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Zneužívání návykových drog a zakázaných látek dopingového charakteru ve vězeňském prostředí / The Abuse of Addictive Drugs and Prohibited Substances of Doping Nature in the Prison EnvironmentFrydrychová, Zita January 2020 (has links)
The objective of this thesis named Abuse of drugs and forbidden doping substances in prison enviroment is to map the problematics of drug misusage and doping substances in prison enviroment and to determine the level of presence of these substances in selected prisons in the Czech republic. The thesis is primarly intended for experts in prison services but also to the public as a material for drug usage in prison facilities. The first part is dedicated to theory of prison servicies in Czech republic, drug problematics in general and drug politics inside czech prisons. The second part describes research with goal of finding if there is a misusage of drugs or forbidden doping substances in prison enviroment and if so on what extent. The analysis of technical documents and expert questionarre investigation are used for this work. Based on collected data and their analysis the stated hypothesis are verified. For the extension of this work it is recomended to follow the research and focus on the drug problematics in prisons from the convicted person point of view. KEYWORDS Prison, Prisoner, Imprisonment, Drugs, Addictive Substances, Doping substances, Addiction, Re-socialization.
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Vliv politiky zaměstnanosti na postavení osob 50+ na trhu práce: případová studie okresu Vsetín / Influence of employment politics on situation of people at the age of 50+ on the labour market: case of the Vsetín districtZemanová, Iva January 2011 (has links)
The thesis: "Influence of employment politics on situation of people at the age of 50 + on the labour market: Case study of the Vsetín district" deals with problems of older people's position on the labour market in the Czech Republic focusing on the Vsetín district and influence of employment policy on this position. This thesis characterizes the group of people at the age of 50 and more as labour power and deals with their strategies on the labour market. It also deals with employment policy of the European Union related to the group of people at the age of 50 and more on the labour market and analyses strategic documents of the Czech Republic solving these problems in detail. Furthermore this thesis focuses on the employment policy of the Czech Republic, mainly on analysis of functions, possibilities, limits and influence of chosen tools of the active employment policy on the lowering of the number of the unemployed people who belong to the above mentioned age-group on the labour market. It evaluates these tools in detail and shows which of these examined tools have the biggest influence on the lowering of the number of the unemployed older people. In the practical part it deals with case study of a practical example of a possible solution of the problem of unemployment of people at the age of...
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Vývoj postavení hendikepovaných lidí ve společnosti od procesu modernizace po současnost / Development of position of handicap people (mentally and physically) in society since suit modernization till present timeŠebová, Magda January 2012 (has links)
Tato práce se věnuje problematice postavení handicapovaných osob ve společnosti, která byla a je ovlivňována chápáním koncepce péče o handicapované jedince a vývojem ústavních zařízení. Práce obsahuje stručné popsání dějin handicapu, přičemž největší pozornost je věnována problematice handicapu od vzniku modernizačních proměn společnosti až po současnost. Dále tato práce obsahuje empiricko-historickou část, jejímž záměrem je analyzovat vývoj ústavních zařízení pro handicapované osoby od počátku proměny společnosti z tradičního typu k modernímu až po současnost. Pro tento výzkum byla použita analýza dokumentů jako výzkumná metoda. Toto výzkumné šetření potvrdilo dvě výzkumné hypotézy. Zaprvé bylo potvrzeno, že šířením osvícenských ideálů v kontextu modernizačních procesů ve společnosti došlo k proměně koncepce péče o handicapované osoby. Zadruhé bylo potvrzeno, že modernizační proměny, které proběhli ve společnosti ve 20. století, ovlivnili především v pozitivním smyslu institucionální uspořádání i formy organizace péče o handicapované osoby. Klíčová slova: handicap, handicapované osoby, postavení ve společnosti, vývoj, modernizace, ústavní zařízení, vývoj ústavních zařízení.
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Integrace osob se zrakovým postižením na trh práce - projekt "Jak uspět na trhu práce" / Integration of Visually Handicapped People in the Labour Market - project "How to Succeed in the Labour Market"Pojslová, Klára January 2011 (has links)
POJSLOVÁ, Klára. Integration of Visually Handicapped People in the Labour Market - project "How to Succeed in the Labour Market". Praha: Philosophical Faculty, Charles University, 2011, 84 pp. Master's Thesis. The thesis titled "Integration of Visually Handicapped People in the Labour Market - the project "How to Succeed in the Labour Market" deals with the issue of jobs for people with visual disabilities in the open labour market. The main aim of the thesis is to identify the barriers which visually handicapped people have to face that affect their employment, and subsequently assess the effectiveness of the project "How to succeed in the labour market." This thesis firstly discusses the theory of employment of people with visual disabilities. Apart from the definition of "person with visual impairment" as such the thesis discusses the importance of job as one of the tools to meet self-realization needs and also possibilities of support when the job is lost. This thesis specifically deals with the status of visually handicapped people in the open labour market with an emphasis on existing barriers that hinder their employment. Last but not least the thesis contents an information about the project "How to succeed in the labour market", which main objective was to increase skills and develop key...
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Návrh optimální organizační struktury sociálního podniku / Sustainable organisational structure of a social enterprise - draftSocha, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Social entrepreneurship is an innovative solution to increasing social problems related to unemployment and its inseparable social impact, such as social exclusion of persons that are disadvantaged in terms of labour market access. In spite of the fact that the law of the Czech Republic lacks a legal framework of social entrepreneurship (the term of social enterprise as such is not legally based nor defined), there are many local activists who make effort to change this state of inequality, using social enterprises as a means of generating new workplaces for people handicapped in terms of entering an open labour market. The main practical goal of the thesis I hereby present is to help those social entrepreneurs with creating more sustainable organisation structure of their businesses. The first part of my thesis is dedicated to explaining basic concepts and charting a theoretical framework of the research. In the second part I focus on the results of empirical research regarding social enterprise operation. The results may serve as practical advice on organisation structure optimisation in the field of gastronomy. Keywords Social enterprise, subjects of national economy, social economy, persons disadvantaged in terms of labour market access, organisation structure.
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Dostupné a plánované služby v oblasti bydlení pro dospělé osoby s autismem v ČR / Available and planned housing services for autistic adults in the Czech RepublicPalme, Klára January 2015 (has links)
OVERVIEW This thesis deals with the question of availability of the social service of sheltered housing for adults with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in the individual regions of the Czech Republic. The outcome is a description of the available and planned services in the form of sheltered housing for persons with ASD. Over the last twenty years in the Czech Republic, people have been better informed, and at the same time, the diagnosing of this disorder has become more exact. That has logically influenced the significant growth of this specific target group. One goal of the thesis is to determine the number of persons with ASD in the age group of adolescents and young adults. Thereafter, the goal is to reflect on the state's preparedness in the area of fulfilling the rights of persons with autism spectrum disorder to available, appropriate housing.
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Generel bezbariérových tras v Bystřici pod Hostýnem / Generel plan of barrier-free routes in Bystrice pod HostynemBakalová, Lucie January 2022 (has links)
The principal theme of this diploma thesis is a development of Generel for barrier-free routes in Bystřice pod Hostýnem. The thesis focuses on familiarization with a group of people with limited movement and orientation abilities, their comfortable and safe usage of road constructions and public spaces. Theoretical interpretation of this diploma thesis is based on the bylaw No. 398/2009 Coll., on general technical requirements ensuring barrier-free use of the buildings. Theoretical part of the thesis continues by familiarization with the way of movement and orientation of people with limited movement and orientation abilities and their use of features used to simplify pedestrian transportation in the city. The practical part of the thesis is focused on development of proposal for routes connecting important objects of civil amenities in the city of Bystřice pod Hostýnem. Practical part also provides valuation of current status of existing routes and their proposed changes to achieve compliance with bylaw No. 398/2009 Coll., to ensure the maximum safety of barrier-free routes in the city.
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Role sociálních médií v životě osob s mentálním postižením / The role of social media in the life of people with mental ilnessesSrncová, Eva January 2021 (has links)
We do not find much information in Czech literature about the influence of social media on a person with a intellectual disability. At the same time, the media can greatly influence the integration of people with disabilities, especially in countries where they have been excluded from public life for long time. This diploma thesis focuses on people with mental disabilities, who live in social care facilities. So my main goal is to describe the aims and motivations which lead them to social media. Research of the diploma thesis aims to clarify several questions about the extent and manner of social media use by people with intellectual disabilities. It could be assumed that the environment will greatly influence habits related to the consumption of social media, therefor is research focused exclusively only on those, whose home is a social care institution or sheltered housing. Introduction of this work is devoted to literature's research on a related topic. The main tasks of this diploma thesis are: typology of motivations that bring people with mental disabilities to social media, to describe how they think about this motivation and finally to describe their habits and experiences associated with the use of social media. Final result of these points is a typology of the purposes for which they use...
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Rozhodování za pacienta neschopného vyslovit souhlas s poskytováním zdravotních služeb / Proxy decision making for incompetent patientsFrancová, Terezie January 2021 (has links)
1 Proxy decision making for incompetent patients Abstract The author of this thesis discusses the applicable Czech legislation on the proxy decision making for incompetent patients and the provision of medical care without informed consent. The thesis is divided into six parts, while the first part is devoted to the definition of the basic terms that are directly related to this topic and which are repeatedly used herein. These basic terms are the following: health services and healthcare, informed consent and the patient. The second chapter is devoted to sources of law, which are divided into three levels - international sources, European Union law and national sources. Within the national regulation, attention is focused mainly on Act No. 372/2011 Coll., On health services and conditions of their provision, as amended. It also outlines the issue of the duality of legal regulation, that was caused by the adoption of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code. The third chapter deals with surrogate consent, attention is paid mainly to resolving conflicts of opinions and to the best interests pricniple, as to the key factor when granting the proxy consent. The fourth chapter is devoted to the institute of previously expressed wishes. The fifth chapter analyses the issue of providing health services to vulnerable...
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Vývoj sociálního pojištění z hlediska odvození plateb do veřejného rozpočtu / Development of social insurance from the standpoint of transfer of insurance-generated monies to the state budget.Hartlová, Alena January 2007 (has links)
This thesis deals with the development of social insurance, specifically with health insurance and social security, from the standpoint of transfer of insurance-generated monies to the state budget. It presents the significance of social insurance in its current form and an analysis of the principal changes it has undergone in the last fifteen years. It particularly examines changes in the definition of participants in social insurance and changes in the use and structure of bases of measurement in individual insurance subsystems. This thesis also includes an analysis of these changes which seeks to analyze the past and potential impact of shifts in basic factors which influence the amount of money flowing from insurance to the state budget (such as minimum wage, average wage and number of paying participants) on individual participants in social insurance.
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