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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Performance variations among strategic group members in the pharmaceutical industry : an examination of individual sustainable growth capabilities, 1995-1997 /

Guedri, Zied. January 1998 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc.Admin.)--Faculty of Commerce and Administration, Concordia University, 1998. / "December 1998" Includes bibliographical references (leaves 148-157). Available also on the Internet.

The impact of organizational culture, feminist theory and leadership on the first seven presidents on the development of Mercyhurst College (1926-1972)

Lynch, Mary Lee. January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (Ed.D.)--Duquesne University, 2007. / Title from document title page. Abstract included in electronic submission form. Includes bibliographical references (p. 166-179) and index.

La metodología del SETECA para la administración del cambio organizacional y el grado en que la misma facilita al personal asimilar el cambio organizacional

Ponce Cuadra, Jorge Alberto. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--Dallas Theological Seminary, 2006. / Includes abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 121-123).

An investigation into the measurement invariance of the performance index

Dunbar-Isaacson, Hazel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / The leadership-for-performance framework designed by Spangenberg and Theron (2004) aspires to explicate the structural relationships existing between leader competency potential, leadership competencies, leadership outcomes and the dimensions of organizational unit performance. The Performance Index (PI) and Leadership Behaviour Inventory (LBI) comprise the leadership-forperformance range of measures. The PI was developed as a comprehensive criterion measure of unit performance for which the unit leader could be held responsible. The basic PI structural model has been developed to explain the manner in which the various latent leadership dimensions measured by the LBI affect the eight unit performance latent variables that are assessed by the PI. Although preliminary research suggests the basic PI structural model could be refined, continued research in this regard can only be justified if the basic PI measurement model is shown to be measurement invariant across independent samples from the target population. As part of ongoing research of the leadership-for-performance range of measures, this crossvalidation study investigated the extent to which the PI measurement model may be considered measurement invariant across two independent samples from the same population. Two samples were collected through non-probability sampling procedures and included 277 and 375 complete cases after imputation by matching. Item analysis and dimensionality analysis were performed on each of the PI sub-scales prior to the formation of item parcels. No items were excluded based on item- and dimensionality analysis results. Two composite indicator variables (item parcels) were created from the items of each sub-scale and were treated as continuous variables in the subsequent statistical analyses. Structural equation modelling, using robust maximum likelihood estimation, was used to perform a confirmatory first-order factor analysis on the item parcels for each sample. The measurement model was fitted to both samples independently and close fit for each sample was established. The measurement model was cross-validated using a progressive series of measurement invariance tests. Results indicated the PI measurement model did not display full measurement invariance across the two samples although it did cross-validate successfully under the configural invariance condition. Statistically significant non-equivalence was found to exist in both the measurement error variances and the factor covariances (p<0,05), although the p<0,05 critical value was only narrowly surpassed in both cases. The measurement model did, however, display metric invariance across the samples as no significant differences were found between the factor loadings, suggesting the content of each item is perceived and interpreted in a similar manner across samples from the target population. When considered in combination, these results may be viewed as quite satisfactory as they indicate that themeasurement model does not appear to vary greatly when fitted to data from the two samples. As this study has established at least metric invariance of the PI, it therefore provides some basis of confidence for proceeding with subsequent research aimed at establishing the structural invariance of the basic PI structural model and eventually research that links the leadership behaviour to work unit performance as measured by the PI. Limitations of this study are discussed.

The relationship between organisational culture and organisational performance: a study conducted within a large South African retail organisation

Schlechter, Anton Francois 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The underlying problem that prompted this study was to determine whether a relationship existed between organisational culture and organisational performance within a South African organisation. The research problem, furthermore, not only focused on establishing a relationship between aspects of organisational culture and performance, but also on whether variations in the perception of organisational culture are related to organisational performance, i.e. whether the degree to which the organisational culture is widespread or shared among members of the organisation, is related to organisational performance. To answer this question, six hypotheses were formulated with the intention of subjecting them to statistical analysis. The Competence Process of Jay Hall (1996) was used to provide a theoretical framework in terms of which the relationship between the constituent dimensions of organisational culture and organisational performance may be explained. Based on the competence theory it is hypothesised that the dimensions of organisational culture or competence - collaboration, commitment, creativity and the supporting conditions thereof, are directly proportional to the potential for performance. The 40-item Organisational Competence Index (OCI), which forms part of the Organisation Culture Analysis (OCA), is designed to assess the conditions for competence within an organisation. The sampling process finally produced a sample of 988 respondents that completed the organisational culture questionnaires (OCls). The organisation was divided into 60 areas or business units that were stratified throughout the organisation. A stratified sampling technique was therefore used, and the above mentioned geographical subdivisions were used as strata. Because of the all-pervasive nature of accounting as the language of business, financially based indicators are universally adopted to measure organisational performance. Taking the various arguments and proposed measures into consideration, it was decided to use the following three objective performance criteria: 1) financial profits; 2) stock losses; and 3) labour turnover - (indicative of the voluntary survival rate). Commercial organisations ultimately have one important "bottom line", to create wealth for all associated with the organisation and therefore to be financially successful. Thus, the indicators of organisational performance that were used are all directly relevant and based on the so-called financial "bottom line" of the organisation. To determine the relationship between the average organisational culture scores and the performance indicators, the product moment correlation coefficients were computed between each area's average organisational culture dimension scores and the three indicators of performance. Commuting the coefficient of variation arrived at the variation in average culture dimension scores per area. To establish the relationship between the variation in average culture dimension scores and the performance indicators, the correlation coefficients were computed between the coefficient of variation and the performance measures. All of these relationships were found to be significant, at least at the 0.05 level. The findings and conclusions arrived at, may be summarised as follows: The first conclusion that can be drawn is that the business units in which the members experience collaboration and the supporting conditions thereof to a greater degree are likely to be more profitable, to experience fewer stock losses and lower labour turnover, compared to those business units where members experience the collaboration dimension to a lesser degree. The second conclusion that can be drawn is that the business units in which the members experience commitment and the supporting conditions thereof to a greater degree are likely to be more profitable, to experience fewer stock losses and lower labour turnover compared to those business units where members experience the commitment dimension to a lesser degree. The third conclusion that can be drawn is that the business units in which the members experience creativity and the supporting conditions thereof to a greater degree are likely to be more profitable, to experience fewer stock losses and lower labour turnover compared to those business units where members experience the creativity dimension to a lesser degree. The fourth conclusion that can be drawn is that the business units in which the members experience the dimensions of competence and the supporting conditions thereof to a lesser degree of variance are likely to be more profitable, to experience fewer stock losses and lower labour turnover compared to those business units where members experience the culture dimensions to a greater degree of variance. In more practical terms, it would seem that the dimensions of competence might well explain why some business units (possibly organisations) are more successful than others. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die onderliggende vraag wat tot hierdie studie gelei het, was om te bepaal of daar 'n verband bestaan tussen die organisatoriese kultuur en die organisasie prestasie van 'n Suid Afrikaanse maatskappy. Die navorsingsprobleem het verder nie net gefokus op die vestiging van 'n verband tussen aspekte van organisasie kultuur en prestasie nie, maar ook probeer om te bepaal of die variansie in die persepsie van organisasie kultuur ook verwant is aan prestasie. Om hierdie vrae te beantwoord is ses hipoteses geformuleer met die intensie om hulle statisties te toets. Die Bevoegdheidsproses van Hall (1996) is gebruik as die teoretiese raamwerk wat die verband tussen die samestellende dele van organisasie kultuur en organisasie prestasie verduidelik. Hierdie teorie veronderstel dat die dimensies van organisasie bevoegdheid - samewerking, toevertrouing, kreatiwiteit en die onderskeie ondersteunende kondisies van elk, direk proporsioneel is aan die potensiaal vir prestasie. Die 40-item Organisasie Bevoegdheidsindeks (OCI), wat deel vorm van die Organisasie Kultuur Analise (OCA), is ontwerp om die kondisies VIr bevoegdheid in die organisasie te meet. Die steekproef het bestaan uit 988 respondente wat die organisasie kultuur vraelyste (OCI) voltooi het. Die organisasie is verdeel in 60 areas of besigheidseenhede wat regdeur die organisasie gestratifiseer is. 'n Gestratifiseerde steekproef trekkingstegniek is dus gebruik. Finansieel gebaseerde indikatore word universeel gebruik om orgamsasie prestasie te meet. In die keuse van prestasie indikatore, is verskeie argumente en voorgestelde indikatore in ag geneem, en is daar besluit om die volgende objektiewe kriteria te gebruik: 1) finansiële winste, 2) voorraad verlieste en 3) arbeidsomset. Kommersiële organisasies het uiteindelik een hoof doel, om rykdom te skep vir sy aandeelhouers en dus om finansieel suksesvol te wees. Die indikatore van prestasie is dus so gekies dat hulle relevant is en op hierdie doelwit gebaseer is. Om die verband te bepaal tussen die organisasie kultuur-tellings en die prestasie indikatore, is die produk moment korrelasie koëffisiënt bereken tussen die gemiddelde organisatoriese kultuur-tellings vir elke area en die area se tellings op die drie prestasie indikatore. Die variansie in die gemiddelde kultuurmeting per area was bereken deur middel van die koëffisiënt van variansie. Die korrelasie koëffisiënt is bereken tussen hierdie meting, en die prestasiemeting vir elke area. Al hierdie verhoudings was ten minste op die 0.05 vlak betekenisvol. Die bevindinge en gevolgtrekkings van hierdie studie sluit die volgende in: Die eerste gevolgtrekking wat gemaak is, was dat die besigheidseenhede waar die werknemers die samewerkingsdimensie, en die ondersteunende kondisies daarvan, tot 'n groter mate ervaar het, meer wins gemaak het, laer vooraadverliese gely het en 'n laer arbeidsomset gehad het in vergelyking met die besigheidseenhede wat die samewerkingsdimesie tot 'n mindere mate ervaar het. Die tweede gevolgtrekking wat gemaak is, was dat die besigheidseenhede waar die werknemers toevertrouing, en die ondersteunende kondisies daarvan tot 'n groter mate ervaar het, meer wins gemaak het, laer vooraad verlieste gely het en 'n laer arbeidsomset gehad het in vergelyking met die besigheidseenhede wat die toevertrouingsdimensie tot 'n mindere mate ervaar het. Die derde gevolgtrekking wat gemaak is, is dat die besigheidseenhede waar die werknemers die kreatiwiteitsdimensie, en die ondersteunende kondisies daarvan, tot 'n groter mate ervaar het, het meer wins gemaak, laer vooraad verlieste gelyen 'n laer arbeidsomset gehad in vergelyking met die besigheidseenhede wat die kreatiwiteitsdimensie tot 'n mindere mate ervaar het. Die vierde gevolgtrekking wat gemaak is, was dat die besigheidseenhede waarby 'n kleiner mate van variansie in die kultuurmetings gevind is, het daardie besigheidseenhede meer profyt gemaak, laer vooraadverliese gelyen 'n laer arbeidsomset gehad in vergelyking met die besigheidseenhede waar daar 'n groter mate van variansie in die kultuurrnetings was. In meer praktiese terme wil dit voorkom of die dimensies van bevoegdheid tot 'n mate kan verduidelik hoekom sekere besigheidseenhede (moontlik organisasies) meer suksesvol is as ander.

The influence of ethical values on transformational leadership and ethical climate in organisations : an exploratory study

Scheps, Anja 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South African organisations are facing fierce international competition, and to survive in the long-term it is necessary that they be led by leaders that will move them towards their vision in an ethical manner. While society condemns and the media extensively report fraud involving millions of rands by top executives, the truth of the matter is that more money is probably lost through low productivity, idleness and the wasting of resources through mismanagement (Mal an & Smit, 2001 ). In this study it is believed the cause of this problem is ultimately one of leadership. Leaders fail to direct and influence their subordinates to work with efficiency and integrity in order to achieve the organisation's objectives (Malan & Smit, 2001). Solutions for these problems must be found in order to build organisations that will prosper in the future. This study hopes to offer part of the solution. The main objective of this study was to establish whether there is a relationship between transformational leadership and the development of an ethical climate in organisations. One of the objectives of this study was to establish whether there was a direct relationship between altruism and transformational leadership. Another goal of this research was to establish whether integrity had a moderating effect on the relationship between transformational leadership and ethical climate. A model was developed to illustrate these relationships, which was tested in the South African context. A literature study of the role of transformational leadership, ethical values of altruism and integrity, and ethical climate in organisational performance was conducted. The relationship between these constructs has also been analysed in the literature study. A questionnaire consisting of five sections was compiled to test the hypotheses resulting from the structural models. These questionnaires were distributed to various organizations in the Cape Town area. The sample comprised 200 persons, each of whom had to complete the questionnaire. Section A was designed to give an indication of the demographics of the participants. Section B measured transformational leadership, based on Bass and Avolio's Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ). Section C was compiled in accordance with Victor & Cullen's Ethical Climate Questionnaire (ECQ), which measured respondents' perceptions of their work climate. Section D measured altruism, based on Langley's Value Scale. Section E measured integrity and was based on Butler's Conditions of Trust Inventory. The statistical analysis was conducted through correlation and regression analyses. The results revealed that altruism positively correlates with transformational leadership, and that transformational leadership in turn has a positive relationship with ethical climate. No convincing empirical support could be found for the proposition that integrity moderated the effect of leadership on ethical climate. However, many new and interesting insights were gained through the results. Conclusions were drawn from the results obtained and recommendations are made for future research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrikaanse organisasies staar strawwe internasionale kompetisie in die gesig. Om in die langtermyn te oorleef, is dit nodig dat hulle gelei word deur organisatoriese leiers wat hulle op 'n etiese wyse na hul strategiese doelwitte sal lei. Alhoewel die gemeenskap miljoene rande se bedrog deur topbestuurders veroordeel en die media ekstensief daaroor verslag lewer, is dit 'n feit dat meer geld waarskynlik verloor word deur lae produktiwiteit, sloerdery en die vermorsing van hulpbronne as gevolg van wanbestuur (Malan & Smit, 2001 ). Met hierdie studie word aangevoer dat die oorsaak van hierdie probleem uiteindelik een van leierskap is. Leiers misluk om hul ondergeskiktes te bestuur en te be'invloed om sodoende effektief en met integriteit op te tree, ten einde die organisasie se doelwitte te bereik (Malan & Smit, 2001 ). Oplossings moet vir hierdie probleme gevind word ten einde organisasies te bou wat in die toekoms sal floreer. Hierdie studie poog om voorstelle te maak om hierdie probleme te help oplos. Die hoofdoelwit vir hierdie studie was om vas te stel of daar 'n verband tussen transformasionele leierskap en die ontwikkeling van 'n etiese klimaat in organisasies is. Een van die doelwitte van hierdie studie was om te bepaal of daar 'n direkte verband tussen altru'isme en transformasionele leierskap is. 'n Verdere doelwit was om te bepaal of integriteit 'n modererende effek op die verband tussen transformasionele leierskap en 'n etiese klimaat het. 'n Model is ontwikkel om hierdie verwantskappe te illustreer, en is in die SuidAfrikaanse konteks getoets. 'n Literatuurstudie oor die rol van etiese waardes, veral die kernwaardes van altru'isme en integriteit, transformasionele leierskap en 'n etiese organisasieklimaat in organisatoriese prestasie is onderneem. Die verband tussen hierdie konsepte is ook in die literatuurstudie ontleed. 'n Vraelys, bestaande uit vyf afdelings, is opgestel om die hipoteses voortvloeiend uit die strukturele modelle te toets. Hierdie vraelyste is uitgedeel aan verskillende organisasies in die Kaapstad-omgewing. Die steekproef het uit 200 mense bestaan. Afdeling A van die vraelys was ontwerp om 'n aanduiding van die demografie van die respondente te gee. Afdeling B het transformasionele leierskap gemeet, gebaseer op Bass en Avolio se 'Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire' (MLQ). Afdeling C was opgestel in terme van Victor en Cullen se 'Ethical Climate Questionnaire' (ECQ), wat respondente se indrukke van hulle werksklimaat gemeet het. Afdeling D het altru'isme gemeet, gebaseer op Langley se 'Value Scale.' Afdeling E het integriteit gemeet en het Butler se 'Conditions of Trust Inventory' as basis gebruik. Die statistiese analise was uitgevoer deur middel van korrelasie- en regressieontledings. Die resultate het getoon dat altru·isme positief met transformasionele leierskap korreleer en dat transformasionele leierskap op sy beurt 'n positiewe verband met etiese klimaat toon. Geen oortuigende empiriese gronde kon gevind word vir die stelling dat integriteit die effek van leierskap op etiese klimaat modereer nie. Die resultate het nietemin heelwat nuwe en interessante insigte aan die lig gebring.

The influence of transformational leadership on trust, psychological empowerment, and team effectiveness

Aucamp, Linza 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigated the growing phenomenon of teams in the workplace, and how team effectiveness can be established. It was therefore important to establish what contributes to team effectiveness. The aim of this study was to investigate existing relationships between constructs that play a significant role in enhancing team effectiveness. These constructs include transformational leadership, organisational trust, and psychological empowerment. This study was therefore undertaken to obtain more clarity about these aspects. Based on existing literature, a theoretical model depicting how the different constructs are related to one another was developed and various hypotheses were formulated. Data for the purpose of the quantitative study were collected by means of an electronic web-based questionnaire. A total of 224 completed questionnaires were returned. The final questionnaire comprised of four scales, namely the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ), the Workplace Trust Survey (WTS), the Psychological Empowerment Scale (PES), and the Team Effectiveness Scale (TES). The postulated relationships and the conceptual model were empirically tested using various statistical methods. Reliability analysis was done on all the measurement scales and satisfactory reliability was found. The content and structure of the measured constructs were investigated by means of confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses. The results indicated that reasonable good fit was achieved for all the refined measurement models. Subsequently, Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to determine the extent to which the conceptual model fitted the data obtained from the sample and to test the hypothesised relationships between the constructs. The results indicated positive relationships between transformational leadership and organisational trust; organisational trust and team effectiveness; transformational leadership and psychological empowerment; psychological empowerment and organisational trust; and psychological empowerment and team effectiveness. However, no support was found for a direct relationship between transformational leadership and team effectiveness. The present study contributes to existing literature on team effectiveness by providing insights into the relationship between transformational leadership, organisational trust, psychological empowerment and team effectiveness. Furthermore, this study identified practical implications to be considered in management practices in order to enhance team effectiveness. The limitations and recommendations present additional insights and possibilities that could be explored through future research studies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die huidige studie is op die toenemende belangrikheid van spanne in organisasies gebaseer, en op hoe te werk gegaan moet word om spaneffektiwiteit te verseker. Dit was dus belangrik om vas te stel watter eienskappe tot spaneffektiwiteit bydra. Die studie het ten doel gehad om die verwantskappe tussen konstrukte wat ‘n beduidende rol in spaneffektiwiteit binne die organsiasie speel, te ondersoek. Hierdie konstrukte omvat transformasionele leierskap, vertroue, asook sielkundige bemagtiging. Die studie is dus uitgevoer om meer duidelikheid oor hierdie aspekte te verkry. ‘n Teoretiese model wat voorstel hoe die verskillende konstrukte aan mekaar verwant is, is op grond van die navorsing oor die bestaande literatuur ontwikkel. Verskeie hipoteses is hiervolgens geformuleer. Data vir die doel van die kwantitatiewe studie is deur middel van ‘n elektroniese web-gebaseerde vraelys ingesamel. ‘n Totaal van 224 voltooide vraelyste is terug ontvang. Die finale vraelys is uit vier subvraelyste saamgestel, naamlik die Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ), die Workplace Trust Survey (WTS), die Psychological Empowerment Scale (PES), en die Team Effectiveness Scale (TES). Die gepostuleerde verwantskappe en die konseptuele model is empiries met behulp van verskeie statistiese metodes getoets. Betroubaarheidsanalise is op die betrokke meetinstrumente uitgevoer en voldoende betroubaarheid is gevind. Die inhoud en die struktuur van die konstrukte wat deur die instrumente gemeet is, is verder deur middel van verkennende en bevestigende faktorontledings ondersoek. Die resultate het redelike goeie passings vir al die hersiene metingsmodelle getoon. Daarna is struktuurvergelykings-modellering (SVM), gebruik om te bepaal tot watter mate die konseptuele model die data pas, en om die verwantskappe tussen die verskillende konstrukte te toets. Die resultate het positiewe verwantskappe tussen transformasionele leierskap en vertroue; vertroue en spaneffektiwiteit; transformasionele leierskap en sielkundige bemagtiging; sielkundige bemagtiging en vertroue; asook tussen sielkundige bemagtiging en spaneffektiwiteit aangedui. Geen steun is egter vir die direkte verband tussen tranformasionele leierskap en spaneffektiwitiet gevind nie. Hierdie studie dra by tot die bestaande literatuur betreffende spaneffektiwiteit deurdat dit insig bied in die aard van die verwantskappe tussen die konstrukte. Die studie identifiseer ook praktiese implikasies wat in bestuurspraktyke in aanmerking geneem behoort te word om spaneffektiwiteit te versterk. Die beperkings en aanbevelings van die studie dui op verdere insig en moontlikhede wat in toekomstige navorsing ondersoek kan word.

Mapping : a visual business strategy

Wolfaardt, Susan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Key factors that drive the global information society include knowledge, networking, the Internet and virtualisation. Therefore it is important that the knowledge and information situated within a business or company must be effectively managed to gain a competitive edge. Knowledge and information mapping is a visual management tool that can assist companies and organisations in this quest. The primary objective of this study was to explore mapping as a visualisation tool that enables an organisation to manage and benefit from information and to visualise explicit knowledge that exists within the organisation. An additional objective was to study mapping as part of a visual business strategy. The first part of the study consisted of a literature review that focused on the many facets and interpretations of mapping. Related concepts were identified and defined. In order to understand the characteristics of mapping better, an analysis of the concepts information and knowledge mapping was done. Emphasis was placed on various techniques and their applications, as well as an interpretation of the relationship between the different concepts. To reveal these relationships, the applications of different mapping methods and the associations between them were evaluated. The study also focused on the use of information and knowledge mapping as part of a business strategy in organisations. To demonstrate the value of mapping as a business strategy, it was emphasized that mapping is truly a business opportunity enabler that can be used e.g. for concept mapping of business processes, core competencies, as an aid for gap analysis along with timelines, and as a tool for competitiveness. Finally, recommendations based on the results of the study are proposed in order to enhance the understanding of mapping as a concept, as well as the use thereof in the business environment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kernaspekte soos kennis, netwerke, die Internet en virtualisering beïnvloed die globale inligtingsgemeenskap. Om kompeterend te kan wees, moet bestuur plaasvind van die kennis en inligting wat in die organisasie of besigheid geleë is. Kennis- en inligtingskartering is 'n visuele bestuursmeganisme wat organisasies en besighede ondersteun met die bestuur van hierdie bronne. Die hoofdoel van die studie was om kartering as a visuele metode te evalueer wat organisasies in staat kan stel om inligting tot hulle voordeel te bestuur. Kartering kan benut word om spesifieke kennis wat binne die oganisasie bestaan, te visualiseer. 'n Bykomende doel was om kartering as deel van 'n visuele besigheidstrategie te bestudeer. Die eerste gedeelte van die studie bestaan uit 'n literatuuroorsig wat gefokus is op die verskeie fasette en interpretasies van kartering. Verwante konsepte is geïdentifiseer en gedefinieer. Om die eienskappe van kartering beter te begryp, is 'n analise van die begrippe inligting- en kenniskartering gedoen. Klem is geplaas op die verskeie tegnieke en hulle toepassings, sowel as op die interpretasie van die verwantskap tusen die verskillende konsepte. Om die verwantskappe tussen die konsepte beter te begryp, is die toepassings van die verskillende karteringsmetodes sowel as die verwantskappe tussen die metodes geëvalueer. Vervolgens is die gebruik van kartering as 'n besigheidstrategie in organisasies ondersoek. Deur klem te plaas op kartering, word die strategie qeïllusteer dat kartering as 'n besigheidsgeleentheidskepper gebruik kan word om bv. besigheidsprosesse en kernbevoegdhede te visualiseer, om tesame met die visualisering van effektiewe tydlyne as 'n hulpmiddel te dien om gapings te analiseer, en om bystand te verleen om kompeterend te kan wees. Ten laaste is aanbevelings en voorstelle wat gebaseer is op die studie gemaak, nie net om die begrip van die konsep kartering uit te lig nie, maar ook om die gebruik daarvan in die besigheidsomgewing te beklemtoon.

Gap’s de competências do apenado para o ambiente produtivo

Goes, Pauline Balabuch de 09 June 2014 (has links)
Objetiva-se nesta pesquisa identificar os gap´s de competências do apenado para o ambiente produtivo. O Sistema Penitenciário Brasileiro e, por consequência, o Paranaense, são regidos pela Lei de Execução Penal, que trata das penas e seus regimes de cumprimento. A Gestão de Recursos Humanos utiliza a sistemática de descrição de cargos; recrutamento e seleção; indicadores de gestão; treinamento e desenvolvimento; avaliação de desempenho e recompensas. O ambiente produtivo no Sistema Penitenciário, denominado laborterapia, acontece nos três setores de atividade econômica, e promove disciplina, espiritualidade, dignidade, autoestima, cidadania, valores e liberdade. A formação profissional é promovida pelo Programa e Projetos Profissionais através do PDI – Cidadania/DEPEN. As competências possuem um conjunto de conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes, requeridos pelo cargo e possuídos pelo apenado. A auditoria de competências busca verificar se as competências exigidas no cargo são apresentadas pelo apenado. E os gap´s de competências são as lacunas, as ausências de conhecimento, habilidades e atitudes, identificados na auditoria, do apenado. O delineamento metodológico classifica-se como método dedutivo, aplicado, qualitativo, exploratório-descritivo e estudo de caso. A conclusão é que os gap’s de competências do apenado são de ordem atitudinal, com déficit também nos conhecimentos e habilidades. Contudo, o programa de laborterapia traz a oportunidade do desenvolvimento pessoal, não apenas na aquisição de competências técnicas, hábitos laborativos e aptidões, mas também, para competências sociais e pessoais. / The objective in this research is to identify the convict's gaps skills for the production environment. The Brazilian Penitentiary System, and consequently the “Paranaense”, are governed by the Criminal Sentencing Act, which deals with penalties and their enforcement regimes. The Human Resource Management uses the system of job descriptions; recruitment and selection; management indicators; training and development; performance evaluation and rewards. The productive environment in the prison system is called work therapy, occurs in three sectors of economic activity, and promotes discipline, spirituality, dignity, self-esteem, citizenship, values and freedom. The training is sponsored by the Program and Professional Projects by “PDI - Citizenship/DEPEN”. The skills have a set of knowledge, ability and attitudes required for role and owned by the convicts. The skills auditing seeks to verify if the skills required in the job are presented by the convict. And the gaps in competence are the gaps, the absences of knowledge, skills and attitudes, identified in the convict’s auditing. The methodological delimitation is classified as deductive method, applied, qualitative, exploratory - descriptive and a case study. The conclusion is that the convict's skills gaps are attitudinal order, also with deficit in knowledge and ability. However, the program work therapy brings the opportunity for personal development, not only in the acquisition of technical skills, work habits and capability, but also for social and personal skills.

The relationship between values-based leadership and employee engagement

Simon, Bridgette Virginia January 2017 (has links)
Sustaining competitiveness requires organisations to continuously reinvent themselves, consider both external influences as well as internal risk that may affect the company as a market leader. Organisations that have acknowledged that a relationship between engaged employees and business success exists, would seek ways to foster and facilitate the engagement of their workers through their leadership. The primary objective of the study was to determine whether a relationship exists between values-based leadership and employee engagement. The aim was to contribute to the quality of leadership values, behaviour and influence at Coca-Cola Beverages South Arica by gaining a deeper understanding of leadership and employee engagement. The theoretical study explored the definitions, key concepts, benefits and outcomes of both values based leadership and employee engagement. It provided a detailed literature review of the role of leadership in creating a values based organisation, what values-based leadership encompasses and its relationship with employee engagement. The theoretical overview highlighted that leadership is an influential factor in employee engagement and the extent to which employees feel valued and connected to the organisation’s goals. The theoretical overview further confirmed that leadership values, behaviour and influence are interrelated and exert an influence on employee engagement, thereby strengthening the fact that there is a relationship between values-based leadership and employee engagement. A structured web-based survey, with a questionnaire, was used to corroborate the theoretical findings and to assess employees’ perceptions of the prevalence of values–based leadership and employee engagement. A sample of 269 respondents was selected to participate in the empirical study and 167 responded to the survey, which yielded a 62% per cent response rate. The key findings of the study indicate that strong correlations exist between leadership values, behaviours and influence and that these concepts were interrelated. Furthermore, the study confirmed that values–based leadership was an important factor in employee engagement and specifically in terms of the physical, emotional and social components of engagement and less so in terms of the cognitive component. Values-based leadership and engagement were identified as critical factors in ensuring that organisations are well equipped to deal with the current volatile economic environment and to consider ways to maintain and accelerate their profitability and competitiveness in order to remain a sustainable business. It is strong values that underpin the performance of highly successful and sustainable organisations; coupled with effective leadership as a key driving force.

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