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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Brain function and glucocorticoids in obesity and type 2 diabetes including effects of lifestyle interventions / Effekter av livsstilsförändring på hjärnfunktion och stresshormoner vid fetma och typ 2 diabetes

Stomby, Andreas January 2015 (has links)
Background Obesity and associated metabolic dysregulation are linked to impaired cognitive function and alterations in brain structure, which increases the risk of age-related dementia. Increased glucocorticoid (GC) exposure may be a potential mediator of these negative effects on the brain. Methods and results In paper 1, we tested the relationship between cortisol levels, brain morphology and cognitive function in 200 women and men. Salivary cortisol levels were negatively related to cortical surface areas in prefrontal brain regions in both sexes. In participants with type 2 diabetes, high salivary cortisol levels were associated with lower memory performance. In paper 2, we tested in 70 overweight women the effects on tissue-specific GC metabolism of a Paleolithic diet or a diet following the Nordic nutrition recommendations. The 24-month interventions led to decreased expression of the GC-activating enzyme 11βHSD1 in adipose tissue, interpreted as a normalization of an obesity-related disturbance in GC metabolism. Furthermore, GC metabolism by 5α-reductase increased substantially after 2 years, an unexpected and novel result. The outcomes did not differ by diet. In paper 3, 20 women included in paper 2 were examined with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) while performing a memory task at baseline and after 6 months. Memory performance improved and functional brain responses increased in the hippocampus. Once again, the results were similar in both diet groups. In paper 4, 24 overweight participants with type 2 diabetes were examined with fMRI, using the same memory test as in paper 3, at baseline and after 12 weeks of intervention with a Paleolithic diet with or without exercise training. Functional brain response increased in the hippocampus, but memory was not improved. The addition of physical exercise did not alter the results. Conclusion Cortisol levels are linked to prefrontal brain structure and, at least in type 2 diabetes, lower memory performance. Furthermore, the dysregulated GC metabolism in obesity can be reversed by long-term diet- induced weight loss. Finally, dietary interventions with associated metabolic improvements alter functional brain responses during memory testing, including increased activation of the hippocampus. Whether these changes are linked to alterations in GC exposure and mediate improved cognition requires further study.

Metabolic consequences of a Paleolithic diet in obese postmenopausal women / Metabola konsekvenser av en paleolitisk kost hos postmenopausal kvinnor med fetma

Blomquist, Caroline January 2017 (has links)
Background Obesity, in particular abdominal adiposity, is associated with elevated fatty acids and pro-inflammatory adipokines, which are linked to ectopic fat storage and insulin resistance. During menopause, there is a redistribution of fat from the peripheral to abdominal depots. This transition is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. We hypothesized that a Paleolithic diet, with high proportions of lean meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, and oils, but devoid of dairy products and cereals, might have long-term beneficial effects on inflammation, fat metabolism, and circulating fatty acids. These effects might potentially reduce the risk of metabolic complications in postmenopausal women that are obese.  Methods Postmenopausal women with obesity were studied before, after six months, and after 24 months of one of two specified ad libitum diets. One diet was a Paleolithic diet, in which approximately 30% of the total energy (E%) was protein, 30 E% was fat, and 40 E% was carbohydrate. The other diet was a prudent control diet, consistent with Nordic Nutrition recommendations of 15 E% protein, 25 E% fat, and 55 E% carbohydrate. Dietary intakes of polyunsaturated fatty acids and protein were validated objectively by measuring circulating and urinary biomarkers. Anthropometrics and diet reports were analyzed, and abdominal subcutaneous fat samples were evaluated for the expression of proteins key in inflammation and fat metabolism and for lipoprotein lipase mass and activity. In addition, blood samples were analyzed to determine concentrations of specific serum proteins, serum lipids, and the fatty acids carried in cholesterol esters. Results The Paleolithic diet group reported reduced intakes of saturated fatty acids and carbohydrates and elevated intakes of protein and unsaturated fatty acids, compared to baseline. The elevated intakes of polyunsaturated fatty acids and protein were objectively verified for this group. After 24 months, both diets were found to have beneficial effects on the expression of inflammation-related genes in adipose tissue and pro-inflammatory factors in the circulation. Compared to the control group, the Paleolithic diet group exhibited more pronounced reductions of circulating cardiometabolic risk factors, including the ratio of triglycerides to high density lipoprotein, lipogenic index, specific fatty acids, and indices of desaturase activities. After six months, the Paleolithic group also exhibited more pronounced reductions in lipogenesis-promoting factors, including the expression of key proteins in fat synthesis, the activity of lipoprotein lipase, and the activity of stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1, compared to the control group. Conclusion Long-term weight loss in postmenopausal obese women was accompanied by reductions in low-grade inflammation in adipose tissue and in the circulation. In addition, a Paleolithic diet, with a high content of unsaturated fatty acids and a low content of refined carbohydrates, appeared to provide greater reductions in cardiometabolic risk factors associated with insulin resistance and lipogenesis, compared to a prudent control diet. / Bakgrund De senaste decennierna har förekomsten av övervikt och fetma ökat kraftigt i stora delar av världen. Detta beror på en kombination av olika faktorer såsom specifika gener vilka främjar fettinlagring, men kanske främst ett överintag av energirik mat i kombination med minskad fysisk aktivitet. Fetma och specifikt bukfetma, vilket tilltar hos kvinnor efter klimakteriet (postmenopausala), ökar risken för höjda blodfettsnivåer och låggradig inflammation, vilket kan leda till utveckling av typ 2-diabetes samt hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar. Kost och viktnedgång är avgörande för bibehållen hälsa och av stort intresse är att urbefolkningar runt om i världen har låg förekomst av fetma, diabetes, hjärt- och kärlsjukdom, troligtvis kopplat till olika livsstilsfaktorer som högre fysisk aktivitet samt kostfaktorer.  Syfte Vårt syfte var att undersöka metabola förändringar i fettväv och cirkulation hos postmenopausala kvinnor med fetma kopplat till en 24 månaders paleolitisk kostintervention. Den paleolitiska kosten, som ingick i studien består av en hög andel magert kött, fisk, grönsaker, frukt, nötter, oliv- och rapsolja och där mjölkprodukter och spannmål är uteslutna. Vår hypotes var att en paleolitisk kost med hög andel protein och omättade fettsyror har fördelaktiga långtidseffekter på inflammation, fettmetabolism och cirkulerande fettsyror jämfört med en kost baserad på Nordiska näringsrekommendationer med ett högt intag av kolhydrater. Metoder Postmenopausala kvinnor med fetma studerades före, vid sex månader och efter 24 månaders intag, utan energirestriktioner, av antingen en paleolitisk kost eller en kost enligt Nordiska näringsrekommendationer. Kroppsmätningar, kostregistreringar, genuttryck av nyckelproteiner i inflammation och fettmetabolism i fettväv samt koncentrationer av blodfetter, specifika proteiner och fettsyror bestämdes i plasma. Resultat I linje med rekommendationerna så rapporterade gruppen som åt den paleolitiska kosten ett minskat intag av mättat fett och kolhydrater samt ett ökat intag av protein och omättat fett jämfört med baslinjenivåerna. Det ökade intaget av fleromättade fettsyror och protein bekräftades med objektiva mätmetoder. Efter 24 månaders intervention uppvisade båda grupperna en jämförbar viktnedgång och en minskning av flertalet proinflammatoriska faktorer i såväl fettväv som i cirkulation. Den grupp som åt paleolitisk kost uppvisade en kraftigare reduktion av cirkulerande kardiometabola riskfaktorer som index för fettsyntes och desaturaser, specifika fettsyror samt kvoten triglycerider till HDL (high density lipoprotein). Efter sex månader bidrog den paleolitiska kosten också till en mer påtaglig minskning av faktorer involverade i fettinlagring, som uttryck av specifika nyckelproteiner i fettsyntes, aktivitet för lipoprotein lipas och stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 index jämfört med kontrollkosten. Slutsatser En långvarig viktminskning hos postmenopausala kvinnor med fetma åtföljs av en minskad låggradig inflammation i fettväv och i cirkulation. En paleolitisk kost med hög andel omättade fettsyror och låga halt kolhydrater är kopplat till en kraftigare minskning av riskparametrar för insulinresistens och nyckelfaktorer för fettinlagring jämfört med en kontrollkost enligt Nordiska näringsrekommendationer.

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