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O sujeito pronominal nas tiras da Mafalda: uma análise contrastiva do sujeito nulo nas gramáticas do português brasileiro e do italianoAline Fernanda Alves Dias 27 March 2008 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Pesquisas vêm sendo realizadas com o escopo de se comprovar a distância do português falado no Brasil e aquele falado em Portugal, as quais têm apontado para o comportamento diferenciado do português brasileiro em relação ao sujeito nulo. Acredita-se que o motivo desse comportamento seja a redução de formas flexionais no paradigma verbal por que este passou, levando-o a expressar foneticamente o pronome. Desse modo, este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o comportamento do sujeito pronominal de referência definida no português brasileiro, confrontando-o com o italiano, língua prototípica de sujeitos nulos, a fim de confirmar as estruturas que os distanciam, bem como aquelas que ainda permitem o licenciamento do pronome nulo em posição de sujeito. Para tanto, utilizou-se como base teórica e procedimental a Teoria de Princípios e Parâmetros (Chomsky, 1981) associada aos princípios teórico-metodológicos da Sociolingüística Variacionista (Weinreich, Labov & Herzog, 1968), visto que essa associação tem se apresentado como uma escolha satisfatória no que diz respeito à coleta e análise de dados. Foram utilizadas, como fonte dos nossos corpora, as sentenças estruturalmente semelhantes das histórias em quadrinhos da personagem Mafalda em português brasileiro e italiano. O alto índice de nulos apresentado pelo italiano confirma a distância entre este e o PB. Por outro lado, a estrutura do Sintagma Complementizador revelou ser um fator significante não só para o PB, mas também para o italiano / Proof of the sundering of Portuguese as spoken in Brazil and Portugal has been the subject of several investigations, which point out that Brazilian Portuguese displays a particular Null Subject behavior. This behavior is presumably due to a reduction of inflected forms in the inflectional paradigm that has led BP to phonetically express pronouns. Accordingly, this paper means to analyze the behavior of subject pronouns in Brazilian Portuguese by comparing it with Italian - the null subject language by excellence in order to confirm those structures which set them apart as well as those which still allow for licensing null pronouns as subjects. To achieve this we have used the Theory of Principles and Parameters (Chomsky, 1981) as a procedural and theoretical basis in association with theoretical-methodological principles from the Variationist Theory (Weinreich, Labov & Herzog, 1968), since this association has been proven satisfactory for collecting and analyzing data. The sources for our corpora were structurally similar sentences in Brazilian Portuguese and Italian found in the fictional character Mafaldas comics. The high rates of Nulls found in the Italian version confirms the distance between it and BP. On the other hand, the syntactic structures of Complementizer Phrases have proven themselves to be significant factors not only for BP but for Italian as well
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O sujeito pronominal nas tiras da Mafalda: uma análise contrastiva do sujeito nulo nas gramáticas do português brasileiro e do italianoAline Fernanda Alves Dias 27 March 2008 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Pesquisas vêm sendo realizadas com o escopo de se comprovar a distância do português falado no Brasil e aquele falado em Portugal, as quais têm apontado para o comportamento diferenciado do português brasileiro em relação ao sujeito nulo. Acredita-se que o motivo desse comportamento seja a redução de formas flexionais no paradigma verbal por que este passou, levando-o a expressar foneticamente o pronome. Desse modo, este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar o comportamento do sujeito pronominal de referência definida no português brasileiro, confrontando-o com o italiano, língua prototípica de sujeitos nulos, a fim de confirmar as estruturas que os distanciam, bem como aquelas que ainda permitem o licenciamento do pronome nulo em posição de sujeito. Para tanto, utilizou-se como base teórica e procedimental a Teoria de Princípios e Parâmetros (Chomsky, 1981) associada aos princípios teórico-metodológicos da Sociolingüística Variacionista (Weinreich, Labov & Herzog, 1968), visto que essa associação tem se apresentado como uma escolha satisfatória no que diz respeito à coleta e análise de dados. Foram utilizadas, como fonte dos nossos corpora, as sentenças estruturalmente semelhantes das histórias em quadrinhos da personagem Mafalda em português brasileiro e italiano. O alto índice de nulos apresentado pelo italiano confirma a distância entre este e o PB. Por outro lado, a estrutura do Sintagma Complementizador revelou ser um fator significante não só para o PB, mas também para o italiano / Proof of the sundering of Portuguese as spoken in Brazil and Portugal has been the subject of several investigations, which point out that Brazilian Portuguese displays a particular Null Subject behavior. This behavior is presumably due to a reduction of inflected forms in the inflectional paradigm that has led BP to phonetically express pronouns. Accordingly, this paper means to analyze the behavior of subject pronouns in Brazilian Portuguese by comparing it with Italian - the null subject language by excellence in order to confirm those structures which set them apart as well as those which still allow for licensing null pronouns as subjects. To achieve this we have used the Theory of Principles and Parameters (Chomsky, 1981) as a procedural and theoretical basis in association with theoretical-methodological principles from the Variationist Theory (Weinreich, Labov & Herzog, 1968), since this association has been proven satisfactory for collecting and analyzing data. The sources for our corpora were structurally similar sentences in Brazilian Portuguese and Italian found in the fictional character Mafaldas comics. The high rates of Nulls found in the Italian version confirms the distance between it and BP. On the other hand, the syntactic structures of Complementizer Phrases have proven themselves to be significant factors not only for BP but for Italian as well
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Etude de la fiabilité de modules à base de LEDs blanches pour applications automobile / Reliability investigation of high power white LEDs multichip modules for automotive applicationsChambion, Bertrand 25 September 2014 (has links)
Les composants dédiés et actuellement disponibles pour le marché automobileprésentent une grande diversité technologique tant au niveau puce que stratégie de packaging ouencore architecture module (mono-puce ou multi-puce) pour des performances équivalentes. Cetteétude s’est attachée à développer une méthodologie d’évaluation de la fiabilité de deux filièrestechnologiques particulières de modules de LEDs multi-puce : l’une intègre une technologie verticale(VTF pour Vertical Thin Film) tandis que la seconde est focalisée sur une structure par puce montéeretournée(TFFC pour Thin Film Flip Chip). La méthodologie s’articule autour de trois principaux axes:· La connaissance des structures et le développement de modèles électro-optiques et thermiquesmulti-puce permettant d’extraire les paramètres clés à suivre au travers d’un panel varié detechniques d’analyse physique et non-destructives incluant les aspects électriques, optiques,thermiques….· Une analyse comportementale de robustesse par paliers afin de dégager les margesopérationnelles de fonctionnement ainsi que les modes et les signatures caractéristiques dedéfaillance.· Une étude de fiabilité conduite à partir de différents régimes de contraintes accélérées pourestimer les durées de vie moyennes de ces nouveaux composants en environnement automobileet l’impact au niveau système.Les résultats mettent en évidence une durée de vie très dépendante de la filière technologique(facteur 6 entre les deux filières étudiées). Les analyses de défaillance ont permis d’identifierprécisément les comportements de ces nouvelles sources d’éclairage pour dégager des indicateursprécoces de défaillance. Enfin, des préconisations ont été extraites afin de fiabiliser les futursprojecteurs à sources LEDs de puissance pour les applications en automobile. / With rapid development of Lighting Emitting Diode (LED) market, LED performancesare now suitable for automotive high beam / low beam lighting applications. Due to the need of UltraHigh Brightness (UHB-LEDs), LEDs are packaged on high thermal conductivity materials to obtainmultichip module (4 chips in series), which deliver up to 1000 lumens at 1A. Currently, several LEDtechnologies are commercially offered for the same performances, and different packaging strategieshave been implemented in terms of chip configuration, bonding, down conversion phosphor layerand mechanical protection to optimize performances. This study addresses a dedicated methodologyfor reliability analysis, applied on two LED chip packaging technologies: On the one hand, a VerticalThin Film (VTF) technology; on the other hand a Thin Film Flip Chip (TFFC). Our methodology is basedon 3 main items: Packaging technology structure, materials analysis and electro-optical and thermal multichipmodels for both technologies to understand and extract the key parameters to monitor duringageing tests. Robustness assessment tests to define operating margins, adjust accelerated life-testingconditions, and identify failures signatures. Reliability study through a 6 000 hours High Temperature Operating Life (HTOL) acceleratedtests, to predict the Mean Time To Failure (MTTF) of these new light source technologiesregarding the automotive mission profile. Linked to failure analysis, convincing failuremechanisms are proposed.Based on these results, parametric variations are compared to failure analysis results topropose failure mechanisms. The HTOL tests reveal that both LED technologies have their specificreliability behavior and failure modes: catastrophic failure and gradual failure. Predictive lifetimeestimations (L70B50) of these multichip modules give a factor 6 between both technologies.Beyond these reliability results, the multichip architecture brings new issues for Solid StateLighting (SSL) sources in automotive, as well as partial failure or unbalanced behavior after stress.These new issues are discussed through the behavior modeling of a 10 LED modules batch for bothfailure modes. Modeling results demonstrate that the predictive lifetime of a LED multichiparchitecture is directly related with the LED technology failure mode.
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Kinematics and Optimal Control of a Mobile Parallel Robot for Inspection of Pipe-like EnvironmentsSarfraz, Hassan 24 January 2014 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to analyze the kinematics of a mobile parallel robot with contribution that pertain to the singularity analysis, the optimization of geometric parameters and the optimal control to avoid singularities when navigating across singular
geometric configurations. The analysis of the workspace and singularities is performed in a prescribed reference workspace regions using discretization method. Serial and parallel singularities are analytically analyzed and all possible singular configurations are presented. Kinematic conditioning index is used to determine the robot’s proximity to a singular configuration. A method for the determination of a continuous and singularity-free workspace is detailed.
The geometric parameters of the system are optimized in various types of pipe-like
structures with respect to a suitable singularity index, in order to avoid singularities during the navigation across elbows. The optimization problem is formulated with an objective to maximize the reachable workspace and minimize the singularities. The objective function is also subjected to constraints such as collision avoidance, singularity avoidance, workspace continuity and contact constraints imposed between the boundaries and the wheels of the robot. A parametric variation method is used as a technique to optimize the design parameters. The optimal design parameters found are normalized
with respect to the width of the pipe-like structures and therefore the results are
generalized to be used in the development phase of the robot.
An optimal control to generate singularity-free trajectories when the robotic device has to cross a geometric singularity in a sharp 90◦ elbow is proposed. Such geometric singularity inherently leads to singularities in the Jacobian of the system, and therefore a modified device with augmented number of degrees of freedom is introduced to be able to generate non-singular trajectories.
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Kinematics and Optimal Control of a Mobile Parallel Robot for Inspection of Pipe-like EnvironmentsSarfraz, Hassan January 2014 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to analyze the kinematics of a mobile parallel robot with contribution that pertain to the singularity analysis, the optimization of geometric parameters and the optimal control to avoid singularities when navigating across singular
geometric configurations. The analysis of the workspace and singularities is performed in a prescribed reference workspace regions using discretization method. Serial and parallel singularities are analytically analyzed and all possible singular configurations are presented. Kinematic conditioning index is used to determine the robot’s proximity to a singular configuration. A method for the determination of a continuous and singularity-free workspace is detailed.
The geometric parameters of the system are optimized in various types of pipe-like
structures with respect to a suitable singularity index, in order to avoid singularities during the navigation across elbows. The optimization problem is formulated with an objective to maximize the reachable workspace and minimize the singularities. The objective function is also subjected to constraints such as collision avoidance, singularity avoidance, workspace continuity and contact constraints imposed between the boundaries and the wheels of the robot. A parametric variation method is used as a technique to optimize the design parameters. The optimal design parameters found are normalized
with respect to the width of the pipe-like structures and therefore the results are
generalized to be used in the development phase of the robot.
An optimal control to generate singularity-free trajectories when the robotic device has to cross a geometric singularity in a sharp 90◦ elbow is proposed. Such geometric singularity inherently leads to singularities in the Jacobian of the system, and therefore a modified device with augmented number of degrees of freedom is introduced to be able to generate non-singular trajectories.
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