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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Caracterização de compostos fenólicos de sucos de vitis labrusca variedade bordo sob diferentes sistemas de manejo agrícula

Ferranti, Tiago Henrique 27 January 2017 (has links)
A viticultura é uma atividade de grande importância econômica destacando-se a sustentabilidade da agricultura familiar em diferentes regiões do país. O cultivo da videira no estado do Rio Grande do Sul é de grande importância, sendo responsável pela produção de mais da metade das uvas colhidas no país. A preocupação com uma alimentação saudável vem despertando para a procura por alimentos que ofereçam propriedades que vão além de nutrir, mas ambém que possam proporcionar ao organismo humano, potenciais benefícios à saúde. Acompanhando essa tendência, o consumidor passou a valorizar cada vez mais alimentos produzidos em sistemas de produção que estabeleçam um compromisso com a preservação do meio ambiente e da saúde, como é o caso do cultivo de frutas em sistemas de produção orgânico. A alimentação mais saudável tem estimulado o surgimento de diferentes métodos de produção de alimentos dentre os quais se destaca a produção orgânica. Informações seguras a respeito do conteúdo de compostos bioativos e da capacidade antioxidante de frutas e seus subprodutos são ferramentas importantes em nível de saúde pública, uma vez que o seu consumo amplia a segurança alimentar e nutricional da população. Dentro deste contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo qualificar e quantificar alguns compostos bioativos de sucos provenientes de Vitis labrusca variedade Bordô produzidos sob diferentes sistemas de produção na Serra Gaúcha. Foi possível verificar diferenças nos compostos fenólicos totais entre sucos de uva da cultivar Bordô sob manejo orgânico, convencional e sem nenhum tipo de tratamento, e também maior quantidade destes nos sucos elaborados com uvas provenientes do sistema orgânico. O composto bioativo resveratrol foi semelhante em todos os sistemas avaliados, e os compostos catequina, epicatequina, ácido cafeico e ácido ferúlico foram superiores no suco de uva extraído sob manejo de produção que não recebeu nenhum tipo de tratamento fitossanitário. / Submitted by cmquadros@ucs.br (cmquadros@ucs.br) on 2018-03-07T14:35:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Tiago Henrique Ferranti.pdf: 514983 bytes, checksum: 5c83648230b00c7781895b6dfe188e92 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-07T14:35:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Tiago Henrique Ferranti.pdf: 514983 bytes, checksum: 5c83648230b00c7781895b6dfe188e92 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-07 / Viticulture is an activity of great economic importance, highlighting the sustainability of family farming in different regions of the country. The cultivation of the vine in the state of Rio Grande do Sul has great importance, being responsible for the production of more than half of the grapes harvested in the country. Concerns about a healthier diet have started a search for foods that offer properties that go beyond nourishment, also providing potential health benefits for the human body. Following this trend, the consumer began to value more and more the food grown in production systems that establish a commitment to the preservation of the environment and human health, such as growing fruits in organic production systems. Healthier food has stimulated the emergence of different methods of food production among which organic production stands out. Trustworthy information on the content of bioactive compounds and the antioxidant capacity of fruits and their by-products are important tools at the public health level, since their consumption increases the food and nutritional security of the population. Within this context, this work aimed to qualify and quantify some bioactive compounds of juices from Vitis labrusca (variety Ives Noir) produced under different production systems at the Serra Gaúcha. It was possible to verify differences in the total phenolic compounds between grape juice of the Ives Noir variety under organic management, conventional and without any type of treatment, and also a greater amount of these in the juices elaborated with grapes coming from the organic system. The bioactive compound resveratrol was similar in all evaluated systems, and the compounds catechin, epicatechin, caffeic acid and ferulic acid were superior in grape juice extracted under production management that did not receive any type of phytosanitary treatment.

Design for sustainability: a potential model for the promotion of organic cotton consumption in South Africa

Bergevoet, Yulia Maratovna January 2011 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Design)--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2011. Bibliogr.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 179-185). / This study investigates the production, consumption and regulation within the South African Organic Cotton Project (SAOCP). It argues that the implementation of design strategies has the potential to promote the consumption of organic cotton clothing products in South Africa. This is necessary because of growing global concerns about environmental and social issues, such as global warming, environmental degradation and pressurised working condition. These point to a need for fundamental change of our industries to sustain future generations. In the fashion and textiles industry, cotton production specifically is among the most environmentally damaging. Organic cotton production serves as a sustainable alternative to conventional production, and has increasingly been included by brands and organisations in the United States and several European countries. However, in South Africa, organic cotton production and consumption remains in a formative stage. Though sustainable consumer intentions are there, they do not manifest in the consumers‟ buying behaviour. This study wants an attempt to promote the consumption of organic cotton apparel products by South African consumers through suggesting a more interconnected, transparent value chain providing a collaborative learning and teaching experience. The literature extensively reviews the cotton fibre industry and notion of fashion and design in connection to the sustainability debate. Further, it presents innovative design projects encouraging sustainable consumer lifestyles, indicating the necessity of a holistic and re-connective strategy to promote such behaviour. A qualitative multi-method research approach is employed – including a consumer survey, an in-context immersion, focus groups and interviews with key informants. These (mainly) participatory research methods aim to include participants in the design process as co-designers. Activity Theory is utilised as an analytical lens in this study to examine the dynamics of a number of actors in the SAOCP who share the objective of promoting organic cotton consumption in South Africa. Consequently, the Design for Sustainability model guides the adaptable design strategies that are relevant and sustainable within South Africa, and possibly also internationally in similar industrial contexts. This research study concludes that promotion of organic cotton consumption can be achieved through stakeholder re-connection in the organic cotton value chain, and the development of a humanised and transparent system. Ultimately, the strategies attempt to contribute to an increased well-being among actors through a deeper level of understanding of one‟s role in the SAOCP system.

Avaliação da eficiência da calda bordalesa, da calda sulfocálcica e do biofertilizante supermagro no cultivo orgânico de morangueiro

Mangnabosco, Marindia Caprini 26 February 2010 (has links)
No Brasil o morangueiro (Fragaria x ananassa Duch), representa um papel sócioeconômico de grande importância nas regiões Sul e Sudeste, constituindo-se num importante produto para consumo in natura e para indústria de alimentos. No entanto, o cultivo intensivo e muitas vezes com práticas culturais inadequadas tornam praticamente inevitável o controle químico de pragas e doenças, constituindo-se, o morango, num dos produtos com maior carga de agrotóxico. Nesse sentido, a produção de alimentos mais saudáveis, isentos de resíduos tóxicos, vem crescendo no mercado nacional e internacional demandando o desenvolvimento de tecnologias mais sustentáveis. O trabalho foi desenvolvido, nos anos de 2007 e 2008, na área experimental da UTFPR - Campus Dois Vizinhos com objetivo de avaliar o comportamento agronômico e as alterações bioquímicas de morangueiros em sistema de cultivo orgânico em função da aplicação de diferentes concentrações de calda bordalesa, calda sulfocálcica e biofertilizante supermagro, o delineamento experimental utilizado foi blocos ao acaso com 4 repetições contendo 16 plantas por parcela. O primeiro experimento realizado em 2007 foi um fatorial misto 3x4 sendo, fator A (qualitativo) constituído pela calda bordalesa, a calda sulfocácica e biofertilizante supermagro e o fator B (quantitativo) representado pelas concentrações de 0,5;1,0;2,0;4,0% e a testemunha onde se aplicou água. A freqüência de aplicações foi a cada 7 dias. No segundo experimento no ano de 2008, os tratamentos foram um fatorial 5x3, onde o fator A foi representado pelas caldas (calda bordalesa a 1%; calda sulfocálcica a 1%; biofertilizante supermagro a 4%, alternância de aplicação de caldas nas mesmas concentrações e a testemunha) e o fator B pelas cultivares (Camarosa, Camino Real e Albion). As avaliações realizadas no primeiro experimento foram: número de frutos por planta, produtividade, massa média, análises físico-químicas dos frutos (firmeza de polpa, acidez titulavel, sólidos solúveis totais - SST, aspecto visual e avaliação degustativa), avaliações de doenças de mancha-de-micosferela e mancha-dedendrofoma e análises bioquímicas em tecidos foliares (proteínas, aminoácidos, açúcares totais e redutores, fenóis totais e atividade de peroxidases). No segundo experimento, foram avaliados os mesmos parâmetros agronômicos, bem como as análises bioquímicas de açúcares totais e redutores, proteínas e atividade da enzima fenilalanina amonialiase. Os dados foram submetidos à análise da variância pelo programa SISVAR e seus resultados submetidos a comparações de médias e regressões. As caldas bordalesa e sulfocálcica, bem como o biofertilizante supermagro interferiram positivamente no número de frutos, massa média e produtividade do morangueiro. Concentrações acima de 1,0% de calda bordalesa e sulfocálcica causaram manchamento dos frutos, limitando seu emprego. O supermagro não apresentou restrição sendo que as melhores respostas agronômicas foram observadas nas maiores concentrações. A firmeza de polpa manteve-se mais elevada em função da aplicação das caldas. A aplicação das caldas e do supermagro interferiu no controle de doenças com redução da severidade da mancha-de-micosferela. A aplicação das caldas não interferiu na qualidade organoléptica dos frutos na pós-colheita, não sendo observado sabor estranho nos mesmos. / In Brazil, the strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) represents a socio-economic importance in South and Southeast, becoming an important product for fresh market and food industry. However, intensive cultivation and often with inadequate cultural practices make it practically inevitable chemical control of pests and diseases, being the strawberry, one of the products with the highest pesticide load. In this sense, the production of healthier foods, free of toxic waste, is growing in national and international market demanding the development of more sustainable technologies. The study was conducted in the years 2007 and 2008 at the site of UTFPR - Campus Dois Vizinhos to evaluate the agronomic performance and biochemical changes of strawberry in organic cropping system according to the application of different concentrations of bordeaux mixture, lime sulfur and fertilizer supermagro, The experimental design was randomized blocks with four replications containing 16 plants per plot. The first experiment was conducted in 2007 with a 3x4 mixed factorial, factor A (qualitative) consisting of Bordeaux mixture, the spray and fertilizer sulfocácica supermagro and factor B (quantitative) represented by concentrations of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 , 4.0% and the control where water was applied. The frequency of applications was every seven days. In the second experiment in 2008, the treatments were a 5x3 factorial design, where the first factor was represented by grout (1% Bordeaux mixture, lime sulfur at 1%; biofertilizer supermagro 4%, alternating application of grout at the same concentrations and control) and factor B by cultivars (Camarosa, Camino Real, and Albion). The evaluations performed in the first experiment were: number of fruits per plant, yield, average weight, physical-chemical characteristics of fruits (firmness, acidity, soluble solids - TSS, visual appearance and evaluation gustative), assessments of disease micosferela spot and stain dendrophoma and biochemical analysis in leaf tissues (proteins, amino acids, total and reducing sugars, total phenolics and peroxidase activity). In the second experiment examined the same parameters agronomic and biochemical analysis of total and reducing sugars, proteins and enzyme activity of phenylalanine ammonialyase. The data were subjected to analysis of variance by SISVAR program and its results submitted to mean comparisons and regressions. The Bordeaux mixture and lime sulfur and fertilizer supermagro interfered positively in the number of fruits, average weight and yield of strawberry. Concentrations above 1.0% Bordeaux mixture and sulfur caused staining of the fruit, limiting its use. The supermagro showed no restriction being that the best agronomic responses were observed at higher concentrations. The fimness remained higher depending on the application of grout. The application of the grout and supermagro interfere with disease control with reduced severity of the stain micosferela. Applying the grout does affect the flavor of the fruit after harvesting, were not noticed strange flavor to them.

Avaliação da eficiência da calda bordalesa, da calda sulfocálcica e do biofertilizante supermagro no cultivo orgânico de morangueiro

Mangnabosco, Marindia Caprini 26 February 2010 (has links)
No Brasil o morangueiro (Fragaria x ananassa Duch), representa um papel sócioeconômico de grande importância nas regiões Sul e Sudeste, constituindo-se num importante produto para consumo in natura e para indústria de alimentos. No entanto, o cultivo intensivo e muitas vezes com práticas culturais inadequadas tornam praticamente inevitável o controle químico de pragas e doenças, constituindo-se, o morango, num dos produtos com maior carga de agrotóxico. Nesse sentido, a produção de alimentos mais saudáveis, isentos de resíduos tóxicos, vem crescendo no mercado nacional e internacional demandando o desenvolvimento de tecnologias mais sustentáveis. O trabalho foi desenvolvido, nos anos de 2007 e 2008, na área experimental da UTFPR - Campus Dois Vizinhos com objetivo de avaliar o comportamento agronômico e as alterações bioquímicas de morangueiros em sistema de cultivo orgânico em função da aplicação de diferentes concentrações de calda bordalesa, calda sulfocálcica e biofertilizante supermagro, o delineamento experimental utilizado foi blocos ao acaso com 4 repetições contendo 16 plantas por parcela. O primeiro experimento realizado em 2007 foi um fatorial misto 3x4 sendo, fator A (qualitativo) constituído pela calda bordalesa, a calda sulfocácica e biofertilizante supermagro e o fator B (quantitativo) representado pelas concentrações de 0,5;1,0;2,0;4,0% e a testemunha onde se aplicou água. A freqüência de aplicações foi a cada 7 dias. No segundo experimento no ano de 2008, os tratamentos foram um fatorial 5x3, onde o fator A foi representado pelas caldas (calda bordalesa a 1%; calda sulfocálcica a 1%; biofertilizante supermagro a 4%, alternância de aplicação de caldas nas mesmas concentrações e a testemunha) e o fator B pelas cultivares (Camarosa, Camino Real e Albion). As avaliações realizadas no primeiro experimento foram: número de frutos por planta, produtividade, massa média, análises físico-químicas dos frutos (firmeza de polpa, acidez titulavel, sólidos solúveis totais - SST, aspecto visual e avaliação degustativa), avaliações de doenças de mancha-de-micosferela e mancha-dedendrofoma e análises bioquímicas em tecidos foliares (proteínas, aminoácidos, açúcares totais e redutores, fenóis totais e atividade de peroxidases). No segundo experimento, foram avaliados os mesmos parâmetros agronômicos, bem como as análises bioquímicas de açúcares totais e redutores, proteínas e atividade da enzima fenilalanina amonialiase. Os dados foram submetidos à análise da variância pelo programa SISVAR e seus resultados submetidos a comparações de médias e regressões. As caldas bordalesa e sulfocálcica, bem como o biofertilizante supermagro interferiram positivamente no número de frutos, massa média e produtividade do morangueiro. Concentrações acima de 1,0% de calda bordalesa e sulfocálcica causaram manchamento dos frutos, limitando seu emprego. O supermagro não apresentou restrição sendo que as melhores respostas agronômicas foram observadas nas maiores concentrações. A firmeza de polpa manteve-se mais elevada em função da aplicação das caldas. A aplicação das caldas e do supermagro interferiu no controle de doenças com redução da severidade da mancha-de-micosferela. A aplicação das caldas não interferiu na qualidade organoléptica dos frutos na pós-colheita, não sendo observado sabor estranho nos mesmos. / In Brazil, the strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) represents a socio-economic importance in South and Southeast, becoming an important product for fresh market and food industry. However, intensive cultivation and often with inadequate cultural practices make it practically inevitable chemical control of pests and diseases, being the strawberry, one of the products with the highest pesticide load. In this sense, the production of healthier foods, free of toxic waste, is growing in national and international market demanding the development of more sustainable technologies. The study was conducted in the years 2007 and 2008 at the site of UTFPR - Campus Dois Vizinhos to evaluate the agronomic performance and biochemical changes of strawberry in organic cropping system according to the application of different concentrations of bordeaux mixture, lime sulfur and fertilizer supermagro, The experimental design was randomized blocks with four replications containing 16 plants per plot. The first experiment was conducted in 2007 with a 3x4 mixed factorial, factor A (qualitative) consisting of Bordeaux mixture, the spray and fertilizer sulfocácica supermagro and factor B (quantitative) represented by concentrations of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 , 4.0% and the control where water was applied. The frequency of applications was every seven days. In the second experiment in 2008, the treatments were a 5x3 factorial design, where the first factor was represented by grout (1% Bordeaux mixture, lime sulfur at 1%; biofertilizer supermagro 4%, alternating application of grout at the same concentrations and control) and factor B by cultivars (Camarosa, Camino Real, and Albion). The evaluations performed in the first experiment were: number of fruits per plant, yield, average weight, physical-chemical characteristics of fruits (firmness, acidity, soluble solids - TSS, visual appearance and evaluation gustative), assessments of disease micosferela spot and stain dendrophoma and biochemical analysis in leaf tissues (proteins, amino acids, total and reducing sugars, total phenolics and peroxidase activity). In the second experiment examined the same parameters agronomic and biochemical analysis of total and reducing sugars, proteins and enzyme activity of phenylalanine ammonialyase. The data were subjected to analysis of variance by SISVAR program and its results submitted to mean comparisons and regressions. The Bordeaux mixture and lime sulfur and fertilizer supermagro interfered positively in the number of fruits, average weight and yield of strawberry. Concentrations above 1.0% Bordeaux mixture and sulfur caused staining of the fruit, limiting its use. The supermagro showed no restriction being that the best agronomic responses were observed at higher concentrations. The fimness remained higher depending on the application of grout. The application of the grout and supermagro interfere with disease control with reduced severity of the stain micosferela. Applying the grout does affect the flavor of the fruit after harvesting, were not noticed strange flavor to them.

Caracterização de compostos fenólicos de sucos de vitis labrusca variedade bordo sob diferentes sistemas de manejo agrícula

Ferranti, Tiago Henrique 27 January 2017 (has links)
A viticultura é uma atividade de grande importância econômica destacando-se a sustentabilidade da agricultura familiar em diferentes regiões do país. O cultivo da videira no estado do Rio Grande do Sul é de grande importância, sendo responsável pela produção de mais da metade das uvas colhidas no país. A preocupação com uma alimentação saudável vem despertando para a procura por alimentos que ofereçam propriedades que vão além de nutrir, mas ambém que possam proporcionar ao organismo humano, potenciais benefícios à saúde. Acompanhando essa tendência, o consumidor passou a valorizar cada vez mais alimentos produzidos em sistemas de produção que estabeleçam um compromisso com a preservação do meio ambiente e da saúde, como é o caso do cultivo de frutas em sistemas de produção orgânico. A alimentação mais saudável tem estimulado o surgimento de diferentes métodos de produção de alimentos dentre os quais se destaca a produção orgânica. Informações seguras a respeito do conteúdo de compostos bioativos e da capacidade antioxidante de frutas e seus subprodutos são ferramentas importantes em nível de saúde pública, uma vez que o seu consumo amplia a segurança alimentar e nutricional da população. Dentro deste contexto, este trabalho teve como objetivo qualificar e quantificar alguns compostos bioativos de sucos provenientes de Vitis labrusca variedade Bordô produzidos sob diferentes sistemas de produção na Serra Gaúcha. Foi possível verificar diferenças nos compostos fenólicos totais entre sucos de uva da cultivar Bordô sob manejo orgânico, convencional e sem nenhum tipo de tratamento, e também maior quantidade destes nos sucos elaborados com uvas provenientes do sistema orgânico. O composto bioativo resveratrol foi semelhante em todos os sistemas avaliados, e os compostos catequina, epicatequina, ácido cafeico e ácido ferúlico foram superiores no suco de uva extraído sob manejo de produção que não recebeu nenhum tipo de tratamento fitossanitário. / Viticulture is an activity of great economic importance, highlighting the sustainability of family farming in different regions of the country. The cultivation of the vine in the state of Rio Grande do Sul has great importance, being responsible for the production of more than half of the grapes harvested in the country. Concerns about a healthier diet have started a search for foods that offer properties that go beyond nourishment, also providing potential health benefits for the human body. Following this trend, the consumer began to value more and more the food grown in production systems that establish a commitment to the preservation of the environment and human health, such as growing fruits in organic production systems. Healthier food has stimulated the emergence of different methods of food production among which organic production stands out. Trustworthy information on the content of bioactive compounds and the antioxidant capacity of fruits and their by-products are important tools at the public health level, since their consumption increases the food and nutritional security of the population. Within this context, this work aimed to qualify and quantify some bioactive compounds of juices from Vitis labrusca (variety Ives Noir) produced under different production systems at the Serra Gaúcha. It was possible to verify differences in the total phenolic compounds between grape juice of the Ives Noir variety under organic management, conventional and without any type of treatment, and also a greater amount of these in the juices elaborated with grapes coming from the organic system. The bioactive compound resveratrol was similar in all evaluated systems, and the compounds catechin, epicatechin, caffeic acid and ferulic acid were superior in grape juice extracted under production management that did not receive any type of phytosanitary treatment.

Biopotraviny v prostředí současného retailingu / Organic food in current retailing

Horká, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The main goal of my diploma thesis is to analyze the offers of organic food in chosen retail chains operating in the Czech market. At the beginning there are defined retail and retailing and there is briefly outlined the development of retail in the Czech Republic. In the second chapter there is introduced organic farming, its definition, goals and its current position in the world and in the Czech Republic. In this chapter is defined what is organic food, how is organic food labeled and which organizations do this business in the Czech Republic. The third chapter analyses the situation in the organic food market in the Czech Republic and there are introduced certain marketing activities and projects to promote organic food. The next chapter analyses the current retail net in the Czech Republic and in the following chapter there are introduced the retail chains chosen for the analysis of their assortment of organic food. The last chapter deals with analysis of assortment of organic food in chosen retail chains.

Weed Management and Soil Quality Outcomes of Non-Chemical Weed Control Tactics

Beamer, Kenneth Paul January 2018 (has links)
In the Northern Great Plains (NGP), weed management within organic systems remains a challenge. Experiments were conducted at two distinct sites in North Dakota to investigate effects of deep mulch no-till (NT) on soil quality indices, weed densities, and weed seedbank densities. We hypothesized that alfalfa mulch no-till and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) inoculant would be associated with reductions in weed densities and improvements to soil quality and vegetable yield. NT treatments were associated with reductions in weed densities and time required for weeding, with improvements in soil quality, such as increased AMF biomass, and yield for snap pea, onion, beet, and butternut squash compared to tilled treatments. Our findings suggest deep mulch no-till using alfalfa residue may be a viable option for small-scale organic vegetable producers in the NGP. Additional research is required to determine costs associated with sowing, harvesting, baling, and applying alfalfa mulch compared to tilling.

An economic analysis of certified organic smallholders in Limpopo Province, South Africa

Namome, Catherine January 2013 (has links)
To date, research on organic farming and certification has focused on the production and trade possibilities of the industry. Farmers‟ opinions are underrepresented and this study endeavours to capture their opinions. In this study, the economic problem is to investigate the low participation of farmers in certified organic farming, highlight the economic benefits which are normally not clearly defined, as well as study the often complicated and frustrating certification process. The main objective is to investigate the determinants, which affect the smallholder farmer‟s participation, and to analyse farmers‟ perceptions of certified organic farming in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. The specific focus was on the participation of smallholder farmers in certified organic farming. The dependent variable was participation as measured by a farmer‟s decision to either certify their farm or not. The independent variables included factors that make up farmer and farm characteristics, certification and market related characteristics. The study used a standard questionnaire to obtain information from farmers. The research methodology, analysis and the presentation of the study was quantitative. The study used descriptive statistics (percentages, means, standard deviations, Chi-squares and significance intervals) to evaluate the significance of the variables. These were analysed and described quantitatively by making use of EVIEWS and IBM AMOS software. In estimating the influential factors, a probit model was adopted, and in analysing farmer perception, structural equation modelling was used. v Descriptive statistics indicated that among farmers interviewed, the majority (61%) were female farmers and 39 per cent were male farmers. Among the female respondents, 46% participated in certified organic farming and 15 per cent of female farmers were not certified organic farmers. From the male group, 29 per cent were certified organic farmers and 7% were not. In determining factors influencing farmer participation, three of the variables were positively associated with the probability of participating in certified organic farming, these being: the age of the farmer, membership to a farmer organisation and market premium prices for certified commodities. The other five significant factors were negatively associated with the probability of participating in certified organic production. These factors were: the gender of the farmer, the farmers‟ income, farming experience, information access and certification costs. All these factors tended to decrease the likelihood of participating. With the exception of the farmers‟ income and farming experience, all the significant variables had the expected signs. Farmers‟ perceptions of certified organic farming were analysed and the results showed that a high percentage of farmers had a positive view of certified organic farming. In other words, the perceived benefits of certified organic farming meet farmers‟ expectations. The perceived premium price of certified organic products is the most important factor affecting farmer perception. This is not unusual because South Africa‟s organic production is mainly focused on exportation and targets high value markets. As hypothesized, the costs associated with the certification process, that is: inspection costs (-0.578) and annual certification costs (-0.719), negatively affect farmer perception. In conclusion, a combination of factors influence a farmer‟s decision as to whether or not to participate in certified organic farming. One cannot rely only on specific factors to determine farmers‟ participation in certified organic farming. Farmer perception of certified organic farming is also an important aspect. The more farmers positively perceive the farming enterprise, the higher the rate of participation will be. The same applies to the perceived costs, which have a negative impact on participation. The study finally recommends that government complete and put into practice the South African organic regulations, which may motivate farmers to get involved in certified organic farming and encourage local capacity building in certified organic farming. However, in the meantime, government should place an vi emphasis on self-regulation within farmer groups and cooperatives for organic production, and set up a regulator to monitor the current activities. This would enhance interest from potential farmers, and strengthen consumer confidence. The study further recommends that information on organic farming should be improved by encouraging more research in this area, which will enable farmers, consumers and regulators to access data on socio-economic, production and trade in the industry. Government should support or create a partnership between farmers and processors to establish cost effective processing of organic products and to increase the availability of processed products for market. Government should assist non-certified smallholder organic farmers to become certified, potentially resulting in a price premium for their products and enhancing export capabilities. / Dissertation (MSc Agric)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development / unrestricted

Studie výkonnosti ekofarmy a jejího navýšení / The Study and Performance of Organic Farms Increased

Pavlíková, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with performance of a company Horňácká Farma s.r.o. processing and marketing organic beef meat. The goal is to find ways to increase the performance of the farm. Based on the analysis of the current state recommendations to remove bottlenecks in the process have been made. These recommendations generally contribute to higher business performance.

Exploring the Dynamics of Decision-Making in an Organic Farming Cooperative Amidst Competing Frames of Sustainability

Gervich, Curt Dawe 26 April 2010 (has links)
Sustainable development assistance organizations (SDAOs) are designed to help interested producers conduct market research, identify clients and more effectively manage the process of moving products to market. Producers of sustainable products are often small business owners and grassroots entrepreneurs that produce and sell natural resource-based goods and services. The broad research question this dissertation explored was whether the decision-making processes employed by producers, staff and board members in an SDAO hold implications for their collective achievement of sustainability. Data collection focused on understanding the various frames through which producers, staff and board members approach their work with, and decision making within, the SDAO as well as how they conceptualize sustainability. This research employed semi-structured, in-depth interviews with growers, staff members and board members involved in one SDAO. The analysis found that producers, staff and board members held a number of competing frames regarding the purposes and objectives of the SDAO as well as concerning the meaning of sustainability. Frames influence the ways that each stakeholder group perceived and participated in decision-making and lead to the institutionalization of tacitly supported decision-making practices. These routines, when viewed through an efficiency lens, lead to quick decision-making, avoided conflict and allowed the SDAO to make decisions with consistency and clarity. When viewed through an environmental justice lens, however, these practices proved exclusionary, favored some elements of sustainability rather than others, and supported some participants more than others. Taken together, the decision-making practices used by Blue Mountain Organic Vegetables limited the organization's capacity to develop a learning culture, created divisions among stakeholders and did not empower stakeholders with commitment to, and responsibility for SDAO decision-making. Consequently, Blue Mountain Organic Vegetables now faces organizational challenges related to the development of commitment, trust and ultimately, resilience, within the organization. The analysis concludes these concerns are potentially critical as these elements are essential for achieving sustainability, as they are also central to the organization's ability to respond to, and overcome, challenges. / Ph. D.

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