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Klavírní koncert g moll, op. 33, Antonína Dvořáka - raná a konečná verze / Concerto for Piano and Orchestra in G Minor, op. 33, by Antonín Dvořák - Early and Final VersionŠmídová, Ludmila January 2016 (has links)
Ph.D. Thesis Abstract Piano Concerto in G Minor, op. 33, by Antonín Dvořák - Early and Final Version Critical Edition of the Score // Study about the Origin, the First Printing and the Performance Practice The dissertation is focused on the Concerto for Piano by Antonín Dvořák from 1876 - an outstanding composition not only in the Czech milieu but in all the European context as well - , which was a very long time condemned for its "unsuitable" piano part. The thesis summarizes all existing knowledge of the history of the origins and reception of the Dvořák's Piano Concerto, which is further verified on the basis of written contemporary sources (Dvořák's correspondence and contemporary press, sometimes yet unknown). Distorted and false pieces of information are corrected and supplemented with new findings (relating to the performances, interpreters, arrangements). Thanks to them, the author presents a new sight of the history of the reception of this composition from inception until the beginning of present century. For the first time all musical sources are examined in detail and relations between them studied (autograph with revisions between years 1876-1883, a copy of the score, which Leoš Janáček let made in 1878/9 and materials of the first printing J. Hainauer from 1883). Then author draws attention to...
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Hudební život a významné hudební události u pražských křižovníků s červenou hvězdou v 18. století ve světle listinných pramenů / Music life and important music events at Prague Order of the Cross with Red Star in the 18th century in paper-source backgroundVeverka, Karel January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation thesis is focused on music performance within the bounds of Order of the Cross with Red Star in the 18th century. The history of the Knight's Order rises from the first half of the 13th century and concerns the only original Czech church order. In the 18th century Knights of the Cross belonged to the most significant patrons of Art in Czech lands. Church and monastery of St. František in Prague, the center of the Order, became the most influential culture center. The charity work of the Order of that time influenced the creation of the extraordinary institution - the Order's menza that had the significant importance for operating of organ lofts of St. František Church because it provided the sufficient amount of singers and musicians. The research is exclusively based on non-music materials deposited in the Cross paper fond (Nr.195) consigned in the 1st department of the National Archives in Prague. According the information of the inventory department, the fond contains altogether 2315 cartons of paper material and 3306 books. Until now, the researchers have been interested in these sources only marginally which was caused mostly by its disorderliness and most important discoveries have been realized mostly just by lucky coincidences. The main part of this work is devoted to St....
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České království v kronice Otakara Štýrského / Czech Kingdom in The Chronicle of Otakar of StyriaKošátková, Anna January 2015 (has links)
The subject of the Masters thesis The Czech Kingdom in The Chronicle of Otakar of Styria is the history of Czech Kingdom in the Otokar of Styrias versified cronicle. The goal of this work is a comprehensive view of that cronicle as a historic source of cetral European history during the second half of the 13th and the beginning of the 14th century. The Masters thesis includes an evaluation the relationships between the central European sources of that time. It investigates both, the knetty question of the autor's live story and his motivation for writing a work around 100 000 verses. In particular chapters, various social groups, which the author focuses on, are examined (royal houses, aristocracy, burgher class, people). No particular social group can be considered in isolation. Thier interrelations are highlighted in the thesis. Following section introduces Otakar's description of certain central European regions (Austria, Styria, Carinthia, Hungary, Polen and the Holy Roman Empire), which is the foundation of my attempt to discover the cronicler's source and information base. Used method is based on the analysis of cronicle sources and the study of historical materials. The history of the Kingdom of Bohemia results from the above mentioned circumstances. Based on this approach, the thesis of...
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