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Stolní hra otázek a odpovědí jako podpora výuky dějin umění / Table game of questions and answers as a support for teaching the history of artPoštová, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of board games. It is divided into three parts, the theoretical, practical and didactic part. In the theoretical part, the author describes iconography of board games and playing board games from the Middle Ages to the present time. The use of board games is interpreted on specific works of art in painting, sculpture and crafts. The practical part was focused on the creation of an art history educational board game, which develops knowledge in the form of a quiz with questions and answers. The game was redesigned as a digital / online version and a mobile application. Versions of the game were created in a unified author's design. In the didactic part, the author examines whether the game is a suitable teaching material for teachers, students and a group of respondents from the general public. It also includes a methodology for secondary school teachers on how to deal with play in teaching.
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Dialog a otázky ve výuce na 2. stupni základní školy / The Dialog and Questions in Teaching on Second Level of Basic schoolSumcov, Jan January 2021 (has links)
This thesis describes the integral role of using dialogue and asking questions on second level of basic school. The theoretical part of the thesis aims to point out that guiding students to dialogue and asking questions is essential for the personal development of the individual and also for a deeper understanding of the curriculum. At the same time, based on available literature and research, it summarizes the basic principles and assumptions of the dialogical teaching method. In the second part of the thesis, the author attempts to reflect the findings and examples from his practice in the form of action research and to suggest some methods and procedures that can be used to support dialogical teaching. The author focuses mainly on the questions asked by students and compares his outputs with the theoretical background on which he is based. It examines the contexts and types of questions asked by students in full-time and distance learning and also suggests procedures for encouraging them to take active questions. The results show that students are able to ask questions in the classroom, however, in normal frontally arranged lessons, only a fraction of the, usually participate in speeches in this way. In this case, the possibility of asking questions in writing or encouraging students to...
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Argumentace v medializaci vybraných debat pořadů Otázky Václava Moravce a Máte slovo s M. Jílkovou a eristická dialektika / Argumentation in publicizing of selected debates of talk shows Otázky Václava Moravce (Václav Moravec's questions) and Máte slovo s M. Jílkovou (Have a word with M. Jílková) and eristic dialecticsRemešová, Lucie January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the argumentation of guests of selected debates of the talk shows Otázky Václava Moravce and Máte slovo s M. Jílkovou publicizing. The format of these talk shows assigns these debates the confrontational nature, which leads their participants excluding the presenters to the argumentation duels. The subject of the research is a detailed analysis of the argumentation used by guests of the selected debates of the respective talk shows, including finding an answer to the question of what role the presenters play in it. The analysis put a particular emphasis on eristic dialectics, the concept created by Arthur Schopenhauer, which is understood to be a science of human intransigence. The concepts of Rhetological Fallacies of Jiří Kraus or David McCandless are taken into consideration in the second place as well. Linguistic and suprasegmental means as well as nonverbal level of the communication are being examined too. The aim of this analysis is, on the one hand, to describe the axiology and the associated efficiency of argumentation of the main guests at selected debates of Otázky Václava Moravce and Máte slovo s M. Jílkovou and on the other hand, to verify the usability of eristic dialectics to deconstruct myths, manipulations and distortions of facts in these debates....
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Využití metody ukotvujících vinět: subjektivní hodnocení úrovně anglického jazyka žáků základních škol a osmiletých gymnázií / Use of anchoring vignette method: subjective self-assessment of English language level among pupils at basic schools and multi-year gymnasiaBeranová, Vlasta January 2015 (has links)
TITLE: The use of anchoring vignette method: subjective self-assessment of English languge level among pupils at basic schools and multi-year gymnasia AUTHOR: Bc. Vlasta Beranová DEPARTMENT: Department of Education SUPERVISOR: PhDr. RNDr. Hana Voňková, Ph.D. et Ph.D. ABSTRACT: The level of English language is evaluated from the didactic test and self-assessment questions. The problem of the self-assessments is that respondents interpret scale categories differently. Their self-assessments are not comparable. The anchoring vignette method offers a very good solution. Respondents answer a self-assessment question and in the same they have to evaluate hypothetic people (anchoring vignettes). The subjective self-assessment is corrected by differences in their vignette's assessment. This diploma thesis aims at the use of anchoring vignette method: subjective self-assessment of English language level among pupils at basic schools and multi-year gymnasia. In the empirical part the data from a questionnaire survey are presented. In one chapter the anchoring vignettes are described with their development and the way how they were constructed. This thesis proves that students have different usage of the scale and this method is very useful in this field. Also, the corrected self-assessment differs from the original...
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Vliv doktríny politické otázky na rozhodování soudců Ústavního soudu ČR / The impact of the political question doctrine on decision-making of judges of the Constitutional Court of the Czech RepublicProcházková, Andrea January 2021 (has links)
The impact of the political question doctrine on decision-making of judges of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic Abstract The thesis deals with the influence of the political question doctrine on decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic. It explains the meaning of the political question in the United States, describes what the possible Czech political questions could be and outlines reasons for judicial restraint in the cases lying on the boundary of law and politics. The first part of the thesis briefly presents relations between constitutional law and the part of politics which is closely connected to the constitutional judiciary. This relationship is explained by a phenomenon called the judicialization of politics which describes the growing role of constitutional courts in solving political controversies and policy questions. Moreover, to better understand the impact of the political question doctrine on decision-making of Czech constitutional judges, the second part of the thesis deals with the origin and an establishment of this doctrine in the Supreme Court of the United States, and indicates its future development. The third and fourth part of the thesis focuses on defining the Czech political question, its limits and also on its application by the Constitutional Court...
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Analýza kritických míst při řešení slovních úloh pro žáky I. stupně / Analysis of critical situations at solving verbal tasks for pupils in first grade of elementary schoolChudík, Jan January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this document is to familiarize first grade elementary school readers with the critical points in solving word problems in mathematics and to analyze various problem- solving strategies in concrete tasks. Primarily, the document is focused on determining pupils' difficulties and acquiring information about the problem-solving process through a written record of the solution and subsequent in-depth interviews. The theoretical part is divided into six sections dealing with terminology (e.g. word problem) and the areas influencing success in the solution of word problems and partial processes. The practical part contains an analysis of each pupil's solutions and a description of phenomena found in them, together with the grading teacher's help. KEYWORDS Word problem, pupil's solutions, analysis of interviews, questions, solution process
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Analýza komunikace a argumentace Andreje Babiše prezentované v pořadech Otázky Václava Moravce a Interview ČT24 v letech 2014-2017 / Analysis of communication and argumentation of Andrej Babiš presented in TV programmes Otázky Václava Moravce (Question of Václav Moravec) and Iterview ČT24 in the years 2014-2017Vitáčková, Eliška January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the verbal and nonverbal communication of the former Minister of Finance Andrej Babiš and especially examines his ability to argue. The thesis consists of two parts. The theoretical part explains the basic concepts - verbal communication, language means, nonverbal communication, argument and argumentation and pragmatic linguistics. The analytical part of the thesis is based on the principles of qualitative research. The programs of Czech Television - Questions of Václav Moravec and Interview ČT24 were selected for the analysis. The choice of these programs was mainly related to their nature. In the case of Interview ČT24, one moderator and one guest are present. In Questions of Václav Moravec, Andrej Babiš gets into a controversy not only with the moderator of the discussion, but also with other guests. For the analysis of the mentioned areas were selected parts of programs in 2014, when Babiš became Minister of Finance, and in 2017, in which he last acted as Minister of Finance. Between these years, episodes in 2015 and in 2016 were chosen, which made it possible to follow the development of Babiš's speech over the time. The final chapter then summarizes the main findings of the research. The result of this thesis is a characteristics of the speech and appearance of...
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Hybridní hluboké metody pro automatické odpovídání na otázky / Hybrid Deep Question AnsweringAghaebrahimian, Ahmad January 2019 (has links)
Title: Hybrid Deep Question Answering Author: Ahmad Aghaebrahimian Institute: Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics Supervisor: RNDr. Martin Holub, Ph.D., Institute of Formal and Applied Lin- guistics Abstract: As one of the oldest tasks of Natural Language Processing, Question Answering is one of the most exciting and challenging research areas with lots of scientific and commercial applications. Question Answering as a discipline in the conjunction of computer science, statistics, linguistics, and cognitive science is concerned with building systems that automatically retrieve answers to ques- tions posed by humans in a natural language. This doctoral dissertation presents the author's research carried out in this discipline. It highlights his studies and research toward a hybrid Question Answering system consisting of two engines for Question Answering over structured and unstructured data. The structured engine comprises a state-of-the-art Question Answering system based on knowl- edge graphs. The unstructured engine consists of a state-of-the-art sentence-level Question Answering system and a word-level Question Answering system with results near to human performance. This work introduces a new Question An- swering dataset for answering word- and sentence-level questions as well. Start- ing from a...
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Návrh systému pro analýzu znalostí a dovedností absolventů druhého stupně ZŠ při nástupu na střední školu / Design for a system of analysing the knowledge and skills of elementary school pupils on transfer to secondary schoolBušek, Vladimír January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to come up with a system enabling analysis of skills and knowledge of elementary school graduates in different subjects at the beginning of their first year at secondary schools in the form of an electronic didactic test using closed questions. The basic structure of this suggested system draws on the division of spheres of education into thematic units according to the educational framework for elementary schools. Tests for specific branches of education consist of closed questions arranged into groups of varying difficulty, determinated by the level of knowledge acquirement. This thesis further describes the rules of entering tasks into the system, rules of test development and of both percentual and verbal assessment. The final part deals with a project model of this suggested system in the phase of requirements. KEYWORDS: Analysis of skills and knowledge, didactic test, closed questions, task taxonomy, evaluation, project model, UP, UML
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Komparativní analýza komunikace politiků v Otázkách Václava Moravce / Comparative analysis of communication of politics in Otázky Václava MoravcePetrů, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this work is analyzed using qualitative analysis, complemented by case study method of communication selected politicians. Within the specified period, were selected speakers (Milos Zeman and Bohuslav Sobotka) and selected specific dialogues. Due to the absence of publicly available transcripts of interviews was conducted without using literal transcription techniques detailed evaluation. Was described the context of the time, including the characteristics of the speakers. The theoretical part was further characterized the program Questions of Vaclav Moravec including his discourse. There were explaining the difference between discussion and debate in relation to issues of Vaclav Moravec. The methods used were placed in the context of qualitative research and explained their validity. Communication methods are described by way of comparison argumentative testimony and linguistic resources between the two speakers. They describe the kinds of good, but also erroneous arguments. A communication strategy was explained in terms of humor, opinions and attitudes, using parasitic words, expressive and abusive terms, slips of the tongue, foreign and technical terms, syntax errors.
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