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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Získávání informací o uživatelích na webových stránkách / Browser and User Fingerprinting for Practical Deployment

Vondráček, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to map the information provided by web browsers, which can be used in practice to identify users on websites. The work focuses on obtaining and subsequent analysis of information about devices, browsers and side effects caused by web extensions that mask the identity of users. The acquisition of information is realized by a designed and implemented library in the TypeScript language, which was deployed on 4 commercial websites. The analysis of the obtained information is carried out after a month of operation of the library and focuses on the degree of information obtained, the speed of obtaining information and the stability of information. The dataset shows that up to 94 % of potentially different users have a unique combination of information. The main contribution of this work lies in the created library, design of new methods of obtaining information, optimization of existing methods and the determination of quality and poor quality information based on their level of information, speed of acquisition and stability over time.

Biometrie otisku prstu / Fingerprint biometry

Filla, David January 2011 (has links)
This project deals with fingerprint biometrics. Describes the origin and significance of ridges. Project denote the significance and detection of singular points. The way of classication fingerprint to the vlase usány by the singular points. It contains a list of types of minutiae and their detection. There is basic methods for matching fingerprints. The minutae-based matching method is realize in program Matlab.

Biometrická identifikace otisku prstu / Biometric fingerprint identification

Ruttkay, Michal January 2015 (has links)
This thesis describes the anatomical characteristics of fingerprints and their applications in identifying the person. The theoretical part describes the importance of papillary lines on fingerprints, statistical analysis and pre-processing of images in particular. The practical section provides the necessary operations to compare fingerprints. The implementation was done in Matlab.

Biometrická detekce živosti pro technologii rozpoznávání otisků prstů / Biometric Liveness Detection for the Fingerprint Recognition Technology

Brabec, Lukáš January 2015 (has links)
This work focuses on liveness detection for the fingerprint recognition technology. The first part of this thesis describes biometrics, biometric systems, liveness detection and the method for liveness detection is proposed, which is based on spectroscopic characteristics of human skin. The second part describes and summarizes performed experiments. In the end, the results are discussed and further improvements are proposed.

Fingerprint Damage Simulation / Fingerprint Damage Simulation

Kanich, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
Cílem této práce je návrh a implementace aplikace pro simulaci poškození umělého otisku prstu. Při studiu jsem se soustředil hlavně na projekt SFinGe, který je průkopníkem v této oblasti. Specifikoval jsem přesněji oblast zájmu na optický či kapacitní senzor a poškození otisků prstů v závislosti na tlaku a vlhkosti, poškození a pošpinění senzoru a deformaci pokožky. Navrhl jsem způsob implementace těchto vlivů poškozujících umělý otisk prstu tak, aby se lépe podobal reálným otiskům. Tyto metody využívají morfologické operátory a model plastického zkreslení u otisků prstů. Výsledky nejúspěšnějších metod mají o 62.5% horší skóre v komerčním produktu oproti originálu a o jednu třídu horší hodnocení dle normy pro kvalitu obrazu otisku prstu. Přínosem této práce je tedy poškození umělých otisků tak, že prokazatelně dosahují horších výsledků než originál a návrh aplikace, která umožňuje rozšíření o další metody.

Zhodnocení metod morphingu otisků prstů oproti reálnému systému / Evaluation of Fingerprint Morphing Methods Compared to a Real System

Kolínek, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this work is to design methods of fingerprint morphing, subsequently to implement the proposed methods and to test their effectiveness by breaking into real verification systems made by Innovatrics and Neurotechnology, two prominent companies in biometrics. Methods for morphing were designed mainly based on the article On the Feasibility of Creating Double-Identity Fingerprints where the part of the preparation of fingerprints on the input was modified and an adjustment of the output was made so that it is able to work with fingerprint images taken under different conditions. Fingerprints created by morphing were recognized as genuine in 41.72 % of cases when compared to the default threshold. The main benefit of this work is the created application for generating fingerprints using morphing and to point out that this method is a\,threat to existing systems used for fingerprint recognition.

Výzkum v oblasti simulací poškození otisku prstu / Research in Fingerprint Damage Simulations

Kanich, Ondřej Unknown Date (has links)
Cílem této práce je vyvinout metody simulací poškozování otisků prstů. V první části je kladen důraz na shrnutí stávajících znalostí v oblasti generování syntetických otisků prstů a jejich poškozování. Dále jsou uvedeny informace o otiscích prstů obecně, jejich rozpoznávání a vlivy, které otisky poškozují, včetně onemocnění kůže. Práce obsahuje návrh a implementaci aplikace SyFDaS pro generování a modulární poškozování otisků prstů. Další částí je popis metod pro poškozování vlivem průtahového režimu, zúženého snímače, poškozeného snímače, přítlaku a vlhkosti, zkreslení pokožky, bradavic, atopického ekzému a lupénky. Dále je analyzováno několik dalších typů poškození včetně falzifikátů otisků prstů. Celkově je uvedeno 43 základních poškození, která jsou vizuálně verifikována. Díky kombinování poškození je využito 1 171 typů poškození a vygenerováno 348 300 obrázků otisků prstů, které jsou vyhodnoceny čtyřmi různými metodami posuzování kvality.

Křížová cesta - soubor reliéfů s doplňky / Calvary

VAVERKOVÁ, Jana January 2010 (has links)
The thesis deals with the subject of Christ s journey with the cross. Separate interruptions remind us of the last moment of Jesus suffering on earth. The work begins with the sentencing of Jesus to death and ends with his placing in the tomb. Everything is executed with the technique of slumping glass on plaster forms. The cycle contains fourteen glass reliefs including inscriptions of separate crosses. A possible fixture falls into the interior of a modern church or larger chapel, as well as into the exterior in the likeness of village chapels set up along the so-called The Hill of the Cross. The work is supplemented by a theoretical attachment with thematic description, inspirational sources and technological procedures.

Podpora výuky biometrických přístupových systémů / Support for education of biometric access systems

Navrátil, Petr January 2008 (has links)
This thesis describes general function of biometric access systems and summarizes problems of their practical use. It also shows security risks of these systems. It defines basic terms, which are used in this area, describes kinds of errors and their representation. One part of this thesis deals with biometric method of fingerprints recognition. It explains fingerprints’ atomic basics, basic principles and processing of digital fingerprint image. Next part describes concrete biometric access system V-Station by Bioscrypt Inc. Besides basic description it focuses on technology of biometric sensor and algorithm, essential parts of biometric system. The thesis continues with security analysis of this concrete system. In this part I target on weak points of the system and I design possible attack on the system. In the last part of my thesis I designed laboratory exercise, which is supposed to be realized by student. It is composed it by several tasks to let students understand working with the system and attached software. At the same time, they have opportunity to think about system by themselves a make their own opinion about possibilities of the system. There are many pictures in this thesis to make term clear and to better understanding of problems of biometric security systems.

Snímání otisku prstu / Fingerprint scanning

Kubiš, Michal January 2010 (has links)
Fingerprints are the oldest and most used form of biometric identification. A critical step is reliable extract minutiae from the fingerprint images. However fingerprint images are rarely of perfect quality, they may be degraded and corrupted due to natural variations in skin and sensing conditions. Thus, image enhancement techniques are necessary prior to minutiae extraction. This work includes implementation of three techniques for fingerprint image enhancement, minutiae extraction and consturction of fingerprint reading device. Experiments are realized with two sets of fingerprints to evaluate the performance of implemented techniques.

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