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Vývoj legislativy pro osoby se zdravotním postižením (longitudinální studie) / Development of legislation for persons with disabilities (longitudinal study)SUMERAUER, Vít January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis in the theoretical part deals with the monitoring of the development of legislation for people with disabilities. The aim is to analyze the developmental context in a selected historical period. The research part of the work is focused on the monitoring of the state of knowledge of students of different Departaments of Health and Social Studies and the Faculty of Education JU in České Budějovice. Total of 264 students from the educational and social field of studies, which have in their educational program included subjects dealing with the issue of disability, took part in the research. An essential tool for the practical survey was practitioner 's own questionnaire, recorded data were analysed and evaluated by using simple statistics. Stated hypothesis no. 1 was confirmed. Professional hypothesis no 2 was not confirmed nor denied. Results section is discussed in detail and concluded with viable recommendations into practice.
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Praktické důsledky omezení svéprávnosti z pohledu veřejných opatrovníků / Practical Implications of Restrictions on Legal Capacity in Terms of Public GuardiansANDĚLOVÁ, Miroslava January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis provides an insight into the issue of public guardianship in the Czech Republic from the point of view of public guardians, who in practice have to face a lot of problems in connection with the new legislation. The work is divided into several parts. The theoretical part consists of nine subchapters which define the basic concepts used in guardianship, mentioned in the Act No. 89/2012 Coll., The Civil Code, which deal with the basic principles and history of guardianship, the development of legal regulation of the guardianship institute and the legislative framework of guardianship. It also provides more detailed information on the Institute of Limitation of Authenticity and Guardianship, a public guardian, and the last subchapter focuses on enumerating the mental disorders that a public guardian may encounter with their clients. The empirical part defines objectives, methods of research and own results, which are illustrated and described in tables, discussion and in the final summary. The main objective of the work was to map the activities of public guardians in relation to persons with limited authority, the partial aims were to find out how the public guardians were looking at legislative changes in the area of limiting the authority and to identify the risk areas associated with the limitation of the authority. These research objectives have been addressed: In what areas are the public guardians working in relation to persons with limited authority? What experience does a public guardian have with the absence of information on the limitation of the person's authenticity in the ID? What are the precautionary measures in relation to persons with limited authority from the point of view of public guardians? The diploma thesis was processed by the method of qualitative research using the semi-structured interview technique and the open coding method was used to evaluate the data. The research group consisted of seven social workers who work on municipalities in the South Bohemian Region and act as a public guardian. The research survey highlighted the complexity, importance and necessity of the work of the public guardian and the problems associated with it, where there is a lack of specific legislation and a more detailed methodology in this area. The research also shows that public guardians do not always have good experience with the new legislation, especially the lack of evidence of the limitation of the authenticity of the caretaker's identity card is a problem in practice, and the new institute of supportive measures is not used too much. This diploma thesis could serve as a comprehensive information material for the general public as well as for the members of the public caregiver in the municipalities.
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Zdravotně sociální problematika u lidí po poranění míchy / Health and social problems of people after spinal cord injuryHÁJKOVÁ, Gabriela January 2007 (has links)
The aim of this work is to find out whether the people after spinal cord injury are motivated enough to get work and whether emplozers accept their demand of part-time working hours because of their health condition. The method of this work was research, the form of questionnaire. The research was carried out in Prague, The Union of Paraplegics in the Center Paraple. 82 out of 95 asked respondents took part in the survey. The thesis consists of two parts. The first part is theoretical. It presents brief anatomics description of spine and central nerve system, the change of health condition after spinal cord injury as well as the psychosocial trauma of people wirh spinal cord lesion. Next, the teoretical part deals with komplex rehabilitation-medical, social, pedagogical and working one. The thesis focuses especially on the working rehabilitation, referring to one elementary human rights-the right for work. It deals with the problem of the handicapped people unemployment and its characteristics. Next the chapter of working rehabilitation deals with the legislation of handicapped people unemployment, especially the new unemployment law n. 435/2004 Sb. Nowadays we can no longer ignore international documents concerning the employment of handicapped people, mentioned in the final chapter of the theoretical part. The second part of thesis is practical. It includes the resultsof both, the survey and the questioning by phone. The data are processed percentualy and graphically. every graph has its own description. Then the results are discussed. People after spinal cord injury are motivated to work. Yet, there are many obstacles to the employment of these people, which may result in their desillusion and demotivation to work. One of such obstacles is e.g. the fact that potential employers do not accept their demand of shorter working hours. The final part of the thesis includes the conclusion, the list of sources and supplement.
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Životní a pracovní podmínky u osob s Downovým syndromem / Living and working conditions at persons with Down´s syndromeMUSÁLKOVÁ, Kateřina January 2007 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the issues of adults with Down syndrome. Theoretical and practical part consists of basic facts about the syndrome, the field of education, living and working conditions. Secondary data analysis refers to both social and law perspective. The aim of the thesis was to monitor the living and working conditions of people with Down syndrome in the area of České Budějovice and Ostrava. In order to accomplish the objective the qualitative research was chosen considering the research sample. As a basis of the research the form of a semi-standard interview was chosen and as a supplementary was used a casuistic method and secondary data analysis oriented mainly on the area of employment. The results of the research imply that people with Down syndrome can work mainly at sheltered workshops because the organizations focused on employing people with handicap do not employ predominantly people with mental disability. People with Down syndrome work in the sheltered workshops according to the labour law. The master thesis can be used as a resource of information for organizations, which are engaged in employment of people with handicap and also with mental disability thus with Down syndrome.
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Závádění standardů kvality sociálních služeb v rezidenčních službách v kraji Vysočina / The Implementation of Quality Standards of Social Welfare Services in resindetial servises in the region VysočinaŘEHOŘOVÁ, Alena January 2008 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the issues of Quality Standards and the process of their application in the residential services in Vysočina region. The aim of my thesis is to map the present situation concerning the introduction of Quality Standards in social services in residential facilities in Vysočina region. The introductory theoretical part of my thesis contains sections related to social services. Definitions of basic concepts and sections which are related to chosen topic are explained here. It also contains the description of settings and context of the work. In the practical part the subject is narrowed to the topic of introducing Quality Standards in social services in relation to providers of social services, and to old people{\crq}s and handicapped people{\crq}s homes and special treatment facilities. The results of a questionnaire inquiry, conversations with directors of organizations and workers in direct care are presented and compared. This process is interlaced with the analysis of documents used in filling out the questionnaire that have a direct connection to fulfilling the criteria of social services quality. In the discussion and summary the essential research results are discussed. In relation to introducing Quality Standards in social services it will be necessary to change especially the attitude to users of social services. An important landmark here is the legal codification of Quality Standards in social services in relation to the Social Services Act.
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Ergoterapie jako prostředek seberealizace klientů s mentálním postižením / ERGOTHERAPY AS A WAY OF SELF-REALIZATION OF THOSE CLIENTS WITH MENTAL DISABILMENTSRYBOVÁ, Michaela January 2008 (has links)
This diploma thesis concerns the use of Ergotherapy by people with mental disablement. A theoretical part characterises the terms: a mental disablement and a care for people with mental disablement and the most frequent types of therapies providing in the facilities for people with physical handicap. At the end of the chapter about a present situation of this chosen topic, there is a separate chapter about Ergotherapy. It points out a game, as a first occupation of a child and work therapy that helps individuals with mental disablement to create or improve their own working habits. The aim of this thesis was to introduce new trends in education of people with mental disablement in the area of work therapy. The thesis is focused on an offer of work therapy activities that have been provided by the facilities for people with a physical handicap and the education of work therapists. A qualitative research was used to reach the aim: first a method of questioning and secondly, a technique of semi-structured interviews. The interviews were made with senior executives (mainly the principals) and they were focused on the area of education of work therapists after the validation of Social Service Act No. 108/2006 Sb. Another used method was a method of quantitative research {--} questioning, a technique of questionnaire. The target group was composed of work therapists who are employed in the facilities for people who are physically handicapped. The questionnaires were designed to reveal what is being offered in terms of work therapy within the facilities and what is the determination of a selection of an activity that the client will take part in. It has been revealed that the offer of activities in the facilities is varied and that the client plays the main role in the selection of the activity. The research was conducted in three regions of the Czech Republic: South Bohemia, South Moravia and the Vysočina region.
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Význam ergoterapie pro rehabilitaci seniorů / The importance of Occupational Therapy in the rehabilitation of the elderlyPULKERTOVÁ, Jindřiška January 2009 (has links)
Increasingly better living and working conditions, higher quality healthcare and social conditions are resulting in higher life expectancy more than ever. This is called population ageing. Illness or injury in older age causes various and specific problems which affect all personal areas of the elderly such as physical, emotional, social and spiritual status. It is the aim of rehabilitation to improve or restore those areas following personal injury or illness. One of the various professional disciplines contributing to the rehabilitation process is Occcupational Therapy. The main aim of the thesis is to clarify the role of Occupational Therapy in the area of elderly rehabilitation. It also aims to incorporate the World Health Organisation{\crq}s International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) into clinical work of Occupational Therapy and to find its practical use in this discipline.
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Nástroje aktivní politiky zaměstnanosti ve světle zaměstnávání osob se zdravotním postižením / Tools of the Active Labour Policy in the Light of Employment of Persons with DisabilitiesHanušová, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
Tools of the Active Labour Policy in the Light of Employment of Persons with Disabilities Abstract The Diploma Thesis "Tools of the Active Labour Policy in the Light of Employment of Persons with Disabilities" deals with the institute of the Active Labour Policy contained foremost in the Act No. 435/2004 Coll., the Labour Act. The first part of the Thesis outlines a wider context of the Active Labour Policy, especially its relationship to the right to work, to the Labour Policy as to its parent concept and to situation of the Disabled as in the Czech legal regulation and international documents. The second part describes and evaluates the legal regulation of individual tools, while the focal point is the possibility of their use in the employment of persons with disabilities. It deals not only with the tools specifically designed to support the employment of the Disabled, as the rehabilitation and the protected working places. It also pursues general tools of the Active Labour Policy, as e.g. the requalification, the investment incentives, the socially expedient working places and the shared employment mediation. The aim of this Thesis is to analyse individual tools and present a comprehensive picture of the employment of the Disabled issue. Its sources are i.e. the Labour Act and related legislation,...
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Kapitálová přiměřenost - vliv daňových zákonů na využití cizího úročeného kapitálu / Thin Capitalization - The Influence of Tax Legislation on Employment of Debt Financing of CompaniesKočer, Petr January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to find out the answer to the question whether the state authorities influence the employment of debt financing of companies. First part of the work briefly summarizes the main economic theories engaged in the research on capital structure. Further are depicted approaches to thin capitalization in the European countries with focus on the Czech republic tax law dealing with the subject. The final part of the thesis demonstrates on the financial data of Czech companies from the period 2003-2008 that the state authorities influence the employment of debt in Czech companies by means of tax laws and so affect the capital structure of the companies.
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Přechod z daňové evidence na společnost s ručením omezeným / Transition from tax records to limited liability companyValachová, Zuzana January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the transfer of natural person enterprise to limited liability company provided that the individual entrepreneuer keep tax records. The thesis defines the basic characteristics of individual entrepreneuer and limited liability company in terms of legal, accounting and tax. There is also a comparison of advantages and disadvantages of both forms of business. The main part of thesis deals with the possibilities of transition of individual entrepreneuer keeping tax records to limited liability company. Specifically this part defines the sale of the enterprise, enterprise deposit and the transfer of property in parts -- again in terms of legal, accounting and tax. At the conclusion theoretical knowledge is applied to a specific example.
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