. Finally the sensor is tested for electro-optic sensitivity. The hybrid D-fiber electric field sensors designed and fabricated in this work meet the requirements of mechanical strength, temporal stability, minimal perturbation of the electric field by the sensor, and a small and flexible cross-sectional area so that it can be embedded into the device under test. A fully packaged hybrid electro-optic polymer D-fiber electric field sensor which is capable of detecting electric fields of 50 V/m at a frequency of 6 GHz is produced. The sensor's electro-optic response is shown to be temporally stable. Additionally, the sensor is physically robust, and physically and electrically non-intrusive. This work also adds a thorough understanding of the design and fabrication of D-fiber waveguides with a polymer material deposited in the core. Several new fabrication techniques are developed and presented. A path to greater electric field sensitivity is outlined for future research.
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Distributed Temperature Sensing Using Phase-Sensitive Optical Time Domain Reflectometry / Distribuerad Temperaturmätning Genom Fas-Känslig Optisk Tidsdomäns-ReflektometriEk, Simon January 2020 (has links)
This thesis explores and evaluates the temperature measuring capabilities of a phase-sensitive optical time-domain reflectometer (φ-OTDR), which exploits Rayleigh backscattering in normal single mode optical fibers. The device is constructed and its setup explained, and a protocol for making temperature measurements with it is developed. Performance tests are made and the device is shown to achieve fully distributed temperature measurements on fibers hundreds of meters in length with a spatial resolution of 1 m and a temperature resolution of 0.1 K. In addition, the capabilities of the device to measure normal strain in the measurement fiber are tested using the same approach, albeit with less success. The device is capable of very precise measurements, making it very sensitive to the environmental conditions around the measuring fiber but also susceptible to disturbances. Some discussion is had on how to avoid or deal with these disturbances. Furthermore, the technique is shown to be able to run in conjunction with other φ-OTDR measurement techniques from the same device simultaneously. / Det här examensarbetet utforskar och utvärderar förmågorna att mäta temperatur hos en fas-känslig optisk tidsdomän-reflektometer (φ-OTDR), som utnyttjar bakåtriktad Rayleigh-spridning i vanliga optiska singelmodfibrer. Anordningen konstrueras och dess komponentstruktur förklaras, och ett protokoll tas fram för att utföra mätningar med den. Prestandatester utförs och anordningen visas kapabel att göra fullt distribuerade temperaturmätningar längs hundratals meter långa fibrer, med en rymdsupplösning på 1 m och en temperaturupplösning på 0.1 K. Dessutom testas förmågan att mäta normaltöjning hos testfibern med samma metod, dock med mindre framgång. Anordningen är väldigt känslig för förhållandena i omgivningen runt mätningsfibern, vilket gör den kapabel till mätningar med mycket hög precision, men också mottaglig för störningar. Lite diskussion hålls kring hur dessa störningar kan undvikas eller hanteras. Vidare visas att mätningstekniken kan köras samtidigt som andra φ-OTDR-baserade tekniker från samma anordning.
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光ファイバーを用いた医用放射線計測の新手法青山, 隆彦, 小山, 修司 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(C)(2) 課題番号:09680476 研究代表者:青山 隆彦 研究期間:1997-1999年度
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Vliv dlouhých optovláknových tras na polarizační stav světla a jejich využití pro napájení polarizačních senzorů / Long optical fibre routes influence on the polarizing state of light and uses it for powering polarization sensorsPanascí, Marco January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the influence of long fiber optic paths on the polarization state of light and their use for powering polarization sensors. The aim of the diploma thesis was to design the arrangement of optical fiber components so that the polarization properties of light at the end of the path are further usable for sensory purposes. Four partial measurements with a long path (in a laboratory setting, laying in the ground, on a curtain, under the influence of external influence) and one measurement without a path under the influence of external influence were designed. The overall measurement results demonstrate that for the functional power supply of long-distance sensor systems, an existing single-mode fiber can be used (laid by laying in the ground), into which a light source for a given sensor system would be multiplexed. In the discussion, all types of measurements are analyzed and compared with each other. Finally, the overall result is summarized and applications are described in which such a sensor system could be used.
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Self-assembled rolled-up devices: towards on-chip sensor technologiesSmith, Elliot John 29 August 2011 (has links)
By implementing the rolled-up microfabrication method based on strain engineering, several systems are investigated within the contents of this thesis. The structural morphing of planar geometries into three-dimensional structures opens up many doors for the creation of unique material configurations and devices. An exploration into several novel microsystems, encompassing various scientific subjects, is made and methods for on-chip integration of these devices are presented.
The roll-up of a metal and oxide allows for a cylindrical hollow-core structure with a cladding layer composed of a multilayer stack, plasmonic metamaterial. This structure can be used as a platform for a number of optical metamaterial devices. By guiding light radially through this structure, a theoretical investigation into the system makeup of a rolled-up hyperlens, is given. Using the same design, but rather propagating light parallel to the cylinder, a novel device known as a metamaterial optical fiber is defined. This fiber allows light to be guided classically and plasmonically within a single device. These fibers are developed experimentally and are integrated into preexisting on-chip structures and characterized.
A system known as lab-in-a-tube is introduced. The idea of lab-in-a-tube combines various rolled-up components into a single all-encompassing biosensor that can be used to detect and monitor single bio-organisms. The first device specifically tailored to this system is developed, flexible split-wall microtube resonator sensors. A method for the capturing of embryonic mouse cells into on-chip optical resonators is introduced. The sensor can optically detect, via photoluminescence, living cells confined within the resonator through the compression and expansion of a nanogap built within its walls.
The rolled-up fabrication method is not limited to the well-investigated systems based on the roll-up from semiconductor material or from a photoresist layer. A new approach, relying on the delamination of polymers, is presented. This offers never-before-realized microscale structures and configurations. This includes novel magnetic configurations and flexible fluidic sensors which can be designed for on-chip and roving detector applications.
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