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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Wu, Ying-ying 27 June 2009 (has links)
Porter¡¦s (1990) Four Stages of National Competitive Development are: factor-driven, investment-driven, innovation-driven and wealth-driven. At last stage, the drivers of social development come from the desire to upgrade living quality and pursue the goal of entertainment, leisure, enjoyment, and beauty. In the background, every country begins to emphasize on knowledge economics and creative economics. As well as Taiwan, government brings up two tern plan of culture and creative industries. The first tern stresses on promoting artistic appreciation to enrich the facilities of industrial park. Next, the second tern accents on combinations from different business sectors/fields and culture clusters. Five greatest of culture and creative parks always at the stage of drawing land ownership and building hardware infrastructures in five years. Hwa Shun Cultural and Creative Industrial Park is set on the golden area in Taipei and finally bidden the fifteen-year ownership of ROT (Refurbish-Operate-Transfer) by Taiwan Culture and Creative Company and introduced to the business model. Be the first mover of culture an d creative parks in Taiwan, the experiences of Hwa Shun is definitely important no matter It would success or lose. In this essay, the writer trys to modify Porter¡¦s diamond model(1996,1999) according to the characteristic of culture and creative industries, and pick the Beijing 798 Artistic Village, and Korea Paju Bookcity plus Heiry Artistic Village as the success case to discuss the essential elements of culture and creative clusters. Finally benchmarks the key points to Hwa Shun, and discusses the role of government and the problem of promoting culture and creative industrials in Taiwan. Above all, this essay indicates the interaction between the core of creation and environment, plus the good corporate situation between creative workers and A-style talent are the most important cluster factors. To go a step further, it needs lot of fund and infrastructures to become a industry, in the meantime, how to set up a good evaluated system to inject fund into culture and creative industries through accumulated knowledge is a key point. Otherwise, mass media is other culture and creative industries¡¦ channel, it always has a long and complicated supply chain, and an integrated supply chain can reduce cost effectively and encourage knowledge circulation through cluster effect, therefore be the one that government can nurture strenuously. In demand part, this essay based on three factors of artistic appreciation including culture participation, culture opportunity, and culture consumption to analysis consumers, according to this view, mass population are easier possess capacity to be engaged in culture campaign and really result in consumption. A proper feedback system and platform would benefit cash and resources inflow and support more creative works in experiment step keep creating, and furthermore provide excellent products by means of A-style peoples¡¦ cooperation, finally gain the mass population¡¦s identification and increase culture participation and culture consumption.

Physicochemical studies regarding the utilization of wood- and peat-based fly ash

Pesonen, J. (Janne) 11 October 2016 (has links)
Abstract The main aim of the European Union’s waste legislation and the corresponding Finnish waste legislation is to reduce the production of waste. Further, the aims of the European Union’s growth strategy are to reduce the production of greenhouse gases, increase the use of renewable energy, and improve energy efficiency. According to the renewed Waste Tax Act, a waste tax has to be paid on all fly ashes that are deposited in landfills in Finland. A large amount of wood- and peat-based fly ashes are formed annually in Finland, and the amount is likely to increase in the future due to the increasing use of renewable energy. Previously, these ashes have mainly been deposited in industrial landfills, but the need to utilize the fly ashes has increased recently due to changes in waste legislation. In this thesis, several issues related to the utilization of wood- and peat-based fly ash were studied, with the general objective of improving the utilization potential of such ashes. As the first stage of this research, the suitability of willow ash for use as a fertilizer was studied. Willow ash would be well suited for use as a fertilizer due to its very high nutrient content. However, cadmium, a heavy metal, was found to be enriched in the ashes of the studied willow species. Due to this, special attention should be paid when choosing willow species for energy production. In the second stage of the research, the possibility of improving the strength development of wood- and peat-based fly ashes, as well as the possibility of stabilizing fly ash containing high amounts of heavy metals via the addition of cement and/or alkali activation, was investigated. Strength development was found to be dependent on the amount of reactive calcium and the ratio between that amount of reactive calcium and the sum of the reactive silicon, aluminum, and sulfur (Ca/(Si + Al + S)). The studied methods performed well in terms of stabilizing barium, copper, lead, and zinc. During the next stage, the effect of different chemical digestion methods, which are regulated by the Finnish waste legislation, on the utilization potential of fly ash was studied. The digestion method had a significant impact on the results of the potassium content analysis, which could affect the possibility of using fly ash as a fertilizer. As the final stage of the research, the co-granulation of ash with sewage sludge and lime was studied. From a technical point of view, the co-granulation was successful, although the compressive strength of the granules was low. Additionally, an insufficient nitrogen content was achieved with a sludge addition of 20-40 weight%. / Tiivistelmä Euroopan unionin jätelainsäädännön ja sitä vastaavan suomalaisen lainsäädännön tavoitteena on ehkäistä jätteiden muodostumista. Euroopan Unionin kasvustrategian tavoitteena on vähentää kasvihuonekaasupäästöjä, lisätä uusiutuvan energian käyttöä ja parantaa energiatehokkuutta. Uudistetun jäteverolain mukaan kaikista kaato-paikoille sijoitetuista lentotuhkista tulee Suomessa maksaa jäteveroa. Suomessa puu- ja turveperäisiä lentotuhkia muodostuu vuosittain suuria määriä ja määrä tulee vielä kasvamaan uusiutuvan energiankäytön lisääntyessä. Aiemmin nämä tuhkat ovat päätyneet pääasiassa läjitykseen teollisuuden kaatopaikoille, mutta muuttuneen jätelainsäädännön seurauksena tarve hyödyntää lentotuhkia on lisääntynyt. Tässä väitöstyössä tutkittiin puu- ja turveperäisten tuhkien hyödyntämiseen liittyviä kysymyksiä. Työn yleistavoitteena oli parantaa tuhkien hyödyntämis-mahdollisuuksia. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä vaiheessa tutkittiin pajutuhkan soveltuvuutta lannoitteeksi. Pajutuhka soveltuisi hyvin lannoitteeksi erittäin hyvien ravinne-pitoisuuksien ansiosta. Raskasmetalleista kadmiumin havaittiin kuitenkin rikastuvan tutkittujen pajulajien tuhkiin. Tähän tulisi kiinnittää erityishuomiota, kun pajulajeja valitaan energiantuotantoa varten. Tutkimuksen toisessa vaiheessa selvitettiin mahdollisuutta parantaa turpeen ja puun lentotuhkien lujittumista sekä raskasmetallipitoisen lentotuhkan stabiloimista sementtilisäyksen ja/tai alkaliaktivoinnin avulla. Lujuuden kehitys riippui reaktiivisen kalsiumin määrästä sekä reaktiivisen kalsiumin määrän ja reaktiivisten piin, alumiinin ja rikin määrien summan välisestä suhteesta (Ca/(Si + Al + S)). Tutkitut menetelmät toimivat hyvin bariumin, kuparin, lyijyn ja sinkin stabiloinnissa. Seuraavassa vaiheessa selvitettiin Suomen lainsäädännössä määritettyjen kemiallisten hajotusmenetelmien vaikutusta tuhkan hyödyntämispotentiaaliin. Hajotusmenetelmällä oli suuri merkitys kaliumin pitoisuutta määritettäessä, mikä voi vaikuttaa lentotuhkan hyödynnettävyyteen lannoitteena. Viimeisessä vaiheessa tutkittiin tuhkan yhteisrakeistusta lietteen ja kalkin kanssa. Teknisesti yhteisrakeistus onnistui hyvin, mutta rakeiden puristuslujuus oli alhainen. Lisäksi 20 - 40 paino% lietelisäyksellä ei rakeisiin saatu riittävän korkeaa typpipitoisuutta.

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