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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Aspect Pointcut for Parallelizable Loops

Dean, John Scott 01 January 2013 (has links)
This study investigated the need for a pointcut for parallelizable loops in an aspect-oriented programming environment. Several prototype solutions exist for loop pointcuts, but the solutions are not very granular. In particular, they are not able to differentiate between loops that are parallelizable and those that are not. Being able to identify parallelizable loops automatically, as part of an aspect-oriented compiler's weaving process, is particularly important because (1) manually identifying parallelizable loops is known to be a difficult problem and (2) aspectizing parallelized loops can lead to a reduction in code tangling and an increase in separation of concerns. This paper describes the concepts behind the loop-pointcut problem. It then describes the approach used in this study for implementing a solution in the form of an aspect-oriented Java compiler with a parallelizable loop pointcut. Identifying parallelizable loops is known to be a difficult problem, and as such, this study's parallelizable loop pointcut implements a heuristic solution. The pointcut identifies many parallelizable loops as being parallelizable, but in erring on the side of conservatism, there are some parallelizable loops that the pointcut is unable to identify as parallelizable. To test the parallelizable-loop pointcut, the pointcut was applied to a benchmark set of parallelizable programs. There were two versions of each benchmark program - (1) an aspect-oriented version, where the aspect-oriented compiler's weaver added the multi-threading functionality, and (2) a non-aspect-oriented version, where the benchmark program's source code directly implemented the multi-threading functionality. For each benchmark program, the output from the aspect-oriented version was compared to the output from the non-aspect-oriented version. The study found that each loop that was deemed parallelizable by the aspect-oriented benchmark program was executed in parallel (with multiple threads) by both versions of the program - the aspect-oriented version and the non-aspect-oriented version. There were some loops in the non-aspect-oriented benchmark programs that were deemed parallelizable and executed in parallel, but those same loops were deemed non-parallelizable by their associated aspect-oriented benchmark program. This discrepancy is explained by the study's conservative approach to identifying loops as parallelizable.

Connections and generalized gauge transformations

Davis, Simon January 2002 (has links)
The derivation of the standard model from a higher-dimensional action suggests a further study of the fibre bundle formulation of gauge theories to determine the variations in the choice of structure group that are allowed in this geometrical setting. The action of transformations on the projection of fibres to their submanifolds are characteristic of theories with fewer gauge vector bosons, and specific examples are given, which may have phenomenological relevance. The spinor space for the three generations of fermions in the standard model is described algebraically.

Parallelizable manifold compactifications of D=11 Supergravity

Goranci, Roberto January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis we present solutions of spontaneous compactifications of D=11, N=1 supergravity on parallelizable manifolds S^1, S^3 and S^7. In Freund-Rubin compactifications one usually obtains AdS vacua in 4D, these solutions usually sets the fermionic VEV's to zero. However giving them non zero VEV's allows us to define torsion given by the fermionic bilinears that essentially flattens the geometry giving us a vanishing cosmological constant on M_4. We further give an analysis of the consistent truncation of the bosonic sector of D=11 supergravity on a S^3 manifold and relate this to other known consistent truncation compactifications. We also consider the squashed S^7 where we check for surviving supersymmetries by analyzing the generalised holonomy, this compactification is of interest in phenomenology.

Spacetime as a Hamiltonian Orbit and Geroch's Theorem on the Existence of Fermions

Bergstedt, Viktor January 2020 (has links)
Over a century since its inception, general relativity continues to lie at the heart of some of the most researched topics in theoretical physics. It seems likely that the coveted solutions to problems like quantum gravity are to be found in an extension of general relativity, one which may only be visible in an alternate formulation of the theory.  In this thesis we consider the possibility of casting general relativity in the form of an initial value problem where spacetime is seen as the evolution of space. This evolution is shown to be constrained and of Hamiltonian type.  Not all spacetimes are physically acceptable. To be compatible with particle physics, one would like spacetime to accommodate fermions. Here we can take comfort in Geroch’s theorem, which implies that any spacetime that admits a Hamiltonian formulation automatically supports the existence of fermions. We review the elements that go into the proof of this theorem. / Allmän relativitetsteori har i över hundra år legat i teoretiska fysikens framkant. Det är möjligt att lösningarna på öppna problem som kvantiseringen av gravitation går att finna i en utvidgning av allmän relativitetsteori – och kanske uppenbarar sig denna utvidgning bara ur en alternativ formulering av teorin. I den här uppsatsen formuleras allmän relativitetsteori och dess Einsteinekvationer som ett begynnelsevärdesproblem, genom vilket rumtiden kan betraktas som rummets historia. Vi visar att rummets rörelseekvationer är Hamiltons ekvationer med tvångsvillkor.  Enligt partikelfysiken bör fermioner kunna finnas till i rumtiden. Härom kan vi åberopa Gerochs sats, enligt vilken rumtider som har en Hamiltonsk formulering också medger fermioner. Vi redogör för huvuddragen i beviset av Gerochs sats.

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