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Stable Isotopic Composition of Rice Grain Organic Matter as an Archive of Monsoonal ClimateKaushal, Ritika January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Rice grows in saturated soil water condition and its requirement for water is highest amongst other cereal crops. In India, the southwest monsoon wind regime brings rainfall that provides a favourable environment for rice cultivation. Thus, there is significant dependency ofrice production on the southwest monsoon rainfall. Being a crop that grows across diverse climatic regions in India ranging from the humid to semi-arid, it offers possibility to explore therelationship between stable isotopic compositions in the grain organic matter with the climaticfactors relevant for its growth.
In this thesis, we measured the isotopic compositions of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon of several rice genotypes that were cultivated during the southwest monsoon in diverse climatic regions across the Indian landmass. These isotopic values were then compared with the seasonalaverage values of climate factors such as relative humidity and temperature. Together with thiswe also studied the dependency of the oxygen isotope composition of the grain OM (δ18OOM) onthat of the source water (δ18OSW). Upon removal of δ18OSW effect from δ18OOM, we obtained astrong and significant relationship between the 18O enrichment in grain organic matter (definedas 18OOM) with relative humidity. The gradient recorded was 0.45‰ shift in 18OOM with 1%change in the relative humidity level. This relationship can potentially be used to estimate thepast variations in relative humidity (and by extension, can provide a measure of monsoon rainfallvariations). We further validated this relationship based on experiments carried out in aglasshouse where all the physical factors were well-monitored. Together with this, carbonisotopic composition measured in the rice grain organic matter were used to infer the water useefficiency of rice grown in different climatic settings. The stable isotope approach was furtherimplemented for studying the archaeological rice grains recovered from archaeological sites.
Analysis of carbon isotopic composition of archaeological rice grains from seven archaeologicalsites (Balu, Kanmer, Ojiyana, Lahuradewa, JognaKhera, Hulas and Kunal), belonging to theHarappan civilization and other contemporary cultures provided a new suit of data on quantitativeestimate of the hydroclimatic condition (specifically relative humidity) and water availabilityduring the existence of this civilization
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Stable Isotopic Composition of Rice Grain Organic Matter as an Archive of Monsoonal ClimateKaushal, Ritika January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Rice grows in saturated soil water condition and its requirement for water is highest amongst other cereal crops. In India, the southwest monsoon wind regime brings rainfall that provides a favourable environment for rice cultivation. Thus, there is significant dependency ofrice production on the southwest monsoon rainfall. Being a crop that grows across diverse climatic regions in India ranging from the humid to semi-arid, it offers possibility to explore therelationship between stable isotopic compositions in the grain organic matter with the climaticfactors relevant for its growth.
In this thesis, we measured the isotopic compositions of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon of several rice genotypes that were cultivated during the southwest monsoon in diverse climatic regions across the Indian landmass. These isotopic values were then compared with the seasonalaverage values of climate factors such as relative humidity and temperature. Together with thiswe also studied the dependency of the oxygen isotope composition of the grain OM (δ18OOM) onthat of the source water (δ18OSW). Upon removal of δ18OSW effect from δ18OOM, we obtained astrong and significant relationship between the 18O enrichment in grain organic matter (definedas 18OOM) with relative humidity. The gradient recorded was 0.45‰ shift in 18OOM with 1%change in the relative humidity level. This relationship can potentially be used to estimate thepast variations in relative humidity (and by extension, can provide a measure of monsoon rainfallvariations). We further validated this relationship based on experiments carried out in aglasshouse where all the physical factors were well-monitored. Together with this, carbonisotopic composition measured in the rice grain organic matter were used to infer the water useefficiency of rice grown in different climatic settings. The stable isotope approach was furtherimplemented for studying the archaeological rice grains recovered from archaeological sites.
Analysis of carbon isotopic composition of archaeological rice grains from seven archaeologicalsites (Balu, Kanmer, Ojiyana, Lahuradewa, JognaKhera, Hulas and Kunal), belonging to theHarappan civilization and other contemporary cultures provided a new suit of data on quantitativeestimate of the hydroclimatic condition (specifically relative humidity) and water availabilityduring the existence of this civilization.
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Environnement sédimentaire, stratigraphie séquentielle et paléogéographie du Paléozoique de succession pré-Khuff dans le sud de l'Iran (Zagros et le Golfe Persique) / Sedimentary environment, sequence stratigraphy and paleogeography of Paleozoic Pre-Khuff succession in southern Iran (Zagros and Persian Gulf)Asghari, Afshin 15 December 2014 (has links)
Au cours du Précambrien et du Paléozoïque, la zone Zagros faisait partie de la plate-forme Arabe. La succession Paléozoïque du Zagros s’étend du Cambrien au Permien. La zone d'étude se situe entre le Lurestan et le Fars au sud et le Golfe Persique. Au Paléozoïque, dans le secteur du Zagros, la série stratigraphique comprend quatre séquences de second ordre (ou cycles tectonostratigraphiques) séparées par d’importantes discordances. L’eustatisme est le principal facteur déterminant les changements d’espace d’accommodation, même si localement dans l'Ouest du Haut Zagros, le rôle de la tectonique régionale et des mouvements diapririques est important. Le premier cycle (Ordovicien) est composé des Fomrations Seyahou (Floien-Katien) et Dargaz (Hirnantien). Il enregistre une évolution depuis des milieux profonds à peu profonds de plate-forme siliciclastique. La Formation Seyahou est découpée en sept séquences de troisième ordre et la Formation Dargaz correspondant à des dépôts glaciogènes comprends deux séquences de troisième ordre. Le deuxième cycle (Silurien inférieur) correspond à la Formation Sarchahan. Il est caractérisé des environnements marins peu profonds à profonds comprenant des marnes riches en matière organique. Il est composé par deux séquences de dépôt de troisième ordre. Localement à Kuh e Gahkum, la base de cette Formation enregistre des dépôts peu profonds de transition continental-marin dont la présence est attribuée à la mise en place d’un diapir dans le secteur. Le troisième cycle (Dévonien) correspond à la Formation Zakeen. Les dépôts évoluent depuis des environnements continentaux à marins. La fin du Dévonien est marqué par des environnements marins carbonatés dans le sud de la région du Fars et dans le Golfe Persique. Il est divisé en trois séquence de troisième ordre. L’absence de la Formation Zakeen à Kuh e Surmeh et Kuh e Siah, et sa présence dans les régions voisines (Naura, West Agar, etc ...), suggèrent une activité diapirique, expliquant l’érosion locale des séries sédimentaires. Le dernier cycle de la succession pré-khuff dans la zone d'étude correspond à la Formation Faraghan du Permien inférieur. Il surmonte une discontinuité attribué au jeu de l'orogenèse Hercynienne et est déposé dans toute la région du Zagros et dans le Golfe Persique. La Formation Faraghan correspond à des environnements de plaine côtière à marins et est divisé en trois séquences de troisième ordre.La succession du Paléozoïque est marquée par plusieurs discordances majeures. Elles résultent de: (i) variations majeures du niveau marin en lien avec des variations glacioeustatiques comme pour le cas de la glaciation Hirnantien à la fin de l’Ordovicien et celle du Carbonifère; (ii) Un soulèvement du Moyen-Orient à la fin du Silurien associé aux mouvements épeirogéniques et à une baisse importante du niveau de la mer; et (iii) l'orogenèse Hercynienne allant de la fin du Dévonien à Carbonifère. Localement, les discordances peuvent aussi s’expliquer par le jeu de remontée diapirique induisant une érosion locale, comme c’est le cas dans les secteurs de Kuh e Surmeh et de Kuh e Gakhum pour des periodes de temps différentes. / During the Precambrian and trough the Palaeozoic, the Zagros area was part of the Arabian platform (Beydon, 1993). The Palaeozoic succession of the Zagros extends from Cambrian to well-developed Permian deposits. The study area ranges from the Lurestan to Southern Fars onshore and to the Persian Gulf offshore wells. From Ordovician to Early Permian Palaeozoic succession of the Zagros area comprises four second-order tectonostratigraphic depositional cycles separated by major unconformities. Eustatic sea-level variation is the main controlling factor for accommodation space changes, whereas in West High Zagros and Kuh e Gahkum, the role of regional and salt tectonic activities may be also important. The first cycle (Ordovician) is composed of the Seyahou (Floian-Katian) and Dargaz (Hirnantian) Formations. They are characterized by deep- to shallow-water (offshore to shoreface) siliciclastic deposits. The Seyahou Formation contains seven 3rd-order depositional sequences. The glaciogenic Dargaz Formation consists of one 3rd- order sequence. The second cycle (Early Silurian) corresponds to the Sarchahan Formation is composed of two 3rd-order depositional sequences. They are characterized by deep-marine offshore to upper offshore environments. Locally in Kuh e Gahkum the base of the Formation presented continental fan delta deposits due to the salt tectonic activity.The third cycle (Devonian) corresponds to the Zakeen Formation and divided in three 3rd-order depositional sequences. It started with the deposition of continental to near-shore marine clastic deposits. In Late Devonian, it evolved to carbonate marine deposits in the south of Fars area and the Persian Gulf. The lack of Zakeen Formation in Kuh e Surmeh and Kuh e Siah, and is presence in neighboring areas (Naura, Aghar, etc…), suggests structural salt plug activities (Jahani, 2008). This megasequence is capped by a major unconformity related to the Hercynian orogeny.The last deepening-upward cycle of the Pre-khuff succession in the study area is the Early Permian Faraghan Formation. It capped the Hercynian orogeny and deposited throughout the Zagros area from Lurestan (west) to Bandar Abbas (East) areas as well as in Persian Gulf. The Faraghan Formation divided into three 3rd-order depositional sequences and deposited in coastal plain to shallow-marin near-shore environment. Basinward, in the deeper part (e.g. Kuh e Faraghan), they are replaced by marine upper offshore deposits. The Palaeozoic succession is marked by several major unconformities associated with hiatus. They resulted from: (i) major sea level drops at the end of the Ordovician related to the Hirnantian glaciation (Ghavidel Syooki et al., 2011) and of during the Carboniferous related to the southern Hemisphere glaciation (Golonka, 2000); (ii) An uplift of the Middle East area at the end of the Silurian associated with epeirogenic movements (Ala et al., 1980; Berberian and King, 1981; Al-Sharhan and Nairn, 1997) and a major sea level drop at the end of Silurian (Al-Husseini, 1991,1992; Sharland et al., 2001; Konert et al., 2001; Haq and Al-Qahtani, 2005); and (iii) impact of the Hercynian orogeny spanning from the Late Devonian up to the Carboniferous (Al-Hosseini, 1992; Sharland et al., 2001; Konert et al., 2001, Faqira et al., 2009).
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Loess as an Environmental Proxy for Reconstruction of Palaeoclimate in the High Arctic / Lössjord som miljöindikator för rekonstruktion av forntida klimat i ArktisRognås, Sara January 2023 (has links)
We are currently speeding towards significant changes in the climate of the earth which, if ignored, will lead to severely altered climatic conditions with serious consequences for several species and ecosystems. The polar regions especially are very sensitive to climate changes, and the changes these regions undergo affect the climate on a global scale. To slow the global warming, it is crucial that we understand earth’s climatic and environmental history, and how it responds to changes in the climate. Palaeoclimatic archives hold much information of past climate variations stored in proxies that can be analysed to understand past environments. This study focuses on loess as one such proxy to analyse grain sizes, carbon storage and organic matter in a sequence from Adventdalen, Svalbard. The study has been conducted using grain size analysis and loss on ignition (LOI) as main methods to reconstruct late Holocene climate changes in the region. The results have provided an overview of temperature oscillations, many of which coincide with main climatic events of the past, and have been used to estimate the depositional ages of the different layers of the sequence. / Dagens klimatförändringar går allt snabbare mot en framtid med svårt omkastade klimatförhållanden som medför allvarliga konsekvenser för flera arter och ekosystem. Polarområdena är särskilt känsliga för klimatförändringar, och de förändringar som sker här påverkar klimatet på global nivå. En avgörande faktor för att bromsa den globala uppvärmningen är att vi förstår jordens klimathistoria och hur jorden reagerar på förändringar i klimatet. Paleoklimatiska arkiv innehåller mycket information om klimatvariationer förr. Sådan information finns lagrad i material som kan analyseras för att vidare förstå miljöer från förr. Den här studien fokuserar på lössjord som ett sådant material för att analysera kornstorlekar och organiskt material i en lössekvens från Adventdalen i Svalbard. Studien har genomförts genom att använda en kornstorleksanalysator och loss on ignition (LOI) som huvudsakliga metoder för att rekonstruera klimatförändringar under yngre Holocen i området. Resultaten har givit en överblick av temperaturförändringar, av vilka flera sammanfaller med större förflutna klimathändelser, och har använts för att göra en uppskattning av åldrar på de olika lagren av sekvensen.
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Postglazialer Anstieg des Meeresspiegels, Paläoklima und Hydrographie, aufgezeichnet in Sedimenten der Bermuda inshore waters / Postglacial rise of sea level, palaeoclimate and hydrography, recorded in sediments of the Bermuda inshore watersVollbrecht, Rüdiger Dr. 13 January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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