Spelling suggestions: "subject:"organpipe"" "subject:"organ.after""
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Plant and rodent communities of Organ Pipe Cactus National MonumentWarren, Peter Lynd January 1979 (has links)
No description available.
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The white-tailed deer of the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, ArizonaHenry, Robert Stephen January 1979 (has links)
No description available.
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Comparative Growth Rates of the Extinct Coral Montastraea nancyi: A Dominant Framework Builder in the Pleistocene (MIS 5e) Reefs of Curacao, Netherland AntillesDel Valle, Tanya M. January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Über Synchronisationsphänomene nichtlinearer akustischer Oszillatoren / About synchronization phenomena of nonlinear acoustic oscillatorsFischer, Jost January 2012 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit werden die Effekte der Synchronisation nichtlinearer, akustischer Oszillatoren am Beispiel zweier Orgelpfeifen untersucht. Aus vorhandenen, experimentellen Messdaten werden die typischen Merkmale der Synchronisation extrahiert und dargestellt. Es folgt eine detaillierte Analyse der Übergangsbereiche in das Synchronisationsplateau, der Phänomene während der Synchronisation, als auch das Austreten aus der Synchronisationsregion beider Orgelpfeifen, bei verschiedenen Kopplungsstärken. Die experimentellen Befunde werfen Fragestellungen nach der Kopplungsfunktion auf. Dazu wird die Tonentstehung in einer Orgelpfeife untersucht. Mit Hilfe von numerischen Simulationen der Tonentstehung wird der Frage nachgegangen, welche fluiddynamischen und aero-akustischen Ursachen die Tonentstehung in der Orgelpfeife hat und inwiefern sich die Mechanismen auf das Modell eines selbsterregten akustischen Oszillators abbilden lässt. Mit der Methode des Coarse Graining wird ein Modellansatz formuliert. / In this study, synchronization properties observed in a system of nonlinear acoustic oscillators in form of two coupled organ pipes are investigated. From given measurements we extract the effects of synchronization one would expect typically. Furthermore we set our focus to the domains of transition into the synchronization region, when the system is complete synchronized and when it tears off, under the condition of different coupling strengths. We analyze and discuss the observed phenomena concerning their nonlinearities. Using numerical, fluid-dynamic and aeroacoustic simulation techniques we investigate how an organ pipe can be understand as a self-sustained, acoustic oscillator. With the results of the numerical simulations we show, how to reduce the complex fluid-dynamical interplay with the acoustic field inside the pipe to a self-sustained acoustic oscillator. For this process we use the coarse graining method.
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No description available.
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Körperoszillation und Schallabstrahlung akustischer Wellenleiter unter Berücksichtigung von Wandungseinflüssen und Kopplungseffekten : Verändern Metalllegierung und Wandungsprofil des Rohrresonators den Klang der labialen Orgelpfeife? / Oscillation and sound radiation of acoustic waveguides, with regard to the influences of material and synchronisationBergweiler, Steffen January 2005 (has links)
Am Beispiel der Orgelpfeife wurde der Einfluss der Wandungsgeometrie
des akustischen Wellenleiters auf die Schallabstrahlung untersucht.
Für verschiedene Metalllegierungen wurden unterschiedliche Profile
der Orgelpfeifenwandung verglichen: ein konisches Wandungsprofil mit
zur Mündung hin abnehmender Wandungsstärke und ein paralleles
Wandungsprofil mit konstanter Wandungsstärke. Für eine hohe
statistische Sicherheit der Ergebnisse wurden sämtliche
Untersuchungen an vier mal zehn Testpfeifen durchgeführt. Mit
Ausnahme der beschriebenen Unterschiede sind die Pfeifen von
gleichen Abmessungen und auf gleichen Klang intoniert.<br><br>
Die Überprüfung der Wandungseinflüsse auf den Klang besteht aus drei
verschiedenen Untersuchungen: Erstens, einer subjektiven
Hinterfragung der Wahrnehmbarkeit in einem Hörtest. Zweitens wurde
der abgestrahlte Luftschall objektiv gemessen und das Spektrum der
Pfeifen in seinen Komponenten (Teiltöne, Grundfrequenz) verglichen.
Drittens wurde mit einer neuartigen Messtechnik die Oszillation des
Pfeifenkörpers (ein einem akustischen Monopol entsprechendes "Atmen" des Querschnitts) untersucht. Die Ergebnisse belegen die
Wahrnehmbarkeit unterschiedlicher Wandungsprofile als auch klare
objektive Differenzen zwischen den emittierten Schallspektren. Ein
Atmen mit guter Korrelation zur inneren Druckanregung bestätigt den
Einfluss wandungsprofilabhängiger Oszillationen auf den Klang der
Orgelpfeife. Schließlich wurde die Interaktion zweier in Abstand und
Grundfrequenz nah beieinander liegender Orgelpfeifen überprüft. Als
Ursache des dabei wahrnehmbaren Oktavsprung des Orgeltons konnte
eine gegenphasiger Oszillation des Grundtons beider Pfeifen
nachgewiesen werden. / The influence of the wall geometry of an acoustic waveguide on the
sound radiation has been investigated on the example of the steady
sound quality of an organ pipe. At the example of two different pipe
materials two different pipe wall geometries were compared: a
wedge-shaped conical wall profile with a decreasing wall strength
towards the pipes open end and a constant wall profile with no
change in wall strength, respectively. For statistic safety all
investigations were exercised on a large test pipe series of 4 by 10
pipes, unique to our knowledge. Apart from the described
differences, all pipes are produced and intonated to be as equal as
The verification of the wall geometries influences is based on three
investigations: First, a subjective evaluation of the audible
differences was performed. Second, differences in the broad spectra,
the level of the harmonics partials and in the fundamental frequency
were detected in an anechoic chamber. Third, with a new measurement
technique we examined the oscillation of the pipe body (monopolic
breathing of the pipe bodies cross-section) as source of the
detected differences in the sound. The results show clear audible
difference which are supported by measurable differences in airborne
sound and body oscillations of the investigated pipes. Finally the
interaction of two organ pipes closely space in frequency and
distance has been investigated. The subjective impression of
frequency doubling was detected as an anti-phase phase oscillation
of the fundamental tone of both pipes leading to a dominance of the
second harmonic.<br><br>
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Cattle Grazing in the National Parks: Historical Development and History of Management in Three Southern Arizona ParksPinto, Robin Lothrop January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation traces the history of cattle grazing at Saguaro NP, Organ Pipe Cactus NM and Fort Bowie NHS in southern Arizona. This collection of studies examines the factors affecting that use, the ranchers who made their living from the landscape, and the federal land managers responsible for sustaining the natural and cultural resources. A dominant industry on arid public lands since the Civil War, grazing was altered by a variety of influences: environmental and human-derived. Ranching communities developed from homesteading settlements. Success was determined by climate, topography, and natural resources; social and cultural pressures; economic events and political legislation; and later federal regulations and decisions. The first agency to oversee grazing, USFS was under constant pressure to maximize short-term human benefits. The NPS Organic Act of 1916 mandated conservation of natural resources "by such means as will leave them unimpaired for future generations" and yet approved cattle grazing, an extractive use, under USFS management. Park managers were frustrated by grazing practices not under their control. Parks were at a cultural and social disadvantage. Residents and politicians often expressed displeasure at park reservations; communities feared that parks would interfere with local industries. Park employees supervised visitors and developed recreation infrastructure; they came with little experience to manage livestock. Lack of funding for research, limited manpower, and political and administrative interference allowed cattle grazing to continue unregulated for decades altering vegetation and enhancing erosion. In the 1960s, changing values from the environmental movement, the waning power of the livestock industry, and the rise of activist scientists impelled NPS to act. Without monitoring data, NPS turned to legal opinions to terminate grazing. Now grazing is regulated and carefully monitored. NPS is mandated to incorporate research results into management decisions. Older grazing permits are being retired, but land acquisitions for park additions add new management challenges. Purchasing permits offers a new but financially limited opportunity to protect sensitive lands. Grazing has ended at all three parks, yet ecological changes and historic structures remain. As cultural and administrative legacies, those remnants offer opportunities to interpret a significant regional tradition and an untold controversy.
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Vegetation of the eastern Cabeza Prieta NWR and adjacent BLM lands, ArizonaMalusa, Jim 31 December 2003 (has links)
A report on the vegetation of the Cabeza Prieta NWR, with tables giving statistical representations of the vegetation associations.
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Vegetation database for Cabeza Prieta NWRMalusa, Jim January 2004 (has links)
Releve plot data for Cabeza Prieta NWR, sampled from 1999 to 2002
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Digital vegetation maps of eastern Cabeza Prieta NWR and adjacent BLM landsMalusa, Jim January 2004 (has links)
Shapefiles of the vegetation, watercourses, and sampling routes traveled, Cabeza Prieta NWR
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