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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Using selected acaricides to manipulate Tetranychus urticae Koch populations in order to enhance biological control provided by phytoseiid mites

Cote, Kenneth W. 27 November 2001 (has links)
The twospotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, is a serious pest of many ornamental plants (Johnson and Lyon, 1991). Pesticide resistance, the high cost of pesticides and loss of production time have raised interest by growers to introduce predatory phytoseiid mites to manage twospotted spider mites and reduce their need for acaricide applications (Sabelis, 1981). The predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot has been used successfully in integrated pest management programs for T. urticae suppression. Despite the success of P. persimilis in reducing populations of T. urticae, acaricide applications may still necessary due to limitations associated with the effectiveness of P. persimilis introductions. The objectives of this study were to; 1. Measure the effects of acaricides on the density and age structure of T. urticae populations. 2. Determine the compatibility of acaricides in an IPM program by measuring the toxicity of residues to P. persimilis and T. urticae adults. 3. Study the feeding behavior of P. persimilis on T. urticae. 4. Measure the effects of combinations of acaricides followed by release of P. persimilis on T. urticae populations using greenhouse trials. The effects of ten acaricides on T. urticae populations were measured on infested Buddleia x davidii 'White Profusion' cuttings. Acaricides did not alter age structure in predictable manner. Initial analysis of results demonstrates that cuttings treated with acaricides had age structures that were different from control treatments. However, these differences were not distinguishable from natural fluctuations in the age structure. Chlorfenapyr may have changed the age structure of T. urticae. Azadirachtin, pyridaben and spinosad did not suppress T. urticae populations at the rates and formulations tested in this trial. Abamectin, bifenthrin, chlorfenapyr, Gowan 1725,oil and neem oil suppressed T. urticae populations. Hexythiazox suppressed T. urticae populations but these results were not seen until two weeks after application. The effects of acaricide residues were tested on adult P. persimilis and T. urticae 1, 3, 7, and 14 days after application using a leaf disk system. Abamectin, Gowan 1725, hexythiazox, horticultural oil, neem oil, pyridaben and spionsad were not toxic to P. persimilis adults while bifenthrin and chlorfenapyr residues were toxic to P. persimilis. Tetranychus urticae mortality from chlorfenapyr residues was significantly greater than the control 1,3,7 and 14 days after application. Tetranychus urticae mortality from bifenthrin and abamectin residues was significantly greater than the control 3, 7, and 14 days after application. Tetranychus urticae mortality caused by Gowan 1725, horticultural oil, and neem oil residues was significantly greater than the control 1 day after application, while mortality from hexythiazox and spinosad residues was not significantly greater than the control at any of the times tested in this study. Phytoseiulus persimilis feeding behavior studies examining life stage preference tests and functional response studies were conducted on bean leaf disks. We found P. persimilis functional response to be a type II response for both eggs and adults with handling times of 0.079 hours for eggs and 3.399 hours for adults. The effects of a combination of acaricides followed by release of P. persimilis on T. urticae populations was tested using greenhouse studies conducted on infested Buddleia plants. In the first trial, severe plant damage occurred despite a reduction in the mean number of mites per leaf in treatments with oil+ predator treatments 7 days after release. Results from the second greenhouse trial produced plants with less visual damage compared to those in the first greenhouse trial. Treatments with predators alone and predators + acaricides produced similar results. However, treatments with predators had a mean numbers of mites per leaf that were significantly less than treatments with acaricides alone. The results demonstrate that the acaricides tested in the second greenhouse trial allowed the predators to provide suppression of T. urticae populations. A high release rate was used in the second greenhouse trial and lower release rates as well as different acaricide predator combinations need be tested to explore the possibility of new management techniques. Our results suggest that the number of pest mites present in the crop may be the most important factor affecting the success of biological control with predators. Combinations of oil applications followed by introduction of P. persimlis 3 days after release provided suppression of T. urticae populations in a meaningful time frame. I was not able to shape the age structure of T. urticae populations in a predictable manner with acaricide applications. Phytoseiulus persimilis does not have a prey-stage preference when feeding on T.urticae, but the shorter handling time for eggs may indicate that they are better able to suppress populations with higher proportions of eggs. However, we cannot determine if P. persimilis can keep T. urticae populations composed of predominately of eggs below threshold levels because our greenhouse trials did not test this hypothesis. Phytoseiulus persimilis feeding on adult T. urticae may suppress T. urticae populations below threshold levels because a reduction in the number of adults will lead to a reduction in the number of T. urticae eggs deposited on a plant. Our research suggests that abamectin and oil are two acaricides that would be less detrimental to the survival of P. persimilis. Additional greenhouse trials with compatible acaricides should be conducted as well as research on the threshold density of T. urticae that will allow P. persimilis to provide adequate control. / Master of Science

Segmentation of the market for labeled ornamental plants by environmental preferences: A latent class analysis

D'Alessio, Nicole Marie 09 July 2015 (has links)
Labeling is a product differentiation mechanism which has increased in prevalence across many markets. This study investigated the potential for a labeling program applied in ornamental plant sales, given key ongoing issues affecting ornamental plant producers: irrigation water use and plant disease. Our research investigated how to better understand the market for plants certified as disease free and/or produced using water conservation techniques through segmenting the market by consumers' environmental preferences. Latent class analysis was conducted using choice modeling survey results and respondent scores on the New Environmental Paradigm scale. The results show that when accounting for environmental preferences, consumers can be grouped into two market segments. Relative to each other, these segments are considered: price sensitive and attribute sensitive. Our research also investigated market segments' preferences for multiple certifying authorities. The results strongly suggest that consumers of either segment do not have a preference for any particular certifying authority. / Master of Science

Malhas coloridas de sombreamento e soluções nutritivas de fertirrigação na cultura da gérbera (Gerbera jamesonii) em ambiente protegido / Colored shading meshes and nutritional solutions of fertigation on Gerbera daisy (Gerbera jamesonii) in protected environment

Nascimento, Jéssica Garcia 05 February 2018 (has links)
A floricultura é uma atividade altamente rentável e exerce um papel importante no agronegócio brasileiro, se destacando cada vez mais em relação ao seu faturamento anual. Dentre as flores mais cultivadas e comercializadas, as gérberas (Gerbera jamesonii) são conhecidas pela grande quantidade de cores de suas inflorescências. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o desenvolvimento e a produtividade da cultura da gérbera em ambiente protegido associado a malhas vermelha, azul e preta de sombreamentos e fertirrigadas com cinco soluções nutritivas de fertirrigação, elaboradas a partir da diluição (25%, 50%, 75%) e concentração (125%) da solução proposta por Hoagland e Arnon (1950) (solução padrão, 100%), sobre as características que conferem a qualidade da planta para comercialização em vasos. A malha azul associada à fertirrigação com concentração de 25% dos nutrientes da solução padrão proporcionaram maior massa fresca e seca de capítulos florais, hastes e total das gérberas e, ainda, maior massa seca das folhas. Os tratamentos aplicados não ifluenciaram o número de capítulos e de folhas e a classificação segundo os padrões qualidade. O diâmetro do capítulo floral não foi afetado pelos tratamentos de fertirrigação e sombreamento; entretanto, o diâmetro e a altura das hastes das gérberas foram reduzidos com a apliacação da solução mais concentrada (125%). Oíndice de estresse hídrico (CWSI) da cultura foi mais próximo de 1, nas três malhas coloridas, nos horários próximos ao meio do dia e aos 58 DAT foi verificado maior estresse das plantas sombreadas pelas malhas vermelhas. O índice de clorofila total (índice Falker) aos 59 e 99 DAT foi menor na malha vermelha, o que pode indicar maior eficiência das plantas sob esta malha, uma vez que não houve redução da produtividade das gérberas neste ambiente. Os teores de antocianina foram muito semelhantes nas folhas das gérberas cultivadas sob as malhas coloridas, sendo observada uma maior média do pigmento nas gérberas cultivadas sob a malha azul. / The flower culture is a highly profitable activity and plays a major role in agribusiness, increasingly standing out in terms of annual sales. One of the most cultivated and marketed flowers, gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii), is known for its abundance of colors of its inflorescences. This work aimed to evaluate development and productivity of gerbera culture in protected environment associated to shading meshes of red, blue and black under fertirrigation with five nutritional solutions elaborated from the dilution ( 25%, 50%, 75%) and concentration (125%) of the solution proposed by Hoagland and Arnon (1950) (standard solution, 100%) on the characteristics that confer quality to the plant for marketing in pots. The blue mesh associated with fertigation of 25% of nutrient concentration of the standard solution provided fresh and dry mass of inflorescence, stems and total of gerbera, as well as greater dry mass of leaves. The treatments applied did not influence the number of inflorescences and leaves, as well as the classification of quality standards. The diameter of inflorescences was not affected by fertigation and shading; however, stem diameter of gerbera was reduced with the application of concentrated solution (125%). The crop water stress index (CWSI) was closer to 1, in the three colored meshes, at times near the middle of the day, and at 58 DAT, greater stress was verified in plants shaded by red meshes. The index of total chlorophyll (Falker index) at 59 and 99 DAT was smaller in red fabric, which may indicate greater efficiency of plants under this mesh, since there was no reduction in the productivity of gerbera in this environment. The contents of anthocyanin were very similar in leaves of gerbera grown under colored meshes, being observed a grater average of the pigment in gerbera grown under the blue fabric.

Malhas fotoconversoras e concentrações de potássio via fertirrigação no cultivo de Costus lasius Loes. em ambiente protegido / Photoconverters meshes and potassium concentrations in Costus lasius Loes. crops cultivated in greenhouse

Sampaio, Pedro Ramualyson Fernandes 02 August 2018 (has links)
As plantas tropicais vêm ocupando uma parcela crescente do setor de floricultura, tanto no mercado nacional quanto no internacional, por apresentarem formas exuberantes e coloridas. Neste sentido, o Costus lasius Loes. tem se destacado entre as plantas ornamentais por possuir, como característica mais atraente, pequenas inflorescências amarelo-ouro e caule pouco espiralado, marcas que dão leveza à combinação de plantas de vaso. Entretanto, esta espécie é pouco pesquisada no Brasil, principalmente quanto às condições ambientais de cultivo, de nutrição e de manejo da fertirrigação. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o efeito de diferentes malhas fotoconversoras de sombreamento e diferentes concentrações de potássio, no cultivo de Costus lasius em ambiente protegido. O experimento foi conduzido em uma área experimental do Departamento de Produção Vegetal da Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\", em Piracicaba, SP. Os tratamentos foram constituídos da combinação de cinco concentrações de potássio na solução de fertirrigação (40, 80, 120, 160 e 200 mg L-1), com três diferentes colorações de cobertura Chromatinet (Polysak Plastic Industries Ltd), nas cores vermelha, azul e preta, com índice de sombreamento de 50%. Foram utilizados 25 vasos \"pote 19\" por malha, em um total de 75, com um número de duas plantas por vaso, dispostos em bancadas de alumínio já disponíveis no local. Foram avaliados o crescimento das plantas, o número de folhas, de hastes e de inflorescências, as dimensões das hastes e das inflorescências, a sanidade das folhas e das inflorescências, o índice de preenchimento de vaso, a matéria fresca e seca, o índice de área foliar, o índice de estresse hídrico da cultura, o índice de clorofila e o acúmulo das concentrações de macronutrientes no tecido vegetal. O sombreamento com a malha vermelha melhorou as características de crescimento, número de folhas e aumentou a produção de massa fresca e seca de costus. A concentração de 200 mg L-1 de K+, na solução de fertirrigação, é a recomendada para aumentar a massa fresca e o maior número das inflorescências, características relevantes para a espécie Costus lasius como planta ornamental. Os maiores teores de potássio acumulados nas inflorescências do costus são proporcionados pela concentração 200 mg L-1 sobre as malhas vermelha e azul; e pela concentração 160 mg L-1 no ambiente sombreado com a malha preta. A dose de 200 mg L-1 de K+ associada a malha preta conduzem aos melhores resultados em termos de produção de hastes e inflorescências. O cultivo de costus sobre a malha azul tem maior eficiência no aproveitamento da clorofila e no processo fotossintético, indicando a camada basal das folhas como referência para esse tipo de avaliação. O IEHC apresenta grande variabilidade durante todo o ciclo e indica o ambiente de malha vermelha como o mais passível de causar estresse hídrico para as plantas na maioria dos meses estudados. / Tropical plants have been participating of a growing portion in brazilian floriculture and in international markets, because of its exuberant and colorful forms. In this sense, the Costus lasius Loes. has stood out among ornamental plants because of its more attractive characteristics: small yellow-gold inflorescences and slightly spiraled stem, attributes that give lightness to the potted plants. However, there are few studies about this species in Brazil and mainly regarding the environmental conditions of cultivation, nutrition and fertirrigation management. The goal of this work is to evaluate the effect of different photoconverters meshes and different concentrations of potassium in the cultivation of Costus lasius in greenhouse. The experiment was conducted in an experimental area of the Plant Production Department at the School of Agriculture \"Luiz de Queiroz\", in Piracicaba, SP. Treatments were composed by a combination of five potassium concentrations in the fertigation solution (40, 80, 120, 160 and 200 mg L-1) in three different meshes (Polysak Plastic Industries Ltd): red, blue and black, with shading capacity of 50%. For each meshe color twenty-five pots were used, 75 pots in total, with two plants per pot, arranged in aluminum benches already available at the place. In this experiment were evaluated the plants growth, number of leaves, stems and inflorescences, dimensions of stems and inflorescences, leaves and inflorescences health, vessel filling index, fresh and dry matter, leaf area index, crop water stress index, chlorophyll index and accumulation of macronutrients concentrations in plant tissue. The shading with the red mesh improved the growth characteristics, number of leaves and increased the production of fresh and dry mass of costus. The K+ concentration of 200 mg L-1 in the fertigation solution is recommended to increase the fresh mass and to achieve the highest number of inflorescences, which are relevant characteristics for the specie Costus lasius as ornamental plant. The highest levels of accumulated potassium in costus inflorescences are provided by the concentration of 200 mg L-1 on the red and blue meshes; and by the concentration of 160 mg L-1 in the environment shaded with the black mesh. The dose of 200 mg L-1 of K+ associated with black mesh leads to the best results in terms of stem and inflorescence production. The cultivation of costus on the blue mesh has greater efficiency in the use of chlorophyll and in the photosynthetic process, indicating the basal layer leaves as reference for this type of evaluation. The CWSI shows great variability throughout the cycle and indicates the red mesh environment as the most likely to cause hydric stress to plants in most of the months studied.

Manejo de Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) em plantas ornamentais / Management of Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) on ornamental plants

Bellini, Marcos Roberto 05 September 2008 (has links)
O cultivo de flores iniciou-se no Brasil como atividade econômica em maior escala a partir de 1960. Atualmente, cerca de 5.000 produtores dedicam-se à floricultura em todo país. O setor gera um faturamento estimado em U$ 400 milhões/ano. No varejo, o faturamento é estimado em U$ 1,3 bilhões/ano. Acredita-se que a floricultura brasileira gera atualmente entre 120 a 160 mil empregos, caso seja considerada toda a cadeia produtiva que envolve o campo, a distribuição, o comércio varejista e os segmentos de apoio. O ácaro rajado, Tetranychus urticae Koch, é uma das principais pragas em plantas ornamentais, com destaque para o cultivo de gérberas e roseiras. O uso excessivo de acaricidas para o controle desta praga tem trazido sérios problemas ao ambiente e à saúde humana. Diversos trabalhos têm mostrado o potencial dos ácaros predadores da família Phytoseiidae para o controle de T. urticae. Alguns parecem ser promissores no controle daquela praga, sendo Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) um deles. No Brasil, não há nenhuma informação sobre o potencial deste predador em cultivos comerciais de gérberas e roseiras. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi: estabelecer estratégias de manejo de T. urticae em cultivos de gérberas e roseiras; estabelecer um sistema de criação massal de N. californicus; determinar o ciclo de vida de duas espécies de ácaros predadores que pudessem ser eventualmente utilizadas em futuros estudos ou estratégias de manejo de pragas daquelas culturas. Uma metodologia para estimar a densidade populacional de T. urticae sobre Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC foi determinada (para sistemas de criação massal de ácaros predadores) através da contagem de T. urticae em 3 regiões de 1 cm2 cada (base, meio e ápice). A maior precisão na determinação do número total de ácaros na folha foi obtida através da estimativa dos ácaros na região basal e do somatório das 3 regiões [coeficiente de determinação (r2) = 0, 63 e 0,85, respectivamente]. O sistema de produção massal de N. californicus mostrou-se satisfatório. A partir de uma estrutura simples e com um custo relativamente baixo foi possível produzir até 300.000 ácaros predadores a cada 15 dias nos períodos mais quentes do ano. Em relação às tabelas de vida dos predadores estudados, Proprioseiopsis cannaensis (Muma) e Neoseiulus barkeri Hughes não completaram o desenvolvimento quando alimentados com Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Ashmead). Os valores de rm de P. cannaensis foram -0,05, -0,09 e 0,002 alimentado com Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes), T. urticae e pólen de Typha angustifolia L, respectivamente. Os valores de rm de N. barkeri foram -0,03, 0,139 e 0,141, alimentado com B. phoenicis, T. urticae e pólen, respectivamente. N. barkeri parece ter potencial no controle de ácaros Tetranychidae, embora situações de campo devam ser testadas. Em relação às liberações de N. californicus em cultivos de gérberas e roseiras, os resultados foram altamente satisfatórios. Além de menor impacto ambiental, a utilização deste predador associada às aplicações de acaricidas seletivos mostrou-se uma alternativa eficiente e economicamente viável no controle de T. urticae. / Flower growing on a large scale as an economic activity in Brazil started in 1960. Currently, approximately 5.000 farmers practice floriculture in the whole country. The sector generates an estimated income of U$ 400,000/year. Retail income is estimated at US$ 1.3 billions/year. It is currently believed that Brazilian flower industry generates between 120 and 160 thousand employment opportunities if all the productive chains are considered which involve field work, distribution, retail sales and support segments. The two spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, is one of the principal pests of ornamental plants and prominently attacking gerberas and roses. The excessive use of acaricides for the control of this pest poses serious problems on the environment and human health. Several studies have demonstrated the potential of predatory mites from the family Phytoseiidae in the control of T. urticae. Some of these predators seem to be promising for the control of this pest among them Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor). In Brazil, information about the potential of this predator in commercial crops of gerberas and roses is lacking. The objective of the current work was: establish management strategies of T. urticae in gerbera and rose flowers; establish a mass rearing system for N. californicus; determine the life cycle of the two predatory mite species that could be used in future studies or management strategies for pests on these crops. A method for estimating population density of T. urticae on Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC was determined (for mass rearing system of predatory mites) through counting of T. urticae in 3 regions of 1 cm2 each (bottom, middle and apex). The highest precision in the determination of the total number of mites on leaves was obtained through mite estimates at the basal region and the summations of the 3 regions [coefficient of determination (r2) = 0. 63 and 0.85, respectively]. The mass production system of N. californicus was shown to be satisfactory. Starting with a simple structure and with a relatively low cost, it was possible to produce up to 300.000 predatory mites every 15 days during the hottest period of the year. In relation to the life tables of the studied predators, Proprioseiopsis cannaensis (Muma) and Neoseiulus barkeri Hughes did not complete their development when fed on Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Ashmead). The rm values of P. cannaensis were -0.05, -0.09 and 0.002 when fed on Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes), T. urticae and pollen of Typha angustifolia L, respectively. The rm values of N. barkeri were -0.03, 0.139 and 0.141, when fed on B. phoenicis, T. urticae and pollen, respectively. N. barkeri seem to have potential for the control of tetranychid mites, however, field conditions should be tested. In relation to release of N. californicus in gerbera and rose flowers, the results were highly satisfactory. In addition to lower environmental impact, the use of this predator in combination with selective acaricides shows an efficient and economically viable alternative for the control of T. urticae.

Untersuchungen zum Einfluß selektierter arbuskulärer Mykorrhizapilze (AMP) und assoziativer Rhizosphärenbakterien einzeln und kombiniert auf das Wachstum und den Zierwert von Zierpflanzen für den urbanen Bereich

Jahn, Mareile 01 January 1998 (has links)
In mehrjährigen Gefäß- und Feldversuchen wurde der Einfluß von selektierten arbuskulären Mykorrhizapilzen (Glomus ssp. VAM3, Glomus intraradices Isolat 49) und assoziativen Rhizosphärenbakterien (Pseudomonas fluorescens PsIA12, Agrobacterium rhizogenes A1A4, Rhizobium trifolii R39, Stenotrophomas maltophilia PsIB2 und PsI2) einzeln und kombiniert auf das Wachstum und den Zierwert von ein- und mehrjährigen Zierpflanzen für den urbanen Bereich untersucht. Auf urbanen streßbelasteten Standorten führten diese Rhizosphärenmikroorganismen ohne zusätzliche Mineraldüngung zur Förderung von Wachstum und Zierwert bei Zierpflanzen. Frühzeitige Inokulationen zur Aussaat bzw. Pflanzung verkürzten die Pflanzenanzucht und reduzierten Pflanzenausfälle. Die drei Pflanzenarten reagierten unterschiedlich. Die deutlichsten Effekte wurden bei Tagetes durch Einzelinokulationen erzielt. Es zeichneten sich sortenspezifische Reaktionen ab. Bei Miscanthus waren Kombinationen von Mikroorganismen wirksam und förderten das Wachstum über drei Jahre. Nicht eindeutig reproduzierbar waren die Wirkungen bei Gladiolen, der Zierwert wurde positiv beeinflußt. Alle Bakterienstämme produzierten in Reinkultur Auxine und z.T. Cytokinine. Zwischen Phytohormonbildung, Mykorrhizierung der Wurzeln, Wurzelbesiedlung durch die autochthone Mikroflora und Wurzelstimulierung zeichneten sich wiederholt positive Wechselwirkungen ab. Von Ackerstandorten isolierte Bakterien waren auch auf urbanen nährstoffarmen Standorten wirksam. Die Bakterien besiedelten die Rhizosphäre von Tagetes und Gladiolen während der Vegetationsperiode im Freiland. Nach einjähriger Trockenlagerung des Bodens besiedelten PsIA12 und PsIB2 erneut die Rhizosphäre der nichtinokulierten Tagetes. / In long-term pot and field trials the influence of selected arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomus ssp. VAM3, Glomus intraradices Isolat 49) and associative rhizosphere bacteria (Pseudomonas fluorescens PsIA12, Agrobacterium rhizogenes A1A4, Rhizobium trifolii R39, Stenotrophomas maltophilia PsIB2 and PsI2), single and in combination, on growth and ornamental value of annual and perennial ornamental plants under urban conditions was tested. These rhizosphere microorganisms did stimulate growth and ornamental value of ornamental plants without the additon of mineral fertilizers on urban stressed sites. An early inoculation during seeding or planting did shorten plant cultivation and reduced plant losses. The three plant species did respond differently. The most obvious effects were achieved by single inoculation on Tagetes. Variety specific reactions did occur. Combination of microorganisms was effective on Miscanthus and did stimulate growth over three years. The effects on Gladiolus were not repeatable but ornamental value was stimulated. All bacteria strains did produce Auxin and partially Cytokinin in pure culture. Between phytohormone production, root mycorrhization and root colonization by the autochthonous microflora positive interactions did occur. Bacteria isolated from agricultural sites were also effective on oligotrophic urban sites. The bacteria did establish in the rhizosphere of Tagetes and Gladiolus over the vegetation period on the field. After one year dry storage of the soil PsIA12 and PsIB2 did re-establish in the non-inoculated Tagetes rhizosphere.

Manejo de Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) em plantas ornamentais / Management of Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) on ornamental plants

Marcos Roberto Bellini 05 September 2008 (has links)
O cultivo de flores iniciou-se no Brasil como atividade econômica em maior escala a partir de 1960. Atualmente, cerca de 5.000 produtores dedicam-se à floricultura em todo país. O setor gera um faturamento estimado em U$ 400 milhões/ano. No varejo, o faturamento é estimado em U$ 1,3 bilhões/ano. Acredita-se que a floricultura brasileira gera atualmente entre 120 a 160 mil empregos, caso seja considerada toda a cadeia produtiva que envolve o campo, a distribuição, o comércio varejista e os segmentos de apoio. O ácaro rajado, Tetranychus urticae Koch, é uma das principais pragas em plantas ornamentais, com destaque para o cultivo de gérberas e roseiras. O uso excessivo de acaricidas para o controle desta praga tem trazido sérios problemas ao ambiente e à saúde humana. Diversos trabalhos têm mostrado o potencial dos ácaros predadores da família Phytoseiidae para o controle de T. urticae. Alguns parecem ser promissores no controle daquela praga, sendo Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) um deles. No Brasil, não há nenhuma informação sobre o potencial deste predador em cultivos comerciais de gérberas e roseiras. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi: estabelecer estratégias de manejo de T. urticae em cultivos de gérberas e roseiras; estabelecer um sistema de criação massal de N. californicus; determinar o ciclo de vida de duas espécies de ácaros predadores que pudessem ser eventualmente utilizadas em futuros estudos ou estratégias de manejo de pragas daquelas culturas. Uma metodologia para estimar a densidade populacional de T. urticae sobre Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC foi determinada (para sistemas de criação massal de ácaros predadores) através da contagem de T. urticae em 3 regiões de 1 cm2 cada (base, meio e ápice). A maior precisão na determinação do número total de ácaros na folha foi obtida através da estimativa dos ácaros na região basal e do somatório das 3 regiões [coeficiente de determinação (r2) = 0, 63 e 0,85, respectivamente]. O sistema de produção massal de N. californicus mostrou-se satisfatório. A partir de uma estrutura simples e com um custo relativamente baixo foi possível produzir até 300.000 ácaros predadores a cada 15 dias nos períodos mais quentes do ano. Em relação às tabelas de vida dos predadores estudados, Proprioseiopsis cannaensis (Muma) e Neoseiulus barkeri Hughes não completaram o desenvolvimento quando alimentados com Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Ashmead). Os valores de rm de P. cannaensis foram -0,05, -0,09 e 0,002 alimentado com Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes), T. urticae e pólen de Typha angustifolia L, respectivamente. Os valores de rm de N. barkeri foram -0,03, 0,139 e 0,141, alimentado com B. phoenicis, T. urticae e pólen, respectivamente. N. barkeri parece ter potencial no controle de ácaros Tetranychidae, embora situações de campo devam ser testadas. Em relação às liberações de N. californicus em cultivos de gérberas e roseiras, os resultados foram altamente satisfatórios. Além de menor impacto ambiental, a utilização deste predador associada às aplicações de acaricidas seletivos mostrou-se uma alternativa eficiente e economicamente viável no controle de T. urticae. / Flower growing on a large scale as an economic activity in Brazil started in 1960. Currently, approximately 5.000 farmers practice floriculture in the whole country. The sector generates an estimated income of U$ 400,000/year. Retail income is estimated at US$ 1.3 billions/year. It is currently believed that Brazilian flower industry generates between 120 and 160 thousand employment opportunities if all the productive chains are considered which involve field work, distribution, retail sales and support segments. The two spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae Koch, is one of the principal pests of ornamental plants and prominently attacking gerberas and roses. The excessive use of acaricides for the control of this pest poses serious problems on the environment and human health. Several studies have demonstrated the potential of predatory mites from the family Phytoseiidae in the control of T. urticae. Some of these predators seem to be promising for the control of this pest among them Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor). In Brazil, information about the potential of this predator in commercial crops of gerberas and roses is lacking. The objective of the current work was: establish management strategies of T. urticae in gerbera and rose flowers; establish a mass rearing system for N. californicus; determine the life cycle of the two predatory mite species that could be used in future studies or management strategies for pests on these crops. A method for estimating population density of T. urticae on Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC was determined (for mass rearing system of predatory mites) through counting of T. urticae in 3 regions of 1 cm2 each (bottom, middle and apex). The highest precision in the determination of the total number of mites on leaves was obtained through mite estimates at the basal region and the summations of the 3 regions [coefficient of determination (r2) = 0. 63 and 0.85, respectively]. The mass production system of N. californicus was shown to be satisfactory. Starting with a simple structure and with a relatively low cost, it was possible to produce up to 300.000 predatory mites every 15 days during the hottest period of the year. In relation to the life tables of the studied predators, Proprioseiopsis cannaensis (Muma) and Neoseiulus barkeri Hughes did not complete their development when fed on Phyllocoptruta oleivora (Ashmead). The rm values of P. cannaensis were -0.05, -0.09 and 0.002 when fed on Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes), T. urticae and pollen of Typha angustifolia L, respectively. The rm values of N. barkeri were -0.03, 0.139 and 0.141, when fed on B. phoenicis, T. urticae and pollen, respectively. N. barkeri seem to have potential for the control of tetranychid mites, however, field conditions should be tested. In relation to release of N. californicus in gerbera and rose flowers, the results were highly satisfactory. In addition to lower environmental impact, the use of this predator in combination with selective acaricides shows an efficient and economically viable alternative for the control of T. urticae.

Malhas fotoconversoras e concentrações de potássio via fertirrigação no cultivo de Costus lasius Loes. em ambiente protegido / Photoconverters meshes and potassium concentrations in Costus lasius Loes. crops cultivated in greenhouse

Pedro Ramualyson Fernandes Sampaio 02 August 2018 (has links)
As plantas tropicais vêm ocupando uma parcela crescente do setor de floricultura, tanto no mercado nacional quanto no internacional, por apresentarem formas exuberantes e coloridas. Neste sentido, o Costus lasius Loes. tem se destacado entre as plantas ornamentais por possuir, como característica mais atraente, pequenas inflorescências amarelo-ouro e caule pouco espiralado, marcas que dão leveza à combinação de plantas de vaso. Entretanto, esta espécie é pouco pesquisada no Brasil, principalmente quanto às condições ambientais de cultivo, de nutrição e de manejo da fertirrigação. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o efeito de diferentes malhas fotoconversoras de sombreamento e diferentes concentrações de potássio, no cultivo de Costus lasius em ambiente protegido. O experimento foi conduzido em uma área experimental do Departamento de Produção Vegetal da Escola Superior de Agricultura \"Luiz de Queiroz\", em Piracicaba, SP. Os tratamentos foram constituídos da combinação de cinco concentrações de potássio na solução de fertirrigação (40, 80, 120, 160 e 200 mg L-1), com três diferentes colorações de cobertura Chromatinet (Polysak Plastic Industries Ltd), nas cores vermelha, azul e preta, com índice de sombreamento de 50%. Foram utilizados 25 vasos \"pote 19\" por malha, em um total de 75, com um número de duas plantas por vaso, dispostos em bancadas de alumínio já disponíveis no local. Foram avaliados o crescimento das plantas, o número de folhas, de hastes e de inflorescências, as dimensões das hastes e das inflorescências, a sanidade das folhas e das inflorescências, o índice de preenchimento de vaso, a matéria fresca e seca, o índice de área foliar, o índice de estresse hídrico da cultura, o índice de clorofila e o acúmulo das concentrações de macronutrientes no tecido vegetal. O sombreamento com a malha vermelha melhorou as características de crescimento, número de folhas e aumentou a produção de massa fresca e seca de costus. A concentração de 200 mg L-1 de K+, na solução de fertirrigação, é a recomendada para aumentar a massa fresca e o maior número das inflorescências, características relevantes para a espécie Costus lasius como planta ornamental. Os maiores teores de potássio acumulados nas inflorescências do costus são proporcionados pela concentração 200 mg L-1 sobre as malhas vermelha e azul; e pela concentração 160 mg L-1 no ambiente sombreado com a malha preta. A dose de 200 mg L-1 de K+ associada a malha preta conduzem aos melhores resultados em termos de produção de hastes e inflorescências. O cultivo de costus sobre a malha azul tem maior eficiência no aproveitamento da clorofila e no processo fotossintético, indicando a camada basal das folhas como referência para esse tipo de avaliação. O IEHC apresenta grande variabilidade durante todo o ciclo e indica o ambiente de malha vermelha como o mais passível de causar estresse hídrico para as plantas na maioria dos meses estudados. / Tropical plants have been participating of a growing portion in brazilian floriculture and in international markets, because of its exuberant and colorful forms. In this sense, the Costus lasius Loes. has stood out among ornamental plants because of its more attractive characteristics: small yellow-gold inflorescences and slightly spiraled stem, attributes that give lightness to the potted plants. However, there are few studies about this species in Brazil and mainly regarding the environmental conditions of cultivation, nutrition and fertirrigation management. The goal of this work is to evaluate the effect of different photoconverters meshes and different concentrations of potassium in the cultivation of Costus lasius in greenhouse. The experiment was conducted in an experimental area of the Plant Production Department at the School of Agriculture \"Luiz de Queiroz\", in Piracicaba, SP. Treatments were composed by a combination of five potassium concentrations in the fertigation solution (40, 80, 120, 160 and 200 mg L-1) in three different meshes (Polysak Plastic Industries Ltd): red, blue and black, with shading capacity of 50%. For each meshe color twenty-five pots were used, 75 pots in total, with two plants per pot, arranged in aluminum benches already available at the place. In this experiment were evaluated the plants growth, number of leaves, stems and inflorescences, dimensions of stems and inflorescences, leaves and inflorescences health, vessel filling index, fresh and dry matter, leaf area index, crop water stress index, chlorophyll index and accumulation of macronutrients concentrations in plant tissue. The shading with the red mesh improved the growth characteristics, number of leaves and increased the production of fresh and dry mass of costus. The K+ concentration of 200 mg L-1 in the fertigation solution is recommended to increase the fresh mass and to achieve the highest number of inflorescences, which are relevant characteristics for the specie Costus lasius as ornamental plant. The highest levels of accumulated potassium in costus inflorescences are provided by the concentration of 200 mg L-1 on the red and blue meshes; and by the concentration of 160 mg L-1 in the environment shaded with the black mesh. The dose of 200 mg L-1 of K+ associated with black mesh leads to the best results in terms of stem and inflorescence production. The cultivation of costus on the blue mesh has greater efficiency in the use of chlorophyll and in the photosynthetic process, indicating the basal layer leaves as reference for this type of evaluation. The CWSI shows great variability throughout the cycle and indicates the red mesh environment as the most likely to cause hydric stress to plants in most of the months studied.


Mach, Bernadette Maria 01 January 2018 (has links)
Public awareness of declining pollinator populations has increased interest in creating “bee–friendly” urban landscapes. I quantified bee visitation and assemblages of 72 species of flowering woody plants common in urban landscapes. I found strong plant species effects and variation in seasonal activity of particular bee taxa but no overall differences in bee visitation or genus diversity between native versus nonnative species or trees versus shrubs. Analysis of pollen from a subset of these plants revealed small but statistically significant differences in total and essential amino acids between native and nonnative species and trees and shrubs, although each group had species with high quality pollen. Uptake and dissipation of soil–applied imidacloprid and dinotefuran was measured in nectar and leaves of two woody plant species, Ilex × attenuata and Clethra alnifolia to assess concentrations to which pollinators might be exposed in landscape settings. Three application timings were evaluated. Residues in nectar and tissue were analyzed by HPLC–MS/MS in two successive years. Residues in nectar following autumn or spring applications exceed concentrations shown to adversely affect individual and colony–level traits of bees. Summer application mitigated concentrations of imidacloprid (8–31 ng/g), but not dinotefuran (235–1191 ng/g), in nectar.

Grönsöö park och trädgård 1820-1925 : tre familjemedlemmars odling, upplevelser och dokumentation i förhållande till dagens anläggning.

Tandre, Anna, January 2008 (has links)
Diss. (vol. 1-2) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 2008.

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