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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paléosismologie morphologique à partir de données LiDAR : développement et application d’un code de mesure des déplacements sur les failles, 3D_Fault_Offsets / Recovering paleoearthquake slips in Earth surface morphology measured using LiDAR data : development and application of a new code, 3D_Fault_Offsets

Stewart, Nicholas 19 November 2018 (has links)
L’objectif principal de cette thèse est de tirer de données LiDAR de télédétection à très haute résolution afin d’extraire une partie du traces tectono-géomorphiques imprimées dans la morphologie de grands tremblements de terre préhistoriques. Les informations consultées dans ces traces constituent l'historique des glissements cumulés de grands tremblements paléoséismique successifs le long d'une faille donnée. L'historique des glissements permet de déterminer le nombre d'événements et les glissements les plus importants produits par ces événements. La connaissance des plus grandes glissades produites par des grands séismes historiques et préhistoriques permettra de déduire l'ampleur potentielle des événements futurs. La caractérisation de la distribution du glissement superficiel fournit des informations importantes sur la mécanique des failles, les contrôles de la propagation de la rupture et la répétabilité de la rupture à certains points le long de la faille. Cependant, la caractérisation et la mesure correctes de la distribution des glissements à partir de formes de relief géomorphologiques déplacées par tectonisme sont accompagnées d'incertitudes considérables, résultant principalement de processus d'érosion et de dépôt. Ces incertitudes pourraient entraîner à la fois une sous-estimation et une surestimation du glissement, ainsi que des résultats contradictoires issus d'enquêtes différentes sur le même défaut. Par conséquent, nous avons développé une nouvelle technique basée sur MATLAB, 3D_Fault_Offsets, pour caractériser mathématiquement, et donc automatiquement, la géométrie 3D de marqueurs géomorphiques décalés (définie par 9 entités géométriques situées de part et d'autre de la faille), puis calculer composants latéraux et verticaux du glissement. Nous estimons que les incertitudes générées par cette technique définissent mieux la gamme des "véritables" compensations potentielles par rapport aux incertitudes plus libérales proposées dans d’autres études, pourtant ils se révèlent assez volumineux. Après vérification de l'efficacité du code en mesurant à nouveau 3 ensembles de données paléosismiques, nous avons l’appliqué à une faille de décrochement qui était historiquement capable d'un séisme de chute de contrainte importante (MW ~ 8,2 en 1855), la faille de Wairarapa. Nous avons identifié et analysé un total d'environ 700 marqueurs géomorphiques déplacés le long d'une zone de données LiDAR de 70 km, ce qui en fait l'un des ensembles de données paléosismiques les plus vastes et les plus denses. Les décalages latéraux mesurés vont de quelques mètres à environ 800 m, mais la majorité d'entre eux sont inférieurs à 80 m, ce qui permet d'examiner les plus récents glissements de faille latéraux. Les décalages verticaux varient entre 0 et ~ 30 m et suggèrent des rapports de glissement vertical / latéral généralement compris entre 10 et 20%. Nous avons effectué les analyses statistiques de la collection dense de décalages mesurés séparément le long des principaux segments successifs qui constituent l'étendue de la faille étudiée. Dans la plupart des segments, cette analyse a révélé la présence de 6 à 7 amas décalés dans la plage allant de 0 à 80 m, suggérant la rupture de la faille de Wairarapa lors de 6 à 7 grands séismes précédents. Les plus grandes glissades que nous déduisons pour ces tremblements de terre passés sont importantes, la plupart dans la plage 7-15 m. Chaque glissement sismique semble varier le long de la faille et généralement plus grand dans sa partie sud. La faille de Wairarapa a ainsi provoqué à plusieurs reprises d'importants séismes dus à la chute de contraintes au cours de la période préhistorique, ce qui souligne le risque sismique élevé qu'elle pose dans le sud de la Nouvelle-Zélande. Par conséquent, l'utilisation de notre nouveau code 3D_Fault_Offsets avec des données topographiques à haute résolution telles que LIDAR peut permettre de mieux évaluer le comportement futur des failles sismogènes. / The main scope of this PhD thesis is to utilize very high-resolution remote sensing LiDAR data to extract some of the tectono-geomorphic traces imprinted in the morphology from large prehistoric earthquakes. The information that is accessed in these traces is the cumulative slip history of successive large paleoearthquakes along a given fault. The slip history allows the determination of the number of events and the largest slips produced by those respective events. The knowledge of the largest slips produced by historic and prehistoric large earthquakes will enable some inference into the potential magnitude of future events. Characterizing the distribution of surface slip provides important insights into fault mechanics, controls on rupture propagation, and repeatability of rupture at certain points along the fault. However, properly characterizing and measuring the slip distribution from tectonically-displaced geomorphic landforms comes with considerable uncertainties mostly resulting from erosion and depositional processes. These uncertainties could lead to both underestimation and overestimation of the slip, and to conflicting results from different surveys of the same fault. Therefore, we have developed a new MATLAB-based technique, 3D_Fault_Offsets, to mathematically, and hence automatically, characterize the 3D geometry of offset geomorphic markers (defined by 9 geometric features either side of the fault), and then calculate the lateral and vertical components of slip. We believe that the uncertainties obtained from this technique better define the range of potential ‘true’ offsets compared to more liberal uncertainties offered in other studies, yet they reveal to be fairly large. Upon verification of the code efficacy by successfully re-measuring 3 paleoseismic datasets, we applied it to a strike-slip fault in New Zealand that was historically capable of a large stress drop earthquake (MW~8.2 in 1855), the Wairarapa fault. We identified and analyzed a total of ~700 displaced geomorphic markers along a 70-km stretch of LiDAR data, making this one of the largest and densest paleoseismic datasets. Measured lateral offsets range from a few meters to about 800 m, but the majority are lower than 80 m, providing the means to examine the most recent lateral fault slips. The vertical offsets range between 0 and ~30 m, and suggest vertical to lateral slip ratios commonly in the range 10-20%. We conducted the statistical analyses of the dense collection of measured offsets separately along the successive major segments that form the investigated fault stretch. In most segments, this analysis revealed 6-7 offset clusters in the range 0-80 m, suggesting the Wairarapa fault ruptured in 6-7 previous large earthquakes. The largest slips we infer for these past earthquakes are large, most in the range 7-15 m. Each earthquake slip seems to vary along the fault length, and be generally greater in its southern part. The Wairarapa fault has thus repeatedly produced large stress drop earthquakes in prehistoric time, which emphasizes the elevated seismic hazard it poses in Southern New Zealand. Therefore, the use of our new code 3D_Fault_Offsets with high resolution topographic data such as LIDAR can lead to better assessments of future behavior of seismogenic faults.

Earthquakes in complex fault settings: Examples from the Oregon Cascades, Eastern California Shear Zone, and San Andreas fault

Vadman, Michael John 22 June 2023 (has links)
The surface expression of upper crustal deformation varies widely based on geologic settings. Normal faults within an intra-arc basin, strike-slip faulting within a wide shear zone, and creeping fault behavior all manifest differently and require a variety of techniques for analysis. In this dissertation I studied three different actively deforming regions across a variety of geologic settings. First, I explored the drivers of extension within the La Pine graben in the Oregon Cascades. I mapped >20 new Quaternary faults and conducted paleoseismic trenching, where I found evidence for a mid-late Holocene earthquake on the Twin Lakes maar fault. I suggest that tectonics and not volcanism is responsible for the most recent deformation in the region based on fault geometries and earthquake timings, although more research is needed to tease out finer temporal and genetic relationships between tectonics and volcanism regionally. Second, I investigated the rupture pattern and earthquake history of the Calico fault system in the Eastern California Shear Zone. We mapped ~18 km of continuous rupture, with a mean offset of 2.3 m based on 39 field measurements. We also found evidence for two earthquakes, 0.5 - 1.7 ka and 5.5 - 6.6 ka through paleoseismic trenching. We develop a number of different multifault rupture scenarios using our rupture mapping and rupture scaling relationships to conduct Coulomb stress change modeling for the most recent earthquake on the Calico fault system. We find that the most recent event places regions adjacent to the fault in a stress shadow and may have both delayed the historic Landers and Hector Mine ruptures and prevented triggering of the Calico fault system during those events. Last, I studied the spatial distribution of the southern transition zone of the creeping section of the San Andreas fault at Parkfield, CA to determine if it shifted in response to the M6 2004 Parkfield earthquake. I used an Iterative Closest Point algorithm to find the displacement between two lidar datasets acquired 13 years apart. I compared creep rates measured before the 2004 earthquake to creep rates calculated from my lidar displacement results and found that there is not a discernible change in the overall pattern or distribution of creep as a response to the 2004 earthquake. Peaks within the lidar displacement results indicate complexity in the geometry of fault locking. / Doctor of Philosophy / Fault behavior varies widely across different regions, depending on the type of fault and local geology. In this dissertation I examine three regions with different mechanisms controlling deformation within them. First, I study the relationship between volcanic and tectonic induced faulting in the La Pine graben in the Oregon Cascades. While volcanoes and tectonics can both produce faults within a region, the surface expression of those faults changes depending on the underlying driver. I map > 20 new faults in the La Pine graben. I also conduct paleoseismic trenching on one of the newly identified faults, the Twin Lakes maar fault, and find that its most recent rupture occurred < 7.6 ka. I conclude that tectonism is the dominant driver of faulting within the La Pine graben based on the fault geometries and timing between identified regional earthquakes and volcanism. Second, I explore recent rupture on the Calico fault system in the Eastern California Shear Zone, which is a wide region across eastern California where deformation is distributed among many faults. Faulting in this region is complex, with some earthquakes occurring on multiple connected faults. I conducted a paleoseismic survey to determine the timing of the most recent earthquake(s) on the Calico fault system. This trenching effort found evidence for 1-2 earthquakes, the most recent occurring 0.5 – 1.7 ka. I use the rupture mapping and earthquake timing to develop a number of various rupture scenarios. I use these scenarios as inputs for computer modeling to explore the regional stress changes from these events and find that they reduce the overall stress in the area, elongating the amount of time between regional earthquakes. Last, I examine how creeping fault behavior on the San Andreas fault near Parkfield, CA changes as a response to an earthquake. Creeping behavior is where the two sides of a fault are continuously moving past one another. I examine the spatial distribution of where the San Andreas fault transitions from creeping to locked behavior by differencing two high-resolution lidar topographic datasets taken after the M6 2004 Parkfield earthquake. I compare my displacement results to pre-2004 datasets and conclude that the transition zone did not appreciably change as a result of the earthquake.

Earthquake geology of the large left-lateral strike-slip fault system at the Pacific and Australian plate margin, Eastern Indonesia / 東部インドネシアにおける太平洋プレートとオーストラリアプレートの境界に沿った長大左横ずれ断層帯の地震地質学 / トウブ インドネシア ニオケル タイヘイヨウ プレート ト オーストラリア プレート ノ キョウカイ ニ ソッタ チョウダイ ヒダリヨコズレ ダンソウタイ ノ ジシン チシツガク

Adi Patria 17 September 2022 (has links)
東部インドネシアには,太平洋プレートとオーストラリアプレートの相対運動に起因する大規模な左横ずれ断層帯が発達する.この断層帯の地震地質学的な情報は限られており,地震災害軽減の大きな障壁となっていた.本研究では,スラウェシ島やバンダ弧の島々において,変動地形調査・古地震調査・物理探査を行った.各調査地域で詳細な活断層分布図を作成し,断層の変位速度や平均活動間隔,最近の大地震の時期を明らかにした.その結果,将来起こりうる地震の規模が推定され,また近い将来に地震が発生する可能性の高い地域が見いだされた. / In eastern Indonesia, the relative motion between the Pacific and Australian plates is accommodated by a large left-lateral strike-slip fault system. The lack of geologic information on the fault system has been a significant barrier to understanding the seismic hazard posed by this fault system. This study integrates tectonic geomorphic, paleoseismic, and shallow geophysics investigations to uncover the faulting and seismic behavior of the fault system, focusing on central Sulawesi and the northern Banda Arc. This study provides detailed active fault map of each investigated area and clarifies slip rates, average recurrence interval, and timing of the recent large earthquakes. This study also estimates the seismic potential of the active faults and highlights the areas with a high possibility of hosting large earthquakes in the future. / 博士(理学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Science / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Tectonique active de la région d'Oulan Bator, Mongolie : analyse morpho-tectonique et paléosismologique des failles actives de Sharkhai et Avdar / Active tectonic of the region of Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia : morpho-tectonic and paléosismological analysis of Sharkhai and Avdar active faults

Al Ashkar, Abeer 07 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur la tectonique active et l’analyse de deux nouvelles failles : la faille de Sharkhai et la faille d’Avdar. Les deux failles ont été découvertes, en 2011, à partir des images satellitaires HR, à quelques dizaines de kilomètres de la capitale de la Mongolie, Oulan Bator. Une approche morpho-tectonique, géomorphologique et paléosismologique, à partir des images de haute résolution Pléiades et d’études de terrain, notamment de tranchées, a permis: 1) de cartographier les deux failles en détail; 2) de décrire leur géométrie et segmentation; 3) de contraindre leur cinématique; 4) de documenter leur activité récente et leur comportement sismique (décalages co-sismiques et cumulés, période de retour, taux de glissement). La faille de Sharkhai s’étend sur 46 km selon une direction comprise entre N42°E et N72°E en moyenne, avec un pendage de 66° à 72° vers le sud-est entre E106.31°/N47.352° et E106.53°/N47.485°, et sub-vertical entre E106.474°/N47.473° et E106.75°/N47.57°. Elle est caractérisée par une géométrie rectiligne et simple en surface. C’est une faille senestre avec une composante verticale normale. L’étude paléosismique met en évidence trois séismes : le séisme EQ3 s’est produit avant 3850±120 calBP, le séisme EQ2 entre 2400±70 calBP et 2030±40 calBP, et le séisme le plus récent (MRE) entre 1090±84 calBP et avant l’âge du sol récent. La période de retour minimum des forts séismes sur la faille de Sharkhai est 1195±157 ans, ce qui implique une vitesse de glissement maximum comprise entre 0.6±0.2 et 2.14±0.5 mm/an. Plusieurs scénarios de segmentation de la faille sont proposés indiquant que la faille est capable de produire des séismes de magnitude comprise entre 6 et 7. L’accélération maximale du sol (PGA au rocher) générée à Oulan Bator serait de 0.12 g, au nouvel aéroport de 0.28 g, et à la ville de Zuunmod de 0.17 g. Ces valeurs correspondent à une intensité (MMI) comprise entre VI et X. La faille d’Avdar s’étend sur 47 km selon une direction moyenne comprise entre N26°E et N88°E avec un pendage variant de 40° à 55°. La partie sud-ouest de la faille est caractérisé par une géométrie simple et linéaire. Par contre, l’architecture de la faille est complexe dans la partie nord-est. Les décalages mesurés indiquent que la faille est une faille senestre avec une composante normale. Les tranchées paléosismiques documentent son activité sismique pendant le quaternaire. La faille peut se diviser en plusieurs segments, suggérant des séismes de magnitude comprise entre 5.8 et 7. Les valeurs de PGA (au rocher) les plus importants seraient de 0.1 g pour Oulan Bator, 0.18 g pour le nouvel aéroport et 0.19 g pour la ville de Zuunmod. Ces valeurs indiquent une intensité de l’ordre de VI à X. Les investigations paléosismiques montrent que le dernier séisme est plus récent que 5665±85 calBP. Tous ces résultats doivent être pris en compte dans l’estimation de l’aléa sismique de la région de la capitale Oulan Bator, qui a elle seule comprend plus de la moitié de la population du pays. Située sur un bassin sédimentaire, elle est le centre commercial et industriel du pays et contient divers bâtiments vulnérables. Enfin, elle est en pleine croissance avec un nouvel aéroport en construction à proximité de la faille de Sharkhai, secteur où la ville va très rapidement s’étendre. / This thesis focuses on the active tectonic of two new faults: the Sharkhai fault and the Avdar faults. Both faults were discovered in 2011 from HR satellite images at tens kilometers from the capital of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar.Morpho-tectonic, geomorphological and paleoseismological approaches using high resolution Pleiades satellites images and field investigations allowed: 1) to map the both faults in details; 2) to describe their geometry and segmentation; 3) to identify their kinematic; 4) to document their recent activity and their seismic behavior (co-seismic and cumulated displacements, the time of the last earthquakes, slip rate). The Sharkhai fault extends 46 km with an average direction between N42°E and N72°E, and a dip between 72° and 66° either to south-east, between E106.31°/N47.352° and E106.53°/N47.485°, or sub-vertical between E106.474°/N47.473° and E106.75°/N47.57°. The fault is characterized by a linear and simple geometry. It is a left lateral strike slip with a normal vertical component. The paleoseismological investigations show evidences for three earthquakes: the EQ3 earthquake occurred before 3850±120 calBP, the EQ2 earthquake between 2400±70 calBP and 2030±40 calBP, and the most recent earthquake (MRE) between 1090±84 calBP and before the age of recent soil. The minimum return period of strong earthquakes on the fault Sharkhai is 1195 ± 157 years, which implies a maximum slip rate between 0.6±0.2 and 2.14±0.5 mm/year. Several segmentation scenarios of the fault where proposed indicating that the fault is capable to produce an earthquake of magnitude between 6 and 7. The maximum peak ground acceleration (PGA at rock) generated at Ulaanbaatar is 0.12 g, 0.28 g at the new airport, and 0.17 g at the city of Zuunmod. These values correspond to intensity between VI and X at rock sites. The Avdar fault, 47 km length, have an average orientation between N26°E and N88°E and a dip between 40° and 55°. The southwestern part of the fault is characterized by a simple and linear geometry while the architecture of the surface rupture is complex in the northeastern part. The measured offsets indicate that the fault is left lateral with a normal component. The paleoseismic trenches attest its seismic activity during the Quaternary. The fault can be divided into several segments suggesting earthquakes of a magnitude ranging from 5.8 to 7. The most important values of PGA (at rock site) would be 0.1 g at Ulaanbaatar, 0.18 g for the new airport and 0.19 g for Zuunmod city. These values indicate an intensity between VI and X. Paleoseismic trench shows that the last earthquake occurred on the fault since 5665± 85calBP. All these results should be considered in estimating the seismic hazard in the region of the capital Ulaanbaatar especially as, alone, it contains more than the half of the country population. Situated in a sedimentary basin, it is the commercial and industrial center of Mongolia and contains many vulnerable buildings. Also, the city is growing with a new airport construction near the fault Sharkhai area where the city will extend very quickly.

Breccia of Frog Lakes : reconstructing Triassic volcanism and subduction initiation in the east-central Sierra Nevada, California

Roberts, Sarah Elizabeth 12 March 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The Antler and Sonoma orogenies occurred along the southwest-trending passive Pacific margin of North America during the Paleozoic concluding with the accretion of the McCloud Arc. A southeast-trending sinistral transform fault truncated the continental margin in the Permian, becoming a locus for initiation of an east-dipping subduction zone creating the Sierran magmatic arc. Constrained in age between two early Triassic tuff layers, the volcanic clasts in the breccia of Frog Lakes represent one of the earliest records of mafic magmatism in the eastern Sierra Nevada. Tholeiitic rock clasts found in the breccia of Frog Lakes in the Saddlebag Lake pendant in the east central Sierra Nevada range in composition from 48% to 63% SiO2. Boninites produced by early volcanism of subduction initiation by spontaneous nucleation at the Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc are more depleted in trace element concentrations than the clasts while andesites from the northern volcanic zone of the Andes produced on crust 50 km thick have similar levels of enrichment and provide a better geochemical modern analogue. Textural analysis of the breccia of Frog Lakes suggest a subaqueous environment of deposition from a mature magmatic arc built on continental crust > 50 km thick during the Triassic. The monzodiorites of Saddlebag and Odell Lakes are temporal intrusive equivalents of the breccia of Frog Lakes and zircon geochemistry indicates a magmatic arc petrogenesis.

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